Jihadi John

British member of Islamic State
Died on Thursday November 12th 2015

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Jihadi John:

@N_Herts_Hornet: RT @NDM_UK: Jihadi John pinpointed by #SAS for US airstrike because of BASEBALL CAP he always wore - 9 years ago

@ilhams4: Aksi isis teror paris atas kematian john - 9 years ago

@chralie: RT @i_mac82: So they could find Sadaam Husain & put him on trial but claim it's impossible to capture jihadi John? Fuck right off! #bbcaq - 9 years ago

@hillil: RT @i_mac82: So they could find Sadaam Husain & put him on trial but claim it's impossible to capture jihadi John? Fuck right off! #bbcaq - 9 years ago


@WomenDefyUKIP: RT @i_mac82: So they could find Sadaam Husain & put him on trial but claim it's impossible to capture jihadi John? Fuck right off! #bbcaq - 9 years ago

@i_mac82: So they could find Sadaam Husain & put him on trial but claim it's impossible to capture jihadi John? Fuck right off! #bbcaq - 9 years ago

@StuartBenSmith: @BBCAnyQuestions Lindsey German, Guess what? Jihadi John will not kill anyone else, and your method of capture. - 9 years ago

@Ravishagarwal: what a coincidence #JihadiJohn #MadamSecretary - 9 years ago

@pseato2015: RT @NDM_UK: Jihadi John pinpointed by #SAS for US airstrike because of BASEBALL CAP he always wore - 9 years ago

@HarrisRunislife: RT @RomellaJanene: #Jihadi John was only a spokesperson. Businesses don't shut down b/c the spokesperson's gone. Ask Subway re: #Jared. #cl… - 9 years ago

@amanda8966689: RT @BritainFirst: CAGE - call Jihadi John "beautiful" but 'too busy' to condemn Paris attacks - - 9 years ago

@RobExRAF: RT @NDM_UK: Jihadi John pinpointed by #SAS for US airstrike because of BASEBALL CAP he always wore - 9 years ago

@NDM_UK: Jihadi John pinpointed by #SAS for US airstrike because of BASEBALL CAP he always wore - 9 years ago

@chinkyyy67: RT @kylehardiee: jihadi John's sister asked him to dj at her wedding.. he says Isis naebor - 9 years ago

@QbeseS92: A U.S. airstrike targeted ’Jihadi John,’ a terrorist seen in ISIS beheading videos - 9 years ago

@pama1969: @ReneDCFC had few diffs with his'it should've been citizen's arrest on Jihadi John'comment.U don't want troops on grd so how does that work? - 9 years ago

@spicy763: How Jihadi John was tracked down in Syria - BBC News - 9 years ago

@glitterlollipop: Like genuine isis accounts are going be under the name of jihadi john isis - 9 years ago

@GrantWiffen: RT @kylehardiee: jihadi John's sister asked him to dj at her wedding.. he says Isis naebor - 9 years ago

@JoergStiller: What suggests a rather minor democratical influence on Muslims. London Jihadi John was an integrated programmer. - 9 years ago

@gemma_knottsx: RT @kylehardiee: jihadi John's sister asked him to dj at her wedding.. he says Isis naebor - 9 years ago

@MackSophie: RT @kylehardiee: jihadi John's sister asked him to dj at her wedding.. he says Isis naebor - 9 years ago

@taylamckendrick: RT @kylehardiee: jihadi John's sister asked him to dj at her wedding.. he says Isis naebor - 9 years ago

@jonathanowenkni: RT @kylehardiee: jihadi John's sister asked him to dj at her wedding.. he says Isis naebor - 9 years ago

@EwanBorthwick22: RT @kylehardiee: jihadi John's sister asked him to dj at her wedding.. he says Isis naebor - 9 years ago

@taylor7jones13: RT @kylehardiee: jihadi John's sister asked him to dj at her wedding.. he says Isis naebor - 9 years ago

@KillingDrones: West London terrorist "Jihadi John" 'killed' in drone strike: West London terrorist "Jihadi John" 'killed' in ... - 9 years ago

@Richard12545678: Jeremy Corbyn: I'm awaiting an explanation for why Jihadi John was killed ? - 9 years ago

@VirineyaMr: How they got Jihadi John US and UK officials tracked down Mohammed Emwazi with a variety of methods, ranging from human intelligence to d - 9 years ago

@gregorstephen2: RT @kylehardiee: jihadi John's sister asked him to dj at her wedding.. he says Isis naebor - 9 years ago

@rachaellippe: RT @kylehardiee: jihadi John's sister asked him to dj at her wedding.. he says Isis naebor - 9 years ago

@sam_wbu: jihadi John's sister asked him to dj at her wedding.. he says Isis naebother 😂😂😂 - 9 years ago

@DudleyBoyz1345: RT @cnnbrk: "Jihadi John" associate arrested while on the way to deliver terror attack orders. - 9 years ago

@craigmcintosh99: RT @kylehardiee: jihadi John's sister asked him to dj at her wedding.. he says Isis naebor - 9 years ago

@danielleelias84: RT @Matt_VanDyke: My recent appearance on @FFweekend on @FoxNews discussing #SyrianRefugees, #ParisAttacks, #ISIS, and Jihadi John: https:/… - 9 years ago

@CalumGriffiths: RT @kylehardiee: jihadi John's sister asked him to dj at her wedding.. he says Isis naebor - 9 years ago

@TJCR1: RT @Matt_VanDyke: My recent appearance on @FFweekend on @FoxNews discussing #SyrianRefugees, #ParisAttacks, #ISIS, and Jihadi John: https:/… - 9 years ago

@filterednews: If Obama Can Blast Jihadi John, Why Are ISIS’s Headquarters Still Standing? - NatReview - 9 years ago

@Chelseal10x: RT @kylehardiee: jihadi John's sister asked him to dj at her wedding.. he says Isis naebor - 9 years ago

@raphInoma: I'm reading US military ‘reasonably certain’ drone strike killed ‘Jihadi John’on biNu News. #news - 9 years ago

@ryaaanfinlaaay: RT @Hedgy16: jihadi John's sister asked him to dj at her wedding.. he says Isis naebor - 9 years ago

@timelivenews: Jihadi John associate on his way to Europe was arrested in Turkey - 9 years ago

@EDTV0: Jihadi John has been plastered over the media so we feel that normal people in Britain can also be seen as a threat @LBC - 9 years ago

@AngloAgnostic: RT @Hillchaser: CAGE campaign group that defended Jihadi John were 'too busy' to condemn Paris attacks - 9 years ago

@lovethAdams123: RT @cnnbrk: "Jihadi John" associate arrested while on the way to deliver terror attack orders. - 9 years ago

@love2evans: RT @cnnbrk: "Jihadi John" associate arrested while on the way to deliver terror attack orders. - 9 years ago

@JannyUgo: RT @cnnbrk: "Jihadi John" associate arrested while on the way to deliver terror attack orders. - 9 years ago

@IdrisLovelyn: RT @cnnbrk: "Jihadi John" associate arrested while on the way to deliver terror attack orders. - 9 years ago

@ModerateMaude: @NicholasTyrone Unelectable coz dont agree with Shoot to Kill -JEAN CHARLES DE MENEZES. 'Jihadi John' MURDER A MURDERER 2 WRONGS MAKE RIGHT? - 9 years ago

@drcromarty: RT @GraceGrann: - 9 years ago

@drcromarty: RT @GraceGrann: - 9 years ago

@2mtbottles: RT @brooking1980: So 24% of people in the uk think it was wrong to kill jihadi John. What planet r these people own, what about the barbar… - 9 years ago

@EdmundEngland: RT @Hillchaser: CAGE campaign group that defended Jihadi John were 'too busy' to condemn Paris attacks - 9 years ago

@TheAmazingBriz: RT @Integralmathyt: Our terrorist pal is fortunate we don't behead people. Jihadi John associatewas arrested in Turkey - 9 years ago

@KassandraTroy: RT @TaninKendal: Corbyn: "I'm awaiting an explanation for why Jihadi John was killed" @KassandraTroy @UzayB https:/… - 9 years ago

@aidanannan_: RT @kylehardiee: jihadi John's sister asked him to dj at her wedding.. he says Isis naebor - 9 years ago

@Mumbaiblogger1: RT @news_in: Jihadi John killed in US drone strike? - 9 years ago

@GraceGrann: - 9 years ago

@fashcroft: 2. I wish he could end up like 'Jihadi John'... 2 hellfire missiles to eviscerate him and dispatch him to the great beyond. - 9 years ago

@Integralmathyt: Our terrorist pal is fortunate we don't behead people. Jihadi John associatewas arrested in Turkey - 9 years ago

@OllieAFC_: Corbyns comments on the terrorist attack on Paris and the death of jihadi John show that he will never be fit to be our prime minister - 9 years ago

@Gigi_San_: RT @EditiEffiong: Not a good week to be a terrorist named John. Jihadi John fried by hellfire missiles, John Trankil arrested in Borno. - 9 years ago

@Sarah_Mcpake: RT @SomeEvertonFan: 'Caitlyn Jenner wins women of the year' What the fuck next? "Congratulations to jihadi John for winning the noble peac… - 9 years ago

@Massimo_Masini: RT @RussiaInsider: Black Catte: Timing of 'Jihadi John' Death Couldn't Be More Convenient - 9 years ago

@tommy_w8: RT @SomeEvertonFan: 'Caitlyn Jenner wins women of the year' What the fuck next? "Congratulations to jihadi John for winning the noble peac… - 9 years ago

@Tripinbalz: RT @IndyVoices: Jeremy Corbyn was right about Jihadi John - and if you listened to his victims' families, you'd know that - 9 years ago

@englishbul: Jihadi john lives he was at the wrcwales - 9 years ago

@Dylan_Evans_: RT @SomeEvertonFan: 'Caitlyn Jenner wins women of the year' What the fuck next? "Congratulations to jihadi John for winning the noble peac… - 9 years ago

@dan_bibby: @SomeEvertonFan jihadi John's dead mate - 9 years ago

@Colton_Laird: RT @CloydRivers: Hey Jihadi John, when you mess with the best, you'll die like the rest. Red, White, and BOOM. Merica. - 9 years ago

@paulpmcr: Facebook user is arrested for posting message saying Manchester is next & PRAISING Paris attacks - 9 years ago

@jimmcbride13: After the debacle of Iraq, I love how same apologists for that debacle now think that now ALL allied casualties... - 9 years ago

@ScttSmpsn: RT @SomeEvertonFan: 'Caitlyn Jenner wins women of the year' What the fuck next? "Congratulations to jihadi John for winning the noble peac… - 9 years ago

@LatinaforTed: RT @RockyTop_VA: Obama is clearly on the side of Muslims and only gets tough when he's threatened personally, like with Jihadi John. @Buz… - 9 years ago

@jaeggifranz: Jeremy Corbyn questions legality of drone strike against Jihadi John - 9 years ago

@j_king456: RT @SomeEvertonFan: 'Caitlyn Jenner wins women of the year' What the fuck next? "Congratulations to jihadi John for winning the noble peac… - 9 years ago

@SomeEvertonFan: 'Caitlyn Jenner wins women of the year' What the fuck next? "Congratulations to jihadi John for winning the noble peace prize' - 9 years ago

@AlexPerseval: @HailHailHiggy yes but think about it... We kill their leaders (jihadi john) then they will wanna kill one of ours - 9 years ago

@LabourEoin: @hx_06 I'm very glad Jihadi John is dead. I gather David Haines' wife has a different view. That's about as much thought as I have given it. - 9 years ago

@teetag48: Facebook user is arrested for posting message PRAISING Paris attacks and Jihadi John an... - Daily Mail - 9 years ago

@somefella1972: Air France plane grounded after 'Jihadi John' Twitter threat - Was only there few months ago - 9 years ago

@XphrP: @ajam @tomkutsch "Jihadi John's" symbolism is not gone. Au contraire. - 9 years ago

@Teri_TheLawyer: RT @haaretzcom: Strike on "Jihadi John" took months of planning by US and British intelligence agencies - 9 years ago

@janerross: RT @southernkimmy: 'Jihadi John' Japan victim's mother wants violence to end - The Washington Times - 9 years ago

@Allnewsasia: Now in Asia: Japan victim's father calls 'Jihadi John' death karma, not closure - 9 years ago

@S_Leeds: RT @goodcurtis: Maps & New Secrets How "Jihadi John" Killed in Raqqa - 9 years ago

@kimboozz: Japan victim's father calls 'Jihadi John' death karma, not closure - 9 years ago

@DrMartyFox: RT @KarrattiPaul: 'ISIS fanatic Jihadi John killed by a US drone strike' in Raqqa #isisSUCKS #islamSUCKS - 9 years ago

@ACMMAWA: U.S. drone strike targeted ‘Jihadi John,’ Briton linked to hostage beheadings - 9 years ago

@brentprint: Ahhh, the "pest" @alexbersin via @thinkchristian shares hope not hope in US but true hope. lets not play chess - 9 years ago

@cachejobscom: #Strike on "Jihadi John" unfolded quickly, but hunt took months #jobs #500K #: #Shortly before midnight Thursd... - 9 years ago

@Ay_fiddy: Jihadi John' was killed in drone strike. They boys waited till Friday for do something. - 9 years ago

@h3mini: 📷 Your Friday Briefing: ‘Jihadi John,’ University of Missouri, Justin …: - 9 years ago

@chemitw: 📷 Pentagon ‘Reasonably Certain’ 'Jihadi John’ …: - 9 years ago

@Flah203: RT @SkyNews: These are the known victims of 'Jihadi John' - 9 years ago

@jaredmpaul: It's insulting that the @nypost has a story on their front page about getting Jihadi John after last night. The focus should be on #Paris. - 9 years ago

@Kirk4Defiance: RT @MaxBoot: I'm glad US got Abu Nabil in Libya and Jihadi John in Syria but isolated strikes won't defeat entrenched insurgency. - 9 years ago

@piyushyadav6821: RT @haaretzcom: Strike on "Jihadi John" took months of planning by US and British intelligence agencies - 9 years ago

@brisbanesnews: Airstrike Targeting 'Jihadi John' Offers Jim Foley's Mother No Solace - 9 years ago

@TomRtweets: @BklynMiddleton - 9 years ago

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