John Campbell Brown

Scottish astronomer
Died on Monday November 18th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to John Campbell Brown:

@cumbrianlass46: RT @KnightsWhoGoNi: @LeaveEUOfficial Tony ‘WMD’ Blair, Alistair ‘sexed up dossier’ Campbell, John ‘ERM’ Major, Gordon ‘Pension pot raider’… - 5 years ago

@KnightsWhoGoNi: @LeaveEUOfficial Tony ‘WMD’ Blair, Alistair ‘sexed up dossier’ Campbell, John ‘ERM’ Major, Gordon ‘Pension pot raid… - 5 years ago

@MGT714: @RichEisenShow I would keep Jim Brown,Earl Campbell,Walter Payton,Eric Dickerson,Barry Ssnders,Gayle Sayers,Emmitt… - 5 years ago

@Jepstey: @gregbradyTO Not in top 11... maybe about 15th-20th? Barry Sanders Jim Brown Walter Payton Eric Dickerson Earl Cam… - 5 years ago


@Yezimala: Books by Sally Mott Freeman ‘76, Professors Carrie Brown and John Gregory Brown, Kim Cool ‘80, Amy Leigh Campbell ‘… - 5 years ago

@up_maggie: @thejdubble @KHiveQueenB @JohnTeufelNYC @JuddLegum @deray @campbell_brown John Oliver's segment on charter schools… - 5 years ago

@BlackBuzzNews: 12-NFL BEST RUNNING BACKS OF ALL TIME: 1. Jim Brown 2. O.J. Simpson 3. Walter Payton 4. Barry Sanders 5. E… - 5 years ago

@Nekrologium: John Campbell Brown, britischer Astronom, am 16.11.2019 im Alter von 72 Jahren. - 5 years ago

@KHiveQueenB: @JohnTeufelNYC @JuddLegum @deray @campbell_brown You hear me, John, Judd? The only way Warren ever would win is if… - 5 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. John Campbell BROWN, OBE, FRSE (1947-2019), Scottish astronomer who worked primarily in solar physics. He he… - 5 years ago

@davidhdickson: RT @NeilDrysdale: John Campbell Brown, who has died aged 72, was a passionate man of science, who ensured that thousands of youngsters shar… - 5 years ago

@Frenche2Blanche: RT @NeilDrysdale: John Campbell Brown, who has died aged 72, was a passionate man of science, who ensured that thousands of youngsters shar… - 5 years ago

@brianlavery59: RT @NeilDrysdale: John Campbell Brown, who has died aged 72, was a passionate man of science, who ensured that thousands of youngsters shar… - 5 years ago

@drgmlennox: RT @NeilDrysdale: John Campbell Brown, who has died aged 72, was a passionate man of science, who ensured that thousands of youngsters shar… - 5 years ago

@NeilDrysdale: John Campbell Brown, who has died aged 72, was a passionate man of science, who ensured that thousands of youngster… - 5 years ago

@PWarringtonian: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@xyTweats: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@fozzer2006: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@hmitchell0: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@countrysuppers: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@RobertNorbury2: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@moosemuffinn: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@BuggahD: RT @andymack2019: @campbellclaret @DailyMirror @BorisJohnson Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heselt… - 5 years ago

@TrevorR17385782: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@YDimages: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@jackAnd59146658: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@andymack2019: @campbellclaret @DailyMirror @BorisJohnson Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael… - 5 years ago

@andymack2019: @georgegalloway Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony B… - 5 years ago

@fbear999: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@richjohn999: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@timholmes426: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@CTSIan: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@educatedpleb: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@PhilEOD: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@missrukiibaby: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@christi73224817: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@ButchMaier: Jim Brown, Gayle Sayers, Eric Dickerson, Walter Payton, Barry Sanders, Emmitt Smith, Earl Campbell, Adrian Peterson… - 5 years ago

@KipferMile: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@JohnBurdett20: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@AlastairHowie2: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@jan_sabin: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@alfisutton: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@donnamoon81146: RT @Rob_Kimbell: Have you noticed that characters from a bygone age still lurk? Michael Heseltine John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown Alast… - 5 years ago

@MoragMcConnell: RT @NeilDrysdale: Sad news about the death at 72 of the former Astronomer Royal for Scotland, John Campbell Brown. A real trailblazer who w… - 5 years ago

@TheWestonMale: RT @NeilDrysdale: Sad news about the death at 72 of the former Astronomer Royal for Scotland, John Campbell Brown. A real trailblazer who w… - 5 years ago

@drgmlennox: RT @NeilDrysdale: Sad news about the death at 72 of the former Astronomer Royal for Scotland, John Campbell Brown. A real trailblazer who w… - 5 years ago

@GoldishCJ: RT @NeilDrysdale: Sad news about the death at 72 of the former Astronomer Royal for Scotland, John Campbell Brown. A real trailblazer who w… - 5 years ago

@Tighnacoille: RT @NeilDrysdale: Sad news about the death at 72 of the former Astronomer Royal for Scotland, John Campbell Brown. A real trailblazer who w… - 5 years ago

@brianlavery59: RT @NeilDrysdale: Sad news about the death at 72 of the former Astronomer Royal for Scotland, John Campbell Brown. A real trailblazer who w… - 5 years ago

@ThomsonLord: RT @NeilDrysdale: Sad news about the death at 72 of the former Astronomer Royal for Scotland, John Campbell Brown. A real trailblazer who w… - 5 years ago

@MareeToddMSP: RT @NeilDrysdale: Sad news about the death at 72 of the former Astronomer Royal for Scotland, John Campbell Brown. A real trailblazer who w… - 5 years ago

@hapsci: RT @NeilDrysdale: Sad news about the death at 72 of the former Astronomer Royal for Scotland, John Campbell Brown. A real trailblazer who w… - 5 years ago

@DickWinchester: RT @NeilDrysdale: Sad news about the death at 72 of the former Astronomer Royal for Scotland, John Campbell Brown. A real trailblazer who w… - 5 years ago

@NeilDrysdale: Sad news about the death at 72 of the former Astronomer Royal for Scotland, John Campbell Brown. A real trailblazer… - 5 years ago

@JeffFMcCormack: Every week, @EAMaddenMobile recognizes the incredible performance of three NFL players with powerful Team of The We… - 5 years ago

@Mutvials: Madden NFL 20 MUT: TOTW 11 John Brown n Joe Schobert Heros LTD Campbell - 5 years ago


@dead_wikipedia: John Campbell Brown - 5 years ago

@Unseen17: @n1cksearle @NFL_Stats That’s exactly what I was thinking! Are u kidding me?!! Jim Brown Jim Thorpe Gayle Sayers La… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: John Campbell Brown is no longer with us - #JohnCampbellBrown #John #CampbellBrown #rip - 5 years ago

@MartinJDocherty: Very sad news of the passing of #Dumbarton son of the rock ⛰ John Campbell Brown 10th #Astronomer Royal of… - 5 years ago

@HunterS18263220: @DynastyRich What's Mike Thomas worth in a dynasty trade? Godwin + what? Guy is asking Godwinn 2020 1st and 2021… - 5 years ago

@shesath1nker: Minister Campbell speaks of talented classmate “Lil John” McCauley who he says was the James Brown of that time. #RememberingJamesCates - 5 years ago

@PauliesSleepers: @daholdbackcoach @darnellbright4 @FF_TravisM @MagicMikeFF @Kyle_FFRecon @DynastyTradeFF @FFHitman @JakeTrowbridge… - 5 years ago

@john_e_catfish: RT @jwyattsports: .@KingHenry_2 registered his 3rd career game with at least 170 rushing yards & two rushing TDs, tying for the 5th-most su… - 5 years ago

@russ_of: @raju @Sulliview @facebook @JuddLegum Campbell Brown is the John Stossel of ed "reform". - 5 years ago

@john_erwin: RT @JuddLegum: 1. Facebook's top news executive is Campbell Brown — she's in charge of Facebook's new "Facebook News" tab Brown also co-f… - 5 years ago

@john_erwin: RT @DavidKlion: Campbell Brown is also the wife of Dan Senor, a prominent neocon who was George W. Bush’s propaganda chief in the early day… - 5 years ago

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