Johannes Weertman

American geophysicist.
Died on Thursday October 18th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Johannes Weertman:

@elizaflei: Julia Weertman was a talented scientist and wonderful person. Sadly her husband, Johannes (Hans) just passed away t… - 6 years ago

@GururajanMP: RT @TMSSociety: Northwestern University will be hosting the Johannes and Julia R. Weertman Symposium and Remembrance on Friday, November 16… - 6 years ago

@TMSSociety: Northwestern University will be hosting the Johannes and Julia R. Weertman Symposium and Remembrance on Friday, Nov… - 6 years ago

@wpulgarin: Professor Emeritus Johannes Weertman Passes Away | #Northwestern Engineering - 6 years ago


@004nino: RIP 19 195) #American #Professor #Emeritus #Johannes #Weertman 93 #Passes #Away |#on #October 13, 2018… - 6 years ago

@suzmologist: This year we lost 2 formidable, constructive scientists and positively decent human beings: Profs Julia & Hans Weer… - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Johannes Weertman - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Johannes Weertman, you will be missed - #JohannesWeertman #Johannes #Weertman #rip - 6 years ago

@InfoNUTC: RT @NorthwesternEng: Professor Emeritus Johannes Weertman, an expert on the mechanical properties of materials, including the fatigue and f… - 6 years ago

@GlacierResearch: RT @igsoc: IGS is saddened to reports the passing of Johannes 'Hans' Weertman, Hans was one of the oldest members of the IGS and was awarde… - 6 years ago

@NorthwesternEng: Professor Emeritus Johannes Weertman, an expert on the mechanical properties of materials, including the fatigue an… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Johannes Weertman (93) American university teacher - 6 years ago

@Nekrologium: Johannes Weertman, US-amerikanischer Materialwissenschaftler und Geophysiker, am 13.10.2018 im Alter von 93 Jahren - - 6 years ago

@TimBartholomaus: RT @igsoc: IGS is saddened to reports the passing of Johannes 'Hans' Weertman, Hans was one of the oldest members of the IGS and was awarde… - 6 years ago

@AlpineGlaciers: RT @igsoc: IGS is saddened to reports the passing of Johannes 'Hans' Weertman, Hans was one of the oldest members of the IGS and was awarde… - 6 years ago

@LizzUltee: RT @igsoc: IGS is saddened to reports the passing of Johannes 'Hans' Weertman, Hans was one of the oldest members of the IGS and was awarde… - 6 years ago

@Beccabluesky: RT @igsoc: IGS is saddened to reports the passing of Johannes 'Hans' Weertman, Hans was one of the oldest members of the IGS and was awarde… - 6 years ago

@mudswoman: RT @igsoc: IGS is saddened to reports the passing of Johannes 'Hans' Weertman, Hans was one of the oldest members of the IGS and was awarde… - 6 years ago

@irfansalroo: RT @igsoc: IGS is saddened to reports the passing of Johannes 'Hans' Weertman, Hans was one of the oldest members of the IGS and was awarde… - 6 years ago

@Alpinesciences: RT @igsoc: IGS is saddened to reports the passing of Johannes 'Hans' Weertman, Hans was one of the oldest members of the IGS and was awarde… - 6 years ago

@glacio_cook: RT @igsoc: IGS is saddened to reports the passing of Johannes 'Hans' Weertman, Hans was one of the oldest members of the IGS and was awarde… - 6 years ago

@gbinny: RT @igsoc: IGS is saddened to reports the passing of Johannes 'Hans' Weertman, Hans was one of the oldest members of the IGS and was awarde… - 6 years ago

@iacscryo: RT @igsoc: IGS is saddened to reports the passing of Johannes 'Hans' Weertman, Hans was one of the oldest members of the IGS and was awarde… - 6 years ago

@igsoc: IGS is saddened to reports the passing of Johannes 'Hans' Weertman, Hans was one of the oldest members of the IGS a… - 6 years ago

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