Jerry Tucker

American child actor (Our Gang film series).
Died on Thursday November 24th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Jerry Tucker:

@nykia_tucker: This video was the cutest thing, especially little Jerry❣️❣️@laurenplatt7 - 8 years ago

@tucker_keli: RT @THANKYOUSTU: STUESDAY DEC. 13 Redwood City, CA STU ALLEN & MARS HOTEL JERRY GARCIA DAY BENNEFIT 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 @JerryDaySF @ClubFoxRW… - 8 years ago

@tucker_keli: @pawhite @cedarflats @69mangoman @ohcannabeth @staci_SSS @almostablaze @pjl1015 Not with Jerry! I saw Jerry, not in a tablecloth. - 8 years ago

@tucker_keli: @cedarflats @pawhite @69mangoman @ohcannabeth @staci_SSS @almostablaze @pjl1015 Hahaha! Nice mock up of Jerry in the tablecloth! 😂 - 8 years ago


@hayag_jerry: RT @asamjulian: Tucker Carlson presses Jill Stein’s goofy campaign manager on #Recount2016. Beware, the stupid is very strong. - 8 years ago

@lipstickonme: Jerry Coleman~ The first pitch to Tucker Ashford is grounded into left field. No wait a minute. Its ball one. Low and outside. - 8 years ago

@Citizen_USA1: Re Inner Cities, @realDonaldTrump needs to launch a Jerry McGuire #HelpMeHelpYou Campaign! Hold local officials accountable! #MAGA #Tucker - 8 years ago

@a2burns: 'Our Gang' and Radio Soap Actor Jerry Tucker Dead at 91 - 8 years ago

@bizzygirl1: @jerry_shonk Tucker would put Hil in her place, I can't believe Devon hasn't. He knows Hil is a bitch!! We need another story ASAP, boring - 8 years ago

@bizzygirl1: @jerry_shonk love Tucker and Devon even had a story line then, it was awesome. Tucker could want Devon to start up his business in GC #YR - 8 years ago

@jerry_shonk: @bizzygirl1 Yes!!!! Bring Tucker back!!!! - 8 years ago

@DoljaninPeter: RT @2Alpha: On Tucker: 😏 Gay Jerry equates Trump's comments about Putin to Castro's death squads and no free press. - 8 years ago

@Willsdarlin: RT @2Alpha: On Tucker: 😏 Gay Jerry equates Trump's comments about Putin to Castro's death squads and no free press. - 8 years ago

@KatQ1: RT @2Alpha: On Tucker: 😏 Gay Jerry equates Trump's comments about Putin to Castro's death squads and no free press. - 8 years ago

@MarkReagan58: So sick of Jerry Rivers! Loved Johnny Carson with his jokes about this idiots nose in a cast Tucker you are Number 1 #TuckerCarlsonTonight - 8 years ago

@gottomoveit: @TuckerCarlson Tucker I enjoy your new show - keep Geraldo Rivera [aka Jerry Rivers] off your show - he cheapens it He is clueless on Castro - 8 years ago

@illinoismudcat: RT @2Alpha: On Tucker: 😏 Gay Jerry equates Trump's comments about Putin to Castro's death squads and no free press. - 8 years ago

@2Alpha: RT @2Alpha: On Tucker: 😏 Gay Jerry equates Trump's comments about Putin to Castro's death squads and no free press. - 8 years ago

@2Alpha: On Tucker: 😏 Gay Jerry equates Trump's comments about Putin to Castro's death squads and no free press. - 8 years ago

@jerry_plumber: @FoxNews I don't know. Seems like Fox is giving Tucker real fools. OMG this Marc Perkel is strange. - 8 years ago

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