John Carson

English actor.
Died on Sunday November 6th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to John Carson:

@FBMacD: Ben Carson's hands wont be healing America as cab. member. Other candidates now: Tim Tebow, ET and the 1980 Elton John song "Healing Hands" - 8 years ago

@John_Gilson: @bombsfall Ben Carson is either a bad surrogate... OR he's secretly trying to undermine Trump. #ConspiracyTheory - 8 years ago

@rwfrk: @muskrat_john Carson is way up there too. - 8 years ago

@Koury_John: RT @tariqnasheed: Ben Carson turned down the offer to join Trump's camp because he said he doesn't have the experience. But Ben Carson Ran… - 8 years ago


@KremnerJnr: @kremner @smigger_steve @John_Evans79 scot Carson shit so. Or reaLty - 8 years ago

@John_Carson: Is it Pokemon day yet? - 8 years ago

@ValleyChestnut: RT @jerseyjazzman: Say what you will, but Moskowitz and Rhee are about as qualified as Arne Duncan or John King. (Carson is, of course, ano… - 8 years ago

@John_M15: RT @pattonoswalt: don't put me in a cabinet a cup could fall on my head -- Dr. Ben Carson - 8 years ago

@Carson__1224: RT @AmazingSprtsPic: John Calipari coaching John Wall, DeMarcus Cousins, Eric Bledsoe, and Patrick Patterson in his first year at Kentucky.… - 8 years ago

@John_P36: #ProbowlVote Carson Wentz - 8 years ago

@John_R_Maun: Ben Carson Oh no fucker, you broke it, you bought it. Would serve him right to be the token in that cesspool. - 8 years ago

@john_kristoph: RT @HarryCook: Ben Carson turned down the offer to join Trump's camp because he said he doesn't have enough experience... Ben Carson ran f… - 8 years ago

@ReTwitStorm: RT @hgphillies: @Jeffrey_len You have to wonder about #Ben Carson's skills as a surgeon today. It's quite a comedown from John Hopkins to S… - 8 years ago

@John_Estrada: RT @kurteichenwald: Wait. Ben Carson says he will not take a cabinet post because he "has no government experience." Didn't he run for pres… - 8 years ago

@john_siracusa: ⚡️ “Ben Carson doesn't want a role in Donald Trump's cabinet” - 8 years ago

@rdshanky: @teresaalombardi @attackdemarco John Hopkins claims it was a first and Ben Carson did the separation that was unprecedented at the time. - 8 years ago

@CoreyBodzioch: Ben Carson don't go!! If you do don't forget your luggage. - 8 years ago

@AlmightyJes_: #LT Ben Carson can't beat John King. I was pressedddddd when I met John King bruh that was my boss when I worked at the U.S. Dept of Ed. - 8 years ago

@curmudge_john: RT @tariqnasheed: Ben Carson turned down the offer to join Trump's camp because he said he doesn't have the experience. But Ben Carson Ran… - 8 years ago

@cursedsalad: @b5hq6 @TwitterMoments For example, John King, our current Secretary of Education (a role Carson was rumored to be… - 8 years ago

@ghostoftay: @transition2017 McChrystal for Sec. of State, Ron Paul for Sec. of Treasury, Carson for Surgeon Gen. No John Bolton - 8 years ago

@Cary88888888: RT @warriors_mom: John Bolton, Michele Bachmann, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson: all excellent choices for Sec of State. @warriors_mom - 8 years ago

@mkinyon: @muskrat_john Carson seems strong in his own way. - 8 years ago

@Ohboyboy22: RT @warriors_mom: John Bolton, Michele Bachmann, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson: all excellent choices for Sec of State. @warriors_mom - 8 years ago

@StarkTTT: @jpodhoretz @NathanWurtzel Watched old Carson ep the other night. Sinatra, Don Rickles, Jannsen, Olivia Newton John. Tremendous - 8 years ago

@Luca_Forzin: VIDEO: Witney Carson Joins Calvin Johnson & Lindsay Arnold For Trio Dance on 'DWTS' Season 23 Week 10 Calvin John… - 8 years ago

@warriors_mom: John Bolton, Michele Bachmann, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson: all excellent choices for Sec of State. @warriors_mom - 8 years ago

@LisaGChgo: What #SNL skit is this becoming?? - 8 years ago


@perdidostschool: @TedGrunewald John Bolton or St. Rudy of 9/11 - what a choice! Then maybe Ben Carson at USED. You can't make this up. - 8 years ago


@TheBobDonelan: @FoxNews @IngrahamAngle That would be great. I truly hope Trump makes John Bolton Secy of State. Giuliani, Gingrich & Carson 4 posts as well - 8 years ago

@John_Dango: @OnMessageForHer @AnnCoulter I am waiting for the DT appts of Carson Clarke West Conway McFarland, Ingraham Crowley & Ann: so bigoted! - 8 years ago

@beemerguyb7: The stuff of nightmares. John Bolton Ben Carson- for anything Chris Christie Joe Arpio 82 yr old? Shortlist. - 8 years ago

@mwcustx: @realDonaldTrump Really like John Bolton please pick him as UN ambassador or Sec of State he is smart man knowing world affairs & Dr. Carson - 8 years ago

@John_S_33: @transition2017 Ben Carson = anything Herman Cain = anything Newt = anything Sheriff Clark's = Ass Kicker - 8 years ago

@John_Carson: RT @dylanhecht: Holy crap Survivor Series is this Sunday! Supexfriends Assemble! Weds @ 8PT! - 8 years ago

@HB3third: @transition2017 John Bolton Sec State, Rudy for AG, Trey Gowdy FBI, Ben Carson Surg General, Mike Flynn DNI, David Clarke Sec Homeland Sec - 8 years ago

@dylanhecht: Holy crap Survivor Series is this Sunday! Supexfriends Assemble! Weds @ 8PT! - 8 years ago

@bboneusa: @AJDelgado13 @transition2017 Rudy for AG, John Bolton for sec of state, Ben Carson for hhs, eliminate dept of education, depth homeland sec - 8 years ago

@EyeDoc11: @transition2017 John Bolton for State. Ben Carson for HHS. Elaine Chao for Education. - 8 years ago

@John_Carson: - 8 years ago

@sopheava: @john_carson Honestly my biggest problem is that my super well-lit room of windows on 3 sides makes all the dark lvls hard to see ;). - 8 years ago

@steviesoxAFC49: RT @AnaglogsDaughtr: Derby Awards - 1983 TOP NH Trainer Michael Dickinson, & Jockey John Francome, TOP Flat trainer John Dunlop & Jockey… - 8 years ago

@annetonie: RT @_As_You_Were_: Trump will appoint those whacked out as he: Rudy Giuliani, Dr. Ben Carson, war fanatic John Bolton, & hundreds like them… - 8 years ago

@John_Carson: @sopheava okay good. I just bought it and didn't look into it ^_^ - 8 years ago

@sopheava: @john_carson Mostly good. Framerate is fair and it’s crashed on me twice, but otherwise a-ok. - 8 years ago

@John_Carson: How's Dishonored 2 running on Xbox one? - 8 years ago

@john_bugaj: RT @JaredWyand: Carson is far more interested in education. You have to let people do what they're passionate about. - 8 years ago

@MarcusBrutus501: RT @AnaglogsDaughtr: Derby Awards - 1983 TOP NH Trainer Michael Dickinson, & Jockey John Francome, TOP Flat trainer John Dunlop & Jockey… - 8 years ago

@john_minster: RT @amandacarpenter: Carson at Dept of Ed makes a ton of sense. His story, his creds, support for vouchers. Cool w/ that one. - 8 years ago

@John_S7ven: @CNN We should've really elected Ben Carson then... - 8 years ago

@Gloann5: @JaredWyand I do not want John Bolton ..ok with Gen. Flynn and Dr. Carson for HHS..;help fix the healthcare system..esp at the VA - 8 years ago

@BielllBA: Adicionei um vídeo a uma playlist @YouTube - 8 years ago

@BielllBA: Casamento e Amor - John Piper, D. A. Carson, Tim Keller: - 8 years ago

@Ginger_Phoenix: ‘Deathrow Gameshow’ Review (Vinegar Syndrome) - Stars: John McCafferty, Robyn Blythe, Darwyn Carson, Beano, Deb... - 8 years ago

@John_Carson: @JoeMerrick I wish they would have an actual in-game event for these event Pokemon :-/ What's the fun in not catching something so rare? - 8 years ago

@carson_betz: RT @JoyAnnReid: John Oliver: "keep reminding yourself: this is not normal" - 8 years ago

@Win_AD_Wire: Hired: Anton Goff, St. John's University (NY) - Admin - Athletic Director - 8 years ago

@Win_AD_Wire: Named: John Carson, University of Hartford - Admin - Interim AD - 8 years ago

@CarlyHoss: RT @HartfordHawks: NEWS: Hartford Names John Carson Interim Director of Athletics as Anton Goff Heads to St. John's University - 8 years ago

@jrowell79: Thanks John Carson LesterJr for following me! Check out - 8 years ago

@BOGTW1: Hey John Carson LesterJr Thanks for the recent follow! Happy to connect :) Look forward to your next interesting posts. - 8 years ago

@DFW_ALERTS: John Carson LesterJr thank you for following me.EVRYONE plz follow: John Carson LesterJr our newst follower. - 8 years ago

@DonnasStuffMore: Hey John Carson LesterJr thanks for the follow! We really appreciate you! - 8 years ago

@sahin22d: Hey John Carson LesterJr thanks for the follow! - 8 years ago

@LauraFrancisKAM: Hey John Carson LesterJr thanks for the follow! Get your freebie here: - 8 years ago

@HermPrinCom: Hey John Carson LesterJr thanks for the follow! - 8 years ago

@islamquotes0786: John Carson LesterJr is now following me on Twitter! - 8 years ago

@ThehubManilaSEO: John Carson LesterJr - 8 years ago

@Jos_24Indonesia: John what you will kiss carson in halo awards 😍 It's truly ridiculous 😂😂 @johnnyosings @carsonlueders @NickelodeonTV - 8 years ago

@Cambridge_CDARC: Fact of the Day Rayleigh-Carson Theorem In 1929 John R. Carson published an extension of a theorem previously... - 8 years ago

@michaelmcal: Among Trump's short list of cabinet picks...Rudy Giuliani, Sid Collins, Ben Carson, Harold Hamm, Jan Brewer, John Bolton. #1st100days - 8 years ago

@astonclinton_rt: RT @Cambridge_CDARC: Fact of the Day Rayleigh-Carson Theorem In 1929 John R. Carson published an extension of a theorem previously... https… - 8 years ago

@John_Quach68: RT @bjbenavidez38: damn carson got hands👏🏼😰😤👊🏼⛽️ - 8 years ago

@christinempina: RT @HartfordHawks: NEWS: Hartford Names John Carson Interim Director of Athletics as Anton Goff Heads to St. John's University - 8 years ago

@MGVW_John: Carson Wentz, Eagles overcome controversial non-call to top Falcons - 8 years ago

@HawkECEProf: RT @HartfordHawks: NEWS: Hartford Names John Carson Interim Director of Athletics as Anton Goff Heads to St. John's University - 8 years ago

@CFAAEliteClips: Hartford Hawks - Hartford Names John Carson Interim Director of Athletics as Anton Goff Heads to St. John's - 8 years ago

@Jaylorfavors: Check out Ramblin' Rose The Wire Forest of Peru by Marlene & John Carson 2007 NEW - 8 years ago

@Jaylorfavors: Check out Ramblin' Rose The Porcelain Mines in Russia by Marlene & John Carson 2008 NEW - 8 years ago

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