John Carroll

American newspaper editor (Los Angeles Times
Died on Sunday June 14th 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to John Carroll:

@ChamberInt_Team: #Opportunities for #UK #businesses in #India - John Carroll, Head of International @santanderuk

@mel32189: LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) — John S. Carroll, former editor of the Baltimore Sun and the Los Angeles Times, which won 13 Pulitzer Prizes during

@Andym6769: RT @CentralLobby: Brits abroad: @SantanderUK's John Carroll highlights opportunities for UK businesses in India |

@politicshome: RT @CentralLobby: Brits abroad: @SantanderUK's John Carroll highlights opportunities for UK businesses in India |


@CentralLobby: Brits abroad: @SantanderUK's John Carroll highlights opportunities for UK businesses in India |

@aDvidMaletz: John Carroll, Editor Who Reinvigorated the Los Angeles Times, Is Dead at 73

@drlizbanddrcab: Word Netwk: GUF, Bishop Leonard Smith, Amb. Susan Johnson, Bishop (D) Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr. and Dr. John Newman.

@JKBnepal: Real journalism practiced in good faith — is absolutely essential to a self-governing nation. -John Carroll.......

@TeHpHiLaDeLpHIa: John S. Carroll, 73, acclaimed editor #baltimoresun #johnscarroll

@jdsanten: RT @janetpattonhl: John Carroll, former Herald-Leader, Los Angeles Times editor, dies | Fayette County |

@iberomartinezi5: Grilling by John Phillip Carroll (1992)

@giulianoflores7: Grilling by John Phillip Carroll (1992)

@KayPerri1314: @elliekritikosxo John Carroll 💀💀💀

@marianicolezzz: i have to be at john carroll @ 8 am what am i doing good night

@WildbirdMedia: John Carroll, former Los Angeles Times editor, dies at 73

@AMMWWII: RT @SigEpsWhoServe: 21JUN2001: @SigEpMTA Brother US Merchant Marine WWII Vet John "Carroll" O'Connor passed away #NeverForget @grizalum htt…

@JCFernandezT: RT @imaginativecons: “A Democratic and Republican Religion”: Catholics in American Public Life, 1765-1895 (essay by Stephen Klugewicz) http…

@AmericasBarbie: @LawyerCat_ aniken is coming back in popularity as a boys name. And John Wayne was Carroll I believe...

@glmwebster: @ewb1998 come to the John Carroll School

@john_e_catfish: RT @richeisen: Tom Weiskopf equating the unexplainable Seattle-area finish to the Super Bowl. So who is Johnson's putter: Bevell, Carroll o…

@John_Carpenter1: RT @richeisen: Tom Weiskopf equating the unexplainable Seattle-area finish to the Super Bowl. So who is Johnson's putter: Bevell, Carroll o…

@imaginativecons: “A Democratic and Republican Religion”: Catholics in American Public Life, 1765-1895 (essay by Stephen Klugewicz)

@TeHpHiLaDeLpHIa: John S. Carroll, 73, acclaimed editor #baltimoresun #johnscarroll

@heathercdahl: RT @TheCynja: John Carroll, Widely Admired NPF Editor of the Year in 1998

@SigEpsWhoServe: 21JUN2001: @SigEpMTA Brother US Merchant Marine WWII Vet John "Carroll" O'Connor passed away #NeverForget @grizalum

@TheCynja: John Carroll, Widely Admired NPF Editor of the Year in 1998

@TeHpHiLaDeLpHIa: John S. Carroll, 73, acclaimed editor #baltimoresun #johnscarroll

@blogofdeath: John S. Carroll, 73, former editor of the Baltimore Sun and the Los Angeles Times, died

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