Joanna Cameron

American actress
Died on Sunday October 24th 2021

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Joanna Cameron:

@voss_joanna: RT @Aleksan69788972: 🇺🇸 Dr Cameron Kyle-Sidell:"Wczesne wytyczne WHO i Chin dotyczące respiratorów zabiły tysiące niewinnych pacjentów Prze… - 3 years ago

@rabbiepower: Goodbye, Isis: My Small Tribute to JoAnna Cameron - 3 years ago

@Modoula01119252: RT @CajunRover: Even before @RealLyndaCarter put on Wonder Woman's star-spangled costume, this lady was the first live-action TV superheroi… - 3 years ago

@TVWriterCom: 2 people I once knew now resting in peace. LB: RIP Mort Sahl and Joanna Cameron - 3 years ago


@mspeier1: @TVMoJoe I see that Joanna Cameron died with little fanfare. Isis was a nice little part of our TV lives, no? - 3 years ago

@Dirk2112: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@craigfordtv: ‘Secrets of Isis' star JoAnna Cameron dead at 70 - New York Daily News - 3 years ago

@ratpigfan731: @JPangAtkins Sorry to hear she was best known as a best The First Female Super Hero of The 1970's a year before The… - 3 years ago

@ChurlPlease: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@BoloBoffin: RT @Bluesaloon: JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of "The Secrets of Isis", dies at 73 - 3 years ago

@Bluesaloon: JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of "The Secrets of Isis", dies at 73 - 3 years ago

@ThomasWisteria: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@CARERA5: RT @columbophile: Oh dear, just heard that the talented and lovely Joanna Cameron has passed away following a stroke. She was only 70 😢 #Co… - 3 years ago

@Troy_A_: 📹 Goodbye, Isis: My Small Tribute to JoAnna Cameron - 3 years ago

@MikeDHernandez1: JoAnna Cameron - 3 years ago

@Flashshadow17: Joanna Cameron Dead At 73 - 3 years ago

@mike6206: @JPangAtkins Watching the episode "No Bugles, No Drums" now. Joanna Cameron left us a legacy of excellent memories… - 3 years ago

@AzrealLuthuli: RT @WednesdayComix: Joanna Cameron who portrayed Mighty Isis in Filmation TV shows during #the70s has passed away. Her character originated… - 3 years ago

@AzrealLuthuli: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@LifeOfCommerce: RT @shawnsjames: Joanna Cameron Dead At 73 - 3 years ago

@ffernan312: Remembering Joanna Cameron, Dead at 70, Rest in Peace! - 3 years ago

@KassieKulture: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@realPariahJones: @ComicContext also RIP Joanna Cameron - 3 years ago

@a4floridacajun: RT @columbophile: Oh dear, just heard that the talented and lovely Joanna Cameron has passed away following a stroke. She was only 70 😢 #Co… - 3 years ago

@kimroc1: JoAnna Cameron dead: The Secrets of Isis actress dead at 73 | - 3 years ago

@TheOrigSndtrk: Rest in peace Joanna Cameron. #actress #model #howtocommitmarriage #bsiloveyou #prettymaidsallinarow #columbo… - 3 years ago

@AndrewinDublin: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@CollectionOfRa1: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@blackpotmojo: How did I miss seeing JoAnna Cameron star in The Secrets of Isis? - 3 years ago

@JanMarinaro: RT @JPangAtkins: Remembering JoAnna Cameron as Andrea/Isis in "The Secrets of Isis" helping Cindy Lee in the junkyard, episode "Fools Dare"… - 3 years ago

@OldComicBookGuy: @OriginalFunko with the passing of Joanna Cameron, could I suggest a Funko 70’s Mighty Isis Pop of her? - 3 years ago

@shawnsjames: Joanna Cameron Dead At 73 - 3 years ago

@CarolHoopes: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@Audrey_E_Ander: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@Dominica_Mora: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@SunsWestApparel: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@wiseoldsnail: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@GrantDConroy1: Joanna Cameron Guinness World Record for most National TV Commercials on... - 3 years ago

@Tam_Savage: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@regieford1: JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of "The Secrets of Isis", dies at 73 - 3 years ago

@sheldon62325021: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@Jobe00: @AshaRangappa_ @SouthwestAir Why would this be a problem? RIP JoAnna Cameron - 3 years ago

@ReubenECooperJ1: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@chrx2mom: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@PidgeAnn: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@BoydDiedrea: @violadavis YES!!! I remember wanting to be “Oh Mighty ISIS”as a little girl!!! RIP, Joanna Cameron.🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪 - 3 years ago

@BoydDiedrea: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@TonyaKayFan10: RT @TonyaKayFan10: JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of "The Secrets of Isis", dies at 70 😥 #RIPJoAnnaCameron 🙏🙏🙏🙏 - 3 years ago

@Lawrencedubose2: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@MilaXX: "Oh zephyr winds which blow on high, lift me now so I can fly." This was a major part of my Sat. morning tv viewing… - 3 years ago

@BeatriceBell16: JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of "The Secrets of Isis", dies at 73 - 3 years ago

@randallboy83: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@SammyZRodri: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago


@PaulWartenberg: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@Fieryreddragon: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@HelloHappy0402: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@swirlOsquirrel: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@nicesty06: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@bellesapepper37: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@MariaESierra6: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@jameskthompson1: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@Stacey56347491: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@AdamaToulon: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@gimpy_rn: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@Lonersquare: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@ittatto23: RT @JPangAtkins: JoAnna Cameron passed on 10/15/2021 - 3 years ago

@ittatto23: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@Sirdemby: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@ittatto23: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@EYESNHOUSEHaute: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@SylviaM08: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@STLOUISFLOWER: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@marapolita: RT @violadavis: Who remembers "Secrets of Isis"? Man.... back in the day she was the first Supershero before Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman.… - 3 years ago

@trumpocalyps17: I just found out one of my childhood heroes passed away a few days ago. RIP, dear JoAnna. ❤️❤️❤️#OhMightyIsis - 3 years ago

@XicanoX: RT @ComicBook: #SecretsofIsis star JoAnna Cameron has died. She was 70. - 3 years ago

@Nlsbarza: RT @ComicsintheGA: This hour of television made me one really happy little kid. RIP Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@Nlsbarza: RT @CaptMarvelology: The first comic book appearance of Joanna Cameron's Isis. - 3 years ago

@Nlsbarza: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@mikecane: Belated R.I.P to Joanna Cameron, Mighty Isis. - 3 years ago

@Danzigg1979: @BurnettRM RIP JoAnna Cameron - 3 years ago

@MichfestMovesMe: JoAnna Cameron, star of superhero series ‘Secrets of Isis,’ dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@jpaNYC: RT @JPangAtkins: Remembering JoAnna Cameron as Andrea/Isis in "The Secrets of Isis" helping Cindy Lee in the junkyard, episode "Fools Dare"… - 3 years ago

@neilalien: JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of "The Secrets of Isis", dies at 73 - 3 years ago

@neilalien: RT @Decervelage: In Memoriam Joanna Cameron - 3 years ago

@neilalien: RT @CBR: Joanna Cameron, star of the 1970s DC television series The Secrets of Isis, has passed away at the age of 70. - 3 years ago

@neilalien: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@neilalien: RT @DarkMark1984: RIP Joanna Cameron. Wallace Woody & Jackie Estrada art on The Mighty ISIS #DCComics - 3 years ago

@Avatar_Country2: Seems to be a stroke bug going around - 3 years ago

@Jimmystardust79: 13 ISIS COVERS: A JoAnna Cameron Tribute - 3 years ago

@Real_Dr_Roy: RIP Joanna Cameron The Secrets of Isis Introduction - 3 years ago

@Real_Dr_Roy: RT @ComicsintheGA: This hour of television made me one really happy little kid. RIP Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@Real_Dr_Roy: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@Real_Dr_Roy: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@4_localpolice: RT @JPangAtkins: Remembering JoAnna Cameron as Andrea/Isis in "The Secrets of Isis" helping Cindy Lee in the junkyard, episode "Fools Dare"… - 3 years ago

@Richard80431020: @J_Cameron007 Sad to hear the news about Joanna Cameron. Always one of my favorites growing up. Would have been int… - 3 years ago

@juanroyoabenia: RT @reactionfigure: Rest in Peace American actress and model JoAnna Cameron (September 20, 1951 – October 22, 2021). Well known as Andrea T… - 3 years ago

@WTHuston: JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of 'The Secrets of Isis,' dies at 73 - 3 years ago

@amylholcomb: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@gc_buzz: RT @MartyMcKee: RIP the unforgettable JoAnna Cameron, who played Mighty Isis and guided a few girls and boys through puberty. Dead of a str… - 3 years ago

@gc_buzz: RT @columbophile: Oh dear, just heard that the talented and lovely Joanna Cameron has passed away following a stroke. She was only 70 😢 #Co… - 3 years ago

@gc_buzz: RT @CaptMarvelology: The first comic book appearance of Joanna Cameron's Isis. - 3 years ago

@CajunRover: Even before @RealLyndaCarter put on Wonder Woman's star-spangled costume, this lady was the first live-action TV su… - 3 years ago

@tralfast: RT @DavesComicHero: Remembering actress Joanna Cameron and her most known character, the Mighty Isis. #JoAnnaCameron #MightyIsis - 3 years ago

@JimLongo63: This is belated. Joanna Cameron, R.I.P. Played Isis on Saturday mornings in mid 70’s. Died 10/15/21. - 3 years ago

@AmericaWins1ST: RT @JPangAtkins: Remembering JoAnna Cameron as Andrea/Isis in "The Secrets of Isis" helping Cindy Lee in the junkyard, episode "Fools Dare"… - 3 years ago

@iamMachias: Oh, this makes me very sad. RIP Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@TarH2O23: RT @M2Esq: R.I.P. JoAnna Cameron from The Secrets of Isis. I loved watching this show when I was a kiddo. I mean, if you didn't tune in t… - 3 years ago

@M2Esq: R.I.P. JoAnna Cameron from The Secrets of Isis. I loved watching this show when I was a kiddo. I mean, if you did… - 3 years ago

@scifibulletin: RT @DuhartKimberlie: RIP JoAnna Cameron - 3 years ago

@jairus70: RT @JPangAtkins: Remembering JoAnna Cameron as Andrea/Isis in "The Secrets of Isis" helping Cindy Lee in the junkyard, episode "Fools Dare"… - 3 years ago

@twiggyoh: RT @JPangAtkins: Remembering JoAnna Cameron as Andrea/Isis in "The Secrets of Isis" helping Cindy Lee in the junkyard, episode "Fools Dare"… - 3 years ago

@dougmorrisgames: #TBT A former co-worker and I were stunned to learn the other day JoAnna Cameron passed from this life to the next… - 3 years ago

@RudeHouseStudio: - 3 years ago

@CoachPhilJacks1: RT @DavesComicHero: Remembering actress Joanna Cameron and her most known character, the Mighty Isis. #JoAnnaCameron #MightyIsis - 3 years ago

@Decervelage: RT @Decervelage: In Memoriam Joanna Cameron - 3 years ago

@ReginaMixon3: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@BTPBlog: RT @DavesComicHero: Remembering actress Joanna Cameron and her most known character, the Mighty Isis. #JoAnnaCameron #MightyIsis - 3 years ago

@Ladyapple49: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@Jos_El: RT @DavesComicHero: Remembering actress Joanna Cameron and her most known character, the Mighty Isis. #JoAnnaCameron #MightyIsis - 3 years ago

@TarzanandJane7: I just heard about the passing of the beloved JoAnna Cameron, Former "Secrets of Isis" Star, Dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@thyyhhh: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@215Lenken: @JPangAtkins Wow probably 1st crush as kid. Thought abt show & watched wks ago. She was wonder woman be4 Lynda Cart… - 3 years ago

@Mikeslikes2: JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of The Secrets of Isis , dies at 73 - 3 years ago

@CapeworldComics: RT @DavesComicHero: Remembering actress Joanna Cameron and her most known character, the Mighty Isis. #JoAnnaCameron #MightyIsis - 3 years ago

@Michael50706655: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@internetfreak69: RT @daddiorobjr1963: JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of "The Secrets of Isis", dies at 70 - 3 years ago

@abigailcat: JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of The Secrets of Isis , dies at 73 - 3 years ago

@ObeyingHim: RT @BlueWaterDays: JoAnna Cameron star of The Secrets of Isis dies at 73 #RIP - 3 years ago

@jamessanford: When I was a kid, we didn't have Marvel movies, but we did have THE SECRETS OF ISIS on Saturday mornings -- and JoA… - 3 years ago

@jintor_au: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@ScrollBoss: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@monster_weirdo: RT @DavesComicHero: Remembering actress Joanna Cameron and her most known character, the Mighty Isis. #JoAnnaCameron #MightyIsis - 3 years ago

@BlueWaterDays: JoAnna Cameron star of The Secrets of Isis dies at 73 #RIP - 3 years ago

@bitb: RT @dcjpad: Well this makes me sad. I’ve always adored JoAnna Cameron and “The Secrets of Isis.” I had fun writing about them in The Post a… - 3 years ago

@hankstuever: RT @dcjpad: Well this makes me sad. I’ve always adored JoAnna Cameron and “The Secrets of Isis.” I had fun writing about them in The Post a… - 3 years ago

@BettyCl44209539: RT @JPangAtkins: Remembering JoAnna Cameron as Andrea/Isis in "The Secrets of Isis" helping Cindy Lee in the junkyard, episode "Fools Dare"… - 3 years ago

@dcjpad: Well this makes me sad. I’ve always adored JoAnna Cameron and “The Secrets of Isis.” I had fun writing about them i… - 3 years ago

@jdiggs67: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@ohlistic: One of the very first TV shows I can remember, though I’d often confuse it with Wonder Woman. - 3 years ago

@VaultedDarkness: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@hdpr2016: Joanna Cameron, Star of DC's The Secrets of Isis, Dies at 70 - 3 years ago

@barbaravitali2: RT @gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #JoAnnaCameron (1951–2021). As ISIS, she was the first woman star of a live action superhero… - 3 years ago

@playmobilcha: RT @DavesComicHero: Remembering actress Joanna Cameron and her most known character, the Mighty Isis. #JoAnnaCameron #MightyIsis - 3 years ago

@terry2070: RT @DavesComicHero: Just found out that Joanna Cameron has passed away, due to heart troubles on Friday. May she rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@hcmv007: RT @DavesComicHero: Remembering actress Joanna Cameron and her most known character, the Mighty Isis. #JoAnnaCameron #MightyIsis - 3 years ago

@creativok: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@kenixfan: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@MarkRadulich: RT @DavesComicHero: Remembering actress Joanna Cameron and her most known character, the Mighty Isis. #JoAnnaCameron #MightyIsis - 3 years ago

@Jeonhwanbeop: RT @DavesComicHero: Remembering actress Joanna Cameron and her most known character, the Mighty Isis. #JoAnnaCameron #MightyIsis - 3 years ago

@Charlton_Hero: RT @DavesComicHero: Remembering actress Joanna Cameron and her most known character, the Mighty Isis. #JoAnnaCameron #MightyIsis - 3 years ago

@MEarthprime: RT @DavesComicHero: Remembering actress Joanna Cameron and her most known character, the Mighty Isis. #JoAnnaCameron #MightyIsis - 3 years ago

@BiLLYd_licious: RT @DavesComicHero: Remembering actress Joanna Cameron and her most known character, the Mighty Isis. #JoAnnaCameron #MightyIsis - 3 years ago

@kevin01264073: RT @DavesComicHero: Remembering actress Joanna Cameron and her most known character, the Mighty Isis. #JoAnnaCameron #MightyIsis - 3 years ago

@ImbrugliaJim: RT @DavesComicHero: Remembering actress Joanna Cameron and her most known character, the Mighty Isis. #JoAnnaCameron #MightyIsis - 3 years ago

@ThemysciranBoy: JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of The Secrets of Isis , dies at 73 - 3 years ago

@southjustiniowa: JoAnna Cameron, Former "Secrets of Isis" Star, Dead at 70 #Isis #Shazam - 3 years ago

@Martinez4Edwin: RT @people: JoAnna Cameron, Former Secrets of Isis Star, Dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@JohnHirose: @ShuttlepodTwo Oh I thought JoAnna Cameron was sexy. Sorry to hear that she died. - 3 years ago

@authorkendrick: @JPangAtkins So sorry to hear this news. I enjoyed Ms Cameron's show when it aired and must admit to a teenagers ma… - 3 years ago

@omacolt: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@Fantastic4umTV: We're saddened to learn of the passing of JOANNA CAMERON (September 20, 1951 - October 22, 2021). The American act… - 3 years ago

@JoshuaMPatton: RT @ComicYears: In sad news, we lost a #comicbook TV trailblazer this month. #JoAnnaCameron played #TheMightyIsis from the Saturday-morning… - 3 years ago

@ComicYears: In sad news, we lost a #comicbook TV trailblazer this month. #JoAnnaCameron played #TheMightyIsis from the Saturday… - 3 years ago

@Flavio_Marcio_: RT @people: JoAnna Cameron, Former Secrets of Isis Star, Dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@TerranEmpire: JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of "The Secrets of Isis", dies at 70 - 3 years ago

@ScreenwriterM: RT @people: JoAnna Cameron, Former Secrets of Isis Star, Dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@people: JoAnna Cameron, Former Secrets of Isis Star, Dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@omarenrique108: RT @CelebrityDead2: 🇺🇸 Estados Unidos Murió |JoAnna Cameron| fue una actriz y modelo estadounidense, mejor conocida por su interpretación d… - 3 years ago

@TonyaKayFan10: JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of "The Secrets of Isis", dies at 70 😥 #RIPJoAnnaCameron 🙏🙏🙏🙏 - 3 years ago

@nyartguy: RT @EW: JoAnna Cameron, star of the 1970s DC show 'The Secrets of Isis' and the first woman to play a lead role in a superhero show, has di… - 3 years ago

@RodolfoCustDom: Morre JoAnna Cameron, 1ª heroína da TV em A Poderosa Isis, aos 70 anos - 3 years ago

@GeekAnything: R.I.P. JoAnna Cameron: 'The Secrets of Isis' Star Dead At 70 - 3 years ago

@JoanneVerbeek: RT @RealJanRo: JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of The Secrets of Isis, dies at 70 - Entertainment Weekly - 3 years ago

@28savagedays: RT @SonAndPop: #RIPJoAnnaCameron 🌹 Joanna Cameron, Star of DC's The Secrets of Isis, Dies at 70 - 3 years ago

@SumCityScribe: Before Lindsay Wagner's Bionic Woman and Lynda Carter's Wonder Woman there was The Mighty Isis. Sad to hear today a… - 3 years ago

@Lowecat: 'Isis' actress JoAnna Cameron, Saturday morning star, dead at 70😿😿😿 - 3 years ago

@adventuretom: RIP Joanna Cameron. Saturday Morning, Captain Crunch, and the Mighty Isis. - 3 years ago

@bugsburnett: RT @EW: JoAnna Cameron, star of the 1970s DC show 'The Secrets of Isis' and the first woman to play a lead role in a superhero show, has di… - 3 years ago

@bugsburnett: RT @CaptMarvelology: The first comic book appearance of Joanna Cameron's Isis. - 3 years ago

@bugsburnett: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@WFSBWendell: Does anyone else remember this show? It was one of my favorites with Shazam on Saturday mornings as a kid. RIP Mig… - 3 years ago

@MrWendell29: Does anyone else remember this show? It was one of my favorites with Shazam on Saturday mornings as a kid? RIP Mig… - 3 years ago

@alexandreveloz: RT @tomleao: r.i.p. JoAnna Cameron (Poderosa Isis): - 3 years ago

@GeekRadioDaily: GRD Talks Tim Burton Reveals Why He Was Fired by Disney, National Trick or Treat Day, Researchers Analyze Chill Son… - 3 years ago

@BillyFlynn: GRD Talks Tim Burton Reveals Why He Was Fired by Disney, National Trick or Treat Day, Researchers Analyze Chill Son… - 3 years ago

@sr_nepomuceno: Só os velhinhos lembram dela, "poderosa Isis" Joanna Cameron morreu dia 15/10 aos 70 anos @fraternit123… - 3 years ago

@moniaaahmed: RT @Ash_Baraka: Joanna Cameron (1951-2021) as Mighty Isis in “Secrets of Isis” The first superheroine with her own show in television hist… - 3 years ago

@CD_Levram: RT @DocMultiverse: JoAnna Cameron as Isis the first female #superhero on television to star in her own series. #de… - 3 years ago

@erol_antz: RIP The Secrets of Isis Actress JoAnna Cameron Passses Away at 70 - 3 years ago

@Stella830: RT @gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #JoAnnaCameron (1951–2021). As ISIS, she was the first woman star of a live action superhero… - 3 years ago

@wadipinto213: - 3 years ago

@kwamie42: - 3 years ago

@Tirrimas: RT @ChelSquishBud: LOVED THAT SHOW! JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of "The Secrets of Isis", dies at 70 - 3 years ago

@LifeOnaBaron: Damn! JoAnna Cameron, star of superhero series ‘Secrets of Isis,’ dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@RealJanRo: JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of The Secrets of Isis, dies at 70 - Entertainment Weekly - 3 years ago

@iamasafepatra: RT @WagnerPerico: Morreu aos 70 anos, Joanna Cameron, atriz que interpretou a série Poderosa Ísis em 1976, onde mostrava uma arqueóloga que… - 3 years ago

@robinsnewswire: RT @valsadie: JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of "The Secrets of Isis", dies at 70 - 3 years ago

@WagnerPerico: Morreu aos 70 anos, Joanna Cameron, atriz que interpretou a série Poderosa Ísis em 1976, onde mostrava uma arqueólo… - 3 years ago

@valsadie: JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of "The Secrets of Isis", dies at 70 - 3 years ago

@ScottKGarbo: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@HandsomeInRed: RT @gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #JoAnnaCameron (1951–2021). As ISIS, she was the first woman star of a live action superhero… - 3 years ago

@Lionel_Layton: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@tonydpyt: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@WayRadSteve: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@WayRadSteve: The Secrets of Isis Star Joanna Cameron Dies at 70 - 3 years ago

@wcbooking: RIP JoAnna Cameron - 3 years ago

@YasminI39962571: RT @EW: JoAnna Cameron, star of the 1970s DC show 'The Secrets of Isis' and the first woman to play a lead role in a superhero show, has di… - 3 years ago

@britpop86: RT @EW: JoAnna Cameron, star of the 1970s DC show 'The Secrets of Isis' and the first woman to play a lead role in a superhero show, has di… - 3 years ago

@RKB19661: @talaashe Thank you very much speaking up and for your obvious respect for the roots of your great character Zari.… - 3 years ago

@ppg1974: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@ppg1974: RT @ComicsintheGA: This hour of television made me one really happy little kid. RIP Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@mirror_man69: #RIP Joanna Cameron - 3 years ago

@revtristy: Rest in Power, Joanna Cameron, star of “Secrets of Isis” First female superhero with her own show in TV history. A… - 3 years ago

@RevSnow67: RIP JoAnna Cameron - 3 years ago

@marcelo_jj: @vicentenunes Outra que morreu hoje, aos 70 anos, em função de um AVC, foi JoAnna Cameron, atriz do antigo seriado… - 3 years ago

@RetweetDc: RT @WassermanReview: To memorialize the late JoAnna Cameron, here's a retrospective on how her Isis character grew from low-budget #Shazam… - 3 years ago

@Susucattayl: RT @JPangAtkins: JoAnna Cameron passed on 10/15/2021 - 3 years ago

@WassermanReview: To memorialize the late JoAnna Cameron, here's a retrospective on how her Isis character grew from low-budget… - 3 years ago

@PTekach: JoAnna Cameron, star of The Secrets of Isis, dies at the age of 70 - 3 years ago

@DanG_Comics: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 ISIS COVERS: A tribute to JOANNA CAMERON, who has died at the age of 70: - 3 years ago

@thespian15: JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of "The Secrets of Isis", dies at 70 - 3 years ago

@ChelSquishBud: LOVED THAT SHOW! JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of "The Secrets of Isis", dies at 70 - 3 years ago

@AndreaferrerAvf: RT @ignaziololo1: “Sufrió un derrame cerebral y patapúfete" R.I.P 'Isis' actress JoAnna Cameron, DC Comics star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@LLbyJR: It went from JoAnna Cameron to @mslindsaywagner to @RealLyndaCarter - we need more Hayley Atwells, @GalGadot s,… - 3 years ago

@yieldright: RT @TrueCrimePoli: JoAnna Cameron-Star Of The Secrets of Isis-Dies In Hawaii @ Age 70 Of Stroke. #AlmightyIsis #RIP - 3 years ago

@TrueCrimePoli: JoAnna Cameron-Star Of The Secrets of Isis-Dies In Hawaii @ Age 70 Of Stroke. #AlmightyIsis #RIP… - 3 years ago

@joixcroix: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@oscarhaboni: RT @CelebrityDead2: 🇺🇸 Estados Unidos Murió |JoAnna Cameron| fue una actriz y modelo estadounidense, mejor conocida por su interpretación d… - 3 years ago

@rosjaq: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@Chesterfield359: ‘Secrets of Isis' star JoAnna Cameron dead at 70 - New York Daily News - 3 years ago

@LiberoTe: RT @ignaziololo1: “Sufrió un derrame cerebral y patapúfete" R.I.P 'Isis' actress JoAnna Cameron, DC Comics star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@theetimebombtom: 'Isis' actress JoAnna Cameron, DC Comics star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@MarenaBronson: Sad news... - 3 years ago

@gebauerm: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@negritadekilmes: RT @CelebrityDead2: 🇺🇸 Estados Unidos Murió |JoAnna Cameron| fue una actriz y modelo estadounidense, mejor conocida por su interpretación d… - 3 years ago

@LightfootInHwd: JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of The Secrets of Isis, dies at 70 - 3 years ago

@camlawnman: JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing star of The Secrets of Isis , dies at 70 - 3 years ago

@JimEWood: Bummed to hear about the passing of actress Joanna Cameron. "The Secret of Isis" (along with "Shazam") was must wat… - 3 years ago

@camlawnman: JoAnna Cameron, star of the DC Comic series "The Secrets of Isis," the first superhero show to feature a leading f… - 3 years ago

@CelebrityDead2: 🇺🇸 Estados Unidos Murió |JoAnna Cameron| fue una actriz y modelo estadounidense, mejor conocida por su interpretaci… - 3 years ago

@PaulBacon30: #JoAnnaCameron, trailblazing star of "The Secrets of Isis", dies at 70 #RIPJoAnnaCameron… - 3 years ago

@MichMattRedding: @therealSnicks terrible news JoAnna Cameron who played Isis back in the '70s has passed away from a stroke at age 7… - 3 years ago

@jasonha38174210: R.i.p Joanna cameron - 3 years ago

@MentorsCamper: RT @gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #JoAnnaCameron (1951–2021). As ISIS, she was the first woman star of a live action superhero… - 3 years ago

@MentorsCamper: RT @ComicsintheGA: This hour of television made me one really happy little kid. RIP Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@robinsnewswire: RT @BernardJKD: JoAnna Cameron (RIP). So I'll do a walkthrough of Isis*: 1974-76: 3 of the 28 x TV eps "Shazam!" (❌pricey) 1975-76: 22 x… - 3 years ago

@BernardJKD: JoAnna Cameron (RIP). So I'll do a walkthrough of Isis*: 1974-76: 3 of the 28 x TV eps "Shazam!" (❌pricey) 1975-7… - 3 years ago

@greyseahorsey: - 3 years ago

@voodoowriterx: RT @CaptMarvelology: The first comic book appearance of Joanna Cameron's Isis. - 3 years ago

@diolette: "Oh, Mighty Isis!" This was my show back in the day! R.I.P. Joanna Cameron! - 3 years ago

@LifeCalvo: She was up there with in the 70's @RealLyndaCarter @mslindsaywagner Rest in Peace, Isis!! JoAnna Cameron, trailbl… - 3 years ago

@LifeCalvo: She was up there with @RealLyndaCarter & @mslindsaywagner in the 70's. Rest in peace JoAnna Cameron, trailblazing… - 3 years ago

@leo305leo: A los 70 años murió JoAnna Cameron, la primera superheroína de Hollywood - 3 years ago

@Trike: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@DemokratHaber: Joanna Cameron hayatını kaybetti - 3 years ago

@schifnimrod: RT @ComicBook: #SecretsofIsis star JoAnna Cameron has died. She was 70. - 3 years ago

@Mehmetcan198: RT @milliyet: Joanna Cameron hayatını kaybetti - 3 years ago

@Mehmetcan198: RT @Independent: JoAnna Cameron, star of The Secrets of Isis, dies aged 70 - 3 years ago

@Mehmetcan198: RT @CaptMarvelology: The first comic book appearance of Joanna Cameron's Isis. - 3 years ago

@Mehmetcan198: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@Mehmetcan198: RT @nypost: 'Isis' actress JoAnna Cameron, Saturday morning star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@Mehmetcan198: RT @sputnik_TR: Joanna Cameron hayatını kaybetti - 3 years ago

@Mit_Ist_Sosyal: Gazete Duvar /// Felç geçiren oyuncu Joanna Cameron öldü - 3 years ago

@gazeteduvar: Felç geçiren oyuncu Joanna Cameron öldü - 3 years ago

@OvertempMarine: RT @nypost: 'Isis' actress JoAnna Cameron, Saturday morning star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@socialitelife: ISIS Star JoAnna Cameron Dies at 70 - 3 years ago

@muhalifcomtr: Joanna Cameron hayatını kaybetti - 3 years ago

@medyaradar: Felç geçiren ünlü oyuncu yaşamını yitirdi - 3 years ago

@vehaberorg: Joanna Cameron hayatını kaybetti - 3 years ago

@TheJimMix: @JPangAtkins - 3 years ago

@Joaquim26338126: RT @pauloap: Morreu aos 70 anos a atriz JoAnna Cameron, protagonista da série A Poderosa Ísis (1975/76), passou na Globo, SBT e Record) A… - 3 years ago

@DrKyashi: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@TheJimMix: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@salvato_james: RT @gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #JoAnnaCameron (1951–2021). As ISIS, she was the first woman star of a live action superhero… - 3 years ago

@sputnik_TR: Joanna Cameron hayatını kaybetti - 3 years ago

@mattlayne: RT @JPangAtkins: JoAnna Cameron passed on 10/15/2021 - 3 years ago

@GeekStuffTNG: RT @CBR: Joanna Cameron, star of the 1970s DC television series The Secrets of Isis, has passed away at the age of 70. - 3 years ago

@GeekStuffTNG: RT @madpulpbastard: Gone, but not forgotten... JoAnna Cameron aka The Mighty Isis! RIP. - 3 years ago

@Weerd1: 📷 vintagegeekculture: RIP to Joanna Cameron, star of “Secrets of Isis.” As “Secrets of Isis” predated Wonder Woman… - 3 years ago

@CaoCamilo: RT @columbophile: Oh dear, just heard that the talented and lovely Joanna Cameron has passed away following a stroke. She was only 70 😢 #Co… - 3 years ago

@GeekStuffTNG: "The Secrets of Isis" Star JoAnna Cameron Dies at Age 70 - DC Comics News #RIPJoannaThomas #AllMightyIsis - 3 years ago

@Neryphotographe: @JPangAtkins R.I.P JoAnna Cameron. Thank you for being part of my childhood! - 3 years ago

@Carita8: RT @JPangAtkins: JoAnna Cameron passed on 10/15/2021 - 3 years ago

@Carita8: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@QuixoteRules: RT @QuixoteRules: Isis actress Joanna Cameron passed away - 3 years ago

@SusieQ6shooter: RT @gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #JoAnnaCameron (1951–2021). As ISIS, she was the first woman star of a live action superhero… - 3 years ago

@Lobsterknight43: RT @ComicsintheGA: This hour of television made me one really happy little kid. RIP Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@SugarSmak: I’m not saying I’m old, but I am gutted to learn that the actress who played Isis, Joanna Cameron, has passed away.… - 3 years ago

@BrianO_Malley: RT @JPangAtkins: JoAnna Cameron passed on 10/15/2021 - 3 years ago

@BrianO_Malley: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@amgoth2000: The Secrets of Isis Actress JoAnna Cameron Passses Away at 70 - 3 years ago

@thenerdstash: The Secrets of Isis Star JoAnna Cameron Passes Away Aged 70 #joannacameron #thesecretsofisis… - 3 years ago

@irata2009: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@Tuckerpete: The Secrets of Isis Star Joanna Cameron Dies at 70 Joanna Cameron -- star of the 1970s DC television series The Sec… - 3 years ago

@latino_scholar: Oh man…sad news. I used to love watching this Saturday morning show back in the day. JoAnna Cameron will always be… - 3 years ago

@laredoart2018: Spiderman Strikes Back 1977 tv movie JoAnna Cameron - 3 years ago

@Ultrawoman2: RT @gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #JoAnnaCameron (1951–2021). As ISIS, she was the first woman star of a live action superhero… - 3 years ago

@HighNoonMedia: RT @gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #JoAnnaCameron (1951–2021). As ISIS, she was the first woman star of a live action superhero… - 3 years ago

@KurtFleischer: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 ISIS COVERS: A tribute to JOANNA CAMERON, who has died at the age of 70: - 3 years ago

@DmitIvanov1: RT @columbophile: Oh dear, just heard that the talented and lovely Joanna Cameron has passed away following a stroke. She was only 70 😢 #Co… - 3 years ago

@AmericaWins1ST: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@drocktrot: - 3 years ago

@milliyet: Joanna Cameron hayatını kaybetti - 3 years ago

@Charles_Rengel: 13 ISIS COVERS: A JoAnna Cameron Tribute from @13th_Dimension - 3 years ago

@crow_gore: - 3 years ago

@HandsomeInRed: RT @DavesComicHero: Just found out that Joanna Cameron has passed away, due to heart troubles on Friday. May she rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@HoleMaximus: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 ISIS COVERS: A tribute to JOANNA CAMERON, who has died at the age of 70: - 3 years ago

@13th_Dimension: 13 ISIS COVERS: A tribute to JOANNA CAMERON, who has died at the age of 70: - 3 years ago

@HandsomeInRed: @JPangAtkins Oh my God 😢💙💛❤️She was a lovely lady. We'll never hear JoAnna says OH MIGHTY ISIS! again. RIP JoAnna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@leandrofcf: Morre atriz de ‘A Poderosa Isis’, primeira super-heroína da televisão - 3 years ago

@bobstroup: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@ShON25486781: RT @nypost: 'Isis' actress JoAnna Cameron, Saturday morning star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@Nick_Barnes: RT @nypost: 'Isis' actress JoAnna Cameron, Saturday morning star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@hapkidogal: RT @PageSix: 'Isis' actress JoAnna Cameron, Saturday morning star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@MylesBr30531001: RT @nypost: 'Isis' actress JoAnna Cameron, Saturday morning star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@vmrwanda: RT @nypost: 'Isis' actress JoAnna Cameron, Saturday morning star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@emejiajr86: RT @nypost: 'Isis' actress JoAnna Cameron, Saturday morning star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@FrMiller: RT @nypost: 'Isis' actress JoAnna Cameron, Saturday morning star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@CloudwatcherUno: RT @PageSix: 'Isis' actress JoAnna Cameron, Saturday morning star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@KcrdmtOiaPQTbcH: RT @nypost: 'Isis' actress JoAnna Cameron, Saturday morning star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@iamremathegreat: ‘Isis’ actress JoAnna Cameron, Saturday morning star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@ironsightforge: RT @nypost: 'Isis' actress JoAnna Cameron, Saturday morning star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@PageSix: 'Isis' actress JoAnna Cameron, Saturday morning star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@News36U: Joanna Cameron Death - Obituary, Funeral, Cause Of Death Joanna Cameron, star of the 1970s DC television series Th… - 3 years ago

@coldflashwavebb: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@Chris_1791: ‘Isis’ actress JoAnna Cameron, Saturday morning star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@comicbookctrl: @ItsTerrifiCon Was honored to welcome her to the show for a rare chat. RIP. - 3 years ago

@dahn_jennifer: RT @nypost: 'Isis' actress JoAnna Cameron, Saturday morning star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@CableNewsWatch: RT @nypost: 'Isis' actress JoAnna Cameron, Saturday morning star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@KaylaColgan: @nypost R.I.P. JoAnna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@ldga123456: RT @nypost: 'Isis' actress JoAnna Cameron, Saturday morning star, dead at 70 - 3 years ago

@blogdehollywood: Triste de saber que Joanna Cameron faleceu na messe fim de semana em consequência de um AVC. Eu a achava maravilhos… - 3 years ago

@superpowersteve: RT @ComicBook: #SecretsofIsis star JoAnna Cameron has died. She was 70. - 3 years ago

@SpiderTrades: RT @columbophile: Oh dear, just heard that the talented and lovely Joanna Cameron has passed away following a stroke. She was only 70 😢 #Co… - 3 years ago

@Sidney_Williams: This is sad news. - 3 years ago

@Palanor2017: RT @horrormuseum: Very sad news, Joanna Cameron who played THE MIGHTY ISIS has passed away at age 70 In addition to her acting roles, she… - 3 years ago

@Rao_Neo: RT @ComicsintheGA: This hour of television made me one really happy little kid. RIP Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@sniperstryke: RT @CaptMarvelology: The first comic book appearance of Joanna Cameron's Isis. - 3 years ago

@Futbolovr: RT @CaptMarvelology: The first comic book appearance of Joanna Cameron's Isis. - 3 years ago

@FrankMalfitano: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@sniperstryke: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@soniafmoura: RT @philosopop: Que tristeza :( .... a atriz joanna cameron, a maravilhosa Poderosa Isis, faleceu. foi uma grande marca na minha vida, já… - 3 years ago

@djluke812: RT @CaptMarvelology: Rest In Peace, Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@djluke812: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@Teledramaturgia: RT @philosopop: Que tristeza :( .... a atriz joanna cameron, a maravilhosa Poderosa Isis, faleceu. foi uma grande marca na minha vida, já… - 3 years ago

@RichDent: RT @Animefashionsp1: We see female superheroes in film and television so often nowadays that it’s hard to imagine a world without them. How… - 3 years ago

@Animefashionsp1: We see female superheroes in film and television so often nowadays that it’s hard to imagine a world without them.… - 3 years ago

@mvanbrocklin: RT @Mikeslikes2: JoAnna Cameron passed away at age 70 from complications of a stroke. Her credits included the series The Secrets of Isis,… - 3 years ago

@djluke812: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@yourcourtesytap: O zephyr winds which blow on high Lift me now so I can fly 🌬 RIP JoAnna Cameron - O mighty Isis! Best gams in t… - 3 years ago

@MzAmyMonks: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@Doctor_Hue: Isis (Joanna Cameron) is deceased. You'd think Osiris would return the favor and resurrect her. - 3 years ago

@exceptions: RT @DavesComicHero: Just found out that Joanna Cameron has passed away, due to heart troubles on Friday. May she rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@Doctor_Hue: Oh Zephyr winds that blow on high; lift her now so she can fly! - 3 years ago

@carlosamache: RT @GonzaloMJimenez: QEPD Joanna Cameron (1951-2021). Fue la estrella de la serie 'The Secrets of Isis' (1975-1976), la primera serie de TV… - 3 years ago

@TVMCCA: RT @stevemcceney: Joanna Cameron, Star of DC's The Secrets of Isis, Dies at 70 - 3 years ago

@PanzerCrush: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@USSDarwin: RT @thenewstarship: So many people who lived in the 1970s had a huge crush on her. Joanna Cameron who played THE MIGHTY ISIS, passed away… - 3 years ago

@GonzaloMJimenez: A inicios de la década de 1970, Joanna Cameron era de las modelos más cotizadas de la publicidad en TV. - 3 years ago

@GonzaloMJimenez: QEPD Joanna Cameron (1951-2021). Fue la estrella de la serie 'The Secrets of Isis' (1975-1976), la primera serie de… - 3 years ago

@Mel_Kr17: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@midnightradio: @achderlohmi Boah, erst "James Cameron" gelesen und dann ist auf dem Bild auch noch ein alter weißer Mann ... Joan… - 3 years ago

@brianmjoines: There’ve been a lot of actors from shows I watched as a kid who’ve passed recently and you never know who’ll impact… - 3 years ago

@baribotjr: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@AntonioVuarnet: RT @reinohueco: Que la tierra te sea leve, 'Wonder' JoAnna Cameron 💜 - 3 years ago

@inmenso_pirluit: RT @reinohueco: Que la tierra te sea leve, 'Wonder' JoAnna Cameron 💜 - 3 years ago

@sniperstryke: RT @CaptMarvelology: Isis, o mighty Isis! Rest in peace, Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@bufocalvin: RT @jeffs_comics: Sorry to hear of the passing of Joanna Kara Cameron I knew her best as Isis on Saturday Mornings, but #JoannaCameron was… - 3 years ago

@UltraLiger: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@Hawkworld_: RT @CaptMarvelology: Rest In Peace, Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@cameroonmag: CM – La star d’Isis, JoAnna Cameron, est décédée à 70 ans - 3 years ago

@Br4zuc4Br: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@GrindhouseSH: Rest in peace, Joanna Cameron. You'll live on forever as Isis. - 3 years ago

@eye_picard: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@CaptMarvelology: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@khrotar: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a JoAnna Cameron, la inolvidable Andrea Thomas/Isis de las televisivas SHAZAM! e ISIS. Modelo y actriz, intervino… - 3 years ago

@MJohnA01: RT @columbophile: Oh dear, just heard that the talented and lovely Joanna Cameron has passed away following a stroke. She was only 70 😢 #Co… - 3 years ago

@orionprime01: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@VAzzeLO: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@gazi_tetris: RT @CaptMarvelology: Rest In Peace, Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@Aeion: I’m sad to report Joanna Cameron, who starred in Saturday morning series "The Secrets of Isis," has died at age 70.… - 3 years ago

@Gumato11: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@jgendek: @Walt_KowaIski @MarioRebeliant Nofretete; Sophie Marceau; Monica Bellucci; Cameron Diaz; Katarzyna Ciepielewska; Jo… - 3 years ago

@Mangiman6: RT @PatrickZircher: Joanna Cameron passed away. She played Isis, in the television show of the same name, from 1975-77, making her one of t… - 3 years ago

@kellywittbooks: RT @devonsanders: Pre-dating Lynda Carter’s #WonderWoman appearance by two months, JoAnna Cameron’s Isis is an under-appreciated yet key p… - 3 years ago

@kellywittbooks: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@deleted_scenes1: RT @DavesComicHero: Just found out that Joanna Cameron has passed away, due to heart troubles on Friday. May she rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@BeecherP: RT @columbophile: Oh dear, just heard that the talented and lovely Joanna Cameron has passed away following a stroke. She was only 70 😢 #Co… - 3 years ago

@Djin7: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@FranciscoNoroe4: RT @pauloap: Morreu aos 70 anos a atriz JoAnna Cameron, protagonista da série A Poderosa Ísis (1975/76), passou na Globo, SBT e Record) A… - 3 years ago

@kennethmjohnson: RT @Mikeslikes2: JoAnna Cameron passed away at age 70 from complications of a stroke. Her credits included the series The Secrets of Isis,… - 3 years ago

@gc_buzz: RT @TanONixonFalls: Secrets of Isis Part(s) 1, 2, & 3 (TV Show) With: JoAnna Cameron, Brian ... - 3 years ago

@Afro_Dynamite: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@gc_buzz: RT @Snapperpacheco: My first crush, and I never really got over it. RIP, Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@Weallbleedredd: RT @StartsTodayFans: R.I.P. Joanna Cameron 💔😢 - 3 years ago

@ThatBrowncoat: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@gc_buzz: RT @Seven_Soldiers: Very sad to hear of the passing of actress JoAnna Cameron. She was known to a generation of fans as The Might Isis on… - 3 years ago

@MovingPictures2: RT @Mikeslikes2: JoAnna Cameron passed away at age 70 from complications of a stroke. Her credits included the series The Secrets of Isis,… - 3 years ago

@randyslovacek: RT @mattrett: RIP JoAnna Cameron of "Isis," the first American TV show with a female superhero lead — beating "Wonder Woman." JUST SO GORGE… - 3 years ago

@DCComicsNews: “The Secrets of Isis” Star JoAnna Cameron Dies at Age 70 - 3 years ago

@AstroWarped: Joanna Cameron, Star of DC's The Secrets of Isis, Dies at 70 - 3 years ago

@SophieCoberly: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@034Davidhv1: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@frankfdz: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@deleted_scenes1: RT @BenJGrimm64: R.I.P. Beautiful JoAnna Cameron aka MIGHTY ISIS! She was a GODDESS! I wonder if she knew how many of us 70's kids loved h… - 3 years ago

@berrymichael: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@BillieO2: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@beagz67: @JanArrah @tbwUltraPowers I just saw that! May she rest in peace. With JoAnna Cameron and Peter Scolari both passi… - 3 years ago

@DapperDansWorld: RT @horrormuseum: Very sad news, Joanna Cameron who played THE MIGHTY ISIS has passed away at age 70 In addition to her acting roles, she… - 3 years ago

@Eleninja: Joanna Cameron, estrella de The Secrets of Isis de DC, muere a los 70 años | La Verdad Noticias - 3 years ago

@GuilhermeTom: RIP Joanna Cameron. Eterna Poderosa Isis. - 3 years ago

@devonsanders: Pre-dating Lynda Carter’s #WonderWoman appearance by two months, JoAnna Cameron’s Isis is an under-appreciated yet… - 3 years ago

@The_Splintering: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@Jamesletssee: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@tomservo10: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@JanArrah: @tbwUltraPowers @beagz67 The Mighty Isis, JoAnna Cameron died of a stroke. 😭😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@SparkingDrill: RT @CaptMarvelology: Isis, o mighty Isis! Rest in peace, Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@kbsez: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@sd4david: RT @extratv: JoAnna Cameron, the glamorous actress fondly remembered as Isis on the Saturday morning series "The Secrets of Isis," has died… - 3 years ago

@Grimlock1985: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@rzaft: RT @CBR: Joanna Cameron, star of the 1970s DC television series The Secrets of Isis, has passed away at the age of 70. - 3 years ago

@SparkingDrill: RT @ComicsintheGA: This hour of television made me one really happy little kid. RIP Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@SparkingDrill: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@FrackoffF: Joanna Cameron, Star of DC's The Secrets of Isis, Dies at 70 - 3 years ago

@fajita032: RT @Three_Star_Dave: A farewell and worshipful nod to JoAnna Cameron, who gave a much younger me many hours of entertainment as the Might I… - 3 years ago

@akhonaluthuli: RT @ComicsintheGA: This hour of television made me one really happy little kid. RIP Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@KurtFleischer: RT @DavesComicHero: Just found out that Joanna Cameron has passed away, due to heart troubles on Friday. May she rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@JoeDameron2: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@davidaquinley21: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@USSIndianapolis: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@AndrewCMcGowan: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@clark_delon: RT @CaptMarvelology: The first comic book appearance of Joanna Cameron's Isis. - 3 years ago

@timelesslisa: Sadly, the Mighty Isis is gone...RIP Joanna Cameron. I had just found the awesome fb group for her 70s show that I… - 3 years ago

@bushido49ers: RT @Beatgrrrl: Isis Actress Joanna Cameron’s Cause of Death at 70 Revealed - 3 years ago

@irata2009: RT @ComicsintheGA: This hour of television made me one really happy little kid. RIP Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@MNTRYJOSEPH: Actress Joanna Cameron, Saturday Morning's "Secrets of Isis" Star, Dies at 70 | Herbie J Pilato | NewsBreak Original - 3 years ago

@kutzcd: RT @ComicsintheGA: This hour of television made me one really happy little kid. RIP Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@stewartmbrower: Isis, like Shazam, was a show about a hero who really demonstrated heroic traits, taught lessons of understanding a… - 3 years ago

@irata2009: RT @CaptMarvelology: The first comic book appearance of Joanna Cameron's Isis. - 3 years ago

@wafflejuice: RT @CBR: Joanna Cameron, star of the 1970s DC television series The Secrets of Isis, has passed away at the age of 70. - 3 years ago

@valleymike07: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@Beatgrrrl: Isis Actress Joanna Cameron’s Cause of Death at 70 Revealed - 3 years ago

@joecab: RT @arjay_clark: @jeffs_comics "Oh Zephyr Winds That Blow On High, Lift Me Now That I Can Fly." JoAnna Cameron- may she be at peace. https:… - 3 years ago

@USSSusquehanno1: RT @thenewstarship: So many people who lived in the 1970s had a huge crush on her. Joanna Cameron who played THE MIGHTY ISIS, passed away… - 3 years ago

@mekkalekkah: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@DiscoWizard83: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@rachelannebach: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@DiscoWizard83: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@ADGoldstein2: My obit for JoAnna Cameron, R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@grayhoodie: Oh no, I just heard Joanna Cameron passed away. She starred as Isis on the Saturday morning 70’s live-action show “… - 3 years ago

@SyahrulZap: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@katz_lyndsay: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@MackTheMac: Rest in peace, Joanna Cameron. ❤️ The Secrets of Isis Theme (Intro & Outro) - 3 years ago

@rad_johnny: RT @Mikeslikes2: JoAnna Cameron passed away at age 70 from complications of a stroke. Her credits included the series The Secrets of Isis,… - 3 years ago

@CapeworldComics: RT @CaptMarvelology: Isis, o mighty Isis! Rest in peace, Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@CapeworldComics: RT @CaptMarvelology: The first comic book appearance of Joanna Cameron's Isis. - 3 years ago

@AnachronistD: RT @PatrickZircher: Joanna Cameron passed away. She played Isis, in the television show of the same name, from 1975-77, making her one of t… - 3 years ago

@strande56354733: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@HansomRansom4: RIP Joanna Cameron aka ISIS in The Secret Of ISIS 1975-76. #JoannaCameron #ISIS #1970s - 3 years ago

@PomonaDez: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@mrhanbury: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@Decervelage: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@Stakum619: RT @reactionfigure: Rest in Peace American actress and model JoAnna Cameron (September 20, 1951 – October 22, 2021). Well known as Andrea T… - 3 years ago

@RealTonyTupy: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@JS555001: RT @DavesComicHero: Just found out that Joanna Cameron has passed away, due to heart troubles on Friday. May she rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@tocadocalango: RT @codespoti: RIP Joanna Cameron Diversos perfils gringos noticiando a morte de Joanna Cameron, atriz que estrelava o seriado Poderosa Is… - 3 years ago

@Macman421: RT @PatrickZircher: Joanna Cameron passed away. She played Isis, in the television show of the same name, from 1975-77, making her one of t… - 3 years ago

@arjay_clark: @jeffs_comics "Oh Zephyr Winds That Blow On High, Lift Me Now That I Can Fly." JoAnna Cameron- may she be at peace. - 3 years ago

@ItsThatJunkman: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@JhonnyDrinks: RT @horrormuseum: Very sad news, Joanna Cameron who played THE MIGHTY ISIS has passed away at age 70 In addition to her acting roles, she… - 3 years ago

@CiroTweeter: @JPangAtkins Really sad to hear about JoAnna's passing. Saw the show every Saturday morning as a child. Enjoyed the… - 3 years ago

@psddluva4evah: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@Kinneas: RT @PatrickZircher: Joanna Cameron passed away. She played Isis, in the television show of the same name, from 1975-77, making her one of t… - 3 years ago

@frankitocool: RT @CaptMarvelology: The first comic book appearance of Joanna Cameron's Isis. - 3 years ago

@TheUrbanDragon: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@CiroTweeter: Little interview JoAnna Cameron for TV Guide magazine dated May 5, 1979 #SecretsofIsis #JoAnnaCameron #RIP Thank y… - 3 years ago

@goldwater_s: RT @vanishedchicago: Actress Joanna Cameron who starred in the TV series, The Secret of Isis, passed away on Oct 22. She was 70. I used to… - 3 years ago

@kirbycommandD: Joanna Kara Cameron (September 20, 1951 – October 22, 2021), sometimes credited as JoAnna Cameron - 3 years ago

@jorpen68: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@AmericanCousin1: RT @charlesekramer2: @classic_film The Secrets of Isis.... Joanna Cameron...Va Va Va Voom! Such a cutie. - 3 years ago

@kirbycommandD: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@TanamatisA: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@AmericanCousin1: RT @BenJGrimm64: R.I.P. Beautiful JoAnna Cameron aka MIGHTY ISIS! She was a GODDESS! I wonder if she knew how many of us 70's kids loved h… - 3 years ago

@AmericanCousin1: RT @CaptMarvelology: The first comic book appearance of Joanna Cameron's Isis. - 3 years ago

@KeefKnight: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@jairus70: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@msemmajameson: RIP Joanna Cameron - 3 years ago

@AsgardRageGod: RT @CaptMarvelology: Isis, o mighty Isis! Rest in peace, Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@UkiyaSeed: RT @CaptMarvelology: The first comic book appearance of Joanna Cameron's Isis. - 3 years ago

@DeanDeanrw2: JoAnna Cameron, who was Isis in the children’s show The Mighty Isis back in the day has died . She suffered a stro… - 3 years ago

@Antoinerayner87: RT @ComicsintheGA: This hour of television made me one really happy little kid. RIP Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@SarielAvasarala: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@SarielAvasarala: RT @DavesComicHero: Just found out that Joanna Cameron has passed away, due to heart troubles on Friday. May she rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@jcallina: RT @DavesComicHero: Just found out that Joanna Cameron has passed away, due to heart troubles on Friday. May she rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@silkyhank: RT @DavesComicHero: Just found out that Joanna Cameron has passed away, due to heart troubles on Friday. May she rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@AsgardRageGod: RT @CaptMarvelology: The first comic book appearance of Joanna Cameron's Isis. - 3 years ago

@Cherrybloomboo: RT @DavesComicHero: Just found out that Joanna Cameron has passed away, due to heart troubles on Friday. May she rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@dgary870: RT @DavesComicHero: Just found out that Joanna Cameron has passed away, due to heart troubles on Friday. May she rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@Sith2814: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@bladedstones: RT @ComicsintheGA: This hour of television made me one really happy little kid. RIP Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@kahruveldesign: RT @Decervelage: In Memoriam Joanna Cameron - 3 years ago

@cybernitcspeter: RT @CaptMarvelology: The first comic book appearance of Joanna Cameron's Isis. - 3 years ago

@sunshinelaughin: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@chrisinmb: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@otherstream: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@xmendirector: @ComicsintheGA These Filmation shows were such a fun part of my kid years. RIP Joanna Cameron... - 3 years ago

@willm1015: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@rachelannebach: RT @PatrickZircher: Joanna Cameron passed away. She played Isis, in the television show of the same name, from 1975-77, making her one of t… - 3 years ago

@davieon_taylor: RT @DavesComicHero: Just found out that Joanna Cameron has passed away, due to heart troubles on Friday. May she rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@DarrylWDC: Rest In Peace JoAnna Cameron. Loved me some ISIS back in the day. - 3 years ago

@VHSgeneracion: RT @reactionfigure: Rest in Peace American actress and model JoAnna Cameron (September 20, 1951 – October 22, 2021). Well known as Andrea T… - 3 years ago

@Vinv1989: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@TheSpyCommand: RT @Mikeslikes2: JoAnna Cameron passed away at age 70 from complications of a stroke. Her credits included the series The Secrets of Isis,… - 3 years ago

@bufocalvin: JoAnna Cameron (Shazam!, The Secrets of Isis AKA Isis, The Amazing Spider-Man) has been added to our 2021 Geeky Goo… - 3 years ago

@kennhoekstra: R.I.P. 😔 The Secrets of Isis Star Joanna Cameron Dies at 70 | CBR - 3 years ago

@AguilaMollo: RT @gxl_oyanedel: Joanna Cameron (1951-2021). Perdimos a la profesora Andrea Thomas de Los Secretos de Isis (1975-1977) y a la reportera Ga… - 3 years ago

@LeonidasTullius: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@Deckard_Cortez: RT @ComicsintheGA: This hour of television made me one really happy little kid. RIP Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@kevinDW42: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@Ella4Dogs: RT @DavesComicHero: Just found out that Joanna Cameron has passed away, due to heart troubles on Friday. May she rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@AguilaMollo: RT @jlrch74: Ha fallecido Joanna Cameron, una de las primeras superheroínas de los cómics que tuvo adaptación: The Mighty Isis - 3 years ago

@BizSuperstar: RT @bufocalvin: "The Secrets of Isis Star Joanna Cameron Dies at 70 | CBR" - 3 years ago

@AguilaMollo: RT @Chema_Ponze: Me acabo de enterar del fallecimiento de la actriz Joanna Cameron que apareció en "Spider-Man 2, el hombre araña en acción… - 3 years ago

@randimason: RT @CartoonJones: Aw, no. R.I.P., JoAnna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@neomagnus: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@deb051473: RT @columbophile: Oh dear, just heard that the talented and lovely Joanna Cameron has passed away following a stroke. She was only 70 😢 #Co… - 3 years ago

@wellnessrain: RT @FreakSugar: Rest in peace JoAnna Cameron, best known for her role as Isis in THE SECRETS OF ISIS. #JoAnnaCameron - 3 years ago

@RobertParizek: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@TTeensupporter: RT @DavesComicHero: Just found out that Joanna Cameron has passed away, due to heart troubles on Friday. May she rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@revere71: RT @CaptMarvelology: Isis, o mighty Isis! Rest in peace, Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@ThemysciranBoy: RT @CaptMarvelology: Isis, o mighty Isis! Rest in peace, Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@Wagdawgtweets: RT @CBR: Joanna Cameron, star of the 1970s DC television series The Secrets of Isis, has passed away at the age of 70. - 3 years ago

@clangNtang: RT @PatrickZircher: Joanna Cameron passed away. She played Isis, in the television show of the same name, from 1975-77, making her one of t… - 3 years ago

@KaillerLuis: RT @pauloap: Morreu aos 70 anos a atriz JoAnna Cameron, protagonista da série A Poderosa Ísis (1975/76), passou na Globo, SBT e Record) A… - 3 years ago

@tanner4991: RT @CaptMarvelology: The first comic book appearance of Joanna Cameron's Isis. - 3 years ago

@necro_master: RT @CaptMarvelology: The first comic book appearance of Joanna Cameron's Isis. - 3 years ago

@Seven_Soldiers: RT @ComicsintheGA: This hour of television made me one really happy little kid. RIP Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@necro_master: RT @CaptMarvelology: Isis, o mighty Isis! Rest in peace, Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@VernonDixon14: Joanna Cameron, Star of DC's The Secrets of Isis, Dies at 70 #SmartNews - 3 years ago

@BenJGrimm64: R.I.P. Beautiful JoAnna Cameron aka MIGHTY ISIS! She was a GODDESS! I wonder if she knew how many of us 70's kids… - 3 years ago

@sstrumello: RT @DavesComicHero: Just found out that Joanna Cameron has passed away, due to heart troubles on Friday. May she rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@sstrumello: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@daydreamerdrew: RT @CaptMarvelology: The first comic book appearance of Joanna Cameron's Isis. - 3 years ago

@MrWmDavis4: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@BRivera70: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@XianJon91: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@mharvey816: RT @Mikeslikes2: JoAnna Cameron passed away at age 70 from complications of a stroke. Her credits included the series The Secrets of Isis,… - 3 years ago

@DelightfulDame: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@JPangAtkins: JoAnna Cameron passed on 10/15/2021 - 3 years ago

@mharvey816: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@hakaidermv: Não vi ninguém noticiar. Joanna Cameron, estrela da série de TV Poderosa Ísis, faleceu aos 70 anos após um AVC. 😕 - 3 years ago

@CreedStonegate: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@AsgardRageGod: RT @DT2ComicsChat: #DC #Fancast Reboot Joanna Cameron's #Isis with Kristin Kreuk. #ThisOughtaBe - 3 years ago

@tvobscurities: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@DT2ComicsChat: #DC #Fancast Reboot Joanna Cameron's #Isis with Kristin Kreuk. #ThisOughtaBe - 3 years ago

@tvobscurities: RT @Mikeslikes2: JoAnna Cameron passed away at age 70 from complications of a stroke. Her credits included the series The Secrets of Isis,… - 3 years ago

@Camacaw2: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@soapw1: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@DocMultiverse: My #goddess, the Mighty #Isis a.k.a. JoAnna Cameron, has Passed Away at 70. #RIP - 3 years ago

@marcelocordova: RIP Joanna Cameron ... #Isis - 3 years ago

@peterjrios: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@ryanwinn: RT @DavesComicHero: Just found out that Joanna Cameron has passed away, due to heart troubles on Friday. May she rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@sivadda1: RT @ComicsintheGA: This hour of television made me one really happy little kid. RIP Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@thisbearbites: RT @FreakSugar: Rest in peace JoAnna Cameron, best known for her role as Isis in THE SECRETS OF ISIS. #JoAnnaCameron - 3 years ago

@9jalover1: Joanna Cameron, Star of DC’s The Secrets of Isis, Dead at 70 – cause of Death - 3 years ago

@cdfreester: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@ScratchinPro: RT @PatrickZircher: Joanna Cameron passed away. She played Isis, in the television show of the same name, from 1975-77, making her one of t… - 3 years ago

@dcthornton: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@ArcEntel: RT @DavesComicHero: Just found out that Joanna Cameron has passed away, due to heart troubles on Friday. May she rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@MEarthprime: RT @superisabel76: Here's an interview with Joanna Cameron from 2002/03 on a SECRETS OF ISIS fan site: - 3 years ago

@MEarthprime: RT @PatrickZircher: Joanna Cameron passed away. She played Isis, in the television show of the same name, from 1975-77, making her one of t… - 3 years ago

@GaryBro43138113: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@RonaldRoden4: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@DrPopCultureBG: RT @DavesComicHero: Just found out that Joanna Cameron has passed away, due to heart troubles on Friday. May she rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@writerbret: RT @thenewstarship: So many people who lived in the 1970s had a huge crush on her. Joanna Cameron who played THE MIGHTY ISIS, passed away… - 3 years ago

@TheDougKayne: @JPangAtkins RIP JoAnna Cameron. I remember watching the Shazam/Isis Hour and very much enjoying it. My condolences. - 3 years ago

@OkazuYuri: RT @FreakSugar: Rest in peace JoAnna Cameron, best known for her role as Isis in THE SECRETS OF ISIS. #JoAnnaCameron - 3 years ago

@skleefeld: RT @FreakSugar: Rest in peace JoAnna Cameron, best known for her role as Isis in THE SECRETS OF ISIS. #JoAnnaCameron - 3 years ago

@Ickyneezer: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@amilcarodrigues: RT @ComicsintheGA: This hour of television made me one really happy little kid. RIP Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@Brunopags32: RT @PatrickZircher: Joanna Cameron passed away. She played Isis, in the television show of the same name, from 1975-77, making her one of t… - 3 years ago

@JoeKoffee: RT @ComicsintheGA: This hour of television made me one really happy little kid. RIP Joanna Cameron. - 3 years ago

@amilcarodrigues: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@voxorbis_brad: RT @superisabel76: Here's an interview with Joanna Cameron from 2002/03 on a SECRETS OF ISIS fan site: - 3 years ago

@larrypotter55: RT @jdsundstrom: #youtube Remembering Joanna Cameron, Dead at 70, Rest in Peace! - 3 years ago

@ThatJediScum: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@AwesomeEditsPr1: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@Geniusbastard: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@tadool: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@superisabel76: Here's an interview with Joanna Cameron from 2002/03 on a SECRETS OF ISIS fan site: - 3 years ago

@tlleopold: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@jjohnpatrick: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@jjohnpatrick: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@LilyMarsWrites: RT @Mikeslikes2: JoAnna Cameron passed away at age 70 from complications of a stroke. Her credits included the series The Secrets of Isis,… - 3 years ago

@Denimjedi: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@olderbrother21: RT @SpencerKarter: @olderbrother21 #RIPJamesMichaelTyler #CancerSucks! #RIPGunther #Friends Jay Black, JoAnna Cameron, now James Michael… - 3 years ago

@josalofilms: RT @bisson: This hits hard. I learned all my morals from the Shazam!/Isis Hour on Saturday mornings. And to me, JoAnna Cameron was right up… - 3 years ago

@Bondagebymch: RT @DavesComicHero: Just found out that Joanna Cameron has passed away, due to heart troubles on Friday. May she rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@xnailbunnyx: RT @horrormuseum: Very sad news, Joanna Cameron who played THE MIGHTY ISIS has passed away at age 70 In addition to her acting roles, she… - 3 years ago

@MetaMonstah: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@thenewstarship: So many people who lived in the 1970s had a huge crush on her. Joanna Cameron who played THE MIGHTY ISIS, passed a… - 3 years ago

@IAmKnowThyself: RT @ComicBook: #SecretsofIsis star JoAnna Cameron has died. She was 70. - 3 years ago

@macknificent066: RT @horrormuseum: Very sad news, Joanna Cameron who played THE MIGHTY ISIS has passed away at age 70 In addition to her acting roles, she… - 3 years ago

@0503Lucios: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@ArtistJenTucker: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@SoniaVirginia14: RT @pauloap: Morreu aos 70 anos a atriz JoAnna Cameron, protagonista da série A Poderosa Ísis (1975/76), passou na Globo, SBT e Record) A… - 3 years ago

@attila71: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@DallanB: RT @Seven_Soldiers: RIP actress JoAnna Cameron. She was known to a generation of fans as The Might Isis on Saturday morning tv. This DVD… - 3 years ago

@elskemccain: RT @horrormuseum: Very sad news, Joanna Cameron who played THE MIGHTY ISIS has passed away at age 70 In addition to her acting roles, she… - 3 years ago

@soundofcomics: RT @horrormuseum: Very sad news, Joanna Cameron who played THE MIGHTY ISIS has passed away at age 70 In addition to her acting roles, she… - 3 years ago

@BrogdonRalph: RT @DavesComicHero: Just found out that Joanna Cameron has passed away, due to heart troubles on Friday. May she rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@raven_valkyrie: RT @LILLIAN67813810: @SteveChung1968 Joanna cameron biography and cause of death - 3 years ago

@Eugen_Jones: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@misims2103: @SteveChung1968 Sorry to hear about the passing of Joanna Cameron. May she rest in peace. I enjoyed Isis back in t… - 3 years ago

@Paul_Hanlin_Jr: Many American young men were absolutely enchanted with Joanna Cameron every Saturday morning in 1974 on CBS on "The… - 3 years ago

@ArcEntel: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@GeekyGlamGamer: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@JayJohnson27573: RT @SonAndPop: #RIPJoAnnaCameron 🌹 Joanna Cameron, Star of DC's The Secrets of Isis, Dies at 70 - 3 years ago

@SpencerKarter: @olderbrother21 #RIPJamesMichaelTyler #CancerSucks! #RIPGunther #Friends Jay Black, JoAnna Cameron, now James Mic… - 3 years ago

@JonAlienist: Joanna Cameron, Star of DC's The Secrets of Isis, Dies at 70 😢 - 3 years ago

@ArcEntel: RT @NonStopPop: R.I.P., Joanna Cameron, who will, at least for me, forever be the Mighty Isis. - 3 years ago

@DallanB: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@CCTabet: Also this week: Joanna Cameron Peter Scolari Halyna Hutchins Chris Ayres Jack Angel Leslie Bricusse Some of these… - 3 years ago

@FountainPenDiva: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭!!! My heart hurts. Mighty Isis was such an integral… - 3 years ago

@Katahdin5270: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@MrMattDenby: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@MikeMcMahon74: RT @MartyMcKee: RIP the unforgettable JoAnna Cameron, who played Mighty Isis and guided a few girls and boys through puberty. Dead of a str… - 3 years ago

@horrormuseum: Very sad news, Joanna Cameron who played THE MIGHTY ISIS has passed away at age 70 In addition to her acting roles… - 3 years ago

@defshepard: RT @MartyMcKee: RIP the unforgettable JoAnna Cameron, who played Mighty Isis and guided a few girls and boys through puberty. Dead of a str… - 3 years ago

@defshepard: RT @ComicBook: #SecretsofIsis star JoAnna Cameron has died. She was 70. - 3 years ago

@hulkrules4life: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@Maggie_McNeill: RT @FranklinH3000: JoAnna Cameron, RIP. - 3 years ago

@defshepard: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@jmc63066: RT @jdsundstrom: #youtube Remembering Joanna Cameron, Dead at 70, Rest in Peace! - 3 years ago

@NonStopPop: R.I.P., Joanna Cameron, who will, at least for me, forever be the Mighty Isis. - 3 years ago

@SpencerKarter: @olderbrother21 #RIPJamesMichaelTaylor #CancerSucks! #RIPGunther #Friends Jay Black, JoAnna Cameron, now James Mi… - 3 years ago

@timothyshamey: Just saw that another face from my childhood has passed. I was only 6 or 7 when JoAnna Cameron was the Mighty Isis… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Joanna Cameron is no longer with us - #JoannaCameron #Joanna #Cameron #rip - 3 years ago

@a_random_book: Sad to see that Joanna Cameron has passed away. She portrayed the hero Isis before the debuts of Wonder Woman or Th… - 3 years ago

@RobSull1: For those of us “of a certain age,” the name Isis conjures up a very different memory. Along with Shazam, Isis was… - 3 years ago

@1roguesmith: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@1roguesmith: RT @realarsenalism: As its Monday here’s Joanna Cameron - 3 years ago

@Julian947473: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@Black_Vulcan69: RT @ComicBook: #SecretsofIsis star JoAnna Cameron has died. She was 70. - 3 years ago

@1roguesmith: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@brade1991: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@TNimir: RT @ComicBook: #SecretsofIsis star JoAnna Cameron has died. She was 70. - 3 years ago

@tiotish64: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@marionlawless: Damn. Joanna Cameron, Star of DC's The Secrets of Isis, Dies at 70 - 3 years ago

@StarryKnightRPG: Oh no! So sorry to hear of the passing of JoAnna Cameron. I absolutely LOVED "The Mighty Isis" as a kid. She was wo… - 3 years ago

@JsPorter1966: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@garyblizzard: RT @SonAndPop: #RIPJoAnnaCameron 🌹 Joanna Cameron, Star of DC's The Secrets of Isis, Dies at 70 - 3 years ago

@Dieter117: R.I.P. JoAnna Cameron. Although she is best know as "Isis"--she also starred with Rock one of the "P… - 3 years ago

@Moturoais: RT @SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Actress Joanna Cameron, who portrayed teacher Andrea Thomas/Isis on Filmation's "The Secrets of Isis" - 3 years ago

@ScratchinPro: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@nching0: RT @JPangAtkins: Sad to post that JoAnna Cameron "The Mighty Isis" has flown to heaven. She suffered a stroke and passed away from complica… - 3 years ago

@arcturusii: - 3 years ago

@ComicCinema: RIP Joanna Cameron - 3 years ago

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