John Burnett

English rugby league player (Halifax).
Died on Friday December 30th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to John Burnett:

@lisahulme1968: Former Halifax RLFC skipper and Hall of Famer John Burnett dies aged 87 - 2 years ago

@Ethan_Warren_: ICYMI: I stopped by @eyeoftheduckpod this week to talk Toy Story 4, the horrifying implications of Chairol Burnett,… - 2 years ago

@AFilmByPodcast: RT @Dockingbay77pod: We love movies and this week we're discussing "bad" movies! Amber Nicole Robert Burnett and D… - 2 years ago

@KashemUncle: Next time u tag me @fosman1988 @john_previn @MrsBean90 @GuanGodbless @Khl02459564 @Byt3Monster @vulin_1 @flext40… - 2 years ago


@jj_stickney: RT @phoefsutton: Tonight on TCM #TCM HIGH SIERRA (1941) The film that made Humphrey Bogart a star. One of seminal films noir. Screenplay b… - 2 years ago

@valsadie: RT @phoefsutton: Tonight on TCM #TCM HIGH SIERRA (1941) The film that made Humphrey Bogart a star. One of seminal films noir. Screenplay b… - 2 years ago

@lellingw: RT @phoefsutton: Tonight on TCM #TCM HIGH SIERRA (1941) The film that made Humphrey Bogart a star. One of seminal films noir. Screenplay b… - 2 years ago

@CraigZablo: RT @phoefsutton: Tonight on TCM #TCM HIGH SIERRA (1941) The film that made Humphrey Bogart a star. One of seminal films noir. Screenplay b… - 2 years ago

@IVPRnashville: Ray Benson, frontman and guitarist of @aatw1969, spoke with John Burnett at @NPR about being a musician in the cur… - 2 years ago

@CelebratingTCM: RT @phoefsutton: Tonight on TCM #TCM HIGH SIERRA (1941) The film that made Humphrey Bogart a star. One of seminal films noir. Screenplay b… - 2 years ago

@Knapsack: RT @phoefsutton: Tonight on TCM #TCM HIGH SIERRA (1941) The film that made Humphrey Bogart a star. One of seminal films noir. Screenplay b… - 2 years ago

@Amigo8Fernando: RT @phoefsutton: Tonight on TCM #TCM HIGH SIERRA (1941) The film that made Humphrey Bogart a star. One of seminal films noir. Screenplay b… - 2 years ago

@phoefsutton: Tonight on TCM #TCM HIGH SIERRA (1941) The film that made Humphrey Bogart a star. One of seminal films noir. Scree… - 2 years ago

@winsome_burnett: @John_the_L @ericareport @oneintennsway They be cheating votes that's why they keep winning - 2 years ago

@Dockingbay77pod: We love movies and this week we're discussing "bad" movies! Amber Nicole Robert Burnett an… - 2 years ago

@Dr_Shahzzad: RT @homeopathy360: Stalwarts' Segment - Dr. John Henry Clarke Born: 1853 Died: 24-11-193 He was one of the students of Richard Hughes. He… - 2 years ago

@homeopathy360: Stalwarts' Segment - Dr. John Henry Clarke Born: 1853 Died: 24-11-193 He was one of the students of Richard Hughes… - 2 years ago

@caden_martman62: RT @philliesbell: Living former #Phillies celebrating their birthday: John Sullivan, 1968 (82-pic) AJ Burnett, 2014 (46) - 2 years ago

@Coach_Burnett: RT @FoxNews: '20 MONTHS OF MISERY': Senator John Kennedy on the Biden presidency: "If you want something screwed up, President Biden is you… - 2 years ago

@MarlinsHistory: RT @MarlinsHistory: Burnett played for the #Marlins from 1999 to 2005. In 2002, Burnett threw the fastest average fastball of all #MLB pitc… - 2 years ago

@garrettwpratt: RT @philliesbell: Living former #Phillies celebrating their birthday: John Sullivan, 1968 (82-pic) AJ Burnett, 2014 (46) - 2 years ago

@philliesbell: Living former #Phillies celebrating their birthday: John Sullivan, 1968 (82-pic) AJ Burnett, 2014 (46) - 2 years ago

@Allison_Burnett: RT @NormOrnstein: John Roberts is a disgrace. The Court is in a crisis of legitimacy, reeking of shocking ethical lapses. And he continues… - 2 years ago

@John_Rob_Rut: @carlgille @TheRealACoN AJ Burnett - 2 years ago

@John_C_Burnett: @SamLewisPhD @hakeemjefferson @Stanford @cecilesalvant @SamaraJoy99 @CyrilleAimee @StanfordLive I love everything by @cecilesalvant. - 2 years ago

@UrsulaRooth: RT @abeeregyptscot: Today's theme of @artukdotorg 's #OnlineArtExchange is #BrightYellow. Here is John George Burnett and his wife Catherin… - 2 years ago

@Coach_Burnett: RT @Jules31415: @michaeldeand01 It was allegedly a father-son duo in Arizona—John and Andrew Blischak. Not sure on the Twitter accounts bec… - 2 years ago

@John_write007: RT @copy_tips: 'Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at.' – Leo Burnett - 2 years ago

@john_self: 'Hooper finds a remarkable number of children’s authors – Lewis, Burnett, Tolkien, Grahame, Pullman – lost parents… - 2 years ago

@Ian_Burnett_: RT @RangersFC: 💙 We Remember. A poem by Ashleigh Crawford Findlay (Granddaughter of John Buchanan). - 2 years ago

@Nelson_J10: Cine familiar para arrancar el año "Annie" 🇺🇸 1982 Musical/comedia 📽️ John Huston 🙍‍♀️🙍‍♂️ Aileen Quinn, Albert Fin… - 2 years ago

@Elizabe29599604: RT @glassceiling02: @WinsorJohn2 @lover__poetic @Pajjr2016 @LaborDiversity @BayAreaFan219 @dr_rrichterr @AZ_Brittney @JohnRMoffitt @edsarno… - 2 years ago

@oldpos: @TheRFL No mention of Halifax player John Burnett. A Championship final winning captain with Fax in 1965, one club… - 2 years ago

@burnett_car: @johnfeal2 Happy new year John, looking forward to 2023 with a building mindset! I really love the images and messa… - 2 years ago

@graciasvida1: GREAT STORY FROM REPORTER JOHN BURNETT, - 2 years ago

@janisonhiatus: @WinsorJohn2 @michelechollow @rachelklaser @BenHatch @SouhanStrib @alohatsunami @davidjgilmour @Antidote4BS… - 2 years ago

@boii_dig: 2022 really waited until the end of itself to take fucking EVERYONE away huh? RIP: - Pelé - John Burnett - Vivienn… - 2 years ago

@Lyno45: @JCharrison @Ian_Burnett_ *Looks at the state of the UK under the Conservatives* You retweet John Redwood man, you'… - 2 years ago

@davidjgilmour: @WinsorJohn2 @michelechollow @rachelklaser @BenHatch @janisonhiatus @SouhanStrib @alohatsunami @Antidote4BS… - 2 years ago

@Celeste04701367: Only 5 members of the House have been expelled in it’s history. John Clark, John Reid, and Henry Burnett were all e… - 2 years ago

@DegenerateBets1: @John_Sabol @bradwolfdesign @Reflog_18 @BenAxelrod @UniWatch @MoreForYou_CLE @SirYacht_ @KenCarman @gabbgoudy… - 2 years ago

@MONSTA_RL: Former Halifax skipper and Hall of Famer Burnett dies aged 87 Former Halifax Championship-winning captain John Burn… - 2 years ago

@zchace: @radiobigtex One of the very best to ever do this, the radio will miss you so much John Burnett - 2 years ago

@louis_riehm: @WinsorJohn2 @michelechollow @rachelklaser @BenHatch @janisonhiatus @SouhanStrib @alohatsunami @davidjgilmour… - 2 years ago

@ElaineWharton1: @WinsorJohn2 @michelechollow @rachelklaser @BenHatch @janisonhiatus @SouhanStrib @alohatsunami @davidjgilmour… - 2 years ago

@TADZHIK4: Aw man, I’m gonna be missing your voice and your reports for a long time to come. My ears have always perked up whe… - 2 years ago

@Lulubell46: Stephanie Hsu Lashana Lynch Chris Meloni Rachel Weisz Cate Blanchett Keke Palmer Ke Huy Quan Brian Tyree Henry Dan… - 2 years ago

@burnett_khaliel: RT @NYGFansOnline: 15 years ago today, John Madden left Tom Coughlin a voicemail after he played to win in a “meaningless” game against the… - 2 years ago

@SportIconObit: #RIP John Burnett 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏉(87) #RugbyLeague centre who spent his career at #HalifaxRLFC. Played over 300 times in… - 2 years ago

@jrbrown1949: @millsjim44 did you hear John Burnett passed earlier in the week Jim? Halifax through and through - 2 years ago

@michvinmar: Thanks for the radio John Burnett - 2 years ago

@DaviesNow: @radiobigtex @nprscottsimon Over the years I’ve driven miles and miles listening to John Burnett’s fine reports. Th… - 2 years ago

@jandradeb: Una pena para mí el que hoy sea el último episodio de @elpost. Llegué a poder recitar la intro de memoria de tanto… - 2 years ago

@Anwarovic16: RT @HalifaxPanthers: The Club are saddened to report the death of Hall of Famer John Burnett A Championship final winning captain with Fax… - 2 years ago

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