John Elya

Lebanese-born American Melkite Greek Catholic prelate
Died on Saturday July 20th 2019

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Tweets related to John Elya:

@elya_70: RT @LifeofAliii: Let’s settle this once and for all Retweet for Papa John’s Like for Pizza Hut - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: John Elya is no longer with us - #JohnElya #John #Elya #rip - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: John Elya (90) Roman Catholic bishop - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: John Elya - 6 years ago


@bishbrit: @gcatholic 19 JUL 2019: John Adel Elya, bishop emeritus of Newton - Our Lady of the Annunciation in Boston [Melkite… - 6 years ago

@bishbrit: RT @gcatholic: Bishop John Adel Elya, Eparch emeritus of Newton of the Greek-Melkites (USA), dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@gcatholic: Bishop John Adel Elya, Eparch emeritus of Newton of the Greek-Melkites (USA), dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@Nekrologium: John Adel Elya, US-amerikanischer Bischof, am 19.07.2019 im Alter von 90 Jahren - - 6 years ago

@BoulosAlQans: RT @MarzipanRoses: His Grace, Bishop John Adel Elya, reposed in the Lord this morning at Deir Moukhalles in Lebanon at the age of 91. Et… - 6 years ago

@bishopibrahim: عاد القديس الى منبع كل قداسة. عاش أبا، مبشرا، محبا، متواضعا، راهبا ومات قديسا وصار شفيعا. Christ Is Risen, He Is T… - 6 years ago

@MarzipanRoses: His Grace, Bishop John Adel Elya, reposed in the Lord this morning at Deir Moukhalles in Lebanon at the age of 91.… - 6 years ago

@Joe__Abou: RT @MarzipanRoses: His Grace, Bishop John Adel Elya, reposed in the Lord this morning at Deir Moukhalles in Lebanon at the age of 91. Et… - 6 years ago

@elya_vlln: RT @7MdsDeCons: - Dis, tu crois que ça va pas trop se voir qu'on est raciste ? - Non, t'inquiètes, j'ai foutu John Snow au milieu. - 6 years ago

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