John Derrick

Welsh cricketer (Glamorgan)
Died on Wednesday March 22nd 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to John Derrick:

@KarenBullyh: RT @philsteele1: Magnificent turn out at the funeral of John Derrick today - great testament to his popularity as cricketer, coach and pers… - 8 years ago

@WhitBayparkrun: John Some notes for tomorrow: You have 7 Marshals so need to drop war memorial and above rendezvous. Derrick... - 8 years ago

@Backwardsquare: RT @philsteele1: Magnificent turn out at the funeral of John Derrick today - great testament to his popularity as cricketer, coach and pers… - 8 years ago

@PaulSussex2: RT @philsteele1: Magnificent turn out at the funeral of John Derrick today - great testament to his popularity as cricketer, coach and pers… - 8 years ago


@GarethlEvans: RT @philsteele1: Magnificent turn out at the funeral of John Derrick today - great testament to his popularity as cricketer, coach and pers… - 8 years ago

@PAULREES10: RT @philsteele1: Magnificent turn out at the funeral of John Derrick today - great testament to his popularity as cricketer, coach and pers… - 8 years ago

@Mercado_Derrick: RT @treymoses32: John wall done shot it from full court out of bounds and hit nothing but net - 8 years ago

@andrewmogs: RT @philsteele1: Magnificent turn out at the funeral of John Derrick today - great testament to his popularity as cricketer, coach and pers… - 8 years ago

@EdBevanCricket: RT @philsteele1: Magnificent turn out at the funeral of John Derrick today - great testament to his popularity as cricketer, coach and pers… - 8 years ago

@Martyn_1963: RT @philsteele1: Magnificent turn out at the funeral of John Derrick today - great testament to his popularity as cricketer, coach and pers… - 8 years ago

@Marsh2Gary: RT @philsteele1: Magnificent turn out at the funeral of John Derrick today - great testament to his popularity as cricketer, coach and pers… - 8 years ago

@GarethWRoberts: Hope all goes well everyone attending the funeral of John Derrick today. A genuine @GlamCricket legend. Gone far too early#RIPJD - 8 years ago

@CricketWales: RT @philsteele1: Magnificent turn out at the funeral of John Derrick today - great testament to his popularity as cricketer, coach and pers… - 8 years ago

@MIKEYKTHOMAS: RT @philsteele1: Magnificent turn out at the funeral of John Derrick today - great testament to his popularity as cricketer, coach and pers… - 8 years ago

@philsteele1: Magnificent turn out at the funeral of John Derrick today - great testament to his popularity as cricketer, coach and person. #RIPJD - 8 years ago

@garyarrow78: RT @riowen_ors: Thoughts are with all concerned today with the burial of Mr.John Derrick.. Hope the 'Topman' gets the send off he deserves.… - 8 years ago

@PAULREES10: RT @riowen_ors: Thoughts are with all concerned today with the burial of Mr.John Derrick.. Hope the 'Topman' gets the send off he deserves.… - 8 years ago

@AbyyyConti: @lovelymaecy Salamat sa palabok at sa John Derrick's - 8 years ago

@Smudgersport: Time to say one last goodbye to John Derrick. A privilege to have know him and called him friend. His cricket legacy lives on #RIPJD - 8 years ago

@riowen_ors: Thoughts are with all concerned today with the burial of Mr.John Derrick.. Hope the 'Topman' gets the send off he deserves.. #RIPJD - 8 years ago

@Golwg360: Cricedwyr o Gymru: “i John Derrick mae’r diolch” - 8 years ago

@shoppy131: Thoughts and prayers with the family and friends of John Derrick today. - 8 years ago

@sewalesaco1: RT @GlamCricket: TRIBUTE// #JD will be remembered with warmth and affection: - 8 years ago

@JamiegriffJamie: RT @CricketWales: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of John Derrick. JD was an inspiration. Our thoughts are with his family &… - 8 years ago

@JamiegriffJamie: RT @GlamCricket: TRIBUTE// #JD will be remembered with warmth and affection: - 8 years ago

@JamiegriffJamie: RT @sjamesjourno: Wonderful tribute by Mark Wallace BBC Sport - John Derrick tribute: He was Mr Welsh Cricket - 8 years ago

@sewalesaco1: RT @AberdareCC: Just to confirm funeral arrangements for #JD John derrick! 11:30 st elvans, Aberdare 12:45 llwydcoed Crematorium After Gla… - 8 years ago

@john_trently: They made a mistake not eliminating Derrick Walton, now he's on a mission #GoBlue #3PointChamp - 8 years ago

@john_siracusa: RT @chrisderrick1: Wagon Mound to Santa Fe. Beautiful country now. Back then full of great danger. #AlexSawicki Ri… - 8 years ago

@JiveCardiff: RT @nickwebb2017: 🏏Glamorgan and Cardiff MCCU observe minute's silence in memory of Glam coach John Derrick #RIP JD - 8 years ago

@OTF_Derrick: RT @treymoses32: John wall done shot it from full court out of bounds and hit nothing but net - 8 years ago

@Derrick_K_Eshun: RT @LovLikeJesus: Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." -John 14:6 - 8 years ago

@fantasybballbot: team with jackson wells, Shaq O'Neal, John wall, Gavin young, and derrick rose - 8 years ago

@CountryEleven: RT @AberdareCC: Just to confirm funeral arrangements for #JD John derrick! 11:30 st elvans, Aberdare 12:45 llwydcoed Crematorium After Gla… - 8 years ago

@CountryEleven: RT @nickwebb2017: 🏏Glamorgan and Cardiff MCCU observe minute's silence in memory of Glam coach John Derrick #RIP JD - 8 years ago

@Derrick_Laff: RT @breakup_shoes: Burgers, brews and...Breakup Shoes? Come see John and Nick play some tunes just for you tonight. - 8 years ago

@Proados: The one where @AnotherMMACast interviewed @MMAjunkieJohn . ~ - 8 years ago

@devinecelt: RT @winsten_dan: @NavajoTweets Simple solution, promote the Navajo Nation seal in honor of John Claw to flag & retire the Oil derrick flag… - 8 years ago

@NavajoTweets: RT @winsten_dan: @NavajoTweets Simple solution, promote the Navajo Nation seal in honor of John Claw to flag & retire the Oil derrick flag… - 8 years ago

@winsten_dan: @NavajoTweets Simple solution, promote the Navajo Nation seal in honor of John Claw to flag & retire the Oil derric… - 8 years ago

@ScamhatersUtd: FRANK RIGIS.. #FAKE. USING THE STOLEN PICTURES OF Derrick Riggs AND John F Campbell ! #SCAM #scammer #romance… - 8 years ago

@cloudspy: "Anja Schneider, Derrick Carter, Pete Tong and John Digweed will also join the UK DJ at Pacha this..." … - 8 years ago

@Derrick_Gene: RT @SportsMotto: You may be better than the rest, but you are not a success until you have made the effort to become the best you can be. –… - 8 years ago

@derrick_pennie: @titanspress @FOXSports They signed Logan Ryan, a #2 corner and some scraps. Not impressed John Robinson. - 8 years ago

@Derrick_lh: RT @treymoses32: John wall done shot it from full court out of bounds and hit nothing but net - 8 years ago

@Derrick_Kelso: RT @ClayTravis: Kentucky fans phoning death threats to official. Worst fan base in America: - 8 years ago

@CardiffDrmTeam: RT @BBCWalesSport: 'He was Mr Welsh Cricket' Former Glamorgan captain Mark Wallace pays tribute to John Derrick - 8 years ago

@paulcrump1763: RT @paulcrump1763: John Derrick and I in our last ever photo together December 8th 2016. Gonna miss you my friend xxxxxx - 8 years ago



@SonaC44: RT @Gilo: So sorry to hear of the passing of John Derrick. Let's keep fighting Brain Tumours, the biggest cancer killer of under 40's. - 8 years ago

@derrick_daKidD: RT @JayBilas: This is outrageous. Anyone threatening an official is not a "fan," but a criminal. This should be condemned. Period. - 8 years ago

@JiveCardiff: RT @nickwebb2017: 🏏Glamorgan and Cardiff MCCU observe minute's silence in memory of Glam coach John Derrick #RIP JD - 8 years ago

@pieman1951: RT @nickwebb2017: 🏏Glamorgan and Cardiff MCCU observe minute's silence in memory of Glam coach John Derrick #RIP JD - 8 years ago

@paulcrump1763: John Derrick and I in our last ever photo together December 8th 2016. Gonna miss you my friend xxxxxx - 8 years ago

@Sharon_Derrick: RT @empiremagazine: See the first trailer for Ferdinand, the new film from the Ice Age/Rio team: - 8 years ago

@dkjones_: You not coming across the middle on John Lynch or Derrick Brooks lol - 8 years ago

@yoo_Derrick__: RT @BleacherReport: John Wall ain't right 🔨 - 8 years ago

@thatpodcastgirl: RT @philmichalski: I produce “I Should Have Canceled Class“ by John Derrick f @mikedelgaudio @jnmcevoy @MattoMcFly @CiaoSuoiJes @danzappull… - 8 years ago

@LuigiDreamybro: @BitnerdGX @Somecallmejon john is torturing me and making me wait for his WindWaker video even longer. I wouldn't trust him Derrick..;) - 8 years ago

@DavidJGascon: .@TheNoeShow that John Wall guy continues to do great things. Meanwhile, your bff Derrick Rose... - 8 years ago

@derrick_winnaar: RT @haroldweitsz: ISRAEL John 19:41 Now in the place where HE was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb in which no on… - 8 years ago

@jcross_john: RT @ChanelRion: Hula Boy "Judge" Derrick Watson... Declares Himself President. Endangers All Americans. #9thCircuit Madness at its Finest.… - 8 years ago

@JiveCardiff: RT @BBCWalesSport: 🏏LUNCH: Glamorgan 115/1 v Cardiff MCCU Jacques Rudolph 58*, Nick Selman 30 Minute's silence before play for ex Glam co… - 8 years ago

@derrick_henning: John Cena and Nikki Bella will win at #WrestleMania. Who do you think will win? - 8 years ago

@joelday23_: RT @Conbon45: Avery Bradley, Derrick Favors, and Xavier Henry were all ranked higher than Demarcus Cousins and John wall coming into colleg… - 8 years ago

@anonembraced: (free) The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy & Spirituality By Derrick Broze & John Vibes - 8 years ago

@TheConsciousRN: In June 2017, John Vibes and Derrick Broze, co-authors of The Conscious Resistance series, will launch their... - 8 years ago

@jared_lippert: RT @Conbon45: Avery Bradley, Derrick Favors, and Xavier Henry were all ranked higher than Demarcus Cousins and John wall coming into colleg… - 8 years ago

@Big_Cat29: RT @Conbon45: Avery Bradley, Derrick Favors, and Xavier Henry were all ranked higher than Demarcus Cousins and John wall coming into colleg… - 8 years ago

@Conbon45: Avery Bradley, Derrick Favors, and Xavier Henry were all ranked higher than Demarcus Cousins and John wall coming into college. - 8 years ago

@AllRightRadio: Here it is folks, today's brand new episode of The Derrick Show! Friends of the show John, Brenton and Megan join... - 8 years ago

@LiveForAChange: Who's that with Pastor Derrick Shields on our stage? None other than civil rights leader Dr. John Perkins. We're... - 8 years ago

@GEvans7777: RT @nickwebb2017: 🏏Glamorgan and Cardiff MCCU observe minute's silence in memory of Glam coach John Derrick #RIP JD - 8 years ago

@GWRCC: RT @BBCWalesSport: 🏏LUNCH: Glamorgan 115/1 v Cardiff MCCU Jacques Rudolph 58*, Nick Selman 30 Minute's silence before play for ex Glam co… - 8 years ago

@AllWalesSport: RT @BBCWalesSport: 🏏LUNCH: Glamorgan 115/1 v Cardiff MCCU Jacques Rudolph 58*, Nick Selman 30 Minute's silence before play for ex Glam co… - 8 years ago

@basuke_dougaDX: Derrick Rose vs John Wall 終盤の追い上げをリードするジョン・ウォール。 しかし、この試合のヒーローは、ローズ。MVPを獲得した実力を見せつけています。今季のブルズは、昨年に比べて攻撃力が数段アップ。 - 8 years ago

@Williams19Ryan: RT @nickwebb2017: 🏏Glamorgan and Cardiff MCCU observe minute's silence in memory of Glam coach John Derrick #RIP JD - 8 years ago

@nickwebb2017: RT @BBCWalesSport: 🏏LUNCH: Glamorgan 115/1 v Cardiff MCCU Jacques Rudolph 58*, Nick Selman 30 Minute's silence before play for ex Glam co… - 8 years ago

@BBCWalesSport: 🏏LUNCH: Glamorgan 115/1 v Cardiff MCCU Jacques Rudolph 58*, Nick Selman 30 Minute's silence before play for ex Glam coach John Derrick - 8 years ago

@BumbleCricket: RT @nickwebb2017: 🏏Glamorgan and Cardiff MCCU observe minute's silence in memory of Glam coach John Derrick #RIP JD - 8 years ago

@boltersp: RT @nickwebb2017: 🏏Glamorgan and Cardiff MCCU observe minute's silence in memory of Glam coach John Derrick #RIP JD - 8 years ago

@JiveCardiff: RT @nickwebb2017: 🏏Glamorgan and Cardiff MCCU observe minute's silence in memory of Glam coach John Derrick #RIP JD - 8 years ago

@PCA: RT @nickwebb2017: 🏏Glamorgan and Cardiff MCCU observe minute's silence in memory of Glam coach John Derrick #RIP JD - 8 years ago

@AndrewDonald8: RT @nickwebb2017: 🏏Glamorgan and Cardiff MCCU observe minute's silence in memory of Glam coach John Derrick #RIP JD - 8 years ago

@nickwebb2017: 🏏Glamorgan and Cardiff MCCU observe minute's silence in memory of Glam coach John Derrick #RIP JD - 8 years ago

@AJWCardiffMet: BBC Sport - John Derrick tribute: He was Mr Welsh Cricket, says Mark Wallace - 8 years ago

@Bumbaclot91: @MrHydroLV derrick rose, Tyreke Evans, John wall.. - 8 years ago

@_Bb380: RT @JonRothstein: Derrick Rose, Tyreke Evans, John Wall, Brandon Knight, Marquis Teague, Tyler Ulis & now De'Aaron Fox. Was best player on… - 8 years ago

@JaiHawkFly: Collin Sexton might be the next John Wall or Derrick Rose. - 8 years ago

@john_erick01: RT @MarkBermanFox26: Former TSU receiver Derrick Griffin (@Dgriff1000) was limited during Pro Day b/c of a leg injury but scouts got to c s… - 8 years ago

@Galaques: ¿Por qué miramos a los animales? John Berger en - 8 years ago

@Sharon_Derrick: RT @itvnews: Ex-Sex Pistols frontman John Lydon backs Brexit and tells @NinaNannarITV he 'always liked' the Queen - 8 years ago

@TheConsciousRN: Manifesto of the Free Humans by Derrick Broze and John Vibes! Pick up your copy: - 8 years ago

@derrick_2012: John Cena and Nikki Bella will win at #WrestleMania. Who do you think will win? - 8 years ago

@theblockm: The evidence was all there for Michigan men's basketball's success this season, writes @_minhdoan - 8 years ago

@NorthophallC: RT @sjamesjourno: Wonderful tribute by Mark Wallace BBC Sport - John Derrick tribute: He was Mr Welsh Cricket - 8 years ago

@_minhdoan: Wrote a column about all the evidence being there of Michigan's magical March run: - 8 years ago

@TheConsciousRN: Derrick Broze and John Vibes are preparing to release the third book in their trilogy, Manifesto of the Free... - 8 years ago

@theaudiohm: More #MusicBirthdays: Laura Critchley, Derrick Morgan, Angelo Cifelli, Maria Ewing, Steve Bolton, John Mayhew, Jim Walker - 8 years ago

@MusicFactsFun: More #MusicBirthdays: Laura Critchley, Derrick Morgan, Angelo Cifelli, Maria Ewing, Steve Bolton, John Mayhew, Jim Walker - 8 years ago

@theblockm: The evidence was all there for Michigan men's basketball's success this season, writes @_minhdoan - 8 years ago

@john_49ers: RT AaronWilson_NFL: Texas Southern wide receiver Derrick Griffin at Rice Pro Day: 6-6, 248 tight end size met with Redskins, 49ers Sunday - 8 years ago

@CAPTFBrevard: Announcing the 2017 Child Abuse Prevention Awards Nominees: Aerial Wilson Tommy Shoriak John Derrick Bridget... - 8 years ago

@TheConsciousRN: The following essay is a preview chapter of the upcoming Manifesto of the Free Humans from Derrick Broze and John... - 8 years ago

@basuke_dougaDX: Derrick Rose vs John Wall 終盤の追い上げをリードするジョン・ウォール。 しかし、この試合のヒーローは、ローズ。MVPを獲得した実力を見せつけています。今季のブルズは、昨年に比べて攻撃力が数段アップ。 - 8 years ago

@dWvNzS92AFmFNcx: RT @OliverPike1: Terrible news about John Derrick, helped so many people with their game, an absolute legend #JD - 8 years ago

@GHOSTPROTOCOLS: Goodman Derrick Law Firm + #SirJohnMajor + Ian Montrose Lawyer Criminal Prosecution" #CCHQ #ConservativeParty HQ - 8 years ago

@onebillioncrime: Goodman Derrick Law Firm + #SirJohnMajor + Ian Montrose Lawyer Criminal Prosecution" #CCHQ #ConservativeParty HQ - 8 years ago

@CrimeConspiracy: Goodman Derrick Law Firm + #SirJohnMajor + Ian Montrose Lawyer Criminal Prosecution" #CCHQ #ConservativeParty HQ - 8 years ago

@NSACarrollTrust: Goodman Derrick Law Firm + #SirJohnMajor + Ian Montrose Lawyer Criminal Prosecution" #CCHQ #ConservativeParty HQ - 8 years ago

@BillionDollarID: Goodman Derrick Law Firm + #SirJohnMajor + Ian Montrose Lawyer Criminal Prosecution" #CCHQ #ConservativeParty HQ - 8 years ago

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