Jerry Lee Lewis

American singer ("Great Balls of Fire"
Died on Friday October 28th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Jerry Lee Lewis:

@Alichrsha: Jerry Lee Lewis interviewed by Jimmy Swaggart - 2 years ago

@asb_venezuela: Jerry Lee Lewis, cantante, compositor y pianista, pionero y uno de los más influyentes e importantes del rock and r… - 2 years ago

@Sn1yyA: RT @naokioda0323: マジか・・・ 火の玉ロックの Jerry Lee Lewis カッコイイ悪タレじじぃだったのに 安らかに ・・・・ 違うな、 向こうでも皆で激しくロックンロールしてくれ (映像に音声は入れてません) #JerryLeeLewis #火の玉ロ… - 2 years ago

@Sn1yyA: RT @RunnerIndian: R.I.P JERRY LEE LEWIS エルヴィス・プレスリー、チャック・ベリー、ボ・ディドリー、リトル・リチャード そしてジェリー・リー・ルイス 50年代ロックンロール創成期の5大巨頭がみんないなくなってしまった。さみしいな。 http… - 2 years ago


@yez_alex: RT @obladi_909: El 28 de octubre falleció la leyenda Jerry Lee Lewis, y en Obladi le dedicaremos el programa de este viernes. @obladi_909 c… - 2 years ago

@NWahyud15250223: RT @melanielovx: Hello everyone... Would it be impertinent to want to date an old pervert listening to Coldplay or Jerry Lee Lewis? https:/… - 2 years ago

@Sn1yyA: RT @jimiheso: Jerry Lee Lewis 『SOLID GOLD-』 ♪偉大なジェリー・リー・ルイス 殺し屋がニックネームだ マーシーがそう歌った偉大な男が亡くなった。これでロックのオリジネーターは皆星になった。寂しい。でも、人間がいる限りロックは無くならな… - 2 years ago

@Sn1yyA: RT @OxTxMx: ジェリーリールイスやっぱり亡くなってたのか。誤報が誤報じゃなくなった。若い頃ももちろん最高だけど84歳で杖をつきながらロックンロールする姿もシビれる。 Jerry Lee Lewis Live (2019) - 2 years ago

@Dona300: RT @JaylanSalman: I wrote this for the love of Jerry Lee Lewis #womenwhowrite #poetrytwitter #creativewriting #poet… - 2 years ago

@rsilenci: 🎙️ Aquí pots sentir el podcast del 'Guitarra, baix i bateria' d'aquesta setmana, presentat pel músic Ricky Gil (… - 2 years ago

@GoldRadioUk: Gold's @radiojamesb caught up with the legendary @DrBrianMay on today's show! You can watch it back now 👇 and on… - 2 years ago

@freespeechmarty: RIP Jerry Lee Lewis - you was the greatest..... Great Balls Of Fire! (1957) 4K - 2 years ago

@chiediallemuse: RT @GfZucchi: Jerry Lee Lewis 🌹 (1935-2022) #jerryleelewis #ultimora #breaking #28ottobre #greatballsofire - 2 years ago

@OlaniyiSulayman: RT @melanielovx: Hello everyone... Would it be impertinent to want to date an old pervert listening to Coldplay or Jerry Lee Lewis? https:/… - 2 years ago

@HenrySi49870402: RT @MommyAlexias2: Hello everyone... Would it be impertinent to want to date an old pervert listening to Coldplay or Jerry Lee Lewis? https… - 2 years ago

@GfZucchi: RT @GfZucchi: Jerry Lee Lewis 🌹 (1935-2022) #jerryleelewis #ultimora #breaking #28ottobre #greatballsofire - 2 years ago

@GenyaBright: RT @melanielovx: Hello everyone... Would it be impertinent to want to date an old pervert listening to Coldplay or Jerry Lee Lewis? https:/… - 2 years ago

@freespeechmarty: the great jerry lee lewis dies age 87 ......RIP jerry....! - 2 years ago

@drvishalyelle: RT @milinddeora: Jerry Lee Lewis was more than a “rock & roll pioneer”. He WAS rock & roll. Hugely influential & also condemned, #JerryLee… - 2 years ago

@hcppegaso: RT @ringostarrmusic: God bless Jerry lee Lewis peace and love to all his family Ringo. 😎✌️🌟❤️🎵💕☮️ - 2 years ago

@manuupons: RT @diegomancusi: La muerte de Jerry Lee Lewis me hizo volver a discos viejos suyos y así me reencontré con una de las versiones más lindas… - 2 years ago

@lucas20233: RT @teleiguana: A los 87 años: Murió el pionero del rock Jerry Lee Lewis (+Foto) - 2 years ago

@BlueWaveTwuzzy: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 remember Jerry Lee Lewis... #TrumpsDead #trumplsdead #TrumpCult #trumpdead… - 2 years ago


@jodas11: RT @estoescambio: El pasado 28 de octubre murió Jerry Lee Lewis y de ese modo se cerró la etapa del nacimiento y primer desarrollo del rock… - 2 years ago

@1989Purplesquid: RT @crockpics: Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Johnny Cash. - 2 years ago

@SarahRoppel: RT @Upticken: My funds positions feel like Jerry Lee Lewis 📉📈📉 - 2 years ago

@1776fordays: Jerry Lee Lewis You Win Again - 2 years ago

@angelajolie833: RT @sagemaps: @RobPeoni Jerry Lee Lewis had some issues, but at least he was better than Chucky Lee Byrd! - 2 years ago

@_Superflan_: 👱‍♂️ - 2 years ago

@genesimmoins: RT @genesimmons: Sadly, One of the pioneers of rock ‘n’ roll has passed. A rebel to the end. RIP, Jerry Lee Lewis.….Jerry Lee Lewis, Influe… - 2 years ago

@ViktorHorcik: RT @crockpics: Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Johnny Cash. - 2 years ago

@DeytonVicki: RT @StellaParton: Back when I was just a young slip of a girl I toured with Jerry Lee Lewis. He was amazing on stage and I witnessed his be… - 2 years ago

@hushpuppydavis: RT @InsideEdition: Jerry Lee Lewis' legacy will always be tarnished after he married his 13-year-old cousin. Now, 78-year-old Myra Williams… - 2 years ago

@djdizzideelive: Jerry Lee Lewis Dead at 87 - 2 years ago

@brianparra: @snopes Let's Jerry Lee Lewis this. - 2 years ago

@richardupuy: RT @InsideEdition: Jerry Lee Lewis' legacy will always be tarnished after he married his 13-year-old cousin. Now, 78-year-old Myra Williams… - 2 years ago

@JFRMI1: Jerry Lee Lewis: “Great Balls of Fire,” Myra Gale Brown, and His Misdeeds – Rolling Stone - 2 years ago

@BTNStu: If you want an example of how bonkers Britain has become, Jerry Lee Lewis died and nobody here really noticed. - 2 years ago

@DavidAyer: @bil4now @StephenKing Seems he murdered two of his young wives- 'JLL was a legend and ... the spendingest man in… - 2 years ago

@kpjaibur: RT @ringostarrmusic: God bless Jerry lee Lewis peace and love to all his family Ringo. 😎✌️🌟❤️🎵💕☮️ - 2 years ago

@HHS2MinuteMusic: Today's 2MinuteMusic features some of Jerry Lee Lewis's greatest hits. Enjoy! - 2 years ago

@Tobykei34287842: RT @tobykeith: The killer Jerry Lee Lewis passed on today. What an honor it was to be his friend His passing closes out an explosive era… - 2 years ago

@IngWio_H: RT @ElleKingMusic: Watch Country Music’s Biggest Night next Wednesday night at 8/7c on @ABCNetwork as I perform “Great Balls of Fire” LIVE… - 2 years ago

@Azulvictoria: RT @ringostarrmusic: God bless Jerry lee Lewis peace and love to all his family Ringo. 😎✌️🌟❤️🎵💕☮️ - 2 years ago

@WayfarerMemo: RT @BrotherofHomer: Adiós a uno de los pioneros del rock and roll. Q.E.P.D. el genial Jerry Lee Lewis. - 2 years ago

@veracruz777: RT @larwoolf: “I had created rock & roll before they ever thought about having rock & roll,” Jerry Lee Lewis has died at the age of 87 RI… - 2 years ago

@mtendaji_imani: RT @ProfBlacktruth: Since today is Hallowe'en I thought it fitting to share a real horror story. Jerry Lee Lewis was a culture vulture who… - 2 years ago

@dcount09: RT @artyshowboy: Jerry Lee Lewis déjà réincarné à la gare de Dundee en Ecosse. - 2 years ago

@hangakudaisuki: RT @RiceStreamLand: 先日、ロックンローラーのJerry Lee Lewisが亡くなったらしい。 彼は最後の最後までロックに生きることを辞めなかった。 この動画の最後、椅子を蹴っ飛ばすところで不意に涙がこぼれる。 僕もこんなかっこいいおじいちゃんになりた… - 2 years ago

@SPastorGimeno: Acabo de ver Bob Dylan homenajeó a Jerry Lee Lewis en directo - Haga clic ver también ☛ - 2 years ago

@fmcocoloonair: [2022/11/02 20:14] WHOLE LOTTA SHAKIN' GOIN' ON / JERRY LEE LEWIS #fmcocolo765 ●Radikoタイムフリーで聴く↓… - 2 years ago

@CGWeatherHub: @andrewljacob In light of the recent passing of Rock N' Roll pioneer (though with questionable moral character) Jer… - 2 years ago

@IxParts: RT @ringostarrmusic: God bless Jerry lee Lewis peace and love to all his family Ringo. 😎✌️🌟❤️🎵💕☮️ - 2 years ago

@earth_colors_en: NOW ON AIR (3) Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On / Jerry Lee Lewis Dj Chris OnAir中🎶 PC・スマホから聴けるよ⏬📀 → … - 2 years ago

@classichitradio: Best rock pop dance music Now on Whole Lotta Shakin Goinon ( - 2 years ago

@TouchMyMonkey13: RT @98Rock: The Black Keys to perform at 2022 CMA Awards in honor of Jerry Lee Lewis - 2 years ago

@98Rock: The Black Keys to perform at 2022 CMA Awards in honor of Jerry Lee Lewis - 2 years ago

@XJetPro: @CarlRAlban Fake news worked for poor old Jerry Lee Lewis, only took a couple of days. - 2 years ago

@TimKubashGroup: @StephenKing Rip Jerry Lee Lewis. I was shocked to hear you passed away, especially considering I didn’t know you w… - 2 years ago

@BestQuote85: ⭕️I heard Little Richard and Jerry Lee Lewis, and that was it. I didn't ever want to be anything else. I just start… - 2 years ago

@gkqP6TdXLDJ31fF: RT @officialKeef: “Goodbye to the Killer” RIP Keith From the 1983 Salute to Jerry Lee Lewis @jerryleelewis - 2 years ago

@13LittleBit40: RT @ringostarrmusic: God bless Jerry lee Lewis peace and love to all his family Ringo. 😎✌️🌟❤️🎵💕☮️ - 2 years ago

@LondonReed7: RT @StephenKing: RIP Jerry Lee Lewis. The Killer has gone. He could play that piano, boy. Think I gotta play me some Lewis Boogie. - 2 years ago

@brandonlgiles: @elonmusk Rip Jerry Lee Lewis #jerryleelewis #ripjerryleelewis #ELONMUSK - 2 years ago

@brandonlgiles: Jerry Lee Lewis by Brandon Giles #jerryleelewis #ripjerryleelewis - 2 years ago

@RobNasty666: Little Richard > Jerry Lee Lewis - 2 years ago

@RiceStreamLand: 先日、ロックンローラーのJerry Lee Lewisが亡くなったらしい。 彼は最後の最後までロックに生きることを辞めなかった。 この動画の最後、椅子を蹴っ飛ばすところで不意に涙がこぼれる。 僕もこんなかっこいいおじいちゃん… - 2 years ago

@Luciana17306027: RT @ringostarrmusic: God bless Jerry lee Lewis peace and love to all his family Ringo. 😎✌️🌟❤️🎵💕☮️ - 2 years ago

@Big6XXX: Jerry Lee Lewis was a #pedophile, a bonified #pedophile who married his 13 year old cousin and they made a movie ab… - 2 years ago

@GotMusicTalent1: Jerry Lee Lewis Dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@BlakGreenRed: RT @phungo2008: When the film version of "Great Ball of Fire" was released in 1989 Jerry Lee Lewis was 54. Winona Ryder who played his 13… - 2 years ago

@BlakGreenRed: RT @EdAsante77: Controversy derailed his ascent to stardom in 1958, when the British press attacked him for marrying Myra Gale Brown, his 1… - 2 years ago

@BlakGreenRed: RT @farhip: Goodness gracious: During his 1958 tour of England, reporters discovered that Lewis’ bride, Myra Gale Brown, was also his 13-… - 2 years ago

@BlakGreenRed: RT @hitosdelrock: 28-10-2022: Fallece Jerry Lee Lewis, cantante, músico y compositor norteamericano, reconocido como uno de los pioneros de… - 2 years ago

@BlakGreenRed: RT @mehtabackupacc: Jerry Lee Lewis was an abusive pedophile who married Myra Gale Brown, his 13-year-old cousin. When Brown filed for divo… - 2 years ago

@ale_cpoM: RT @reformagente: Bob Dylan despidió a Jerry Lee Lewis en pleno concierto, ve aquí lo que dijo. #NoctámbulosREFORMA - 2 years ago

@RJ_RAGE_ZX_1987: RT @ProfBlacktruth: Since today is Hallowe'en I thought it fitting to share a real horror story. Jerry Lee Lewis was a culture vulture who… - 2 years ago

@BigTakeoverMag: This week’s show: new Altin Gün, Party Battleship, Jack Skuller, Sloan, Robyn Hitchcock, Alvvays, and Beths; plus W… - 2 years ago

@MattInTheHat90: RT @ProfBlacktruth: Since today is Hallowe'en I thought it fitting to share a real horror story. Jerry Lee Lewis was a culture vulture who… - 2 years ago

@nasescobar316: RT @ProfBlacktruth: Since today is Hallowe'en I thought it fitting to share a real horror story. Jerry Lee Lewis was a culture vulture who… - 2 years ago

@roadcyclistbcn: RT @sunrecords: 70 years of a legendary label. Featuring a foreward by Jerry Lee Lewis, "The Birth of Rock 'n' Roll: The Illustrated Story… - 2 years ago

@roadcyclistbcn: RT @oldtrocker: Another Place, Another Time ~ Jerry Lee Lewis - 2 years ago

@yoginsandan: Isolations News : Wrócił mural z Ianem Curtisem, nagroda Marra, Andreas Vollenweider i Nick Cave - nowy album, Murp… - 2 years ago

@DJBig6: MoT #241: Jerry Lee Lewis & His Child Bride, How History Is Buried And R... - 2 years ago

@CoraBaart: RT @AJuijn: In Memoriam: Jerry Lee Lewis (Ferriday, Louisiana, 29 september 1935 – DeSoto County, Mississippi, 28 oktober 2022) ✝️ Jerry L… - 2 years ago

@DHinds981: Jerry Lee Lewis alive after false death report - 2 years ago

@roadcyclistbcn: RT @oldtrocker: RIP Jerry Lee Lewis🌟The Last Man Standing ~ Great Balls Of Fire ~ - 2 years ago

@ThothMelchized1: @JimmyPage pride cometh before the fall. & heres the kicker. Plant means child in welsh... why on earth did i prote… - 2 years ago

@roadcyclistbcn: RT @oldtrocker: No por esperado, deja de ser triste. Se va el último de los grandes pioneros. Su legado musical es monumental e inabarcabl… - 2 years ago

@roadcyclistbcn: RT @oldtrocker: Forever🌟The Wild One ~ Jerry Lee Lewis ~ - 2 years ago

@roadcyclistbcn: RT @oldtrocker: ..."¿quien va a tocar ahora, ese viejo piano?"... Who's Gonna Play This Old Piano ~ Jerry Lee Lewis🌟 - 2 years ago

@roadcyclistbcn: RT @officialKeef: “Goodbye to the Killer” RIP Keith From the 1983 Salute to Jerry Lee Lewis @jerryleelewis - 2 years ago

@roadcyclistbcn: RT @GerdaTaroni: ____*Lucille* Jerry Lee Lewis 🎙️🎧 - 2 years ago

@TEVaquette: (1/4) Jerry Lee Lewis est mort. J’étais fan de chez fan et je l’ai vu plusieurs fois sur scène. J’étais fan de la p… - 2 years ago

@roadcyclistbcn: RT @oldtrocker: You Win Again ~ Jerry Lee Lewis - 2 years ago

@TheLeathal13: @Engineer_Jim 6 degrees of Engineer Jim… the Killer himself, the late, great Jerry Lee Lewis? - 2 years ago

@nmeasia: "Jerry Lee will live forever – we all know that," Bob Dylan said after Jerry Lee Lewis died this week aged 87 - 2 years ago

@johndoe1471: RT @artyshowboy: Jerry Lee Lewis déjà réincarné à la gare de Dundee en Ecosse. - 2 years ago

@corinne_leriche: RT @CelinePiques: Tandis que les hagiographies se multiplient à l’annonce de sa mort, n’oublions pas que #Jerry #Lee #Lewis etait un pedocr… - 2 years ago

@josbondi: RT @universal881fm: #PorSiNoLoViste Jerry Lee Lewis murió por causas naturales a la edad de 87 años en su casa del condado de Desoto, (Mis… - 2 years ago

@Pons24101076: RT @artyshowboy: Jerry Lee Lewis déjà réincarné à la gare de Dundee en Ecosse. - 2 years ago

@LasjuniesLois: Jerry Lee Lewis In the 60s - A Whole lotta shakin´Goin´On (Concert Compl... - 2 years ago

@susiesmith8531: RT @rickspringfield: I’m honor of the great Jerry Lee Lewis who I met at a bar in the ‘80s and he asked me to buy him a drink so I did… a d… - 2 years ago

@vientoenllamas: RT @elpais_cultura: El músico ha fallecido a los 87 años en su casa de Memphis - 2 years ago

@DoTomoko: RT @artyshowboy: Jerry Lee Lewis déjà réincarné à la gare de Dundee en Ecosse. - 2 years ago

@KingLawlerfan: RT @killerjerrylee: FUNERAL SERVICES ANNOUNCED FOR “THE KILLER” JERRY LEE LEWIS All services open to the public with limited capacity. Je… - 2 years ago

@kevineproulx: Jerry Lee Lewis is still dead. - 2 years ago

@LasjuniesLois: Jerry Lee Lewis - Mean Woman Blues - 2 years ago

@labatjean1: RT @DICKENSDAVID1: Alors que le monde pleure la mort de Jerry Lee Lewis, rival d’Elvis, je me permets humblement de rappeler que son plus… - 2 years ago

@cst_snob: まるっきり詳しくないので話題にしなかったけど、そのJERRY LEE PHANTOMの名前の元ネタになったJerry Lee Lewisというミュージシャンが最近亡くなったっていうニュースは聞いた そういうのはいつだって惜しいよね - 2 years ago

@watchfuldefend: RT @DaltonReport: Pedophile, Jerry Lee Lewis, 22, married Myra Gale Brown, his 13-year-old cousin. Lewis is now dead at 87. - 2 years ago

@watchfuldefend: RT @DaltonReport: Here is the dead pedophile, Jerry Lee Lewis, mocking a London audience about his marriage to his 13 year old cousin. ht… - 2 years ago

@watchfuldefend: RT @DaltonReport: Elton John has no problems with pedophiles. With Brian Singer. Elton John's husband hugging Sin… - 2 years ago

@danielrojazo: RT @MrRadioMx: QEPD...Jerry Lee Lewis, uno de los grandes pioneros del rock and roll, murió a los 87 años. Fue una de las máximas leyendas… - 2 years ago

@watchfuldefend: RT @DaltonReport: Former President @BillClinton was "saddened by the passing" of pedophile Jerry Lee Lewis. Jerry… - 2 years ago

@DaisyDeadhead: RT @r0bbier0berts0n: Rest In Peace, Jerry Lee Lewis. - 2 years ago

@Lalric4: RT @artyshowboy: Jerry Lee Lewis déjà réincarné à la gare de Dundee en Ecosse. - 2 years ago

@kindatngmakati: RIP Jerry Lee Lewis Great balls of fire is one of the best 🤘 - 2 years ago

@lecodisavona: Jerry Lee Lewis, leggenda del rock ‘n’ roll, se n’è andato - 2 years ago

@kkbakkbakk: RT @artyshowboy: Jerry Lee Lewis déjà réincarné à la gare de Dundee en Ecosse. - 2 years ago

@Koktebelevskiy: RT @artyshowboy: Jerry Lee Lewis déjà réincarné à la gare de Dundee en Ecosse. - 2 years ago

@tunesmate: RT @ThatEricAlper: The Killer. The greatest. The wildest. The one that changed rock and roll. And country. And influenced a whole lotta pia… - 2 years ago

@davidclarkphel1: @bureaucatliu and blaming Trump for not acknowledging? Jerry Lee Lewis is a legend - 2 years ago

@dashw_: RT @hankgreen: Things that listed higher than this in the New York Times: Two stories about The Twitter acquisition Rishi Sunak has “Busi… - 2 years ago

@Nursemilissa: RT @hankgreen: Things that listed higher than this in the New York Times: Two stories about The Twitter acquisition Rishi Sunak has “Busi… - 2 years ago

@Moonpanther22: RT @choochoobear: Jerry Lee Lewis, rock star who married his very underage cousin, has died. ... welp, onto the next thing. - 2 years ago

@QueenGingerVi: Rest in piss Jerry Lee Lewis. Reminder that he married Myra Gale Brown, his 13 year old cousin at the time. I hope… - 2 years ago

@marcelosurich: RT @artyshowboy: Jerry Lee Lewis déjà réincarné à la gare de Dundee en Ecosse. - 2 years ago

@Jilbean1: RT @hankgreen: Things that listed higher than this in the New York Times: Two stories about The Twitter acquisition Rishi Sunak has “Busi… - 2 years ago

@BoxradioInfo: Στις 6 στη μουσική πλατφόρμα του - 2 years ago

@IntelignciaMxi1: RT @TedNugent: from 1 killer to another RIP killer! thankU JLL for upping the RnR bar! Great BallsAfire forever! - 2 years ago

@akis_dialinos: Στις 6 στη μουσική πλατφόρμα του - 2 years ago

@HopelessHobbit: RT @Variety: Jerry Lee Lewis, Rock Pioneer and ‘Great Balls of Fire’ Singer, Dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@CurlyBirdArises: @JoeNBC I sure will miss Jerry Lee Lewis - 2 years ago

@CMargaronis: RT @hankgreen: Things that listed higher than this in the New York Times: Two stories about The Twitter acquisition Rishi Sunak has “Busi… - 2 years ago

@AndrezejSapkow1: Pues ya veis, de todos, Jerry Lee Lewis era el que más se metía de todo...y fue el que más duró. 🤷‍♂️ - 2 years ago

@Billleslie181: RT @CrowSaorAlba1: For the youngsters - When they say that Jerry Lee Lewis had a life dogged by scandal, that's around about the same level… - 2 years ago

@DemocratPrudent: @soledadobrien Thank god they got Jerry Lee Lewis on there too.🙄 I thought he got, ya know, rightfully cancelled for something… - 2 years ago

@Elgato_Weebee: RT @BeatlesEarth: Rest in peace, Jerry Lee Lewis. - 2 years ago

@zeitonline_kul: Eigentlich sollte #JerryLeeLewis Priester werden, er konvertierte dann lieber zum Rock 'n' Roll. Nun ist der Schöpf… - 2 years ago

@dario_cruz: RT @retrochenta: Noticia triste: nos ha dejado a los 87 años de edad el legendario Jerry Lee Lewis, precursor del Rock and Roll. Descansa e… - 2 years ago

@onlyMytej: RT @rocknrollgarag1: R.I.P Jerry Lee Lewis! The legendary musician sadly left us at the age of 87. - 2 years ago

@Bapatoff: RT @realaxelfoley: Great read. And that Steve Allen Show clip from 1957 — wow. - 2 years ago

@alylupe: RT @QRPoficial: Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins & Jerry Lee Lewis #QRPlegend - 2 years ago

@ramrodd14: RT @EllenFWalker: As the eulogies pour in, here's a friendly reminder that Jerry Lee Lewis was an abusive pedophile who married Myra Gale B… - 2 years ago

@route66johnb: RT @guillermofesser: Bye Jerry Lee Lewis. Echaremos de menos tus dedos golpeando con pasión el piano para despertarnos esas maravillosas g… - 2 years ago

@Marco_Eka: RT @nmas: #ÚltimaHora | Muere a los 87 años Jerry Lee Lewis, leyenda del rock and roll, confirma su publicista a través de un comunicado. S… - 2 years ago

@acuervomont: RT @oldtrocker: RIP Jerry Lee Lewis🌟The Last Man Standing ~ Great Balls Of Fire ~ - 2 years ago

@aya10008929: Gagnez De L'argent Simplement En Partageant Votre Lien Instant Cash Links @De_Bruyne… - 2 years ago

@KAIHOTTIES: RT @EllenFWalker: As the eulogies pour in, here's a friendly reminder that Jerry Lee Lewis was an abusive pedophile who married Myra Gale B… - 2 years ago

@choochoobear: Jerry Lee Lewis, rock star who married his very underage cousin, has died. ... welp, onto the next thing. - 2 years ago

@majoninja16: RT @MrRadioMx: QEPD...Jerry Lee Lewis, uno de los grandes pioneros del rock and roll, murió a los 87 años. Fue una de las máximas leyendas… - 2 years ago

@AlSondel23_: RT @Antifaxismoa: #USA El músico Jerry Lee Lewis, pionero del Rock and Roll, murió este viernes a los 87 años de edad - 2 years ago

@Friendly_Moe: RT @JohnnyCash: Rest in peace Jerry Lee Lewis🖤 - 2 years ago

@BaloghTimmy: @Variety Rip Jerry Lee lewis we miss you I love you but i’m happy with Jesus I miss you Jerry rest in peace Jerry i… - 2 years ago

@ERADINOSAURIO: RT @DavidPraDino: Sin Jerry Lee Lewis, no me habría convertido en lo que soy, fue un emocionante innovador que pulverizó el piano y también… - 2 years ago

@OneMans_Vision: RT @econ628: @Variety Them: "Jerry Lee Lewis is dead." Me: "oh. The Jerry Lee Lewis that married his 13 year old cousin when he was 22?"… - 2 years ago

@bonapart100: RT @hari_miller: That Jerry Lee Lewis was a right twunt. And I give no shits about his cultural contribution. - 2 years ago

@KyleMit39494347: @LivMaddix @WWE Liv, Jerry Lee Lewis died, did you know who he was, there was a movie with Dennis Quaid about him.… - 2 years ago

@JeffSimonbflo: Jerry Lee Shakes It for Ed Sullivan--Jerry Lee Lewis "Great Balls Of Fire, What'd I Say & Whole Lotta Shakin'...… - 2 years ago

@Ulwencreutz: Att ingen tar en ordentligt titt på TMZ! Detta är minst tredje gången inom ett år som de dödförklarar någon ett par… - 2 years ago

@thetrichordist: RIP Jerry Lee Lewis, Tonight Show with Skunk Baxter & Slim Jim Phantom - 2 years ago

@mccs1104: RT @eltonofficial: Without Jerry Lee Lewis, I wouldn’t have become who I am today. He was groundbreaking and exciting, and he pulverized th… - 2 years ago

@EN8910340: RT @John_Fogerty: Sad to hear of the passing of Jerry Lee Lewis. Love his music and I was hugely influenced by his records and live perform… - 2 years ago

@Zakaitis: RT @Siga_OBoneco2: Hoje dia 29/10 nos deixou a "Fera do Rock" O Adeus de Jerry Lee Lewis. Vídeo colorizado - 2 years ago

@lesegoseabi: RT @EllenFWalker: So instead of celebrating Jerry Lee Lewis, a man who groomed and abused a child (and allegedly abused several of his othe… - 2 years ago

@jborrego: RT @DesatranqueJaen: Núñez Feijóo: Mi más sentido pésame al mundo de la música, que hoy ha perdido a 3 geniales músicos: Jerry, Lee y Lewis… - 2 years ago

@yummy_yacky: RT @officialKeef: “Goodbye to the Killer” RIP Keith From the 1983 Salute to Jerry Lee Lewis @jerryleelewis - 2 years ago

@peeiguille: RT @doctorfrusna: Hoy abandona el edificio una leyenda de la música. Allá donde vaya, sembrará un poco el caos y quemará algún que otro pia… - 2 years ago

@JimMcClymer: RT @StephenKing: RIP Jerry Lee Lewis. The Killer has gone. He could play that piano, boy. Think I gotta play me some Lewis Boogie. - 2 years ago

@lesegoseabi: RT @EllenFWalker: I mention this, because most news coverage pertaining to Jerry Lee Lewis's death will be lauding him as a pioneer of rock… - 2 years ago

@nuevaondacuba: #ICYMI - 2 years ago

@Reginal92562843: RT @Siga_OBoneco2: Hoje dia 29/10 nos deixou a "Fera do Rock" O Adeus de Jerry Lee Lewis. Vídeo colorizado - 2 years ago

@fedeorrijola: RT @elplanetaurbano: Adiós, Jerry Lee Lewis 💔 La leyenda del rock and roll falleció a los 87 años. #jerryleelewis #rock - 2 years ago

@biciomarbellahm: RT @rockhall: The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame has lost its last inaugural inductee. Jerry Lee Lewis sang and played the piano with wild abando… - 2 years ago

@disinformate_de: RT @SZ: EIL: Rock'n Roll-Legende Jerry Lee Lewis ist tot - 2 years ago

@SpoticusM: Jerry Lee Lewis & Chuck Berry - Roll Over Beethoven (Live 1986) - 2 years ago

@Strangeland15: we all know what jerry lee lewis did but it's wild that those rock n roll guys are all officially dead and gone now. - 2 years ago

@mondragas12: RT @StephenKing: RIP Jerry Lee Lewis. The Killer has gone. He could play that piano, boy. Think I gotta play me some Lewis Boogie. - 2 years ago

@jackgeorgelumb: RT @maxinecampbell3: RIP Jerry Lee Lewis who, according to the BBC died at minus 13 years old. - 2 years ago

@hopkinstreet: RT @ringostarrmusic: God bless Jerry lee Lewis peace and love to all his family Ringo. 😎✌️🌟❤️🎵💕☮️ - 2 years ago

@usbi8ikos: RT @bluezharp: RIP🙏legendary Jerry Lee Lewis🌹🎶'Great Balls Of Fire' - 2 years ago

@mataonline: या गायकाने एकूण ७ लग्न केली, मृत्यूवेळी त्यांच्याबरोबर उपस्थित होती ती... - 2 years ago

@MagiqueTonton: RT @HMasseau: Il est des gens sur ce réseau, des âmes pures, sensibles et vertueuses malgré tout fan (???) de rock qui se tordent le nez à… - 2 years ago

@WotDePhok: RT @genesimmons: Sadly, One of the pioneers of rock ‘n’ roll has passed. A rebel to the end. RIP, Jerry Lee Lewis.….Jerry Lee Lewis, Influe… - 2 years ago

@laurent_daniel: 28 octobre 2022, mort de la légende du rock Jerry Lee Lewis - 2 years ago

@AndrewsView: RT @CNN: Jerry Lee Lewis, the piano-pounding, foot-stomping singer who electrified early rock 'n' roll with hits like "Great Balls of Fire"… - 2 years ago

@fergoosto: People get cancelled these days for saying something inappropriate Jerry Lee Lewis married a 13year old and people… - 2 years ago

@Insanity_LFC: RT @BeardedGenius: Not as bad as when you google Jerry Lee Lewis and 13 years old - 2 years ago

@ContraPerfidy: RT @Virginiaknows: Jerry Lee Lewis passed. Oh well. Just because you can make nice music does not make you a nice person.... His third mar… - 2 years ago

@AggieHull: RT @nightly_moth: I've just Bob Dylan here in Nottingham. He returned to the stage at the end after playing an unbelievably good Every Grai… - 2 years ago

@flintlwudlwix: RT @StephenKing: RIP Jerry Lee Lewis. The Killer has gone. He could play that piano, boy. Think I gotta play me some Lewis Boogie. - 2 years ago


@Deepestpurple81: RT @ReloadedRetropy: Falleció la leyenda del rock Jerry Lee Lewis a los 87 años. - 2 years ago

@Emy_Ter: RT @MrRadioMx: QEPD...Jerry Lee Lewis, uno de los grandes pioneros del rock and roll, murió a los 87 años. Fue una de las máximas leyendas… - 2 years ago

@Hope89594014: RT @brianlilley: This time, it’s true. - 2 years ago

@IlaTemistokles: RT @YMediterranea: Los indignados tuiteros por el matrimonio de Jerry Lee Lewis con su prima de 13 años nada más se tardaron 64 años para h… - 2 years ago

@latimes: What happened to Jerry Lee Lewis' 13-year-old bride? She's been here the whole time - 2 years ago

@Albert1027: RT @IndieWire: Jerry Lee Lewis has died at age 87. “Judith, his seventh wife, was by his side when he passed away at his home in Desoto Cou… - 2 years ago

@superconfirmado: Murió Jerry Lee Lewis, legendario pionero del rock and roll - 2 years ago

@TheMili8: #funniest #ISPR #COP27 #SmackDown Jerry Lee Lewis Lakers #funniest 😂😂🐻 - 2 years ago

@rhoafd: RT @Variety: His death had erroneously been reported by some outlets on Wednesday. “Judith, his seventh wife, was by his side when he passe… - 2 years ago

@revolutia: RT @rockhall: The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame has lost its last inaugural inductee. Jerry Lee Lewis sang and played the piano with wild abando… - 2 years ago

@HectorDCardona: Hoy falleció Jerry Lee Lewis, no fue mi contemporáneo pero siempre me gusto su manera peculiar de interpretar el ro… - 2 years ago

@Constancedu77: RT @le_Parisien: Jerry Lee Lewis est mort vendredi à l’âge de 87 ans «Là c’est vraiment la fin du rock’n’roll. Maintenant il n’y a vraimen… - 2 years ago

@OSHWebbie: RT @GeekVibesNation: Controversial Rock ‘n’ Roll legend, Jerry Lee Lewis, has passed away at the age of 87 (@AP) - 2 years ago

@JohnnyBorgan: So touching Tribute from Bob Dylan to Jerry Lee Lewis - Can’t Seem To Say Goodbye - 2 years ago

@360L_JEC: RT @PhilippeLENOIR2: Jerry Lee Lewis 😢 The last legend ! 🌹 📷 Harry Hammond 1962 - 2 years ago

@yasuhirockpile: RT @eltonofficial: Without Jerry Lee Lewis, I wouldn’t have become who I am today. He was groundbreaking and exciting, and he pulverized th… - 2 years ago

@rhoafd: RT @Variety: Jerry Lee Lewis, Rock Pioneer and ‘Great Balls of Fire’ Singer, Dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@austria63amy: RT @Julielouisesha1: Rip Jerry Lee Lewis #Jerry lee Lewis - 2 years ago

@Mashinegrito2: RT @AIertaMundiaI: LO ÚLTIMO: Jerry Lee Lewis, la primera estrella del rock and roll que saltó a la fama con una serie de éxitos en la déca… - 2 years ago

@revolutia: RT @CNN: Jerry Lee Lewis, the piano-pounding, foot-stomping singer who electrified early rock 'n' roll with hits like "Great Balls of Fire"… - 2 years ago

@fnazareth: Jerry Lee Lewis, notorious US rock’n’roll star, dies aged 87. By Ben Beaumont-Thomas. - 2 years ago

@betyconbob: RT @retrochenta: Noticia triste: nos ha dejado a los 87 años de edad el legendario Jerry Lee Lewis, precursor del Rock and Roll. Descansa e… - 2 years ago

@DeathToTyrants_: Fuck #JerryLeeLewis. Good riddance. I only wish Hell was real, as that's exactly where that child-grooming, incestu… - 2 years ago

@CordovaSyd: RT @QRPoficial: Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins & Jerry Lee Lewis #QRPlegend - 2 years ago

@NewsForrest: RT @statesman: He was hailed as rock 'n' roll’s first great wild man and lived long enough to be its last. - 2 years ago

@JFloydZeppelin: RT @danitaxidriver: Murió JERRY LEE LEWIS... THE KILLER... EL REY... para mí, el más Grande del Rock & Roll... #RIPJerryLeeLewis #QEPD 🔥🎹🔥… - 2 years ago

@Cgrface: Jerry Lee Lewis "Great Balls Of Fire, What'd I Say & Whole Lotta Shakin'... - 2 years ago

@chrisgalesmusic: RT @BealeStreetMphs: Beale Street has a heavy heart today hearing about the passing of Jerry Lee Lewis. Rest in Peace to “The Killer” Jerry… - 2 years ago

@alexgomezllanos: RT @porktendencia: Muere la leyenda del rock and roll, Jerry Lee Lewis, a los 87 años de edad. - 2 years ago

@sammorgan215: RT @officialKeef: “Goodbye to the Killer” RIP Keith From the 1983 Salute to Jerry Lee Lewis @jerryleelewis - 2 years ago

@Goddess_Chakra: RT @TeeZeroHero: Jerry Lee Lewis was a pedophile and they're honoring him after he died - 2 years ago

@SANDALIOCARMONA: Jerry Lee Lewis, pianiste au jeu infernal et légende du rock, est mort - 2 years ago

@BoozyBeggarChi: RT @EllenFWalker: As the eulogies pour in, here's a friendly reminder that Jerry Lee Lewis was an abusive pedophile who married Myra Gale B… - 2 years ago

@OrpheusBand: RT @Hotelma15576005: @mariastephanos I know they have Jerry Lee Lewis in the scripts. But a mention should be made on the passing of Bru… - 2 years ago

@dagredap: RT @bluezharp: RIP🙏legendary Jerry Lee Lewis🌹🎶'Great Balls Of Fire' - 2 years ago

@merlinpapin3: RT @Petit_Darwin: @merlinpapin3 AMERICAN GRAFFITI Vu une 20 aine de fois entre 14 et 18 ans sur la VHS des parents Identification avec Curt… - 2 years ago

@kaname__ito: RT @officialKeef: “Goodbye to the Killer” RIP Keith From the 1983 Salute to Jerry Lee Lewis @jerryleelewis - 2 years ago

@RodValenciag: RT @BeatlesEarth: Rest in peace, Jerry Lee Lewis. - 2 years ago

@JeannyJakobsen: - 2 years ago

@take_to_news: Jerry Lee Lewis, the last original rocker, dies - 2 years ago

@ManOnDaNet: RT @JamesL1927: RIP JERRY LEE LEWIS One of the original trailblazing Rock n Rollers, who more than earned his nickname ‘THE KILLER.’ Here… - 2 years ago

@breaking_9: Jerry Lee Lewis’s career went south and was almost forgotten after he married his 13-year-old cousin - 2 years ago

@ruflane2: RT @Spawn_03: Jerry Lee Lewis died, and all I can think about his he was a sexual predator who married his 13 year old cousin. - 2 years ago

@italosergio777: RT @bluezharp: RIP🙏legendary Jerry Lee Lewis🌹🎶'Great Balls Of Fire' - 2 years ago

@JupiterRising10: Jerry Lee Lewis Dead at 87 - 2 years ago

@5alvadorB: RT @jeffscottsoto: RIP to the true R&R pioneer, legend and outrageous Rock Star, Jerry Lee Lewis!! - 2 years ago

@flexgeher: Die Heimsuchung des Jerry Lee Lewis durch Andreas Gabalier - 2 years ago

@MilwaukeeKate: Fuck jerry lee lewis - 2 years ago

@JorgeArellano59: RT @QRPoficial: Murió Jerry Lee Lewis, uno de los músicos más importantes de todos los tiempos, siendo pieza clave en la historia del Rock… - 2 years ago

@Cristofer1903: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇺🇸 | AHORA: Muere a los 87 años Jerry Lee Lewis, leyenda rock and roll y autor del single 'Great Balls of Fire'. - 2 years ago

@LuluBelletweets: How bad is it that I thought Jerry Lee Lewis was dead already? - 2 years ago

@ayumiya77: Jerry Lee Lewis、R.I.P。次回のグラミーは『火の玉ロック』追悼特集だね。 - 2 years ago

@Mermaids4Kamala: RT @EllenFWalker: As the eulogies pour in, here's a friendly reminder that Jerry Lee Lewis was an abusive pedophile who married Myra Gale B… - 2 years ago

@typhanieluv: RT @AP: BREAKING: Rock ‘n’ roll star Jerry Lee Lewis, the ”Great Balls of Fire” singer who was known for his outrageous style and personal… - 2 years ago

@BWiesbach: RT @DannyDeraney: We lost not only a pioneer today but a titan. Jerry Lee Lewis put the show in rock and roll. Steve Allen Show in 1957… - 2 years ago

@SaiedEshaghi1: Jerry Lee Lewis, groundbreaking rock 'n' roll icon, dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@laurbedigital: Adiós a una leyenda: a los 87 años falleció Jerry Lee Lewis - 2 years ago

@FallenAngelVivi: Jerry Lee Lewis is dead. Elon bought twitter. Wow! - 2 years ago

@TheNewYorkians: Jerry Lee Lewis, outrageous rock 'n' roll star, dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@BigGCFCHeaven: RT @brokenbottleboy: Jerry Lee Lewis was a pedophile whose 13-year-old ‘bride’, his cousin Myra Gale Brown, wrote in her book that she had… - 2 years ago

@Ivanelov: RT @QRPoficial: Murió Jerry Lee Lewis, uno de los músicos más importantes de todos los tiempos, siendo pieza clave en la historia del Rock… - 2 years ago

@ert02794711: RT @seanhannity: GOODNESS GRACIOUS: Rock Legend and ‘Great Balls of Fire’ Singer Jerry Lee Lewis Dead at 87 - 2 years ago

@HKtsunagetemiru: RT @BeatlesEarth: Rest in peace, Jerry Lee Lewis. - 2 years ago

@launion_digital: Falleció Jerry Lee Lewis, la última leyenda del rock and roll - 2 years ago

@VenusInMomJeans: RT @JamesL1927: RIP JERRY LEE LEWIS One of the original trailblazing Rock n Rollers, who more than earned his nickname ‘THE KILLER.’ Here… - 2 years ago

@Richardruizpy: RT @bbcmundo: Muere Jerry Lee Lewis, uno de los grandes pioneros del rock and roll y autor de "Great Balls of Fire" - 2 years ago

@s_templo: RT @StephenKing: RIP Jerry Lee Lewis. The Killer has gone. He could play that piano, boy. Think I gotta play me some Lewis Boogie. - 2 years ago

@Mithvil: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Rock and roll pioneer Jerry Lee Lewis has died at 87. - 2 years ago

@Cheerfullron: RT @EllenFWalker: As the eulogies pour in, here's a friendly reminder that Jerry Lee Lewis was an abusive pedophile who married Myra Gale B… - 2 years ago

@MrRossRoomC120: RT @GuitarWorld: Jerry Lee Lewis – the pianist, singer and songwriter whose volcanic early hits and stage persona helped shape rock 'n' rol… - 2 years ago

@watare27: RT @amass_jp: ロックンロールのパイオニア、ジェリー・リー・ルイス(Jerry Lee Lewis)が死去。ルイスのSNSアカウントで発表されています。87歳でした。  - 2 years ago

@pameladubsky49: Jerry Lee Lewis, outrageous rock ‘n’ roll star, dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@gr8musicvenues: RT @latimes: What happened to Jerry Lee Lewis’ 13-year-old bride? Myra Lewis Williams, 78, said in 2016 that she’s been “right here” the wh… - 2 years ago

@Richardruizpy: RT @LaVanguardia: 🔴 #ÚltimaHora Muere Jerry Lee Lewis, leyenda estadounidense del rock and roll, a los 87 años El artista pertenecía a una… - 2 years ago

@deweydecibel76: RT @zzyzx: I feel like the country is finally uniting and reacting as one to say, "Jerry Lee Lewis was still alive? Really?" - 2 years ago

@JosephCowan76: RT @eltonofficial: Without Jerry Lee Lewis, I wouldn’t have become who I am today. He was groundbreaking and exciting, and he pulverized th… - 2 years ago

@redwardprice719: @KeithEdmonson61 Jerry Lee Lewis was a Showman. REST IN PEACE - 2 years ago

@bezerker99: RT @JamesL1927: RIP JERRY LEE LEWIS One of the original trailblazing Rock n Rollers, who more than earned his nickname ‘THE KILLER.’ Here… - 2 years ago

@VenusInMomJeans: RT @eltonofficial: Without Jerry Lee Lewis, I wouldn’t have become who I am today. He was groundbreaking and exciting, and he pulverized th… - 2 years ago

@Richardruizpy: RT @AIertaMundiaI: LO ÚLTIMO: Murió la leyenda del rock Jerry Lee Lewis. Acá en 1957 tocando las teclas del piano en Great Balls Of Fire.… - 2 years ago

@catisesp: RT @officialKeef: “Goodbye to the Killer” RIP Keith From the 1983 Salute to Jerry Lee Lewis @jerryleelewis - 2 years ago

@niklas_granholm: RT @shattenstone: RIP Killer – wherever you end up This is my interview with Jerry Lee-Lewis. One of most memorable, moving and scariest I… - 2 years ago

@WallnutsPauli: RT @billboard: Jerry Lee Lewis was the last living member of the inaugural Rock & Roll Hall of Fame class - 2 years ago

@SocraticaR: RT @CNN: Jerry Lee Lewis, the piano-pounding, foot-stomping singer who electrified early rock 'n' roll with hits like "Great Balls of Fire"… - 2 years ago

@dmesg: @perdricof My friends were like "whut?" And I said "In 1955 he was still touring with Elvis and Wanda Jackson right… - 2 years ago

@TasteOfCountry: What an INCREDIBLE life and legacy! What's your favorite Jerry Lee Lewis song? - 2 years ago

@john_siracusa: ⚡️ “Jerry Lee Lewis, Rock Pioneer and ‘Great Balls of Fire’ Singer, Dies at 87” by @Variety - 2 years ago

@SkaggsFmlyRcrds: "A true original, not a copy, that was Jerry Lee Lewis. I knew him, I loved him and I’ll always be amazed at his Go… - 2 years ago

@JohnWal90456302: @ThatEricAlper I remember as a kid hearing Jerry Lee Lewis on the radio playing the piano wildly with heavy reverb… - 2 years ago

@mpuertahueso: RT @MariaLeiva93: Acabo de enterarme de que nos ha dejado el grandísimo Jerry Lee Lewis. Un maestro y enorme pionero del rock& roll. Gracia… - 2 years ago

@ColtonNumber1: RT @hipsterocracy: Someday right now: RIP Jerry Lee Lewis Somebody else: Didn’t he marry a kid and possibly murder one of his wives? The… - 2 years ago

@tsiou2005: RT @VassoLouri: Σοκάρισε με την προσωπική του ζωή, αλλά ποιος δεν εχει χορεψει το Great ball of fires. RIP - 2 years ago

@MariaQu97068950: RT @Canal21_SV: #Espectáculos | Muere Jerry Lee Lewis, legendario pionero del rock & roll Más información aquí: - 2 years ago

@LelandFreeman: RT @HighSierraMan: - 2 years ago

@tiffanytyra33: RT @genesimmons: Sadly, One of the pioneers of rock ‘n’ roll has passed. A rebel to the end. RIP, Jerry Lee Lewis.….Jerry Lee Lewis, Influe… - 2 years ago

@AncientArtWien: RT @John_Fogerty: Sad to hear of the passing of Jerry Lee Lewis. Love his music and I was hugely influenced by his records and live perform… - 2 years ago

@olemissrebelfan: RT @GlennMcCJr: Born in Ferriday, LA moved to Natchez, Mississippi inducted into the Country Music and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame … founder… - 2 years ago

@paoloigna1: Jerry Lee Lewis - You Win Again (1956)Svcd - 2 years ago

@_KrisLamb: RT @Variety: Jerry Lee Lewis, Rock Pioneer and ‘Great Balls of Fire’ Singer, Dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@jyroland72: RT @franceinfo: Mort de Jerry Lee Lewis : "C'est le dernier des pionniers du rock qui vient de partir", réagit Philippe Manœuvre - 2 years ago

@DarklandsRadio: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Rock and roll pioneer Jerry Lee Lewis has died at 87. - 2 years ago

@GODZILLASLAYS65: RT @ThatEricAlper: The Killer. The greatest. The wildest. The one that changed rock and roll. And country. And influenced a whole lotta pia… - 2 years ago

@Faab64: RT @AJEnglish: Jerry Lee Lewis, the untamable rock ‘n’ roll pioneer who was known for hits such as Great Balls of Fire and Whole Lotta Shak… - 2 years ago

@BarstoolMintzy: Jerry Lee Lewis - Great Balls of Fire (Lyric Video) RIP to the Louisiana legend - 2 years ago

@ImAllNews_AU: 9NewsAUS: There were premature reports this week that U.S. singer Jerry Lee Lewis had passed away. We have sad co… - 2 years ago

@VillasCotedAzur: RT @trouw: Jerry Lee Lewis, de man die mede aan de basis stond van de rock & roll, is op 87-jarige leeftijd in zijn huis in het Amerikaanse… - 2 years ago

@romi_andrio: RT @tvsvizzera: #notiziedalmondo All'età di 87 anni è morto Jerry Lee Lewis, statunitense, uno dei più grandi artisti rock and roll del XX… - 2 years ago

@AbantoYoel34: #firstdates28o meinungsfreiheit nordfront åkesson ben arfa vada generation miriam leone yeppen berg caitlyn jenner… - 2 years ago

@Lemontwiist65: RT @TheDoors: "Along with many of the early rock singers, Little Richard, Fats Domino, Jerry Lee Lewis...had an influence on me because of… - 2 years ago

@IndieAdult: Rock & Roll Pioneer Jerry Lee Lewis passes on. Last of the Great originals influenced all the talented artists fro… - 2 years ago

@EugeAbarca: Las controversias de Jerry Lee Lewis - 2 years ago

@hdeagle08: RT @_KeepRockAlive_: Loss of a genuine Rock n' Roll Legend. R.I.P. Jerry Lee Lewis. 1935-2022 - 2 years ago

@LeoTaxilRetorn: RT @officialKeef: “Goodbye to the Killer” RIP Keith From the 1983 Salute to Jerry Lee Lewis @jerryleelewis - 2 years ago

@MattJisa: Carl Perkins, Roy Orbison, Johnny Cash, and Jerry Lee Lewis. All are gone now. Jerry Lee left us today at age 87: - 2 years ago

@vvitchcraftart: RT @DimitriCastelli: Jerry Lee Lewis est mort. C'était, pour le rock 'n roll, pour le piano, par la fougue et le caractère, par le jeu musi… - 2 years ago

@abzeronow: RT @KevDGrussing: Jerry Lee Lewis could’ve supplanted Elvis in the Rock pantheon after he went to Germany, but…well, let’s just say that th… - 2 years ago

@Glyndwr1906: RT @EllenFWalker: So instead of celebrating Jerry Lee Lewis, a man who groomed and abused a child (and allegedly abused several of his othe… - 2 years ago

@JayAtkins66: 🔥🔥LEST WE FORGET🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Jerry Lee Lewis -Great balls of fire & Breathless (Live 1958) - 2 years ago

@bsdtectr: It’s funny TMZ is reporting on this when they were duped about Jerry Lee Lewis just the other day. - 2 years ago

@PocasPedro: Então morreu o Jerry Lee Lewis e ninguém dizia nada ... - 2 years ago

@elias_bibi: RT @LeGlobe_info: ⚫️🇺🇸DISPARITION - Légende du rock’n roll, le chanteur américain Jerry Lee Lewis est mort à l’âge de 87 ans (TMZ). https:/… - 2 years ago

@alta_fidelidad: RT @davedavieskinks: Jerry Lee Lewis - regardless of whatever he did in his private life he will always be known for his exceptional creati… - 2 years ago

@arrie_lapin: RT @Reuters: Rock 'n' roll pioneer Jerry Lee Lewis, known as 'The Killer,' dies - 2 years ago

@RLGottwald: RT @Telegraph: Jerry Lee Lewis, wild piano-playing Rock and Roll legend whose hits included the barnstorming Great Balls of Fire – obituary… - 2 years ago

@GazzettaDelSud: 🔴 Addio a #JerryLeeLewis, leggenda dark del rock'n'roll. Stavolta non è una fake news. - 2 years ago

@King__Leo781: Smoking that Jerry Lee Lewis pack tonight. - 2 years ago

@TalktoBeverley: RT @JamesL1927: RIP JERRY LEE LEWIS One of the original trailblazing Rock n Rollers, who more than earned his nickname ‘THE KILLER.’ Here… - 2 years ago

@JeffEnfield: Last man standing has sadly died. RIP Jerry Lee Lewis. True pioneer of Rock and Roll. - 2 years ago

@JosAntn12783190: RT @NoticiasRedetv: Morre, aos 87 anos, o astro do rock Jerry Lee Lewis - Ao lado de Elvis Presley e Carl Perkins, Lewis é considerado um… - 2 years ago

@lrbobrien: RT @paulduanefilm: That time Jerry Lee Lewis played Iago in a musical adaptation of Othello, with William ‘Blacula’ Marshall as the lead: h… - 2 years ago

@tsukitada: RT @amass_jp: ロックンロールのパイオニア、ジェリー・リー・ルイス(Jerry Lee Lewis)が死去。ルイスのSNSアカウントで発表されています。87歳でした。  - 2 years ago

@tiramillas: ⚫ Adiós a una leyenda del rock: muere Jerry Lee Lewis a los 87 años. D.E.P. - 2 years ago

@edzetacl: RT @InfinitaFM: 🔴 Se confirmó una lamentable noticia para el mundo de la música. El legendario Jerry Lee Lewis, pionero del Rock and Roll,… - 2 years ago

@VincePastore: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Jerry Lee Lewis has died at 87. The "Great Balls of Fire" singer was a rock pioneer, but his career was marred… - 2 years ago

@hot100numero1: RT @SkyNews: Jerry Lee Lewis: Rock n’ roll star and Great Balls of Fire singer dies aged 87 - 2 years ago

@wilmerperezc: RT @AIertaMundiaI: LO ÚLTIMO: Murió la leyenda del rock Jerry Lee Lewis. Acá en 1957 tocando las teclas del piano en Great Balls Of Fire.… - 2 years ago

@nonobanez: RT @AIertaMundiaI: LO ÚLTIMO: Murió la leyenda del rock Jerry Lee Lewis. Acá en 1957 tocando las teclas del piano en Great Balls Of Fire.… - 2 years ago

@francesahen: RT @bluezharp: RIP🙏legendary Jerry Lee Lewis🌹🎶'Great Balls Of Fire' - 2 years ago

@AldomaldoAlex: RT @crockpics: Rest in Peace to The Killer, Jerry Lee Lewis. #RIPJerryLeeLewis #RIPKiller - 2 years ago

@Dpacfor2040: RT @LiZaOutlives: Liza Minnelli has outlived rock ‘n’ roll pioneer Jerry Lee Lewis - 2 years ago

@Jesus_huerta: DEP Jerry Lee Lewis - 2 years ago

@bertogp: D.E.P. Un grande de la música - 2 years ago

@OhSees2: RT @bluezharp: RIP🙏legendary Jerry Lee Lewis🌹🎶'Great Balls Of Fire' - 2 years ago

@Knnsmiley: RT @EllenFWalker: As the eulogies pour in, here's a friendly reminder that Jerry Lee Lewis was an abusive pedophile who married Myra Gale B… - 2 years ago

@CadeauEva1: RT @MagiqueTonton: Pendant longtemps j'ai cru que Jerry Lewis et Jerry Lee Lewis étaient une seule et même personne. - 2 years ago

@vikingmetal: Rest in Rock'n'Roll Jerry Lee Lewis ❤️😭 #jerryleelewis - 2 years ago

@CMManly: RT @Reuters: Rock n' Roll pioneer Jerry Lee Lewis has died at age 87 - 2 years ago

@mcrv_99: RT @AP: BREAKING: Rock ‘n’ roll star Jerry Lee Lewis, the ”Great Balls of Fire” singer who was known for his outrageous style and personal… - 2 years ago

@yonmacklein: RT @el_pais: 🔴 ÚLTIMA HORA | Muere a los 87 años Jerry Lee Lewis, la última leyenda de la edad dorada del rock and roll - 2 years ago

@srabi663: RT @dallasnews: Jerry Lee Lewis, outrageous rock ‘n’ roll star, dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@MicheleDuffy18: @Variety Rest in peace Jerry Lee Lewis. 💒🎹🕊 - 2 years ago

@MD_1962: RT @rocknrollgarag1: R.I.P Jerry Lee Lewis! The legendary musician sadly left us at the age of 87. - 2 years ago

@TessHKM: RT @KevinCate: This is Otis Blackwell, he discovered Jerry Lee Lewis when music directing a low-budget movie & wrote "Great Balls of Fire."… - 2 years ago

@BCN038: RT @LupitaJuarezH: 🔴 Muere a los 87 años Jerry Lee Lewis, pionero del rock and roll. Su deceso fue confirmado por familiares y su publicist… - 2 years ago

@denislcarvalho: RT @JamesL1927: RIP JERRY LEE LEWIS One of the original trailblazing Rock n Rollers, who more than earned his nickname ‘THE KILLER.’ Here… - 2 years ago

@Spastiscusarti1: RT @josue_coello: Ha muerto Jerry Lee Lewis y se le podría homenajear con muchos temas pero me quedo con este medley del 69 con Tom Jones.… - 2 years ago

@BiteGomez: RT @Variety: Jerry Lee Lewis, Rock Pioneer and ‘Great Balls of Fire’ Singer, Dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@LOMADRIAN: Acabo de leer que el pianista y cantante Jerry Lee Lewis ha fallecido en la ciudad de Memphis a los 87 años de edad… - 2 years ago

@xuandelaxata: Noticias culturales en LNE: Retrato de Jerry Lee Lewis, un rockero entre Dios y el diablo - 2 years ago

@DiegoPoso: That lucky old sun- Jerry Lee Lewis Una canción increíblemente bella y emotiva.. En una playlist junto a Hurt por J… - 2 years ago

@lhlife: RT @integraps: Jerry Lee Lewis has passed away aged 87. The music will live on forever. #RIP - 2 years ago

@LilCountryBird: RT @ThatEricAlper: The Killer. The greatest. The wildest. The one that changed rock and roll. And country. And influenced a whole lotta pia… - 2 years ago

@blssdblkwngs: One by one, they're turning out the lights... Godspeed, Killer. You were an original. Jerry Lee Lewis - Another P… - 2 years ago

@cubomat: Jerry Lee Lewis & Rod Stewart - What's Made Milwaukee Famous - 2 years ago

@SimpleMedia_: Jerry Lee Lewis dead: Troubled rock star dies at 87 – National - 2 years ago

@coachclement: RT @Variety: Singer-pianist Jerry Lee Lewis, the hell-raising, larger-than-life rock ‘n’ roll pioneer and latter-day country star, has died… - 2 years ago

@NadhShanti27: RT @Variety: Jerry Lee Lewis, Rock Pioneer and ‘Great Balls of Fire’ Singer, Dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@MHJR2b: RT @LeGlobe_info: ⚫️🇺🇸DISPARITION - Légende du rock’n roll, le chanteur américain Jerry Lee Lewis est mort à l’âge de 87 ans (TMZ). https:/… - 2 years ago

@johnabucy: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Rock and roll pioneer Jerry Lee Lewis has died at 87. - 2 years ago

@violetclear1: RT @mehtabackupacc: Jerry Lee Lewis was an abusive pedophile who married Myra Gale Brown, his 13-year-old cousin. When Brown filed for divo… - 2 years ago

@LarryBoorstein: RT @GuardianUS: Jerry Lee Lewis, notorious US rock’n’roll star, dies aged 87 - 2 years ago

@lovelyladyc1: RT @JamesL1927: RIP JERRY LEE LEWIS One of the original trailblazing Rock n Rollers, who more than earned his nickname ‘THE KILLER.’ Here… - 2 years ago

@Jacquie228: RT @crockpics: Jerry Lee Lewis, Ray Charles, Paul Shaffer, Fats Domino and Ronnie Wood, 1986. - 2 years ago

@HollywoodBlvd1: RT @ABC7: Jerry Lee Lewis, the rock ‘n’ roll pioneer whose outrageous talent, energy and ego collided on definitive records like “Great Bal… - 2 years ago

@mgreco84: Musician Jerry Lee Lewis dead @ 87.#BreakingNewsNow #Breaking_News #BreakingNews #BreakingNewz #BreakingNow… - 2 years ago

@antonioescamez: Se nos va a los 87 años el gran Jerry Lee Lewis, bestia sagrada del piano a ritmo de rock and roll. - 2 years ago

@BrianHespe: RT @FoxNews: BREAKING: Jerry Lee Lewis, 'Great Balls of Fire' singer, dead at 87 - 2 years ago

@AbantoYoel34: wouke credit suisse #marciasuroma paul pelosi #thechase #myonly12pcep12 veretout start ins wochenende slot schiff m… - 2 years ago

@mgreco84: Musician Jerry Lee Lewis dead @ 87.#BreakingNewsNow #Breaking_News #BreakingNews #BreakingNewz #BreakingNow… - 2 years ago

@Philippe_Echez: RT @SchnockRevue: Jerry Lee Lewis c'est Eddy Mitchell qui en parle le mieux... Extrait de l'interview donnée dans "Schnock" (coupée dans l… - 2 years ago

@EduYoung21: RT @EdSullivanShow: We honor the life and legacy of Jerry Lee Lewis who passed away today, October 28th, at the age of 87. An early innovat… - 2 years ago

@ayozearjona: RT @EFEnoticias: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Muere a los 87 años el músico Jerry Lee Lewis, pionero del rock and roll. - 2 years ago

@JeanVerlich: Jerry Lee Lewis, 'Great Balls of Fire' singer, dead at 87 - 2 years ago

@josetama22: RT @retrochenta: Noticia triste: nos ha dejado a los 87 años de edad el legendario Jerry Lee Lewis, precursor del Rock and Roll. Descansa e… - 2 years ago

@Agenzia_Ansa: Jerry Lee Lewis ha imparato a suonare il piano a 9 anni. Fra i suoi maggiori successi 'Great Balls of fire', canzon… - 2 years ago

@houx: Because I didn’t think about age at the time, it’s odd to note Jerry Lee Lewis was 54 when they made a movie about… - 2 years ago

@SweetCarmel77: RT @SweetCarmel77: Rock ’n’ roll legend Jerry Lee Lewis who famously married his 13 yr. old cousin has died. #jerryleelewis - 2 years ago

@TheClintBobski: RT @Variety: Jerry Lee Lewis, Rock Pioneer and ‘Great Balls of Fire’ Singer, Dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@musicmark1969: Notorious singer Jerry Lee Lewis dies aged 87 - 2 years ago

@PaulMiller1313: @CNN So sad. An other legend gone. May Jerry Lee Lewis Rest in Peace.🙏🏼 - 2 years ago

@Tigercuddles74: @piersmorgan BREAKING NEWS JERRY LEE LEWIS IS DEAD - 2 years ago

@weareiowa5news: Of all the rock rebels to emerge in the 1950s, few captured the new genre's attraction and danger as unforgettably… - 2 years ago

@god_jubilee: Jerry Lee Lewis, outrageous rock ‘n’ roll star, dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@MzIntervention: Jerry Lee Lewis Dead at 87 - 2 years ago

@1_vampire_2: @RT_com's account has been withheld in Belgium, Austria, Bulgaria, Sweden, Croatia, Spain, Slovenia, Cyprus, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Portugal, Poland, Denmark, Netherlands, Estonia, Malta, Luxembourg, Finland, France, Lithuania, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, United Kingdom in response to a legal demand. Learn more. - 2 years ago

@NikiNGJJQ: RT @tagesschau: Rock'n'Roll-Legende Jerry Lee Lewis gestorben - 2 years ago

@Primetweets_PT: Jerry Lee Lewis, Influential and Condemned Rock & Roll Pioneer, Dead at 87 - 2 years ago

@KevinCate: This is Otis Blackwell, he discovered Jerry Lee Lewis when music directing a low-budget movie & wrote "Great Balls… - 2 years ago

@Serpico582: DEP. Fallece Jerry Lee Lewis, uno de los fundadores del rock and roll Enviado desde @updayESP - 2 years ago

@KETV: Jerry Lee Lewis, the untamable rock 'n' roll pioneer whose outrageous talent, energy and ego collided on such defin… - 2 years ago

@deanlines: JERRY LEE LEWIS WAS STILL ALIVE???!? - 2 years ago

@StephenPMurtagh: Notorious singer Jerry Lee Lewis dies aged 87 - RIP Jerry, one of a kind, you’ll never be forgotten! - 2 years ago

@MattHasTheMusic: Isn’t Jerry Lee Lewis the one who married his child-aged cousin? - 2 years ago

@RaiMar52: - 2 years ago

@thesarahkelly: RT @Phil_Lewis_: Jerry Lee Lewis, Rock n Roll singer who married his 13-year-old cousin, has died at 87, his publicist confirms - 2 years ago

@flmfrkcentral: Jerry Lee Lewis was a hateful bastard but, y'know, talented. Nick Tosches' "Hellfire" made me wish I could've seen… - 2 years ago

@LaurHof11: So Nicky's gonna homer tonight? RIP Jerry Lee Lewis. - 2 years ago

@CunningShowbiz: Jerry Lee Lewis Dead at 87 - 2 years ago

@KTBS: Lewis was the son of one-time bootlegger Elmo Lewis and the cousin of TV evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and country star… - 2 years ago

@PersonajesTV: Murió Jerry Lee Lewis: el creador de Great Balls of Fire tenía 87 años - 2 years ago

@961TheTon: RT @CMT: Jerry Lee Lewis has passed away at 87 years old. We send our condolences to his family and loved ones 🙏 - 2 years ago

@ManuelDBraun1: Jerry Lee Lewis, Rock Pioneer and ‘Great Balls of Fire’ Singer, Dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@lima_alpha_lima: Jerry Lee Lewis, Influential and Condemned Rock & Roll Pioneer, Dead – Rolling Stone - 2 years ago

@TheGrantPerkins: With the news that Jerry Lee Lewis has passed, I must confess that due to mishearing the Great balls of Fire lyric,… - 2 years ago

@RTMannJr: RT @tmorris504: Jerry Lee Lewis, unbridled early rocker, dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@NE188thSt: @AP You mean Pedophile Jerry Lee Lewis. - 2 years ago

@animelot: RT @AIertaMundiaI: LO ÚLTIMO: Jerry Lee Lewis, la primera estrella del rock and roll que saltó a la fama con una serie de éxitos en la déca… - 2 years ago

@Inkonstante1: RT @AIertaMundiaI: ÚLTIMA HORA: Jerry Lee Lewis ha muerto a los 87 años, informa su familia. - 2 years ago

@sherylbone617: RIP Jerry Lee Lewis - 2 years ago

@WKBN: Jerry Lee Lewis, outrageous rock ‘n’ roll star, dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@MatthewLeeMusic: Jerry Lee Lewis has left the stage. Il più grande di tutti ci ha lasciati 💔 #jerryleelewis #rocknroll - 2 years ago

@LMarianaLuna: RT @TMZ: Jerry Lee Lewis is not dead ... as we previously reported. - 2 years ago

@Zazzarazaz: RT @Independent: 🚨 Jerry Lee Lewis death: ‘Great Balls of Fire’ singer dies aged 87 - 2 years ago

@daryllawson: Jerry Lee Lewis, outrageous rock ‘n’ roll star, dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@davebloch: RT @ABCWorldNews: BREAKING: Rock and roll pioneer Jerry Lee Lewis has died at 87. - 2 years ago

@aokikuchan: RT @lemondefr: Le pianiste de rock Jerry Lee Lewis est mort - 2 years ago

@mrburnsns: RT @washingtonpost: Jerry Lee Lewis dies at 87. The singer and pianist behind 'Great Balls of Fire' was rock’s prototypical wild man. https… - 2 years ago

@cia4150: RT @BNONews: BREAKING: Rock ’n’ roll legend Jerry Lee Lewis has died, his family says - 2 years ago

@robcantero: RT @AIertaMundiaI: Jerry Lee Lewis (1935-2022): - 2 years ago

@sharperdistance: fuck jerry lee lewis i hope he rots in hell forever - 2 years ago

@dison_josh: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Rock and roll pioneer Jerry Lee Lewis has died at 87. - 2 years ago

@3vil_qu33n: RT @CMT: Jerry Lee Lewis has passed away at 87 years old. We send our condolences to his family and loved ones 🙏 - 2 years ago

@janetate: RT @washingtonpost: Jerry Lee Lewis dies at 87. The singer and pianist behind 'Great Balls of Fire' was rock’s prototypical wild man. https… - 2 years ago

@KTVB: Jerry Lee Lewis dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@DescantesCh: RT @LesNews: Mort de Jerry Lee Lewis, star américaine du rock’n’roll, à l’âge de 87 ans. /Via @AP - 2 years ago

@JohnnyDee62: RT @guardian: Jerry Lee Lewis, notorious US rock’n’roll star, dies aged 87 - 2 years ago

@avecozave: Jerry Lee Lewis, notorious US rock’n’roll star, dies aged 87 RIP - 2 years ago

@KyraSpears: R.I.P. Jerry Lee Lewis - 2 years ago

@chargy: RT @GMA: BREAKING: Rock and roll pioneer Jerry Lee Lewis has died at 87. - 2 years ago

@alain170000: RT @sudinfo_be: La légende du rock’n’roll, Jerry Lee Lewis, est morte à 87 ans - 2 years ago

@geoffreylock: RT @BeschlossDC: Jerry Lee Lewis (1935-2022): - 2 years ago

@AMakerBe1: Jerry Lee Lewis, unbridled early rocker, dies at 87. Yeh, I know. But it’s WAPO - 2 years ago

@erb90us: Jerry Lee Lewis, rock 'n' roll pioneer and perpetual ball of fire, dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@geenstijl: MUZIEK II! Great balls of fire van Jerry Lee Lewis voorgoed gedoofd - 2 years ago

@MDAndersonABQ: RT @AP: BREAKING: Rock ‘n’ roll star Jerry Lee Lewis, the ”Great Balls of Fire” singer who was known for his outrageous style and personal… - 2 years ago

@DYSTNews: RT @NewsPolitics: Jerry Lee Lewis, rock 'n' roll pioneer and perpetual ball of fire, dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@IngridKMedia: RT @AP: BREAKING: Rock ‘n’ roll star Jerry Lee Lewis, the ”Great Balls of Fire” singer who was known for his outrageous style and personal… - 2 years ago

@AllLive76499807: RT @Variety: Jerry Lee Lewis, Rock Pioneer and ‘Great Balls of Fire’ Singer, Dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@LuigiMurdoccaJr: RT @Variety: Look back on Jerry Lee Lewis' life and legacy: - 2 years ago

@NewsIndepe: 🇺🇲 Ahora si es oficial por parte de la familia, Jerry Lee Lewis ha fallecido a los 87 años de edad.… - 2 years ago

@karagananna: RT @guardian: Jerry Lee Lewis, notorious US rock’n’roll star, dies aged 87 - 2 years ago

@cheryl_marlin: RT @complete_tripe: RIP Jerry Lee Lewis. - 2 years ago

@Reservoir_fox_: RT @pitchfork: Jerry Lee Lewis, the disgraced rock'n'roll pioneer, has died - 2 years ago

@LaurenTomasi: RT @jekearsley: A message on Jerry Lee Lewis’ website has appeared as AP reports the rock n roll star - known for the hit Great Balls of Fi… - 2 years ago

@MrMcRovers: Jerry Lee Lewis gone !! One of the cornerstones. - 2 years ago

@GaryLoew: @BeschlossDC Oh? - 2 years ago

@joaolukasc: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Rock and roll pioneer Jerry Lee Lewis has died at 87. - 2 years ago

@suzannedj3: RT @latimes: Jerry Lee Lewis, the original wild man of rock ‘n’ roll whose explosive records, fiery performances and real-life scandals mad… - 2 years ago

@marywbennett: RT @BeschlossDC: Jerry Lee Lewis (1935-2022): - 2 years ago

@ken_crichlow: RT @Variety: An inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, recipient of a Recording Academy Lifetime Achievement Award and a Country Mus… - 2 years ago

@News4SA: The last survivor of a generation of groundbreaking performers that included Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry and Little… - 2 years ago

@TwoLongRiders: RT @AIertaMundiaI: LO ÚLTIMO: Jerry Lee Lewis, la primera estrella del rock and roll que saltó a la fama con una serie de éxitos en la déca… - 2 years ago

@sxswtx08: RT @WFLAJosh: JUST IN. Rock 'n' roll icon, Jerry Lee Lewis has died at age 87 according to a statement from his team. #RIP - 2 years ago

@kytv: Jerry Lee Lewis, ‘Great Balls of Fire’ singer, dies at 87: - 2 years ago

@ksprnews: Jerry Lee Lewis, ‘Great Balls of Fire’ singer, dies at 87: - 2 years ago

@Radiobeaming: RT @Daily_Press: BREAKING: Jerry Lee Lewis, an untamable and outrageous rock ‘n’ roll star, died this morning at age 87. - 2 years ago

@tomxconn: RT @PopCrave: Jerry Lee Lewis has sadly passed away at the age of 87. 🔗: - 2 years ago

@NBC12: Rock 'n' roll star Jerry Lee Lewis, who was known for his outrageous style and personal life has died >>>… - 2 years ago

@JeauxDirt: RIP Jerry Lee Lewis - 2 years ago

@MonicaReidRadio: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Rock and roll pioneer Jerry Lee Lewis has died at 87. - 2 years ago

@MoodysGlobal: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Rock and roll pioneer Jerry Lee Lewis has died at 87. - 2 years ago

@SebMattsPL: Jerry Lee Lewis (87) är död. Han sörjs bl a av sin första fru Myra Lewis Williams (33) - 2 years ago

@chargy: RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: Jerry Lee Lewis, the early rock n' roll star who skyrocketed to fame with a string of hits in the 1950s, had died, h… - 2 years ago

@Mike_McCarrick: @ShadowTodd Jerry Lee Lewis was an influential rock legend and Great Balls of Fire still kicks ass…but I don’t thin… - 2 years ago

@AstraZeneca2022: RT @BFMTV: 🔴 ALERTE INFO Mort de Jerry Lee Lewis, légende américaine du rock'n'roll, à l'âge de 87 ans - 2 years ago

@Scottadams4321: RT @BNONews: BREAKING: Rock ’n’ roll legend Jerry Lee Lewis has died, his family says - 2 years ago

@NestrickThomas: RT @BeschlossDC: Jerry Lee Lewis (1935-2022): - 2 years ago

@koconews: More on this story: - 2 years ago

@hiespaceboy: RT @consequence: BREAKING: Jerry Lee Lewis has died at the age of 87, according to his publicist - 2 years ago

@7b73f39b85e1415: - 2 years ago

@shaunwillo90: RT @SkyNews: Jerry Lee Lewis: Rock n’ roll star and Great Balls of Fire singer dies aged 87 - 2 years ago

@ElihuWho: RT @AP: BREAKING: Rock ‘n’ roll star Jerry Lee Lewis, the ”Great Balls of Fire” singer who was known for his outrageous style and personal… - 2 years ago

@sheenaniganz: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Rock and roll pioneer Jerry Lee Lewis has died at 87. - 2 years ago

@rustyweiss74: The true king of Rock and Roll. RIP Jerry Lee Lewis - 2 years ago

@SebRules1: RT @Variety: Jerry Lee Lewis, Rock Pioneer and ‘Great Balls of Fire’ Singer, Dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@philenespanol: RT @Variety: Jerry Lee Lewis, Rock Pioneer and ‘Great Balls of Fire’ Singer, Dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@Cougarsportsfan: RT @nypost: JUST IN: Jerry Lee Lewis, rock 'n' roll legend, dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@jlonga1: RT @AP: BREAKING: Rock ‘n’ roll star Jerry Lee Lewis, the ”Great Balls of Fire” singer who was known for his outrageous style and personal… - 2 years ago

@NBCLA: Jerry Lee Lewis, ‘Great Balls of Fire' Singer Known for Outrageous Style and Personal Life, Dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@aurelie_flahaut: RT @lemondefr: Le pianiste de rock Jerry Lee Lewis est mort - 2 years ago

@Aerycrow: RT @Variety: Jerry Lee Lewis, Rock Pioneer and ‘Great Balls of Fire’ Singer, Dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@iltalehti_fi: Laulaja Jerry Lee Lewis, 87, on kuollut - 2 years ago

@neptunestardust: Jerry Lee Lewis 💔 one of the first musicians that got me into rock and roll , may you rest easy - 2 years ago

@carolannelennie: RT @sterlewine: The Killer Has Left The Building: Jerry Lee Lewis, who outlived most of his rock & roll peers, has died at the age of 87. h… - 2 years ago

@SB_GAMING15: RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: Jerry Lee Lewis, the early rock n' roll star who skyrocketed to fame with a string of hits in the 1950s, had died, h… - 2 years ago

@VinG44: RT @Variety: Jerry Lee Lewis, Rock Pioneer and ‘Great Balls of Fire’ Singer, Dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@RevMelanieNOLA: Jerry Lee Lewis, outrageous rock ‘n’ roll star, dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@MooseRandy: Jerry Lee Lewis, free-wheeling 'wild man' of rock 'n' roll, dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@vinylshrine: RT @BillyFuryMuseum: Sad to hear another Rock 'N' Roll legend has passed away today. RIP Jerry Lee Lewis. What a rocker! Our thoughts are w… - 2 years ago

@jjhjort: RT @ebbreaking: Rockikonet Jerry Lee Lewis er død: - 2 years ago

@nielubiegazety2: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Rock and roll pioneer Jerry Lee Lewis has died at 87. - 2 years ago

@7b73f39b85e1415: RT @LeGlobe_info: ⚫️🇺🇸DISPARITION - Légende du rock’n roll, le chanteur américain Jerry Lee Lewis est mort à l’âge de 87 ans (TMZ). https:/… - 2 years ago

@iHeartTrending: Jerry Lee Lewis, Legend Known As 'The Killer,' Dead At 87 - 2 years ago

@maelmefis90: Jerry Lee Lewis Dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@CGlasgow: RT @USATODAY: Jerry Lee Lewis dies at 87: Rock pioneer ignited the charts with hits like 'Great Balls of Fire' - 2 years ago

@FintanOToolbox: Jerry Lee Lewis out the gap. - 2 years ago

@samliddicott: RT @sterlewine: The Killer Has Left The Building: Jerry Lee Lewis, who outlived most of his rock & roll peers, has died at the age of 87. h… - 2 years ago

@jso65: RT @Variety: Jerry Lee Lewis, Rock Pioneer and ‘Great Balls of Fire’ Singer, Dies at 87 - 2 years ago

@eastbaymusic: Blessed to have shared the earth with someone like Jerry Lee Lewis. RIP Killer, the music lives on forever. - 2 years ago

@KristinHodges: RT @WDBJ7: BREAKING: Rock ‘n’ roll star Jerry Lee Lewis, the “Great Balls of Fire” singer known for his outrageous style and personal life,… - 2 years ago

@arklahoman: RT @AP: BREAKING: Rock ‘n’ roll star Jerry Lee Lewis, the ”Great Balls of Fire” singer who was known for his outrageous style and personal… - 2 years ago

@CesarECand: RT @RollingStone: Jerry Lee Lewis, the controversial rock & roll pioneer who embodied rebellion with songs like "Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin'… - 2 years ago

@BobFlan93884116: Jerry Lee Lewis Dead at 87 #SmartNews - 2 years ago

@StudMuffinSays: RIP, Jerry Lee Lewis From one goodness, gracious, great balls of fire God Damned handsome man to another. 🎶 🎤 🎹 🔥 - 2 years ago

@BWWMusicWorld: BroadwayWorld is saddened to report that #JerryLeeLewis has died at 87. - 2 years ago

@NewsChannel9: Goodness gracious, great balls of fire. Rock N Roll legend Jerry Lee Lewis has died. - 2 years ago

@wwwcurrentnews1: Jerry Lee Lewis Dead: ‘Great Balls Of Fire’ Singer & Music Icon Dies At Age 87 - 2 years ago

@BMT8291: RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: Jerry Lee Lewis, the early rock n' roll star who skyrocketed to fame with a string of hits in the 1950s, had died, h… - 2 years ago

@ViejoForever: RT @MundoEConflicto: ⚡️ #AHORA | La familia de Jerry Lee Lewis confirma la muerte del pianista y cantante. - 2 years ago

@standardnews: Legendary US singer Jerry Lee Lewis has died aged of 87 - 2 years ago

@stephanecerri: Le pianiste de rock Jerry Lee Lewis est mort – via @lemondefr - 2 years ago

@dwj66: RT @SkyNews: Jerry Lee Lewis: Rock n’ roll star and Great Balls of Fire singer dies aged 87 - 2 years ago

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