John F. Kelly

American politician
Died on Tuesday September 18th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to John F. Kelly:

@donaldjtrumpb0t: Great Leader. John F Kelly as much money as they don't forget that the left-wing media seldom - 6 years ago

@veteran423: RT @MCA_Marines: The White House Chief of Staff, Gen John F. Kelly, USMC (Ret), attended the 2018 MCA&F Intelligence Awards Dinner. His so… - 6 years ago

@Luisd_f: RT @ReporteYa: #25Sep Donald Trump se burló de militares venezolanos; no solo recordó cuando corrieron tras la explosión, sino hasta le pre… - 6 years ago

@ThumperNM: The barren, spinster has never been married, had children or love. She is a facist and a clear racist. Her and her… - 6 years ago


@kals55: RT @rosete_ernesto: @SecNielsen @WhiteHouse @DHSgov John F. Kelly is just as guilty as Nielson except Kelly got to move up the ladder and i… - 6 years ago

@ThumperNM: Secretary Neilson is a barren, spinster. Never married, no children and no compassion for the kids she is kidnappin… - 6 years ago

@rosete_ernesto: @SecNielsen @WhiteHouse @DHSgov John F. Kelly is just as guilty as Nielson except Kelly got to move up the ladder a… - 6 years ago

@GunnyHwy1775: RT @MCA_Marines: The White House Chief of Staff, Gen John F. Kelly, USMC (Ret), attended the 2018 MCA&F Intelligence Awards Dinner. His so… - 6 years ago

@MCA_Marines: The White House Chief of Staff, Gen John F. Kelly, USMC (Ret), attended the 2018 MCA&F Intelligence Awards Dinner.… - 6 years ago

@dloughy: @nytmike “He offered during a late-day visit to the White House to quit, according to one person familiar with the… - 6 years ago

@redpillmasshole: RT @zerrubabel: @DeplorableGoldn @Peacesells7 @DIXIEDOODLE12 @BreLamb @IamfollowingGod @TrophyTruck_Q @QBlueSkyQ @heidi_weigand @DaShrood0n… - 6 years ago

@RJBurke23: @nytmike "according to one person familiar with the encounter, but John F. Kelly, the White House chief of staff, d… - 6 years ago

@zerrubabel: @DeplorableGoldn @Peacesells7 @DIXIEDOODLE12 @BreLamb @IamfollowingGod @TrophyTruck_Q @QBlueSkyQ @heidi_weigand… - 6 years ago



@BillyWhitehouse: In Loving Memory of John F. Kelly. September 6, 1949 - September 16th, 2018. @ Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan - 6 years ago

@ThumperNM: @adamcbest So does his fascist Chief of Staff Marine Corps General John F. Kelly the Russian asset. - 6 years ago

@danharley52: RT @zerrubabel: Rod Rosenstein [RR] tells General John F. Kelly: "I resign." @axios ? @QBlueSkyQ @TrophyTruck_Q @Heldaccountabl3 @prayi… - 6 years ago

@SGetwellsoon: RT @zerrubabel: Rod Rosenstein [RR] tells General John F. Kelly: "I resign." @axios ? @QBlueSkyQ @TrophyTruck_Q @Heldaccountabl3 @prayi… - 6 years ago

@TricksQArmy: RT @zerrubabel: Rod Rosenstein [RR] tells General John F. Kelly: "I resign." @axios ? @QBlueSkyQ @TrophyTruck_Q @Heldaccountabl3 @prayi… - 6 years ago

@kiki00312: Well it's about F***** TIME! - 6 years ago

@NoAltFactsHere: Hatchet Man john kelly seems poised to do what the no balls potus refuses to do face to face. Fire Rosenstein What… - 6 years ago

@KingMondrae: #Breaking: Rogue Rosenstein told John Kelly: F*** you, I aint resigning hoe. *Meanwhile Trump in NYC lookin' fragile, What a coward. - 6 years ago

@jo3_f: RT @kaitlancollins: Rod Rosenstein is set to meet with John Kelly at the White House soon. Kelly stayed back in Washington while most senio… - 6 years ago

@perryramsay7: Report: Rod Rosenstein Offers Resignation to John Kelly Bye you Traitorous F*ck ! - 6 years ago

@WYVeteran: @TrueFactsStated F*CKING COWARD NAZI TRUMP is, having HENCHMAN FASCIST JOHN KELLY fire ROSENSTEIN while NAZI TRUMP… - 6 years ago

@ThumperNM: Chief of Staff for Vladimir Putin General John F. Kelly the fucking traitor. - 6 years ago

@michaelcdeibert: @akelsey1991 @jonathanvswan @juliaioffe As John F. Kelly is a practiced & documented liar (as are the rest of… - 6 years ago

@Josh_Groeneveld: .@axios berichtet: #Rosenstein hat seine Kündigung mündlich gegenüber #Trump’s Stabschef John F. Kelly geltend gema… - 6 years ago

@jo3_f: RT @nedprice: Looks like the White House is lying to the American people by claiming that Rosenstein verbally resigned to WH Chief of Staff… - 6 years ago

@jo3_f: RT @KevRincon: From @jonathanvswan: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly in anticipati… - 6 years ago

@zerrubabel: RT @zerrubabel: Rod Rosenstein [RR] tells General John F. Kelly: "I resign." @axios ? @QBlueSkyQ @TrophyTruck_Q @Heldaccountabl3 @prayi… - 6 years ago

@QBlueSkyQ: RT @zerrubabel: Rod Rosenstein [RR] tells General John F. Kelly: "I resign." @axios ? @QBlueSkyQ @TrophyTruck_Q @Heldaccountabl3 @prayi… - 6 years ago

@BillPeriman: RT @zerrubabel: Rod Rosenstein [RR] tells General John F. Kelly: "I resign." @axios ? @QBlueSkyQ @TrophyTruck_Q @Heldaccountabl3 @prayi… - 6 years ago

@P_F_Lherisson_: Attorney General Rod Rosenstein “verbally resigned” to White House chief of staff John Kelly, Axios reported on Mon… - 6 years ago

@zerrubabel: Rod Rosenstein [RR] tells General John F. Kelly: "I resign." @axios ? @QBlueSkyQ @TrophyTruck_Q… - 6 years ago

@john_f_leonard: Coup De Grace By Hollie Hausenfluck and Avrin Kelly #Book #Review via @mywritersnook - 6 years ago

@EvanPrzybylak: BREAKING: Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to CoS John F. Kelly. Via @axios - 6 years ago

@Brian_F_Gardner: RT @jonathanvswan: SCOOP: Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to John Kelly. - 6 years ago

@samuqiwB: Trump’s Lawyer and Chief of Staff Appear at Briefings on F.B.I.’s Russia Informant: The presence of Emmet T. Flood,… - 6 years ago

@dirk_benedict12: dawn dean dean don dana don dawn don long gong dong confirmation cia nuclear enrichment dons goes fake holyfield… - 6 years ago

@Big_John_F: @LegoLee329 Start Chad Kelly. - 6 years ago

@Werdnat: This Whitehouse is a daily cluster f@$k !!!! Trump Administration Explodes As Ivanka Accuses John Kelly Of Writing… - 6 years ago

@seyoo_f: RT @SUHJOHNNY_TH: -ศิลปินคนโปรดของพวกคุณคือใคร?- โดยอง: Shawn Mandes สวัสดีครับ! แทยง: ผมรัก J Cole แทอิล: มีนักร้องที่ดีมากมายเลยครับ ศิล… - 6 years ago

@_R_S_S_: "An idiot" -- John Kelly "F**king moron" -- Rex Tillerson "Dumb as sh*t" -- Gary Cohn "Idiot" -- Reince Priebus "Do… - 6 years ago

@AhHousworth: RT @Disciple_4G: .....[RR] "did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then th… - 6 years ago

@united__UK: RT @watchful1: quote: "he did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then the… - 6 years ago

@Anzers: RT @watchful1: quote: "he did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then the… - 6 years ago

@Melissa31920880: RT @watchful1: quote: "he did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then the… - 6 years ago

@ToneyeEyenot: RT @rossbaxter1: Keep on writing all ! #amwriting #indieauthor @ielester @awlasky @RieSheridanRose @john_f_leonard @ON_Morgan @BerserkErik… - 6 years ago

@fashionchaos: RT @nancylee2016: Rosenstein told; "Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade AG Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then the secretary of… - 6 years ago

@Tetsuyama511: RT @Disciple_4G: .....[RR] "did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then th… - 6 years ago

@Distantwhisper_: @MichaelAvenatti It is not clear how determined he was about seeing them through, though he did tell Mr. McCabe tha… - 6 years ago

@Orphan: though he did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, t… - 6 years ago

@BaizuoBu: RT @watchful1: quote: "he did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then the… - 6 years ago

@redellis1: RT @watchful1: quote: "he did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then the… - 6 years ago

@Nunni: RT @Shem_Infinite: "Though he did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then… - 6 years ago

@PhoenixRLL: “None of Mr. Rosenstein’s proposals apparently came to fruition. It is not clear how determined he was about seeing… - 6 years ago

@lfh1744: RT @watchful1: quote: "he did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then the… - 6 years ago

@alangelici: #RodRosenstein told #AndrewMcCabe that he might be able to persuade USAG Jeff Sessions & John F. Kelly, then the Se… - 6 years ago

@panglim42: Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then the secretary of homeland security and now the White Hou… - 6 years ago

@Marine1043: @LisaMei62 "he did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. K… - 6 years ago

@elliendash: Rosenstein “did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly.… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: John F. Kelly (69) - 6 years ago

@Quicksilver2723: RT @nancylee2016: Rosenstein told; "Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade AG Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then the secretary of… - 6 years ago

@Newyorker2212: RT @morten: @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump Who benefits from a leak that targets Rod Rosenstein, Jeff Sessions, John F. Kelly and Robert… - 6 years ago

@WrenSoar: RT @morten: @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump Who benefits from a leak that targets Rod Rosenstein, Jeff Sessions, John F. Kelly and Robert… - 6 years ago

@solivitaguy: RT @rgoodlaw: The ABC report is stronger and more definitive language than the NYT. NYT: Rosenstein "did tell Mr. McCabe that he MIGHT be… - 6 years ago

@HellaHandbasket: RT @morten: @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump Who benefits from a leak that targets Rod Rosenstein, Jeff Sessions, John F. Kelly and Robert… - 6 years ago

@RickinThe: RT @nancylee2016: Rosenstein told; "Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade AG Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then the secretary of… - 6 years ago

@rebeccamccoyb1: RT @morten: @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump Who benefits from a leak that targets Rod Rosenstein, Jeff Sessions, John F. Kelly and Robert… - 6 years ago

@ankamah_betty: RT @morten: @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump Who benefits from a leak that targets Rod Rosenstein, Jeff Sessions, John F. Kelly and Robert… - 6 years ago

@apolonia_milan: RT @morten: @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump Who benefits from a leak that targets Rod Rosenstein, Jeff Sessions, John F. Kelly and Robert… - 6 years ago

@MeghanEck: RT @pbump: Woof: Rosenstein "did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then t… - 6 years ago

@TRex_Fit: RT @nancylee2016: Rosenstein told; "Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade AG Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then the secretary of… - 6 years ago

@DonnaCar62: RT @Shem_Infinite: "Though he did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then… - 6 years ago

@charlesofidaho: RT @morten: @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump Who benefits from a leak that targets Rod Rosenstein, Jeff Sessions, John F. Kelly and Robert… - 6 years ago

@KatrinaLeger1: RT @Shem_Infinite: "Though he did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then… - 6 years ago

@amys_bus_ticket: RT @morten: @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump Who benefits from a leak that targets Rod Rosenstein, Jeff Sessions, John F. Kelly and Robert… - 6 years ago

@CuponerasOnline: RT @morten: @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump Who benefits from a leak that targets Rod Rosenstein, Jeff Sessions, John F. Kelly and Robert… - 6 years ago

@llabuda: RT @morten: @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump Who benefits from a leak that targets Rod Rosenstein, Jeff Sessions, John F. Kelly and Robert… - 6 years ago

@KasparDreal: RT @morten: @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump Who benefits from a leak that targets Rod Rosenstein, Jeff Sessions, John F. Kelly and Robert… - 6 years ago

@mikes197131: RT @nancylee2016: Rosenstein told; "Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade AG Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then the secretary of… - 6 years ago

@ielester: @rossbaxter1 @awlasky @RieSheridanRose @john_f_leonard @ON_Morgan @BerserkErik @isaacrthorne @noelle_kelly… - 6 years ago

@SHodgkinson1: @rossbaxter1 @ielester @awlasky @RieSheridanRose @john_f_leonard @ON_Morgan @BerserkErik @isaacrthorne… - 6 years ago

@BrianPiotrzkow1: RT @rossbaxter1: Keep on writing all ! #amwriting #indieauthor @ielester @awlasky @RieSheridanRose @john_f_leonard @ON_Morgan @BerserkErik… - 6 years ago

@jeremi1986: RT @rossbaxter1: Keep on writing all ! #amwriting #indieauthor @ielester @awlasky @RieSheridanRose @john_f_leonard @ON_Morgan @BerserkErik… - 6 years ago

@MadamMage: RT @rossbaxter1: Keep on writing all ! #amwriting #indieauthor @ielester @awlasky @RieSheridanRose @john_f_leonard @ON_Morgan @BerserkErik… - 6 years ago

@awlasky: RT @BerserkErik: @rossbaxter1 @ielester @awlasky @RieSheridanRose @john_f_leonard @ON_Morgan @isaacrthorne @noelle_kelly @ToneyeEyenot @jer… - 6 years ago

@BerserkErik: @rossbaxter1 @ielester @awlasky @RieSheridanRose @john_f_leonard @ON_Morgan @isaacrthorne @noelle_kelly… - 6 years ago

@mamiefishes: @paulkrugman John F. Kennedy High School in Bellmore school colors: Dartmouth green and gray/silver. Not forest… - 6 years ago

@TuttleNTexas: @rossbaxter1 @ielester @awlasky @RieSheridanRose @john_f_leonard @ON_Morgan @BerserkErik @isaacrthorne… - 6 years ago

@willbinski: RT @rossbaxter1: Keep on writing all ! #amwriting #indieauthor @ielester @awlasky @RieSheridanRose @john_f_leonard @ON_Morgan @BerserkErik… - 6 years ago

@awlasky: RT @rossbaxter1: Keep on writing all ! #amwriting #indieauthor @ielester @awlasky @RieSheridanRose @john_f_leonard @ON_Morgan @BerserkErik… - 6 years ago

@RieSheridanRose: @rossbaxter1 @ielester @awlasky @john_f_leonard @ON_Morgan @BerserkErik @isaacrthorne @noelle_kelly @ToneyeEyenot… - 6 years ago

@john_f_leonard: RT @rossbaxter1: Keep on writing all ! #amwriting #indieauthor @ielester @awlasky @RieSheridanRose @john_f_leonard @ON_Morgan @BerserkErik… - 6 years ago

@amwritingbot: RT @rossbaxter1: Keep on writing all ! #amwriting #indieauthor @ielester @awlasky @RieSheridanRose @john_f_leonard @ON_Morgan @BerserkErik… - 6 years ago

@isaacrthorne: RT @rossbaxter1: Keep on writing all ! #amwriting #indieauthor @ielester @awlasky @RieSheridanRose @john_f_leonard @ON_Morgan @BerserkErik… - 6 years ago

@ielester: RT @rossbaxter1: Keep on writing all ! #amwriting #indieauthor @ielester @awlasky @RieSheridanRose @john_f_leonard @ON_Morgan @BerserkErik… - 6 years ago

@rossbaxter1: Keep on writing all ! #amwriting #indieauthor @ielester @awlasky @RieSheridanRose @john_f_leonard @ON_Morgan… - 6 years ago

@Phillip70856934: RT @Phillip70856934: HEY DONALD..."IT WASN'T ME"! PER: @VP & @IvankaTrump & @Reince & @Scaramucci & John F. Kelly - 6 years ago

@john_f_leonard: RT @LincolnFarish: While we all await the remake of the action-packed, explosions and dinosaurs running rampant movie From Justin to Kelly,… - 6 years ago


@StillUnsocial: RT @coton_luver: Rex Tillerson called Trump: 🔹a “f*cking moron”. Steve Mnuchin, John Kelly & Reince Priebus called him: 🔹an idiot. Gary… - 6 years ago

@coton_luver: Rex Tillerson called Trump: 🔹a “f*cking moron”. Steve Mnuchin, John Kelly & Reince Priebus called him: 🔹an idiot… - 6 years ago

@CleetisClemmons: ok... so... I think I'm going to get in with the "#Q is #JFK" crowd... I mean... as long as JFK means John F. Kell… - 6 years ago

@bruhrl_f: RT @florencebkl: Annnh naaan jsuis siii nostalgique la période des carte WWE c’était la meilleuurrre, John Cena c’était le boss tu te devai… - 6 years ago


@DEANVALENTE77: Sad to hear former Michigan State Senator John F. Kelly passed after a heart attack. Great guy. Loyal Soldier, Prou… - 6 years ago

@thedeadbeater: RT @JustDiedBot: RIP John F. Kelly, 69, American politician, member of the Michigan Senate (1979–1994), heart attack. - 6 years ago

@frankmonah: @realDonaldTrump From some people that know him best "You're a f***ing liar" - John Dowd (Trump Lawyer) "Trump… - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: John F. Kelly (Michigan politician) - 6 years ago

@donaldjtrumpb0t: "Corporations have just named General/Secretary John F Kelly as White - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,John F. Kelly dies - #JohnFKelly #John #F.Kelly #rip - 6 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP John F. Kelly, 69, American politician, member of the Michigan Senate (1979–1994), heart attack. - 6 years ago

@SangayMishra: I wonder what these people r made of. Such extreme positions- it does not sound like performative, he actually be… - 6 years ago

@Kelly_John_son: "Pussy Riot Activist May Have Been Poisoned, German Doctors Say" by CHRISTOPHER F. SCHUETZE and MELISSA EDDY via NY… - 6 years ago

@MDavidMorris2: RT @Scavino45: .@SecretService ATSAIC Colin Johnson was without question larger than life. His final @SecretService post was head of detail… - 6 years ago

@LaurelCatherine: RT @Scavino45: .@SecretService ATSAIC Colin Johnson was without question larger than life. His final @SecretService post was head of detail… - 6 years ago

@MarjoT13: RT @mitchellvii: NOTICE HOW WOODWARD ACCIDENTALLY USES A LEFTIST TALKING POINT AND ASSIGNS IT TO KELLY? "White House Chief of Staff John F… - 6 years ago

@GodsGirlIndiana: Presidential Success: A race where it doesn’t matter who the winner is America is in great hands♥️🇺🇸. John F. Kelly - 6 years ago

@GodsGirlIndiana: Presidential Success: A race where it doesn’t matter who the winner is America is in great hands♥️🇺🇸. John F. Kelly - 6 years ago

@GodsGirlIndiana: Presidential Success: A race where it doesn’t matter who the winner is America is in great hands♥️🇺🇸. John F. Kelly - 6 years ago

@GodsGirlIndiana: Presidential Success: A race where it doesn’t matter who the winner is America is in great hands♥️🇺🇸. John F. Kelly - 6 years ago

@donaldjtrumpb0t: I have only just named General/Secretary John F Kelly as White - 6 years ago

@buddycoleman568: RT @optionqueen: "Two of the nation’s top Marines, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly, both retired… - 6 years ago

@Tidawarrior: RT @optionqueen: "Two of the nation’s top Marines, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly, both retired… - 6 years ago

@optionqueen: "Two of the nation’s top Marines, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly, both… - 6 years ago

@350Rebel: RT @Scavino45: .@SecretService ATSAIC Colin Johnson was without question larger than life. His final @SecretService post was head of detail… - 6 years ago

@j5alive5001: RT @washingtonpost: In a meeting, Chief of Staff John F. Kelly once said of Trump: "He’s an idiot. It’s pointless to try to convince him of… - 6 years ago

@donaldjtrumpb0t: If Republicans are working tirelessly to fall. Movement back to a Great Leader. John F Kelly as White - 6 years ago

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