John Aiken

American ice hockey player (Montreal Canadiens).
Died on Sunday November 7th 2021

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to John Aiken:

@vinniemackenzie: RT @sportsdeaths: NHL: John Aiken, age 89, played w Montreal Canadiens - 3 years ago

@IgotgameWALLACE: RT @ethanandersonw: McNeese head coach John Aiken with two of his assistants after his first win as a D1 head coach! #GeauxPokes | #writeOā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @FrankConniff: "...and now it had come at last, George Amberson Minafer had got his comeuppance. He got it three times filled, and runniā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: @WentRogue @laura_yuen I too, am guilty. But I attribute it to a vestigial, juvenile notion to poke corporations inā€¦ - 3 years ago


@MikeSloan01: Iā€™m convinced Binger drives a Prius, collects cat calendars, drinks soy lattes, and has Culture Club, Elton John anā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @leftcoastbabe: A simple question: If the situation was so dangerous on of August 25, 2020 in Kenosha, how come the only three people sā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Nickthewolf: @MarriedAU I'm appalled at the way Bryce Ruthven & Melissa Rawson were treated by the others on #MAFSAustralia. Soā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @JohnCollins_KP: If your party is kicking out members for independent thinking and doing the right thing, you don't have a party, you haā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @MayoIsSpicyy: Did you know that Judge Bruce Schroeder is the longest-serving active judge in Wisconsin's trial courts? Thatā€™s fucking tā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @AmoneyResists: There is no situation in šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø that requires you to get an AR-15 and cross state lines to play cop If: āœ… You make the choiā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @keithedwards: How is this real - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @7Veritas4: Dear Democrats, Kudos on getting the Infrastructure Bill passed! šŸ‘šŸ½ If you donā€™t get the Voting Rights Act passed, there wā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @AmoneyResists: Good morning to everyone who didnā€™t plot to overthrow the United States government and then pretended it never happened. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @paulkrugman: Trying to clarify my own thoughts on inflation. I got inflation wrong; I didn't see the current surge coming. But why? I dā€¦ - 3 years ago

@MZelezinski: RT @FrankWilson28: Congratulations to Coach John Aiken on the first of many more to come #LetsRide - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @LOLGOP: Just a reminder that only two people were killed in the Kenosha Protests after the shooting of Jacob Blake. And they were bothā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @sendingAlohas: @NickKnudsenUS @POTUS @VP GET LOUD!! PASS THE #FreedomToVote ACT. Gerrymandering is so contributing the breaking down liā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @petsneverfailu1: @NickKnudsenUS @TheDemCoalition @POTUS @VP I couldnā€™t agree more. There is no organizing, amount of votes, or donatioā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @justlikehvn: @NickKnudsenUS @Itsagoodlife48G @POTUS @VP Exactly! Gerrymandering will take a lot of seats. Plus the laws which have beenā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @NickKnudsenUS: We can't out-organize the GOP's gerrymandering. We'll lose dozens of seats before we even start. @POTUS @VP: Please getā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @markos: Every Arizona Republican voted against that money. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: How do people NOT have contempt for the law, as it is administered by this judge? - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @TheRickyDavila: So let me understand this, Colin Kaepernick was called a traitor and was pushed out of the NFL for taking a knee duringā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: The judge is an embarrassment; your logic would be lost on him. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @duty2warn: Hitler and Lenin were released from prison after failed coups. The results were Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Are we follā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @kevin_thecritic: Film Twitter needs to learn that a movie can be flawed and yet still worth seeing. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @GoodPoliticGuy: You donā€™t make shit. Your workers do and you take the value of their labor for yourself - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @anthonycwalker: Patriots, I have just been told that all American currency is secretly being replaced by the Biden Regime. The new bā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @JoyceWhiteVance: Thereā€™s a lot here, but my initial reaction is enormous anger that none of these people, all of whom had taken an oathā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @Rob16921: My wife yelled from the bedroom asking, "Do you ever get a shooting pain across your body like someone's got a voodoo doll ofā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @MuellerSheWrote: Just a friendly reminder that Elon Musk got $4.9B in government welfare. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @ErieNotEerie: If your church is chanting ā€œLetā€™s Go Brandonā€, then itā€™s time for your church to be taxed. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @smotus: It's a failure of capitalism that one person can have a quarter trillion dollars. It's a failure of the universe that it's thisā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @catfishyak: Republican Jesus ate the five loaves and two fishā€¦ all by himself - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @SethAbramson: But somehow I never forget why I dislike Elon Musk - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @CarlosEGates1: Close to 800K deaths but likely to be more than double that. The GOP are traitors and murderers on a massive scale. htā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: Itā€™s more complicated than that, you see, because ... Oh, wait, itā€™s NOT any more complicated than that. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: Oh-oh. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @RBReich: Elon Musk is insulting Bernie because heā€™s just mad that people are finally calling him out for paying so little in taxes ā€” soā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: No more explaining away mysterious happenings ; this joint is absolutely haunted. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: @bbenn68 I see that now; my mistake. - 3 years ago

@bbenn68: @aiken_john Thatā€™s not Leonard Nimoy. Leonard Nimoy has pointy ears. Sheesh - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @GeorgeTakei: One way to assess whether powerful people are actually also good people is how they treat the elderly, who have lived theiā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @kylegriffin1: Rep Jackie Speier on the resolution to censure Republican Paul Gosar: "The fact that the Minority Leader has yet to say aā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @robreiner: We have Michael Flynn calling for one American religion. We have Paul Gosar calling for the death of the President of the Unā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @brianklaas: One of the most alarming things about seeing Michael Flynnā€™s theocratic authoritarianism and QAnon lunacy isnā€™t just the faā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @cdashiell: Executive privilege is a time-honored method for concealing crimes. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @DeathMetalV: If you think a government enforcing a vaccine on you is oppressive imagine a government forcing a religion on you. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @TristanSnell: Michael Flynnā€™s ā€œone religionā€ views are literally unconstitutional, under the First Amendment: ā€œCongress shall make noā€¦ - 3 years ago

@BuiltFyrdeTough: @aiken_john @msanthropetweet @WentRogue Ooh, nice Pheasant Back! Theyā€™re pretty good sliced thin and pickled in ACV. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: I mean, do visitors GENERALLY take it for a spin? - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @johnpavlovitz: Every time a guy like Michael Flynn says something maniacal like he did today, I want to ask every Republican voter withā€¦ - 3 years ago

@KaraDiDomizio: RT @adventofcomp: @TimeTravelTalks @PrincessBurton @HistoryBitesize @The_HistoryBook @historywjackson @wafflesthemagic @kingsqueenspod @Paiā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @QuoteDigging: @RonFilipkowski .@Frank_Schaeffer: "Today there is no evangelical political movement. There is a new American Taliban andā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @waltshaub: Itā€™s amazing to me that Trump killed hundreds of thousands of Americans and not only is he not in jail but thereā€™s a whole fā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @DanRather: We have a dangerous rise in antisemitism. Meanwhile we have anti-vaxxers wearing yellow stars. I was 14 years old when the cā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @BernieSanders: I cannot understand the absurdity that it costs TEN TIMES as much for insulin in the United States as it does for the saā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @AmyAThatcher: Good morning to everyone who understands that freedom of religion is in the Constitution. Fuck Michael Flynn and his "oneā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @Sifill_LDF: This alone should dominate every Sunday news show. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @SHEsus__Christ: I was raised by Christians and told my entire life that we should love our neighbors and now my dad calls me a socialisā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @MollyJongFast: Refusing a free vaccine is not the same as the Holocaust. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @johnpavlovitz: If we don't all vote Blue in numbers like we've never seen and get a bigger majorityā€”these people will run this country. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @DeathMetalV: When someone wishes America was a religious nation they mean under a white god. - 3 years ago

@jeremi1986: RT @isaacrthorne: #FF @jacq0lantern @JamesCullenB @jeremi1986 @JessicaCalvello @JigsawsLairBlog @john_f_leonard @JonnyLeroy @JonnyNumb @Keā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: @WentRogue @BreeMinneapolis Are we ever going to find out who GoFund-ed Brett Kavanaugh? - 3 years ago

@BreeMinneapolis: @WentRogue @aiken_john "Look, if it's an issue of retirement savings, you're in good company. According to advertisā€¦ - 3 years ago

@WentRogue: @aiken_john @BreeMinneapolis True! Bree, maybe in your letter you should offer to get a GoFundMe page started for him. - 3 years ago

@BreeMinneapolis: @aiken_john @WentRogue He can do that after he retires, we have a labor shortage. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: @WentRogue @BreeMinneapolis How do you KNOW that Justice Breyer has enough money to retire? For all that you know,ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: Sure you can. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: @WentRogue I have dissuaded myself from believing that any music is ... mine. Some people just have more context than other people. - 3 years ago

@WentRogue: @aiken_john I suppose the 80s? I just get resentful when some obscure music that I think of as MINE is peddled to sā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: @WentRogue Which decade exactly do you define as your youth? - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: Itā€™s not as ludicrous as it should be. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: Sure you can. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING NEWS: Civil rights attorney Ben Crump announces that he will bring over 100 Black pastors to pray with the Arā€¦ - 3 years ago

@WentRogue: @aiken_john The worst is when they pipe in alt pop music from my youth - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: @WentRogue I dunno, I like to go in and get out of supermarkets as quickly as possible; do you have any up-tempo-muā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @OMGno2trump: Holy shit. My vote for meme of the day. - 3 years ago

@to_mati: @writersdoing Lion Feuchtwanger, Ursula K. Le Guin, Leo Tolstoi, Joan Aiken, Alison Lurie, John Irving - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: Al Sharpton should spend every waking moment touring American courtrooms. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @kenolin1: Iā€™ve seen great acting and Iā€™ve seen bad acting, but Iā€™ve never seen anything like Kyleā€™s performance yesterday. It was suchā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @JohnFugelsang: Hey you guys- I'm gonna have my mom drive me across state lines and then a friend is giving me an illegal straw purchā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @Angry_Staffer: Thatā€™s uhā€¦ illegal - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @RBReich: What sounds more radical to you? Abolishing the filibuster to save our democracy or destroying our democracy to save the filibā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: No there isnā€™t. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @AmoneyResists: The number 1 cause of death in Texas is vaccine refusal but @tedcruz and @GregAbbott_TX (who are both fully vaccinated)ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @davematt88: If my phone went off during a jury trial and I was looking at a catalog during the trial, I would get yelled at. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @KellDA: The defense rests. Now we will get a couple more racist remarks from the judge and itā€™s off to deliberate. God bless the USA - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @ScaryLarry46: Rittenhouseā€™s judge couldnā€™t be any worse if trump appointed him himself. #KyleRittenhouseIsGuilty - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: I should be reassured. But I am on edge, nonetheless. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @FrankConniff: I'm getting the sinking feeling that Kyle Rittenhouse won't suffer any jail time until a few years from now when he's arrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: I am surprised that I am surprised that this attorney said this out loud in a courtroom. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: @TristanSnell Thatā€™s a great idea; except that there is little information readily AVAILABLE to most voters about tā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @TheDailyShow: We're at a point where a Republican who votes for Biden's infrastructure bill gets a voicemail like this: - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @tribelaw: This is real. Where is an alert and energized Justice Department and FBI when we need them? Where is a mobilized Attorney Genā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @GeorgeTakei: They don't even try to hide it anymore. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: @mayawiley šŸ¤žšŸ¼ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @funder: There is no such thing as an ā€œenvoy ambassadorā€ for a twice impeached washed up phony who lost the election by a landslide. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: @GreatScott1991 Nope, welcome to the American legal system. (Itā€™s not exactly what I had always believed that it was.) - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @ReallyAmerican1: JUST IN: A federal appeals court has granted Trump's request to postpone the release of records to the January 6th Selā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @Vigilens: The implications of the Rittenhouse case are tremendous. If he walks, these radicals get a precedent to go to our protests aā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @TristanSnell: DOJ needs to see that it doesnā€™t have a Steve Bannon problem ā€” it has a Trump loyalist problem. None of them will complyā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @joncoopertweets: Wait, so if Iā€™m subpoenaed to appear before Congress, I can just IGNORE it? Do I understand that correctly? - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @TristanSnell: Judge Schroeder has run unopposed all 3 times he was on the ballot in Kenosha County. I have a funny feeling he won't runā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: STFU, Your Honor. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @KatiePhang: This is simply insane. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @B52Malmet: I want to wake up in a world where Kyle the killer doesnā€™t have a judge looking at cookie catalogues in the courtroom. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: WTF? - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @mollypriddy: im sorry my tweet about me didnā€™t take your entire lifeā€™s context into consideration - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @KellDA: There are no rules anymore. The laws mean nothing. The justice system is fucked. Good luck to you all - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @lindyli: I couldnā€™t believe this but yes the judge in the Rittenhouse trial was flipping through a COOKIE CATALOGUE in court today Thiā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: ā€œWas toldā€ ?! He didnā€™t KNOW? In what kind of ill-informed household did he grow up? - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @joelockhart: Turns out that murder can be quite profitable. Rittenhouse received almost 500K in donations for his defense. What kind oā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: Oh, heā€™s bad, really bad. But all the other horrible judges out there just arenā€™t getting the media exposure that hā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: Ugh. Probably so. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @GoodPoliticGuy: one of the dumbest things Iā€™ve ever heard - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @caslernoel: Iā€™m old enough to remember when the cops took a white teen who had just murdered a church full of people to Burger King. - 3 years ago

@jmood88: From my first high school: Clay Aiken. John Wall was also there for like a month. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: This judge is a joke. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @KenTremendous: Wow. Seems like it was really traumatic for him. One way he could have avoided this trauma would've been to not have hisā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @VennyVedivici: Kyle Rittenhouse could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @PalmerReport: If you show up to a protest with an AR-15, youā€™re a domestic terrorist. Period. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @OhNoSheTwitnt: Good thing Kyle Rittenhouse was just a harmless white kid with an AR-15 and not a scary Black kid with a toy gun or heā€™dā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: I hope not. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: EXACTLY! - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: Those people diminish my faith in the jury system. - 3 years ago

@FW0111: john aiken is so bloody annoying #MAFSAustralia - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @fred_guttenberg: So, Kyle Rittenhouse wants us to believe he was there to provide first aid. America, if you ever see someone runningā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @representus: Are you suffering from #ElectileDysfunction?šŸ„€ @MarkRuffalo, @JonathanScott, and Jake Johnson have the cure for more satisā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @B52Malmet: Does anyone here think that Stephen Miller aka #SatansSnotRag or Kaleigh McEnany #LieSpreader or John McAtee #DeputyPresidenā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @ChristopherHahn: Donald Trump does not have Execuitve Privilege. No legal privilege applies to criminal conspiracies. Get the doā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @JohnCollins_KP: My five year-old had his first active shooter drill at school yesterday. When he got home, he asks, ā€œWhy donā€™t peopleā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @KaivanShroff: Dear media, Who cares what Matthew McConaughey thinks about vaccines. What youā€™re doing is dangerous. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @davematt88: Ted Cruz is starting his long day of attacking puppets. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @TristanSnell: Executive privilege belongs to the executive office, not to the individual officeholder. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @sarahcpr: Ironically, as your IQ goes down, your need to share your own personal scientific opinions goes up - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @joelockhart: If Kevin McCarthy doesn't do something to stop the incitement for violence in his caucus, someone is going to get hurt andā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @FearlessPAC: Twitter needs to ban Paul Gosar. Help us tell them by hitting 1000 RTs and responses with #RemoveGosarJack - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @AndyRichter: Trying to fix our racist country by ignoring our racist past and present is like treating your alcoholism by hiding your eā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @RepAdamSchiff: There was a time when making light of murdering a colleague would elicit unified outrage. But not in McCarthyā€™s GOP. Iā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @TheRickWilson: We're gonna need a bigger jail. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @James_Holzhauer: Dr. Oz: Iā€™m the only peddler of pseudoscience to ever guest host Jeopardy! Aaron Rodgers: Hold on a minute playa - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: šŸ¤žšŸ¼ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @SpeakerPelosi: Threats of violence against Members of Congress and the President of the United States must not be tolerated. @GOPLeaderā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @GoodPoliticGuy: The fact that republicans are viewed more favorably on the economy is fucking insane. Their entire ideology is tax cutsā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @The_Earl_of_Ram: Great. Now do Paul Gosar. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @The_Earl_of_Ram: So is Kathy Griffin's infamous head picture okay now that Gosar can post political murder fantasies without consequencā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @briantashman: it's not like they fantasized about murdering another member of congress or tried to overturn a free and fair election - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @BernieSanders: 400 richest Americans' wealth in 1991: $288 billion 400 richest Americans' wealth today: $5.3 trillion Americans unablā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: Just because you can get elected to Congress shouldnā€™t mean that you get a Twitter account for life. Twitter shouldā€¦ - 3 years ago

@11Olv77: @John_Fanta What do you expect from Bryce Aiken, now that he is healthy? - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @The_Earl_of_Ram: Never trust anyone who has six siblings who think he is unfit to hold office. #RemoveGosarJack - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @RepSwalwell: Under @GOPLeader Kevin McCarthyā€™s leadership you donā€™t lose your committee assignment when you make a video of yourself kiā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @duty2warn: Jerrold Nadler: ā€œIt is not enough just to right the shipā€ at Justice ā€œAs the chief law enforcement officer of our nation, itā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @B52Malmet: Has one single Republican in office condemned Gosarā€™s latest outrage which is dangerous beyond words? Has one of the party oā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @7Veritas4: There isnā€™t a job in America Paul Gosar wouldnā€™t be fired fromā€¦except Congress. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @RichPreston: This morning a woman with a totally out of control Belgian Malinois, not on any sort of leash/long-line, terrorising otherā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @JamesSurowiecki: The replies and quote tweets of this are something else. Buttigieg wasn't making this up, or just offering a theory. Rā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @RBReich: Kyrsten Sinema has taken over $750,000 from Big Pharma. Joe Manchin collects $500,000 a year from coal stocks dividends. I'veā€¦ - 3 years ago

@J4YCOOP: @hardwiredsports Do you know anything about McNeeseā€™s new coach John Aiken? I notice he brought in Myles Lewis andā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: I used to disagree with conservatives for being wrong; now, for being stupid. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @Ingrid_Ege: I think the funniest fun fact about Tilda Swinton is that she rejected a role for Harry Potter films because she is ā€œmorallā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @oneunderscore__: I give up. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @AmoneyResists: Sesame Street should start doing daily segments on critical race theory immediately. - 3 years ago

@Sprayberry1973: RT @bwillmedia: Up next @McNeeseMBB HC John Aiken (@JohnAiken) takes the podium The pokes tip the season off tomorrow on the road againstā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @JasonKander: Josh Hawley is Billy Zane in Titanic pretending to be Brad Pitt in Fight Club. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: Yeah, screw those guys ... - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @OhNoSheTwitnt: Maybe if, instead of suggesting that kids get vaccinated, Big Bird had stormed the US Capitol with guns and zip ties, Reā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @LadyJayPersists: The people who told athletes like Colin Kaepernick and Lebron James to leave politics out of sports are the same peoplā€¦ - 3 years ago

@SvennM1611: A good memory! Radio Day 2007 about Swinging Radio England 1322 kHz (1966) from ms "Olga Patricia" Was moderator wiā€¦ - 3 years ago

@bwillmedia: Up next @McNeeseMBB HC John Aiken (@JohnAiken) takes the podium The pokes tip the season off tomorrow on the roadā€¦ - 3 years ago

@RickyMccausland: RT @NationsIrish: Aiken Barracks Dundalk Chq 1 GoFundme $2895 Lebanese Fuel Appeal Batt Co Col David Shaughnessy & Sgt Major John Doyle preā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @TomthunkitsMind: I like this - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @TomthunkitsMind: OxyMoronic 02 - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @AaronParnas: Taxpayers pay Ted Cruz $174,000 per year to discuss Nazi salutes and cancel Big Bird. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @RBReich: Elon Musk's wealth has surpassed $200 billion. It would take the median U.S. worker over 4 million years to make that much.ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: Optimist ... - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @AmoneyResists: Republicans donā€™t fear socialism. They fear democracy. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @AmandiOnAir: Nicaragua has transformed into a totalitarian, cult of personality dictatorship under Daniel Ortega. If Donald Trump is aā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @RBReich: Elon Musk is just a Twitter troll, who also happens to be the richest person in the world. Tax the rich. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @TheRickyDavila: Pretty insane but totally predictable that the media hasnā€™t mentioned a peep of the 41 seats being flipped to blue acroā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @LRPow79: I wonder if Repubs back in the day got as pissed at Elvis for getting vaxxed as their present day counterparts are with @BigBiā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @tribelaw: The Fifth Circuit is as close to lawless as a court can get without becoming a non-court. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @TG22110: āš ļø Caution - If you make it to the 30 second mark, youā€™ll be mesmerized. Enjoy! - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @davenewworld_2: Senators and Reps. are taking bribes, are we just gonna keep pretending this is normal? I'm asking because they use claā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @cdashiell: ā€œDo you think such-and-such will happen?ā€ I donā€™t know, you should download the fortune teller app and stop asking your inanā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @ColleenHenley: My thought yesterdayā€¦ šŸ¤£ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @Stonekettle: Same people tell their kids about how humans are flawed fallen creatures filled with sin because a woman once ate an appleā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @gifdsports: Terry Bradshaw rips Aaron Rodgers for being a liar - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @AaronParnas: The GOP attacked me for cancelling Aaron Rodgers for taking Ivermectin, but now wants to cancel Big Bird for taking the vaā€¦ - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: John Aiken is no longer with us - #JohnAiken #John #Aiken #rip - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: @cameron_kasky And if you ever do find out, you will thereupon scratch your head in puzzlement and say, ā€œWow, that was really stupid.ā€ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @ericswalwell: Who thinks @BigBird would make a better U.S. Senator? šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø - 3 years ago

@dizz324: Married at First Sight Australia season 8 experts: Meet John Aiken, Mel Schilling and Alessandra Rampolla - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @NickKnudsenUS: Trump could have gotten an infrastructure bill done. He had the votes. But hereā€™s the thing: Republicans donā€™t believeā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @ThePubliusUSA: Unless Joel Osteen agrees to return his Ferraris, Rolexes, and gulf stream jets, churches should pay taxes. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @TravisAllen02: DO NOT COMPLY with the clock mandates from tyrants like Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott! It is your constitutional right tā€¦ - 3 years ago

@WentRogue: @aiken_john More or less - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: @WentRogue Does your subconscious mind have its own Twitter feed? - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @TravisAllen02: I am already planning on harassing the local school board (that I donā€™t have a child at) about this issue. Will also reqā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @ImSpeaking13: Ted Cruz wishes he were as valuable to society as Big Bird. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @7Veritas4: Daylight Savings Time: A 100+ year old edict intended to conserve fuel during World War 1. Add it to our list of traditionsā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @JoyceWhiteVance: Imagine a Supreme Court that is as concerned about ensuring citizens can vote as it is about making sure anyone who waā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @MiryamLipper: Elect more young people. ā¦@ossoffā© #COP26 - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @BetteMidler: - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @patriottakes: Thatā€™s a really weird thing to say. - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @JohnCollins_KP: "I alone can fix it!" -Guy who fixed nothing - 3 years ago

@ollievoc: @DF_Sgt_Major @NationsIrish @Aiken_Barracks @NationsIrish Thank you very much for your support. A big shout out toā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ollievoc: RT @NationsIrish: Aiken Barracks Dundalk Chq 1 GoFundme $2895 Lebanese Fuel Appeal Batt Co Col David Shaughnessy & Sgt Major John Doyle preā€¦ - 3 years ago

@G_Sportz: The Saints are having a hell of a season thus far, but how far can we really go this season?? We debate! Full episā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aiken_john: RT @SenWarren: The House passage of the infrastructure bill is a step forward to fix our nationā€™s crumbling infrastructure. Now, letā€™s getā€¦ - 3 years ago

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