Jim Charlton

Canadian coin dealer and numismatic publisher.
Died on Friday September 20th 2013

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Jim Charlton:

@Jim_Molan: RT @Britishbattles: http://t.co/MNTfCLGKhB 13th Light Dragoons at Balaclava 1854 John Charlton http://t.co/NnVlxNHkYf

@GeorgeHorsey92: @RiMMeR2010 @max_charlton Jim don't get me started on Fulham

@arguellesadonai: PHANTOM #36 1970-CHARLTON-STEVE DITKO-JIM APARO-fn http://t.co/S5IFQAdmLh http://t.co/CtOxpkDpwf

@toledoteseo: PHANTOM #36 1970-CHARLTON-STEVE DITKO-JIM APARO-fn http://t.co/D61p3ChUAc http://t.co/RgGuJDjvJy


@butalezi: @MartinMarty1974 Jim Fekking Melrose got Charlton's winner at the last knocking of the first leg.

@TrashFilmGuru: RT @DitkoCultist: Original Art: Jungle Jim #22 - "Wizard of Dark Mountain" Original Art (Page 5, 1969) (Charlton Comics) http://t.co/yh8jKh…

@SpaceChief75: CHARLTON Comics - Jungle Jim #'s 23 & 28 http://t.co/DoYUuwNULJ

@Jim_Fielding1: RT @HLTCO: Pardew: "We're a London club. We're the only club south of the river and we want to kick on now." Charlton and Millwall no long…

@AuraDundalk: RT @LiveatOriel: Bobby Charlton with former Dundalk Chairman Jim Malone.Charlton was boss of Preston in 76 at time.Played DlkJuly. http://…

@Tedso: RT @LiveatOriel: Bobby Charlton with former Dundalk Chairman Jim Malone.Charlton was boss of Preston in 76 at time.Played DlkJuly. http://…

@LiveatOriel: Bobby Charlton with former Dundalk Chairman Jim Malone.Charlton was boss of Preston in 76 at time.Played DlkJuly. http://t.co/jbrwOjSUDE

@incomedy: Alanis Morrisette, Jim Parsons (who stars in An Act of God on Broadway this month), and Charlton Heston. Photo... http://t.co/VFVw7bEtIz

@incomedy: Alanis Morrisette, Jim Parsons (who stars in An Act of God on Broadway this month), and Charlton Heston. Photo... http://t.co/nFWvGxreQX

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