Joe DeNardo

American meteorologist.
Died on Friday June 15th 2018

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Linda Burnes Bolton

Tweets related to Joe DeNardo:

@bctimes: In this week's Flashback Friday, the Times revisits a 1986 piece on Joe Denardo, the longtime WTAE-TV meteorologist… - 7 years ago

@makearunforitx: maybe the weather gods are mad about joe denardo dying and they’re punishing us all with this weather. - 7 years ago

@DeniseBachtel: RT @WTAE: It is with heavy hearts we share the news that legendary WTAE meteorologist Joe DeNardo has died at the age of 87. Joe was, and… - 7 years ago

@jillprosdocimo1: RT @WTAE: #DoGood4DeNardo this weekend by doing a random act of kindness in honor of Joe DeNardo - 7 years ago


@michael_denardo: RT @tdpga: I think Joe and Mika must be constipated this morning 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡MSNBC Clown Show - 7 years ago

@astockeyWTAE: DeNardo funeral Mass gathers family, friends, co-workers for final farewell #wtae #joesaiditwould - 7 years ago

@MikeElk: @jtrpgh But real talk, you know as well as do that a lot of old school Italian neighborhoods are gonna start naming… - 7 years ago

@LadyDanio: RT @amy_davis412: @kenricekdka @KDKA Is it ironic that Pittsburgh is getting drenched on the day Joe DeNardo was laid to rest? - 7 years ago

@geministorm21: RT @therealjz24: Joe Denardo’s funeral was today. And what does he do? Makes it rain like hell. #JoeSaidItWould - 7 years ago

@kristy527: RT @therealjz24: Joe Denardo’s funeral was today. And what does he do? Makes it rain like hell. #JoeSaidItWould - 7 years ago

@Meteorologyview: Joe DeNardo, iconic local meteorologist, laid to rest - WPXI Pittsburgh - 7 years ago

@debunkey: RT @WTAE: It is with heavy hearts we share the news that legendary WTAE meteorologist Joe DeNardo has died at the age of 87. Joe was, and… - 7 years ago

@WaymooMoody: RT @astockeyWTAE: Today, we said our final goodbye to Joe DeNardo. Thank you again Joe for all you have done to make Pittsburgh the great,… - 7 years ago

@Jantucket15: RT @amy_davis412: @kenricekdka @KDKA Is it ironic that Pittsburgh is getting drenched on the day Joe DeNardo was laid to rest? - 7 years ago

@pvnkrocket: RT @JanelleHallWTAE: Remembering our friend & longtime @WTAE meteorologist Joe Denardo #RIP #JoeSaidItWould #Pittsburgh - 7 years ago

@therealjz24: Joe Denardo’s funeral was today. And what does he do? Makes it rain like hell. #JoeSaidItWould - 7 years ago

@JPfeiffer53: All this X and Woppo talk but Joe DeNardo, the best weatherman of all time, also passed. #Joesaiditwould - 7 years ago

@capkneemo: RT @amy_davis412: @WTAE @NWSPittsburgh Is it ironic that Pittsburgh is having an active weather night the day Joe DeNardo was laid to rest? - 7 years ago

@damonbethea1: RT @astockeyWTAE: Today, we said our final goodbye to Joe DeNardo. Thank you again Joe for all you have done to make Pittsburgh the great,… - 7 years ago

@damonbethea1: RT @BMayo_WTAE: The final farewell to Joe DeNardo. How family, friends, and coworkers from over the years gathered for his funeral mass --… - 7 years ago

@amy_davis412: @WTAE @NWSPittsburgh Is it ironic that Pittsburgh is having an active weather night the day Joe DeNardo was laid to rest? - 7 years ago

@amy_davis412: @kenricekdka @KDKA Is it ironic that Pittsburgh is getting drenched on the day Joe DeNardo was laid to rest? - 7 years ago

@amy_davis412: Ironic that weather is a big issue the day Joe DeNardo was laid to rest. #JoeSaidItWould - 7 years ago

@lilbit351: RT @astockeyWTAE: Today, we said our final goodbye to Joe DeNardo. Thank you again Joe for all you have done to make Pittsburgh the great,… - 7 years ago

@Doug_DeNardo: RT @colin_dunlap: This is one of the best segments we’ve ever done in the history of The Fan Morning Show...Joe DeNardo’s friendship meant… - 7 years ago

@Pittsburgh_NC: Pittsburgh News Joe DeNardo funeral mass gathers family, friends, coworkers for final farewell… - 7 years ago

@WPXI: Joe DeNardo, iconic local meteorologist, laid to rest - 7 years ago

@skoobie86: RT @colin_dunlap: This is one of the best segments we’ve ever done in the history of The Fan Morning Show...Joe DeNardo’s friendship meant… - 7 years ago

@GlisanMelissa: @astockeyWTAE And today we hear the sounds of St Peter rolling open the gates of Heaven welcoming him home and the… - 7 years ago

@GlisanMelissa: RT @astockeyWTAE: Today, we said our final goodbye to Joe DeNardo. Thank you again Joe for all you have done to make Pittsburgh the great,… - 7 years ago

@clrfldcdaughtry: RT @astockeyWTAE: Funeral to be held for Joe DeNardo Wednesday #wtae - 7 years ago

@PatiRoell: RT @BMayo_WTAE: The final farewell to Joe DeNardo. How family, friends, and coworkers from over the years gathered for his funeral mass --… - 7 years ago

@WTAE: RT @BMayo_WTAE: The final farewell to Joe DeNardo. How family, friends, and coworkers from over the years gathered for his funeral mass --… - 7 years ago

@BeauWTAE: RT @astockeyWTAE: Today, we said our final goodbye to Joe DeNardo. Thank you again Joe for all you have done to make Pittsburgh the great,… - 7 years ago

@BeauWTAE: RT @BMayo_WTAE: The final farewell to Joe DeNardo. How family, friends, and coworkers from over the years gathered for his funeral mass --… - 7 years ago

@WPXI: If you're not watching Channel 11 News, you missed @albyox's heartfelt report from Joe DeNardo's funeral this after… - 7 years ago

@BMayo_WTAE: The final farewell to Joe DeNardo. How family, friends, and coworkers from over the years gathered for his funeral… - 7 years ago

@JColony13: RT @937theFan: Longtime Pittsburgh meteorologist Joe DeNardo was laid to rest today. @JColony13 paid tribute to his friend this morning. ht… - 7 years ago

@curran_marlene: RT @astockeyWTAE: Today, we said our final goodbye to Joe DeNardo. Thank you again Joe for all you have done to make Pittsburgh the great,… - 7 years ago

@Dom_Walter: I liked a @YouTube video - 7 years ago

@pierre_bida: RT @937theFan: Longtime Pittsburgh meteorologist Joe DeNardo was laid to rest today. @JColony13 paid tribute to his friend this morning. ht… - 7 years ago

@937theFan: Longtime Pittsburgh meteorologist Joe DeNardo was laid to rest today. @JColony13 paid tribute to his friend this mo… - 7 years ago

@JColony13: RT @colin_dunlap: This is one of the best segments we’ve ever done in the history of The Fan Morning Show...Joe DeNardo’s friendship meant… - 7 years ago

@milesaveli45: RT @astockeyWTAE: Today, we said our final goodbye to Joe DeNardo. Thank you again Joe for all you have done to make Pittsburgh the great,… - 7 years ago

@llsed31: RT @colin_dunlap: This is one of the best segments we’ve ever done in the history of The Fan Morning Show...Joe DeNardo’s friendship meant… - 7 years ago

@smeier87: RT @colin_dunlap: This is one of the best segments we’ve ever done in the history of The Fan Morning Show...Joe DeNardo’s friendship meant… - 7 years ago

@joshuax0: RT @colin_dunlap: This is one of the best segments we’ve ever done in the history of The Fan Morning Show...Joe DeNardo’s friendship meant… - 7 years ago

@zup_lee: RT @colin_dunlap: This is one of the best segments we’ve ever done in the history of The Fan Morning Show...Joe DeNardo’s friendship meant… - 7 years ago

@FuncleNicky: RT @Pittsburgh_Dad: Joe DeNardo was a legend. - 7 years ago

@Doug_DeNardo: RT @colin_dunlap: Fan Morning Show video for Wednesday...Jim got to go to the viewing for his friend Joe DeNardo yesterday — and he’s glad… - 7 years ago

@colin_dunlap: Jim Colony recounting his visit to Joe DeNardo's wake just a moment ago on the show was a very touching moment. - 7 years ago

@mjkohn: RT @Pittsburgh_Dad: Joe DeNardo was a legend. - 7 years ago

@Palexander44: RT @JColony13: So glad I was able to pay respects to Joe DeNardo today. It was wonderful to spend some with his family. Joe will always be… - 7 years ago

@FanMorningShow: RT @colin_dunlap: Fan Morning Show video for Wednesday...Jim got to go to the viewing for his friend Joe DeNardo yesterday — and he’s glad… - 7 years ago

@zup_lee: RT @colin_dunlap: Fan Morning Show video for Wednesday...Jim got to go to the viewing for his friend Joe DeNardo yesterday — and he’s glad… - 7 years ago

@colin_dunlap: Fan Morning Show video for Wednesday...Jim got to go to the viewing for his friend Joe DeNardo yesterday — and he’s… - 7 years ago

@shadesonpoint: RT @Pittsburgh_Dad: Joe DeNardo was a legend. - 7 years ago

@christinephili: THE LEGEND OF JOE DENARDO - 7 years ago

@41Suzanne: RT @Pittsburgh_Dad: Joe DeNardo was a legend. - 7 years ago

@jjenkins101201: RT @Pittsburgh_Dad: Joe DeNardo was a legend. - 7 years ago

@BonniePazin: RT @WTAE: #DoGood4DeNardo this weekend by doing a random act of kindness in honor of Joe DeNardo - 7 years ago

@JSCham85: RT @Pittsburgh_Dad: Joe DeNardo was a legend. - 7 years ago

@SignedDollars: RT @JColony13: So glad I was able to pay respects to Joe DeNardo today. It was wonderful to spend some with his family. Joe will always be… - 7 years ago

@MrAfrika7: RIP Joe DeNardo da Gawd of Weather! My man ran shit back in the day! - 7 years ago

@keith_money: just found out joe denardo died and that’s a bummer - 7 years ago

@MVirg_12: RT @JColony13: So glad I was able to pay respects to Joe DeNardo today. It was wonderful to spend some with his family. Joe will always be… - 7 years ago

@irishman1952: RT @JColony13: So glad I was able to pay respects to Joe DeNardo today. It was wonderful to spend some with his family. Joe will always be… - 7 years ago

@adm23101: RT @JColony13: So glad I was able to pay respects to Joe DeNardo today. It was wonderful to spend some with his family. Joe will always be… - 7 years ago

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