Jiro Kuwata

Japanese manga artist.
Died on Tuesday August 4th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Jiro Kuwata:

@iharatatsuya196: RT @iharatatsuya196: Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga Vol. 1 (English Edition) Kindle版 「エイトマン」の桑田二郎先生が描いた「バットマン」です… - 5 years ago

@tomtificate: @erickstevens82 @CatchWrestling There’s been a few! Not this though. But Jiro Kuwata’s BATMANGA is amazing - 5 years ago

@RogerCab: @arthur_affect Jiro Kuwata's "Batman" manga (1966) has the Bat-Mobile as a left-hand side driver. Also, Speed Racer… - 5 years ago

@ISIS_Slay3r: Jiro Kuwata, the Artist Behind Japan's Iconic Batman Manga, Has Died - 5 years ago


@TormentedHero: RT @kaiju_tokusatsu: Maboroshi Tantei (left) and Gekko Kamen (a reissued version) by Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@TormentedHero: RT @kaiju_tokusatsu: The manga version of Ultaseven by Jiro Kuwata (left: the cover for "The Targeted Town") - 5 years ago

@talestoenrage: The only appropriate response to Logan Paul right now is to spam him with the Jiro Kuwata Batmanga panel about the… - 5 years ago

@Death_Jarhead: Batman Manga Artist Jiro Kuwata Passes Away - 5 years ago

@Death_Jarhead: Manga Artist Jiro Kuwata Passed Away - ORENDS: RANGE (TEMP) - 5 years ago

@EvilPhantom: 8 Man, Batman Manga Artist Jiro Kuwata Passes Away - 5 years ago

@UkiyaSeed: Manga artist Jiro Kuwata (8 Man, Batman manga, Ultraseven & Moonlight Mask manga adaptations) has p... - 5 years ago

@alexbennetts: immediately after this i decided on the foolish idea of trying to colour something that was never meant to be colou… - 5 years ago

@UniversoDCComic: [Noticia] Cómics: FALLECE EL CREADOR DEL BATMAN MANGA, JIRO KUWATA - 5 years ago

@Therenchd: A long and productive life. RIP Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away Aged 85… - 5 years ago

@ebunko8: RT @pisit76718682: In memory of Jiro Kuwata sensei ( 1935 - 2020 ) #桑田次郎 #桑田二郎 #8マン #エイトマン #ウルトラセブン - 5 years ago

@pisit76718682: In memory of Jiro Kuwata sensei ( 1935 - 2020 ) #桑田次郎 #桑田二郎 #8マン #エイトマン #ウルトラセブン - 5 years ago

@OHMAGATSUHI: RT @lovesummerI: 桑田次郎版『バットマン』、確かにAmazonの海外レビューの評価良いですね。Jiro Kuwataの作品として、米国でも放映された『8マン』や平井和正原作の他の作品『エリート』『超犬リープ』『デスハンター』が英訳されたらファンを獲得すると思うな… - 5 years ago

@mototchen: RT @lovesummerI: 桑田次郎版『バットマン』、確かにAmazonの海外レビューの評価良いですね。Jiro Kuwataの作品として、米国でも放映された『8マン』や平井和正原作の他の作品『エリート』『超犬リープ』『デスハンター』が英訳されたらファンを獲得すると思うな… - 5 years ago

@YoshiHon: RT @lovesummerI: 桑田次郎版『バットマン』、確かにAmazonの海外レビューの評価良いですね。Jiro Kuwataの作品として、米国でも放映された『8マン』や平井和正原作の他の作品『エリート』『超犬リープ』『デスハンター』が英訳されたらファンを獲得すると思うな… - 5 years ago

@ebunko8: RT @lovesummerI: 桑田次郎版『バットマン』、確かにAmazonの海外レビューの評価良いですね。Jiro Kuwataの作品として、米国でも放映された『8マン』や平井和正原作の他の作品『エリート』『超犬リープ』『デスハンター』が英訳されたらファンを獲得すると思うな… - 5 years ago

@iharatatsuya196: RT @iharatatsuya196: Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga Vol. 1 (English Edition) Kindle版 「エイトマン」の桑田二郎先生が描いた「バットマン」です… - 5 years ago

@lovesummerI: 桑田次郎版『バットマン』、確かにAmazonの海外レビューの評価良いですね。Jiro Kuwataの作品として、米国でも放映された『8マン』や平井和正原作の他の作品『エリート』『超犬リープ』『デスハンター』が英訳されたらファンを獲得すると思うなあ。 - 5 years ago

@iharatatsuya196: RT @iharatatsuya196: Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga Vol. 1 (English Edition) Kindle版 「エイトマン」の桑田二郎先生が描いた「バットマン」です… - 5 years ago

@Petectives: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@iharatatsuya196: RT @iharatatsuya196: Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga Vol. 1 (English Edition) Kindle版 「エイトマン」の桑田二郎先生が描いた「バットマン」です… - 5 years ago

@danceformyhorse: RT @MinovskyArticle: RIP to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@divinaluna: RT @HistoftheBatman: Been sporting my #Batman #Manga tees & reading some classic tales to celebrate the late Jiro Kuwata’s work. If you wan… - 5 years ago

@HistoftheBatman: Been sporting my #Batman #Manga tees & reading some classic tales to celebrate the late Jiro Kuwata’s work. If you… - 5 years ago

@suspediem: Acabo de descubrir que el mes pasado murió Jiro Kuwata, el creador de 8th Man y la versión en manga de Batman. Esta… - 5 years ago

@danceformyhorse: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@HarryRead4: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@WC_WIT: RT @WarRocketPod: Jiro Kuwata was as brilliant as any comics creator who ever wrote or drew a Batman comic. If you haven't, please read Bat… - 5 years ago

@hamidtahiir: RT @comicbookanime: Jiro Kuwata, the artist behind Japan’s beloved Batman manga, has died: - 5 years ago

@iharatatsuya196: RT @iharatatsuya196: Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga Vol. 1 (English Edition) Kindle版 「エイトマン」の桑田二郎先生が描いた「バットマン」です… - 5 years ago

@pisit76718682: In memory of Jiro Kuwata sensei ( 1935 - 2020 ) - 5 years ago

@saramaga_blya: В середине 60-х в Японии выходила манга Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga (да, это официальное западное название). М… - 5 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: According to Japanese Wikipedia, Jiro Kuwata had obtained the gun so that he could commit suicide, though he got ar… - 5 years ago

@lackcrack: RT @tacticalfiend: cool tribute to Jiro Kuwata Batman and the 8 Man opening in Brave and the Bold, directly referencing shots from the 8 Ma… - 5 years ago

@greg_menzie: I bought a Jiro Kuwata art book... - 5 years ago

@AndrewFroedge: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: RT @protozoalord: This is a thread in memoriam of late manga artist, Jiro Kuwata (April 17, 1935-July 2, 2020). An early pioneer of Shonen… - 5 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@goldenpoints_: RT @MangaMexico: Informamos el triste fallecimiento del veterano mangaka Jiro Kuwata, encargado de llevar Batman a Japón en su adaptación a… - 5 years ago

@MrBushman1: Barman vs. Lord Death Man by Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@THEKatKeen: Jiro Kuwata, the Creator of 8 Man and the Batman Manga, Has Died At 85. | Jiro Kuwata, who illustrated a manga base… - 5 years ago

@THEKatKeen: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@Mystgourmet: RT @protozoalord: This is a thread in memoriam of late manga artist, Jiro Kuwata (April 17, 1935-July 2, 2020). An early pioneer of Shonen… - 5 years ago

@AleMaskedNueve: RT @protozoalord: This is a thread in memoriam of late manga artist, Jiro Kuwata (April 17, 1935-July 2, 2020). An early pioneer of Shonen… - 5 years ago

@a_mug_of_tea_: RT @tacticalfiend: cool tribute to Jiro Kuwata Batman and the 8 Man opening in Brave and the Bold, directly referencing shots from the 8 Ma… - 5 years ago

@puchikotei: RT @tacticalfiend: cool tribute to Jiro Kuwata Batman and the 8 Man opening in Brave and the Bold, directly referencing shots from the 8 Ma… - 5 years ago

@5524kei: RT @tacticalfiend: cool tribute to Jiro Kuwata Batman and the 8 Man opening in Brave and the Bold, directly referencing shots from the 8 Ma… - 5 years ago

@voiceswrestling: RT @voiceswrestling: New @voiceswrestling That Time Batman Became a Japanese Wrestling Star: In Memory of Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@eeFXFLUeubkhzDo: RT @tacticalfiend: cool tribute to Jiro Kuwata Batman and the 8 Man opening in Brave and the Bold, directly referencing shots from the 8 Ma… - 5 years ago

@kotarodayo1126: RT @tacticalfiend: cool tribute to Jiro Kuwata Batman and the 8 Man opening in Brave and the Bold, directly referencing shots from the 8 Ma… - 5 years ago

@kannoxponta: RT @tacticalfiend: cool tribute to Jiro Kuwata Batman and the 8 Man opening in Brave and the Bold, directly referencing shots from the 8 Ma… - 5 years ago

@sjxqr393: RT @tacticalfiend: cool tribute to Jiro Kuwata Batman and the 8 Man opening in Brave and the Bold, directly referencing shots from the 8 Ma… - 5 years ago

@iharatatsuya196: RT @iharatatsuya196: Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga Vol. 1 (English Edition) Kindle版 「エイトマン」の桑田二郎先生が描いた「バットマン」です… - 5 years ago

@BenJGrimm64: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@UNSTBLmolecules: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@iSa_17: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@batmanonlinecom: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@PaulDBrazill: RT @PaulDBrazill: Jiro Kuwata, the Creator of 8 Man and the Batman Manga, Has Died - 5 years ago

@PaulDBrazill: Jiro Kuwata, the Creator of 8 Man and the Batman Manga, Has Died - 5 years ago

@elhdlt: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@elhdlt: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@LamontAndrews27: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@CMTowns: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@barbarosa69: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@AllNewSux: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@SamhainNight: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@jarrodjones_: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@superfanpr: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@BernaGiMi: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@CCTakato: RT @Otaku_USA: 8 Man, Batman Manga Author Jiro Kuwata Passes Away - 5 years ago

@SAOFollower: RT @HistoftheBatman: Japanese manga illustrator Jiro Kuwata has passed away at the age of 85. Learn about his #Batman #Manga series that he… - 5 years ago

@yo_u_s: RT @MangaMexico: Informamos el triste fallecimiento del veterano mangaka Jiro Kuwata, encargado de llevar Batman a Japón en su adaptación a… - 5 years ago

@randywcgcomics: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@KurtDexterRodz: RT @Anime: 8 Man, Batman Manga Artist Jiro Kuwata Passes Away • Maboroshi Tantei, Gekkō Kamen artist was 85 - 5 years ago

@oniiiiii4: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@Frankiemon: RT @WarRocketPod: Jiro Kuwata was as brilliant as any comics creator who ever wrote or drew a Batman comic. If you haven't, please read Bat… - 5 years ago

@iharatatsuya196: RT @iharatatsuya196: Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga Vol. 1 (English Edition) Kindle版 「エイトマン」の桑田二郎先生が描いた「バットマン」です… - 5 years ago

@GeekLaak: Muere Jiro Kuwata, autor de Batmanga A los 85 años, falleció el mangaka, creador también de Phantom Detective #Jiro… - 5 years ago

@pearson_anders: RT @HistoftheBatman: Japanese manga illustrator Jiro Kuwata has passed away at the age of 85. Learn about his #Batman #Manga series that he… - 5 years ago

@comicgeekelly: RT @voiceswrestling: New @voiceswrestling That Time Batman Became a Japanese Wrestling Star: In Memory of Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@SuperSailorGoku: RT @atothe_d: Rip Jiro Kuwata, whose skin is now being fitted for Chip Kidd to wear around against his family's protests - 5 years ago

@Filmocracy2: RT @MouthDork: Rest In Peace to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. If you’re looking for a gateway to his Bat-Manga, the below episode of Batman: T… - 5 years ago

@revelo666: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@EGeek92: RT @MangaMexico: Informamos el triste fallecimiento del veterano mangaka Jiro Kuwata, encargado de llevar Batman a Japón en su adaptación a… - 5 years ago

@TSUKKlSHlMAS: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@superfanpr: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@DanG_Comics: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@CellarTheatre: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@gustavocomics: RT @MangaMexico: Informamos el triste fallecimiento del veterano mangaka Jiro Kuwata, encargado de llevar Batman a Japón en su adaptación a… - 5 years ago

@SteveChung1968: R.I.P. Manga artist Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@Chanil71727647: RT @MangaMexico: Informamos el triste fallecimiento del veterano mangaka Jiro Kuwata, encargado de llevar Batman a Japón en su adaptación a… - 5 years ago

@DanielP45769086: RT @MangaMexico: Informamos el triste fallecimiento del veterano mangaka Jiro Kuwata, encargado de llevar Batman a Japón en su adaptación a… - 5 years ago

@KENGOMARTINEZ: RT @MangaMexico: Informamos el triste fallecimiento del veterano mangaka Jiro Kuwata, encargado de llevar Batman a Japón en su adaptación a… - 5 years ago

@MangaMexico: Informamos el triste fallecimiento del veterano mangaka Jiro Kuwata, encargado de llevar Batman a Japón en su adapt… - 5 years ago

@PabloSTiozzo: RT @matiasbergara: RIP Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@lazybones2020: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@superfanpr: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@ppg1974: RT @HistoftheBatman: Japanese manga illustrator Jiro Kuwata has passed away at the age of 85. Learn about his #Batman #Manga series that he… - 5 years ago

@CellarTheatre: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@drdivinity: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@Turns1701e: RT @sandy_jarrell: Jiro Kuwata (1935-2020) - 5 years ago

@JBonner71: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@EnigmaBatman: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@HotJawn: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@BronzeAgeBabies: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@DanielNavasSund: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@gonmruiz: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@ComicsintheGA: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@Meliaura_: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@CalebTheSpy: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@omegacenter0: Jiro Kuwata ('8 Man' y 'Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga') uno de los hombres que nos abrió las puertas al mundo de… - 5 years ago

@drdivinity: RT @HistoftheBatman: Japanese manga illustrator Jiro Kuwata has passed away at the age of 85. Learn about his #Batman #Manga series that he… - 5 years ago

@LouisFrancisIII: RT @CBR: Jiro Kuwata, the Creator of 8 Man and the Batman Manga, Has Died - 5 years ago

@iharatatsuya196: RT @iharatatsuya196: Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga Vol. 1 (English Edition) Kindle版 「エイトマン」の桑田二郎先生が描いた「バットマン」です… - 5 years ago

@zoltandulac: I just found out Jiro Kuwata, the artist behind 8th Man (8-Man in Japan) and the Japanese version of Batman, passed… - 5 years ago

@LuccaCandG: RT @fumettologica: È morto il fumettista giapponese Jiro Kuwata, noto per essere stato, a fine anni Sessanta, l’autore del manga su Batman.… - 5 years ago

@EvoltoStan: RT @kaiju_tokusatsu: The manga version of Ultaseven by Jiro Kuwata (left: the cover for "The Targeted Town") - 5 years ago

@zoltandulac: Loved his work. 8th Man was a staple at @killerbcinema and was always requested to remaster more English translatio… - 5 years ago

@chrismascreates: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@lacovachamx: Esta semana nos enteramos de la muerte del mangaka Kuwata Jiro, autor (entre otras historias) del #BatManga, aquí l… - 5 years ago

@JeremyArambulo: Drew these Batmanga villains in honor of Jiro Kuwata, who passed away a few days ago. In the brief time he drew Bat… - 5 years ago

@Dummytrash2: RT @CBR: Jiro Kuwata, the Creator of 8 Man and the Batman Manga, Has Died - 5 years ago

@TAKEKURABABELS: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@HL10PM: RT @HistoftheBatman: Japanese manga illustrator Jiro Kuwata has passed away at the age of 85. Learn about his #Batman #Manga series that he… - 5 years ago

@XHDominguez: RT @HistoftheBatman: Japanese manga illustrator Jiro Kuwata has passed away at the age of 85. Learn about his #Batman #Manga series that he… - 5 years ago

@toudaimoricomic: @iharatatsuya196 - 5 years ago

@Thurstan_92: RT @CBR: Jiro Kuwata, the Creator of 8 Man and the Batman Manga, Has Died - 5 years ago

@ADeborahF: RT @HistoftheBatman: Japanese manga illustrator Jiro Kuwata has passed away at the age of 85. Learn about his #Batman #Manga series that he… - 5 years ago

@DreadJesterBatt: RT @Anime: 8 Man, Batman Manga Artist Jiro Kuwata Passes Away • Maboroshi Tantei, Gekkō Kamen artist was 85 - 5 years ago

@AbdullahKhalz: RT @CBR: Jiro Kuwata, the Creator of 8 Man and the Batman Manga, Has Died - 5 years ago

@bananacrepeZ: RT @kaiju_tokusatsu: The manga version of Ultaseven by Jiro Kuwata (left: the cover for "The Targeted Town") - 5 years ago

@alfredoferrante: RT @HistoftheBatman: Japanese manga illustrator Jiro Kuwata has passed away at the age of 85. Learn about his #Batman #Manga series that he… - 5 years ago

@UniwersumDC: Zmarł autor #BatmanTheManga :( - 5 years ago

@Fatoch51: RT @ParodSn: Oh marde. Je recommande à tous le Bat-manga, une des meilleures transpositions du personnage dans un medium qui n'est pas le s… - 5 years ago

@yoshitora_chan: RT @iharatatsuya196: Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga Vol. 1 (English Edition) Kindle版 「エイトマン」の桑田二郎先生が描いた「バットマン」です… - 5 years ago

@scottfreeactor: RT @HistoftheBatman: Japanese manga illustrator Jiro Kuwata has passed away at the age of 85. Learn about his #Batman #Manga series that he… - 5 years ago

@iharatatsuya196: Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga Vol. 1 (English Edition) Kindle版 「エイトマン」の桑田二郎先生が描いた「バットマン… - 5 years ago

@DealDewott: RT @CBR: Jiro Kuwata, the Creator of 8 Man and the Batman Manga, Has Died - 5 years ago

@DanRolen1: RT @CBR: Jiro Kuwata, the Creator of 8 Man and the Batman Manga, Has Died - 5 years ago

@DaeTaliban: RT @CBR: Jiro Kuwata, the Creator of 8 Man and the Batman Manga, Has Died - 5 years ago

@Dark_knight_fan: RT @HistoftheBatman: Japanese manga illustrator Jiro Kuwata has passed away at the age of 85. Learn about his #Batman #Manga series that he… - 5 years ago

@LamontAndrews27: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@ArabellaGray271: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago


@purbangtan: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@Therealone9776: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@romance_grl: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@ChrisArnoldSHX: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@CBCCPodcast: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@13th_Dimension: 13 COVERS: A tribute to BATMANGA's JIRO KUWATA, who has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@AshBeast: RT @sandy_jarrell: Jiro Kuwata (1935-2020) - 5 years ago

@WatashiCharly: RT @lacovachamx: Se dió a conocer que el 2 de julio falleció a los 85 años Jiro Kuwata, mangaka creador de 8 Man y dibujante del manga de B… - 5 years ago

@SphixPix: RT @protozoalord: This is a thread in memoriam of late manga artist, Jiro Kuwata (April 17, 1935-July 2, 2020). An early pioneer of Shonen… - 5 years ago

@Ashley98891227: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@ebunko8: RT @AsamiChiaki: 桑田 二郎 (1935-2020). Il due luglio ci ha lasciati Kuwata Jiro, uno dei più prolifici e popolari autori di manga. Suoi sono… - 5 years ago

@lolololnou: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@Devilishleader: RT @tweetheart4711: "Kuwata is perhaps most well known in the West for his Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga manga. The manga adaptation of… - 5 years ago

@Devilishleader: RT @tweetheart4711: Jiro Kuwata's publisher Akita Shoten announced his death, with a brief bio: "Akita Shoten announced on Tuesday that m… - 5 years ago

@Devilishleader: RT @tweetheart4711: Just heard that mangaka Jiro Kuwata died last month aged 85. Creator of countless comics, including the iconic 8 Man an… - 5 years ago

@AggressCreamy: RT @DarkoLafuente: Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@mcbumlicker: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@0tter_otter: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@TheGlitchPanda: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@SpecSpideyVerse: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@SpaceKingBobby: RT @sandy_jarrell: Jiro Kuwata (1935-2020) - 5 years ago

@UltraMacProd: RT @kaiju_tokusatsu: The manga version of Ultaseven by Jiro Kuwata (left: the cover for "The Targeted Town") - 5 years ago

@Jaegar_94: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@SonofEmhak: RT @protozoalord: This is a thread in memoriam of late manga artist, Jiro Kuwata (April 17, 1935-July 2, 2020). An early pioneer of Shonen… - 5 years ago

@septemberrain30: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@kevinchiat: RT @comicgeekelly: I light of Jiro Kuwata’s recent passing, I’m republishing my piece on his story where Batman fights a wrestler. - 5 years ago

@Gerald_AWO: RT @tweetheart4711: Jiro Kuwata's publisher Akita Shoten announced his death, with a brief bio: "Akita Shoten announced on Tuesday that m… - 5 years ago

@riot177alt: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@ThunderDevil2: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@TheGoblord: RT @sandy_jarrell: Jiro Kuwata (1935-2020) - 5 years ago

@DportStudios: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@Forcast_Morte: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@THeBat1926: RT @protozoalord: This is a thread in memoriam of late manga artist, Jiro Kuwata (April 17, 1935-July 2, 2020). An early pioneer of Shonen… - 5 years ago

@dandy_jack: RT @tweetheart4711: Just heard that mangaka Jiro Kuwata died last month aged 85. Creator of countless comics, including the iconic 8 Man an… - 5 years ago

@retroanime: RT @tweetheart4711: Just heard that mangaka Jiro Kuwata died last month aged 85. Creator of countless comics, including the iconic 8 Man an… - 5 years ago

@massa_yoshida2: RT @AsamiChiaki: 桑田 二郎 (1935-2020). Il due luglio ci ha lasciati Kuwata Jiro, uno dei più prolifici e popolari autori di manga. Suoi sono… - 5 years ago

@KidSteam67: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@voiceswrestling: RT @comicgeekelly: I light of Jiro Kuwata’s recent passing, I’m republishing my piece on his story where Batman fights a wrestler. - 5 years ago

@elkioskodejuve: RT @lacovachamx: Se dió a conocer que el 2 de julio falleció a los 85 años Jiro Kuwata, mangaka creador de 8 Man y dibujante del manga de B… - 5 years ago

@AsamiChiaki: 桑田 二郎 (1935-2020). Il due luglio ci ha lasciati Kuwata Jiro, uno dei più prolifici e popolari autori di manga. Suo… - 5 years ago

@bombardiak: RT @sandy_jarrell: Jiro Kuwata (1935-2020) - 5 years ago

@Anime_Xis: [Triste Notícia] Morre o criador do mangá 8 Man, Jiro Kuwata #JiroKuwata #Rip #Anime #mangá #8Man… - 5 years ago

@di_vider: RT @kaiju_tokusatsu: The manga version of Ultaseven by Jiro Kuwata (left: the cover for "The Targeted Town") - 5 years ago

@fgreciano: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@sudipdg85: RT @sandy_jarrell: Jiro Kuwata (1935-2020) - 5 years ago

@red_righthand: Mano, o Jiro Kuwata faleceu? Baita quadrinista, que ele descanse em paz! - 5 years ago

@degolator: RT @kaiju_tokusatsu: The manga version of Ultaseven by Jiro Kuwata (left: the cover for "The Targeted Town") - 5 years ago

@Ninttacon: RT @kaiju_tokusatsu: The manga version of Ultaseven by Jiro Kuwata (left: the cover for "The Targeted Town") - 5 years ago

@ojanmatsui: RT @kaiju_tokusatsu: The manga version of Ultaseven by Jiro Kuwata (left: the cover for "The Targeted Town") - 5 years ago

@tomascorsi: RT @sandy_jarrell: Jiro Kuwata (1935-2020) - 5 years ago

@CapnMurphy2021: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@comicgeekelly: RT @kaiju_tokusatsu: The manga version of Ultaseven by Jiro Kuwata (left: the cover for "The Targeted Town") - 5 years ago

@comicgeekelly: RT @kaiju_tokusatsu: Maboroshi Tantei (left) and Gekko Kamen (a reissued version) by Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@ondororu: RT @kaiju_tokusatsu: The manga version of Ultaseven by Jiro Kuwata (left: the cover for "The Targeted Town") - 5 years ago

@AhlisWae: RT @detikcom: Komikus di balik manga Batman Jiro Kuwata meninggal dunia di usia 85 tahun. Selamat jalan.... #JiroKuwata #MangaBatman via @… - 5 years ago

@Darth_Tater1231: RT @protozoalord: This is a thread in memoriam of late manga artist, Jiro Kuwata (April 17, 1935-July 2, 2020). An early pioneer of Shonen… - 5 years ago

@kaiju_tokusatsu: Obituary: ULTRASEVEN Manga Artist JIRO KUWATA Passed Away At 85 - 5 years ago

@Thien81296: RT @kaiju_tokusatsu: The manga version of Ultaseven by Jiro Kuwata (left: the cover for "The Targeted Town") - 5 years ago

@ALizrdinCrimson: RT @protozoalord: This is a thread in memoriam of late manga artist, Jiro Kuwata (April 17, 1935-July 2, 2020). An early pioneer of Shonen… - 5 years ago

@NanaseH29973255: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@WaSahin: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@MESIAS_ROCKET: RT @DarkoLafuente: Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@JoGonBa: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@arch_carrier: RT @DarkoLafuente: Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@refrigerhater: RT @komrikmania: RIP Jiro Kuwata, creator Bat-Manga di Shonen King yang sempet ngehits di Jepang pada dekade 60an. A true classic dan salah… - 5 years ago

@JadeScribe: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@Dr_Riviera: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@PhantOMive83_: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@balubal: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@RamnGVP: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@Theneogamersoul: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@Wanderlustsword: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@sakurai_satomi: RT @sandy_jarrell: Jiro Kuwata (1935-2020) - 5 years ago

@yayoy_amber: RT @sandy_jarrell: Jiro Kuwata (1935-2020) - 5 years ago

@DarkChicken35: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@Juarez_raqu: RT @lacovachamx: Se dió a conocer que el 2 de julio falleció a los 85 años Jiro Kuwata, mangaka creador de 8 Man y dibujante del manga de B… - 5 years ago

@Nichi666: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@mipm_: RT @lacovachamx: Se dió a conocer que el 2 de julio falleció a los 85 años Jiro Kuwata, mangaka creador de 8 Man y dibujante del manga de B… - 5 years ago

@PeterGBell25: RT @sandy_jarrell: Jiro Kuwata (1935-2020) - 5 years ago

@andrewfarago: RT @sandy_jarrell: Jiro Kuwata (1935-2020) - 5 years ago

@JavierCastao2: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@ahchumah: RT @lacovachamx: Se dió a conocer que el 2 de julio falleció a los 85 años Jiro Kuwata, mangaka creador de 8 Man y dibujante del manga de B… - 5 years ago

@Aioros_1984: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@_luis_humberto_: RT @lacovachamx: Se dió a conocer que el 2 de julio falleció a los 85 años Jiro Kuwata, mangaka creador de 8 Man y dibujante del manga de B… - 5 years ago

@jblacksomething: RT @HeroCollector_: Following the news that #Batman manga artist Jiro Kuwata died last month, @markclapham pays tribute to a #DarkKnight ar… - 5 years ago

@TakeAsh68k: RT @calimerowhite2: Jiro Kuwata 桑田二郎 rest in peace - 5 years ago

@standardman: RT @sandy_jarrell: Jiro Kuwata (1935-2020) - 5 years ago

@ComicsGrid: RT @protozoalord: On July 2nd, 2020, Jiro Kuwata passed away at 85 due to old age. His works will forever have a large impact on sci-fi, ma… - 5 years ago

@markclapham: RT @HeroCollector_: Following the news that #Batman manga artist Jiro Kuwata died last month, @markclapham pays tribute to a #DarkKnight ar… - 5 years ago

@ComicsGrid: RT @HeroCollector_: Following the news that #Batman manga artist Jiro Kuwata died last month, @markclapham pays tribute to a #DarkKnight ar… - 5 years ago

@lacovachamx: Se dió a conocer que el 2 de julio falleció a los 85 años Jiro Kuwata, mangaka creador de 8 Man y dibujante del man… - 5 years ago

@HeroCollector_: Following the news that #Batman manga artist Jiro Kuwata died last month, @markclapham pays tribute to a… - 5 years ago

@ComicsGrid: RT @fumettologica: È morto il fumettista giapponese Jiro Kuwata, noto per essere stato, a fine anni Sessanta, l’autore del manga su Batman.… - 5 years ago

@YeOldeNemesis: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@librosnegros: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@hellakirby: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@hellakirby: RT @sandy_jarrell: Jiro Kuwata (1935-2020) - 5 years ago

@HowardtheDuck95: RT @sandy_jarrell: Jiro Kuwata (1935-2020) - 5 years ago

@Jimmystardust79: The Mind Behind Japan's Legendary Batmanga, Jiro Kuwata, Has Passed Away - 5 years ago

@ChibiUFO: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@_roguewolf: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@punnymeph: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@anti_gifted: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@slugjaws: RT @tacticalfiend: RIP Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@acimut: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@550Pixel: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@BeforeAwesome: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@AndrewPH89: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@ItsJustSofa: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@ZerethBackwards: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@cardboardwalk: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@cardboardwalk: RT @MinovskyArticle: RIP to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@wilalambre: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@HinataUzumakiPo: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@ariana_xxyls: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@MeidoMatsuri: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@Blorp_Weatherby: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@Alex_Chung: RT @sandy_jarrell: Jiro Kuwata (1935-2020) - 5 years ago

@daiya_nya: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@AMK292: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@NGE064: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@ortebcalain: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@Mangiman6: RT @sandy_jarrell: Jiro Kuwata (1935-2020) - 5 years ago

@thehyperroom: RT @hypercasey: Jiro Kuwata 1935-2020 - 5 years ago

@bravelyghost: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@flannelheart: RT @sandy_jarrell: Jiro Kuwata (1935-2020) - 5 years ago

@JadineRhine: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@TiaAgnezt: RT @detikhot: Komikus di balik manga Batman Jiro Kuwata meninggal dunia di usia 85 tahun. Selamat jalan.... #JiroKuwata #MangaBatman https:… - 5 years ago

@chikafujiwarac: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@NAHUM_GE: RT @lacovachamx: Se dió a conocer que el 2 de julio falleció a los 85 años Jiro Kuwata, mangaka creador de 8 Man y dibujante del manga de B… - 5 years ago

@LightRaphtalia: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@MuadzHalim: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@mchwllms5: RT @Crunchyroll: NEWS: Jiro Kuwata, Manga Creator of 8 Man and Batman Manga, Passes Away at 85 - 5 years ago

@Eckospider: On a more somber note I first read Lord Death Man in the #Batman Manga by Jiro Kuwata. Unfortunately Jiro passed a… - 5 years ago

@ASiscolink: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@AnimeNyuusuMX: Fallece el mangaka Jiro Kuwata a los 85 años #Anime #JiroKuwata #NoticiasAnime - 5 years ago

@DataErase: Mangaz has added a shit ton of Jiro Kuwata works to it's library that you can read for free - 5 years ago

@MidShelfRyan: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@TokuGamingfan: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@Doc_Multiverse: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@JacobMartin: RT @MinovskyArticle: RIP to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@leonakalife: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@ArcEntel: RT @deconcomics: RIP cartoonist Jiro Kuwata. On TO THE BATPOLES we discussed the ‘60s #Batman #manga three years ago: - 5 years ago

@b_thatnerdyguy: RT @TheBurnham: RIP Jiro Kuwata! Batman Inc wouldn’t have been the same without you! - 5 years ago

@b_thatnerdyguy: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@LlL_Bomber: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@ferimarife: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@Dravych: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@jblacksomething: RIP Jiro Kuwata ❤️💕 - 5 years ago

@NedRaggett: RT @deconcomics: RIP cartoonist Jiro Kuwata. On TO THE BATPOLES we discussed the ‘60s #Batman #manga three years ago: - 5 years ago

@dxferris: RT @deconcomics: RIP cartoonist Jiro Kuwata. On TO THE BATPOLES we discussed the ‘60s #Batman #manga three years ago: - 5 years ago

@DrPopCultureBG: RT @deconcomics: RIP cartoonist Jiro Kuwata. On TO THE BATPOLES we discussed the ‘60s #Batman #manga three years ago: - 5 years ago

@LonerDreamer: RT @io9: The mind behind Japan's legendary Batmanga, Jiro Kuwata, has passed away - 5 years ago

@kuwabara182: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@kakitama: RT @multiversitycom: ICYMI, Jiro Kuwata, "Batmanga" and "8 Man" creator, has died. - 5 years ago

@LsodFhikC: RT @komrikmania: RIP Jiro Kuwata, creator Bat-Manga di Shonen King yang sempet ngehits di Jepang pada dekade 60an. A true classic dan salah… - 5 years ago

@superfanpr: RT @multiversitycom: Jiro Kuwata, who passed away last month, started his manga career at age 13 with "The Strange Star Cluster." - 5 years ago

@multiversitycom: ICYMI, Jiro Kuwata, "Batmanga" and "8 Man" creator, has died. - 5 years ago

@Rockford_Guy: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@Rockford_Guy: RT @MinovskyArticle: RIP to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@Sr_KH12: RT @Crunchyroll_PT: 📰 Jiro Kuwata, mangaká responsável por O Oitavo Homem e pelo mangá de Batman, faleceu aos 85 anos Saiba mais em: https… - 5 years ago

@TryNotPH: RT @Crunchyroll_PT: 📰 Jiro Kuwata, mangaká responsável por O Oitavo Homem e pelo mangá de Batman, faleceu aos 85 anos Saiba mais em: https… - 5 years ago

@NanoAugmented: RT @DarkoLafuente: Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@ale_nagado: RT @usys222: No site Manga Toshokan Z estão disponíveis várias séries do finado Jiro Kuwata. Entre elas Tokyo Z Man, Ultra Seven, Pinóquio… - 5 years ago

@Bchargoisthear1: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@RaphacomPH: RT @io9: Artist Jiro Kuwata, who brought Batman to manga, has died - 5 years ago

@dare_darou: RT @komrikmania: RIP Jiro Kuwata, creator Bat-Manga di Shonen King yang sempet ngehits di Jepang pada dekade 60an. A true classic dan salah… - 5 years ago

@LeoAugustoTH: RT @Crunchyroll_PT: 📰 Jiro Kuwata, mangaká responsável por O Oitavo Homem e pelo mangá de Batman, faleceu aos 85 anos Saiba mais em: https… - 5 years ago

@MICROmor: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@ddiibboott: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@ajadraws: RT @jimchadwick1217: Very sorry to learn of the passing of mangaka Jiro Kuwata. He had a long and storied career, but like many westerners,… - 5 years ago

@greyjedi77: RT @Crunchyroll_PT: 📰 Jiro Kuwata, mangaká responsável por O Oitavo Homem e pelo mangá de Batman, faleceu aos 85 anos Saiba mais em: https… - 5 years ago

@las2261: RT @Crunchyroll_PT: 📰 Jiro Kuwata, mangaká responsável por O Oitavo Homem e pelo mangá de Batman, faleceu aos 85 anos Saiba mais em: https… - 5 years ago

@fuckinalpamare: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@bad_garrett: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@gunswordfist: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@KubrickRussell: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@ComikazeRevista: RT @lacovachamx: Se dió a conocer que el 2 de julio falleció a los 85 años Jiro Kuwata, mangaka creador de 8 Man y dibujante del manga de B… - 5 years ago

@MovieKessler: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@Tarnov: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@AlecIsBaking: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@SD2production: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@atothe_d: Rip Jiro Kuwata, whose skin is now being fitted for Chip Kidd to wear around against his family's protests - 5 years ago

@aki_panda_aki: RT @ComicBook: Jiro Kuwata, the artist behind Japan’s beloved Batman manga, has died: - 5 years ago

@revelo666: RT @ComicBook: Jiro Kuwata, the artist behind Japan’s beloved Batman manga, has died: - 5 years ago

@fabthehedgehog: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@JessCamNJ: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@TiniHoward: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@blackhammerv2: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@Akaito: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@SurAuvers: RT @RenzoAdler: My dad used to watch Tobor the 8th Man as a kid in Ohio. Jiro Kuwata gave America it's first TV anime superhero decades bef… - 5 years ago

@SurAuvers: RT @mukubird: Thought I'd share, but Jiro Kuwata had also contributed to the Ultra series by his manga adaptation of the Ultraseven around… - 5 years ago

@Clown_Reed: RT @MinovskyArticle: RIP to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@SHINOBIWESLEY: Jiro Kuwata, ilustrador do mangá ‘O Oitavo Homem’, morre aos 85 anos - 5 years ago

@TraumaGoggles: RT @io9: Artist Jiro Kuwata, who brought Batman to manga, has died - 5 years ago

@StarslicerTURBO: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@Soracielle: I'm a bit late with this, but Jiro Kuwata has passed away. His Batman manga was fascinating. I really enjoyed pre… - 5 years ago

@Kurenai_Akari: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@protozoalord: I really wish that Jiro Kuwata was more well known past 8man, batmanga, and ultraseven... He has SO many cool works… - 5 years ago

@standardman: RT @MinovskyArticle: RIP to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@Velma___Dinkley: RT @DarkoLafuente: Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@SurAuvers: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@SurAuvers: RT @MinovskyArticle: RIP to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@Velma___Dinkley: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@rulho13: RT @SomosEspagueti: Confirman la muerte de Jiro Kuwara, el creador del manga de Batman - 5 years ago

@h_natano: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@garagepro7: RT @RagoneAugust: REQUIESCAT IN PACE: JIRO KUWATA (April 17, 1935-July 2, 2020) Farewell to the iconic manga artist/co-creator of "8-Man" (… - 5 years ago

@SurAuvers: RT @Alex_Chung: This Jiro Kuwata Batman statue looks INCREDIBLE. - 5 years ago

@baroquedecay: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@Luispins: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@josh6243: RT @tacticalfiend: RIP Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@claudetrojan: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@danguer_the_one: RT @SomosEspagueti: Confirman la muerte de Jiro Kuwara, el creador del manga de Batman - 5 years ago

@nightshadesheep: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@Shapershifter: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@tripple654: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@reinohueco: RT @DarkoLafuente: Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@HectorMancera15: RT @SomosEspagueti: Confirman la muerte de Jiro Kuwara, el creador del manga de Batman - 5 years ago

@SomosEspagueti: Confirman la muerte de Jiro Kuwara, el creador del manga de Batman - 5 years ago

@PachaHaukdal: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@TheOddyssey1: RT @RagoneAugust: REQUIESCAT IN PACE: JIRO KUWATA (April 17, 1935-July 2, 2020) Farewell to the iconic manga artist/co-creator of "8-Man" (… - 5 years ago

@JokerStan2: RT @tacticalfiend: RIP Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@Rhiph: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@SurAuvers: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@tacticalfiend: RT @tacticalfiend: RIP Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@tacticalfiend: RT @tacticalfiend: cool tribute to Jiro Kuwata Batman and the 8 Man opening in Brave and the Bold, directly referencing shots from the 8 Ma… - 5 years ago

@SurAuvers: RT @tacticalfiend: RIP Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@jurogumo: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@billreads: RT @EamonBDoc: Very Sad to hear of the passing of Jiro Kuwata, creator of 8 Man and the Batmanga. In honor of his life I will post some pic… - 5 years ago

@takafuni: RT @matiasbergara: RIP Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@carlachan: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@goblin_sodapop: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@multiversitycom: The late Jiro Kuwata, best known for "Batmanga," also wrote several art books about the life of Buddha after he con… - 5 years ago

@GabeBNYC: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@ElizabethUgalde: RT @lacovachamx: Se dió a conocer que el 2 de julio falleció a los 85 años Jiro Kuwata, mangaka creador de 8 Man y dibujante del manga de B… - 5 years ago

@VicPerfecto: RT @EamonBDoc: A thread of the photos I took from the Batmanga exhibit at the Society of Illustrators in honor of the life of Jiro Kuwata,… - 5 years ago

@geniespinosa: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@emejuan: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@Skream_Machine: RT @lacovachamx: Se dió a conocer que el 2 de julio falleció a los 85 años Jiro Kuwata, mangaka creador de 8 Man y dibujante del manga de B… - 5 years ago

@_atariatlas: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@DashWallkick: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@DatPremmy: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@skleefeld: RT @EamonBDoc: A thread of the photos I took from the Batmanga exhibit at the Society of Illustrators in honor of the life of Jiro Kuwata,… - 5 years ago

@alan_r_gallardo: RT @io9: Artist Jiro Kuwata, who brought Batman to manga, has died - 5 years ago

@jeffparker: RT @EamonBDoc: A thread of the photos I took from the Batmanga exhibit at the Society of Illustrators in honor of the life of Jiro Kuwata,… - 5 years ago

@lacovachamx: Se dió a conocer que el 2 de julio falleció a los 85 años Jiro Kuwata, mangaka creador de 8 Man y dibujante del man… - 5 years ago

@andykhouri: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@ericocam: @mauriciotdantas , está morto o criador do personagem plagiado pelo Robocop - 5 years ago

@protozoalord: RT @THeBat1926: It has been officially announced that 85 year old mangaka Kuwata Jiro has passed away. This man was one of the big pioneers… - 5 years ago

@andrcst_: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@LXS07Tortue: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@ByLucha: R.I.P. Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@BrauliaEster: RT @AnimeNewsNet: 8 Man, Batman Manga Artist Jiro Kuwata Passes Away - 5 years ago

@hectornerio2: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@MakeMineAmalgam: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@luvcraft: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@ThatVelazco: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@Beigemoth: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@REawrightzz: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@ErrghErrrgh: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@FortNinety: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@Cine_Heroes: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@ran_num: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@CrimsonD3mon: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@BlazeHedgehog: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@Zool_TE: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@Guipolaire: RT @MDAH9: Jiro Kuwata est mort à 85 ans, il est un des pionniers de la science-fiction japonaise. On lui doit notamment la version nipponn… - 5 years ago

@themojowire: Rest well - The Mind Behind Japan's Legendary Batmanga, Jiro Kuwata, Has Passed Away - 5 years ago

@nobigshows: RT @MinovskyArticle: RIP to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@cheesefeend: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@hotpeasandbutta: Legendary Manga artist Jiro Kuwata passed away at 85. His work on 8th Man and the Japanese versions of Batman & Rob… - 5 years ago

@richtbrian: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@Quasibrodo: RT @MinovskyArticle: RIP to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@GriffinMang: RT @MinovskyArticle: RIP to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@GriffinMang: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@MiloWendell: RT @DarkoLafuente: Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@TheWarriorCree4: RT @THeBat1926: It has been officially announced that 85 year old mangaka Kuwata Jiro has passed away. This man was one of the big pioneers… - 5 years ago

@CaspieCorrell: RT @io9: Artist Jiro Kuwata, who brought Batman to manga, has died - 5 years ago

@_thriftyc_: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@biscuitme: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@katsunews: The Mind Behind Japan's Legendary Batmanga, Jiro Kuwata, Has Passed Away - 5 years ago

@olsenjohn: RT @MinovskyArticle: RIP to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@i_frank: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@hyottoko99_jp: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@kyriezombie: RT @DarkoLafuente: Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@WokeDudeBro: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@The_Shadow_Hog: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@literallytouko: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@jblacksomething: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@brendybossun: RT @DarkoLafuente: Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@amluv_: RT @EamonBDoc: A thread of the photos I took from the Batmanga exhibit at the Society of Illustrators in honor of the life of Jiro Kuwata,… - 5 years ago

@lesbianautica: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@lesbianautica: RT @MinovskyArticle: RIP to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@beescores_: RT @jimchadwick1217: Very sorry to learn of the passing of mangaka Jiro Kuwata. He had a long and storied career, but like many westerners,… - 5 years ago

@DAMIENattitude: Murió Jiro Kuwata, creador de Batmanga 🦇 - 5 years ago

@sdrzka: RT @jimchadwick1217: Very sorry to learn of the passing of mangaka Jiro Kuwata. He had a long and storied career, but like many westerners,… - 5 years ago

@joeb_draws: RT @MinovskyArticle: RIP to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@strayhorrorshow: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@JCPxDESIGNS: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@MrDQJ: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@RADMANRBARR: RT @EamonBDoc: A thread of the photos I took from the Batmanga exhibit at the Society of Illustrators in honor of the life of Jiro Kuwata,… - 5 years ago

@kororopita17: RT @MinovskyArticle: RIP to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@PecanJack: Seriously. Fuck 2020 rip. - 5 years ago

@MichaelShooterz: RT @tacticalfiend: cool tribute to Jiro Kuwata Batman and the 8 Man opening in Brave and the Bold, directly referencing shots from the 8 Ma… - 5 years ago

@Troper315: RT @ryuuseipro: RIP Jiro Kuwata (co-creator of 8-MAN), one of my top favorite manga masters. :( #JiroKuwata - 5 years ago

@axeystuff: RT @MinovskyArticle: RIP to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@PaulAllor: RT @jimchadwick1217: Very sorry to learn of the passing of mangaka Jiro Kuwata. He had a long and storied career, but like many westerners,… - 5 years ago

@a_nasim: RT @io9: Artist Jiro Kuwata, who brought Batman to manga, has died - 5 years ago

@WorkNotDone: RT @io9: Artist Jiro Kuwata, who brought Batman to manga, has died - 5 years ago

@lilbunniegirl: RT @DarkoLafuente: Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@Based_Madcap: RT @DarkoLafuente: Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

@Mach_Dent: RT @ryuuseipro: RIP Jiro Kuwata (co-creator of 8-MAN), one of my top favorite manga masters. :( #JiroKuwata - 5 years ago

@ryuuseipro: RIP Jiro Kuwata (co-creator of 8-MAN), one of my top favorite manga masters. :( #JiroKuwata - 5 years ago

@bunnymeowmeow: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@sillyrookie_art: RT @MinovskyArticle: RIP to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@WiseYuri: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@Kenshiro28: RT @MinovskyArticle: RIP to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@WiseYuri: RT @MinovskyArticle: RIP to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@julien_campan: RT @io9: Artist Jiro Kuwata, who brought Batman to manga, has died - 5 years ago

@Yami_Guard: RT @THeBat1926: It has been officially announced that 85 year old mangaka Kuwata Jiro has passed away. This man was one of the big pioneers… - 5 years ago

@StaceyCalavera: RT @io9: Artist Jiro Kuwata, who brought Batman to manga, has died - 5 years ago

@MWDanvers: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@taterpie: RT @io9: Artist Jiro Kuwata, who brought Batman to manga, has died - 5 years ago

@MarkElDude: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@AngieIs: RT @io9: Artist Jiro Kuwata, who brought Batman to manga, has died - 5 years ago

@kyvatta: RT @MinovskyArticle: RIP to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@MarkElDude: RT @io9: Artist Jiro Kuwata, who brought Batman to manga, has died - 5 years ago

@1qxoSwZ6mxyAAM4: RT @calimerowhite2: Jiro Kuwata 桑田二郎 rest in peace - 5 years ago

@naquisima25: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@MarioTBD: RT @io9: Artist Jiro Kuwata, who brought Batman to manga, has died - 5 years ago

@LucasPalape: RT @mouse_cl: Ha muerto Jiro Kuwata, el creador de 8 Man y el manga de Batman - 5 years ago

@WorkNotDone: RT @io9: Artist Jiro Kuwata, who brought Batman to manga, has died - 5 years ago

@CristoDeElqui: RT @mouse_cl: Ha muerto Jiro Kuwata, el creador de 8 Man y el manga de Batman - 5 years ago

@mouse_cl: Ha muerto Jiro Kuwata, el creador de 8 Man y el manga de Batman - 5 years ago

@RaRaRazberri: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@ilyxdilly: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@mrmercury36: RT @io9: Artist Jiro Kuwata, who brought Batman to manga, has died - 5 years ago

@LoriPerkinsRAB: RT @io9: Artist Jiro Kuwata, who brought Batman to manga, has died - 5 years ago

@karenricks: RT @deadpeoplecom: Jiro Kuwata is no longer with us - #JiroKuwata #Jiro #Kuwata #rip - 5 years ago

@PFuentesArt: RT @jimchadwick1217: Very sorry to learn of the passing of mangaka Jiro Kuwata. He had a long and storied career, but like many westerners,… - 5 years ago

@hanzotherza: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@hanzotherza: RT @Anime: 8 Man, Batman Manga Artist Jiro Kuwata Passes Away • Maboroshi Tantei, Gekkō Kamen artist was 85 - 5 years ago

@ShannonDenton: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@oOcattyOo: RT @io9: Artist Jiro Kuwata, who brought Batman to manga, has died - 5 years ago

@mrmercury36: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@mrichmondmedia: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Jiro Kuwata is no longer with us - #JiroKuwata #Jiro #Kuwata #rip - 5 years ago

@ImKaBoomBOX: RT @io9: The mind behind Japan's legendary Batmanga, Jiro Kuwata, has passed away - 5 years ago

@io9: Artist Jiro Kuwata, who brought Batman to manga, has died - 5 years ago

@damiencanteau: RT @Ryo_Saeba_3: On apprend le décès du mangaka Jiro Kuwata a l'âge de 85 ans, le 2 juillet dernier. Il est connu en occident pour avoir de… - 5 years ago

@BroganJungy: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@BigCheasy: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@MooseFullmetal: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@Giddy_Britches: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@bottomshelfbks: RT @jimchadwick1217: Very sorry to learn of the passing of mangaka Jiro Kuwata. He had a long and storied career, but like many westerners,… - 5 years ago

@CorwinB87: RT @MinovskyArticle: Only Jiro Kuwata had the courage to drop this two panel sequence with the sincerity it deserves. The rest of us go on… - 5 years ago

@Solidjon13: RT @MinovskyArticle: RIP to the legendary Jiro Kuwata. - 5 years ago

@io9: The mind behind Japan's legendary Batmanga, Jiro Kuwata, has passed away - 5 years ago

@drawin_casscain: RT @jimchadwick1217: Very sorry to learn of the passing of mangaka Jiro Kuwata. He had a long and storied career, but like many westerners,… - 5 years ago

@EamonBDoc: A thread of the photos I took from the Batmanga exhibit at the Society of Illustrators in honor of the life of Jiro… - 5 years ago

@Issac232: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@bendaru: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@WilliamBabey: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@thebeardhunter0: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@nandotur: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@Rosen_Thorne: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Jiro Kuwata, the artist of the Japanese #Batman #Manga and the creator of 8 Man. He was 85. Official announcement from… - 5 years ago

@LesWhinen: RT @DarkoLafuente: Jiro Kuwata - 5 years ago

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