John Friedmann

Austrian-born American academic.
Died on Sunday June 18th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to John Friedmann:

@WaterSensitivSA: RT @ForegroundNews: "The conditions of planning are not everywhere the same, so specificities of place should guide us"– John Friedmann ht… - 8 years ago

@sarRbie: RT @ForegroundNews: "The conditions of planning are not everywhere the same, so specificities of place should guide us"– John Friedmann ht… - 8 years ago

@s_friedmann: RT @JohnKasich: Gov. John Kasich on the U.S. Senate’s health care system proposal: #HealthcareBill - 8 years ago

@landscapearch: RT @ForegroundNews: "The conditions of planning are not everywhere the same, so specificities of place should guide us"– John Friedmann ht… - 8 years ago


@AILA_National: RT @ForegroundNews: "The conditions of planning are not everywhere the same, so specificities of place should guide us"– John Friedmann ht… - 8 years ago

@ForegroundNews: "The conditions of planning are not everywhere the same, so specificities of place should guide us"– John Friedmann - 8 years ago

@cities4people: RT @JayneEngle: I mourn loss of great urban theorist, John Friedmann, who kept #power #participation #humanity central - 8 years ago

@LiaSafi3: RT @ForegroundNews: "Because planning in the public domain is politically inspired, it creates conflict" – John Friedmann - 8 years ago

@landscapearch: RT @ForegroundNews: "Because planning in the public domain is politically inspired, it creates conflict" – John Friedmann - 8 years ago

@CityByrne: RT @ForegroundNews: "Because planning in the public domain is politically inspired, it creates conflict" – John Friedmann - 8 years ago

@ForegroundNews: "Because planning in the public domain is politically inspired, it creates conflict" – John Friedmann - 8 years ago

@ForegroundNews: "... people removal, squatter eradication, gentrification... the results are all roughly the same” – John Friedmann - 8 years ago

@rscamelo: In memoriam: John Friedmann, 91, was the father of urban planning at UCLA - 8 years ago

@dudley_dawson12: RT @ForegroundNews: Renowned urban planner Dr John Friedmann has died aged 91. Here's a 10-point primer on his vast legacy. - 8 years ago

@friedmann_f: RT @M_Star_Online: The EU has failed to protect refugees in #Greece. John Ellison describes the awful conditions in Chios’s #refugee camps… - 8 years ago

@DominioEstudio: RT @UrbanTheoryLab: RIP John Friedmann--scholar, teacher and friend--his ideas will live on. Words of wisdom below from a 2009 interview i… - 8 years ago

@JayneEngle: I mourn loss of great urban theorist, John Friedmann, who kept #power #participation #humanity central - 8 years ago

@friedmann_f: RT @WhyToVoteGreen: Tories want to abolish Serious Fraud Office. John Varley & Barclays no doubt wish they'd done this already - 8 years ago

@MarcoLangzi: RT @bigcitypolitics: John Friedmann has died. A true giant in urban and regional #planning theory. @UBCscarp - 8 years ago

@AnnPappert: RT @bigcitypolitics: John Friedmann has died. A true giant in urban and regional #planning theory. @UBCscarp - 8 years ago

@RIP2017x: RT @The_ACSP: ACSP mourns the loss of a planning legend, John Friedmann. Our thoughts are with his family during this time. - 8 years ago

@ZefHemel: John Friedmann 1926-2017, - 8 years ago

@TammaraSoma: Just heard about the passing of #urbanplanning legend John Friedmann. My last memory of him was eating pizza 2gethe… - 8 years ago

@mayee_wong: RT @UrbanTheoryLab: RIP John Friedmann--scholar, teacher and friend--his ideas will live on. Words of wisdom below from a 2009 interview i… - 8 years ago

@bigcitypolitics: John Friedmann has died. A true giant in urban and regional #planning theory. @UBCscarp - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: :( John Friedmann - #JohnFriedmann #John #Friedmann #rip - 8 years ago

@ZefHemel: John Friedmann 1926-2017, - 8 years ago

@fncmagalhaes: - 8 years ago

@AndreaBlizarazo: RT @UrbanTheoryLab: RIP John Friedmann--scholar, teacher and friend--his ideas will live on. Words of wisdom below from a 2009 interview i… - 8 years ago

@elpadvisors: RT @ananyaUCLA: John Friedmann, with his unflinching commitment to social justice & critical theory, made me proud to be a scholar of urban… - 8 years ago

@nonnoenzo: RT @UrbanTheoryLab: RIP John Friedmann--scholar, teacher and friend--his ideas will live on. Words of wisdom below from a 2009 interview i… - 8 years ago

@a_ballatore: RT @rodgers_scott: RIP John Friedmann, author of the influential 'world city hypothesis' (1976) and many other useful things - 8 years ago

@AndyKarvonen: RT @The_ACSP: A beautiful remembrance of John Friedmann, an internationally renowned pioneer in urban theory and planning. - 8 years ago

@zimbaboy: @HGJournal John Friedmann, the ‘Father of Urban Planning,’ Dies at 91 - 8 years ago

@Nettoworks: RT @UrbanTheoryLab: RIP John Friedmann--scholar, teacher and friend--his ideas will live on. Words of wisdom below from a 2009 interview i… - 8 years ago

@DrJRLClarke: RT @doyle_aoife: Meeting John Friedmann at @aesopYA conf. (Palermo 2015) was an amazing experience.The YA are now seeking your tributes - p… - 8 years ago

@drurbanist: RT @aesopYA: The #YAblog wants to celebrate John Friedmann by publishing your comments on your meeting with him and his ideas - 8 years ago

@SimTulum: RT @doyle_aoife: Meeting John Friedmann at @aesopYA conf. (Palermo 2015) was an amazing experience.The YA are now seeking your tributes - p… - 8 years ago

@doyle_aoife: Meeting John Friedmann at @aesopYA conf. (Palermo 2015) was an amazing experience.The YA are now seeking your tribu… - 8 years ago

@SimTulum: RT @aesopYA: The #YAblog wants to celebrate John Friedmann by publishing your comments on your meeting with him and his ideas - 8 years ago

@aesopYA: The #YAblog wants to celebrate John Friedmann by publishing your comments on your meeting with him and his ideas - 8 years ago

@CritGeog: Re: John Friedmann 1926-2017 - 8 years ago

@mauriziocarta: In memoriam of John Friedmann, world father of planning - 8 years ago

@Benny_Murgante: In memoriam: John Friedmann, 91, was the father of urban planning at UCLA - 8 years ago

@Benny_Murgante: Reflections on the Life of John Friedmann - 8 years ago

@mauriziocarta: Addio a John Friedmann, padre del planning. Conservo ancora il ricordo di una chiacchierata con lui quando ero... - 8 years ago

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