Joan Petersilia

American criminologist
Died on Thursday September 26th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Joan Petersilia:

@Andrew___Baker: Woah, didn't see that Professor Petersilia passed away. RIP, she was a real scholar who did a lot of good for the w… - 5 years ago

@carrochamoso: RT @KeithNHumphreys: Such sad news. Dr. Joan Petersilia, one of the nation's greatest criminologists, as well as a wonderful person and co… - 5 years ago

@UALRCJ: RT @ASC_DCS: DCS members and friends: Memorial for Joan Petersilia Friday, Nov 15 @ 12:30 Room will be identified shortly - 5 years ago

@ashleytrubin: RT @ASC_DCS: DCS members and friends: Memorial for Joan Petersilia Friday, Nov 15 @ 12:30 Room will be identified shortly - 5 years ago


@PizaEric: RT @ASC_DCS: DCS members and friends: Memorial for Joan Petersilia Friday, Nov 15 @ 12:30 Room will be identified shortly - 5 years ago

@RPowersCrim: RT @ASC_DCS: DCS members and friends: Memorial for Joan Petersilia Friday, Nov 15 @ 12:30 Room will be identified shortly - 5 years ago

@ASC_DCS: DCS members and friends: Memorial for Joan Petersilia Friday, Nov 15 @ 12:30 Room will be identified shortly - 5 years ago

@vapacommittee: Esteemed criminologist, #CriminalJustice Center co-director Joan Petersilia dies at 68 - - 5 years ago

@m7admit: RT @StanfordLaw: Stanford Law School remembers award-winning criminologist Joan Petersilia who inspired students, advised governors, and ma… - 5 years ago

@organizationuuu: RT @StanfordLaw: Stanford Law School remembers award-winning criminologist Joan Petersilia who inspired students, advised governors, and ma… - 5 years ago

@ProfMEvans: Remember Joan Petersilia: let's listen to her on youtube (on Solving America's #Prison Problem): - 5 years ago

@ChronLaw: Esteemed criminologist, Criminal Justice Center co-director Joan Petersilia dies at 68 - The Stanford Daily - - 5 years ago

@jennykim: RT @cpettusdavis: So sad to hear about the passing of an influential, dedicated, and creative contributor to the field of criminal justice.… - 5 years ago

@JSButler1985: RT @courtinnovation: Remembering Joan Petersilia and her lasting impact on so many, including our team. “She was a giant in the field. She… - 5 years ago

@pohl_jason: A leading adviser on California's prison realignment and one of the biggest names in criminology died this week. Jo… - 5 years ago

@MarcALevin: RT @cpettusdavis: So sad to hear about the passing of an influential, dedicated, and creative contributor to the field of criminal justice.… - 5 years ago

@TheCrimeReport: RT @drphilmulvey: I remember sitting in her student meets scholar panel about a decade ago and thinking “this is who I want to try and be s… - 5 years ago

@mattjlarson: RT @drphilmulvey: I remember sitting in her student meets scholar panel about a decade ago and thinking “this is who I want to try and be s… - 5 years ago

@drphilmulvey: I remember sitting in her student meets scholar panel about a decade ago and thinking “this is who I want to try an… - 5 years ago

@ijrd_fsu: RT @cpettusdavis: So sad to hear about the passing of an influential, dedicated, and creative contributor to the field of criminal justice.… - 5 years ago

@cpettusdavis: So sad to hear about the passing of an influential, dedicated, and creative contributor to the field of criminal ju… - 5 years ago

@courtinnovation: Remembering Joan Petersilia and her lasting impact on so many, including our team. “She was a giant in the field. S… - 5 years ago

@AleGCorda: RT @StanfordLaw: Stanford Law School remembers award-winning criminologist Joan Petersilia who inspired students, advised governors, and ma… - 5 years ago

@PizaEric: RT @StanfordLaw: Stanford Law School remembers award-winning criminologist Joan Petersilia who inspired students, advised governors, and ma… - 5 years ago

@mearest: RT @StanfordLaw: Stanford Law School remembers award-winning criminologist Joan Petersilia who inspired students, advised governors, and ma… - 5 years ago

@schwartzapfel: I was so sorry to learn of the passing of Joan Petersilia, a giant in criminology, a wonderful and generous source,… - 5 years ago

@TraciSchlesinge: RT @chrisuggen: Joan Petersilia’s leadership and legacy in criminology and “embedded research.” - 5 years ago

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