John Geddert

American Olympic gymnastics coach (2012)
Died on Thursday February 25th 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to John Geddert:

@AmyCMcintosh: 63-year-old John Geddert committed suicide after an indictment in Michigan charged him with offenses ranging from s… - 4 years ago

@maduradascom: ¡MUY FUERTE! Se suicidó el exentrenador olímpico estadounidense John Geddert tras ser acusado de agresión sexual y… - 4 years ago

@firearmslawyer: John Geddert Killed Himself at Rest Stop After Agreeing to Surrender to Authorities - 4 years ago

@TrafficInPeople: John Geddert Charges: What Is #HumanTrafficking? - The New York Times - 4 years ago


@RavenHawk4: - 4 years ago

@bajanking43: @GovMikeHuckabee Go do what John Geddert did, can Google who that was - 4 years ago

@nicho047_john: RT @NovkovJulie: My reflections on USAG, the culture of abuse, and why looking to athletes may help. - 4 years ago

@nicho047_john: RT @BergeronNews: Ex-Team USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert took his own life next to a dumpster at a rest area in Michigan ... minutes bef… - 4 years ago

@WkndGirl: RT @TMZ: John Geddert Killed Himself at Rest Stop After Agreeing to Surrender to Authorities - 4 years ago

@Kelseythefangir: RT @TMZ_Sports: John Geddert Killed Himself at Rest Stop After Agreeing to Surrender to Authorities - 4 years ago

@letshearthetru: @nickiclyne "Definitions of human trafficking and criminal penalties for it differ by state, but broadly speaking,t… - 4 years ago

@richardcross004: @newsmax @Jim_Jordan @JohnFBachman This is an international crisis but Dim Jordan thinks it is a game! @Jim_Jordan… - 4 years ago

@LaDeCoyoacan_: John Geddert survivors call for justice in wake of his death - 4 years ago

@Fabiolucv: John Geddert survivors call for justice in wake of his death - 4 years ago

@Juanfonseca1970: RT @CNN: "Monsters don't thrive for decades without the help of people. And we need to understand what happened, how this happened." Aly Ra… - 4 years ago

@aloto_herb: RT @TMZ: John Geddert Killed Himself at Rest Stop After Agreeing to Surrender to Authorities - 4 years ago

@4PawShop: #US John Geddert survivors call for justice in wake of his death - 4 years ago

@tycoonofnews: John Geddert Killed Himself at Rest Stop After Agreeing to Surrender to Authorities - 4 years ago

@starsrewritten: RT @TrulyandTC: USAG subpoenas, John geddert, etc. - 4 years ago

@CAGolembeski: RT @womenalsoknow: In this @monkeycageblog, @NovkovJulie draws on her research to argue that "empowering athletes and listening to their vo… - 4 years ago

@TrulyandTC: USAG subpoenas, John geddert, etc. - 4 years ago

@BergeronNews: Ex-Team USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert took his own life next to a dumpster at a rest area in Michigan ... minut… - 4 years ago

@mangle_ya: Toxic 🎗 - 4 years ago

@gymNICEtics95: RT @GymCastic: Analysis | John Geddert killed himself after being charged with abuse. Gymnastics’ problems go beyond any one person. https:… - 4 years ago

@HypeBeastRelly: RT @TMZ: John Geddert Killed Himself at Rest Stop After Agreeing to Surrender to Authorities - 4 years ago

@PaulStetar: RT @TMZ: John Geddert Killed Himself at Rest Stop After Agreeing to Surrender to Authorities - 4 years ago

@GTPetalsw: RT @TMZ: John Geddert Killed Himself at Rest Stop After Agreeing to Surrender to Authorities - 4 years ago

@yuvebeenbranded: RT @TMZ: John Geddert Killed Himself at Rest Stop After Agreeing to Surrender to Authorities - 4 years ago

@Karen48528463: RT @TMZ: John Geddert Killed Himself at Rest Stop After Agreeing to Surrender to Authorities - 4 years ago

@bborovetz28: RT @TMZ: John Geddert Killed Himself at Rest Stop After Agreeing to Surrender to Authorities - 4 years ago

@DailyTucsonan: RT @TMZ: John Geddert Killed Himself at Rest Stop After Agreeing to Surrender to Authorities - 4 years ago

@SophieCoberly: RT @TMZ: John Geddert Killed Himself at Rest Stop After Agreeing to Surrender to Authorities - 4 years ago

@cather26: RT @CNN: "Monsters don't thrive for decades without the help of people. And we need to understand what happened, how this happened." Aly Ra… - 4 years ago

@spatialsusan: RT @CNN: "Monsters don't thrive for decades without the help of people. And we need to understand what happened, how this happened." Aly Ra… - 4 years ago

@lilblokeefe: RT @CNN: "Monsters don't thrive for decades without the help of people. And we need to understand what happened, how this happened." Aly Ra… - 4 years ago

@Gabbbbbriella: RT @CNN: "Monsters don't thrive for decades without the help of people. And we need to understand what happened, how this happened." Aly Ra… - 4 years ago

@EugeneRosenque1: RT @HorowitzLana: Court documents reveal horrifying allegations against John Geddert - 4 years ago

@HermAnnieGrangr: RT @CNN: "Monsters don't thrive for decades without the help of people. And we need to understand what happened, how this happened." Aly Ra… - 4 years ago

@detroitnews: RT @GaryMiles_DN: John Geddert was with his family minutes before they found him. 911 calls shed light on his final moments -- and their fr… - 4 years ago

@GaryMiles_DN: John Geddert was with his family minutes before they found him. 911 calls shed light on his final moments -- and th… - 4 years ago

@TiffanyYoquelet: RT @CNN: "Monsters don't thrive for decades without the help of people. And we need to understand what happened, how this happened." Aly Ra… - 4 years ago

@mikelucas312: RT @freep: BREAKING: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert charged with human trafficking, sexual assault - 4 years ago

@ChangingSTEMM: RT @HorowitzLana: Court documents reveal horrifying allegations against John Geddert - 4 years ago

@HorowitzLana: Court documents reveal horrifying allegations against John Geddert - 4 years ago

@robertsnellnews: RT @kimberkoz: 911 calls give clues to John Geddert’s last moments - 4 years ago

@CatsWorldWatch: RT @AngieJackson23: Former U.S. Olympic women's gymnastics coach John Geddert faces 20 counts of human trafficking and forced labor, 1 coun… - 4 years ago

@kevinjhardy: RT @kimberkoz: 911 calls give clues to John Geddert’s last moments - 4 years ago

@kimberkoz: 911 calls give clues to John Geddert’s last moments - 4 years ago

@detroitnews: NEW: Two 911 calls released Wednesday shed light on how the suicide of former U.S. Olympics women's gymnastics coac… - 4 years ago

@1stRantMedia: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Here we go again...another high-powered elite busted. - 4 years ago

@AndersChukwu: RT @nytimes: A former coach of the U.S. Olympic gymnastics team was charged with criminal sexual conduct and human trafficking on Thursday.… - 4 years ago

@maduradascom: ¡MUY FUERTE! Se suicidó el exentrenador olímpico estadounidense John Geddert tras ser acusado de agresión sexual y… - 4 years ago

@Flameman09: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Here we go again...another high-powered elite busted. - 4 years ago

@All_i_son_121: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Here we go again...another high-powered elite busted. - 4 years ago

@HamidMu60973503: RT @Aly_Raisman: For an organization that has claimed for the past 15+ years that “athlete safety is the No. 1 priority,” it’s impossible t… - 4 years ago

@HamidMu60973503: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@HamidMu60973503: RT @CNN: "Monsters don't thrive for decades without the help of people. And we need to understand what happened, how this happened." Aly Ra… - 4 years ago

@HomerWhite: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Here we go again...another high-powered elite busted. - 4 years ago

@Isabell87837456: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Here we go again...another high-powered elite busted. - 4 years ago

@sDreyse: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Here we go again...another high-powered elite busted. - 4 years ago

@bevandton: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Here we go again...another high-powered elite busted. - 4 years ago

@atlandium: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Here we go again...another high-powered elite busted. - 4 years ago

@CindiSabol: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Here we go again...another high-powered elite busted. - 4 years ago

@gsb_texas: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Here we go again...another high-powered elite busted. - 4 years ago

@Free_Con101: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Here we go again...another high-powered elite busted. - 4 years ago

@madison_alestle: RT @byMarisaK: "Former U.S. Olympic women's gymnastics coach John Geddert has been charged with human trafficking, sexual assault, racketee… - 4 years ago

@BruceSilver136: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Here we go again...another high-powered elite busted. - 4 years ago

@MaggieT88630052: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Here we go again...another high-powered elite busted. - 4 years ago

@shalomegrace1: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Here we go again...another high-powered elite busted. - 4 years ago

@realtruth66: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Here we go again...another high-powered elite busted. - 4 years ago

@veganvecoh: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Here we go again...another high-powered elite busted. - 4 years ago

@WWietje: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Here we go again...another high-powered elite busted. - 4 years ago

@ContraReplicaMX: #LoMásVisto I 🇺🇸🤸‍♀️ El ex entrenador del equipo femenino olímpico de gimnasia de Estados Unidos John Geddert se su… - 4 years ago

@B1SanDiego1: RT @FirstThemNEWS: #Ogun has been on a roll today! #HYON #FirstThem #metoo - 4 years ago

@shayteamlove: RT @CHILDUSAdvocacy: Elite athletes are especially vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. All children deserve protection! - 4 years ago

@SobukiRa: Former Gymnast Sarah Klein Discusses Coach John Geddert's Sex Abuse Charges - 4 years ago

@HoopsCoachNews: Ex-USA gymnastics coach John Geddert couldn't outrun his poisonous legacy - 4 years ago

@suzeinaz: RT @secupp: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert found dead after being charged with human trafficking and sex crimes, officials say https:… - 4 years ago

@SueM21731182: RT @richardcross004: @ReallyAmerican1 I think @Jim_Jordan is the John Geddert of @OhioState - 4 years ago

@Francis59108531: RT @Telegrafia01: Tras enfrentar cargos de trata de personas y agresión sexual, se suicida ex entrenador olímpico John Geddert se disparó… - 4 years ago

@twillynavy246: RT @WomenReadWomen: Former US Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself after he was charged with sexual assault and human traf… - 4 years ago

@polishedjellyf1: RT @JudgeThree: The owners of both Foxysleos & Snowflake Designs posted Facebook comments defending/supporting John Geddert. The owner of S… - 4 years ago

@navasteff: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Another high-profile, rich elite busted for abusing children and sex trafficking...and the coward couldn't even face h… - 4 years ago

@shivam_ratnani: Former Gymnast Sarah Klein Discusses Coach John Geddert's Sex Abuse Charges Gymnastics coach John Geddert killed hi… - 4 years ago

@KThomasEllis: RT @richardcross004: @Logan_Strobel @Acyn I think @Jim_Jordan is the John Geddert of @OhioState - 4 years ago

@VNn2TTKJVEknl40: RT @WomenReadWomen: Former US Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself after he was charged with sexual assault and human traf… - 4 years ago

@devalara44: RT @BluegumPilliga: Former US Gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to Larry Nassar, kills himself after being charged with sexual as… - 4 years ago

@BluegumPilliga: Former US Gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to Larry Nassar, kills himself after being charged with sexua… - 4 years ago

@GymnasticsMovie: RT @LynnRaisman: She hoped for resolution, yet at mediation John Geddert was listed as an individual USAG and USOC wanted released from fur… - 4 years ago

@drewt333: RT @detroitnews: Attorney General Dana Nessel's use of human trafficking charges against former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert - 4 years ago

@wikibioin: John Geddert Wiki – John Geddert Biography John Gerald Geddert is a former American gymnastics coach. He coached Ol… - 4 years ago

@nicho047_john: RT @GymCoaching: Former survivors of ex-gymnastics coach John Geddert talk about his death by suicide Some are still supportive of his wife… - 4 years ago

@FelixfortheWhit: 2. Following accusations of human trafficking, former Olympian gymnast coach John Geddert, has died due to an appar… - 4 years ago

@cbond20464: RT @richardcross004: @ReallyAmerican1 I think @Jim_Jordan is the John Geddert of @OhioState - 4 years ago

@KatrinaJBradfo1: RT @richardcross004: @ReallyAmerican1 I think @Jim_Jordan is the John Geddert of @OhioState - 4 years ago

@Tezcatlipoca68: @Jim_Jordan - 4 years ago

@87101d71bbb6439: RT @KenMatthews: Another one - 4 years ago

@PaulaDJ24: RT @Nicole_Bromley: Former U.S. Gymnastics Coach Charged With Human Trafficking - 4 years ago

@CMARTYLUSO1: RT @VlfMichael: "Un ancien entraîneur de gymnastique olympique américain se suicide après avoir été accusé de traite d'êtres humains et de… - 4 years ago

@Accion_LSR: #DeLaSemana #AcciónLSR El exentrenador de la selección de gimnasia olímpica de EU, John Geddert, se suicidó tras co… - 4 years ago

@BigTimeFootball: Once the winningest gymnastics coach in America, 2012 Olympic coach John Geddert was found dead off an interstate h… - 4 years ago

@LovingVolTrav: RT @detroitnews: Attorney General Dana Nessel's use of human trafficking charges against former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert - 4 years ago

@JackMcNamara6: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@MarleneFlorkow: RT @richardcross004: @ReallyAmerican1 I think @Jim_Jordan is the John Geddert of @OhioState - 4 years ago

@richardcross004: @WalshFreedom I think @Jim_Jordan is the John Geddert of @OhioState - 4 years ago

@JudgeThree: The owners of both Foxysleos & Snowflake Designs posted Facebook comments defending/supporting John Geddert. The ow… - 4 years ago

@richardcross004: @AmandiOnAir @Jim_Jordan @RepCawthorn I think @Jim_Jordan is the John Geddert of @OhioState - 4 years ago

@richardcross004: @BeschlossDC I think @Jim_Jordan is the John Geddert of @OhioState - 4 years ago

@richardcross004: @birbigs I think @Jim_Jordan is the John Geddert of @OhioState - 4 years ago

@richardcross004: @Sites4Congress I think @Jim_Jordan is the John Geddert of @OhioState - 4 years ago

@richardcross004: @Holden2283 @PaulBegala @Jim_Jordan I think @Jim_Jordan is the John Geddert of @OhioState - 4 years ago

@richardcross004: @IMHO1969 @PaulBegala @Jim_Jordan I think @Jim_Jordan is the John Geddert of @OhioState - 4 years ago

@DrFulli: " #humanTraffickingCharges was a strategic move by was not hard to see how the definition could be… - 4 years ago

@la_patilla: Víctimas de John Geddert reprochan su “cobardía” y quedan con sed de justicia - 4 years ago

@upnorthlive: Former USA Gymnastics Coach John Geddert’s suicide came as a shock to many, but for those with deep roots in the gy… - 4 years ago

@Cuervos06: RT @Telegrafia01: Tras enfrentar cargos de trata de personas y agresión sexual, se suicida ex entrenador olímpico John Geddert se disparó… - 4 years ago

@BryanJbryan310: RT @CBSNews: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach dies by suicide after he was charged with human trafficking and sex crimes - 4 years ago

@Regia_Pam: RT @Telegrafia01: Tras enfrentar cargos de trata de personas y agresión sexual, se suicida ex entrenador olímpico John Geddert se disparó… - 4 years ago

@theateroflife71: RT @cnnbrk: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to Larry Nassar and was charged with human trafficking and sex crimes just h… - 4 years ago

@PicsByGB: RT @nytimes: A former coach of the U.S. Olympic gymnastics team was charged with criminal sexual conduct and human trafficking on Thursday.… - 4 years ago

@PicsByGB: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@susanbordson: RT @WSJ: Breaking: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide hours after he was charged with 20 counts of human tra… - 4 years ago

@ZZsheyn: RT @TheAthletic: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday, the Michigan Attorney General's office confirmed. Geddert,… - 4 years ago

@ZZsheyn: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@ZZsheyn: RT @MIAttyGen: .@MIAttyGen @dananessel Issues Statement in Response to News of John Geddert's Death - 4 years ago

@ZZsheyn: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@ZZsheyn: John Geddert found dead after being charged with human trafficking and sex crimes, officials say - 4 years ago

@sarcastic_aj16: RT @sarahgonyon: Omg what a shit response. Prior to this week, John Geddert would have passed a background check. @USAGym you just blatantl… - 4 years ago

@ambulsiva: - 4 years ago

@sarahgonyon: Omg what a shit response. Prior to this week, John Geddert would have passed a background check. @USAGym you just b… - 4 years ago

@lexitheturtle: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@ToroenReposo: RT @Telegrafia01: Tras enfrentar cargos de trata de personas y agresión sexual, se suicida ex entrenador olímpico John Geddert se disparó… - 4 years ago

@vetehugo: RT @Telegrafia01: Tras enfrentar cargos de trata de personas y agresión sexual, se suicida ex entrenador olímpico John Geddert se disparó… - 4 years ago

@Pamchenkova: @ATruscheit @nrarmour @USAGym That and John Geddert would've passed a background check prior to this week, so that'… - 4 years ago

@JohnShe63135524: RT @HTLegalCenter: Prosecutors in Michigan charged a gymnastics coach with forced labor resulting in injury and human trafficking of a mino… - 4 years ago

@Jessica03892011: RT @PDChinaSports: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert, who was charged earlier on Thursday with human trafficking and sexual… - 4 years ago

@TrafficInPeople: John Geddert Charges: What Is #HumanTrafficking? - The New York Times - 4 years ago

@KAYO30197955: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@OnlineIncomeAce: John Geddert, a former US Gymnastics Team coach, killed himself after being charged with multiple felonies - Salt L… - 4 years ago

@letshearthetru: "Definitions of human trafficking and criminal penalties for it differ by state, but broadly speaking, trafficking… - 4 years ago

@JennyPowell859: I love it when the trash takes out itself. The #narcissism wasn't very strong with this one. John Geddert, former… - 4 years ago

@TheRealMambo: RT @JohnBarrESPN: When John Geddert died by suicide y’day, his alleged victims felt a mix of emotions: Guilt but also anger. Anger that det… - 4 years ago

@Carmuhl: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@nelesh89: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@EsLaRadio2: RT @Telegrafia01: Tras enfrentar cargos de trata de personas y agresión sexual, se suicida ex entrenador olímpico John Geddert se disparó… - 4 years ago

@ArMoNyA_47: RT @Telegrafia01: Tras enfrentar cargos de trata de personas y agresión sexual, se suicida ex entrenador olímpico John Geddert se disparó… - 4 years ago

@Educated2143: RT @CBSNews: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach dies by suicide after he was charged with human trafficking and sex crimes - 4 years ago

@WALBNews10: John Geddert has insisted he had “zero knowledge” of Nassar’s crimes, although some gymnasts said he forced them to… - 4 years ago

@DGuirilandia: RT @Telegrafia01: Tras enfrentar cargos de trata de personas y agresión sexual, se suicida ex entrenador olímpico John Geddert se disparó… - 4 years ago

@Zorlac70: RT @Javier_Alarcon_: Vaya historia: el ex entrenador de gimnasia de los EU, John Geddert se acaba de suicidar momentos después de que hoy m… - 4 years ago

@sorela: - 4 years ago

@GymnasticLoves: The next Makayla Loves Gymnastics video is going to be the great Reading Of John Geddert, yes there will be lot of… - 4 years ago

@ICHeaven: RT @SG_Klein: USAG/USOPC must be held to account. “The focus is now on them and will continue to be on them until something changes & child… - 4 years ago

@WCMUNews: Former Gymnast Sarah Klein Discusses Coach John Geddert's Sex Abuse Charges - 4 years ago

@oneyoutoo1: RT @leigh_robin1: Time to answer to God for his crimes against humanity. I can’t think of a worse punishment. - 4 years ago

@Tony201713: RT @LynnWilson111: @Jim_Jordan Gym Jordan is the equivalent to John Geddert. Looking forward to seeing the George Clooney documentary about… - 4 years ago

@Stilosa0: RT @Telegrafia01: Tras enfrentar cargos de trata de personas y agresión sexual, se suicida ex entrenador olímpico John Geddert se disparó… - 4 years ago

@mubuuke: RT @CBSNews: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach dies by suicide after he was charged with human trafficking and sex crimes - 4 years ago

@la_patilla: Víctimas de John Geddert reprochan su “cobardía” y quedan con sed de justicia - 4 years ago

@Clariana45: RT @bocisaro: @letsassume #thisneverhappens - 4 years ago

@MichaelBalcom1: RT @DaltonReport: Aly Raisman slams USA Gymnastics for 'sweeping abuse under the rug' in wake of disgraced coach John Geddert's suicide, an… - 4 years ago

@Mercia38606340: RT @bocisaro: @letsassume #thisneverhappens - 4 years ago

@TodosAhora_Ve: #DEPORTES | El exentrenador de gimnasia de los Estados Unidos, John Geddert, fue encontrado muerto después de ser a… - 4 years ago

@FOX47News: John Geddert faced 24 felony charges of abuse of young gymnasts, prior to taking his own life. Now, some say there’… - 4 years ago

@Media_SLC: Klein said, with Geddert ending his life at a rest stop off the interstate. “It was the ultimate act of defiance.… - 4 years ago

@Cecilia62604116: RT @CNN: John Geddert, who coached the 2012 US Olympic women's gymnastics team, has been charged with a racketeering count as well as felon… - 4 years ago

@Cecilia62604116: RT @CNN: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to Larry Nassar and was charged with human trafficking and sex crimes just hour… - 4 years ago

@_mgmpt: RT @alexsalvinews: BREAKING: Former USA Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after he being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@Cecilia62604116: RT @CNN: The death of John Geddert, the US Olympic team coach who was charged with 24 felonies in connection with the abuse of young gymnas… - 4 years ago

@NcsVentures: #sextrafficking | John Geddert Is Dead After Human Trafficking Charges | #tinder | #pof | #match | #datingscams - 4 years ago

@GregoryDEvans: #sextrafficking | John Geddert Is Dead After Human Trafficking Charges | #tinder | #pof | #match | #datingscams - 4 years ago

@yyna121: 弁財天: 2012年の米五輪女子体操チームコーチだったジョン・ゲダートが人身売買、性的虐待、犯罪的性行為、偽証、ゆすりで訴追されて自殺したw update1 - 4 years ago

@beansbot3: RT @try14me: Was John Geddert just suicided...these pedos don’t operate by themselves so maybe he had some first hand knowledge of some big… - 4 years ago

@sian_kali: The former U.S. women’s Olympic team coach got charged with human trafficking and sexual assault before he died by… - 4 years ago

@HerrDeclination: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@agatapdlugo: RT @Bravo19703: Tras ser acusado de agresión sexual y tráfico de personas,se suicidó el ex entrenador olímpico estadounidense John Geddert.… - 4 years ago

@agatapdlugo: RT @rosapantin1301: Antiguo entrenador olímpico de USA John Geddert se suicida horas después de ser acusado de trafico humano, y asalto sex… - 4 years ago

@JessicaRameyGil: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@JessicaRameyGil: RT @MIAttyGen: .@MIAttyGen @dananessel Issues Statement in Response to News of John Geddert's Death - 4 years ago

@woodfork_l: RT @cnnbrk: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to Larry Nassar and was charged with human trafficking and sex crimes just h… - 4 years ago

@HugoLeDall1: RT @Mediavenir: 🇺🇸 ALERTE INFO - L'ancien entraîneur de gymnastique de l'équipe des #EtatsUnis, John #Geddert, s'est suicidé quelques heure… - 4 years ago

@elpaismexico: El suicidio de John Geddert, exentrenador del equipo olímpico femenino de gimnasia artística de EE UU acusado de 24… - 4 years ago

@MarkHelm: RT @cnnbrk: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to Larry Nassar and was charged with human trafficking and sex crimes just h… - 4 years ago

@thekugelizer: RT @NewsHour: Former U.S. Olympic women's gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday just hours after being charged with human… - 4 years ago

@inner_moppet: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@TLK6660: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@everyhumanknows: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@meisey1933: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@amykadams: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@GovSherazKhan: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@AluminationG: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@L_Fighera: E os "suicídios" continuam... Ex-técnico de ginástica olímpica dos EUA morre por suicídio após tráfico de pessoas,… - 4 years ago

@bosoxbruins: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@takinyera: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@CT_SEO: Read my Feb 27 Newsletter featuring “John Geddert, Former USA Gymnastics Coach, Facing Criminal Charges” - 4 years ago

@eaadams6: RT @UndercoveredVIC: Our first show goes live at 10 a.m. tomorrow! A sneak peek at what we’ll be discussing this week: -@AtlantaDream’s ne… - 4 years ago

@NewsAt20: RT @MonicavanDelden: He 'controlled everything they did': Why rare trafficking charges were used in Geddert case: Attorney General Dana Nes… - 4 years ago

@UndercoveredVIC: Our first show goes live at 10 a.m. tomorrow! A sneak peek at what we’ll be discussing this week: -@AtlantaDream’s… - 4 years ago

@MonicavanDelden: He 'controlled everything they did': Why rare trafficking charges were used in Geddert case: Attorney General Dana… - 4 years ago

@SamaraKlar: RT @nrarmour: In death, John Geddert evaded responsibility. He also stole one last thing from women from whom he’d already taken so much.… - 4 years ago

@IAmDaizhona: AND JOHN GEDDERT IS A BITCH - 4 years ago

@lynnburgess: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@0scar1709: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@sylviachacon17: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@MommaPowerr: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@yaya17017: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@Bobbi93773905: RT @nytimes: The sexual abuse crisis that has shaken American gymnastics deepened on Thursday when a coach of the 2012 women’s Olympic team… - 4 years ago

@marigold6368: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@IceT1158: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@Marie70883246: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@50smag: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@QuietStormX: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@Ky71Matt: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@AgitatorsNeeded: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@Skankbones2: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@ClayreInTucson: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@kritten14: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@Natas4President: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@JR_Highnote: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@MaryRHaroun: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@OakCliffITGuy: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@PaulSweeneyYYZ: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@VivBWoke: RT @MSNBC: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she beli… - 4 years ago

@jeanninePTY: @escalal @KarinaVanessa30 Ellos saben que padecen una enfermedad que no tiene arreglo, no hay rehabilitación posibl… - 4 years ago

@theipaper: Former US Olympic gymnastics coach John Gedderts kills himself hours after charges brought against him - 4 years ago

@Ay5e1: RT @AjansHaberResmi: ABD'de kadın jimnastikçilere yönelik cinsel istismar haberlerinde şok edici gelişmeler yaşanıyor. 🔹Milli takım antren… - 4 years ago

@guncelkalnet: Previous gymnast that implicated instructor John Geddert of misuse claims his self-destruction brings her no closure - 4 years ago

@lu95955: @mkebucks34 @See_Hendo John Geddert in another life. - 4 years ago

@Lezama14: RT @MundoEConflicto: AHORA: Tras ser acusado de agresión sexual y tráfico de personas se suicidó el ex entrenador olímpico estadounidense J… - 4 years ago

@johnmanly: RT @Spacereportern1: Sarah Klein, one of John Geddert's alleged victims has revealed how he 'broke us' mentally and physically' while Larry… - 4 years ago

@2Rarely: Former gymnast who accused coach John Geddert of abuse says his suicide brings her no closure (via @BIAUS)… - 4 years ago

@usportsnow: John Geddert, Facing Multiple Indictments For Actions As US Olympic Gymnastics Coach, Commits Suicide. #johngeddert… - 4 years ago

@PimMaiden: RT @nytimes: For several decades, until law enforcement finally came calling and their careers came to an end, Coach John Geddert and Dr. L… - 4 years ago

@Demipointe12: RT @nicho047_john: Aly Raisman slams USA Gymnastics after suicide of disgraced coach John Geddert - 4 years ago

@sakgul29: RT @AjansHaberResmi: ABD'de kadın jimnastikçilere yönelik cinsel istismar haberlerinde şok edici gelişmeler yaşanıyor. 🔹Milli takım antren… - 4 years ago

@susanfuller19: RT @nytimes: For several decades, until law enforcement finally came calling and their careers came to an end, Coach John Geddert and Dr. L… - 4 years ago

@VronniePantz: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@rotten_mom: RT @nicho047_john: Aly Raisman slams USA Gymnastics after suicide of disgraced coach John Geddert - 4 years ago

@rotten_mom: RT @DavidLukeCuster: Rachael @R_Denhollander came forward about being abused by Larry Nassar. Hundreds of gymnasts came forward after her.… - 4 years ago

@joselrr71: RT @CronicaPolicial: Se suicida el exentrenador del equipo femenino olímpico de gimnasia de EE.UU. John Geddert, tras haber sido imputado c… - 4 years ago

@LucaOtero7: RT @el_pais: El entrenador John Geddert fue acusado de tráfico de personas y de agredir sexualmente a una adolescente. Horas después, se su… - 4 years ago

@GinaNic96953797: RT @nicho047_john: Aly Raisman slams USA Gymnastics after suicide of disgraced coach John Geddert - 4 years ago

@GinaNic96953797: RT @DavidLukeCuster: Rachael @R_Denhollander came forward about being abused by Larry Nassar. Hundreds of gymnasts came forward after her.… - 4 years ago

@catalan_eve: RT @nytimes: Experts say the filing of human trafficking charges against John Geddert, who died on Thursday, could have major ramifications… - 4 years ago

@Bugzy17171: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Another high-profile, rich elite busted for abusing children and sex trafficking...and the coward couldn't even face h… - 4 years ago

@thibichngo1: RT @NBCNews: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had agreed to sur… - 4 years ago

@xilem84: RT @VlfMichael: "Un ancien entraîneur de gymnastique olympique américain se suicide après avoir été accusé de traite d'êtres humains et de… - 4 years ago

@Wolf0861: RT @rosapantin1301: Antiguo entrenador olímpico de USA John Geddert se suicida horas después de ser acusado de trafico humano, y asalto sex… - 4 years ago

@MarkMalachowski: RT @nytimes: Experts say the filing of human trafficking charges against John Geddert, who died on Thursday, could have major ramifications… - 4 years ago

@detroitnews: Former MSU Police Chief Jim Dunlap said he was surprised to learn Geddert would have been allowed to surrender, rat… - 4 years ago

@mckennyt6: RT @elizableu: Breaking: Ex-Olympics coach John Gerald Geddert faces 24 felony charges. He has ties to Nassar and faces 20 human traffickin… - 4 years ago

@KayeMenner: RT @whizkid7: Did former U.S. Olympics #gymnastics coach John Geddert, who owned a USA gymnastics club where Dr. Larry #Nassar was the gym'… - 4 years ago

@Tori_Sachs: RT @kimberkoz: Police chief behind Nassar's takedown questions why Geddert wasn't arrested - 4 years ago

@Lajier__: RT @jbaaaaaby1: I lost a good 200 followers after posting the news of John Geddert’s suicide. The man was a child molester and sex traffick… - 4 years ago

@haaohaoo: RT @haaohaoo: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach #JohnGeddert, who had ties to #LarryNassar and was charged with human trafficking and sex crimes just… - 4 years ago

@jbaaaaaby1: I lost a good 200 followers after posting the news of John Geddert’s suicide. The man was a child molester and sex… - 4 years ago

@babgocubs: RT @CBSThisMorning: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide on Thursday, hours after being charged with human tr… - 4 years ago

@CanadianSuzanna: RT @allyson_renee7: The filing of human trafficking charges against ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert, who died on Thursday, "could have… - 4 years ago

@John76327723: RT @allyson_renee7: The filing of human trafficking charges against ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert, who died on Thursday, "could have… - 4 years ago

@John76327723: RT @elizableu: “Experts say the filing of human trafficking charges against John Geddert, who died on Thursday, could have major ramificati… - 4 years ago

@admin022: John Geddert Charges: What Is Human Trafficking? - 4 years ago

@IndyEspanol: John Geddert: entrenador de gimnasia se suicida horas después de ser acusado de delitos sexuales - 4 years ago

@BellaDonaModels: RT @jawja100: Human Trafficking Charges and Coach’s Death Reopen Gymnastics’ Deep Wounds AND AMERICA HAS A "COACH" NAMED JUNGLE GYM SITTIN… - 4 years ago

@haaohaoo: RT @haaohaoo: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach #JohnGeddert, who had ties to #LarryNassar and was charged with human trafficking and sex crimes just… - 4 years ago

@theforeonline24: Former US Olympics women’s gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday, his body found hours after he wa… - 4 years ago

@David83158444: RT @NBCNews: "There is no greater admission of guilt than John Geddert taking his own life,” former gymnast Sarah Klein says, adding she be… - 4 years ago

@1RealKidd: John Geddert committee suicide? - 4 years ago

@bwmullins: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@simonexalisa: RT @fox6now: #BREAKING: John Geddert had agreed to turn himself in and was supposed to appear for a 2 p.m. hearing to face 24 felony charge… - 4 years ago

@mayread3: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@nicho047_john: Geddert accused of head-butting, throwing girls into walls, injuring them - 4 years ago

@francoist92: RT @libe: ETATS-UNIS – Inculpé pour travail forcé et abus sexuels, un ex-entraîneur américain de gymnastique se suicide La procureure du M… - 4 years ago

@Frankf1842: RT @fattoquotidiano: L’ex coach Usa John Geddert morto suicida: era accusato di 24 casi di abusi su giovani ginnaste e per traffico di esse… - 4 years ago

@jorgemeek61: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@JoanMBurda: RT @nytimes: Experts say the filing of human trafficking charges against John Geddert, who died on Thursday, could have major ramifications… - 4 years ago

@69TCHill: RT @elizableu: “Experts say the filing of human trafficking charges against John Geddert, who died on Thursday, could have major ramificati… - 4 years ago

@nicho047_john: Former U.S. gymnastics coach John Geddert kills himself hours after being charged with 24 crimes - 4 years ago

@nicho047_john: Former U.S. Olympics coach dies by suicide after being charged - 4 years ago

@15minutosUSA: #Deportes: Se suicidó John Geddert, el exentrenador de gimnasia olímpica de EEUU - 4 years ago

@Veritech617: RT @QckDaddyCoze: Team USA was literally trafficking children. Prosecutors went at gymnastics coach on trafficking charges “The human tr… - 4 years ago

@marinavanzyl: RT @JennMGreenberg: Birds of a feather ... Former Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert abused athletes, according to criminal charges ...… - 4 years ago

@lilyJoyfull: RT @alexsalvinews: BREAKING: Former USA Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after he being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@Twisted_Jeff: @Jim_Jordan 1.9 trillion dollars will help us do that, jackass. Why don't you go see your buddy John Geddert. - 4 years ago

@Berserker956: RT @Mediavenir: 🇺🇸 ALERTE INFO - L'ancien entraîneur de gymnastique de l'équipe des #EtatsUnis, John #Geddert, s'est suicidé quelques heure… - 4 years ago

@Agnesleglise: RT @thedailybeast: Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert, facing 24 criminal charges, took his life Thursday, leaving gymnasts reeling. ht… - 4 years ago

@iambreannarenae: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@infoitsport: L’ex coach Usa John Geddert morto suicida: era accusato di 24 casi di abusi su giovani ginnaste e per… - 4 years ago

@artgirll: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@YennyNoguera13: RT @ElPitazoTV: La fiscal general del estado de Michigan, Dana Nessel, dijo que John Geddert empleó la intimidación, amenazas y la fuerza… - 4 years ago

@AshleysYarneys: RT @nypost: Aly Raisman slams USA Gymnastics for sex abuse cover up after coach John Geddert's suicide - 4 years ago

@AWIRE4: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@222_watcher: RT @HereToWatchThe1: - 4 years ago

@FuturamaMomma: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@RiskyLiberal: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@NeshNews: RT @nrarmour: In death, John Geddert evaded responsibility. He also stole one last thing from women from whom he’d already taken so much.… - 4 years ago

@LehnaMansouri: RT @Mediavenir: 🇺🇸 ALERTE INFO - L'ancien entraîneur de gymnastique de l'équipe des #EtatsUnis, John #Geddert, s'est suicidé quelques heure… - 4 years ago

@msnlatino: Gimnasta víctima del entrenador abusador John Geddert lamenta su suicidio “para escapar de la justicia” - 4 years ago

@sohnandae: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 2012年の米五輪女子体操チームコーチだったジョン・ゲダートが人身売買、性的虐待、犯罪的性行為、偽証、ゆすりで訴追されて自殺したw update1 - 4 years ago

@Armyman971: RT @PISDI94_96: John Geddert found dead after being charged with human trafficking and sex crimes, officials say === Good riddance you piec… - 4 years ago

@wagstaffchris: RT @Aly_Raisman: For an organization that has claimed for the past 15+ years that “athlete safety is the No. 1 priority,” it’s impossible t… - 4 years ago

@wagstaffchris: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@piggylou73: RT @RobinBasiliki: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide.… - 4 years ago

@1_ftl: Fort Lauderdale News Search Reviews (Former U.S. Olympic Coach John Geddert Dies By Suicide After Being Charged For… - 4 years ago

@sugvrplum: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@ussurferdad: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@Adalis: RT @TeenVogue: John Geddert was charged with 24 counts related to sexually abusing and trafficking gymnasts. - 4 years ago

@aalexloyaa: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@thereminfan: RT @AnnOlivarius: The young women and girls who held John Geddert accountable deserved to have their day in court. They are changing the ve… - 4 years ago

@haileyx__: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@ElliotEscudos: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@DinoDennis53: Guilty. Thanks for not wasting our time and our money. RIP John Geddert. Who's next ? N.Pelosi, C.Schmur, H. Clinton. ? - 4 years ago

@CookieParker6: RT @JakeLobin: It's pretty fucked up when monsters like John Geddert kill themselves before they face justice. The victims don't get any f… - 4 years ago

@Luxury_etc: A Former USA Gymnastics Coach Died Shortly After Being Charged With Abuse - 4 years ago

@moonlightrauhll: RT @TheAthletic: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday, the Michigan Attorney General's office confirmed. Geddert,… - 4 years ago

@moonlightrauhll: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@moonlightrauhll: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@updischoppa: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@tay11jones: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@AnitaWade104: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@corii_8: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@Chanel732: RT @PerezHilton: A former US gymnastics coach has died by suicide after being charged with "human trafficking" and "sexual" offenses. http… - 4 years ago

@tHeLuckyGabby: RT @CGTNSportsScene: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to disgraced sports doctor Larry Nassar, killed himse… - 4 years ago

@YahooCanadaNews: Former U.S Olympics women's gymnastics head coach John Geddert died by suicide hours after he was charged with 24 c… - 4 years ago

@waddsi: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@edipuma1: RT @CNNEE: ÚLTIMA HORA - Se suicida John Geddert, exentrenador del equipo olímpico de gimnasia de EE.UU., horas después de ser acusado de c… - 4 years ago

@danimedinanews: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@Stellamares95: RT @AngieJackson23: Former U.S. Olympic women's gymnastics coach John Geddert faces 20 counts of human trafficking and forced labor, 1 coun… - 4 years ago

@2Pakistan: RT @Aly_Raisman: For an organization that has claimed for the past 15+ years that “athlete safety is the No. 1 priority,” it’s impossible t… - 4 years ago

@viclet83: RT @PISDI94_96: John Geddert found dead after being charged with human trafficking and sex crimes, officials say === Good riddance you piec… - 4 years ago

@SBJDFW: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@DMR09: @EllenBarkin Did you see he committed suicide? Can’t hurt anyone anymore, but his victims were robbed of justice - 4 years ago

@jimmyin30647476: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert's suicide was an 'escape from justice': former gymnast - 4 years ago

@Lizgnunez: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@king_keyonna: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide after being charged with two dozen crimes on Thursday - 4 years ago

@Memordonez: RT @DeportesEE: Tras ser acusado de agresión sexual, exentrenador olímpico de EE.UU se suicidó. - 4 years ago

@diamonddust_9: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@2Pakistan: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@M_Raggamuffin: @AttFinna Dessbättre håller stora insatser på över hela världen att avslöja många nätverk just nu. Ett stort antal… - 4 years ago

@Sandy_NM: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@AppleRiverBnB: Oh. Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex crimes - 4 years ago

@SophieCoberly: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@Mile_by_Mile: Human Trafficking Charges and Coach’s Death Reopen Gymnastics’ Deep Wounds - 4 years ago

@markonicminor: This should be top of the news today but it's not, was buried by cnn. - 4 years ago

@23_tinytim: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@MelissaRabb1: RT @DanWetzel: With his ugly, Larry Nassar-tied past closing in on him, gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide - 4 years ago

@melmariet89: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@MsYKex: RT @Mediavenir: 🇺🇸 ALERTE INFO - L'ancien entraîneur de gymnastique de l'équipe des #EtatsUnis, John #Geddert, s'est suicidé quelques heure… - 4 years ago

@Per_Kara: RT @jkbjournalist: Ex-U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to Nassar kills himself after being charged with trafficking, sexual assault… - 4 years ago

@JasonSolowski: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@ArnoldMananu: RT @TheAthletic: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday, the Michigan Attorney General's office confirmed. Geddert,… - 4 years ago

@FiftyFiftyGirl: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@GalvezPrimo: RT @BreitbartNews: Former USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert committed suicide after he was charged on Thursday with 24 counts of criminal m… - 4 years ago

@taylormadeagent: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@profe_potts: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@AnnSchroederWi2: RT @TheAthletic: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday, the Michigan Attorney General's office confirmed. Geddert,… - 4 years ago

@lucky_left_hand: . - 4 years ago

@ottovanz: RT @Agenzia_Ansa: L'ex allenatore olimpico di ginnastica femminile Usa, John Geddert, è morto suicida. Era stato appena incriminato per tra… - 4 years ago

@CalNewsEditor: #Feckless coward meets his well deserved end. - 4 years ago

@_Brandieeee: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@TinaTinde: My heart goes out to his victims - 4 years ago

@7layernachodip: RT @CNN: The death of John Geddert, the US Olympic team coach who was charged with 24 felonies in connection with the abuse of young gymnas… - 4 years ago

@data_nerd: Ex-U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to Nassar kills himself after being charged - 4 years ago

@ahirwe_rhitah: RT @kathyjohnsongym: A tragic end to a tragic story is an understatement of epic proportions. The pain and suffering he has caused...sicken… - 4 years ago

@Chepo04AB: DW (Español): #EEUU.: se suicida #JohnGeddert tras cargos por agresión sexual. a través de @GoogleNews - 4 years ago

@iAm__JMo: RT @BleacherReport: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after he was charged with the human trafficki… - 4 years ago

@i_am_a_sHEROe: RT @CNN: The death of John Geddert, the US Olympic team coach who was charged with 24 felonies in connection with the abuse of young gymnas… - 4 years ago

@kalel2077: RT @CNN: The death of John Geddert, the US Olympic team coach who was charged with 24 felonies in connection with the abuse of young gymnas… - 4 years ago

@kaitlynkopelman: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@jlreader8B: RT @AngiePovilaitis: THREAD A lot of folks may not realize how heavy & hard today's news of John Geddert's suicide is many victims or forme… - 4 years ago

@ChrisBrey1: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@coolandgoth: The idea that these gymnasts who were abused by the John Geddert are yet again being traumatized by him, this time… - 4 years ago

@Edwardb66441470: John Geddert - 4 years ago

@sexysaxy1: RT @CNNEE: ÚLTIMA HORA - Se suicida John Geddert, exentrenador del equipo olímpico de gimnasia de EE.UU., horas después de ser acusado de c… - 4 years ago

@PlateKnight: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@PlateKnight: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@jonvthvn08: RT @Mediavenir: 🇺🇸 ALERTE INFO - L'ancien entraîneur de gymnastique de l'équipe des #EtatsUnis, John #Geddert, s'est suicidé quelques heure… - 4 years ago

@Frankf1842: RT @Agenzia_Ansa: L'ex allenatore olimpico di ginnastica femminile Usa, John Geddert, è morto suicida. Era stato appena incriminato per tra… - 4 years ago

@creativemm12: <Bitcoin Price> BTC/USD(Binance): 46274.68 👉<Headline News> New surveillance video shows t… - 4 years ago

@Mile_by_Mile: - 4 years ago

@ineedmerci: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@Chloe_Fchn: RT @InfosFrancaises: 🇺🇸 États-Unis : accusé d'agressions sexuelles et trafic d'êtres humains dans le club de gymnastique qu'il avait fondé,… - 4 years ago

@IwouldH8meToo: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@JaimePurvis: RT @TrinaSolis17: John Geddert, 63, former U.S. Olympic coach, committed suicide today after being charged with 20 counts of human traffick… - 4 years ago

@elnachogomez2: RT @Bravo19703: Tras ser acusado de agresión sexual y tráfico de personas,se suicidó el ex entrenador olímpico estadounidense John Geddert.… - 4 years ago

@adrixn_dgc: John Geddert Pack - 4 years ago

@RosaKempin: RT @ElHuffPost: John Geddert había sido imputado con 24 cargos, que incluían agresión sexual y tráfico de personas - 4 years ago

@shawnak67: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@plur_dalia: RT @MarkCavitt: BREAKING: AG Dana Nessel files 24 criminal sexual assault and abuse charges against John Geddert, former USA Olympics gymna… - 4 years ago

@j3mcnulty3: RT @Danagardens: John Geddert is/was a coward!!! - 4 years ago

@360aproko: - 4 years ago

@FifiEsther: Ibiro bya Dana Nessel,umushinjacyaha mukuru wa Michigan,byemeje urupfu rwa John Geddert . Mu gitondo cyo kuwa kane,… - 4 years ago

@TMI070857: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@MarceeCruz8: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@AhmetTa71596787: RT @euronews: John Geddert had long-running ties to disgraced Michigan State University sports doctor Larry Nassar, who is in jail for a se… - 4 years ago

@MarceeCruz8: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@GinaPozzi1: RT @TheAthletic: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday, the Michigan Attorney General's office confirmed. Geddert,… - 4 years ago

@Rawkabilly12: John Geddert, the Olympic gymnastics coach, did the world a fucking favor, and killed himself. We will never know h… - 4 years ago

@briaclew: - 4 years ago

@CSamurai88: RT @FirstThemNEWS: John Geddert, committed suicide just hours after being charged with more than two dozen charges including sexual assault… - 4 years ago

@TMI070857: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@lerman_robert: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@pku641: RT @WendyWu06088732: 美国前奥运体操教练 John Geddert 今天被控强迫女生训练 然后虐待她们 把他位于密西根州的训练中心 变成人口贩运中心 但就在他被控罪数小时后 举枪自尽 - 4 years ago

@PulpNews: #John Geddert #Criminal #Case Is Also #Dead, Can't Be Convicted After #Death - Feb 26 @ 4:34 AM ET - 4 years ago

@Hail_Adolph: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@Zeonnie_F: RT @TheAthletic: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday, the Michigan Attorney General's office confirmed. Geddert,… - 4 years ago

@annita_103: RT @SkySportsNews: Former US Gymnastics coach John Geddert has died by suicide following multiple charges of human trafficking and sexual a… - 4 years ago

@perritoblanco21: John Geddert: Ex-US Olympics coach found dead after sex assault charges Bancamiga - 4 years ago

@CabbageTV: Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide following human trafficking, sexual assault charges - 4 years ago

@RebelliousVal: RT @Aly_Raisman: For an organization that has claimed for the past 15+ years that “athlete safety is the No. 1 priority,” it’s impossible t… - 4 years ago

@sexanddeadroses: RT @InfosFrancaises: 🇺🇸 États-Unis : accusé d'agressions sexuelles et trafic d'êtres humains dans le club de gymnastique qu'il avait fondé,… - 4 years ago

@RebelliousVal: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@itsRenYor: U.S. Gymnastics Coach Dies by Suicide After Felony Charges Filed - Rolling Stone Please vi… - 4 years ago

@snipercatcher: Suicide of John Geddert, ex-Olympics coach accused of abusing gymnasts, won’t end fight for justice, victims’ attor… - 4 years ago

@Asilkyone: Ex-USA gymnastics coach John Geddert couldn't outrun his poisonous legacy - 4 years ago

@CoAxeThrilla: RT @thebias_news: BREAKING: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex… - 4 years ago

@MilitaryCon_: DMRegister: Former US Olympic gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@laxthefacts: Former U.S. gymnastics coach John Geddert kills himself hours after being charged with 24 crimes… - 4 years ago

@Cookie_Cash: RT @InfosFrancaises: 🇺🇸 États-Unis : accusé d'agressions sexuelles et trafic d'êtres humains dans le club de gymnastique qu'il avait fondé,… - 4 years ago

@BarryPippa: RT @Martina: Tragic on every level... but at least this coward can’t ever hurt anyone again... - 4 years ago

@viorelpatru: "Human Trafficking Charges and Coach’s Death Reopen Gymnastics’ Deep Wounds" by Allyson Waller and Juliet Macur via… - 4 years ago

@rudyaz53: John Geddert: Ex-US Olympics coach found dead after sex assault charges - 4 years ago

@RebelliousVal: RT @byMarisaK: "Nor is John Geddert's death a form of justice. Instead, it is a stark reminder that there is so much more to be done to cre… - 4 years ago

@sportsreno: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach kills self after charges - 4 years ago

@daisyyserrano: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@AliaWaheed: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@sassylassy666: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@Jackrobinson73: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach found dead hours after being charged with sex crimes and human trafficking - 4 years ago

@bernmoor: RT @DavidMK187: 👇🏾 John Geddert found dead after being charged with human trafficking and sex crimes, officials say - 4 years ago

@denisew48616692: RT @SandlerLawLLC: #BREAKING former USA Gymnastics Coach John Geddert commits suicide. Geddert had ties to convicted doctor Larry Nassar ht… - 4 years ago

@krispitarch: RT @JesusCintora: “El exentrenador del equipo olímpico femenino de gimnasia artística de EEUU, John Geddert, se suicida tras ser acusado de… - 4 years ago

@TaintTainted: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@eli_grandi: RT @RaiNews: Geddert, 63 anni, che guidò le atlete alle Olimpiadi di Londra 2012, era stato raggiunto da 24 capi d'imputazione al termine d… - 4 years ago

@JLFFC6: RT @SkySportsNews: Former US Gymnastics coach John Geddert has died by suicide following multiple charges of human trafficking and sexual a… - 4 years ago

@MoPantel: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@luis90800: RT @TheAthletic: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday, the Michigan Attorney General's office confirmed. Geddert,… - 4 years ago

@KxngSkinny11: RT @BleacherReport: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after he was charged with the human trafficki… - 4 years ago

@SheThePeople: John Geddert, a former US Olympics women’s gymnastics head coach, died by suicide on Thursday - 4 years ago

@idntrllymissgod: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@luis90800: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@rashidaldosari: RT @BBCWorld: John Geddert: Ex-US Olympics coach found dead after sex assault charges - 4 years ago

@BragOriginal: I have something I need to get off my chest, and if it reacts with anyone's litmus test, act as you see fit. This o… - 4 years ago

@Theon_Orbis: RT @AngieJackson23: Former U.S. Olympic women's gymnastics coach John Geddert faces 20 counts of human trafficking and forced labor, 1 coun… - 4 years ago

@TheKingRamsey: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@ABCNewsRadio: Former USA gymnastics coach dead after trafficking, sexual assault charges filed - 4 years ago

@Filaso5: - 4 years ago

@WayneSeretis: Amerikansk press tar inga fångar när det kommer till namngivning. - 4 years ago

@perolikewhy__: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@Traineur2: RT @Mediavenir: 🇺🇸 ALERTE INFO - L'ancien entraîneur de gymnastique de l'équipe des #EtatsUnis, John #Geddert, s'est suicidé quelques heure… - 4 years ago

@capitaine_real: RT @Mediavenir: 🇺🇸 ALERTE INFO - L'ancien entraîneur de gymnastique de l'équipe des #EtatsUnis, John #Geddert, s'est suicidé quelques heure… - 4 years ago

@SportzandTortz: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@JackieEspinal4U: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@Gymnast45H: RT @Aly_Raisman: For an organization that has claimed for the past 15+ years that “athlete safety is the No. 1 priority,” it’s impossible t… - 4 years ago

@DoorWay2Fandom: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@winslow_93: RT @Mediavenir: 🇺🇸 ALERTE INFO - L'ancien entraîneur de gymnastique de l'équipe des #EtatsUnis, John #Geddert, s'est suicidé quelques heure… - 4 years ago

@zugly747: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@PubliusGhost: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@yanakaleigh: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@spiritutecno: RT @thedailybeast: NEW: Disgraced USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert’s suicide “victimized us all over again,” gymnast says  - 4 years ago

@shaggyd89258760: RT @thebias_news: BREAKING: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex… - 4 years ago

@JetLife_Lalala: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@potatoenjoyer: RT @DevinScillian: John Geddert, owner of Twistars USA Gymnastics in Michigan has committed suicide shortly after being hit with 24 crimes,… - 4 years ago

@thehomiemona: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@alexbmth2: RT @verockstar: John Geddert, ex entrenador de gimnasia de Estados Unidos y relacionado a los crímenes del doctor Nassar, fue formalmente a… - 4 years ago

@ElectroCar: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert, who was charged earlier with human trafficking and sexual assault, has sinc… - 4 years ago

@FranBlueshift: RT @BBCWorld: John Geddert: Ex-US Olympics coach found dead after sex assault charges - 4 years ago

@Sugamommaof7: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@ratratco_on: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@jstorm482: RT @Aly_Raisman: For an organization that has claimed for the past 15+ years that “athlete safety is the No. 1 priority,” it’s impossible t… - 4 years ago

@cheryl1492: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@jstorm482: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@sylvierurals: Former U.S. gymnastics coach John Geddert kills himself hours after being charged with 24 crimes - 4 years ago

@Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert, who was charged earlier with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@Insert_Metaphor: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@justalice247: RT @dw_espanol: El exentrenador del equipo femenino olímpico de gimnasia de Estados Unidos🇺🇸 se suicidó tras haber sido imputado con 24 car… - 4 years ago

@Boogie_Escobar: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@Dascenzo: RT @TonyPaul1984: Geddert accused of head-butting, throwing girls into walls, injuring them — the ⁦@detroitnews⁩ has the transcripts from t… - 4 years ago

@Perrrraa_: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@scottishteacup: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@kaylaraynal: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@Blink2XAmerica: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@allthehoes: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@Fleurdelisazure: RT @TheAthletic: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday, the Michigan Attorney General's office confirmed. Geddert,… - 4 years ago

@hannahjade1721: RT @AngiePovilaitis: THREAD A lot of folks may not realize how heavy & hard today's news of John Geddert's suicide is many victims or forme… - 4 years ago

@dirtybirderic: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@TonyPaul1984: Geddert accused of head-butting, throwing girls into walls, injuring them — the ⁦@detroitnews⁩ has the transcripts… - 4 years ago

@CindiSabol: RT @alexsalvinews: BREAKING: Former USA Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after he being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago


@MarahaMaria: RT @dw_espanol: El exentrenador del equipo femenino olímpico de gimnasia de Estados Unidos🇺🇸 se suicidó tras haber sido imputado con 24 car… - 4 years ago

@sprtsunfiltered: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach kills self after charges - 4 years ago

@pomodorista: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@lesliestar: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@DriscollMorgan: RT @byMarisaK: "Former U.S. Olympic women's gymnastics coach John Geddert has been charged with human trafficking, sexual assault, racketee… - 4 years ago

@lizziek34: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@Philaxabhashe: RT @SkySportsNews: Former US Gymnastics coach John Geddert has died by suicide following multiple charges of human trafficking and sexual a… - 4 years ago

@FeilDeb: RT @fox28columbus: BREAKING: John Geddert, a former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to disgraced sport doctor Larry Nassar, died b… - 4 years ago

@nicho047_john: John Geddert, former USA Olympic Gymanstics coach, killed himself - 4 years ago

@Lazambiana: RT @SkySportsNews: Former US Gymnastics coach John Geddert has died by suicide following multiple charges of human trafficking and sexual a… - 4 years ago

@badshahobadshah: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@nicho047_john: RT @MattMencarini: Rachael Denhollander knows the sacrifices that come with reporting abuse to police. That's why she's grateful for the wo… - 4 years ago

@HOLLYWOODBEL: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@Imoad2: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@compascafe: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@anne97614225: RT @Aly_Raisman: For an organization that has claimed for the past 15+ years that “athlete safety is the No. 1 priority,” it’s impossible t… - 4 years ago

@kurtsteiss: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@hahaf_ck: RT @NPR: BREAKING: A former USA Gymnastics coach has died by suicide hours after being charged with 2 dozen criminal counts, including huma… - 4 years ago

@smileytweets2: RT @GMA: BREAKING: Former USA gymnastics coach John Geddert, who led the 2012 U.S. Olympic women’s gymnastics team to win gold, died by sui… - 4 years ago

@KissesFromDolce: RT @Aly_Raisman: For an organization that has claimed for the past 15+ years that “athlete safety is the No. 1 priority,” it’s impossible t… - 4 years ago

@CMO2_: RT @DanMurphyESPN: Former Olympic coach John Geddert has been charged with 20 counts of human trafficking and two counts of sexual assault.… - 4 years ago

@1400braincells: RT @AngieJackson23: Former U.S. Olympic women's gymnastics coach John Geddert faces 20 counts of human trafficking and forced labor, 1 coun… - 4 years ago

@nicho047_john: RT @AquiRosemarie: Sadly suicide is a way of controlling & silencing victims who lose the ability to face him & speak their truth. We also… - 4 years ago

@johnbak05560931: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@yariimirandaaa: RT @AngiePovilaitis: THREAD A lot of folks may not realize how heavy & hard today's news of John Geddert's suicide is many victims or forme… - 4 years ago

@karamarieyoung: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@preppylocs: RT @USATODAY: John Geddert is the second former Olympic coach with ties to serial-molester Larry Nassar to die by suicide after being accus… - 4 years ago

@Azi: Among the A1 stories on Friday's front page is this one from @allyson_renee7 & @julietmacur: - 4 years ago

@juandangas13: Like so many authoritarian coaches, they cannot face the truth when exposed to their behaviors with children. - 4 years ago

@KissesFromDolce: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@lubedac: RT @CNNEE: John Geddert fue encontrado muerto después de ser acusado de 24 delitos graves en relación con el abuso de jóvenes gimnastas, se… - 4 years ago

@sba1211: RT @bulldoghill: The sexual abuse crisis that has shaken American gymnastics deepened on Thursday when a coach of the 2012 women’s Olympic… - 4 years ago

@cristianlIII: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@TakashimaSeiji: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 2012年の米五輪女子体操チームコーチだったジョン・ゲダートが人身売買、性的虐待、犯罪的性行為、偽証、ゆすりで訴追されて自殺したw update1 - 4 years ago

@1400braincells: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@aizosamaki: RT @SkySportsNews: Former US Gymnastics coach John Geddert has died by suicide following multiple charges of human trafficking and sexual a… - 4 years ago

@JealousofBelle: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@Azielin18: RT @CNNEE: ÚLTIMA HORA - Se suicida John Geddert, exentrenador del equipo olímpico de gimnasia de EE.UU., horas después de ser acusado de c… - 4 years ago

@yassunjohnson: RT @gloomynews: AFP◆米体操の元五輪コーチ、性的虐待で訴追後に自殺 - 4 years ago

@DemonCipher: Epstein didn't kill himself. "John Geddert found dead after being charged with human trafficking and sex crimes, of… - 4 years ago

@mpatranella: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@thisormatt: RT @nytimes: The sexual abuse crisis that has shaken American gymnastics deepened on Thursday when a coach of the 2012 women’s Olympic team… - 4 years ago

@KimRHolmes2: RT @CNN: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to Larry Nassar and was charged with human trafficking and sex crimes just hour… - 4 years ago

@Leemoan_Aid: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@giaxnicole: RT @MarkCavitt: BREAKING: AG Dana Nessel files 24 criminal sexual assault and abuse charges against John Geddert, former USA Olympics gymna… - 4 years ago

@RIP_LilMac: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@stellarsuzie27: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@snowandflowers: RT @Aly_Raisman: For an organization that has claimed for the past 15+ years that “athlete safety is the No. 1 priority,” it’s impossible t… - 4 years ago

@lilwormb0: RT @Aly_Raisman: As a minor on the National Team, I frequently had to travel (without my parents) under the supervision of USA Gymnastics.… - 4 years ago

@mtskls00: RT @alexsalvinews: BREAKING: Former USA Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after he being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@jodi1609: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@Jacastillo0104: RT @CNNEE: ÚLTIMA HORA - Se suicida John Geddert, exentrenador del equipo olímpico de gimnasia de EE.UU., horas después de ser acusado de c… - 4 years ago

@Naz5227: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@WDTN: 2012 USA Olympic coach John Geddert is dead, officials reported Thursday afternoon. He was charged Thursday morning… - 4 years ago

@spider_kek9: - 4 years ago

@acthugnasty: RT @BleacherReport: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after he was charged with the human trafficki… - 4 years ago

@AprilAchoo: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@JanetteFiore: RT @rosapantin1301: Antiguo entrenador olímpico de USA John Geddert se suicida horas después de ser acusado de trafico humano, y asalto sex… - 4 years ago

@GrenchPAN: RT @ReuvenBlau: “Makayla Thrush, one of his former gymnasts, said that Mr. Geddert ended her career when he threw her on top of the low bar… - 4 years ago

@SLuna_Jr: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@XiomaryUrbaez: RT @rosapantin1301: Antiguo entrenador olímpico de USA John Geddert se suicida horas después de ser acusado de trafico humano, y asalto sex… - 4 years ago

@Queenty27: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@DaCann5: RT @AngiePovilaitis: THREAD A lot of folks may not realize how heavy & hard today's news of John Geddert's suicide is many victims or forme… - 4 years ago

@cececville: RT @TIME: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach dies by suicide after being charged with sex crimes - 4 years ago

@JoeyHashtag: RT @suntimes_sports: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after being charged with turning his… - 4 years ago

@JulieRussell7: RT @elizableu: Breaking: Former US Olympics coach John Geddert dies by suicide following announcement of 24 felony charges including multip… - 4 years ago

@iameldiablito: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@Rosalin70443981: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Former USA gymnastics coach John Geddert, who led the 2012 U.S. Olympic women’s gymnastics team to win gold, died by sui… - 4 years ago

@Squirrel1110: RT @AngiePovilaitis: THREAD A lot of folks may not realize how heavy & hard today's news of John Geddert's suicide is many victims or forme… - 4 years ago

@fern_gullie: RT @cnnbrk: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to Larry Nassar and was charged with human trafficking and sex crimes just h… - 4 years ago

@ReuvenBlau: “Makayla Thrush, one of his former gymnasts, said that Mr. Geddert ended her career when he threw her on top of the… - 4 years ago

@jeaned62803: RT @CNN: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to Larry Nassar and was charged with human trafficking and sex crimes just hour… - 4 years ago

@quitealuckycat: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@Mapiavva: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@valnegre: RT @FirstThemNEWS: John Geddert, committed suicide just hours after being charged with more than two dozen charges including sexual assault… - 4 years ago

@az1of1: RT @BleacherReport: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after he was charged with the human trafficki… - 4 years ago

@patdyo: RT @tiffanyclay: What a fucking coward. I’m so sorry for the women and girls who were denied justice by USAG’s negligence and now John Gedd… - 4 years ago

@AfterDarkMarcel: RT @MarkCavitt: BREAKING: AG Dana Nessel files 24 criminal sexual assault and abuse charges against John Geddert, former USA Olympics gymna… - 4 years ago

@CarolynColson: RT @StevePieczenik: Breaking911 (@Breaking911) Tweeted: #BREAKING: Ex-USA Olympic coach John Geddert has killed himself, hours after he was… - 4 years ago

@OhioYallers: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@bombonbox: RT @gloomynews: AFP◆米体操の元五輪コーチ、性的虐待で訴追後に自殺 - 4 years ago

@FokkerPlanck: RT @BleacherReport: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after he was charged with the human trafficki… - 4 years ago

@andee_onpo1nt: RT @GH_Narrator: From ABC News: Former USA gymnastics coach dead after trafficking, sexual assault charges filed - 4 years ago

@CheerFessions1: ‼️ For those asking why no one came forward about John Geddert. Multiple complains were made against him and the gy… - 4 years ago

@debbie_dease: RT @AngiePovilaitis: THREAD A lot of folks may not realize how heavy & hard today's news of John Geddert's suicide is many victims or forme… - 4 years ago

@madbalmz: RT @TheAthletic: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday, the Michigan Attorney General's office confirmed. Geddert,… - 4 years ago

@sammi_rose23: RT @nrarmour: In death, John Geddert evaded responsibility. He also stole one last thing from women from whom he’d already taken so much.… - 4 years ago

@sandi_childs: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@JeanPodrasky: RT @nytimes: The former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide on Thursday, shortly after he was charged with human tra… - 4 years ago

@MsEbony23: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@52Katydid: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@PinkPixySprite: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@tricia_gervais: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@sandi_childs: RT @MIAttyGen: .@MIAttyGen @dananessel Issues Statement in Response to News of John Geddert's Death - 4 years ago

@nitanan1: RT @MSNBC: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had agre… - 4 years ago

@ariella__flores: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@OhmsParty: @SenThomTillis I guess this guy would never have made it in today's Republican party. You never admit any crime. Ev… - 4 years ago

@IrvLeavitt: You can call John Geddert a coward. You can call him a monster. But the shame that drove him to suicide is somehow… - 4 years ago

@babylon_slim: RT @MIAttyGen: .@MIAttyGen @dananessel Issues Statement in Response to News of John Geddert's Death - 4 years ago

@WhoWhatWyn: RT @BleacherReport: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after he was charged with the human trafficki… - 4 years ago

@katwitdown: RT @girlsreallyrule: Former US Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to disgraced team doctor Larry Nassar and was charged ea… - 4 years ago

@LilBuff9: Coward. But, good riddance to another trafficker/abuser. Former Gymnastics Coach Is Dead After Human Trafficking C… - 4 years ago

@HeidyMujica7: RT @CNNEE: ÚLTIMA HORA - Se suicida John Geddert, exentrenador del equipo olímpico de gimnasia de EE.UU., horas después de ser acusado de c… - 4 years ago

@albertoevcusa: RT @CNNEE: ÚLTIMA HORA - Se suicida John Geddert, exentrenador del equipo olímpico de gimnasia de EE.UU., horas después de ser acusado de c… - 4 years ago

@Megawatts55: RT @brat2381: He was a coward to the end. Ex-U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to Nassar kills himself after being charged https:/… - 4 years ago

@Michele14177918: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@PMIA7: John Geddert, who had ties to Larry Nassar, found dead after being charged with human trafficking and sex crimes, o… - 4 years ago

@babylon_slim: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@Goodlookinjohn: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@MegAndBubba: RT @girlsreallyrule: Former US Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to disgraced team doctor Larry Nassar and was charged ea… - 4 years ago

@Meka_luvs_music: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@RSOfficial1995: RT @CNN: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to Larry Nassar and was charged with human trafficking and sex crimes just hour… - 4 years ago

@AndrewOHazard: John Geddert is second coach with ties to Larry Nassar to kill himself. - 4 years ago

@CO_DSG: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@GiannaJax: RT @girlsreallyrule: Former US Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to disgraced team doctor Larry Nassar and was charged ea… - 4 years ago

@HamidMu60973503: RT @AngiePovilaitis: THREAD A lot of folks may not realize how heavy & hard today's news of John Geddert's suicide is many victims or forme… - 4 years ago

@VeraPar88750449: RT @etnow: BREAKING: John Geddert has taken his own life following sexual assault charges against him. - 4 years ago

@steffanwatkins: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@WhatsTh47865663: RT @enews: Former Team USA Gymnastics Coach John Geddert Dead By Suicide After Sex Crimes Charges - 4 years ago

@johnmanly: RT @AngiePovilaitis: THREAD A lot of folks may not realize how heavy & hard today's news of John Geddert's suicide is many victims or forme… - 4 years ago

@catferguson3: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@Bootsydaisy: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@deaflibertarian: John Geddert was Epsteined. - 4 years ago

@mxkeveli_: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@The_Wickendoll: RT @nrarmour: In death, John Geddert evaded responsibility. He also stole one last thing from women from whom he’d already taken so much.… - 4 years ago

@EligioAwiizotl: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@ManuelG04344741: RT @EFEnoticias: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Se suicida el exentrenador de gimnasia olímpica de EE.UU. John Geddert tras ser imputado con 24 cargos, que… - 4 years ago

@astriruiz81: RT @rosapantin1301: Antiguo entrenador olímpico de USA John Geddert se suicida horas después de ser acusado de trafico humano, y asalto sex… - 4 years ago

@J0hnTayl0r119: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@PogPoGGington: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@AirMax1963: RT @FOXLA: #BREAKING: John Geddert, the associate of Larry Nassar and former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach who was charged Thursday with se… - 4 years ago

@catferguson3: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@robjkapustinsky: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@J0hnTayl0r119: RT @MIAttyGen: .@MIAttyGen @dananessel Issues Statement in Response to News of John Geddert's Death - 4 years ago

@caVee0111: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@michelecoralynx: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@_shakinaaa: RT @TheAthletic: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday, the Michigan Attorney General's office confirmed. Geddert,… - 4 years ago

@Nothingbetween1: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@SousLeRadar: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@BiGGBoSSYputa: RT @nypost: Ex-US gymnastics coach John Geddert kills himself after sex trafficking charges - 4 years ago

@chaoticgood1980: RT @SirajAHashmi: i struggle to find the right words for people who prey on young people like this. these monsters are sickening and the sa… - 4 years ago

@TheNewDailyAu: Former US Olympics coach John Geddert has died aged 63, hours after being charged with two dozen crimes related to… - 4 years ago

@DancyGeorgia: RT @NBCNews: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had agreed to su… - 4 years ago

@MASAHITOSATO1: RT @NPR: BREAKING: A former USA Gymnastics coach has died by suicide hours after being charged with 2 dozen criminal counts, including huma… - 4 years ago

@GawkGawkThwack: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@_shakinaaa: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@renee3147: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@hwmnylx: RT @RawStory: Former Olympic gymnastics coach kills himself after abuse charges: prosecutors - 4 years ago

@sar_oso: RT @ericgarland: The college sports scandals are apparently far more grotesque than previously reported. The accused committed suicide ju… - 4 years ago

@noroestemx: #DECESO Tras ser imputado con 24 cargos, entre ellos agresión sexual y tráfico de personas, John Geddert, ex entren… - 4 years ago

@ScoreNoroeste: #DECESO Tras ser imputado con 24 cargos, entre ellos agresión sexual y tráfico de personas, John Geddert, ex entren… - 4 years ago

@its_brandon14: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@MisterNigerD: RT @Reuters: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@Kah_Mbg: RT @afpfr: L'ex-entraîneur de l'équipe américaine de gymnastique John Geddert s'est suicidé quelques heures après sa mise en accusation pou… - 4 years ago

@KidStClair: Fuck John Geddert - 4 years ago

@rleedep: RT @angelaganote: Breaking: 2012 USA Olympic coach John Geddert is dead. According to Michigan State Police he shot and killed himself. Hou… - 4 years ago

@JPerks54: John Geddert is a vile and evil man. Of course he took the coward’s way out, but at least he is gone. - 4 years ago

@Caleb_Glaser4: RT @cnnbrk: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to Larry Nassar and was charged with human trafficking and sex crimes just h… - 4 years ago

@HiJCP: RT @NPR: BREAKING: A former USA Gymnastics coach has died by suicide hours after being charged with 2 dozen criminal counts, including huma… - 4 years ago

@ElGuapoistrying: RT @DevinScillian: John Geddert, owner of Twistars USA Gymnastics in Michigan has committed suicide shortly after being hit with 24 crimes,… - 4 years ago

@kicheco: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@PGSportsNow: Ex-U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to Nassar charged - 4 years ago

@CoyotyDave: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert found dead after being charged with human trafficking and sex crimes, official… - 4 years ago

@lourdesalom: RT @alexsalvinews: BREAKING: Former USA Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after he being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@nicho047_john: John Geddert is second coach with ties to Larry Nassar to kill himself - 4 years ago

@jboftheinvasion: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@PatriciaOgura: RT @AngiePovilaitis: THREAD A lot of folks may not realize how heavy & hard today's news of John Geddert's suicide is many victims or forme… - 4 years ago

@santiago_poo: RT @pimentonverde: @MiguelDiazOK1 3/ EL CRIMEN NO PAGA! El ex entrenador de gimnasia de EEUU en Juegos Olímpicos, John Geddert, NO AGUANTO… - 4 years ago

@reasha_stokes: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@XMLAndMore: RT @guardian: Former USA Gymnastics coach charged with human trafficking, sexual assault - 4 years ago

@miedemirdjian: RT @HuffPost: BREAKING: A former USA Gymnastics coach tied to serial sexual abuse in the program has died by suicide hours after he was cha… - 4 years ago

@ramon_rocker: RT @laaficion: Ex entrenador olímpico de gimnasia de EU se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual - 4 years ago

@Cat__Commander: RT @thebias_news: BREAKING: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex… - 4 years ago

@nicho047_john: RT @byMarisaK: John Geddert is the second former Olympic gymnastics coach with ties to Larry Nassar to take his own life after being accuse… - 4 years ago

@truaxbob1: RT @CNN: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to Larry Nassar and was charged with human trafficking and sex crimes just hour… - 4 years ago

@EBrifil: Take time to pray for the victims that were abused by John Geddert. - 4 years ago

@AliceRoy324: RT @JJ_Denhollander: Our attitude cannot be, "Well, he's dead, nothing we can do now." John Geddert was the least important person in this… - 4 years ago

@KattyJimnezM1: RT @CNNEE: ÚLTIMA HORA - Se suicida John Geddert, exentrenador del equipo olímpico de gimnasia de EE.UU., horas después de ser acusado de c… - 4 years ago

@marvlf: RT @alexsalvinews: BREAKING: Former USA Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after he being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@John_Anti_Trump: @Jim_Jordan Did you see this? Any parallels? Former USA Gymnastics Coach John Geddert Dead After Human Traffickin… - 4 years ago

@magdamaldonad12: RT @CNNEE: ÚLTIMA HORA - Se suicida John Geddert, exentrenador del equipo olímpico de gimnasia de EE.UU., horas después de ser acusado de c… - 4 years ago

@Crystal_UV: RT @SirajAHashmi: i struggle to find the right words for people who prey on young people like this. these monsters are sickening and the sa… - 4 years ago

@Cristin_E: RT @WWMTAndyD: BREAKING NEWS: Former US Olympic women's gymnastics coach John Geddert, a former associate of disgraced sports Dr. Larry Nas… - 4 years ago

@juanparza: RT @USATODAY: John Geddert, a former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach, died by suicide just hours after multiple charges of sexual assault and… - 4 years ago

@TTrilliams: RT @alexsalvinews: BREAKING: Former USA Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after he being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@BornSinnerMMA: RT @BleacherReport: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after he was charged with the human trafficki… - 4 years ago

@Rugby_LO: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@magdamaldonad12: RT @Javier_Alarcon_: Vaya historia: el ex entrenador de gimnasia de los EU, John Geddert se acaba de suicidar momentos después de que hoy m… - 4 years ago

@bluemountnskies: RT @alexsalvinews: BREAKING: Former USA Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after he being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@inlanddefense: Michigan prosecutors, however, piggy-backing on that scandal, vastly overcharged Geddert for, among other things, "… - 4 years ago

@Crystal_UV: RT @elizableu: Breaking: Former US Olympics coach John Geddert dies by suicide following announcement of 24 felony charges including multip… - 4 years ago

@drroynorman: Former U.S. gymnastics coach John Geddert kills himself hours after being charged with 24 crimes - 4 years ago

@DawnRampy: RT @alexsalvinews: BREAKING: Former USA Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after he being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@TreyBerry_: Smoking on that John Geddert pack tonight - 4 years ago

@gretcheb3: RT @alexsalvinews: BREAKING: Former USA Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after he being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@loveandpeace_65: RT @corvid317: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert found dead after being charged with human trafficking and sex crimes, officials say ht… - 4 years ago

@BorjaZapico: RT @partidazocope: 💥 ÚLTIMA HORA | John Geddert, exentrenador de gimnasia olímpica de EE.UU, se ha suicidado tras ser imputado con 24 cargo… - 4 years ago

@huhbhp: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@StopThaInsanity: RT @thebias_news: BREAKING: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex… - 4 years ago

@kristynnnjoy: RT @JenniferSey: My beloved sport. To be clear this was deemed ‘tough coaching’ until about 5 minutes ago. He was considered a leader. He’s… - 4 years ago

@sunshineimogen: John Geddert always gave me the creeps whenever i would see him on tv. My heart goes out to the survivors and i ho… - 4 years ago

@JuanpaQuijanof: Se suicidó el exentrenador de gimnasia olímpica de EE.UU., John Geddert, después ser imputado con VEINTICUATRO CARG… - 4 years ago

@Alheri: RT @cooperchip1: “I find it unconscionable that Michigan State would stonewall an investigation it requested,” said AG Nessel, urging MSU t… - 4 years ago

@Gladgirl720: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert found dead after being charged with human trafficking and sex crimes, official… - 4 years ago

@NayleMendoza: RT @rosapantin1301: Antiguo entrenador olímpico de USA John Geddert se suicida horas después de ser acusado de trafico humano, y asalto sex… - 4 years ago

@GrammyKat4: 👉Quote from news story: John Geddert's death marks a "tragic end to a tragic story for everyone involved," the stat… - 4 years ago

@FrankCoronel77: RT @MundoEConflicto: AHORA: Tras ser acusado de agresión sexual y tráfico de personas se suicidó el ex entrenador olímpico estadounidense J… - 4 years ago

@Cant_Be_Passive: RT @TimOBrien: Former Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert, who coached the women’s team to a gold medal at the 2012 Summer Olympics, was… - 4 years ago

@AtlGoddess14: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@ColeLaw77147731: Bye bye.... - 4 years ago

@rizzerables: RT @elizableu: Breaking: Former US Olympics coach John Geddert dies by suicide following announcement of 24 felony charges including multip… - 4 years ago

@hokiekat93: RT @HuffPostPol: Details about the charges against John Geddert were not immediately known. - 4 years ago

@bmwplaya: RT @Janosikgarciaz: Se suicida John Geddert, ex entrenador de gimnasia olímpica en 2012 de Estados Unidos tras ser imputado con 24 cargos,… - 4 years ago

@robert_potter3: RT @BleacherReport: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after he was charged with the human trafficki… - 4 years ago

@trajevrov: RT @EFEnoticias: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Se suicida el exentrenador de gimnasia olímpica de EE.UU. John Geddert tras ser imputado con 24 cargos, que… - 4 years ago

@RenatoBojorque1: RT @MundoEConflicto: AHORA: Tras ser acusado de agresión sexual y tráfico de personas se suicidó el ex entrenador olímpico estadounidense J… - 4 years ago

@gr8colours: RT @alexsalvinews: BREAKING: Former USA Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after he being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@peaches482: @Jim_Jordan Another GYM NEWS! Whatever is done in the dark will come to light Mr Gym Jordan.. John Geddert was fou… - 4 years ago

@TheCut: John Geddert, long seen as Larry Nassar’s chief enabler, died by suicide shortly after the charges against him were… - 4 years ago

@aetheldread: RT @alexsalvinews: BREAKING: Former USA Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after he being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@shadoh4real: RT @Mediavenir: 🇺🇸 ALERTE INFO - L'ancien entraîneur de gymnastique de l'équipe des #EtatsUnis, John #Geddert, s'est suicidé quelques heure… - 4 years ago

@HannahPaff: RT @annaliznichols: With the news of the death of Fmr. @USAGym Coach John Geddert hours after his 24 charges, including 20 for human traffi… - 4 years ago

@OrozcoFher: RT @CNNEE: ÚLTIMA HORA - Se suicida John Geddert, exentrenador del equipo olímpico de gimnasia de EE.UU., horas después de ser acusado de c… - 4 years ago

@ruben197376: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@Blackstrokin420: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Former USA gymnastics coach John Geddert, who led the 2012 U.S. Olympic women’s gymnastics team to win gold, died by sui… - 4 years ago

@AFvet_Anon: RT @alexsalvinews: BREAKING: Former USA Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after he being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@ChamGoesHam: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@jlfleite: RT @olyphil: John Geddert, former Olympics coach, kills himself after being charged with human trafficking, sex assault - 4 years ago

@ddrugach8429: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@thomaskollie22: RT @BleacherReport: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after he was charged with the human trafficki… - 4 years ago

@BreakingItalyNe: RT @ilmessaggeroit: Stati Uniti, morto suicida ex allenatore olimpico di ginnastica John Geddert: era accusato di abusi su giovani atlete h… - 4 years ago

@PodcastMC: - 4 years ago

@Blackstrokin420: RT @cnnbrk: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to Larry Nassar and was charged with human trafficking and sex crimes just h… - 4 years ago

@horanensy: RT @LukaszBok: Kilka godzin po usłyszeniu 24 zarzutów, między innymi znęcania się czy przestępstw seksualnych, były trener gimnastyki, ekip… - 4 years ago

@mike26045135: RT @thebias_news: BREAKING: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex… - 4 years ago

@cherissemoett: RT @cnnbrk: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to Larry Nassar and was charged with human trafficking and sex crimes just h… - 4 years ago

@kenyabrunson: RT @ericgarland: The college sports scandals are apparently far more grotesque than previously reported. The accused committed suicide ju… - 4 years ago

@AraeReborn: RT @elizableu: Breaking: Former US Olympics coach John Geddert dies by suicide following announcement of 24 felony charges including multip… - 4 years ago

@_mmramirez: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@Estacadebares: RT @el_pais: 🔴 ÚLTIMA HORA | John Geddert, el exentrenador del equipo olímpico femenino de gimnasia de EE UU, se suicida tras ser acusado d… - 4 years ago

@will_69montoya: RT @CNNEE: ÚLTIMA HORA - Se suicida John Geddert, exentrenador del equipo olímpico de gimnasia de EE.UU., horas después de ser acusado de c… - 4 years ago

@CrimeInTheD: - 4 years ago

@AnnGrayCheryl: RT @detroitnews: #BREAKING: Lansing-area gymnastics coach John Geddert died from suicide just hours after human trafficking, sexual assault… - 4 years ago

@NewsAt20: RT @MonicavanDelden: John Geddert: Former US Gymnastics coach dies by suicide after human trafficking and sexual ...: Former US Gymnastics… - 4 years ago

@NewsAt20: RT @MonicavanDelden: Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide following human trafficking, sexual ...: He was charged Thursda… - 4 years ago

@AAsMom1: RT @FoxNews: Ex-US Olympic gymnastics coach dies by suicide after human trafficking, other charges announced - 4 years ago

@walkerdl: RT @DanMurphyESPN: Attorney General Dana Nessel confirms that Geddert's death was by suicide. “My office has been notified that the body… - 4 years ago

@WendellHusebo: Former USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert committed suicide after he was charged on Thursday with 24 counts of crimi… - 4 years ago

@shabs_i_r: RT @cnnbrk: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to Larry Nassar and was charged with human trafficking and sex crimes just h… - 4 years ago

@tatyprovincia: RT @CNNEE: ÚLTIMA HORA - Se suicida John Geddert, exentrenador del equipo olímpico de gimnasia de EE.UU., horas después de ser acusado de c… - 4 years ago

@vrb1955: Former U.S. Gymnastics Coach John Geddert Dies by Suicide Hours After He Was Charged with Sex Crimes - 4 years ago

@zrobhill: RT @usatodaysports: John Geddert killed himself hours after being charged with human trafficking and sex assault. - 4 years ago

@iii_lonell: Former U.S. Gymnastics Coach John Geddert Dies by Suicide Hours After He Was Charged with Sex Crimes - People - 4 years ago

@huei_sears: RT @AngiePovilaitis: THREAD A lot of folks may not realize how heavy & hard today's news of John Geddert's suicide is many victims or forme… - 4 years ago

@Irngutaq2: RT @WOODTV: #BREAKING: Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert has died by suicide after the state AG issued human trafficking, sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@likenicefrance: RT @notcapnamerica: U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert, who coached the women’s team to a gold medal in 2012 was charged earlier t… - 4 years ago

@IAmVerdhandi: RT @alexsalvinews: BREAKING: Former USA Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after he being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@JeaniefaetroonJ: RT @amdorgan: "Former Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert is dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound Thursday afternoon, just hours after… - 4 years ago

@jedomm: RT @EFEnoticias: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Se suicida el exentrenador de gimnasia olímpica de EE.UU. John Geddert tras ser imputado con 24 cargos, que… - 4 years ago

@Obsevydial: RT @Mediavenir: 🇺🇸 ALERTE INFO - L'ancien entraîneur de gymnastique de l'équipe des #EtatsUnis, John #Geddert, s'est suicidé quelques heure… - 4 years ago

@bubbaberg: RT @SlabbedNewMedia: AG: Olympics gymnastics coach kills himself after charges - 4 years ago

@night2000ortega: RT @EFEnoticias: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Se suicida el exentrenador de gimnasia olímpica de EE.UU. John Geddert tras ser imputado con 24 cargos, que… - 4 years ago

@No1effingcares: RT @elizableu: Breaking: Former US Olympics coach John Geddert dies by suicide following announcement of 24 felony charges including multip… - 4 years ago

@abascal2: RT @el_pais: 🔴 ÚLTIMA HORA | John Geddert, el exentrenador del equipo olímpico femenino de gimnasia de EE UU, se suicida tras ser acusado d… - 4 years ago

@SportbyRTL: Der frühere Erfolgstrainer John Geddert, gegen den im Zusammenhang mit dem Missbrauchsskandal im US-Kunstturnen erm… - 4 years ago

@monkeyfister901: RT @PostSports: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex crimes - 4 years ago

@SXWill2: RT @ComplexSports: John Geddert, a former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach has died by suicide after being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@BrandidyN: RT @MSNBC: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had agre… - 4 years ago

@jphoornstra: RT @sreidreporter: BREAKING NEWS: John Geddert, 2012 @TeamUSA Olympic gymnastic coach, dies of suicide following abuse charges @USAGym @gym… - 4 years ago

@LeahHope4Hskrz: RT @thebias_news: BREAKING: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex… - 4 years ago

@miguelnieto363: RT @el_pais: 🔴 ÚLTIMA HORA | John Geddert, el exentrenador del equipo olímpico femenino de gimnasia de EE UU, se suicida tras ser acusado d… - 4 years ago

@mursemedsnood: RT @AngiePovilaitis: THREAD A lot of folks may not realize how heavy & hard today's news of John Geddert's suicide is many victims or forme… - 4 years ago

@cynquettalanier: RT @AP: BREAKING: Official: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to disgraced sports doctor Larry Nassar dies by suicide after b… - 4 years ago

@avoidchaos: RT @YahooSports: Former U.S. gymnastics coach John Geddert committed suicide hours after being charged with 24 crimes including sexual assa… - 4 years ago

@LennaLeprena: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@TBeach805: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@AustinOgonoski: RT @thebias_news: BREAKING: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex… - 4 years ago

@AceHudsonJr: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had ag… - 4 years ago

@Laurenpkat: RT @cnnbrk: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to Larry Nassar and was charged with human trafficking and sex crimes just h… - 4 years ago

@TaraHen31: From what I can tell, they were going to prosecute this guy for ENABLING Larry Nasser. Take note, GYM JORDAN. Joh… - 4 years ago

@PizzaMmm: RT @swerpette1: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert found dead after being charged with human trafficking and sex crimes, officials say ht… - 4 years ago

@forevaova500: RT @FirstThemNEWS: John Geddert, committed suicide just hours after being charged with more than two dozen charges including sexual assault… - 4 years ago

@AnistonAnarchis: @first_reality Sp the coach of the 2012 US women's gymnastics team, John Geddert, who was close to Larry Nasser, wa… - 4 years ago

@grudging1: RT @KlasfeldReports: INBOX: Michigan AG @DanaNessel's statement on John Geddert's death. “My office has been notified that the body of Jo… - 4 years ago

@kimjohnson70: RT @DevinScillian: John Geddert, owner of Twistars USA Gymnastics in Michigan has committed suicide shortly after being hit with 24 crimes,… - 4 years ago

@Pondhino: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@just_ysy: RT @Mediavenir: 🇺🇸 ALERTE INFO - L'ancien entraîneur de gymnastique de l'équipe des #EtatsUnis, John #Geddert, s'est suicidé quelques heure… - 4 years ago

@court_bennett11: RT @midmichigannow: BREAKING NEWS: Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel's Office confirmed former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Gedde… - 4 years ago

@Catsfriend0802: Ex-USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert, who had ties to Larry Nassar, is charged with sex crimes and human traffickin… - 4 years ago

@RojoHasu: RT @EliteTheKing_: @BleacherReport Smoking on that John Geddert pack - 4 years ago

@DermaEssentials: RT @CBSNews: JUST IN: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach dies by suicide, hours after he was charged with sexual assault and physical abu… - 4 years ago

@tkaur25: RT @BleacherReport: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after he was charged with the human trafficki… - 4 years ago

@theflowernurse: RT @MSNBC: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had agre… - 4 years ago

@nomsyii: RT @business: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after being charged with two dozen crimes, includ… - 4 years ago

@ChetPowell: RT @MSNBC: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had agre… - 4 years ago

@CATWIntl: - 4 years ago

@notstate: RT @pixiest6: Ex-US gymnastics coach John Geddert kills himself after sex assault charges - 4 years ago

@hummingbirdJKL: RT @thebias_news: BREAKING: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex… - 4 years ago

@CarrdiganButton: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had ag… - 4 years ago

@arshimbo: RT @USATODAY: The Michigan Attorney General's Office has confirmed that former Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide. Off… - 4 years ago

@ericgarland: The college sports scandals are apparently far more grotesque than previously reported. The accused committed sui… - 4 years ago

@eclatdemelanin: RT @Mediavenir: 🇺🇸 ALERTE INFO - L'ancien entraîneur de gymnastique de l'équipe des #EtatsUnis, John #Geddert, s'est suicidé quelques heure… - 4 years ago

@NGourd: RT @afpfr: L'ex-entraîneur de l'équipe américaine de gymnastique John Geddert s'est suicidé quelques heures après sa mise en accusation pou… - 4 years ago

@eleven2aqua_r: RT @afpfr: John Geddert, entraîneur de l'équipe américaine de gymnastique aux JO-2012, est accusé d'agressions sexuelles et trafic d'êtres… - 4 years ago

@CharleyRumsey: RT @SkySportsNews: Former US Gymnastics coach John Geddert has died by suicide following multiple charges of human trafficking and sexual a… - 4 years ago

@SOEKOCCESS: John Geddert: Ex-US Olympics coach found dead after sex assault charges A former US Olympics gymnastics coach has k… - 4 years ago

@jareddiamond: RT @WSJ: Breaking: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide hours after he was charged with 20 counts of human tra… - 4 years ago

@AbbieSchaub: Announcement earlier that ex Olympic coach charged with sexual abuse of athletes - later report he committed suicid… - 4 years ago

@twiggy3210: RT @FoxNews: Ex-US Olympic gymnastics coach dies by suicide after human trafficking, other charges announced - 4 years ago

@Tarentino_22: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@Paranoia_AM: RT @CNN: John Geddert, who coached the 2012 US Olympic women's gymnastics team, has been charged with a racketeering count as well as felon… - 4 years ago

@DorkDanse: RT @DevinScillian: John Geddert, owner of Twistars USA Gymnastics in Michigan has committed suicide shortly after being hit with 24 crimes,… - 4 years ago

@anoonyymaa: RT @Mediavenir: 🇺🇸 ALERTE INFO - L'ancien entraîneur de gymnastique de l'équipe des #EtatsUnis, John #Geddert, s'est suicidé quelques heure… - 4 years ago

@FCardenasY: RT @AFPespanol: [AMPLÍA] Exentrenador olímpico de gimnasia de EEUU se suicida tras ser acusado por agresión sexual. John Geddert, se suicid… - 4 years ago

@cromberd: Seems sus sis. Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex… - 4 years ago

@ZzzIsBored: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@SavePvtRyan: RT @BleacherReport: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after he was charged with the human trafficki… - 4 years ago

@1beninois: RT @InfosFrancaises: 🇺🇸 États-Unis : accusé d'agressions sexuelles et trafic d'êtres humains dans le club de gymnastique qu'il avait fondé,… - 4 years ago

@CBS_42: State officials confirm that USA Olympic coach John Geddert, who was charged earlier this morning with human traffi… - 4 years ago

@somepplrk: RT @kron4news: #BREAKING: John Geddert, USA Olympic gymnastics coach with ties to Larry Nassar, kills himself hours after being charged wit… - 4 years ago

@HereIAm65094900: RT @TheTweetOfJohn: Police found the body of a former U.S. gymnastics coach, who has ties to disgraced doctor Larry Nassar, hours after he… - 4 years ago

@69Robertt: RT @MediavenirPress: @Mediavenir Source : - 4 years ago

@AJM0013: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@DamTeniente: RT @sumariumcom: 📌 #AHORA John Geddert, quien fue entrenador de la selección de gimnasia de USA 🇺🇸, se suicida tras ser acusado de abuso se… - 4 years ago

@wrestlerkw7: The state of Michigan announced two dozen felony charges including 20 counts of human trafficking against John Gedd… - 4 years ago

@wendywamsley: Coward. Pathetic coward. AG: Olympics gymnastics coach dies by suicide after charges - 4 years ago

@IDaryl_: RT @sumariumcom: 📌 #AHORA John Geddert, quien fue entrenador de la selección de gimnasia de USA 🇺🇸, se suicida tras ser acusado de abuso se… - 4 years ago

@HappaHaoli: RT @BBCWorld: John Geddert: Ex-US Olympics coach found dead after sex assault charges - 4 years ago

@hyperbolergic: - 4 years ago

@AedAdp: RT @Wolfe321: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach faces 24 charges, including human trafficking Surprise! He worked closely with Larry Na… - 4 years ago

@sounderzoot: RT @NPR: BREAKING: A former USA Gymnastics coach has died by suicide hours after being charged with 2 dozen criminal counts, including huma… - 4 years ago

@stauffje: RT @NPR: BREAKING: A former USA Gymnastics coach has died by suicide hours after being charged with 2 dozen criminal counts, including huma… - 4 years ago

@ManfredGantner: Missbrauch im US-Turnen: Ex-Coach John Geddert begeht nach Anklage Suizid - 4 years ago

@patykayks: RT @alexsalvinews: BREAKING: Former USA Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after he being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@AlexGaskins: John Geddert didn't kill himself. #HumanTrafficking - 4 years ago

@CaliforniaZay: RT @BleacherReport: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after he was charged with the human trafficki… - 4 years ago

@CandyGuaraco: RT @TelemundoNews: 🚨 #ÚLTIMAHORA | John Geddert, quien fue entrenador del equipo de Gimnasia de #EEUU, se suicida tras ser acusado de abuso… - 4 years ago

@EBRINDLEY: RT @AP: BREAKING: Official: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to disgraced sports doctor Larry Nassar dies by suicide after b… - 4 years ago

@EricJorem: RT @thebias_news: BREAKING: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex… - 4 years ago

@Tinabina628: RT @thebias_news: BREAKING: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex… - 4 years ago

@Suborders15: RT @katherineOma: The ex- Olympic Gymnastics coach, John Geddert, who was charged today with sexual assault and human trafficking has comm… - 4 years ago

@julianseverance: RT @BleacherReport: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after he was charged with the human trafficki… - 4 years ago

@dwcardwell24: RT @BleacherReport: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after he was charged with the human trafficki… - 4 years ago

@KGETnews: OLYMPIC COACH DEAD: 2012 USA Olympic coach John Geddert is dead, officials reported Thursday afternoon. He was char… - 4 years ago

@WeeGreySheep: RT @nypost: Ex-US gymnastics coach John Geddert kills himself after sex trafficking charges - 4 years ago

@PhatMommy3: RT @thebias_news: BREAKING: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex… - 4 years ago

@FOX42KPTM: The announcement from Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel came about three hours after a news conference where Ne… - 4 years ago

@hannahjade1721: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@Rachel_McRea: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex crimes By Rick Ma… - 4 years ago

@DJDOCMONEY81: RT @wsvn: #BREAKING: Official: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide after being charged with human traffickin… - 4 years ago

@_beyBreezy: RT @BleacherReport: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after he was charged with the human trafficki… - 4 years ago

@StaciaSeaman: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@praisethexi11: RT @BleacherReport: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after he was charged with the human trafficki… - 4 years ago

@AaronPellot: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had ag… - 4 years ago

@zoe27422882: RT @BleacherReport: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after he was charged with the human trafficki… - 4 years ago

@rabahia14200: RT @InfosFrancaises: 🇺🇸 États-Unis : accusé d'agressions sexuelles et trafic d'êtres humains dans le club de gymnastique qu'il avait fondé,… - 4 years ago

@Mabel_Danger: RT @TheInsiderPaper: BREAKING: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert has killed himself by committing suicide after human traf… - 4 years ago

@Astronoman76: RT @InfosFrancaises: 🇺🇸 États-Unis : accusé d'agressions sexuelles et trafic d'êtres humains dans le club de gymnastique qu'il avait fondé,… - 4 years ago

@elenafettig: RT @LynnShawProd: Former USA Gymnastics coach charged with human trafficking, sexual assault | Gymnastics | The Guardian - 4 years ago

@Power620SYR: John Geddert reportedly shot himself hours after he was charged. - 4 years ago

@alias_swarren: RT @thebias_news: BREAKING: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex… - 4 years ago

@lukeb5900: RT @SkySportsNews: Former US Gymnastics coach John Geddert has died by suicide following multiple charges of human trafficking and sexual a… - 4 years ago

@ZUDEEEE: RT @BleacherReport: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after he was charged with the human trafficki… - 4 years ago

@Alycia2M: RT @Mediavenir: 🇺🇸 ALERTE INFO - L'ancien entraîneur de gymnastique de l'équipe des #EtatsUnis, John #Geddert, s'est suicidé quelques heure… - 4 years ago

@elninololo69: RT @Mediavenir: 🇺🇸 ALERTE INFO - L'ancien entraîneur de gymnastique de l'équipe des #EtatsUnis, John #Geddert, s'est suicidé quelques heure… - 4 years ago

@Raphouuuuu: RT @afpfr: John Geddert, entraîneur de l'équipe américaine de gymnastique aux JO-2012, est accusé d'agressions sexuelles et trafic d'êtres… - 4 years ago

@BrendaHazelhur1: RT @NPR: BREAKING: A former USA Gymnastics coach has died by suicide hours after being charged with 2 dozen criminal counts, including huma… - 4 years ago

@IllWalker23: RT @BleacherReport: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after he was charged with the human trafficki… - 4 years ago

@davidinsearchof: RT @alexsalvinews: BREAKING: Former USA Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after he being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@AyyeKid11: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@Cas_E_: RT @BleacherReport: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday after he was charged with the human trafficki… - 4 years ago

@BabySistaSha: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@Pixelfish: RT @notcapnamerica: U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert, who coached the women’s team to a gold medal in 2012 was charged earlier t… - 4 years ago

@emmamss: RT @InfosFrancaises: 🇺🇸 États-Unis : accusé d'agressions sexuelles et trafic d'êtres humains dans le club de gymnastique qu'il avait fondé,… - 4 years ago

@aniyah2105: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@Y_I_S_C: RT @thedailybeast: BREAKING: John Geddert, a former U.S. Gymnastics coach and owner of the Michigan gym where Larry Nassar worked and abuse… - 4 years ago

@Nxibelo_S: RT @SkySportsNews: Former US Gymnastics coach John Geddert has died by suicide following multiple charges of human trafficking and sexual a… - 4 years ago

@JamesVGrimaldi: The head coach of the 2012 Olympic gymnastics team killed himself hours after the state of Michigan announced two… - 4 years ago

@RunningBrook16: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had ag… - 4 years ago

@lil_liputien: RT @Mediavenir: 🇺🇸 ALERTE INFO - L'ancien entraîneur de gymnastique de l'équipe des #EtatsUnis, John #Geddert, s'est suicidé quelques heure… - 4 years ago

@gutsywoman19: RT @BBCWorld: John Geddert: Ex-US Olympics coach found dead after sex assault charges - 4 years ago

@yassunjohnson: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@inside_saintss: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@Macira1: - 4 years ago

@dangisland: RT @AP: BREAKING: Official: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to disgraced sports doctor Larry Nassar dies by suicide after b… - 4 years ago

@a_brzozowski: RT @WSJ: Breaking: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide hours after he was charged with 20 counts of human tra… - 4 years ago

@OraliaOnetti: RT @AFPespanol: [AMPLÍA] Exentrenador olímpico de gimnasia de EEUU se suicida tras ser acusado por agresión sexual. John Geddert, se suicid… - 4 years ago

@totjazzy2: RT @notcapnamerica: U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert, who coached the women’s team to a gold medal in 2012 was charged earlier t… - 4 years ago

@tomo_hiko: RT @CBSNews: JUST IN: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach dies by suicide, hours after he was charged with sexual assault and physical abu… - 4 years ago

@Meeksworld: - 4 years ago

@BLaw: NEW: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert committed suicide after Michigan AG’s office said he would… - 4 years ago

@GeorgeVieto: Former USA gymnastics coach John Geddert dead after trafficking, assault charges filed - 4 years ago

@areteNYCA: RT @nytimes: The former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide on Thursday, shortly after he was charged with human tra… - 4 years ago

@RLPCFelix: - 4 years ago

@libertyorgtfo: RT @thebias_news: BREAKING: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex… - 4 years ago

@disrespecfulhoe: RT @washingtonpost: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert has died by suicide. He was charged today with sexual assault and human traffi… - 4 years ago

@Ibi1kanobi: RT @NPR: BREAKING: A former USA Gymnastics coach has died by suicide hours after being charged with 2 dozen criminal counts, including huma… - 4 years ago

@Marialuzfv: RT @EFEnoticias: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Se suicida el exentrenador de gimnasia olímpica de EE.UU. John Geddert tras ser imputado con 24 cargos, que… - 4 years ago

@KRCRColton: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@sadguy007: RT @DanMurphyESPN: John Geddert's attorney's office confirmed that the former Olympic coach is dead. He was scheduled to be arraigned this… - 4 years ago

@ChrisChaten: Former U.S. Olympic Gymnastics Coach Dies by Suicide After Being Charged With Human Trafficking - 4 years ago

@cot1959: RT @EFEnoticias: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Se suicida el exentrenador de gimnasia olímpica de EE.UU. John Geddert tras ser imputado con 24 cargos, que… - 4 years ago

@kaine_sean: RT @notcapnamerica: U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert, who coached the women’s team to a gold medal in 2012 was charged earlier t… - 4 years ago

@delharrio10: NBC: Valmentaja John Geddert on kuollut – sai 24 kovaa syytettä tunteja ennen kuolemaansa Ex-olympic gymnastics Co… - 4 years ago

@AAWilliams9: RT @NPR: BREAKING: A former USA Gymnastics coach has died by suicide hours after being charged with 2 dozen criminal counts, including huma… - 4 years ago

@vega_jae: in good news, john geddert saves the american people money and kills himself - 4 years ago

@cocoabean77: AG: Olympics gymnastics coach dies by suicide after charges #SmartNews - 4 years ago

@PierretteY: RT @DevinScillian: John Geddert, owner of Twistars USA Gymnastics in Michigan has committed suicide shortly after being hit with 24 crimes,… - 4 years ago

@brittany_daisy: FYI, human trafficking is bad for your mental health. - 4 years ago

@kelysuperficial: RT @washingtonpost: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert has died by suicide. He was charged today with sexual assault and human traffi… - 4 years ago

@mayatp_: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@BOrisakwe: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@sarahkwak_: RT @DanMurphyESPN: John Geddert's attorney's office confirmed that the former Olympic coach is dead. He was scheduled to be arraigned this… - 4 years ago

@nicho047_john: John Geddert, USA Olympics coach, 'kills himself' hours after sex assault charges following McKayla Maroney claims - 4 years ago

@SharolynSave: RT @thebias_news: BREAKING: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex… - 4 years ago

@_itsHolmesHomes: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@GPPatch: John Geddert, who coached Olympic teams and champions during his coaching career, was charged with several felonies… - 4 years ago

@MikaPeltokorpi: RT @anylaurie16: Isnt this what Jim Jordan did: “Mr. Geddert knew that Nassar was sexually abusing his patients and failed to take action,”… - 4 years ago

@colleenmmck618: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had ag… - 4 years ago

@williams9079: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@BrendanGilmer: RT @NPR: BREAKING: A former USA Gymnastics coach has died by suicide hours after being charged with 2 dozen criminal counts, including huma… - 4 years ago

@DamianLally6: RT @SkySportsNews: Former US Gymnastics coach John Geddert has died by suicide following multiple charges of human trafficking and sexual a… - 4 years ago

@2020MediaChamp: John Geddert suicide reportedly at EB I-96 Rest Area west of Lansing. 5pm: Rest Area remains closed - 4 years ago

@P_danielita: RT @EFEnoticias: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Se suicida el exentrenador de gimnasia olímpica de EE.UU. John Geddert tras ser imputado con 24 cargos, que… - 4 years ago

@owenwehner: RT @nypost: Ex-US gymnastics coach John Geddert kills himself after sex trafficking charges - 4 years ago

@steflugli: RT @NPR: BREAKING: A former USA Gymnastics coach has died by suicide hours after being charged with 2 dozen criminal counts, including huma… - 4 years ago

@jhalenharris1: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@slem63: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide after arrest for alleged sex crimes in Michigan #SmartNews Hopefully… - 4 years ago

@Varkentine: I don't often use this line, but it seems sickeningly appropriate. Well, that escalated quickly. Ex-Olympic gymna… - 4 years ago

@840WHAS: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Former USA gymnastics coach John Geddert, who led the 2012 U.S. Olympic women’s gymnastics team to win gold, died by sui… - 4 years ago

@IronRinn: RT @WSJ: Breaking: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide hours after he was charged with 20 counts of human tra… - 4 years ago

@LindaZumbiel: RT @travisakers: #BREAKING: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert committed suicide Thursday after he was charged with sexual a… - 4 years ago

@analenafl: - 4 years ago

@SCSPatch: John Geddert, who coached Olympic teams and champions during his coaching career, was charged with several felonies… - 4 years ago

@Weirdo_xx: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@MorbidoSenior: RT @NPR: BREAKING: A former USA Gymnastics coach has died by suicide hours after being charged with 2 dozen criminal counts, including huma… - 4 years ago

@paigeadoll: RT @LiberalNavySeal: Former US Women’s Olympic Coach John Geddert, charged today with multiple counts of human trafficking, forced labor, a… - 4 years ago

@DonKangolJones: Cheese and crackers, I wish he’d had this level of remorse before abusing ppl and killing himself. - 4 years ago

@RandyLaMonda: RT @AP: BREAKING: Official: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to disgraced sports doctor Larry Nassar dies by suicide after b… - 4 years ago

@NoShooow: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@Dude4One: RT @SportsCenter: Prosecutors in Michigan filed charges Thursday against John Geddert, a former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to… - 4 years ago

@JohnTVickers: RT @MSNBC: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had agre… - 4 years ago

@ManutdMMM: RT @nytimes: The former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide on Thursday, shortly after he was charged with human tra… - 4 years ago

@AnnieOnHerOwn: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Former USA gymnastics coach John Geddert, who led the 2012 U.S. Olympic women’s gymnastics team to win gold, died by sui… - 4 years ago

@MapperJim: @Jim_Jordan - ⚡️ NEWS FLASH ⚡️ Hey #Gym, a friend of yours? #GymJordan #Pedophile #ChildAbuse #OhioState #Ohio… - 4 years ago

@AkaidLearn: RT @travisakers: #BREAKING: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert committed suicide Thursday after he was charged with sexual a… - 4 years ago

@Ray_Breazy: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@THHWatson: RT @usatodaysports: John Geddert killed himself hours after being charged with human trafficking and sex assault. - 4 years ago

@boyoboy74818610: RT @jaketapper: WaPo: Former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach faces 24 charges, including human trafficking - 4 years ago

@CanadianYYZ: RT @thebias_news: BREAKING: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex… - 4 years ago

@pdazzleliscious: This is yet another harrowing tale of physical, psychological & sexual abuse perpetrated against young girls in our… - 4 years ago

@ZakFord18: RT @NPR: BREAKING: A former USA Gymnastics coach has died by suicide hours after being charged with 2 dozen criminal counts, including huma… - 4 years ago

@GdnUSsports: John Geddert: ex-USA Gymnastics coach charged with 24 crimes takes own life - 4 years ago

@Davidfunny971: #BREAKING - 4 years ago

@herbogrigio: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@class_clown36: RT @SportsCenter: Prosecutors in Michigan filed charges Thursday against John Geddert, a former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to… - 4 years ago

@gambino_charlie: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@faux_Ikay: RT @SkySportsNews: Former US Gymnastics coach John Geddert has died by suicide following multiple charges of human trafficking and sexual a… - 4 years ago

@datieka: RT @washingtonpost: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert has died by suicide. He was charged today with sexual assault and human traffi… - 4 years ago

@danesekenon: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex crimes - 4 years ago

@dmooshka: To all the victims of John Geddert, I am so sorry. I can’t even imagine the pain you have gone through and are stil… - 4 years ago

@KrystleHolleman: RT @christianaford_: BREAKING: Sources tell @wilxTV John Geddert took his own life after being charged. - 4 years ago

@hertzvillegas: RT @biobio: John Geddert, entrenador del equipo de gimnasia femenina de Estados Unidos en los Juegos Olímpicos de 2012, se suicidó este jue… - 4 years ago

@the_bubonic_: RT @NosolohayFut_: 💀LO ENCUENTRAN MUERTO💀 El entrenador del equipo olímpico de gimnasia de Estados Unidos, John Geddert, fue descubierto s… - 4 years ago

@Raymond_Norman: - 4 years ago

@QwesiSoftware: RT @SkySportsNews: Former US Gymnastics coach John Geddert has died by suicide following multiple charges of human trafficking and sexual a… - 4 years ago

@FOX46News: State officials confirm USA Olympic coach #JohnGeddert is dead, after a self-inflicted gunshot wound Thursday. He w… - 4 years ago

@Aryss1: RT @NPR: BREAKING: A former USA Gymnastics coach has died by suicide hours after being charged with 2 dozen criminal counts, including huma… - 4 years ago

@heyjudeworld: RT @Deadspin: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after being charged with sexual assault, human traff… - 4 years ago

@Mandy85086501: RT @EFEnoticias: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Se suicida el exentrenador de gimnasia olímpica de EE.UU. John Geddert tras ser imputado con 24 cargos, que… - 4 years ago

@TVVnoticias: #25Feb 🤸El exentrenador John Geddert, de 63 años, afrontará 24 cargos por abusos físicos, verbales y sexuales a una… - 4 years ago

@FGomezIII: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had ag… - 4 years ago

@Yatapost89: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had ag… - 4 years ago

@rescue_puppy: RT @alexsalvinews: BREAKING: Former USA Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after he being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@RedRaiderLex: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@JakeFlatley: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@sqlserver20188: RT @AP: BREAKING: Official: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to disgraced sports doctor Larry Nassar dies by suicide after b… - 4 years ago

@CarnellAnita: RT @thebias_news: BREAKING: Ex-Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking, sex… - 4 years ago

@FinallyDeirdre: RT @KlasfeldReports: INBOX: Michigan AG @DanaNessel's statement on John Geddert's death. “My office has been notified that the body of Jo… - 4 years ago

@MCFalanelli: RT @AFPespanol: [AMPLÍA] Exentrenador olímpico de gimnasia de EEUU se suicida tras ser acusado por agresión sexual. John Geddert, se suicid… - 4 years ago

@emotionalymess: RT @rockergymnastix: Police found the body of former U.S. gymnastics coach John Geddert, who has ties to disgraced doctor Larry Nassar, hou… - 4 years ago

@cmpitetti: RT @NPR: BREAKING: A former USA Gymnastics coach has died by suicide hours after being charged with 2 dozen criminal counts, including huma… - 4 years ago

@SteveHellem7: RT @NPR: BREAKING: A former USA Gymnastics coach has died by suicide hours after being charged with 2 dozen criminal counts, including huma… - 4 years ago

@Alessan62354285: RT @nytimes: The former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide on Thursday, shortly after he was charged with human tra… - 4 years ago

@mismorokn: RT @NPR: BREAKING: A former USA Gymnastics coach has died by suicide hours after being charged with 2 dozen criminal counts, including huma… - 4 years ago

@TheVFCastro: John Geddert was “charged with 24 felonies. 20 counts of human trafficking and forced labor, one count of first-deg… - 4 years ago

@shrewishlike: The thing about predators is that they work together in order to insure access. There has to be a lot of knitting t… - 4 years ago

@roxnsoxie: RT @MSNBC: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had agre… - 4 years ago

@FirstThemNEWS: John Geddert, committed suicide just hours after being charged with more than two dozen charges including sexual as… - 4 years ago

@RockyTanglewood: RT @NPR: BREAKING: A former USA Gymnastics coach has died by suicide hours after being charged with 2 dozen criminal counts, including huma… - 4 years ago

@SammiLive: RT @suntimes_sports: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with sexual assault, human traf… - 4 years ago

@erinleecarr: RT @Phil_Lewis_: NEW: John Geddert, the ex-U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to Larry Nassar, has died by suicide after being charge… - 4 years ago

@HoffmanKambri: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Former USA gymnastics coach John Geddert, who led the 2012 U.S. Olympic women’s gymnastics team to win gold, died by sui… - 4 years ago

@AlanCampbellTV: AG Nessel Issues Statement in Response to News of John Geddert's Death LANSING – Michigan Attorney General Dana Ne… - 4 years ago

@AmariHackett: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@RanjodhDosanjh: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@dixerism: RT @AP: BREAKING: Official: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to disgraced sports doctor Larry Nassar dies by suicide after b… - 4 years ago

@rrealrrecords: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@6ixfoot6ix89: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@jflorescarvajal: RT @AP: BREAKING: Official: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to disgraced sports doctor Larry Nassar dies by suicide after b… - 4 years ago

@maghamadness: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@Lonnybeasy: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@jimcoyleISB: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had ag… - 4 years ago

@MyNameisVance: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@robertcyoung: RT @AP: BREAKING: Official: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to disgraced sports doctor Larry Nassar dies by suicide after b… - 4 years ago

@RaviChandradat: RT @SportsCenter: Prosecutors in Michigan filed charges Thursday against John Geddert, a former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to… - 4 years ago

@WRALAaron: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had ag… - 4 years ago

@keishi59: RT @AP: BREAKING: Official: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to disgraced sports doctor Larry Nassar dies by suicide after b… - 4 years ago

@Gally66kg: Ex-Team USA Gymnastics Coach John Geddert Dead By Suicide Hours After Sexual Assault Charges Filed - 4 years ago

@LizMottxx: RT @Phil_Lewis_: NEW: John Geddert, the ex-U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to Larry Nassar, has died by suicide after being charge… - 4 years ago

@RafiSmolinski: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@MarkJCedeno: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Former USA gymnastics coach John Geddert, who led the 2012 U.S. Olympic women’s gymnastics team to win gold, died by sui… - 4 years ago

@guancho974: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@KaitHerzog: #BREAKING: John Geddert had agreed to turn himself in and was supposed to appear for a 2 p.m. hearing to face 24 fe… - 4 years ago

@RafiSmolinski: RT @LukaszBok: Kilka godzin po usłyszeniu 24 zarzutów, między innymi znęcania się czy przestępstw seksualnych, były trener gimnastyki, ekip… - 4 years ago

@samantha_smith2: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@Th3_Maurice: RT @afpfr: John Geddert, entraîneur de l'équipe américaine de gymnastique aux JO-2012, est accusé d'agressions sexuelles et trafic d'êtres… - 4 years ago

@suntimes_sports: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert commits suicide after being charged with sexual assault, human t… - 4 years ago

@LawNewz: Multiple sources reported that Geddert, 63, died by suicide. Geddert worked closely with Larry Nassar, a former USA… - 4 years ago

@TruRebel_: RT @DevinScillian: John Geddert, owner of Twistars USA Gymnastics in Michigan has committed suicide shortly after being hit with 24 crimes,… - 4 years ago

@ignis_fatum: RT @IntelDoge: Former U.S. gymnastics coach John Geddert has died by suicide just hours after he was charged by a court in Michigan. Gedder… - 4 years ago

@tererealmad: RT @WWMTAndyD: BREAKING NEWS: Former US Olympic women's gymnastics coach John Geddert, a former associate of disgraced sports Dr. Larry Nas… - 4 years ago

@alniac: RT @LukaszBok: Kilka godzin po usłyszeniu 24 zarzutów, między innymi znęcania się czy przestępstw seksualnych, były trener gimnastyki, ekip… - 4 years ago

@infopublicave: 📢 John Geddert, entrenador del equipo de gimnasia femenina de #EEUU en los Juegos Olímpicos de 2012, se suicidó lu… - 4 years ago

@JuanQAdams1: RT @keithboykin: Ex-U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert kills himself hours after being charged with sexual assault and human traff… - 4 years ago

@abutlermft: RT @WWMTAndyD: BREAKING NEWS: Former US Olympic women's gymnastics coach John Geddert, a former associate of disgraced sports Dr. Larry Nas… - 4 years ago

@julia_chap: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had ag… - 4 years ago

@Bertokamus: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@AustinW64329607: RT @SportsCenter: Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself Thursday, hours after he was charged with two dozen crime… - 4 years ago

@Ralph_Seegobin: RT @nypost: Ex-US gymnastics coach John Geddert kills himself after sex trafficking charges - 4 years ago

@DerekGiles11: RT @Phil_Lewis_: NEW: John Geddert, the ex-U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to Larry Nassar, has died by suicide after being charge… - 4 years ago

@Julian118: RT @AP: BREAKING: Official: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to disgraced sports doctor Larry Nassar dies by suicide after b… - 4 years ago

@juliecmiller: RT @Phil_Lewis_: NEW: John Geddert, the ex-U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to Larry Nassar, has died by suicide after being charge… - 4 years ago

@LostComposure: RT @DevinScillian: John Geddert, owner of Twistars USA Gymnastics in Michigan has committed suicide shortly after being hit with 24 crimes,… - 4 years ago

@robcarpenter81: RT @NYDailyNews: BREAKING: John Geddert, a former USA Gymnastics coach who was charged with sex crimes and human trafficking, has died by s… - 4 years ago

@royaldumond: John Geddert, former Olympic gymnastics coach, kills himself after being charged with human trafficking, sex assault - 4 years ago

@chrissolari: RT @LSJNews: Breaking - 4 years ago

@Orthogonal_Ron: RT @TheInsiderPaper: BREAKING: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert has killed himself by committing suicide after human traf… - 4 years ago

@LeslieFlemmer: RT @DevinScillian: John Geddert, owner of Twistars USA Gymnastics in Michigan has committed suicide shortly after being hit with 24 crimes,… - 4 years ago

@robcarpenter81: RT @NYDailyNews: Former USA Gymnastics coach John Geddert has been charged with a series of disturbing crimes, including human trafficking… - 4 years ago

@vasilethedeal: RT @AP: BREAKING: Official: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to disgraced sports doctor Larry Nassar dies by suicide after b… - 4 years ago

@manuel_bolio: RT @AP_Sports: BREAKING: Official: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide after being charged with human traffi… - 4 years ago

@KATUNews: BREAKING: John Geddert, a former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to Larry Nassar, died by suicide Thursday… - 4 years ago

@wtf_imtooold: RT @NBCNightlyNews: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert - 4 years ago

@ChiTownLionPSU: RT @kimberkoz: BREAKING: Ex-U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to Nassar kills himself after being charged - 4 years ago

@manuel_bolio: RT @AP_Sports: John Geddert, the former head coach of the 2012 U.S. women’s Olympic gymnastics team with ties to convicted serial sexual mo… - 4 years ago

@pldLMT: RT @KlasfeldReports: INBOX: Michigan AG @DanaNessel's statement on John Geddert's death. “My office has been notified that the body of Jo… - 4 years ago

@rudedogreyes: RT @BreakingNews: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had agreed… - 4 years ago

@ejswest41319: RT @MSNBC: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had agre… - 4 years ago

@javier_oro: RT @MundoEConflicto: AHORA: Tras ser acusado de agresión sexual y tráfico de personas se suicidó el ex entrenador olímpico estadounidense J… - 4 years ago

@VDabibi: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had ag… - 4 years ago

@cathygee: RT @JenniferSey: My beloved sport. To be clear this was deemed ‘tough coaching’ until about 5 minutes ago. He was considered a leader. He’s… - 4 years ago

@YubaNet: AG Nessel Issues Statement in Response to News of John Geddert’s Death. LANSING February 25, 2021 - Michigan Attorn… - 4 years ago

@HDDM2016: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@_erinmansfield: John Geddert, former Olympic gymnastics coach, kills himself after being charged with human trafficking, sex assaul… - 4 years ago

@itshemaiah: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@JohnBarrESPN: RT @MIAttyGen: .@MIAttyGen @dananessel Issues Statement in Response to News of John Geddert's Death - 4 years ago

@billyarrow: RT @JenniferSey: My beloved sport. To be clear this was deemed ‘tough coaching’ until about 5 minutes ago. He was considered a leader. He’s… - 4 years ago

@ricks_alyssa: RT @Drakesterm96: Fuck John Geddert. Rot you piece of shit - 4 years ago

@ovigho: RT @thedailybeast: BREAKING: John Geddert, a former U.S. Gymnastics coach and owner of the Michigan gym where Larry Nassar worked and abuse… - 4 years ago

@shitian321136: RT @Independent: US gymnastics coach kills himself hours after being charged with sex crimes - 4 years ago

@BenjaminFishman: RT @SirajAHashmi: i struggle to find the right words for people who prey on young people like this. these monsters are sickening and the sa… - 4 years ago

@jazorowitz: RT @DevinScillian: John Geddert, owner of Twistars USA Gymnastics in Michigan has committed suicide shortly after being hit with 24 crimes,… - 4 years ago

@MauiWong: RT @DevinScillian: John Geddert, owner of Twistars USA Gymnastics in Michigan has committed suicide shortly after being hit with 24 crimes,… - 4 years ago

@VisualsByChern: RT @AP: BREAKING: Official: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to disgraced sports doctor Larry Nassar dies by suicide after b… - 4 years ago

@BillyJr76: RT @WOODTV: #BREAKING: Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert has died by suicide after the state AG issued human trafficking, sexual assaul… - 4 years ago

@MollyMcBeal1: RT @alexsalvinews: BREAKING: Former USA Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after he being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@Woods_OR_Wodz: RT @DevinScillian: John Geddert, owner of Twistars USA Gymnastics in Michigan has committed suicide shortly after being hit with 24 crimes,… - 4 years ago

@No1_in_Canada: RT @MSNBC: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had agre… - 4 years ago

@rashidaldosari: RT @BreakingNews: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had agreed… - 4 years ago

@FOXLA: #BREAKING: John Geddert, the associate of Larry Nassar and former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach who was charged Thu… - 4 years ago

@abc13houston: On the same day he was charged with human trafficking, John Geddert, who was linked to disgraced physician Larry Na… - 4 years ago

@TakiyahDavis1: Former Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide Thursday after charges announced, AG confirms - 4 years ago

@madriz1962: RT @MundoEConflicto: AHORA: Tras ser acusado de agresión sexual y tráfico de personas se suicidó el ex entrenador olímpico estadounidense J… - 4 years ago

@YvetteJiselle: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@jp1dp2: RT @BreakingNews: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had agreed… - 4 years ago

@VinylVixenRecs: RT @lauraapollo: @HeraldSports @MiamiHerald @AP JFC 😳 "Geddert was charged with 24 felonies by Michigan state officials: 20 counts of huma… - 4 years ago

@TSturm13: RT @AP_Sports: Michigan attorney general: John Geddert, a former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach with ties to convicted sport doctor Larry N… - 4 years ago

@RealestAhole: RT @TheInsiderPaper: BREAKING: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert has killed himself by committing suicide after human traf… - 4 years ago

@Imonaspinnyrock: RT @IntelDoge: Former U.S. gymnastics coach John Geddert has died by suicide just hours after he was charged by a court in Michigan. Gedder… - 4 years ago

@SCJBretH: RT @thedailybeast: BREAKING: John Geddert, a former U.S. Gymnastics coach and owner of the Michigan gym where Larry Nassar worked and abuse… - 4 years ago

@reddboi77: RT @WWMTAndyD: BREAKING NEWS: Former US Olympic women's gymnastics coach John Geddert, a former associate of disgraced sports Dr. Larry Nas… - 4 years ago

@gonzosmom: RT @CNN: John Geddert, who coached the 2012 US Olympic women's gymnastics team, has been charged with a racketeering count as well as felon… - 4 years ago

@joemamma_1: RT @KlasfeldReports: INBOX: Michigan AG @DanaNessel's statement on John Geddert's death. “My office has been notified that the body of Jo… - 4 years ago

@joaobljr: RT @USATODAY: Former US Olympic gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after being charged with human trafficking and sexual assault https:… - 4 years ago

@_NurseRatchet: RT @SportsInsider: Geddert, 63, was the head coach of the US women's gymnastics team that won the gold medal at the 2012 Summer Olympics. h… - 4 years ago

@TJBucholz: RT @MSNBC: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had agre… - 4 years ago

@jameskarst: RT @krystafauria: LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Official: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide after being charged wi… - 4 years ago

@ndecano: RT @MundoEConflicto: AHORA: Tras ser acusado de agresión sexual y tráfico de personas se suicidó el ex entrenador olímpico estadounidense J… - 4 years ago

@Tylertas: RT @RLJnews: BREAKING: John Geddert, the former US Olympics gymnastics coach who today was charged with two dozen crimes including sexual a… - 4 years ago

@RachelAxon: John Geddert, former Olympic gymnastics coach, kills himself after being charged with human trafficking, sex assaul… - 4 years ago

@laaurafenty: RT @MundoEConflicto: AHORA: Tras ser acusado de agresión sexual y tráfico de personas se suicidó el ex entrenador olímpico estadounidense J… - 4 years ago

@news4buffalo: 2012 USA Olympic coach John Geddert is dead, after a self-inflicted gunshot wound Thursday afternoon. He was charge… - 4 years ago

@AlfredJoe_2009: RT @alexsalvinews: BREAKING: Former USA Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after he being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@southerngurl53: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had ag… - 4 years ago

@sadieark: RT @BreakingNews: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had agreed… - 4 years ago

@jjbolting: 🖕🏻🙌🏻 - 4 years ago

@superalex167: RT @exavierpope: “The 24 charges against John Geddert included 20 counts of human trafficking of a minor, and one count each of first-degre… - 4 years ago

@profe_potts: RT @JenniferSey: My beloved sport. To be clear this was deemed ‘tough coaching’ until about 5 minutes ago. He was considered a leader. He’s… - 4 years ago

@KPLC7News: John Geddert was charged with two dozen crimes, including forms of human trafficking, a step that prosecutors ackno… - 4 years ago

@WOWT6News: John Geddert, 63, was accused of injuring people for years through forced labor and recruiting minors for forced la… - 4 years ago

@mental_ephemera: RT @Independent: US gymnastics coach kills himself hours after being charged with sex crimes - 4 years ago

@TideorDieChick: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@faust3932: RT @StevePieczenik: Breaking911 (@Breaking911) Tweeted: #BREAKING: Ex-USA Olympic coach John Geddert has killed himself, hours after he was… - 4 years ago

@mnisakhan: RT @MichiganRadio: BREAKING NEWS: Former U.S. Olympic women's gymnastics coach John Geddert died by suicide Thursday, the Michigan Attorney… - 4 years ago

@_hallows_eve: RT @DevinScillian: John Geddert, owner of Twistars USA Gymnastics in Michigan has committed suicide shortly after being hit with 24 crimes,… - 4 years ago

@CharlieJames88: RT @BreakingNews: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had agreed… - 4 years ago

@smartblonds: RT @KlasfeldReports: INBOX: Michigan AG @DanaNessel's statement on John Geddert's death. “My office has been notified that the body of Jo… - 4 years ago

@RedeemedSeven: RT @IntelDoge: Former U.S. gymnastics coach John Geddert has died by suicide just hours after he was charged by a court in Michigan. Gedder… - 4 years ago

@jcdet313: RT @MikeBalsamo1: LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Official: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide after being charged wi… - 4 years ago

@annieone3: They always go where they can access children! John Geddert, former Olympic gymnastics coach, kills himself after… - 4 years ago

@Dmuthalovinmase: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@Meme45146841: RT @MSNBC: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had agre… - 4 years ago

@lance_pool: RT @alexsalvinews: BREAKING: Former USA Olympic coach John Geddert commits suicide hours after he being charged with human trafficking and… - 4 years ago

@exavierpope: “The 24 charges against John Geddert included 20 counts of human trafficking of a minor, and one count each of firs… - 4 years ago

@JumboElliott76: RT @thedailybeast: BREAKING: John Geddert, a former U.S. Gymnastics coach and owner of the Michigan gym where Larry Nassar worked and abuse… - 4 years ago

@Thalassatx: RT @BreakingNews: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had agreed… - 4 years ago

@RavinderKITaylo: RT @guardian: Former USA Gymnastics coach charged with human trafficking, sexual assault - 4 years ago

@MoggieMatt: RT @MSNBC: BREAKING: Former U.S. gymnastics coach dies by suicide hours after he was criminally charged in Michigan. John Geddert had agre… - 4 years ago

@Wine_Pres: RT @TheTweetOfJohn: Police found the body of a former U.S. gymnastics coach, who has ties to disgraced doctor Larry Nassar, hours after he… - 4 years ago

@Pommawolf: RT @lt4agreements: Oh well. Bye. - 4 years ago

@RitaPetit14: RT @MundoEConflicto: AHORA: Tras ser acusado de agresión sexual y tráfico de personas se suicidó el ex entrenador olímpico estadounidense J… - 4 years ago

@vjeannek: RT @IntelDoge: Former U.S. gymnastics coach John Geddert has died by suicide just hours after he was charged by a court in Michigan. Gedder… - 4 years ago

@pdl1945: RT @thedailybeast: BREAKING: John Geddert, a former U.S. Gymnastics coach and owner of the Michigan gym where Larry Nassar worked and abuse… - 4 years ago

@sherry_carlin1: RT @thedailybeast: BREAKING: John Geddert, a former U.S. Gymnastics coach and owner of the Michigan gym where Larry Nassar worked and abuse… - 4 years ago

@JamezMiami: RT @wsvn: #BREAKING: Official: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide after being charged with human traffickin… - 4 years ago

@ZappaSzep: RT @anylaurie16: Isnt this what Jim Jordan did: “Mr. Geddert knew that Nassar was sexually abusing his patients and failed to take action,”… - 4 years ago

@lawcrimenews: RT @KlasfeldReports: INBOX: Michigan AG @DanaNessel's statement on John Geddert's death. “My office has been notified that the body of Jo… - 4 years ago

@DissenterRadio: RT @TheInsiderPaper: BREAKING: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert has killed himself by committing suicide after human traf… - 4 years ago

@jessicawluther: RT @krystafauria: LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Official: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide after being charged wi… - 4 years ago

@_Bama_Girl: Ex-Team USA Gymnastics Coach John Geddert Dead By Suicide Hours After Sexual Assault Charges Filed via @TMZ - 4 years ago

@KateLouiseWells: RT @MIAttyGen: .@MIAttyGen @dananessel Issues Statement in Response to News of John Geddert's Death - 4 years ago

@RedgmanNyc: RT @Independent: US gymnastics coach kills himself hours after being charged with sex crimes - 4 years ago

@wtoghkmsmr: RT @FridaGhitis: The former U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert, who owned a gym where athletes said they were sexually assaulted by… - 4 years ago

@enriquepolanco9: RT @MundoEConflicto: AHORA: Tras ser acusado de agresión sexual y tráfico de personas se suicidó el ex entrenador olímpico estadounidense J… - 4 years ago

@Arnold_Layne: @lynseymukomel @WOODTV The news has even made the tabloid media in England . my sympathies and support to his vic… - 4 years ago

@The_J_Cobb: RT @AP_Sports: BREAKING: Official: Former U.S. Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide after being charged with human traffi… - 4 years ago

@nano404: RT @JayScottSmith: 4 hours after being charged, John Geddert commits suicide. - 4 years ago

@TrumpTheBWipe: Good riddance sleeze bag! #JohnGeddert - 4 years ago

@RobinFulghum1: RT @Local4News: Police have confirmed John Geddert, the former U.S. Olympics coach and former owner of Twistars Gymnastics, killed himself… - 4 years ago

@juanjooag: RT @MundoEConflicto: AHORA: Tras ser acusado de agresión sexual y tráfico de personas se suicidó el ex entrenador olímpico estadounidense J… - 4 years ago

@nevergetfooled: RT @kron4news: #BREAKING: John Geddert, USA Olympic gymnastics coach with ties to Larry Nassar, kills himself hours after being charged wit… - 4 years ago

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