Johan Hultin

Swedish-born American pathologist.
Died on Friday January 28th 2022

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Johan Hultin:

@mejcb: Johan Hultin, pathologist - 3 years ago

@cynthianchorage: RT @17frosted: Johan Hultin, pathologist whose work in Alaska helped identify origins of 1918 flu pandemic, dies at age 97 - 3 years ago

@rosinafasching: @DBGardener1 @JoergLab @Helmholtz_HZI Die Influenza 1918 traf die Menschen mitten im Weltkrieg und das sollten Sie… - 3 years ago

@HurricaneSats: RT @Wolfe321: “The first body he found was that of a girl with ribbons in her hair.” It was 1951, and a young graduate student had been dig… - 3 years ago


@jenselway: RT @TSJPhillips: An absolutely remarkable contribution to science: Johan Hultin, who has died aged 97, found a way for modern science to di… - 3 years ago

@bwahacker: RT @Wolfe321: “The first body he found was that of a girl with ribbons in her hair.” It was 1951, and a young graduate student had been dig… - 3 years ago

@stephenpollard: Amazing obit - 3 years ago

@TSJPhillips: An absolutely remarkable contribution to science: Johan Hultin, who has died aged 97, found a way for modern scienc… - 3 years ago

@rgclondoncomms: Johan Hultin obituary - 3 years ago

@Barb_Drummond: RT @London_darkside: Johan Hultin obituary - 3 years ago

@London_darkside: Johan Hultin obituary - 3 years ago

@17frosted: Johan Hultin, pathologist whose work in Alaska helped identify origins of 1918 flu pandemic, dies at age 97 - 3 years ago

@chessclubgringo: RT @Wolfe321: “The first body he found was that of a girl with ribbons in her hair.” It was 1951, and a young graduate student had been dig… - 3 years ago

@runningwhio: RT @Wolfe321: “The first body he found was that of a girl with ribbons in her hair.” It was 1951, and a young graduate student had been dig… - 3 years ago

@boygobong: RT @Wolfe321: “The first body he found was that of a girl with ribbons in her hair.” It was 1951, and a young graduate student had been dig… - 3 years ago

@mizmaxgordon: RT @Wolfe321: “The first body he found was that of a girl with ribbons in her hair.” It was 1951, and a young graduate student had been dig… - 3 years ago

@MattLabor: RT @Wolfe321: “The first body he found was that of a girl with ribbons in her hair.” It was 1951, and a young graduate student had been dig… - 3 years ago

@animebookchic: RT @Wolfe321: “The first body he found was that of a girl with ribbons in her hair.” It was 1951, and a young graduate student had been dig… - 3 years ago

@Chilhon2016Lap: RT @Wolfe321: “The first body he found was that of a girl with ribbons in her hair.” It was 1951, and a young graduate student had been dig… - 3 years ago

@PinkSheepNews: RT @Wolfe321: “The first body he found was that of a girl with ribbons in her hair.” It was 1951, and a young graduate student had been dig… - 3 years ago

@Wolfe321: “The first body he found was that of a girl with ribbons in her hair.” It was 1951, and a young graduate student ha… - 3 years ago

@rlocker12: Johan Hultin, Who Found Frozen Clues to 1918 Virus, Dies at 97 - 3 years ago

@DrTomMartinPhD: RT @AMAinsight: Johan Hultin, pathologist who helped unearth origins of 1918 influenza pandemic, dies at 97 - 3 years ago

@AMAinsight: Johan Hultin, pathologist who helped unearth origins of 1918 influenza pandemic, dies at 97 - 3 years ago

@michieldehoog: Prachtverhaal. (Hultin is twee weken geleden overleden.) - 3 years ago

@elespectador: #LoMásLeído en Ciencia: La historia de Johan Hultin, hombre clave para entender la primera epidemia global… - 3 years ago

@homedesignLA: Johan Hultin, pathologist who helped unearth origins of 1918 influenza pandemic, dies at 97 - 3 years ago

@gazettedotcom: A discovery he made in Alaska in 1997 led to a breakthrough in understanding the deadly influenza pandemic of 1918. - 3 years ago

@AndreaValzania_: Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus - 3 years ago

@bernsteinobits: #virus #coronavirus #health #science Johan Hultin, pathologist who helped unearth origins of 1918 influenza pandemi… - 3 years ago

@twitbituaries: Johan Hultin, pathologist who helped unearth origins of 1918 influenza pandemic, dies at 97 - - 3 years ago

@daxxdrake: RT @MattSchudel: His middle name was Viking and he was dubbed the Indiana Jones of virus hunters: At 72, Swedish-born Johan Hultin dug up v… - 3 years ago

@HolgarHolgar: RT @MattSchudel: His middle name was Viking and he was dubbed the Indiana Jones of virus hunters: At 72, Swedish-born Johan Hultin dug up v… - 3 years ago

@MattSchudel: His middle name was Viking and he was dubbed the Indiana Jones of virus hunters: At 72, Swedish-born Johan Hultin d… - 3 years ago

@postobits: Johan Hultin, pathologist who helped unearth origins of 1918 influenza pandemic, dies at 97 - 3 years ago

@kristindownie: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@gfitzgerald111: Johan Hultin, Who Found Frozen Clues to 1918 Virus, Dies at 97 - 3 years ago

@RonaMurdoch: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@rinmor: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@edrybicki: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@leafyflower1: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@ssforense: RT @cateterdoblej: Me han comentado que falleció recientemente Johan Hultin, protagonista de esta fascinante historia 🧵⤵️ - 3 years ago

@EileenChoffnes: His discovery in the 1950s of the remains of a victim of the 1918 influenza pandemic, in Alaska, gave scientists th… - 3 years ago

@mzenilman: RT @ginakolata: - 3 years ago

@elespectador: Gracias a su trabajo (y al del científico Jeffery K. Taubenberger), la humanidad logró la secuenciación del genoma… - 3 years ago

@singhurologymed: Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus #medicine #feedly - 3 years ago

@BogleMM: Johan Hultin, Who Found Frozen samples if 1918 influenza Virus from Inuit graves in Alaska, Dies at 97 - 3 years ago

@ErikTZ5: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@JF_Abril: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@J_Hultin: Jokainen matsi on mahdollisuus! Tänään kolme pistettä ja Petrus Palmun puikot pariin kertaan niin johan taas kulkee! #HCTPS - 3 years ago

@AnitaGuPath: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@bvaldesp50: via @NYTimes - 3 years ago

@PONSHIA: RT @cateterdoblej: Me han comentado que falleció recientemente Johan Hultin, protagonista de esta fascinante historia 🧵⤵️ - 3 years ago

@Lombardo1979: RT @DrJeanneM: Amazing tale of a tenacious scientist whose work with the ancestors of the Alaskan village decimated by 1918 #influenza is a… - 3 years ago

@MariaDe19698878: RT @cateterdoblej: Johan Hultin dijo en 2002: "Es absolutamente seguro que vendrá otra pandemia, pero no sabemos cómo será. La pregunta es.… - 3 years ago

@DrJeanneM: Amazing tale of a tenacious scientist whose work with the ancestors of the Alaskan village decimated by 1918… - 3 years ago

@DrmDiva: Johan Hultin, Who Found Frozen Clues to 1918 Virus, Dies at 97 - 3 years ago

@nath_pratiti: A pioneer virologist journey ends. Really end of an era specially in times of another flu #pandemic like #COVID19… - 3 years ago

@LisaMerklPR: Johan Hultin, Who Found Frozen Clues to 1918 Virus, Dies at 97. His discovery in the 1950s of the remains of a vict… - 3 years ago

@sampson_elaine: RT @Cats4mice: Johan Hultin, Who Found Frozen Clues to 1918 Virus, Dies at 97 - The New York Times RIP and thank you - 3 years ago

@Cats4mice: Johan Hultin, Who Found Frozen Clues to 1918 Virus, Dies at 97 - The New York Times RIP and thank you - 3 years ago

@drpatfarrell: Johan Hultin, Who Found Frozen Clues to 1918 Virus, Dies at 97 - 3 years ago

@MunizaeJahangir: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@SeanSelman: Just a cool obituary by one of the finest health science reporters on Earth, ⁦@ginakolata⁩. - 3 years ago

@StefanEklund3: RT @mansalmered: Läser att virusjägaren Johan Hultin gick ur tiden för en vecka sedan vid 97 års ålder. Här är en artikel för ett par år se… - 3 years ago

@sophieflor3nce: RT @Perbess: Ha fallecido Johan Hultin a los 97 años Recolectó tejido pulmonar de personas fallecidas por la gripe de 1918 enterradas en un… - 3 years ago

@Gandalf_Bird: Johan Hultin, Who Found Frozen Clues to 1918 Virus, Dies at 97 - 3 years ago

@IndySpiritus: RT @monicaMedHist: The evolutionary history of the influenza virus (cf. work by @MichaelWorobey; obit of Johan Hultin [ - 3 years ago

@monicaMedHist: The evolutionary history of the influenza virus (cf. work by @MichaelWorobey; obit of Johan Hultin [… - 3 years ago

@Mlbbrooks: Medical Researcher Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Influenza Virus - 3 years ago

@histmedscisouth: RT @imhm: "Dr. Hultin’s discovery of a frozen victim of the 1918 pandemic gave scientists the opportunity to map the virus’s genetic materi… - 3 years ago

@tommixhelsinki: RT @mansalmered: Läser att virusjägaren Johan Hultin gick ur tiden för en vecka sedan vid 97 års ålder. Här är en artikel för ett par år se… - 3 years ago

@mansalmered: Läser att virusjägaren Johan Hultin gick ur tiden för en vecka sedan vid 97 års ålder. Här är en artikel för ett pa… - 3 years ago

@hawkyankee: @jburcum If you missed this, super interesting... - 3 years ago

@Lolamont: RT @cateterdoblej: Me han comentado que falleció recientemente Johan Hultin, protagonista de esta fascinante historia 🧵⤵️ - 3 years ago

@jlandreu2014: RT @cateterdoblej: Me han comentado que falleció recientemente Johan Hultin, protagonista de esta fascinante historia 🧵⤵️ - 3 years ago

@RealRohitNaseem: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@CanesWorld: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@GibranGonzalezA: RT @cateterdoblej: Me han comentado que falleció recientemente Johan Hultin, protagonista de esta fascinante historia 🧵⤵️ - 3 years ago

@GarryfromIowa: He had a very unique connection to the University of Iowa where he was a visiting medical student ...Johan Hultin,… - 3 years ago

@DraElena_MonSan: RT @Perbess: Ha fallecido Johan Hultin a los 97 años Recolectó tejido pulmonar de personas fallecidas por la gripe de 1918 enterradas en un… - 3 years ago

@IAyalaGalan: RT @cateterdoblej: Johan Hultin dijo en 2002: "Es absolutamente seguro que vendrá otra pandemia, pero no sabemos cómo será. La pregunta es.… - 3 years ago

@Juancar70204575: RT @juansarasua: Murió Johan Hultin el patólogo que en 1951 desenterró en Alaska a unas víctimas del brote de influenza de 1918 buscando el… - 3 years ago

@I_Am_JohnCullen: @ggronvall What are your thoughts on the passing of Johan Hultin, and the reconstruction of 1918 pandemic influenza… - 3 years ago

@KidneyMentor: RT @NYTHealth: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissue… - 3 years ago

@relenu: RT @cateterdoblej: Me han comentado que falleció recientemente Johan Hultin, protagonista de esta fascinante historia 🧵⤵️ - 3 years ago

@johannaberg: RT @KarinBojs: Han väntade i över 40 år på att DNA-tekniken skulle utvecklas. När tiden var inne reste han ensam till massgraven i Alaskas… - 3 years ago

@Nuria1966: RT @cateterdoblej: Me han comentado que falleció recientemente Johan Hultin, protagonista de esta fascinante historia 🧵⤵️ - 3 years ago

@Lanybg: RT @cateterdoblej: Me han comentado que falleció recientemente Johan Hultin, protagonista de esta fascinante historia 🧵⤵️ - 3 years ago

@BMrck: RT @KarinBojs: Han väntade i över 40 år på att DNA-tekniken skulle utvecklas. När tiden var inne reste han ensam till massgraven i Alaskas… - 3 years ago

@fersalord: RT @cateterdoblej: Me han comentado que falleció recientemente Johan Hultin, protagonista de esta fascinante historia 🧵⤵️ - 3 years ago

@TeknoWomen: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@bunrxm: Johan Hultin, Who Found Frozen Clues to 1918 Virus, Dies at 97 - 3 years ago

@TIDinRVA: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@SJones47772522: Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus - 3 years ago

@samadovaabditch: RT @NYTHealth: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissue… - 3 years ago

@barbosaandres: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@geramartz: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@GuptaPenn: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@claso10: RT @Perbess: Ha fallecido Johan Hultin a los 97 años Recolectó tejido pulmonar de personas fallecidas por la gripe de 1918 enterradas en un… - 3 years ago

@wernet: RT @NYTHealth: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissue… - 3 years ago

@NYTHealth: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lu… - 3 years ago

@manonatelier: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@natuphillies: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@JusBeingCordial: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@lacbeatons: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@IcedTea17: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@MichaelHueser: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@Clevecarole: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@je_mclaughlin: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@guicho271828: - 3 years ago

@Ricardoscientia: RT @cateterdoblej: Me han comentado que falleció recientemente Johan Hultin, protagonista de esta fascinante historia 🧵⤵️ - 3 years ago

@lolivilla3: RT @Perbess: Ha fallecido Johan Hultin a los 97 años Recolectó tejido pulmonar de personas fallecidas por la gripe de 1918 enterradas en un… - 3 years ago

@carlosgmdmba: RT @cateterdoblej: Me han comentado que falleció recientemente Johan Hultin, protagonista de esta fascinante historia 🧵⤵️ - 3 years ago

@pinkaro11: RT @cateterdoblej: Johan Hultin dijo en 2002: "Es absolutamente seguro que vendrá otra pandemia, pero no sabemos cómo será. La pregunta es.… - 3 years ago

@VevaGarciaB: RT @cateterdoblej: Hoy en día el Dr. Johan Hultin hace vida contemplativa y ya tiene los achaques propios de su edad, incluidas pequeñas la… - 3 years ago

@VevaGarciaB: RT @cateterdoblej: Johan Hultin tenía ya 81 años y ocupaba su tiempo en leer, cuidar su jardín con sus secuoyas y jugar con sus nietos. Ya… - 3 years ago

@VevaGarciaB: RT @cateterdoblej: Aprovechando el viaje, Johan Hultin reconstruyó las dos cruces que había junto a la fosa común, reescribiendo la inscrip… - 3 years ago

@VevaGarciaB: RT @cateterdoblej: A Taubenberger la información de Johan Hultin le pareció fantástica y le escribió de vuelta agradeciéndole la misiva y e… - 3 years ago

@rosinafasching: RT @NYTHealth: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissue… - 3 years ago

@precision_mats: RT @MariaGuntherA: Han hämtade på egen hand lungvävnad från en massgrav i Alaska, så att arvsmassan för viruset som orsakade spanska sjukan… - 3 years ago

@RuthLoisDev: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@VevaGarciaB: RT @cateterdoblej: Cuando termino de leer el artículo, el cerebro de Johan Hultin unió recuerdos pasados de sus viajes al cementerio de Bre… - 3 years ago

@VevaGarciaB: RT @cateterdoblej: El doctor Johan Hultin ya jubilado y con la doble nacionalidad sueca-estadounidense estaba apaciblemente sentado en su c… - 3 years ago

@Vicenvallaurg1: RT @Perbess: Ha fallecido Johan Hultin a los 97 años Recolectó tejido pulmonar de personas fallecidas por la gripe de 1918 enterradas en un… - 3 years ago

@VevaGarciaB: RT @cateterdoblej: Era 1950 y Johan Hultin, el “viajero bienvenido”, en ese momento tenía 25 años. Él era de origen sueco y desde el año an… - 3 years ago

@J_JuanjoTM: RT @cateterdoblej: Me han comentado que falleció recientemente Johan Hultin, protagonista de esta fascinante historia 🧵⤵️ - 3 years ago

@NordstromMagnus: RT @KarinBojs: Han väntade i över 40 år på att DNA-tekniken skulle utvecklas. När tiden var inne reste han ensam till massgraven i Alaskas… - 3 years ago

@vivaDBSK: RT @Perbess: Ha fallecido Johan Hultin a los 97 años Recolectó tejido pulmonar de personas fallecidas por la gripe de 1918 enterradas en un… - 3 years ago

@JFrogone: RT @Perbess: Ha fallecido Johan Hultin a los 97 años Recolectó tejido pulmonar de personas fallecidas por la gripe de 1918 enterradas en un… - 3 years ago

@marko_g333: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@rerable: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@romathecoleman: RT @Nat_anest: Пару дней назад писал тред про открытие вируса гриппа 1918 года, и вот только что узнал что умер Йохан В. Халтин в возрасте… - 3 years ago

@korstraw: RT @ProfPCDoherty: The first flu viruses were isolated & transmitted (to ferrets) in the early 1930's. His advocacy & effort contributed g… - 3 years ago

@OlgaOlg22798743: RT @Nat_anest: Пару дней назад писал тред про открытие вируса гриппа 1918 года, и вот только что узнал что умер Йохан В. Халтин в возрасте… - 3 years ago

@thefdwshow: RT @RestInPeaceBot: RIP Johan Hultin #JohanHultin - 3 years ago

@elenapavlenko: RT @Nat_anest: Пару дней назад писал тред про открытие вируса гриппа 1918 года, и вот только что узнал что умер Йохан В. Халтин в возрасте… - 3 years ago

@urashmel: RT @Nat_anest: Пару дней назад писал тред про открытие вируса гриппа 1918 года, и вот только что узнал что умер Йохан В. Халтин в возрасте… - 3 years ago

@timur1275: RT @Nat_anest: Пару дней назад писал тред про открытие вируса гриппа 1918 года, и вот только что узнал что умер Йохан В. Халтин в возрасте… - 3 years ago

@KarenCouchBrier: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@SusanMeissner: If you’ve read my novel set during the 1918 pandemic do read this piece on the man whose discovery led to gene sequ… - 3 years ago

@mreyesm: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@olgopko12345671: RT @Nat_anest: Пару дней назад писал тред про открытие вируса гриппа 1918 года, и вот только что узнал что умер Йохан В. Халтин в возрасте… - 3 years ago

@lenstepanov: RT @Nat_anest: Пару дней назад писал тред про открытие вируса гриппа 1918 года, и вот только что узнал что умер Йохан В. Халтин в возрасте… - 3 years ago

@natoshavia: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@tymarchenconas1: RT @Nat_anest: Пару дней назад писал тред про открытие вируса гриппа 1918 года, и вот только что узнал что умер Йохан В. Халтин в возрасте… - 3 years ago

@caymanislandman: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@Marlene_Danko: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@jmhamiltonblog: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@li1401: RT @Nat_anest: Пару дней назад писал тред про открытие вируса гриппа 1918 года, и вот только что узнал что умер Йохан В. Халтин в возрасте… - 3 years ago

@Serega676z: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@motorwars: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@goper2005: RT @Nat_anest: Пару дней назад писал тред про открытие вируса гриппа 1918 года, и вот только что узнал что умер Йохан В. Халтин в возрасте… - 3 years ago

@drpiyushkr: RT @ProfPCDoherty: The first flu viruses were isolated & transmitted (to ferrets) in the early 1930's. His advocacy & effort contributed g… - 3 years ago

@SouzaEluam: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@Democra91914076: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@SylvieGagne4: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@crazy_____bee: RT @Nat_anest: Пару дней назад писал тред про открытие вируса гриппа 1918 года, и вот только что узнал что умер Йохан В. Халтин в возрасте… - 3 years ago

@tvyancen: RT @Nat_anest: Пару дней назад писал тред про открытие вируса гриппа 1918 года, и вот только что узнал что умер Йохан В. Халтин в возрасте… - 3 years ago

@1036296: RT @Nat_anest: Пару дней назад писал тред про открытие вируса гриппа 1918 года, и вот только что узнал что умер Йохан В. Халтин в возрасте… - 3 years ago

@TiggerBurning: RT @Nat_anest: Пару дней назад писал тред про открытие вируса гриппа 1918 года, и вот только что узнал что умер Йохан В. Халтин в возрасте… - 3 years ago

@Magareshko: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@ScooterBodgie: RT @ProfPCDoherty: The first flu viruses were isolated & transmitted (to ferrets) in the early 1930's. His advocacy & effort contributed g… - 3 years ago

@JaneAlcorn: RT @ProfPCDoherty: The first flu viruses were isolated & transmitted (to ferrets) in the early 1930's. His advocacy & effort contributed g… - 3 years ago

@Witness04614765: RT @Nat_anest: Пару дней назад писал тред про открытие вируса гриппа 1918 года, и вот только что узнал что умер Йохан В. Халтин в возрасте… - 3 years ago

@solomonmax: RT @Nat_anest: Пару дней назад писал тред про открытие вируса гриппа 1918 года, и вот только что узнал что умер Йохан В. Халтин в возрасте… - 3 years ago

@Fiona_C1: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@Allwayswatchin1: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@ODibrova: RT @Nat_anest: Пару дней назад писал тред про открытие вируса гриппа 1918 года, и вот только что узнал что умер Йохан В. Халтин в возрасте… - 3 years ago

@Dotheday: RT @ProfPCDoherty: The first flu viruses were isolated & transmitted (to ferrets) in the early 1930's. His advocacy & effort contributed g… - 3 years ago

@LilyBelle05: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@DMVecinal: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@LTCDC1: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@michikokakutani: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@gmabambam: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@JusttheTeaaa: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@sagecrone: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@craigmatsuda: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@Const_Overhaul: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@Tiny_Nina: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@Barbara88343238: RT @NYTObits: Johan Hultin dies at 97. He found victims from the 1918 flu preserved in permafrost, enabling the discovery of that virus’s g… - 3 years ago

@purada0412: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@AMCS52379652: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@languis2019: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@JoyCannabis: RT @RestInPeaceBot: RIP Johan Hultin #JohanHultin - 3 years ago

@josefin64276152: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@SuzanneLukowski: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@Mich_MHA: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@TylerMooretm: RT @nytimes: Dr. Johan Hultin, a pathologist whose discovery of victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in Alaskan permafrost led to a crit… - 3 years ago

@Spyros_Litsas: RT @NYTHealth: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissue… - 3 years ago

@CauveryMadhavan: RT @milnem: Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus - 3 years ago

@marvinalvarado: Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@MarvLBluechip: R.I.P. Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus - 3 years ago

@PacificNWEbeth: This is a fascinating read involving science, culture, and anthropology! #1918pandemic #1918influenza #virology - 3 years ago

@PunchPattie: RT @milnem: Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus - 3 years ago

@1_OldGeezer1950: RT @degrazia: Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus - 3 years ago

@grolaw: RT @degrazia: Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus - 3 years ago

@wise_diva: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@Sue_M_Gar: - 3 years ago

@EvlambiaAngelou: RT @professorkim: Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus - 3 years ago

@z_cirelli: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@j2CC1: RT @degrazia: Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus - 3 years ago

@CorettaScottKey: RT @professorkim: Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus - 3 years ago

@The_Lady_Red: RT @degrazia: Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus - 3 years ago

@professorkim: Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus - 3 years ago

@sajz16: RT @bblarsen1: RIP. The 1918 flu sequence is available partially thanks to Johan Hultin's detective work and his wife's garden shears. http… - 3 years ago

@JollyMollyRoger: RT @degrazia: Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus - 3 years ago

@degrazia: Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus - 3 years ago

@AmyAyers16: RT @bblarsen1: RIP. The 1918 flu sequence is available partially thanks to Johan Hultin's detective work and his wife's garden shears. http… - 3 years ago

@md_ptbo: RT @milnem: Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus - 3 years ago

@WorldWideTweet3: Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus - #worldwidetweets - 3 years ago

@FoundDemocracy: RT @NYTObits: Johan Hultin dies at 97. He found victims from the 1918 flu preserved in permafrost, enabling the discovery of that virus’s g… - 3 years ago

@MikeStobbe: RT @NYTObits: Johan Hultin dies at 97. He found victims from the 1918 flu preserved in permafrost, enabling the discovery of that virus’s g… - 3 years ago

@INDaBullman: RT @imhm: "Dr. Hultin’s discovery of a frozen victim of the 1918 pandemic gave scientists the opportunity to map the virus’s genetic materi… - 3 years ago

@lellingw: RT @gcraig1: What an amazing story within this obituary: - 3 years ago

@RachelFeltman: RT @NYTHealth: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissue… - 3 years ago

@NYTHealth: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lu… - 3 years ago

@Bookworm: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin dies at 97. He found victims from the 1918 flu preserved in permafrost, enabling the discovery of that virus’s… - 3 years ago

@KentBottles: Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus - 3 years ago

@chazpaw: Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus - 3 years ago

@gcraig1: What an amazing story within this obituary: - 3 years ago

@talan: - 3 years ago

@imhm: "Dr. Hultin’s discovery of a frozen victim of the 1918 pandemic gave scientists the opportunity to map the virus’s… - 3 years ago

@loboest47575925: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@BurrafatoCf: RT @NYTObits: Johan Hultin dies at 97. He found victims from the 1918 flu preserved in permafrost, enabling the discovery of that virus’s g… - 3 years ago

@easegura: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@selehcim: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@Benton_Inst: News From @FCC Meeting AT&T survey finds most consumers aren’t aware of broadband subsidies What Justice Breyer’s… - 3 years ago

@djbarrios00: - 3 years ago

@abdulelite1: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin dies at 97. He found victims from the 1918 flu preserved in permafrost, enabling the discovery of that virus’s… - 3 years ago

@Esteban09090: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@anilgb: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin dies at 97. He found victims from the 1918 flu preserved in permafrost, enabling the discovery of that virus’s… - 3 years ago

@cardiomedicos: RT @rigotordoc: Johan Hultin, quien encontró víctimas de la pandemia de gripe de 1918 enterradas en una fosa común en el permafrost de Alas… - 3 years ago

@neilwillard: “Dr. Hultin’s discovery was crucial to finding the genetic sequence of the virus, allowing researchers to examine w… - 3 years ago

@GagaWilliam1: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@ShON25486781: RT @NYTObits: Johan Hultin dies at 97. He found victims from the 1918 flu preserved in permafrost, enabling the discovery of that virus’s g… - 3 years ago

@TheUnFocuseds: #trending #headlines… - 3 years ago

@MarionSaternes: RT @KarinBojs: Johan Hultin, den svenskfödde virusjägaren, har avlidit vid 97 års ålder. - 3 years ago

@MarionSaternes: RT @ginakolata: - 3 years ago

@kevinpurcell: RT @NYTScience: Johan Hultin, who found victims of the 1918 flu pandemic buried in a mass grave in Alaskan permafrost, collected lung tissu… - 3 years ago

@a__1_0_2_: "Dr. Johan Hultin Dies at 97; His Work Helped Isolate 1918 Flu Virus" - 3 years ago

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