Jim Morrison

American singer, songwriter and poet best remembered as the lead singer of The Doors.
Died on Saturday July 3rd 1971

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Jim Morrison:

@JC4twenty: @trapandy jim morrison view on death was cool

@NavyP220: RT @johncardillo: Marco Rubio was born in 1971. That same year Jim Morrison & Duane Allman died. And he didn't know Wu Tang. #RubioCrimeSpr…

@stampcody3: Mr. mojoRisin or however weirdo spells it=scrambled=jim morrison

@licznerskar: RT @TheDoors: #FlashbackFriday: Legendary Blues man Albert King with Jim Morrison at the Pacific Coliseum in Vancouver, June, 1970. http://…


@AngrybriTony: @EveThomasSAFE Jimi Hendrix, Syd Barrett and Jim Morrison. For sure. Not all together though. Recipe for disaster 😂😂😂😂😂

@GuidoCavs_: eso explica pq tenia una foto de jim morrison en la carpeta

@johncardillo: Marco Rubio was born in 1971. That same year Jim Morrison & Duane Allman died. And he didn't know Wu Tang. #RubioCrimeSpree #WarOnMusic

@KevinTonn: RT @RockNRollPics: Jim Morrison by Gloria Stavers, 1967 http://t.co/QSJogvgTcH

@Diavoletto699: “Non piangere per chi non merita il tuo sorriso.” JIM MORRISON

@Singgihpbaa: Jim Morrison - The Doors "Some of the worst mistakes of my life have been haircuts." !!! -_-

@eddywerol: RT @QuarterPress: "El amor no puede salvarte de tu propio destino": JIM MORRISON (THE DOORS) http://t.co/KzpBNuR05W #FraseQRP http://t.co/…

@OnMySpaceship: http://t.co/22zmwROjHu #music The Doors Jim Morrison BG 75 3d ed Poster SF 1967 SIGNED by Bonnie MacLean !!

@Gautammips: RT @thequote: A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself. – Jim Morrison

@MrsandmrBear: RT @TheDoors: #FlashbackFriday: Legendary Blues man Albert King with Jim Morrison at the Pacific Coliseum in Vancouver, June, 1970. http://…

@kneppvmlenna: #DVD THE DOORS- ORIGINAL 1991 SOUNDTRACK CASSETTE ROCK POP JIM MORRISON #ValKilmer http://t.co/fZrb8FrWYB #Collectibles #Deals

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