John A. Jane

American neurosurgeon.
Died on Friday September 18th 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to John A. Jane:

@JaymeleeKim: archiving/investigation of John/Jane Does using material culture and skeletal biology in a cultural context w Cate Bird #ddhr2015 @DDHR_UTK - 10 years ago

@prester_jane: @EXECUTIVESTEVE @john_mcguirk also when will they stop using "the womb" and "a womb" it belongs to someone - 10 years ago

@JaneMakeMyDay: Wishing Lynne & Gary a fabulous wedding today at the gorgeous Tower House. Jane & John xx @TowerHouseHote1 #weddingvenues - 10 years ago

@bot_BP: Jane "Red John thinks of himself as a showman, an artist" - 10 years ago


@irishfox1949: RT @SmithMadchen863: - 10 years ago

@MarianneLM: You're Jane Fonda on a tank. I am John McCain in the hut. - 10 years ago

@Lukecjohnson: John and I are two peas in a pod. - 10 years ago

@SmithMadchen863: - 10 years ago

@Manolo_Got_Me: RT @Ms_Cypha: John likes pizza. Jane likes pizza. That doesn't mean they should be together. John's a Christian. Jane's a Christian... - 10 years ago

@jane_weinstein: RT @briangaar: John Boehner is a bad person who will soon be replaced by another bad person - 10 years ago

@MrSleems: RT @Ms_Cypha: John likes pizza. Jane likes pizza. That doesn't mean they should be together. John's a Christian. Jane's a Christian... - 10 years ago

@Ms_Cypha: John likes pizza. Jane likes pizza. That doesn't mean they should be together. John's a Christian. Jane's a Christian... - 10 years ago

@Daniel_l_Johnso: Good Morning/Good Afternoon/Good Evening. Song of The Day "What's the New Mary Jane" is a song written by John... - 10 years ago

@0ktapodas: But I've met a ashley, a john, a Jane, a kasumi, a kayden and even gary - 10 years ago

@sugasmain: there was once a man and woman named jane and michael. one day they met on the street and mary said to john + - 10 years ago

@Jane_Russell: RT @RockChristopher: One person can make a difference, and everyone should try. ~ John F. Kennedy #quote | RT @CharityIdeas - 10 years ago

@Genova_Jane: Power. Competence is distant second in holding onto a job. - 10 years ago

@Jane_Arre: John Boehner dejará Cámara de Representantes de EU - 10 years ago

@BilllyCoxTweets: @d_cavaco @MichaelBerrySho Now, 'Ol John Wayne Bobbit, became Jane Wayne Hobbit, he to a she with a ginzu knife - 10 years ago

@Jane__Connors: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Speaker John A. Boehner will resign from Congress at the end of October, aides say - 10 years ago

@JayneHRBromford: @John_A_Wade @WilliamMLilley @cshaw2014 @Jane_bromford @BlandfordDamon @damiancarter15 Notice week 7 is Can We Build Happier Communities - 10 years ago

@Paul_A_Holmes: RT @InverleithHouse: Tonight! hear poet Jane Goldman's response to John Chamberlain's sculpture at Caesura! 6.30pm, The Saltire Society htt… - 10 years ago

@quantrung26: Jane Kelsey at her usual best, skewing Tim Groser and John Key. - 10 years ago

@VybzEn: John A. Jane, American neurosurgeon, died at 84 - 10 years ago

@phillipwilby: John A. Jane, American neurosurgeon, died at 84 - 10 years ago

@entbuz: John A. Jane, American neurosurgeon, died at 84 - 10 years ago

@john_oldfield: looking for a Mobile Creche in Cheshire? Amy and Jane can make it happen. - 10 years ago

@jane_pyast: Catholicism is a love song to Jesus -John (aka nikkas sperm donor) @nikkachan15 - 10 years ago

@Kayleigh_Rose97: We have a John Doe!!!!! We usually have a Jane Doe but now we have a John!!! - 10 years ago

@Jane_Arre: Dispuesto Vladimir Putin a reunirse con Sir Elton John. La Taquilla, con René Franco - 10 years ago

@janievb: RT @MbyMontcalm: You're very welcome Jane! So glad you both liked it, & hope John had a lovely birthday! Hope to see you again soon! https… - 10 years ago

@YoubidderChris: Ebay Bid Last Second RT↺ - 10 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,John A. Jane dies - #JohnAJane #John #A.Jane #rip - 10 years ago

@flippedhatnupe: Now John is relocating across the country for the job. Jane lives in the same state. The company gives John a relocation bonus. - 10 years ago

@flippedhatnupe: Here's a great example of how the $0.77 wage gap is misleading. John and Jane are both new entry level employees. Same major, gpa, etc - 10 years ago

@LCTTA: @drmagoo Hmm…interesting. John Hubisz stepped down (he’s slowing down a lot). I was told Jane is now doing it. I’ll dig a bit. - 10 years ago

@TheyWereKones: JohnAndJane Smith = One or both of John/Jane is a jealous and/or insecure nutcase. - 10 years ago

@JSaccoMD: A great loss in the neuro field - 10 years ago

@Sirjohnyc: A Person with No Name ..... John Doe or Jane Doe Why john or Jane ....? - 10 years ago

@bot_BP: Jane "Red John thinks of himself as a showman, an artist" - 10 years ago

@blibli_com_pl: RT @blibli_en: Could Jane be a John?: #Blindspot 1×01 Review - 10 years ago

@blibli_en: Could Jane be a John?: #Blindspot 1×01 Review - 10 years ago

@MbyMontcalm: You're very welcome Jane! So glad you both liked it, & hope John had a lovely birthday! Hope to see you again soon! - 10 years ago

@john_debronk: "A Husband’s Serious Illness Strengthens a Marriage" by JANE GORDON JULIEN via NYT - 10 years ago

@SagunTuli: In Memoriam: Renowned U.Va. Neurosurgeon Dr. John A. Jane Has Died - University of Virginia: University of Vir... - 10 years ago

@BillMaher_news: - 10 years ago

@JennyBryan: @IanFrantz from a glance … I feel enterprise-y VMs just don’t provide realistic sol’n for typical john or jane grad student - 10 years ago

@JordanAntonWind: @MagnumP2 I'm hanging all my hopes for new shows on Blindspot. I adore Jaimie Alexander. And I love anything with a John or Jane Doe. - 10 years ago

@stuckinspincycl: @AnaMardoll They're animated though, so a time machine is doable. Cuz Jane is 1000x > John Smith. - 10 years ago

@lc_alerts: Google Alert: In Memoriam: Renowned U.Va. Neurosurgeon Dr. John A. Jane Has Died - 10 years ago

@mjanemendoza91: Mark John Mendoza Mendoza Princess Jane Mendoza Mendoza - 10 years ago

@notabledeath: RIP John A. Jane - 10 years ago

@AmalgamArt: @LFreshwater Peace sign t-shirt and a poster protesting the Vietnam War. Or maybe that was just Hanoi Jane and John Crookery... - 10 years ago

@Genova_Jane: CA Public Nuisance Law. GW Law School Professor John Banzhaf takes a look. - 10 years ago

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