Jim Kettle

Australian rules footballer (Fitzroy).
Died on Friday September 21st 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Jim Kettle:

@rteest: @Jim_Jordan Pot calling the kettle don’t ya think? #predatorssticktogether - 6 years ago

@trace509_joseph: @BreitbartNews Look at the pot calling the kettle black. Jim Carrie, the ugliest man on earth. - 6 years ago

@acinoman: @DearAuntCrabby @highbrow_nobrow @Jim_Jordan The pot calling the kettle... white. - 6 years ago

@sanfordsrus: @Jim_Jordan Pot meet kettle - 6 years ago


@Auntmickawicka: @DearAuntCrabby @highbrow_nobrow @Jim_Jordan JimJordan needs an FBI investigation related to the wrestler sex abuse… - 6 years ago

@Tabbatcat: @DearAuntCrabby @highbrow_nobrow @Jim_Jordan Pot & kettle bit these are white rich male ones. - 6 years ago

@mckernans: @alistairgreer67 Pot calling the kettle black when you're obviously a supporter of Jim Allister - 6 years ago

@mothercat51: @DearAuntCrabby @highbrow_nobrow @Jim_Jordan Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! - 6 years ago

@RoughChopOttawa: Check out this pot calling the kettle black. @ShawnMenard1 and @JoelHardenONDP are supposedly living rent free in… - 6 years ago

@Sir_JimMoriarty: @SherlockSolves_ “This could be,” Jim replied, walking by a large window. Outside in the back of the house was a la… - 6 years ago

@gardedan: @Comey Pot calling kettle Big Jim! - 6 years ago

@Jim_D77: @NBCNews Pot, meet kettle. - 6 years ago

@hamster_hami: @JTillx @Andywilds1 @IanTayl23605350 @ticketsjaved @David_Vaporium @brexit_politics @petuniasforever @Roblev0… - 6 years ago

@baffledonlooker: @JimSpenceSport Looks tasty Jim, but did you half inch that kettle from @VADundee? - 6 years ago

@janeite1900: @IluvTomBrady @FoxNews @Jim_Jordan All of them? There were more than one. It's interesting you accuse me of being i… - 6 years ago

@fantasticmeteor: @KeppnerTyler Honestly I can only think of pam and jim when you say tea kettle lmao - 6 years ago

@MichaelQuixote: Pot calls kettle... CNN's Jim Acosta: Trump 'Not in Touch with Reality' During Press Conference | Breitbart… - 6 years ago

@bunker9603: @Jim_Jordan When will you be answering Gym? Pot meet kettle. - 6 years ago

@Hummingbird075: @FoxNews @Jim_Jordan Kettle black moment - 6 years ago

@6rateful: @FoxNews @Jim_Jordan Pot meet kettle - 6 years ago

@Howard_S: Head of Mlle Borne, 1914 | Henri Gaudier-Brzeska Kettle's Yard, Cambridge, is the former home of Jim and Helen Ed… - 6 years ago

@Howard_S: Seated Woman | Henri Gaudier-Brzeska Kettle's Yard, Cambridge, is the former home of Jim and Helen Ede. Jim Ede wa… - 6 years ago

@WhosePolitics: @EWErickson Jim West, Bob Allen, Phil Hinkle, Nicholas Kettle, Don Shooter, Mark Harris, Jack Gardner, Keith Westmo… - 6 years ago

@twztid13: @HappyChichester @freedomcaucus @Jim_Jordan @POTUS You realize all the Russia gate info u believe came from Russian… - 6 years ago

@uhmandahugnkiss: @Dudenelle @ChocoateEyesBub @Fetal_Mistake @Anon_Mafioso @violetdenise @JEs_Chinions @theyhavethedumb… - 6 years ago

@rcrfan: @BeauBelcher1 @ProjectTupac @MahgdalenRose @tedcruz @SenTedCruz @mattgaetz @Jim_Jordan @marklevinshow @seanhannity… - 6 years ago

@Howard_S: Bird Swallowing a Fish, 1914 | Henri Gaudier-Brzeska Kettle's Yard, Cambridge, is the former home of Jim and Helen… - 6 years ago

@Howard_S: Bird Swallowing a Fish, 1914 | Henri Gaudier-Brzeska Kettle's Yard, Cambridge, is the former home of Jim and Helen… - 6 years ago

@floramcg7: @Jim_Jordan That’s the pot calling the kettle black - & as do you GYM JORDAN - about sexual misconduct Re: students. Total hypocrisy! - 6 years ago

@1GuyFawkes1: @Jim_Jordan Look who is calling the kettle black!!! Kinda like you turning a blind eye to the OSU Wrestlers that we… - 6 years ago

@The__Sicilian: The POT (head) calling the kettle black #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #TrumpDerangementSyndrome… - 6 years ago

@cullinan_jim: RT @BPolendey: @ShannonBream Well that's the pot calling the kettle black - obstruct and delay that's all you know how to do #SenFeinstein - 6 years ago

@Bigbish: Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Jim Carrey is the definition of entitled and a little shit. - 6 years ago

@belkkathy512: Jim Carrey Says “Entitled Little S—” Brett Kavanaugh is a Rapist “Partying His Way” to Supreme Court… - 6 years ago

@Howard_S: Exhibition sign (c. 1933) | Ben Nicholson Kettle's Yard, Cambridge, is the former home of Jim and Helen Ede. Jim E… - 6 years ago

@Howard_S: Bottle, 1974 | Katherine Pleydell-Bouverie Kettle's Yard, Cambridge, is the former home of Jim and Helen Ede. Jim… - 6 years ago

@secgrand: @finebaum Jim calling Randy a clown? I know there is a pot/kettle analogy there somewhere! LOL - 6 years ago

@nmlinguaphile: Pot, meet kettle: Jim Carrey posted a new drawing attacking Brett Kavanaugh and called him an 'entitled little s--… - 6 years ago

@maripatwilk: RT @LasersBaseball: Due to time constraints with the switch to spring baseball, Jim Wilkinson has stepped down as Kettle Moraine head coach… - 6 years ago

@LoriLorisuew: @Jim_Jordan Pot calling kettle... - 6 years ago

@Howard_S: Painting by Alfred Wallis Kettle's Yard, Cambridge, is the former home of Jim and Helen Ede. Jim Ede was assistant… - 6 years ago

@Howard_S: Paintings by Alfred Wallis Kettle's Yard, Cambridge, is the former home of Jim and Helen Ede. Jim Ede was assistan… - 6 years ago

@WhosePolitics: @comeau03 @TherealCharvey @tedcruz Jim West, Bob Allen, Phil Hinkle, Nicholas Kettle, Don Shooter, Mark Harris, Jac… - 6 years ago

@sniadecki: Today! Not your average car show...tank included. FREE. Plus Jim’s Metal Kettle popping hot fresh kettlecorn. - 6 years ago

@irishtimes123: @Jim_Jordan @DonaldJTrumpJr Yo Jimmy! Isn’t that kinda like you denying any sexual abuse took place! Hello pot, m… - 6 years ago

@RobinAlmeida5: @MarkYoungTruth @chuckwoolery Yelling 😂😂. Let’s talk about Trump and Jim Jordan. Pot calling the kettle black idiot - 6 years ago

@TheLoveDoctor84: Jim N Nick's did the food for the event staff. Pretty good BBQ sandwich with lightly flavored kettle chips. - 6 years ago

@Simpsonn019: RT @pvert1990: @Jim_Jordan Is #PedoJim questioning peoples integrity again? Are you the pot or the kettle in this scenario, #PedoJim ? - 6 years ago

@pvert1990: @Jim_Jordan Is #PedoJim questioning peoples integrity again? Are you the pot or the kettle in this scenario, #PedoJim ? - 6 years ago

@EvetteWilson1: @Jim_Jordan Oh hear you go ! Did someone record your denial in the gym or in the shower? Are they asking for you… - 6 years ago

@sonya1527: @Jim_Jordan Careful "kettle". Apparently you have issues - 6 years ago

@jesse_bannon: @Jim_Jordan Little pot calling the kettle black there, wouldn’t you say Shower Boy? #JimJordanKnew - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Jim Kettle - #JimKettle #Jim #Kettle #rip - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Jim Kettle (93) Australian rules footballer - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Jim Kettle - 6 years ago

@HarryDines2: @BBCGarethG @ianpaisleymp @bbctheview Jim's clearly not possessing of a 'pot kettle ' insight. - 6 years ago

@SouthCoastNS: POT & KETTLE? PC Party news release claims historical "largest annual increase" in members, now topping 11k. Prov d… - 6 years ago

@HelShakespeare: @lord_jim_othy Pot, kettle... those in glass houses 🙄 - 6 years ago

@brisbanelions: The Club sends its deepest condolences to the Kettle family, following the loss of former Fitzroy player Jim Kettle - 6 years ago

@RLemkin: @Jim_Rangeley Just a few - it all felt so wrong! Wine yeast will probably take it to 1.024 and then brett the rest… - 6 years ago

@DeAnnRyals: @Jim_Jordan Transparency is a good thing?! Really?! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!! You know you’re g… - 6 years ago

@Spaceacetrace2: @sam_vinograd @Jim_Jordan Pot meet kettle.... - 6 years ago

@cmidgley1988: How awful do you have to be if Jim Wells is right about you? Alliance councillor 'pot kettle black' over Jonathan… - 6 years ago

@VivaLaNixx: @Jim_Jordan ....says the pot, to the kettle. 🙄 - 6 years ago

@GaWoman61: @finebaum Jim calling anyone an idiot or moron is the pot calling the kettle black. #JimIsTheMoron - 6 years ago

@MichaelResist73: @Jim_Jordan POT, please meet ........Jism Gym Jordan!!! He is definitely an upgrade from KETTLE!!!!! 🤼‍♂️🚿🤼‍♂️🚿🤼‍♂️🚿🤼‍♂️🚿 - 6 years ago

@KendraSusanSays: So says the former coach who turned a blind eye to athletes being molested. Pot/kettle dude. @Jim_Jordan #Trump - 6 years ago

@JoleneSwitzer: @jim_gruman @CommonGroundNow Pot? Kettle? What are you selling? Who is paying you? No one is paying me. I speak truth. - 6 years ago

@ToalDeirdre: @Jimmulh @RTELateLateShow @NPAIE @progressivegen No problem Jim. Call in if your Ploughing next week - we’ll have the kettle on - 6 years ago

@joostinrextin: @lawnmowerpranks @ChapGebassi There are as many letters in "Pot Kettle" as there are "Jim Suckss." Makes u think. - 6 years ago

@gofro524: @LovesRemo @DJT_Izadouche @amysuds @Scotttaylorva @ChiefNGB Looks like your moral compass may be a few degrees off… - 6 years ago

@Wolfell3: @Jim_Jordan You know that saying about “the Pot and kettle mmmmm “ ?? ;) - 6 years ago

@sunshinedawn10: @RockoCalavasi @Jim_Jordan Well there is a kettle turning black😂 - 6 years ago

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