Jocelyn Barrow

British educator
Died on Saturday April 25th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Jocelyn Barrow:

@BrianMu81245748: RT @BhmUK: Dame Jocelyn Barrow: More Needs To Be Done On Her Lifetime Work On Racial And Multi-Cultural Awareness - Black History 365 #dive… - 5 years ago

@FairHire: RT @BhmUK: Dame Jocelyn Barrow: More Needs To Be Done On Her Lifetime Work On Racial And Multi-Cultural Awareness - Black History 365 #dive… - 5 years ago

@BhmUK: Dame Jocelyn Barrow: More Needs To Be Done On Her Lifetime Work On Racial And Multi-Cultural Awareness - Black Hist… - 5 years ago

@CharBotGreen2: In a few minutes on Radio 4: Dame Jocelyn Barrow DBE, Keith Critchlow, Leonard ‘Nipper’ Read, ... #pid:m000hhtj - 5 years ago


@Brown9501Brown: RT @Nadine_Writes: Saddened by the news that Dame Jocelyn Barrow has died, aged 90. Born in Trinidad, Barrow came to the UK in 1959. She we… - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Jocelyn Barrow @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #JocelynBarrow add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@artofile: RT @Nadine_Writes: Saddened by the news that Dame Jocelyn Barrow has died, aged 90. Born in Trinidad, Barrow came to the UK in 1959. She we… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Jocelyn Barrow is no longer with us - #JocelynBarrow #Jocelyn #Barrow #rip - 5 years ago

@slucastweets: Just heard that the legendary Dame Jocelyn Barrow sadly died this week. So here’s a quick story. Around ten years a… - 5 years ago

@KeithNicholDCMS: Very sorry to learn of the death of Dame Jocelyn Barrow, with whom I was lucky enough to work when she led the Mayo… - 5 years ago

@JtoJustice: Tributes pour in to Dame Jocelyn Barrow, a ‘true champion of racial equality’ - Voice Online - 5 years ago

@CharBotGreen2: In a few minutes on Radio 4: Keith Critchlow, Dame Jocelyn Barrow DBE, Leonard ‘Nipper’ Read, J... #pid:m000hhtj - 5 years ago

@SOAS: Tune into @BBCRadio4 at 4pm this afternoon to listen to SOAS Director @ValerieAmos discuss the life of Dame Jocelyn… - 5 years ago

@ProfARichardson: RT @NicolaRollock: This is so very very sad. Lennox guided and advised me with firm & wise gentleness when I was training to become a psych… - 5 years ago

@mrbc77: RT @Nadine_Writes: Saddened by the news that Dame Jocelyn Barrow has died, aged 90. Born in Trinidad, Barrow came to the UK in 1959. She we… - 5 years ago

@blackhistwalker: RT @bcaheritage: Two phenomenal women deeply respected by BCA come together one last time. Tune in to Baroness Amos' (@ValarieAmos) intervi… - 5 years ago

@SaltyFlo: RT @bcaheritage: Two phenomenal women deeply respected by BCA come together one last time. Tune in to Baroness Amos' (@ValarieAmos) intervi… - 5 years ago

@anjijoy: RT @bcaheritage: Two phenomenal women deeply respected by BCA come together one last time. Tune in to Baroness Amos' (@ValarieAmos) intervi… - 5 years ago

@bcaheritage: Two phenomenal women deeply respected by BCA come together one last time. Tune in to Baroness Amos' (@ValarieAmos)… - 5 years ago

@NafsiyatTherapy: RT @NicolaRollock: This is so very very sad. Lennox guided and advised me with firm & wise gentleness when I was training to become a psych… - 5 years ago

@OlivetteOtele: RT @NicolaRollock: This is so very very sad. Lennox guided and advised me with firm & wise gentleness when I was training to become a psych… - 5 years ago

@natcphd: RT @NicolaRollock: This is so very very sad. Lennox guided and advised me with firm & wise gentleness when I was training to become a psych… - 5 years ago

@FembeNanjiRowe: RT @NicolaRollock: This is so very very sad. Lennox guided and advised me with firm & wise gentleness when I was training to become a psych… - 5 years ago

@omaromalleykhan: RT @NicolaRollock: This is so very very sad. Lennox guided and advised me with firm & wise gentleness when I was training to become a psych… - 5 years ago

@NicolaRollock: This is so very very sad. Lennox guided and advised me with firm & wise gentleness when I was training to become a… - 5 years ago

@sweetpea9800: RT @Nadine_Writes: Saddened by the news that Dame Jocelyn Barrow has died, aged 90. Born in Trinidad, Barrow came to the UK in 1959. She we… - 5 years ago

@ProfDorrothy: RT @NicolaRollock: The only coverage I've seen of Dame Jocelyn Barrow's death is via @TheVoiceNews All other updates have been via details… - 5 years ago

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