John Battaglia

American convicted murder
Died on Friday February 2nd 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to John Battaglia:

@john_battaglia: RT @jeremiahburch10: Well snapchat did the honors of automatically updating it for me. So if you ever ask me "hey did u see my story?" No Iā€¦ - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @devanlunceford: eyelashes are supposed to prevent things from going into your eyes but whenever i have something in my eye itā€™s alwaysā€¦ - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @itssarazam: stage 4 cancer WHO? paralyzed from the belly button down WHOOOO???? my girl is running around in remission bitches - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @ItsGuyThing: why google gotta do us like that - 7 years ago


@Dutchess_68: Deadly Affection: John Battaglia What a sick bastard. - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @LordBalvin: Mood - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @JackedYoTweets: Day 140 without sex: The ceiling getting sucked - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @antijokeapple: ā€œyour order has been shipp..ā€ me: - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @espn: "You ain't s----." @TeamJuJu's mom is still making him do chores at her house. šŸ˜‚ - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @Douniyah: When I tell someone Iā€™m ready to die and they tell me to ā€œstay positive ā€œ - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @playboinocarti: Day 789 without sex: - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: @Emilymarieex0 LMFAOO ily - 7 years ago

@Emilymarieex0: @john_battaglia - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: @Emilymarieex0 - 7 years ago

@Emilymarieex0: @john_battaglia I hate you - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @espn: Pop gonna Pop. - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @FreddyAmazin: Why did i laugh so hard at this šŸ˜‚ - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @itsrjhill: "How much will my grade drop if I don't do tonight's hw..." - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: @Emilymarieex0 So donā€™t do it - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: @AskPlayStation why do I have to update my password - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @WorIdStarComedy: When Lonzo Ball and Brandon Ingram argue over who should take the last shot and Isaiah Thomas gets involved - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @SamClark_23: Snapchat is that friend that youā€™ve known since high school who became famous and changed so much to the point that you caā€¦ - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @mr_panda_mazen: Asked a girl in my class for her number, she said she donā€™t give it to guys now I gotta email her like were in 2003 httā€¦ - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @finah: normal teens eat ass, not face - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @StrangeWorId: Bending Reality - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @RappersSaid: 14 years ago today, Kanye West released his debut album ā€œThe College Dropoutā€ - 7 years ago

@kerhyatt: RT @purudakothari: @kerhyatt what you were talking to us about yesterday! - 7 years ago

@vin_battaglia: RT @Slate: John Kelly is no better than Donald Trump: - 7 years ago

@vin_battaglia: RT @Lawrence: John Kelly's hometown paper says he is "a racist and incompetent staffer who has enabled a racist and incompetent president."ā€¦ - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @DeboinarApe: Shit Bron tryna act surprised like he didnā€™t make all the trades lmao - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @Finessegawd3000: I wanna have oomf like those strawberries for valentines - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @World_Wide_Wob: God damn Blake Griffin erases Montrezl at the rim then dodgeballs him - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @2ndWorldRailgun: I ordered a Xbox One and this came in the mail ??? - 7 years ago

@vin_battaglia: RT @JoyAnnReid: Republicans claim they want government to be run like a business. What business would allow the kind of shoddy management Jā€¦ - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @SoDamnTrue: "You're 22 and you're still living with your parents?" . . Whose parents am I supposed to live with? - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @jules630xo: Bitches aintttttt shit - 7 years ago

@Daniela7618: RT @ChronicaLibri: Bompiani: ā€œLa battagliaā€ di John Steinbeck. Traduzione di Eugenio Montale, a cura di LuigiĀ Sampietro - 7 years ago

@AmnestySassari: USA - Texas - Eseguita pena di morte per John Battaglia - Terza esecuzione in USA nel 2018... - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @GucciClout: "OPEN YOUR FUCKIN EYE" *uncontrollably laughing* - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @girlposts: "the girls got in trouble and there goes tux letting them free šŸ™„" the best thing ive seen today - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @SportsCenter: Draymond Green wasn't happy about his hefty fine. - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @krazyira: my heart when my boo send me selfies - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @TommySobieski: iā€™m sleep forever after this onešŸ˜¤ - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @Supermari64: Bron when he see Tristan Thompson still on the squad - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @NBABeLike: Smile if Kobe dropped 40 points on you - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @WSHHFANS: Happy Birthday to Kimbo he wouldve been 44 today - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @kevinfigman: Me going on my snapchat just to find out it updated by itself... - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @ColbyLedbetter: I guess email me since thatā€™s easier than Snapchat now - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @NFL: In honor of the #PyeongChang2018 Winter Olympics... Olympics-style celebrations from the 2017 season! ā„ļøšŸˆ - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @FIirtationship: If you think I need to burry myself in 30 puppies to find a little bit more happiness in my life, you are exactly rightā€¦ - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @4thQtr_Ninja: Twitter in todayā€™s climate wouldnā€™t be able to handle this guy - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @isaacsvobodny: The Snapchat update sucks. RT to save a life! - 7 years ago

@COMRADEBLOOM: RT @ncadp: Stand with NCADP against the execution of #JohnBattaglia. His mental competency was questioned on multiple accounts, read more hā€¦ - 7 years ago

@Daniela7618: Bompiani: ā€œLa battagliaā€ di John Steinbeck. Traduzione di Eugenio Montale, a cura di Luigi Sampiā€¦ - 7 years ago

@ChronicaLibri: Bompiani: ā€œLa battagliaā€ di John Steinbeck. Traduzione di Eugenio Montale, a cura di LuigiĀ Sampietroā€¦ - 7 years ago

@controradio: šŸ“—šŸ“˜šŸ“™Domenica 11 febbraio alle 11:00 all'Auditorium di Piazza della Resistenza di #Scandicci torna l'appuntamento... - 7 years ago

@PatrickHenryQ: Texas killer dad John Battaglia taunts ex-wife at execution - BBC News-@realDonaldTrump hey this scumbag could takeā€¦ - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @lilrondo_: Niggas said ugly women get pregnant to prove they be havin sex. This where I log out. - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @Radio_Reem: Tell me why @ASAPferg just popped up at Union Square and started performing Plain Jane. Only in NYC šŸ˜‚ - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @Trekles: The fbi agent when I wake up ahead of schedule - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @McDoogleToots: Snapchat ruined itself, Instagram is plastered with videos, Facebook is a 35 and above club, but you Twitter my friend,ā€¦ - 7 years ago

@zahraq96: RT @FOX4: EXECUTED: The State of Texas has executed John Battaglia for his killing of his two young daughters while their mom listened helpā€¦ - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @breeannaviii: Wendyā€™s needs to make a strawberry frosty šŸ”„ - 7 years ago

@wahotogokonen: Killer John Battaglia taunts ex-wife as he is given lethal injection for shooting their daughters - 7 years ago

@boshinsukureta: Killer John Battaglia taunts ex-wife as he is given lethal injection for shooting their daughters - 7 years ago

@mimiwotsumoii: Killer John Battaglia taunts ex-wife as he is given lethal injection for shooting their daughters - 7 years ago

@panzennakute: Killer John Battaglia taunts ex-wife as he is given lethal injection for shooting their daughters - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @swaggy_b_: D Wade: man we gotta get rid of these bums and get some fresh blood in here Bron: - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @el_budget: Y'all do this every year and every year y'all end up with guys like Loul Deng & Roy Hibbert - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @RTNBA: Isaiah Thomasā€™ time spent in Cleveland summed up in one video - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @funksocks: me skipping a class for ā€œself-careā€ even though they have mandatory attendance - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @benshapiro: Let's just jump straight to the "kill yourself if you are willing to try any of these idiotic challenges and rid the gene pā€¦ - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @NBA2K: First day at your new job like... - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @noahstevenson: niggas got a ā€œwhen you nut & she still suckingā€ emoji twitter too powerful - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @SIimWeeper: Half the Cavs roster next game when LeBron tells them to run a play: - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @realwtsports: *Next Cavs practice* JR: "Yo IT looks taller." LeBron: "That's Jordan Clarkson." JR: "What, well imma go talk to Dwyanā€¦ - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @World_Wide_Wob: *Wade's first game back in Miami* *Lights go out inside American Airlines Arena* *Deafening cheer and excitement* *Michā€¦ - 7 years ago

@john_battaglia: RT @Sp0rtsTaIkJ0e: Isaiah Thomas just confronted LeBron in the locker room and yelled, ā€œYOU GOT ME TRADED YOU SON OF A BITJCH!!ā€ before kicā€¦ - 7 years ago

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