Jimmy D. Long

American politician
Died on Tuesday August 9th 2016

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Jimmy D. Long:

@JoeBear1956: @saulhudson64 Been a long time since Gina Z. intro'd us, bro. Jimmy is my cousin (pic). Let's talk when you can! - 9 years ago

@LoulaaQ: @Jimmy_intvg c'est compliquer, long à expliquer et pas envie d'en parler - 9 years ago

@radio_jimmy: I could listen to Christine McVie's voice all day long. Her vocals on "I'd Rather Go Blind" when she was in Chicken Shack is something else! - 9 years ago

@Mr_Long_Island: Jimmy Bulter just need to play D and pass that bihh - 9 years ago


@MiraculousMesut: @Jimmy_Denman @OliPriceBates where'd all the Long links come from? - 9 years ago

@jimmy_216: RT @Andrew_Gribble: How'd Josh Gordon look in team drills? Hue Jackson: "Fast, long, tall, big, can catch." - 9 years ago

@listenoldchap: @Jimmy_Chilides I'd be bloody happy with sturridge as long as fee not crazy, our usual £21 Mill offer might be decent. - 9 years ago

@iBrycen: @CariChampion top 5 Pats who aren't Brady 5. Gost 4. Bennet 3. Chris Long 2. Jimmy G 1. Gronk If she had the skill set, she'd be intelligent - 9 years ago

@Jimmy_is_Dope: I liked a @YouTube video from @c50bossio - 9 years ago

@sabrunner: @mshamburge eh, you didn't miss nuthin'. Tubb told Jimmy not long after that they'd all been rounded up. - 9 years ago

@LaverneusDingle: @thenflanalyst Johnny Robinson and Jimmy Patton have been waiting for far too long. I'd argue for Butler too. Not a Lynch guy, myself. - 9 years ago

@D_GUPPSTER: RT @Becky_Draws: Hey guys, do me a big favor and report @/jimmy_johns_XXX He's been harassing people for way too long, something needs to b… - 9 years ago

@TommyDoute: Jimmy Larouche en entrevue à 70%, un long métrage uniquement -9 et un set de VJ d'un ancien band métal. GRatuit,... - 9 years ago

@JeffDawson59: Jimmy Stone is a thorn in Weitzman’s side. If not for Charlene he’d been released long ago. #Cowboys - 9 years ago

@rsharkey28: Jimmy D. Long Sr.'s legacy was highlighted during his funeral service: - 9 years ago

@jimmy_jarkarta: RT @kenvogel: Trump opened a NJ office to fanfare, boasting he'd win the state. That office is now empty. - 9 years ago

@jimmy_gapsky: @ISpoilShit @BB_Updates he wants Paulies small d in and around his mouth for long periods of time - 9 years ago

@chef_boyar_d: RT @Patii_Fittii: Its gonna be a long 4 games if Jimmy keeps standing in the pocket with his eyes and ears closed 😑 - 9 years ago

@D_Powell_: RT @WiseOne719: OL trying to get that boy killed BUT Jimmy held on to the ball too long. - 9 years ago

@FO_wordofmuth: Deon Long reminds me of the old Jimmy Johnson story where he'd give the team rules & finish w/"those are the rules & they apply to everyone" - 9 years ago

@damionhinds: Jimmy D. Long, American politician, Died at 84 - 9 years ago

@PBPrimaDonna: @MissDahlELama I held on for so long because I'd watch my babies forever. Jimmy Brooks 4 lyfe. - 9 years ago

@rsharkey28: Services for former Rep. Jimmy Long Sr. will take place Friday in Natchitoches: - 9 years ago

@jimmy_d_greek: RT @scrowder: "An Ocean's 11 reboot starring women (but only 8) called Ocean's 8 is long overdue." - Said no one ever. - 9 years ago

@JeffDawson59: Jimmy Stone is a thorn in Weitzman’s side. If not for Charlene he’d been released long ago. #Cowboys - 9 years ago

@CenlaReport: NATCHITOCHES – Funeral services for Jimmy D. Long, Sr., widely recognized as one of the most prominent and... - 9 years ago

@BourbonRealty: RT @nsula: UL System board member Jimmy D. Long, Sr. dies - 9 years ago

@hello_stacy: What a long and emotional day. I never thought we'd have to say goodbye so soon. Love you Jimmy. - 9 years ago

@ChuckKleckley: RT @LouisianaHouse: It is with a heavy heart that the House mourns the tragic loss of Former Rep. Jimmy D. Long., a true public servant. ht… - 9 years ago

@NorbNolty: RT @LouisianaHouse: It is with a heavy heart that the House mourns the tragic loss of Former Rep. Jimmy D. Long., a true public servant. ht… - 9 years ago

@adamlefort: RT @LouisianaHouse: It is with a heavy heart that the House mourns the tragic loss of Former Rep. Jimmy D. Long., a true public servant. ht… - 9 years ago

@Jimmy_Hoye: @LukeFig16 for real, and with these extremely long reviews you'd figure they get nothing wrong - 9 years ago

@NPJNatLa: UL System board member, former State Rep. Jimmy D. Long, Sr. dies in auto accident Inbox - 9 years ago

@Mageefor53: RT @LouisianaHouse: It is with a heavy heart that the House mourns the tragic loss of Former Rep. Jimmy D. Long., a true public servant. ht… - 9 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Jimmy D. Long, you will be missed - #JimmyDLong #Jimmy #D.Long #rip - 9 years ago

@Alafairmartinez: Former state Rep. Jimmy D. Long Sr., “a powerful force for a half-century for education in Louisiana,” was killed... - 9 years ago

@nsula: UL System board member Jimmy D. Long, Sr. dies - 9 years ago

@McNeesePrez: RT @ulsystem: We will miss working with Mr. Jimmy D, Long Sr. He was a loyal Board member for 15 years. - 9 years ago

@CenlaReport: Gov. Edwards statement on passing of Jimmy D. Long, Sr. Gov. John Bel Edwards said in a statement, “Jimmy Long,... - 9 years ago

@RTMannJr: RT @CenlaReport: NATCHITOCHES—Jimmy D. Long, Sr., a leader in state government for nearly a half-century, was killed in a... - 9 years ago

@CenlaReport: NATCHITOCHES—Jimmy D. Long, Sr., a leader in state government for nearly a half-century, was killed in a... - 9 years ago

@globaldatfusion: RT @LouisianaHouse: It is with a heavy heart that the House mourns the tragic loss of Former Rep. Jimmy D. Long., a true public servant. ht… - 9 years ago

@LouisianaHouse: It is with a heavy heart that the House mourns the tragic loss of Former Rep. Jimmy D. Long., a true public servant. - 9 years ago

@ulsystem: We will miss working with Mr. Jimmy D, Long Sr. He was a loyal Board member for 15 years. - 9 years ago

@JeffDawson59: Jimmy Stone is a thorn in Weitzman’s side. If not for Charlene he’d been released long ago. #Cowboys - 9 years ago

@JeffDawson59: Jimmy Stone is a thorn in Weitzman’s side. If not for Charlene he’d been released long ago. #Cowboys - 9 years ago

@JeffDawson59: Jimmy Stone is a thorn in Weitzman’s side. If not for Charlene he’d been released long ago. #Cowboys - 9 years ago

@JeffDawson59: Jimmy Stone is a thorn in Weitzman’s side. If not for Charlene he’d been released long ago. #Cowboys - 9 years ago

@favoutfit: #outfit #look Look Tip Featuring Giuseppe Zanotti Sandals, Jimmy Choo, Earrings And Long D… - 9 years ago

@JeffDawson59: Jimmy Stone is a thorn in Weitzman’s side. If not for Charlene he’d been released long ago. #Cowboys - 9 years ago

@Sandra_D_in_OKC: RT @jeffchatterton: @docrocktex26 @daniecal Jimmy Carter won Texas in 1976, in the grand scheme of things isn't that long ago. Texas WAS bl… - 9 years ago

@juliaterlep: @spencercjones89 @D_welker @logan_zimmerman @kenziemartin_ sorry took me so long to reply. Jimmy Fallon just called & wanted us on the show - 9 years ago

@BuggyPilot: Jimmy, I flat out told her NO. She insisted on being long for the GBP paycheck. Now she's PO'd. There you have it! Thanks. #NNNN - 9 years ago

@swansonian: @shaunbrilldream Ha....oh god. He'd big up Jimmy Savile as long as it keeps him contrary. - 9 years ago

@mc_arthur123: I'm not sorry about this but oh my ovaries Jimmy's hair is just wow. I have been hoping he'd change it for so long now! - 9 years ago

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