Jill Jolliffe

Australian journalist and author.
Died on Saturday December 3rd 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Jill Jolliffe:

@bashhoops: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@carolineribeiro: Este ano, aproveitamos o ensejo do prêmio para homenagear Jill Jolliffe. Antiga correspondente australiana em Lisbo… - 2 years ago

@DaAiep: Este ano, também homenageamos a jornalista Jill Jolliffe, que faleceu em Melbourne. Antiga correspondente australia… - 2 years ago

@jillianmcarroll: Sadly my Monash friend Jill Jolliffe who wrote Cover Up and Balibo 5 passed away on December 2 in Melbourne. After… - 2 years ago


@bemusedoz: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@AffirmPress: Affirm Press is sad to hear of the passing of Jill Jolliffe, a fearless journalist, whose memoir RUN FOR YOUR LIFE… - 2 years ago

@Phoebe2302: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@sedvitae: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@JohnKotlash: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@dazza50: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@IanHartley_: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@NOGallagher: RT @FionaGruber: Farewell to the fine and fearless foreign correspondent Jill Jolliffe, champion of East Timor, fighter for justice for the… - 2 years ago

@KerrinaSwords: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@josephlobianco: RIP Jill Jolliffe, remarkable and brave person, a career with many achievements, most notably as one of the great c… - 2 years ago

@MichaelMaley7: RT @GordonPeake: I really admire Penny Wong but the throwaway callousness of the line about #timorleste in her Whitlam oration and implicat… - 2 years ago

@TomHyland2: RT @GordonPeake: I really admire Penny Wong but the throwaway callousness of the line about #timorleste in her Whitlam oration and implicat… - 2 years ago

@kera_doa: RT @GordonPeake: I really admire Penny Wong but the throwaway callousness of the line about #timorleste in her Whitlam oration and implicat… - 2 years ago

@leitemagalhae: RT @GordonPeake: I really admire Penny Wong but the throwaway callousness of the line about #timorleste in her Whitlam oration and implicat… - 2 years ago

@GordonPeake: I really admire Penny Wong but the throwaway callousness of the line about #timorleste in her Whitlam oration and i… - 2 years ago

@JMussuaili: @AnaMartinsGomes Tive a felicidade de conhecer a Jill Jolliffe em Lisboa! Em Timor tive o prazer de conhecer e trab… - 2 years ago

@VMMoncrieff: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@LafaekNews: Jill Jolliffe Prova Duni Katak ‘Kaneta Nia Meik Kro’at Liu Kilat-Musan - 2 years ago

@IndependenteTL: Saudoza Jill Jolliffe: ‘kaneta nia meik kro’at liu kilat-musan’ - 2 years ago

@IndependenteTL: PR Horta Hato'o Solidaridade ba Jornalista Jill Jolliffe - 2 years ago

@robertaloug: RT @GordonPeake: Such sad news about the passing of Jill Jolliffe, legendary journalist & incorrigible truth-seeker. Did as much as anyone… - 2 years ago

@HatutanNews: Hanoin Hikas Saudoza Jill Jolliffe, ‘Kaneta Nia Meik Kro’at Liu Kilat-Musan’ - 2 years ago

@TomClarkeTweets: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@STLNews_TL: Presiden Republik, Jose Ramos Horta menyampaikan belasungkawa yang mendalam atas meninggalnya seorang jurnalis dan… - 2 years ago

@zediasclaros: Morreu Jill Jolliffe, jornalista que testemunhou invasão indonésia de Timor - 2 years ago

@morning50356353: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@SantunesSergio: Injustiça é uma injustiça e não muda com o tempo. Jill Jolliffe - 2 years ago

@SantunesSergio: RT @dntwit: Jill Jolliffe, a heroína do povo timorense - 2 years ago

@chryschrystello: JILL JOLLIFFE - 2 years ago

@dntwit: Jill Jolliffe, a heroína do povo timorense - 2 years ago

@MarioGalego1: RT @AnaMartinsGomes: Que tristeza! RIP, extraordinária, corajosa, persistente jornalista Jill Jolliffe! A primeira e, contra tudo e todos,… - 2 years ago

@suma3: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@pickledog47: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@globalpol61: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@kirkmurphy: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@SparkyTweetScot: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@buck_ers: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@Definit02209600: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@StephenMcDonell: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@OziBloke2009: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@seixasdacosta: Jill Jolliffe - 2 years ago

@JSalmonupstream: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@MzsDanubia: RT @Publico: Jornalismo: Morreu Jill Jolliffe, jornalista que testemunhou invasão indonésia de Timor - 2 years ago

@AnaMartinsGomes: RT @Publico: Jornalismo: Morreu Jill Jolliffe, jornalista que testemunhou invasão indonésia de Timor - 2 years ago

@maragitado: Morreu Jill Jolliffe, jornalista que testemunhou invasão indonésia de Timor - 2 years ago

@LanieP: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@dntwit: Jill Jolliffe, a heroína do povo timorense - 2 years ago

@Littlesparrow9: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

@Johan_Scheffer: RT @PaulieStewart: RIP one of Australia’s greatest ever journalists Jill Jolliffe. She never gave up promoting East Timorese independence e… - 2 years ago

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