John Ciaccia

Italian-born Canadian politician
Died on Wednesday August 8th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to John Ciaccia:

@LAWMcGill: RT @DeanLeckey: Long-time Quebec Liberal John Ciaccia, @LAWMcGill BCL'56, who was native affairs minister during Oka Crisis, dies at 85 /vi… - 7 years ago

@Joelle_bernard: RT @MariannaSimeone: La commaunauté italienne du Québec perd une de ses étoiles. John Ciaccia a beaucoup agi pour le bien commun. Il était… - 7 years ago

@informamolise: - 7 years ago

@akwtoday: OKA CRISIS - John Ciaccia (1933-2018) R.I.P. "Gordie Oke — who co-founded a food bank to feed families and the War… - 7 years ago


@jipettes: RT @psevigny58: Décès de l'ex-ministre québécois John Ciaccia - 7 years ago

@Msmybeloved: RT @trapdinawrpool: Mohawks remembering former Quebec politician John Ciaccia - APTN NewsAPTN News - 7 years ago

@trapdinawrpool: Mohawks remembering former Quebec politician John Ciaccia - APTN NewsAPTN News - 7 years ago

@MoliseTabloid: Scomparso John Ciaccia, figura esemplare dell’emigrazione molisana. Fu ministro in Canada - 7 years ago

@Bozappa: @trudeau_michel Je vois encore feu John Ciaccia en 1990, signer à la table,un agreement avec 5 mohawks masqués. Je… - 7 years ago

@altomolisenet: I volontari dell'AUSER Padre Giuseppe Tedeschi ricordano uno dei più illustri rappresentanti dei Molisani nel... - 7 years ago

@causalitybrunch: RT @billnama: Mohawks remembering former Quebec politician John Ciaccia - 7 years ago

@billnama: Mohawks remembering former Quebec politician John Ciaccia - 7 years ago

@RussDiabo: Mohawks remembering former Quebec politician John Ciaccia - 7 years ago

@Cheyom1: Mohawks remembering former Quebec politician John Ciaccia - 7 years ago

@NdeuxT: RT @NunatsiaqNews: Former #Quebec Liberal minister John Ciaccia died on Aug. 7, at age 85. Ciaccia was well-known and respected among #Nuna… - 7 years ago

@NunatsiaqNews: Former #Quebec Liberal minister John Ciaccia died on Aug. 7, at age 85. Ciaccia was well-known and respected among… - 7 years ago

@stefon86drummer: RT @CreeRadio: A moment of silence for the passing of John Ciaccia who played a vital role in helping the Cree’s in the James Bay and North… - 7 years ago

@ahconter: Oka Crisis negotiator John Ciaccia, respected by both sides, dies at 85 - 7 years ago

@Oji_Flava: RT @gcccra: Tribute by Robert Kanatewat, JBNQA Signatory and a moment of silence observed for John #Ciaccia during Annual General Assembly… - 7 years ago

@TimesofQuebec: Former Quebec Minister John Ciaccia passes away - 7 years ago

@max_vollant: RT @billnama: Cree Nation Leaders observe a moment of silence for the late John Ciaccia a true friend of the Cree Nation. #Ciaccia - 7 years ago

@GadflyQuebec: RT @APTNNews: Mohawks from Kanesatake and Kahnawà:ke remembering former Quebec politician John Ciaccia - 7 years ago

@icigigi: RT @MariannaSimeone: La commaunauté italienne du Québec perd une de ses étoiles. John Ciaccia a beaucoup agi pour le bien commun. Il était… - 7 years ago

@ScottCosten: RT @APTNNews: Mohawks from Kanesatake and Kahnawà:ke remembering former Quebec politician John Ciaccia - 7 years ago

@mariamin59: RT @APTNNews: Mohawks from Kanesatake and Kahnawà:ke remembering former Quebec politician John Ciaccia - 7 years ago

@thedarkestwun: RT @APTNNews: Mohawks from Kanesatake and Kahnawà:ke remembering former Quebec politician John Ciaccia - 7 years ago

@nancy180: RT @APTNNews: Mohawks from Kanesatake and Kahnawà:ke remembering former Quebec politician John Ciaccia - 7 years ago

@RobACooper: RT @APTNNews: Mohawks from Kanesatake and Kahnawà:ke remembering former Quebec politician John Ciaccia - 7 years ago

@APTNNews: Mohawks from Kanesatake and Kahnawà:ke remembering former Quebec politician John Ciaccia - 7 years ago

@MuhammadRazaAl9: RT @InternSecrWater: We are saddened by the passing of John Ciaccia. Honorary President of our organization, he participated in the 1st Wor… - 7 years ago

@desesparimusic: RT @LeDevoir: À (re)lire - John Ciaccia: une carrière politique marquée par la crise d’Oka - 7 years ago

@LeDevoir: À (re)lire - John Ciaccia: une carrière politique marquée par la crise d’Oka - 7 years ago

@jeande1221: RT @jacquesjazz44: Décès de celui qui a fait dans ses shorts et a signé une entente avec des Mohawks masqués et américains. Tapis - 7 years ago

@NGoyettePLQ: RT @phcouillard: Je viens d’apprendre le décès de John Ciaccia, qui a été député de Mont-Royal et ministre sous le gouvernement de Robert B… - 7 years ago

@donnalariviere: L'Assemblée des Premières Nations du Québec-Labrador (APNQL) a appris le décès de M. John Ciaccia et nous tenons à… - 7 years ago

@DaudHamidi: RT @InternSecrWater: We are saddened by the passing of John Ciaccia. Honorary President of our organization, he participated in the 1st Wor… - 7 years ago

@InternSecrWater: We are saddened by the passing of John Ciaccia. Honorary President of our organization, he participated in the 1st… - 7 years ago

@pabergeronpc: RT @MariannaSimeone: La commaunauté italienne du Québec perd une de ses étoiles. John Ciaccia a beaucoup agi pour le bien commun. Il était… - 7 years ago

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