John Edward Critien

Maltese Roman Catholic official
Died on Saturday December 3rd 2022

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to John Edward Critien:

@ONE_news_Malta: Jindifen fiċ-ċimiterju tal-Addolorata il-Kavallier Malti Fra John Edward Critien - 2 years ago

@curvedway: RT @TheTimesofMalta: Appreciation: John Edward Critien - 2 years ago

@JosephGrechNXR: RT @TheTimesofMalta: Appreciation: John Edward Critien - 2 years ago

@disinformate_mt: RT @TheTimesofMalta: Appreciation: John Edward Critien - 2 years ago


@a_defranciscis: RT @TheTimesofMalta: Appreciation: John Edward Critien - 2 years ago

@DictatorPope: RT @TheTimesofMalta: Appreciation: John Edward Critien - 2 years ago

@TheTimesofMalta: Appreciation: John Edward Critien - 2 years ago

@Vladimiro_pl: RT @orderofmalta: The funeral of Venerable Bailiff Fra’ John Edward Critien, Grand Prior of Rome, who died on 3 December at the age of 73,… - 2 years ago

@StJohnCCF: RT @orderofmalta: The funeral of Venerable Bailiff Fra’ John Edward Critien, Grand Prior of Rome, who died on 3 December at the age of 73,… - 2 years ago

@simongrenfell: RT @orderofmalta: The funeral of Venerable Bailiff Fra’ John Edward Critien, Grand Prior of Rome, who died on 3 December at the age of 73,… - 2 years ago

@DrALevesque: RT @orderofmalta: The funeral of Venerable Bailiff Fra’ John Edward Critien, Grand Prior of Rome, who died on 3 December at the age of 73,… - 2 years ago

@GQuijanoD: RT @ordendemalta: Ayer por la tarde se ha celebrado en la iglesia de Santa María en Aventino de Roma el funeral del venerable Bailío Frey J… - 2 years ago

@OrderofMaltaWA: With great sadness, the Grand Magistry announces the passing of Fra’ John Edward Critien. Grand Prior of Rome and f… - 2 years ago

@jimgandolf: RT @orderofmalta: The funeral of Venerable Bailiff Fra’ John Edward Critien, Grand Prior of Rome, who died on 3 December at the age of 73,… - 2 years ago

@MurphKnightM: RT @orderofmalta: The funeral of Venerable Bailiff Fra’ John Edward Critien, Grand Prior of Rome, who died on 3 December at the age of 73,… - 2 years ago

@kur0nek0_0208: RT @orderofmalta: The funeral of Venerable Bailiff Fra’ John Edward Critien, Grand Prior of Rome, who died on 3 December at the age of 73,… - 2 years ago

@FasistPartisi: RT @orderofmalta: The funeral of Venerable Bailiff Fra’ John Edward Critien, Grand Prior of Rome, who died on 3 December at the age of 73,… - 2 years ago

@malteserorden: Die Exequien des ehrwürdigen Baili Fra‘ John Edward Critien, Großprior von Rom, der am 3. Dezember im Alter von 73… - 2 years ago

@ordendemalta: Ayer por la tarde se ha celebrado en la iglesia de Santa María en Aventino de Roma el funeral del venerable Bailío… - 2 years ago

@ordredemalte: Ont eu lieu hier après-midi à Rome, en l’église Sainte-Marie de l’Aventin, les funérailles du Vénérable Bailli Fra’… - 2 years ago

@OrderofMaltaCan: #RT @orderofmalta: The funeral of Venerable Bailiff Fra’ John Edward Critien, Grand Prior of Rome, who died on 3 De… - 2 years ago

@orderofmalta: The funeral of Venerable Bailiff Fra’ John Edward Critien, Grand Prior of Rome, who died on 3 December at the age o… - 2 years ago

@TartagliaNick: RT @ordinedimalta: Si sono svolte oggi pomeriggio a Roma, nella Chiesa di Santa Maria in Aventino, le esequie del Venerando Balì Fra’ John… - 2 years ago

@VillanoRaimondo: RT @ordinedimalta: Si sono svolte oggi pomeriggio a Roma, nella Chiesa di Santa Maria in Aventino, le esequie del Venerando Balì Fra’ John… - 2 years ago

@GuyDeFourmi: RT @ordinedimalta: Si sono svolte oggi pomeriggio a Roma, nella Chiesa di Santa Maria in Aventino, le esequie del Venerando Balì Fra’ John… - 2 years ago

@ordinedimalta: Si sono svolte oggi pomeriggio a Roma, nella Chiesa di Santa Maria in Aventino, le esequie del Venerando Balì Fra’… - 2 years ago

@berdelge: RT @OrdMaltaLiguria: Il Gran Magistero ha annunciato la scomparsa di Fra’ John Edward Critien, Balì Gran Croce di Giustizia. Gran Priore d… - 2 years ago

@OrdMaltaLiguria: Il Gran Magistero ha annunciato la scomparsa di Fra’ John Edward Critien, Balì Gran Croce di Giustizia. Gran Prior… - 2 years ago

@Ninodemera: RT @ordendemalta: El Gran Magisterio anuncia con gran tristeza el fallecimiento de Frey John Edward Critien. El Gran Prior de Roma y antigu… - 2 years ago

@curvedway: RT @TheTimesofMalta: Fra’ John Edward Critien, leading member of Order of Malta, dies aged 73 - 2 years ago

@PaddyCurtMac: RT @orderofmalta: With great sadness, the Grand Magistry announces the passing of Fra’ John Edward Critien. Grand Prior of Rome and former… - 2 years ago

@737373: RT @ordinedimalta: Con grande tristezza il Gran Magistero annuncia la scomparsa di Fra’ John Edward Critien. Il Gran Priore di Roma, già me… - 2 years ago

@VillanoRaimondo: RT @ordinedimalta: Con grande tristezza il Gran Magistero annuncia la scomparsa di Fra’ John Edward Critien. Il Gran Priore di Roma, già me… - 2 years ago

@WorldStatesmen: RT @orderofmalta: With great sadness, the Grand Magistry announces the passing of Fra’ John Edward Critien. Grand Prior of Rome and former… - 2 years ago

@wuldrian: RT @orderofmalta: With great sadness, the Grand Magistry announces the passing of Fra’ John Edward Critien. Grand Prior of Rome and former… - 2 years ago

@huntdawumpus: RT @orderofmalta: With great sadness, the Grand Magistry announces the passing of Fra’ John Edward Critien. Grand Prior of Rome and former… - 2 years ago

@proud_ugandan8: RT @orderofmalta: With great sadness, the Grand Magistry announces the passing of Fra’ John Edward Critien. Grand Prior of Rome and former… - 2 years ago

@titoedwards: RT @orderofmalta: With great sadness, the Grand Magistry announces the passing of Fra’ John Edward Critien. Grand Prior of Rome and former… - 2 years ago

@antopillosio: RT @ordinedimalta: Con grande tristezza il Gran Magistero annuncia la scomparsa di Fra’ John Edward Critien. Il Gran Priore di Roma, già me… - 2 years ago

@CiudadanoCoke: RT @orderofmalta: With great sadness, the Grand Magistry announces the passing of Fra’ John Edward Critien. Grand Prior of Rome and former… - 2 years ago

@DrALevesque: RT @OrderofMaltaCan: #RT @orderofmalta: With great sadness, the Grand Magistry announces the passing of Fra’ John Edward Critien. Grand Pri… - 2 years ago

@birtawilgov: @orderofmalta The State of #Birland ,@EHaiyawi Emir Haiyawi the Ruler and the our Prime Minister @EDENTRINIDAD send… - 2 years ago

@DictatorPope: RT @orderofmalta: With great sadness, the Grand Magistry announces the passing of Fra’ John Edward Critien. Grand Prior of Rome and former… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, John Edward Critien has passed away - #John #rip - 2 years ago

@DrALevesque: RT @orderofmalta: With great sadness, the Grand Magistry announces the passing of Fra’ John Edward Critien. Grand Prior of Rome and former… - 2 years ago

@MPorenta: Fra’ John Edward Critien, leading member of Order of Malta, dies aged 73 - 2 years ago

@MurphKnightM: RT @orderofmalta: With great sadness, the Grand Magistry announces the passing of Fra’ John Edward Critien. Grand Prior of Rome and former… - 2 years ago

@MalteskiredSVN: RT @orderofmalta: With great sadness, the Grand Magistry announces the passing of Fra’ John Edward Critien. Grand Prior of Rome and former… - 2 years ago

@a_defranciscis: RT @OrderofMaltaCan: #RT @orderofmalta: With great sadness, the Grand Magistry announces the passing of Fra’ John Edward Critien. Grand Pri… - 2 years ago

@OwenBonnici: RT @orderofmalta: With great sadness, the Grand Magistry announces the passing of Fra’ John Edward Critien. Grand Prior of Rome and former… - 2 years ago

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