Joel Brinkley

American journalist
Died on Tuesday March 11th 2014

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Joel Brinkley:

@Penkalski: .@RonMagicJohnson Billy Joel was married to Christie Brinkley, and he never wrote a song afterward that didn't remind the listener about it.

@Pr0ducerKev: RT @WPatrickOwen: @Pr0ducerKev @9NEWS Billy Joel at McNichol's Arena. Great show. Christy Brinkley was there and looked great with Billy...

@WPatrickOwen: @Pr0ducerKev @9NEWS Billy Joel at McNichol's Arena. Great show. Christy Brinkley was there and looked great with Billy...

@nunciocarmona: CHRISTY BRINKLEY 35mm SLIDE TRANSPARENCY Image is Better Than Shown (BILLY JOEL)


@brandonbales: Me: You were 15 feet from Billy Joel? What did he smell like? Josh: I don't know. Entitlement? Christie Brinkley? Rage?

@PNPJazz: RT @Dagenator: Billy Joel's "Uptown Girl" was originally "Uptown Girls" because at the time he was seeing Elle Macpherson and Christie Brin…

@Dagenator: Billy Joel's "Uptown Girl" was originally "Uptown Girls" because at the time he was seeing Elle Macpherson and Christie Brinkley. #biography

@VIVA80: TELEDISCOS | Billy Joel - Uptown Girl [1983] Christie Brinkley foi a menina escolhida para este video de Billy...

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