John Elder

Australian football player.
Died on Tuesday January 30th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to John Elder:

@RTSastrowardoyo: 11% done with Look Me in the Eye, by John Elder Robison - 7 years ago

@bawlty: John set my sick ass up in his room with a heated blanket, hot cocoa, tea, and elder scrolls. Bless - 7 years ago

@karen_elder: RT @CNNPolitics: White House chief of staff John Kelly suggests that some of those eligible for DACA “were too afraid” or “too lazy to get… - 7 years ago

@elder_jodi: RT @PreetBharara: According to this article, Trump's own lawyers think he is a liar: his "lawyers are concerned that the president...has a… - 7 years ago


@elder_jodi: @jaketapper I’m not sure what the hell has happened to John Kelly since he became chief of staff btwn his lying and… - 7 years ago

@elder_jodi: RT @jaketapper: Chief of staff Kelly suggests undocumented immigrants who didn't sign up for DACA were 'too afraid' or 'too lazy' - 7 years ago

@KDSarge: RT @homemadeguitars: Memo to John Kerry, Joe Biden, Bernie Slanders, Hillary Clinton, and all other boomers and pre-boomers: Our generation… - 7 years ago

@Poshjo3: RT @LondonFaiths: Mike Haines is a real inspiration in his mission to bring communities together Mike is the elder brother of David Haines… - 7 years ago

@MJarpe: John McCain is our Cato the Elder. They ignored Cato, too. - 7 years ago

@bryna_elder: “We will redeem the soul of America.” Rep. John Lewis. If he can believe and continue to fight, so can I. Can you? - 7 years ago

@NateSparks130: RT @watchkeep: Speaking of attempts to buy silence about abuse, when I was working to expose the truth about pedophile pastor John Langwort… - 7 years ago

@kelit_b: So sad to hear of John Mahoney’s passing. His role in Broken Hearts Club, one of the first queer movies I ever watc… - 7 years ago

@AutismSite: Why I Don't Recommend Floortime by John Elder - 7 years ago

@Mark_the_Elder: @tedlieu @DineshDSouza @realDonaldTrump In honor of John Mahoney... ouch! - 7 years ago

@johnargyle90: RT @watchkeep: Speaking of attempts to buy silence about abuse, when I was working to expose the truth about pedophile pastor John Langwort… - 7 years ago

@watchkeep: Speaking of attempts to buy silence about abuse, when I was working to expose the truth about pedophile pastor John… - 7 years ago

@stv_prc: RT @homemadeguitars: Memo to John Kerry, Joe Biden, Bernie Slanders, Hillary Clinton, and all other boomers and pre-boomers: Our generation… - 7 years ago

@john_lizzi: RT @rodneyabrooks: The photo is old, the 2020 prediction is wildly optimistic, but the sentiment is spot on. Robots will be essential for e… - 7 years ago

@JustaFan18: RT @homemadeguitars: Memo to John Kerry, Joe Biden, Bernie Slanders, Hillary Clinton, and all other boomers and pre-boomers: Our generation… - 7 years ago

@P_Sarley: RT @homemadeguitars: Memo to John Kerry, Joe Biden, Bernie Slanders, Hillary Clinton, and all other boomers and pre-boomers: Our generation… - 7 years ago

@66bike: RT @homemadeguitars: Memo to John Kerry, Joe Biden, Bernie Slanders, Hillary Clinton, and all other boomers and pre-boomers: Our generation… - 7 years ago

@JoeBidenTweets: RT @homemadeguitars: Memo to John Kerry, Joe Biden, Bernie Slanders, Hillary Clinton, and all other boomers and pre-boomers: Our generation… - 7 years ago

@Kriquette01: RT @homemadeguitars: Memo to John Kerry, Joe Biden, Bernie Slanders, Hillary Clinton, and all other boomers and pre-boomers: Our generation… - 7 years ago

@DellaCooper3: RT @homemadeguitars: Memo to John Kerry, Joe Biden, Bernie Slanders, Hillary Clinton, and all other boomers and pre-boomers: Our generation… - 7 years ago

@AprilCupcake68: RT @homemadeguitars: Memo to John Kerry, Joe Biden, Bernie Slanders, Hillary Clinton, and all other boomers and pre-boomers: Our generation… - 7 years ago

@Liberalibrarian: RT @homemadeguitars: Memo to John Kerry, Joe Biden, Bernie Slanders, Hillary Clinton, and all other boomers and pre-boomers: Our generation… - 7 years ago

@wlspi: RT @homemadeguitars: Memo to John Kerry, Joe Biden, Bernie Slanders, Hillary Clinton, and all other boomers and pre-boomers: Our generation… - 7 years ago

@Gypsy_Spirit311: RT @HPL_JDeLaughter: 🦑A single mountain-top, the hideous monolith-crowned citadel where great Cthulhu was buried, emerged from the waters.… - 7 years ago

@deloreana85: John was understood, she added, and a great while; and he should not know all others, without any two elder Misses Dashwood - 7 years ago

@Birdtown216: RT @TheOliverStone: With John Brennan and James Clapper getting MSM support to speak about Russiagate, now is a good time to reconsider the… - 7 years ago

@ChronicShaun: @missclairabella @Physologius @Channel4News You mean Intense World syndrome? That's not a very thorough study. They… - 7 years ago

@westernmovies: John Wayne, Dean Martin dans Les quatre fils de Katie Elder d'Henry Hathaway... - 7 years ago

@Crystal82028223: RT @politico: Ex-official at John Kerry's elder daughter’s charity faces lobbying charge - 7 years ago

@SPYMASTERDX: RT @sydneyswans: The Club would like to express our sadness at the passing of former player John Elder, who has died at the age of 85. 📰 h… - 7 years ago

@Dazzer31Swans: RT @sydneyswans: The Club would like to express our sadness at the passing of former player John Elder, who has died at the age of 85. 📰 h… - 7 years ago

@sydneyswans: The Club would like to express our sadness at the passing of former player John Elder, who has died at the age of 8… - 7 years ago

@ChronicShaun: @Keith_Grummant @Channel4News We do have empathy for some things but it's limited in other ways, and each one of us… - 7 years ago

@dshaw0326: @dark1x John, I love, love, love #dfretro and would kill to watch an episode focusing on @BethesdaStudios Elder Scr… - 7 years ago

@Conrad_Swanson: Jackie Kirby, Pete Carey and Bill Elder are here. Mayor John Suthers as well. Chief Carey will be first. - 7 years ago

@karen_elder: RT @julianborger: Former CIA Moscow Station Chief, @john_sipher on campaign against Christopher Steele "I guarantee the British and others… - 7 years ago

@realStacy__: RT @politico: Ex-official at John Kerry's elder daughter’s charity faces lobbying charge - 7 years ago

@johnsouthwales: The town hall was built between 1749 and 1754 to a design by John Wood the Elder replacing an earlier town hall nea… - 7 years ago

@BLKROCKET: RT @politico: Ex-official at John Kerry's elder daughter’s charity faces lobbying charge - 7 years ago

@TheLTCOmbudsman: RT @LTCombudcenter: Hawaii State Long-Term Care Ombudsman, John McDermott, speaks to the Health and Human Services Committee about the effe… - 7 years ago

@mectravels: RT @politico: Ex-official at John Kerry's elder daughter’s charity faces lobbying charge - 7 years ago

@DoctorCara: RT @politico: Ex-official at John Kerry's elder daughter’s charity faces lobbying charge - 7 years ago

@VernaPolitics: RT @politico: Ex-official at John Kerry's elder daughter’s charity faces lobbying charge - 7 years ago

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