Jim Donlevy

Canadian football coach (Alberta Golden Bears).
Died on Thursday August 8th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Jim Donlevy:

@AthabascaU: #AthabascaU is deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Jim Donlevy, an Order of Athabasca recipient and Director… - 6 years ago

@JimTothSports: Great mention of Jim Donlevy on the #BCLions #TiCats #CFL game. True gentlemen...is and will be missed. - 6 years ago

@bbootz: hey all my CN Facebookers....obit this morning in the journal....Jim Donlevy??? - 6 years ago

@Jim_MullinTSN: A classy move by the @WHL to post the lead story on their website for the past five days with the story of what Jim… - 6 years ago


@prpnews: - 6 years ago

@bendersun: RT @TrevorKennerd: RIP former U of A Golden Bears Coach and Vanier Cup champion, Jim Donlevy - truly one of the good ones. - 6 years ago

@TrevorKennerd: RIP former U of A Golden Bears Coach and Vanier Cup champion, Jim Donlevy - truly one of the good ones. - 6 years ago

@CrisPTofu: RT @folioUAlberta: U of A mourns passing of influential coach and sport educator Jim Donlevy: - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Jim Donlevy (84) - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Jim Donlevy - #JimDonlevy #Jim #Donlevy #rip - 6 years ago

@Don_COi: RT @CSECRKerr: Jim Donlevy was many things to so many. Coach, inovator, mentor, father, but most of all he was a dear friend to all. We a… - 6 years ago

@UAlberta: RT @folioUAlberta: U of A mourns passing of influential coach and sport educator Jim Donlevy: - 6 years ago

@BTORY: RT @folioUAlberta: U of A mourns passing of influential coach and sport educator Jim Donlevy: - 6 years ago

@camtait: My thoughts on the passing of Jim Donlevy ...q - 6 years ago

@Durham76: RT @folioUAlberta: U of A mourns passing of influential coach and sport educator Jim Donlevy: - 6 years ago

@camtait: From last night ... - 6 years ago

@swan1585: RT @HockeyAlberta: Hockey Alberta is saddened to hear of the passing of Jim Donlevy, deepest condolences to Jim's family and friends. https… - 6 years ago

@camtait: A champion of a man - 6 years ago

@DrShasha1: RT @Bhsteeler: Jim Donlevy remembered as great coach and mentor, via @edmontonjournal - 6 years ago

@camtait: Remembering, Jim Donlevy - 6 years ago

@BearsandPandas: RT @folioUAlberta: U of A mourns passing of influential coach and sport educator Jim Donlevy: - 6 years ago

@charlietoth54: RT @CoachNill: .. football loses one of the good guys .. Coach Jim Donlevy .. the @UAIberta headman for two national championships (72 & 80… - 6 years ago

@DrShasha1: RT @bdnwheatkings: The #BWK and @TheWHL mourn the passing of longime friend and colleague Jim Donlevy... Read: - 6 years ago

@ReidWilkins: First hour of Inside Sports: Remembering Jim Donlevy Christion Jones joins the #Esks Blake Dermott #yeg - 6 years ago

@RogerJevne: RT @BearsandPandas: “He was a passionate supporter of the @UAlberta and a dedicated coach. He always had the best interests of the students… - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Jim Donlevy - 6 years ago

@folioUAlberta: U of A mourns passing of influential coach and sport educator Jim Donlevy: - 6 years ago

@allenpanzeri2: RT @BearsandPandas: “He was a passionate supporter of the @UAlberta and a dedicated coach. He always had the best interests of the students… - 6 years ago

@LloydminsterMFA: Golden Bears' Coach Donlevy will be fondly remembered by many. #GoldenBears #JimDonlevy - 6 years ago

@KonkinM: RT @TheWHL: The WHL is deeply saddened by the passing of our great friend & colleague, Jim Donlevy. IN MEMORIAM 📚 | - 6 years ago

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