John Bredenkamp

Zimbabwean businessman.
Died on Thursday June 18th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Gay Caswell

Tweets related to John Bredenkamp:

@rato_lets: RT @RedMicah: "While it is too late for Bredenkamp to be held accountable, many more should follow them into the dock." @OpenSecretsZA http… - 5 years ago

@BizNewsCOM: SLR: 'Cowardly White' John Bredenkamp, one of Africa's mysteries, has slipped away - - 5 years ago

@kudzaikaukau: @thabanimnyama John Bredenkamp Music Center's success story will not be complete w/out mentioning Mr Mapiye. So man… - 5 years ago

@2lindamaria: RT @martinbroek: Dutch Zimbabwean businessman, involved in illegal arms trade John Bredenkamp passed away. De Nederland-(Zimbabwaanse zake… - 5 years ago


@TZambian: @IsilimelaThando @waltermzembi John Bredenkamp - 5 years ago

@thabanimnyama: The John Bredenkamp Music & Computer Centre commenced construction in 1998. - 5 years ago

@MissRomolaT: RT @nombonisogasa: These folks @OpenSecretsZA are doing great work on the #ArmsDeal, #StateCapture and Corruption in general. Please read t… - 5 years ago

@stuartlowman: SLR: 'Cowardly White' John Bredenkamp, one of Africa's mysteries, has slipped away - - 5 years ago

@OpenSecretsZA: RT @nombonisogasa: These folks @OpenSecretsZA are doing great work on the #ArmsDeal, #StateCapture and Corruption in general. Please read t… - 5 years ago

@Piki21165765: RT @nombonisogasa: These folks @OpenSecretsZA are doing great work on the #ArmsDeal, #StateCapture and Corruption in general. Please read t… - 5 years ago

@alechogg: SLR: ‘Cowardly White’ John Bredenkamp, one of Africa’s mysteries, has slipped away - 5 years ago

@RoshneeNarrande: RT @nombonisogasa: These folks @OpenSecretsZA are doing great work on the #ArmsDeal, #StateCapture and Corruption in general. Please read t… - 5 years ago

@junior_mpg: RT @nombonisogasa: These folks @OpenSecretsZA are doing great work on the #ArmsDeal, #StateCapture and Corruption in general. Please read t… - 5 years ago

@nombonisogasa: These folks @OpenSecretsZA are doing great work on the #ArmsDeal, #StateCapture and Corruption in general. Please r… - 5 years ago

@Shambridg1: @BitiTendai Best finance minister ,the name is Billy Rautenbach,he is not the only Big looter of Zim mineral & othe… - 5 years ago

@bryan_a_mackenz: RT @Poplak: I cannot commend ⁦@OpenSecretsZA⁩ enough for their muck-racking into the #ArmsDeal and other super corrupt apartheid/post-apart… - 5 years ago

@Siba_Mtshi: RT @Poplak: I cannot commend ⁦@OpenSecretsZA⁩ enough for their muck-racking into the #ArmsDeal and other super corrupt apartheid/post-apart… - 5 years ago

@nombonisogasa: RT @Poplak: I cannot commend ⁦@OpenSecretsZA⁩ enough for their muck-racking into the #ArmsDeal and other super corrupt apartheid/post-apart… - 5 years ago

@mfullard2: RT @Poplak: I cannot commend ⁦@OpenSecretsZA⁩ enough for their muck-racking into the #ArmsDeal and other super corrupt apartheid/post-apart… - 5 years ago

@mwanakomana01: RT @tichamakombe: @trublu_chelsea @BasilGreen9 @waIzwi @MJairosi @edmnangagwa @MinisterSBMoyo He worked for John Bredenkamp at Thetford Est… - 5 years ago

@Shambridg1: @muzekepwa @KingJayZim @Glencore @BitiTendai Tinashe, most of those Oil companies are Queen Bee cartel dealers cont… - 5 years ago

@waIzwi: RT @tichamakombe: @trublu_chelsea @BasilGreen9 @waIzwi @MJairosi @edmnangagwa @MinisterSBMoyo He worked for John Bredenkamp at Thetford Est… - 5 years ago

@tichamakombe: @trublu_chelsea @BasilGreen9 @waIzwi @MJairosi @edmnangagwa @MinisterSBMoyo He worked for John Bredenkamp at Thetfo… - 5 years ago

@neiljohnsonza: Unaccountable 00012: John Bredenkamp - Agent of BAE Systems - 5 years ago

@tarirokamuti: @TichRay Same league with the recently deceased John bredenkamp - 5 years ago

@serene_yemanja: RT @Poplak: I cannot commend ⁦@OpenSecretsZA⁩ enough for their muck-racking into the #ArmsDeal and other super corrupt apartheid/post-apart… - 5 years ago

@Gary22k: RT @Poplak: I cannot commend ⁦@OpenSecretsZA⁩ enough for their muck-racking into the #ArmsDeal and other super corrupt apartheid/post-apart… - 5 years ago

@MamelloS_M: RT @Poplak: I cannot commend ⁦@OpenSecretsZA⁩ enough for their muck-racking into the #ArmsDeal and other super corrupt apartheid/post-apart… - 5 years ago

@emile_re: RT @Poplak: I cannot commend ⁦@OpenSecretsZA⁩ enough for their muck-racking into the #ArmsDeal and other super corrupt apartheid/post-apart… - 5 years ago

@JohnJPCoen: RT @Poplak: I cannot commend ⁦@OpenSecretsZA⁩ enough for their muck-racking into the #ArmsDeal and other super corrupt apartheid/post-apart… - 5 years ago

@baileyrsa: RT @Poplak: I cannot commend ⁦@OpenSecretsZA⁩ enough for their muck-racking into the #ArmsDeal and other super corrupt apartheid/post-apart… - 5 years ago

@DjDelay007: RT @BasilGreen9: My former boss, Mr John Bredenkamp has passed on, I’m hoping he made peace with his Maker before he entered eternity. JAB,… - 5 years ago

@lizvonm: RT @Poplak: I cannot commend ⁦@OpenSecretsZA⁩ enough for their muck-racking into the #ArmsDeal and other super corrupt apartheid/post-apart… - 5 years ago

@Carefree19991: RT @Poplak: I cannot commend ⁦@OpenSecretsZA⁩ enough for their muck-racking into the #ArmsDeal and other super corrupt apartheid/post-apart… - 5 years ago

@brian_brianr: RT @Poplak: I cannot commend ⁦@OpenSecretsZA⁩ enough for their muck-racking into the #ArmsDeal and other super corrupt apartheid/post-apart… - 5 years ago

@patrickdevine1: RT @Poplak: I cannot commend ⁦@OpenSecretsZA⁩ enough for their muck-racking into the #ArmsDeal and other super corrupt apartheid/post-apart… - 5 years ago

@martinbroek: Dutch Zimbabwean businessman, involved in illegal arms trade John Bredenkamp passed away. De Nederland-(Zimbabwaan… - 5 years ago

@superglaze: RT @Poplak: I cannot commend ⁦@OpenSecretsZA⁩ enough for their muck-racking into the #ArmsDeal and other super corrupt apartheid/post-apart… - 5 years ago

@OpenSecretsZA: RT @Poplak: I cannot commend ⁦@OpenSecretsZA⁩ enough for their muck-racking into the #ArmsDeal and other super corrupt apartheid/post-apart… - 5 years ago

@LeonieJoubert: RT @Poplak: I cannot commend ⁦@OpenSecretsZA⁩ enough for their muck-racking into the #ArmsDeal and other super corrupt apartheid/post-apart… - 5 years ago

@deeJayBurd: RT @Poplak: I cannot commend ⁦@OpenSecretsZA⁩ enough for their muck-racking into the #ArmsDeal and other super corrupt apartheid/post-apart… - 5 years ago

@hennievvuuren: RT @Poplak: I cannot commend ⁦@OpenSecretsZA⁩ enough for their muck-racking into the #ArmsDeal and other super corrupt apartheid/post-apart… - 5 years ago

@tichamakombe: @mmawere Go to Prince Edward in Harare there's a block named John Bredenkamp Centenary what good did he bring to Zi… - 5 years ago

@Poplak: I cannot commend ⁦@OpenSecretsZA⁩ enough for their muck-racking into the #ArmsDeal and other super corrupt aparthei… - 5 years ago

@meladalklimat: RT @Quotenet: Omstreden Quote 500-lid John Bredenkamp overleden - 5 years ago

@Quotenet: Omstreden Quote 500-lid John Bredenkamp overleden - 5 years ago

@Sally51: Open Secrets: Unaccountable: John Bredenkamp – Agent of BAE Systems - 5 years ago

@WekwaZimuto: RT @xandatoto: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking Zimbabwe’s darkest secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@xandatoto: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking Zimbabwe’s darkest secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@Quotenet: Omstreden Quote 500-lid John Bredenkamp overleden - 5 years ago

@DannyWijnhoud: RT @timjansen85: Neder-Zimbabwaan Bredenkamp bezwoer zijn vermogen te hebben verdiend met tabakshandel, maar hij werd internationaal bekend… - 5 years ago

@Rolf_Oldejans: RT @timjansen85: Neder-Zimbabwaan Bredenkamp bezwoer zijn vermogen te hebben verdiend met tabakshandel, maar hij werd internationaal bekend… - 5 years ago

@SanderQuote: RT @timjansen85: Neder-Zimbabwaan Bredenkamp bezwoer zijn vermogen te hebben verdiend met tabakshandel, maar hij werd internationaal bekend… - 5 years ago

@AntonDekker3: RT @timjansen85: Neder-Zimbabwaan Bredenkamp bezwoer zijn vermogen te hebben verdiend met tabakshandel, maar hij werd internationaal bekend… - 5 years ago

@Bubbelonia: RT @timjansen85: Neder-Zimbabwaan Bredenkamp bezwoer zijn vermogen te hebben verdiend met tabakshandel, maar hij werd internationaal bekend… - 5 years ago

@Quotenet: RT @timjansen85: Neder-Zimbabwaan Bredenkamp bezwoer zijn vermogen te hebben verdiend met tabakshandel, maar hij werd internationaal bekend… - 5 years ago

@timjansen85: Neder-Zimbabwaan Bredenkamp bezwoer zijn vermogen te hebben verdiend met tabakshandel, maar hij werd internationaal… - 5 years ago

@Quotenet: Omstreden Quote 500-lid John Bredenkamp overleden - 5 years ago

@Carolin66482304: RT @hennievvuuren: Gone but not forgotten: Zimbabwean John Bredenkamp, his fingerprints were all over the scene of economic crimes that res… - 5 years ago

@xolilet01: RT @Arfness: "Another potential defendant in the Arms Deal probe dies." There, fixed it for you. - 5 years ago

@ChimutiNhamo: RT @BasilGreen9: My former boss, Mr John Bredenkamp has passed on, I’m hoping he made peace with his Maker before he entered eternity. JAB,… - 5 years ago

@BasilGreen9: My former boss, Mr John Bredenkamp has passed on, I’m hoping he made peace with his Maker before he entered eternit… - 5 years ago

@dadisai_: RT @newswireZW: “In Africa, it is essential to work with change, not against it” - John Bredenkamp. - 5 years ago

@ironwynch: RT @OpenSecretsZA: #UnaccountableProfiles 00012: John Bredenkamp- Agent of @BAESystemsInc A known smuggler, tobacco/arms trafficker, san… - 5 years ago

@HumanlyAwkward: RT @OpenSecretsZA: #UnaccountableProfiles 00012: John Bredenkamp- Agent of @BAESystemsInc A known smuggler, tobacco/arms trafficker, san… - 5 years ago

@Sanebutnot: RT @Arfness: "Another potential defendant in the Arms Deal probe dies." There, fixed it for you. - 5 years ago

@TheOtherView3: RT @OpenSecretsZA: #UnaccountableProfiles 00012: John Bredenkamp- Agent of @BAESystemsInc A known smuggler, tobacco/arms trafficker, san… - 5 years ago

@OpenSecretsZA: #UnaccountableProfiles 00012: John Bredenkamp- Agent of @BAESystemsInc A known smuggler, tobacco/arms trafficker… - 5 years ago

@RangaMberi: RT @newswireZW: “In Africa, it is essential to work with change, not against it” - John Bredenkamp. - 5 years ago

@Boepakitso: RT @Arfness: "Another potential defendant in the Arms Deal probe dies." There, fixed it for you. - 5 years ago

@Arfness: @_TanYeezy - 5 years ago

@_Prince_Akeem: RT @Arfness: "Another potential defendant in the Arms Deal probe dies." There, fixed it for you. - 5 years ago

@neiljohnsonza: RT @Arfness: "Another potential defendant in the Arms Deal probe dies." There, fixed it for you. - 5 years ago

@_Inceku: RT @Arfness: "Another potential defendant in the Arms Deal probe dies." There, fixed it for you. - 5 years ago

@steltenpower: RT @Arfness: "Another potential defendant in the Arms Deal probe dies." There, fixed it for you. - 5 years ago

@CoruscaKhaya: RT @Arfness: "Another potential defendant in the Arms Deal probe dies." There, fixed it for you. - 5 years ago

@Arfness: "Another potential defendant in the Arms Deal probe dies." There, fixed it for you. - 5 years ago

@ZimbabweVoice: Special tribute to John Bredenkamp - 5 years ago

@ronbadra: RT @PiersPigou: John Bredenkamp takes many secrets to the grave. Still onthe US sanctions list for Zimbabwe, regarded by many as a comprado… - 5 years ago

@AmyCMcintosh: This week, Open Secrets continues to profile the corporations and individuals implicated in corruption in the 1999… - 5 years ago

@ekondedaniel4: RT @stanleykwenda: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking Zimbabwe's darkest secrets to the grave - newZWire - 5 years ago

@CTWnl: RT @andrewfeinstein: ‘John Bredenkamp Dies’ @zimbabwerugby should temper their sadness knowing that Bredenkamp after making millions by bre… - 5 years ago

@stanleykwenda: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking Zimbabwe's darkest secrets to the grave - newZWire - 5 years ago

@TheFabledAesop: RT @andrewfeinstein: ‘John Bredenkamp Dies’ @zimbabwerugby should temper their sadness knowing that Bredenkamp after making millions by bre… - 5 years ago

@suzyflipp: RT @andrewfeinstein: ‘John Bredenkamp Dies’ @zimbabwerugby should temper their sadness knowing that Bredenkamp after making millions by bre… - 5 years ago

@andrewfeinstein: ‘John Bredenkamp Dies’ @zimbabwerugby should temper their sadness knowing that Bredenkamp after making millions by… - 5 years ago

@CommentsOnly: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@satadex23: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@TheZimOracle: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@BigTatenda: @nickmangwana The death of John Bredenkamp has made me realize that Zimbabweans confuse CORRUPTION with BUSINESS AC… - 5 years ago

@TChivese: @KumbaResources @abuhassan221 @fortunechasi @BantuPower @rashid27able The Bredenk… story anymore Interesting that… - 5 years ago

@Nomashingie: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@Sato94147287: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@Tatsmunn: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@MagnusWalan: - 5 years ago

@kunaka_hove: ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp - 5 years ago

@MatikwaTinashe: RT @LloydMsipa: ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’ #Brendenkamp parting shot as he goes to his grave. Wondering how many have had the guts to tell him… - 5 years ago

@kunaka_hove: RT @LloydMsipa: ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’ #Brendenkamp parting shot as he goes to his grave. Wondering how many have had the guts to tell him… - 5 years ago

@LloydMsipa: ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’ #Brendenkamp parting shot as he goes to his grave. Wondering how many have had the guts to… - 5 years ago

@fearnotsinnot: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@erickmars_: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@cantbreathe18: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@Tapiwatan: “HE’S CLUELESS!” - 5 years ago

@munyangani: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@thisis_emmanuel: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@InnocentVJames: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@terrificbatsie: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@raytchemvura: RT @TembaMliswa: My sincerest condolences to the family of the late John Bredenkamp. To me his immense contribution… - 5 years ago

@MaitaZoey: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@Rhu29894397: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@_nigel_guni_: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@josephmakuni: RT @Mathuthu: Colleague Angus Shaw over on Facebook about John Bredenkamp 😂😂😂😂 - 5 years ago

@beven_k14: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@HumbaWasu: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@debbie_nyasha: BREAKING: Business Tycoon John Bredenkamp Dies - 5 years ago

@tendaim65: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@RMBUWAYESANGO: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@kamdefwere: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@Spear_Chukka: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@WomanCelebrated: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@TheresaMutize: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@chiefFOBN: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@amaizuskitchen: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@deogova: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@M_Og77: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@KusoteraTM: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@tafadzwagutsa: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@JrKambewa: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@BkayO1: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@JrKambewa: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@vargoe21: @svusvu_randadya - 5 years ago

@Mzathews2011: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@BraChiks: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@Tonde_Shamu: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@jbreezythahulk: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@Mnakana: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@TinoHoveh: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@MpofuQondisani: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@Beautychats1: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@kevin_msipha: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@maxjnrr: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@mr_supremo: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@nzirayashe: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@Msasile: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@wakuraa: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@MumbleBlack: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@mboemsimanga: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@Monn_Amour: RT @newswireZW: “In Africa, it is essential to work with change, not against it” - John Bredenkamp. - 5 years ago

@Marimerodwell: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@ChikukwaJ: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@SAMBIRI9: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@tinomagura: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@violetgonda: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@Homuncu46806643: RT @shamsmug: ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp - 5 years ago

@shamsmug: ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp - 5 years ago

@PedzisaiRuhanya: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@GeraldMaho: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@VMurota: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@seanmaenza: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@MakhanyeRuth: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@Mathuthu: Colleague Angus Shaw over on Facebook about John Bredenkamp 😂😂😂😂 - 5 years ago

@blinkydd: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@newswireZW: “In Africa, it is essential to work with change, not against it” - John Bredenkamp. - 5 years ago

@cmundeng: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@Ngodza22: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@hbanhire: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@wellymusengwa: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@missZimunya1: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@paida_garwe: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@R195204P: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@d48a6f2a1c3347f: RT @zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@zimlive: #MUSTREAD ‘Mnangagwa is clueless’: my confusing encounter with John Bredenkamp by SHAMI FRED - 5 years ago

@gadaz_n: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@rapportoire: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@GugulethuMaryan: RIP Mr. John Bredenkamp  Go Well Old Tiger Thank you💔 #TeamZimbabweRugby🇿🇼🏉 - 5 years ago

@DemiZiwewera: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@ED_Josp: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@tindofish: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@GibraltarZA: RT @RedMicah: "While it is too late for Bredenkamp to be held accountable, many more should follow them into the dock." @OpenSecretsZA http… - 5 years ago

@IamSylo_: RT @RedMicah: "While it is too late for Bredenkamp to be held accountable, many more should follow them into the dock." @OpenSecretsZA http… - 5 years ago

@Save_Our_Zim: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@Raszen: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@HeirHeavenly: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@BMrehwa: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@murphym4: RT @RedMicah: "While it is too late for Bredenkamp to be held accountable, many more should follow them into the dock." @OpenSecretsZA http… - 5 years ago

@Vimbles: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@murphym4: Loved the documentary “Dark Waters” on @netflix . This little saga closer to home could make a compelling movie/ser… - 5 years ago

@OpenSecretsZA: RT @RedMicah: "While it is too late for Bredenkamp to be held accountable, many more should follow them into the dock." @OpenSecretsZA http… - 5 years ago

@ForichiMhlanga: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@Stuartziwewe: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@chiba_mavisto: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@Goromigos: RT @BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanctions bu… - 5 years ago

@BrezhMalaba: John Arnold Bredenkamp, the tycoon who died aged 79 yesterday, made his US$1bn from Zim tobacco, gun running, sanct… - 5 years ago

@jbreezythahulk: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@kiingziimunya: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@Ngonidzashe_95: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@JaqueSand: RT @vargoe21: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking Zimbabwe’s darkest secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@RedMicah: "While it is too late for Bredenkamp to be held accountable, many more should follow them into the dock."… - 5 years ago

@IndexMining: Mining mogul, John Bredenkamp dies. - 5 years ago

@karl_fleiner: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@JnrTaff: RT @TembaMliswa: My sincerest condolences to the family of the late John Bredenkamp. To me his immense contribution… - 5 years ago

@ZimbabweUpdate: RT @TembaMliswa: My sincerest condolences to the family of the late John Bredenkamp. To me his immense contribution… - 5 years ago

@_chipochashe: RT @TembaMliswa: My sincerest condolences to the family of the late John Bredenkamp. To me his immense contribution… - 5 years ago

@TembaMliswa: My sincerest condolences to the family of the late John Bredenkamp. To me his immense contr… - 5 years ago

@Inconsleuth: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@trustmas19: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@WilliamMazviro: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@JillKronenberg: RT @OpenSecretsZA: According to social media reports, John Bredenkamp passed away today. While the soft glow of nostalgia is already eviden… - 5 years ago

@willoe_tee: RT @shumba_cynthia: John Bredenkamp dies Business tycoon and former rugby player John Bredenkamp has died. He was 79. Bredenkamp, born in… - 5 years ago

@whezhira: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@takue7: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@ThandoMaNdlo: Mining tycoon, John Bredenkamp dies - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: John Bredenkamp - 5 years ago

@mpofu_gugu: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@Tanya_kavhenga: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@dsundire: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@newswireZW: RT @NjabuloNcube19: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking Zimbabwe’s darkest secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@willdesireemoyo: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@Botik61945648: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@FredMaunze: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@chawora_joachim: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@DylsMapfy: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@Guard_Jere: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@NjabuloNcube19: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@TaruonaG: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@tatemars: "Wherever there was chaos and change, Bredenkamp was there to profit from it. In all that, he was spoken of as some… - 5 years ago

@ZimMediaReview: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@Bulawayo24News: ZANU PF alleged funder John Bredenkamp dies - 5 years ago

@takudzwaUkat: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@aycawe: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@NjabuloNcube19: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking Zimbabwe’s darkest secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@MyZAcoza: SAD NEWS: Business magnate John Bredenkamp dies. He was 79 - 5 years ago

@shamos1309: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@MyZAcoza: SAD NEWS: Business magnate John Bredenkamp dies. He was 79 - 5 years ago

@TheOMatingwina: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@ChimutiNhamo: RT @WeArePindula: OPINION: John Bredenkamp: A Dark Overlord Taking Zimbabwe’s Darkest Secrets To The Grave - 5 years ago

@mashkenni: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@Ibroboss11: RT @WillFitzgibbon: Bredenkamp was another one of the early names we @ICIJorg and Zimbabwe partner @rchoto found in #panamapapers. https:/… - 5 years ago

@Chiome10M: RT @vargoe21: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking Zimbabwe’s darkest secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@Akanirelo: RT @OpenSecretsZA: According to social media reports, John Bredenkamp passed away today. While the soft glow of nostalgia is already eviden… - 5 years ago

@PremiumTimesng: RT @WillFitzgibbon: Bredenkamp was another one of the early names we @ICIJorg and Zimbabwe partner @rchoto found in #panamapapers. https:/… - 5 years ago

@BBmanzira: - 5 years ago

@simbanigel1: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@Nyazema: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@trabaka: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@Muneyinazvo1: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@ThomasS4217: @ZevShalev @ericgarland - 5 years ago

@Chairma11784689: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@YE4i48zS9CLoGdI: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@unityfreedom: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@LeaTayla: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@ElaJemapel: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@kunaka_hove: - 5 years ago

@CMitala: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@Trends_Central: RT @Trends_Central: Prince Edward Old Boys are saddened to hear about the passing of fellow Alumni John Bredenkamp. John was a generous Al… - 5 years ago

@CMitala: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@BhekiNyemba: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@bobbybenza: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@BlessingMlueFCB: RT @PiersPigou: John Bredenkamp takes many secrets to the grave. Still onthe US sanctions list for Zimbabwe, regarded by many as a comprado… - 5 years ago

@JohnJoeRegan: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@t1m0th1e: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@BlessingMlueFCB: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@mpiliso1: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@TeaEmEm: RT @profbrizzym: John Bredenkamp passed away early this morning. He was a true Prince Edward school stalwart and did so much for the school… - 5 years ago

@nelsonbanya: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@f_obermaier: RT @WillFitzgibbon: Bredenkamp was another one of the early names we @ICIJorg and Zimbabwe partner @rchoto found in #panamapapers. https:/… - 5 years ago

@Cahty_Official: RT @WillFitzgibbon: Bredenkamp was another one of the early names we @ICIJorg and Zimbabwe partner @rchoto found in #panamapapers. https:/… - 5 years ago

@leo_mucci: You Probably missed this. One of Zimbabwe's richest men has died. - 5 years ago

@grabochiwanza: RT @NehandaRadio: Zanu PF funder, arms dealer, tobacco trader John Bredenkamp dies aged 79 - Nehanda Radio - - 5 years ago

@ksmusa_a: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@ChindoveDianah: RT @ZimDotCom: John Arnold Bredenkamp, controversial Zimbabwean businessman, is reported to have died. Born in SA & grew up in Zim. https:/… - 5 years ago

@confusedeagledc: Arms dealer, sanctions buster John Bredenkamp dies aged 79 - - 5 years ago

@TaffyT4: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@hackneywick: RT @dailymaverick: Open Secrets: Unaccountable: John Bredenkamp – Agent of BAE Systems - 5 years ago

@Realstylz: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@GojoMuidzo: RT @NehandaRadio: Zanu PF funder, arms dealer, tobacco trader John Bredenkamp dies aged 79 - Nehanda Radio - - 5 years ago

@NehandaRadio: Zanu PF funder, arms dealer, tobacco trader John Bredenkamp dies aged 79 - Nehanda Radio - - 5 years ago

@rodkneeC: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@BMrehwa: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@EdiotImboko: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@theoriginalpod: RT @hennievvuuren: Gone but not forgotten: Zimbabwean John Bredenkamp, his fingerprints were all over the scene of economic crimes that res… - 5 years ago

@Realstylz: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@Realstylz: RT @vargoe21: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking Zimbabwe’s darkest secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@team_zimbabwe: Arms dealer, tobacco trader John Bredenkamp dies aged 79 - 5 years ago

@DamianFromDerry: RT @andrewfeinstein: 'John Bredenkamp – Agent of BAE Systems' - Central to South African arms deal corruption and to Mugabe's brutal regime… - 5 years ago

@EINMilitaryNews: Open Secrets: Unaccountable: John Bredenkamp – Agent of BAE Systems - 5 years ago

@isa542: RT @ZimEye: Arms Dealer, John Bredenkamp Dies Aged 79. – ZimEye - 5 years ago

@julianrademeyer: RT @OpenSecretsZA: According to social media reports, John Bredenkamp passed away today. While the soft glow of nostalgia is already eviden… - 5 years ago

@mel_tsie: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@MadlalaPrince: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@mwanadandadzi: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@PatriciaKasia: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@ma_Fafadza: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@BvungoGillian: RT @ZimDotCom: John Arnold Bredenkamp, controversial Zimbabwean businessman, is reported to have died. Born in SA & grew up in Zim. https:/… - 5 years ago

@GillSpurs: RT @PiersPigou: John Bredenkamp takes many secrets to the grave. Still onthe US sanctions list for Zimbabwe, regarded by many as a comprado… - 5 years ago

@George39422738: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@LeeRuzz: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@JacksonGerry: RT @PiersPigou: John Bredenkamp takes many secrets to the grave. Still onthe US sanctions list for Zimbabwe, regarded by many as a comprado… - 5 years ago

@bekithembamh: RT @vargoe21: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking Zimbabwe’s darkest secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@RogueRoyaltyy: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@MissMahlambi82: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@thezimnewslive: John Bredenkamp dies aged 79 - 5 years ago

@Duhunye: RT @Trends_Central: Prince Edward Old Boys are saddened to hear about the passing of fellow Alumni John Bredenkamp. John was a generous Al… - 5 years ago

@mavula69: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@Trends_Central: Prince Edward Old Boys are saddened to hear about the passing of fellow Alumni John Bredenkamp. John was a generou… - 5 years ago

@billrobs: RT @andrewfeinstein: 'John Bredenkamp – Agent of BAE Systems' - Central to South African arms deal corruption and to Mugabe's brutal regime… - 5 years ago

@POWERED59673498: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@Nomashingie: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@Trends_Central: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@wellingtoneLivn: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@VaMagoronga: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@nels_duke: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@SportsRifle: RT @profbrizzym: John Bredenkamp attend @Tigers1898 last years Old boys Reunion dinner as guest speaker little did we know he was bidding… - 5 years ago

@musonicollen1: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@imakazhu: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@OneNation70290: Open Secrets: Unaccountable: John Bredenkamp – Agent of BAE Systems - 5 years ago

@caesq: RT @WillFitzgibbon: Bredenkamp was another one of the early names we @ICIJorg and Zimbabwe partner @rchoto found in #panamapapers. https:/… - 5 years ago

@PennyMarais: RT @OpenSecretsZA: According to social media reports, John Bredenkamp passed away today. While the soft glow of nostalgia is already eviden… - 5 years ago

@MpofuQondisani: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@BlessingMahomva: RT @vargoe21: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking Zimbabwe’s darkest secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@carlpasie: RT @WeArePindula: OPINION: John Bredenkamp: A Dark Overlord Taking Zimbabwe’s Darkest Secrets To The Grave - 5 years ago

@sisi_inana: RT @andrewfeinstein: 'John Bredenkamp – Agent of BAE Systems' - Central to South African arms deal corruption and to Mugabe's brutal regime… - 5 years ago

@UncapedMarshall: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@michaelkaliika: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@ChikukwaJ: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@Vee_Mk: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@Dennivil: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@TheOMatingwina: RT @WeArePindula: OPINION: John Bredenkamp: A Dark Overlord Taking Zimbabwe’s Darkest Secrets To The Grave - 5 years ago

@fortune_zihura: @ZimEye Aaah shame very sorry 😐 indeed John Bredenkamp Family - 5 years ago

@mudzvovan: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@tongaim: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@RangaMberi: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@WeArePindula: OPINION: John Bredenkamp: A Dark Overlord Taking Zimbabwe’s Darkest Secrets To The Grave - 5 years ago

@mtkelvin: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@PearlMatibe: On John Bredenkamp. - 5 years ago

@CdeLearnmore: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@BigInduna: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@tinomagura: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@Dangurangu: RT @TheAnchorZim: JOHN BREDENKAMP DIES Business tycoon and former rugby player John Bredenkamp has died. He was 79. Bredenkamp, born in… - 5 years ago

@ZimEye: John Bredenkamp The Man Who Had Strong Relations With Both Ian Smith And Robert Mugabe – ZimEye… - 5 years ago

@GeorgeCharamba: RT @vargoe21: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking Zimbabwe’s darkest secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@Zimbird: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@MichaelMuteked1: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@Nelson4eva2: RT @zimlive: Arms dealer, tobacco trader John Bredenkamp dies aged 79 - 5 years ago

@Umratata: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@ballsofsteel_78: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@PearlMatibe: #Zimbabwean, John Bredenkamp has passed away early this morning. He was a true #PrinceEdwardHighSchool in #Harare… - 5 years ago

@efie41209591: RT @zimlive: Arms dealer, tobacco trader John Bredenkamp dies aged 79 - 5 years ago

@michaelkaliika: RT @TheAnchorZim: JOHN BREDENKAMP DIES Business tycoon and former rugby player John Bredenkamp has died. He was 79. Bredenkamp, born in… - 5 years ago

@ZimEye: Arms Dealer, John Bredenkamp Dies Aged 79. – ZimEye - 5 years ago

@Chief_Dotz: RT @NhondoTakawira: @daddyhope John Bredenkamp Music and Computer Centre. - 5 years ago

@Pablo_di_Don: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@shumba_cynthia: John Bredenkamp dies Business tycoon and former rugby player John Bredenkamp has died. He was 79. Bredenkamp, born… - 5 years ago

@TheAnchorZim: JOHN BREDENKAMP DIES Business tycoon and former rugby player John Bredenkamp has died. He was 79. Bredenkamp, bo… - 5 years ago

@fanuel_mutukwa: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@vorsche_g: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@ntuliluckywelco: RT @r2kcampaign: Will corrupt individuals like John Bredenkamp ever be held accountable? #OngaziMakazi #ArmsDeal - 5 years ago

@KMaunganidze: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@TitusGwemende: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@DorkAtCoolTable: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@r2kcampaign: Will corrupt individuals like John Bredenkamp ever be held accountable? #OngaziMakazi #ArmsDeal - 5 years ago

@UNewzim: Arms dealer, tobacco trader John Bredenkamp dies aged 79 🟥 Bredenkamp gained considerable clout in the political… - 5 years ago

@NicolaWatson13: RT @PiersPigou: John Bredenkamp takes many secrets to the grave. Still onthe US sanctions list for Zimbabwe, regarded by many as a comprado… - 5 years ago

@tshepo87: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@kudzaikaukau: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@NyashaSimon: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@ZimbabweVoice: Zimbabwe sanctions buster John Bredenkamp dies aged 79 - 5 years ago

@EmmanuelTshuma: Open Secrets: Unaccountable: John Bredenkamp – Agent of BAE Systems - 5 years ago

@KMutisi: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@myk_zi: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@ZimbabweVoice: John Bredenkamp Dies - 5 years ago

@ForichiMhlanga: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@gedesbass: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@ChrisCharamba: RT @newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@newswireZW: OBITUARY | John Bredenkamp: A dark overlord taking some Zimbabwe’s darkest corruption secrets to the grave - 5 years ago

@isa542: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@ProsperZW: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@DavieChiwara: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@gundwenation: BREAKING: Business Tycoon John Bredenkamp Dies - 5 years ago

@TendaiMarowa3: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@ZwNews_: JUST IN: Zimbabwe business tycoon John Bredenkamp Dies at Age 79 - 5 years ago

@That_guy_Pic: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@efie41209591: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@Tafmuc: RT @PiersPigou: John Bredenkamp takes many secrets to the grave. Still onthe US sanctions list for Zimbabwe, regarded by many as a comprado… - 5 years ago

@luckychisi: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@luckychisi: RT @PiersPigou: John Bredenkamp takes many secrets to the grave. Still onthe US sanctions list for Zimbabwe, regarded by many as a comprado… - 5 years ago

@news365coza: Controversial arms dealer and mining tycoon John Bredenkamp has died - 5 years ago

@violetgonda: RT @zimlive: Arms dealer, tobacco trader John Bredenkamp dies aged 79 - 5 years ago

@ZimbaMu: - 5 years ago

@BaNitambe: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@SueNyathi: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@Soletsoleil1: - 5 years ago

@JacquelineZwamb: - 5 years ago

@lilomatic: May His Soul Rest In Peace. Afa Anaka! "Mining tycoon, John Bredenkamp dies" - 5 years ago

@vulzdotcom: RT @FinxZim: John Bredenkamp dies Business tycoon and former rugby player John Bredenkamp has died. He was 79. - 5 years ago

@ATewungwa: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@oneal_clint: RT @profbrizzym: John Bredenkamp attend @Tigers1898 last years Old boys Reunion dinner as guest speaker little did we know he was bidding… - 5 years ago

@achereni: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@richmatanda: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@CdeMarcKatsaura: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@VaKaronga: RT @zanupf_patriots: BREAKING‼️ Business mogul Bredenkamp dies. Business tycoon and former rugby player John Bredenkamp has died. He was… - 5 years ago

@AdvocateTKay: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@tindofish: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@sitholeg2003: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@TerrellDemorgan: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@GMugiyo: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@kaybeebadza: RT @PiersPigou: John Bredenkamp takes many secrets to the grave. Still onthe US sanctions list for Zimbabwe, regarded by many as a comprado… - 5 years ago

@saffazimbo2: RT @andrewfeinstein: 'John Bredenkamp – Agent of BAE Systems' - Central to South African arms deal corruption and to Mugabe's brutal regime… - 5 years ago

@LoveOne10193922: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@saffazimbo2: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@saffazimbo2: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@tinawamahachi: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@Sir_nickle: RT @OpenSecretsZA: According to social media reports, John Bredenkamp passed away today. While the soft glow of nostalgia is already eviden… - 5 years ago

@mwanakomana01: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@mastermindchan: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@lenny1412_: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@zuluzim909: RT @jsphctrl: Zimbabwe's John Bredenkamp is dead - this turns out to be a fitting obituary. - 5 years ago

@Masterhkd17: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@VaKaronga: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@P_Fungayi: RT @jsphctrl: Zimbabwe's John Bredenkamp is dead - this turns out to be a fitting obituary. - 5 years ago

@StAndreasson: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@andrewsduncan1: John Bredenkamp – agent of BAE Systems and friend of Ian Smith and Robert Mugabe dies. 🇿🇼🇿🇦🇬🇧#JohnBredenkamp #ZANU-… - 5 years ago

@WilliamMazviro: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@JrKambewa: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@TheOMatingwina: RT @zanupf_patriots: BREAKING‼️ Business mogul Bredenkamp dies. Business tycoon and former rugby player John Bredenkamp has died. He was… - 5 years ago

@stallyreward: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@missZimunya1: RT @jsphctrl: Zimbabwe's John Bredenkamp is dead - this turns out to be a fitting obituary. - 5 years ago

@CjsSecurities: RT @jsphctrl: Zimbabwe's John Bredenkamp is dead - this turns out to be a fitting obituary. - 5 years ago

@tenkatreats: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@jsphctrl: Zimbabwe's John Bredenkamp is dead - this turns out to be a fitting obituary. - 5 years ago

@gnmusuka: RT @OpenSecretsZA: According to social media reports, John Bredenkamp passed away today. While the soft glow of nostalgia is already eviden… - 5 years ago

@gnmusuka: RT @PiersPigou: John Bredenkamp takes many secrets to the grave. Still onthe US sanctions list for Zimbabwe, regarded by many as a comprado… - 5 years ago

@gnmusuka: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@gnmusuka: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@IkeTee8: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@podgeharrison: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@raphaelMhonde: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@MhuriroFarai: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@KudzaiChitapi: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@dmanduna: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@ndaashava: RT @PiersPigou: John Bredenkamp takes many secrets to the grave. Still onthe US sanctions list for Zimbabwe, regarded by many as a comprado… - 5 years ago

@karenstones: RT @OpenSecretsZA: According to social media reports, John Bredenkamp passed away today. While the soft glow of nostalgia is already eviden… - 5 years ago

@ellyvil: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@tcmallinson: RT @OpenSecretsZA: According to social media reports, John Bredenkamp passed away today. While the soft glow of nostalgia is already eviden… - 5 years ago

@Tichmann2: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@citizens_arise: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@whitewalkerzim2: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@Tichmann2: RT @Reform_Zimbabwe: RIP John Bredenkamp. Baba vaiva nehuori havo ivava. - 5 years ago

@NorbertMarimo: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@hilmusvo: RT @PiersPigou: John Bredenkamp takes many secrets to the grave. Still onthe US sanctions list for Zimbabwe, regarded by many as a comprado… - 5 years ago

@263MJ: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@JrKambewa: RT @PiersPigou: John Bredenkamp takes many secrets to the grave. Still onthe US sanctions list for Zimbabwe, regarded by many as a comprado… - 5 years ago

@hilmusvo: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@PerseveranceNd3: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@libertelalibert: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@ai_snake: RT @PiersPigou: John Bredenkamp takes many secrets to the grave. Still onthe US sanctions list for Zimbabwe, regarded by many as a comprado… - 5 years ago

@MlungisiMthembo: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@ANGEZHA_Vauya: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@Tichmann2: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@Waspy37262293: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@fatso4real: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@Vee_Mk: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@WomanCelebrated: RT @PiersPigou: John Bredenkamp takes many secrets to the grave. Still onthe US sanctions list for Zimbabwe, regarded by many as a comprado… - 5 years ago

@hbanhire: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@FaccioTommaso: RT @WillFitzgibbon: Bredenkamp was another one of the early names we @ICIJorg and Zimbabwe partner @rchoto found in #panamapapers. https:/… - 5 years ago

@Pchada101: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@EdsonChikwanha: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@dimmpleMan: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@tmnando9: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@Reform_Zimbabwe: RIP John Bredenkamp. Baba vaiva nehuori havo ivava. - 5 years ago

@Darling26430827: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@ntinosekwa: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@seanmureza: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@thaDarlington: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@monkey1612: RT @PiersPigou: John Bredenkamp takes many secrets to the grave. Still onthe US sanctions list for Zimbabwe, regarded by many as a comprado… - 5 years ago

@Mavhure: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@gibbyfidelista: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: John Bredenkamp, you will be missed - #JohnBredenkamp #John #Bredenkamp #rip - 5 years ago

@Mining_Zimbabwe: Mining tycoon, John Bredenkamp dies... - 5 years ago

@WomanCelebrated: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@ChimutiNhamo: RT @ZimDotCom: John Arnold Bredenkamp, controversial Zimbabwean businessman, is reported to have died. Born in SA & grew up in Zim. https:/… - 5 years ago

@P_Y_Richard: RT @PiersPigou: - 5 years ago

@bra_phila: RT @matigary: John Bredenkamp has died. Bredenkamp was a prolific sanctions buster in Rhodesia and he got extremely rich from sanctions b… - 5 years ago

@missZimunya1: RT @PiersPigou: - 5 years ago

@Thamu_Dube: RT @PiersPigou: John Bredenkamp takes many secrets to the grave. Still onthe US sanctions list for Zimbabwe, regarded by many as a comprado… - 5 years ago

@JrKambewa: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@it_takura: RT @FinxZim: John Bredenkamp dies Business tycoon and former rugby player John Bredenkamp has died. He was 79. - 5 years ago

@patiemu: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

@CTM14541840: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@MPKafuramutowa: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@BigTimmz: RT @PiersPigou: John Bredenkamp takes many secrets to the grave. Still onthe US sanctions list for Zimbabwe, regarded by many as a comprado… - 5 years ago

@Tungamirai010: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@JnrTaff: RT @zanupf_patriots: BREAKING‼️ Business mogul Bredenkamp dies. Business tycoon and former rugby player John Bredenkamp has died. He was… - 5 years ago

@alositsha: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@NicolaWatson13: RT @PiersPigou: - 5 years ago

@Mzathews2011: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@ChirigaCourage: RT @daddyhope: Today the Zimbabwean businessman John Bredenkemp has died. Those who benefited from his largesse are mourning. However John… - 5 years ago

@napoh_sweet: RT @zimlive: #NEW Businessman John Bredenkamp has died aged 79, according to friends. A former rugby captain and sanctions buster for the R… - 5 years ago

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