John Dunsworth

Canadian actor (Trailer Park Boys).
Died on Monday October 16th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to John Dunsworth:

@ryanasaville: RT @TIME: 'Trailer Park Boys' star John Dunsworth has died aged 71 - 7 years ago

@ryanasaville: RT @MSmithBubbles: John Dunsworth gave a lot of gifts to the world, only one of which is the genius that is Jim Lahey. Some unreleased phot… - 7 years ago

@ryanasaville: RT @DarrenFisherNS: As MP for Sunnyvale, I gave John Dunsworth - Mr. Lahey of the @trailerparkboys a #Dartmouth farewell in the House of Co… - 7 years ago

@IanMontford: RT @MSmithBubbles: John Dunsworth gave a lot of gifts to the world, only one of which is the genius that is Jim Lahey. Some unreleased phot… - 7 years ago


@JOE_GOLFER_G: RT @MSmithBubbles: John Dunsworth gave a lot of gifts to the world, only one of which is the genius that is Jim Lahey. Some unreleased phot… - 7 years ago

@JOE_GOLFER_G: RT @TIME: 'Trailer Park Boys' star John Dunsworth has died aged 71 - 7 years ago

@JOE_GOLFER_G: RT @DarrenFisherNS: As MP for Sunnyvale, I gave John Dunsworth - Mr. Lahey of the @trailerparkboys a #Dartmouth farewell in the House of Co… - 7 years ago

@paxonex: I just found out John Dunsworth died.. One of the best actors I've ever seen.. Rest In Piece - 7 years ago

@EricHjorleifson: @RalphGarman @ThatKevinSmith thanks for the shout out for John Dunsworth and Gord Downie on HBO! - 7 years ago

@feedmewifi: RT @DarrenFisherNS: As MP for Sunnyvale, I gave John Dunsworth - Mr. Lahey of the @trailerparkboys a #Dartmouth farewell in the House of Co… - 7 years ago

@INC_Smoothie: I liked a @YouTube video - 7 years ago

@PAtoGA1017: RT @DailyLoud: R.I.P John Dunsworth aka Mr. Lahey from Trailer Park Boys 🙏😧😕 - 7 years ago

@gZRyvLM1CcYIsaN: RT @lanapye: Such sad and unexpected news! I thought he was one of the greatest comedic actors of all time. R.I.P. John Dunsworth and R.I.P… - 7 years ago

@nataliamarina_: RT @chronicleherald: John Dunsworth is remembered in today's Editorial Cartoon by @deAdder. - 7 years ago

@PersonAwake: Canadian Twins Trick: Gord Downie & John Dunsworth RIP - 7 years ago

@babyalps: RT @trailerparkboys: We're in shock and heartbroken by the sudden loss of our dear friend John Dunsworth. We respect the family's wishes fo… - 7 years ago

@birdup777: RT @BrodmannOTC: RIP Jim Lahey (John Dunsworth) #TrailerParkBoys #MrLahey RIP Mr. Lahey 😭 - 7 years ago

@ShitpostingUser: @ButtBoob John Dunsworth may not be convincing but he's a great drunk actor nonetheless - 7 years ago

@Kevs_Miff: Just seen John Dunsworth died last week what a fucking actor....flown by shit hawk to heaven RIP John - 7 years ago

@aXBlackDeathXa: RT @DarrenFisherNS: As MP for Sunnyvale, I gave John Dunsworth - Mr. Lahey of the @trailerparkboys a #Dartmouth farewell in the House of Co… - 7 years ago

@Stakegirl: @MikeClattenburg > to absolutely destroyed in this moment was my favourite John Dunsworth “Mr Lahey” moment. - 7 years ago

@SamuelBabcock98: RT @MSmithBubbles: John Dunsworth gave a lot of gifts to the world, only one of which is the genius that is Jim Lahey. Some unreleased phot… - 7 years ago

@kileytbh: RT @MSmithBubbles: John Dunsworth gave a lot of gifts to the world, only one of which is the genius that is Jim Lahey. Some unreleased phot… - 7 years ago

@agshitposts: RT @TIME: 'Trailer Park Boys' star John Dunsworth has died aged 71 - 7 years ago

@kevinjoy5: @Travis666Rey @MikeClattenburg John Dunsworth was the best actor on TPB, hands down - 7 years ago

@funnyTPBquotes: RT @DarrenFisherNS: As MP for Sunnyvale, I gave John Dunsworth - Mr. Lahey of the @trailerparkboys a #Dartmouth farewell in the House of Co… - 7 years ago

@jacobkakos123: RT @TIME: 'Trailer Park Boys' star John Dunsworth has died aged 71 - 7 years ago

@chairbeardotcom: I feel like everyone has forgotten that John Dunsworth has passed since the passing of Gord Downie :( R.I.P both of them! - 7 years ago

@DeschampsRyan: RT @MSmithBubbles: John Dunsworth gave a lot of gifts to the world, only one of which is the genius that is Jim Lahey. Some unreleased phot… - 7 years ago

@Mikey653: I liked a @YouTube video - 7 years ago

@RickyGrewal91: RT @LyndseyOnAir: RIP to Jim Lahey. Aka John Dunsworth. Gonna have a little drinky poo in his honor. - 7 years ago

@RickyGrewal91: RIP Jim Lahey.. aka John Dunsworth.. trailer park boys will never be the same without ya - 7 years ago

@MrBassPlayer1: RT @GeppettoMoreash: @ThatKevinSmith Mr.lahey marionette signed by John Dunsworth being auctioned off at Christmas @DaddiesTelethon Child… - 7 years ago

@NickWowk: It has been 1 week ago today that Canadian Actor John Dunsworth passed away. I think today i'm going to watch the TV show Trailer Park Boys. - 7 years ago

@medana31: RT @Stakegirl: Petition for the Royal Canadian Mint to release a commemorative Note of Legal Tender with the belo... - 7 years ago

@Explosivefuck: @trailerparkboys I'm stunned. Only found out now Mr Lahey died I had no idea. Nobody better than John Dunsworth. Am… - 7 years ago

@Explosivefuck: @Real_Countress I didn't know John Dunsworth died? He was one of my favorite actors He was amazing Genius Awesome… - 7 years ago

@stocky_knows: Trailer Park Boys co-star Jonathan Torrens remembers ‘Mr. Lahey’, actor John Dunsworth | Watch News Videos Online - 7 years ago

@Natasha2662: RT @TIME: 'Trailer Park Boys' star John Dunsworth has died aged 71 - 7 years ago

@plantkins: RT @MSmithBubbles: John Dunsworth gave a lot of gifts to the world, only one of which is the genius that is Jim Lahey. Some unreleased phot… - 7 years ago

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