Jerry Perenchio

American businessman
Died on Wednesday May 24th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Jerry Perenchio:

@laudenslager_tr: RT @LatinGRAMMYs: Un pionero tanto en la industria de la música como en los medios de comunicación... Todos extrañaremos inmensamente a Je… - 8 years ago

@TheDailyTV: Fallece Jerry Perenchio, clave en la reconversión de @Univision >> - 8 years ago

@susanamouse_17: RT @LatinGRAMMYs: A cherished member of our GRAMMY family and a pioneer in both the music and media businesses. Jerry Perenchio will be gr… - 8 years ago

@QueNocheAVR: RT @ottompadron: Daisy Exposito what an excellent story... those were magical years... thx for the share - 8 years ago


@SoyValeFans: RT @ottompadron: Daisy Exposito what an excellent story... those were magical years... thx for the share - 8 years ago

@AngelMixVale: RT @ottompadron: Daisy Exposito what an excellent story... those were magical years... thx for the share - 8 years ago

@tamiisuarezz15: RT @ottompadron: Daisy Exposito what an excellent story... those were magical years... thx for the share - 8 years ago

@rottendeadpool: - 8 years ago

@angieydanicoarg: RT @ottompadron: Daisy Exposito what an excellent story... those were magical years... thx for the share - 8 years ago

@susanamouse_17: RT @LatinGRAMMYs: Un pionero tanto en la industria de la música como en los medios de comunicación... Todos extrañaremos inmensamente a Je… - 8 years ago

@lunamanu202: RT @LatinGRAMMYs: A cherished member of our GRAMMY family and a pioneer in both the music and media businesses. Jerry Perenchio will be gr… - 8 years ago

@valepadronArg: RT @ottompadron: Daisy Exposito what an excellent story... those were magical years... thx for the share - 8 years ago

@ValeFanBsAsArg: RT @ottompadron: Daisy Exposito what an excellent story... those were magical years... thx for the share - 8 years ago

@ottompadron: Daisy Exposito what an excellent story... those were magical years... thx for the share - 8 years ago

@lunamanu202: RT @LatinGRAMMYs: Un pionero tanto en la industria de la música como en los medios de comunicación... Todos extrañaremos inmensamente a Je… - 8 years ago

@kayla9x: RT @LatinGRAMMYs: A cherished member of our GRAMMY family and a pioneer in both the music and media businesses. Jerry Perenchio will be gr… - 8 years ago

@hispanicad: We met at his apartment near The Museum of Modern Art in New York. He had invited me over for a meeting in which... - 8 years ago

@kayla9x: RT @LatinGRAMMYs: Un pionero tanto en la industria de la música como en los medios de comunicación... Todos extrañaremos inmensamente a Je… - 8 years ago

@lizbeth_meshell: RT @LatinGRAMMYs: A cherished member of our GRAMMY family and a pioneer in both the music and media businesses. Jerry Perenchio will be gr… - 8 years ago

@lizbeth_meshell: RT @LatinGRAMMYs: Un pionero tanto en la industria de la música como en los medios de comunicación... Todos extrañaremos inmensamente a Je… - 8 years ago

@WillysBaldSpot: RT @TimothyDNaegele: Jerry Perenchio: Kind And Caring. See - 8 years ago

@MichaelSocolow: TIL: Jerry Perenchio, who died this week, financed "Spinal Tap" on top of everything else he did. Incredible. RIP. - 8 years ago

@itsdarlasway: RT @LatinGRAMMYs: A cherished member of our GRAMMY family and a pioneer in both the music and media businesses. Jerry Perenchio will be gr… - 8 years ago

@sandybarrym: RT @LatinGRAMMYs: A cherished member of our GRAMMY family and a pioneer in both the music and media businesses. Jerry Perenchio will be gr… - 8 years ago

@itsdarlasway: RT @LatinGRAMMYs: Un pionero tanto en la industria de la música como en los medios de comunicación... Todos extrañaremos inmensamente a Je… - 8 years ago

@Sailorgrl8: RT @Schwarzenegger: Jerry Perenchio had a big vision & a bigger heart - he always gave back. He was an example to all of us & I was proud t… - 8 years ago

@sandybarrym: RT @LatinGRAMMYs: Un pionero tanto en la industria de la música como en los medios de comunicación... Todos extrañaremos inmensamente a Je… - 8 years ago

@ArnieFilmQuotes: RT @Schwarzenegger: Jerry Perenchio had a big vision & a bigger heart - he always gave back. He was an example to all of us & I was proud t… - 8 years ago

@TheDailyTV: Fallece Jerry Perenchio, clave en la reconversión de @Univision >> - 8 years ago

@Charlesinspired: 20 Rules of the Road, Jerry Perenchio's Unfading Wisdom - 8 years ago

@NatAmRepublican: RT @NYTObits: The man who turned Univision into the dominant Hispanic TV network in the U.S. has died at 86: - 8 years ago

@TimothyDNaegele: Jerry Perenchio: Kind And Caring. See - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: He wanted "to serve a community that had been predominantly overlooked and underserved.” — Randy Falco of Univision - 8 years ago

@TimothyDNaegele: Jerry Perenchio: Kind And Caring - 8 years ago

@AlbertoIslas: RT @NYTObits: The man who turned Univision into the dominant Hispanic TV network in the U.S. has died at 86: - 8 years ago

@JulianVenturaV: RT @NYTObits: The man who turned Univision into the dominant Hispanic TV network in the U.S. has died at 86: - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: The man who turned Univision into the dominant Hispanic TV network in the U.S. has died at 86: - 8 years ago

@taddlidia: RT @LatinGRAMMYs: A cherished member of our GRAMMY family and a pioneer in both the music and media businesses. Jerry Perenchio will be gr… - 8 years ago

@taddlidia: RT @LatinGRAMMYs: Un pionero tanto en la industria de la música como en los medios de comunicación... Todos extrañaremos inmensamente a Je… - 8 years ago

@cassianelwes: RT @Variety: Disney's Alan Horn remembers his ‘brilliant friend,’ the late Jerry Perenchio - 8 years ago

@KaiDaywalker: 20 "Rules of the Road," Jerry Perenchio's Unfading Wisdom. - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: Jerry Perenchio, an entertainment mogul, had many business values. He died at 86: - 8 years ago

@ArTallks: RT @Variety: Disney's Alan Horn remembers his ‘brilliant friend,’ the late Jerry Perenchio - 8 years ago

@Variety_Claudia: A Big Thanks to Alan Horn! Disney’s Alan Horn Remembers His ‘Brilliant Friend’ Jerry Perenchio - 8 years ago

@iTruck_NEWS: Disney’s Alan Horn Remembers His ‘Brilliant Friend’ Jerry Perenchio - 8 years ago

@bonitamukherje1: RT @Variety: Disney's Alan Horn remembers his ‘brilliant friend,’ the late Jerry Perenchio - 8 years ago

@iTruck_NEWS: Disney’s Alan Horn Remembers His ‘Brilliant Friend’ Jerry Perenchio - 8 years ago

@AvaAssistant: Variety : Disney’s Alan Horn Remembers His ‘Brilliant Friend’ Jerry Perenchio - 8 years ago

@TomFlowers: Disney’s Alan Horn Remembers His ‘Brilliant Friend’ Jerry Perenchio - 8 years ago

@AlyxisHolliman: RT @Variety: Disney's Alan Horn remembers his ‘brilliant friend,’ the late Jerry Perenchio - 8 years ago

@Variety: Disney's Alan Horn remembers his ‘brilliant friend,’ the late Jerry Perenchio - 8 years ago

@Disneylizer: Disney’s Alan Horn Remembers His ‘Brilliant Friend’ #JerryPerenchio #disney - 8 years ago

@michaelahovis: Disney’s Alan Horn Remembers His ‘Brilliant Friend’ Jerry Perenchio - 8 years ago

@ca_90210: Disney’s Alan Horn Remembers His ‘Brilliant Friend’ Jerry Perenchio - 8 years ago

@alcan7: RT @Schwarzenegger: Jerry Perenchio had a big vision & a bigger heart - he always gave back. He was an example to all of us & I was proud t… - 8 years ago

@see_venice: RT @NYTObits: Jerry Perenchio, an entertainment mogul, had many business values. He died at 86: - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: Jerry Perenchio, an entertainment mogul, had many business values. He died at 86: - 8 years ago

@typom: RT @LATimesFreshInk: Remembering LA philanthropist Jerry Perenchio. @MegJamesLAT joins @KCRWPressPlay: - 8 years ago

@thought4daily: Jerry Perenchio, Entertainment Mogul Who Counseled ‘Think Big,’ Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@TheDailyTV: Fallece Jerry Perenchio, clave en la reconversión de @Univision >> - 8 years ago

@ShwarzyGOD: RT @Schwarzenegger: Jerry Perenchio had a big vision & a bigger heart - he always gave back. He was an example to all of us & I was proud t… - 8 years ago

@lonbouldin: Jerry Perenchio, Entertainment Mogul Who Advised ‘Think Big,’ Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@CalandraItal: Jerry Perenchio, Entertainment Mogul Who Advised ‘Think Big,’ Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@Matt_LaCroix: RT @nytimesbusiness: The man who turned Univision into the dominant Hispanic TV network in the U.S. has died at 86: - 8 years ago

@Donengene: RT @nytimesbusiness: The man who turned Univision into the dominant Hispanic TV network in the U.S. has died at 86: - 8 years ago

@DeanLand: RT @nytimesbusiness: The man who turned Univision into the dominant Hispanic TV network in the U.S. has died at 86: - 8 years ago

@InvestingLatest: nytimesbusiness: The man who turned Univision into the dominant Hispanic TV network in the U.S. has died at 86: - 8 years ago

@luisvaldesmedia: 20 "Rules of the Road," Jerry Perenchio's Unfading Wisdom | - 8 years ago

@thezhanly: RT @nytimesbusiness: The man who turned Univision into the dominant Hispanic TV network in the U.S. has died at 86: - 8 years ago

@WaterMarketing: RT @nytimesbusiness: The man who turned Univision into the dominant Hispanic TV network in the U.S. has died at 86: - 8 years ago

@luisvaldesmedia: RT @nytimesbusiness: The man who turned Univision into the dominant Hispanic TV network in the U.S. has died at 86: - 8 years ago

@nytimesbusiness: The man who turned Univision into the dominant Hispanic TV network in the U.S. has died at 86: - 8 years ago

@ardis_jerowski: RT @LatinGRAMMYs: A cherished member of our GRAMMY family and a pioneer in both the music and media businesses. Jerry Perenchio will be gr… - 8 years ago

@ardis_jerowski: RT @LatinGRAMMYs: Un pionero tanto en la industria de la música como en los medios de comunicación... Todos extrañaremos inmensamente a Je… - 8 years ago

@MarvLBluechip: R.I.P. Jerry Perenchio, Entertainment Mogul Who Advised ‘Think Big,’ Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@MegJamesLAT: RT @LATimesFreshInk: Remembering LA philanthropist Jerry Perenchio. @MegJamesLAT joins @KCRWPressPlay: - 8 years ago

@ebusiness_books: Jerry Perenchio, Entertainment Mogul Who Advised ‘Think Big,’ Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@alcarrpr: Jerry Perenchio, Entertainment Mogul Who Advised ‘Think Big,’ Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@USA_Biz: Jerry Perenchio, Entertainment Mogul Who Advised ‘Think Big,’ Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@BetitoRamirez13: RT @Schwarzenegger: Jerry Perenchio had a big vision & a bigger heart - he always gave back. He was an example to all of us & I was proud t… - 8 years ago

@spoofypeeps: 20 Rules of the Road, Jerry Perenchio's Unfading Wisdom - 8 years ago

@musartnew: Jerry Perenchio, promoter of the first Ali-Frazier bout and Bobby Riggs vs. Billie Jean… - 8 years ago

@familygrowing1: RT @NYTObits: The man who turned Univision into the dominant Hispanic TV network in the U.S. has died at 86: - 8 years ago

@vanessaagg2: RT @LatinGRAMMYs: Un pionero tanto en la industria de la música como en los medios de comunicación... Todos extrañaremos inmensamente a Je… - 8 years ago

@musartnew: Jerry Perenchio, promoter of the first Ali-Frazier bout and Bobby Riggs vs. Billie Jean… - 8 years ago

@Rozmanaria: 20 Rules of the Road, Jerry Perenchio's Unfading Wisdom - 8 years ago

@musartnew: Jerry Perenchio, promoter of the first Ali-Frazier bout and Bobby Riggs vs. Billie Jean… - 8 years ago

@Moritz241987: RT @Schwarzenegger: Jerry Perenchio had a big vision & a bigger heart - he always gave back. He was an example to all of us & I was proud t… - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: The man who turned Univision into the dominant Hispanic TV network in the U.S. has died at 86: - 8 years ago

@musartnew: Jerry Perenchio, promoter of the first Ali-Frazier bout and Bobby Riggs vs. Billie Jean… - 8 years ago

@MondoTunes: Jerry Perenchio, promoter of the first Ali-Frazier bout and Bobby Riggs vs. Billie Jean King, dies at 86 - LA Times - 8 years ago

@InvestingLatest: nytimesbusiness: The entertainment mogul Jerry Perenchio, who promoted the Muhammad Ali-Joe Frazier fight in 1971,… - 8 years ago

@nytimesbusiness: The entertainment mogul Jerry Perenchio, who promoted the Muhammad Ali-Joe Frazier fight in 1971, has died - 8 years ago

@musartnew: Jerry Perenchio, promoter of the first Ali-Frazier bout and Bobby Riggs vs. Billie Jean… - 8 years ago

@musartnew: Jerry Perenchio, promoter of the first Ali-Frazier bout and Bobby Riggs vs. Billie Jean… - 8 years ago

@UnivisionAZ: RT @UCIPRTeam: Statement regarding Jerry Perenchio from Univision President and CEO Randy Falco - 8 years ago

@PoRtAvOz: RT @UCIPRTeam: Statement regarding Jerry Perenchio from Univision President and CEO Randy Falco - 8 years ago

@eugenieloost18: RT @LatinGRAMMYs: A cherished member of our GRAMMY family and a pioneer in both the music and media businesses. Jerry Perenchio will be gr… - 8 years ago

@eugenieloost18: RT @LatinGRAMMYs: Un pionero tanto en la industria de la música como en los medios de comunicación... Todos extrañaremos inmensamente a Je… - 8 years ago

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