Jerry Givens

American chief executioner of Virginia (1982–1999) and anti-death penalty advocate
Died on Monday April 20th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Jerry Givens:

@Bron1954: The life and death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s executioner-turned-abolitionist - 5 years ago

@ballingerlaw: I consider myself a law and order conservative who is morally opposed to the death penalty. Jerry Givens understan… - 5 years ago

@Lawgirl318: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: "His biggest fear is that he may have executed someone who was innocent..." Former executioner who campaigned to #Stop… - 5 years ago

@NoDpOhAmnesty: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: The life and death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s executioner-turned-abolitionist - 5 years ago


@NoDpOhAmnesty: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: "His biggest fear is that he may have executed someone who was innocent..." Former executioner who campaigned to #Stop… - 5 years ago

@NoDpOhAmnesty: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: Former Executioner Turned #DeathPenalty Abolitionist Dies of #COVID19. #StopExecutions #EndTheDeathPenalty Support th… - 5 years ago

@thinktwiceok: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: The life and death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s executioner-turned-abolitionist - 5 years ago

@thinktwiceok: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: "His biggest fear is that he may have executed someone who was innocent..." Former executioner who campaigned to #Stop… - 5 years ago

@thinktwiceok: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: Former Executioner Turned #DeathPenalty Abolitionist Dies of #COVID19. #StopExecutions #EndTheDeathPenalty Support th… - 5 years ago

@AbolitionAAC: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: The life and death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s executioner-turned-abolitionist - 5 years ago

@AbolitionAAC: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: "His biggest fear is that he may have executed someone who was innocent..." Former executioner who campaigned to #Stop… - 5 years ago

@AbolitionAAC: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: Former Executioner Turned #DeathPenalty Abolitionist Dies of #COVID19. #StopExecutions #EndTheDeathPenalty Support th… - 5 years ago

@AIDEndDP: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: The life and death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s executioner-turned-abolitionist - 5 years ago

@AIDEndDP: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: "His biggest fear is that he may have executed someone who was innocent..." Former executioner who campaigned to #Stop… - 5 years ago

@AIDEndDP: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: Former Executioner Turned #DeathPenalty Abolitionist Dies of #COVID19. #StopExecutions #EndTheDeathPenalty Support th… - 5 years ago

@abrahambonowitz: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: The life and death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s executioner-turned-abolitionist - 5 years ago

@abrahambonowitz: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: "His biggest fear is that he may have executed someone who was innocent..." Former executioner who campaigned to #Stop… - 5 years ago

@abrahambonowitz: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: Former Executioner Turned #DeathPenalty Abolitionist Dies of #COVID19. #StopExecutions #EndTheDeathPenalty Support th… - 5 years ago

@Journey0fHope: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: The life and death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s executioner-turned-abolitionist - 5 years ago

@Journey0fHope: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: "His biggest fear is that he may have executed someone who was innocent..." Former executioner who campaigned to #Stop… - 5 years ago

@Ocean_State211: - 5 years ago

@soulbruddae63: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 🧐🧐 - 5 years ago

@DAngelo136: @MochaPeach Your uncle was THE Jerry Givens? I had been following his post executioner activism for awhile. My deep… - 5 years ago

@ElectoralPolicy: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 WRON… - 5 years ago

@jetlifeual: RT @CNN: Jerry Givens, who became an anti-death penalty activist after years of serving as Virginia's chief executioner, has died from comp… - 5 years ago

@WynnWs: RT @CNN: Jerry Givens, who became an anti-death penalty activist after years of serving as Virginia's chief executioner, has died from comp… - 5 years ago

@MSN: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@MochaPeach: Wow... my uncle's death has made national news. If you're interested in learning more about him, he was also featu… - 5 years ago

@Altrupreneur: RT @CMNEndtheDP: Jerry Givens was Virginia’s chief executioner before he became an avowed #deathpenalty opponent. He passed away from #COVI… - 5 years ago

@rebecca_rendahl: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@starlasphinz1: RT @CNN: Jerry Givens, who became an anti-death penalty activist after years of serving as Virginia's chief executioner, has died from comp… - 5 years ago

@848Maryrobinson: RT @papiclint: "His biggest fear is that at some point he may have executed someone who was innocent," False Evidence Appearing Real Rest… - 5 years ago

@darlynn_lynn: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@MaJoNa491: RT @CNN: Jerry Givens, who became an anti-death penalty activist after years of serving as Virginia's chief executioner, has died from comp… - 5 years ago

@AtlantoCeltica: - 5 years ago

@orechetti: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@sebulia1: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@Paw_Ziolkowski: Jerry Givens, były kat, który stał się działaczem przeciwko mordom sądowym zmarł na koronawirusa. - 5 years ago

@swehtodd: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@ThinknBE: RT @Ali_Gharib: A remarkable journey of a life, cut short by Covid-19: Jerry Givens was Virginia's chief executioner from '82 - '99 and ca… - 5 years ago

@ArcalaLourdez: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@KSchaetzly: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@rafilaufer: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@DianneF53310191: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@SpecialKSM913: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@RichCub1: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@NigelCharles: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@Aball001Andrea: - 5 years ago

@tdAZ12: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@JessamynAyers: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@kenkircher1: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@Oldlady12345: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@xica25: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@lwilliams333: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@13Marychuy: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@peacelovingrn: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@kmcatch22: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@Azmat446: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@Tamarama210: RT @jaketapper: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner who became death penalty activist, dies of Covid-19 - CNN - 5 years ago

@chnealjr: - 5 years ago

@Jo_MacD: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@Serviciogsmcelu: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@GWKushh: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@saharazizlaw: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@jesserker: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@504_dr: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@Baka_62: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@fastlerner: The life and death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s executioner-turned-abolitionist - 5 years ago

@NishSwish: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@GangofH: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@mxrninglory: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@realeriba: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@eflorian10: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@mbereko_c: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@FernandoCesar77: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@andrewwhiteau: Executioner-turned-abolitionist, dies of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@shreen66: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@CainHeleverok: RT @NeelaDBD: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his lif… - 5 years ago

@reforgingnarsil: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@alicesperi: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@b1e56df9ce6549f: RT @LAProgressive: #RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Th… - 5 years ago

@HaydenH70944241: RT @LAProgressive: #RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Th… - 5 years ago

@LAProgressive: #RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalt… - 5 years ago

@LAProgressive: #RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalt… - 5 years ago

@LAProgressive: #RT @theintercept: The life and death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s executioner-turned-abolitionist - 5 years ago

@krallen_3: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@gjoh532: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@K0le_: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@KATIACORINO: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@sangor55: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@RETINKS: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@ojoscriollos: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@EmmaSegasture: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago


@William79036039: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@teemarieeagle: RT @LilianaSegura: I met Jerry Givens last year, briefly. I had so many more questions I hoped to ask him, but never got the chance. He die… - 5 years ago

@alexatplay: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@MonkeyK76485217: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@NiggaTheory: RT @LilianaSegura: I met Jerry Givens last year, briefly. I had so many more questions I hoped to ask him, but never got the chance. He die… - 5 years ago

@NetzwerkggS21: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@sweenedogmoxy: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@MichaelMcColly: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@alternate_idea: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@vtavaresl: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@NuvoDiogenes: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@DeadGeographies: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@Shakirah_A_: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@ADarkly83: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@calling12001: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@SDS_Sunlight: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@AleLibera: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@dibsathecat: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@ExAbsurdo: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@NonnaAnn: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@SamalBahayKubo: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@mohaaze: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@gaynossauro: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@momonyc19: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@pkattheshore: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@soIndi: RT @theintercept: After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his… - 5 years ago

@robertwrighter: RT @Ali_Gharib: A remarkable journey of a life, cut short by Covid-19: Jerry Givens was Virginia's chief executioner from '82 - '99 and ca… - 5 years ago

@laurenmvb: RT @LilianaSegura: I met Jerry Givens last year, briefly. I had so many more questions I hoped to ask him, but never got the chance. He die… - 5 years ago

@Neda_Semnani: RT @Ali_Gharib: A remarkable journey of a life, cut short by Covid-19: Jerry Givens was Virginia's chief executioner from '82 - '99 and ca… - 5 years ago

@Angelica_Grace6: RT @LilianaSegura: I met Jerry Givens last year, briefly. I had so many more questions I hoped to ask him, but never got the chance. He die… - 5 years ago

@Ali_Gharib: RT @LilianaSegura: I met Jerry Givens last year, briefly. I had so many more questions I hoped to ask him, but never got the chance. He die… - 5 years ago

@Ali_Gharib: A remarkable journey of a life, cut short by Covid-19: Jerry Givens was Virginia's chief executioner from '82 - '9… - 5 years ago

@KathleenCulhane: RT @LilianaSegura: I met Jerry Givens last year, briefly. I had so many more questions I hoped to ask him, but never got the chance. He die… - 5 years ago

@AnricaC: RT @LilianaSegura: I met Jerry Givens last year, briefly. I had so many more questions I hoped to ask him, but never got the chance. He die… - 5 years ago

@LilianaSegura: I met Jerry Givens last year, briefly. I had so many more questions I hoped to ask him, but never got the chance. H… - 5 years ago

@jettica65: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: The life and death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s executioner-turned-abolitionist - 5 years ago

@AbolishDeathPen: RT @noneofusarefree: The life and death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s executioner-turned-abolitionist - 5 years ago

@Omnia_Omnibus: The Life and Death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s Executioner-Turned-Abolitionist - 5 years ago

@claudia_tramer: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: The life and death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s executioner-turned-abolitionist - 5 years ago

@noneofusarefree: The life and death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s executioner-turned-abolitionist - 5 years ago

@SAVERANDYHALPR1: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: The life and death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s executioner-turned-abolitionist - 5 years ago

@DeathPenaltyAct: The life and death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s executioner-turned-abolitionist - 5 years ago

@ShelliDrummer4: The life and death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s executioner-turned-abolitionist - 5 years ago

@Justice4Hank: RT @theintercept: The life and death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s executioner-turned-abolitionist - 5 years ago

@okilloran: RT @RogerDHodge: The life and death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s executioner-turned-abolitionist - 5 years ago

@vrai777: The Life and Death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s Executioner-Turned-Abolitionist - 5 years ago

@ALBERTTGOINS1: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@EricMGarcia: Jerry Givens was an executioner who later advocated for ending the death penalty. As @BudrykZack always says, these… - 5 years ago

@cgaiter: From the @washingtonpost: Photo: Michael S. Williamson Faces of the Dead Jerry Givens, 67, led the country’s seco… - 5 years ago

@Thanks_Givens_: Bills get Jerry Hughes replacement. Aj Epenesa. Destroyed Austin Jackson in 2019. Will be seeing him twice in 2020. - 5 years ago

@baldwinboulogn1: RT @EJUSA: We're sad to say goodbye to Mr. Jerry Givens, a leader in the anti-death penalty movement. We are deeply grateful for his work t… - 5 years ago

@sacourtreporter: RT @EJUSA: We're sad to say goodbye to Mr. Jerry Givens, a leader in the anti-death penalty movement. We are deeply grateful for his work t… - 5 years ago

@ColdWarrior2000: RT @EJUSA: We're sad to say goodbye to Mr. Jerry Givens, a leader in the anti-death penalty movement. We are deeply grateful for his work t… - 5 years ago

@hoovis: Godspeed Jerry Givens - 5 years ago

@maria_santos94: RT @EJUSA: We're sad to say goodbye to Mr. Jerry Givens, a leader in the anti-death penalty movement. We are deeply grateful for his work t… - 5 years ago

@EJUSA: We're sad to say goodbye to Mr. Jerry Givens, a leader in the anti-death penalty movement. We are deeply grateful f… - 5 years ago

@bellwak: I was also sad to see that one of the early deaths we covered was that of Jerry Givens. My colleague… - 5 years ago

@M_Gardner_PhD: Gil Bailey Joel M. Reed Wynn Handman John Horton Conway Stanley Chera Reggie Bagala Bernie Juskiewicz Hal Willner E… - 5 years ago

@AHSSportsRVA: On this final day of National Volunteer Week, the Home of Armstrong Athletics would like acknowledge the service of… - 5 years ago

@tmctown: RT @mooresara: "Mr. Givens addressed an international audience in Brussels last year at the World Congress Against the Death Penalty." #COV… - 5 years ago

@mooresara: "Mr. Givens addressed an international audience in Brussels last year at the World Congress Against the Death Penal… - 5 years ago

@PMLaberge: RT @ThisIsTrue: This Week's Honorary Unsubscribe: Jerry Givens had a wild job. Why did he join campaigns to eliminate it nationwide? The st… - 5 years ago

@Highlighter84: RT @pepeguzzi: @ZachheadCrack @Djingleschmit @EricMcK04744837 @LeGOATJamess23 @TomBrady Jerry Rice did not play with Brady. If you refer to… - 5 years ago

@pepeguzzi: @ZachheadCrack @Djingleschmit @EricMcK04744837 @LeGOATJamess23 @TomBrady Jerry Rice did not play with Brady. If you… - 5 years ago

@Thanks_Givens_: Players I’d be happy with at 6 in order: - Tua Tagovailoa - Isaiah Simmons - Jedrick Wills - CeeDee Lamb - Justin… - 5 years ago

@ThisIsTrue: This Week's Honorary Unsubscribe: Jerry Givens had a wild job. Why did he join campaigns to eliminate it nationwide… - 5 years ago

@thelupusrainbow: RT @PhillyTrib: Jerry Givens, who served as Virginia’s chief executioner for 17 years before going to prison and becoming a prominent voice… - 5 years ago

@mattmortise: RT @DeathPenaltyP: Jerry Givens who was the Chief Executioner in Virginia until 1999 died of #COVID19 . His experience transformed him into… - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Jerry Givens - 5 years ago

@kari_hughes_20: Jerry Givens dies at 67 of coronavirus ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩ - 5 years ago

@Keon_Givens: RT @ReceiverLife_: Jerry Jeudy 🕹 - 5 years ago

@resendeandrade1: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@Gogetter4mine: RT @DeathPenaltyP: Jerry Givens who was the Chief Executioner in Virginia until 1999 died of #COVID19 . His experience transformed him into… - 5 years ago

@GlobeMetro: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, at 67 of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@deathtodeathrow: RT @ncadp: 'In the Executioner's Shadow' co-producers Rick Stack and Maggie Burnette Stogner remember Jerry Givens. "Jerry opened countles… - 5 years ago

@deathtodeathrow: RT @DPInfoCtr: What's New—Jerry Givens, Former Executioner Who Became Outspoken Critic of #DeathPenalty, Dies at 67. - 5 years ago

@Alissa_Moen: RT @CliveSSmith: His Road to Damascus sadly ended by C19: Jerry Givens executed 62 people in Virginia (including my client & friend Joe O'D… - 5 years ago

@l_a_chop70: RT @PhillyTrib: Jerry Givens, who served as Virginia’s chief executioner for 17 years before going to prison and becoming a prominent voice… - 5 years ago

@mariasen4059: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@lady_2425: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@PDog119: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@DeathPenaltyAct: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Journey0fHope: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: Givens Family Encourages Continuation of His Legacy:  #StopExecutions #coronavirus #Coronavir… - 5 years ago

@Journey0fHope: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@NoDpOhAmnesty: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@thinktwiceok: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@AbolitionAAC: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@AIDEndDP: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@abrahambonowitz: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: Givens Family Encourages Continuation of His Legacy:  #StopExecutions #coronavirus #Coronavir… - 5 years ago

@abrahambonowitz: RT @DeathPenaltyAct: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@fotogem: RT @PhillyTrib: Jerry Givens, who served as Virginia’s chief executioner for 17 years before going to prison and becoming a prominent voice… - 5 years ago

@DennySpade: RT @PhillyTrib: Jerry Givens, who served as Virginia’s chief executioner for 17 years before going to prison and becoming a prominent voice… - 5 years ago

@4truthnjustiz: RT @PhillyTrib: Jerry Givens, who served as Virginia’s chief executioner for 17 years before going to prison and becoming a prominent voice… - 5 years ago

@PhillyTrib: Jerry Givens, who served as Virginia’s chief executioner for 17 years before going to prison and becoming a promine… - 5 years ago

@Turk18204923932: Tough one ... Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@lubhyathi_r: RT @DeathPenaltyP: Jerry Givens who was the Chief Executioner in Virginia until 1999 died of #COVID19 . His experience transformed him into… - 5 years ago

@RobptWang: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@GerberdingL: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@trustingmyvibes: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@lanthierpsych: People can change, even in middle age. Jerry Givens was Virginia’s executioner for 17 years. He became a prominent… - 5 years ago

@ktjazz14: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@heysyd: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@lori024: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Oskar_Butcher: RIP Jerry Givens - the former Virginia executioner who became an outspoken critic of the death penalty and powerful… - 5 years ago

@hammadezad: RT @DeathPenaltyP: Jerry Givens who was the Chief Executioner in Virginia until 1999 died of #COVID19 . His experience transformed him into… - 5 years ago

@sspowles: RT @DeathPenaltyP: Jerry Givens who was the Chief Executioner in Virginia until 1999 died of #COVID19 . His experience transformed him into… - 5 years ago

@vapacommittee: Jerry Givens, #Virginia executioner turned death-penalty critic, dies, He tested positive for the #CoronaVirus… - 5 years ago

@SaulLehrfreund: RT @DeathPenaltyP: Jerry Givens who was the Chief Executioner in Virginia until 1999 died of #COVID19 . His experience transformed him into… - 5 years ago

@a_venable: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@mccuebillie: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@CarolynHoyle1: RT @DeathPenaltyP: Jerry Givens who was the Chief Executioner in Virginia until 1999 died of #COVID19 . His experience transformed him into… - 5 years ago

@Cetotherium: RT @DeathPenaltyP: Jerry Givens who was the Chief Executioner in Virginia until 1999 died of #COVID19 . His experience transformed him into… - 5 years ago

@keddah83: RT @DeathPenaltyP: Jerry Givens who was the Chief Executioner in Virginia until 1999 died of #COVID19 . His experience transformed him into… - 5 years ago

@DashDeCosta: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@WCADP: RT @DeathPenaltyP: Jerry Givens who was the Chief Executioner in Virginia until 1999 died of #COVID19 . His experience transformed him into… - 5 years ago

@DonaAJohn: RT @DeathPenaltyP: Jerry Givens who was the Chief Executioner in Virginia until 1999 died of #COVID19 . His experience transformed him into… - 5 years ago

@DeathPenaltyP: Jerry Givens who was the Chief Executioner in Virginia until 1999 died of #COVID19 . His experience transformed him… - 5 years ago

@LaurieE93026417: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@EditorJamieC: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@WoelfferDarlene: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@thequianafulton: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@JoshMankiewicz: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@SheaMichaelA: RIP to Jerry Givens. He was an eloquent oppornent of capital punishment because anyone who speaks from the heart is… - 5 years ago

@PatriciaCLee: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@wechoosewisdom: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@ange_patricia: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@marcus_noland: "Inspired in part by the case of an innocent man he nearly executed, & by his own prayer-filled stint behind bars,… - 5 years ago

@mycuzzinvinni: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@AmiKeene: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@kimshurtleff: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@MarciaHyatt6: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@KathrynECramer: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@granny_st: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@SCam360: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@vahsiN: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@cheryl_marlin: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@SistaFannie: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@davepowersNYC: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@mgnla0824: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@TBFawn: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@WishForJoy: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Sharkmeister77: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@JoyMitc12712055: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@charlielaynejr: Jerry Givens, executioner turned death-penalty critic, dies (Via WRIC 8News) - 5 years ago

@suzyq8825: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@trey_corrales: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@PrudenceDeare: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@MileenKirkpatr3: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@sam63b: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@miraclemills9: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@dryfly_whodat: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@VThePR: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@DJZJCZ: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@MyP_Chicago: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@OFDResistance: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Vaw511: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@egregory962: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@WonderfulwomanK: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@AnnaFlowersPI: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@taylor62eddie: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Random_Guy_101_: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@inkonspicuo: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@marvitta1: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@ClaritySol: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@debbie_marney41: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@mental_ephemera: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@stbluvoter: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Rolln43: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@jfleit: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@stargate553: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@karinajones7: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@sea4_ever: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@pam_burchell: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@jeleviste: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@HarlemGirl59: - 5 years ago

@Bhhba2: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Bandislife2004: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@garyb1114: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Paris20064: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@StacyMichelleB: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@WillResistAdmin: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@the_arentz: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Woodyman502: RT @dabeard: He pushed the button for 37 electric chair executions in Virginia. Administered lethal injections to 25 others. Then Jerry Giv… - 5 years ago

@ChrisBoese: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@DrCyn21: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Pyjamacat: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@lilicomp: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@KPalmer433: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@srauer20: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@mamapapa565: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@craftyvegangirl: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@giarcima: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@RasThaFarEye: RT @sotrueradio: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@ChanlElvn: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@MarkQuarter: RT @MarshallProj: Jerry Givens, the Virginia executioner who went to prison and became a fierce and prolific opponent of the death penalty,… - 5 years ago

@ronbosjd: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@cjmac25: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@bassher: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@firescape0916: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - The Washington Post - 5 years ago

@nafala25: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@sotrueradio: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@NinianReid: - 5 years ago

@Eriegirl1960: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@kenekted1: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@zannerina: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@missb62: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@datagoodies: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@evelgram: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@JasonTy92202739: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@NIGERAIUSA: #JerryGivens, #Virginia #Executioner turned #DeathPenalty opponent, dies at 67 of #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@72Lobanowski: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@SwiftWriter: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@rjrabbit2001: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@lexxusluv07: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@nelmadman: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@harlequingloryb: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@diddymcc: RT @helenprejean: #COVID19 took another leader from the abolition movement yesterday. Jerry Givens was Virginia’s chief executioner for 17… - 5 years ago

@Midnight_Givens: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@gnatsstang: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@bo_palinic: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@BYedowitz: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@ThomasJ17762016: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@ISneks2: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@fwilson6: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@sierrarisings1: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@BouffardRon: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Okieoriginal: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Aquasun: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@memeorandum: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus (@harrisondsmith / Wash… - 5 years ago

@jandroid: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Kaliburger: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@libsuperstar: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@juliebhunt: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@DavidWilson9: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@prime_bee: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Newyorker2212: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@KDWRenoGirl: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@JoaniSparkles: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@TrueFactsStated: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@KnightsofBlue: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@FredericEsq: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@bornnusa: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@ericsvalley: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Direwestie: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@rudytoot1: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@NadelParis: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@aenimaleye: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@slkpca: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@kdlartistique: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@SandyKAlano: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@marquez_inaa: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@PennyCees: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@CulverCityNIMBY: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@Ritznava: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@margietalk2: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@LiberateAllOfUs: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@jcblarue: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@MonaVieBeachBum: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@Blk_Intellect: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@TiredTater: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@BentleyBreedl: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@44seminole: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@Romeomenow: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@laura07685518: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@ToniDragon6540: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@sabinenamba: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@avoidchaos: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@ankhfit8: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@MaryAnnSCliffo2: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@DoumaGreg: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@KathyDeitch: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@kw1979: RT @mayawiley: “37 times, he pushed a button that took their lives & left him shaken. 25 times, he administered a lethal injection that he… - 5 years ago

@DPInfoCtr: What's New—Jerry Givens, Former Executioner Who Became Outspoken Critic of #DeathPenalty, Dies at 67.… - 5 years ago

@annemidd1: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@RDunhamDPIC: What's New—Jerry Givens, Former Executioner Who Became Outspoken Critic of #DeathPenalty, Dies at 67.… - 5 years ago

@Attika_t: RT @padp_org: Jerry Givens, Former Executioner Who Became Outspoken Critic of Death Penalty, Dies at 67 - 5 years ago

@JocelynParker79: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@QuanahChaney: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@padp_org: Jerry Givens, Former Executioner Who Became Outspoken Critic of Death Penalty, Dies at 67 - 5 years ago

@gaylelutznwt: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@50smag: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@TheRealMarkCM: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@derangedpoetry: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@LegalAidDC: On our blog: Legal Aid was saddened to learn of the passing of three civil and human rights activists: Darius Swann… - 5 years ago

@MommaDukes411: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@sassygal09: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@elfie111: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@gotogal36: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Panther79908328: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@AlbertFlorian4: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@DPFocus: @jerrygivens #deathpenalty opponent and former executioner died yesterday - 5 years ago

@Mindbridge: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@betseybess: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@DP_Worried: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@ClaudiaWolfgang: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@sam63b: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@gsmitthy: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@gailbriggs8: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@ARLedford691: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@N_A_D_P: RT @ShaneClaiborne: Heartbroken to hear that Jerry Givens has died from COVID-19. After executing 62 people, Jerry became one of the promin… - 5 years ago

@Lattitat47: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@CareyBanes: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@momgladewater: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@joe_seamons: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@dace0429: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Lindy255: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@LAJensen: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@MyZZs: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@cppaxx: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@beyondthedash: Jerry Givens, executioner turned death-penalty critic, dies. #JerryGivens #Obituary - 5 years ago

@julianaapop: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@monarch448_mary: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@SantilenaSusan: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Thurmwedge: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@french_valerie: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@k1ka1der: RT @WPLyndaRobinson: Thirty-seven times, he pushed a button that took their lives and left him shaken. Twenty-five times, he administered a… - 5 years ago

@phscoop: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@TaritaC: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@crmbur: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@WPLyndaRobinson: Thirty-seven times, he pushed a button that took their lives and left him shaken. Twenty-five times, he administere… - 5 years ago

@POTUS45stinks: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@rockems: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@cathsears: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@WullieBeck: RT @lawproflain: Jerry Givens, Virginia’s former executioner, has died. He tested positive for coronavirus. I interviewed Jerry several y… - 5 years ago

@ClaudeLelay: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@MelissaFazli: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@DigbyDe: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@cme7777: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@scarletspyder: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@ctyankee007: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@carol_clovely4: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@LaurieJBarnes: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@laydnred: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@GJabberbox: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@PhilBl55: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@mismycalling: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@tenajd: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@premil_willy: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@bgethins: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@ColleenLyon1: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Cyn7507: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@DonnellKearney: RT @ChelsIsRight: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - The Washington Post https:/… - 5 years ago

@Calling_Belva: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@ARTSalamode: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Jim63828455: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@DanaJWr: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@TeresitaF8: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@jenrauls: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@dilliesgma: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@sassydaffy: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Rogerasalways: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@marylispastit: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@JulieHutto2: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@CFitzBroadway: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@1Katezut: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@LisaMar76485616: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@NancyLeclerc9: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@patriciaselfies: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Forrthebirds: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@evolv67: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@MaggieKLJ: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@birdsofpaper: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@dismisstrump: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@KimberlyFain: RT @MarshallProj: Jerry Givens, the Virginia executioner who went to prison and became a fierce and prolific opponent of the death penalty,… - 5 years ago

@eaglewarrior427: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@jenniferlaing: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Herbsistah: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Bobrollins18: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@auntoona: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@upstartcrow1960: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@BrynIp: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@GrajaFae: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@CoolerK14: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Katee76682597: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@aamanlamba: RT @kitchen5203: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@CBoann: RT @kitchen5203: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Integri92935518: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@bunnyra61953170: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@hecates_girl: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@BonhoefferLives: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Politics_NYY: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@vbrighthorses: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Christi47086982: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@ConnieS08880713: RT @kitchen5203: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@ap_134: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@DennisDover2: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@kitchen5203: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@TweetingTracy: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@trump_turtle: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@musicINFP: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@frankedson24: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@LibbyStone2: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Melinda_Greg: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@chadmkolton: RT @dabeard: He pushed the button for 37 electric chair executions in Virginia. Administered lethal injections to 25 others. Then Jerry Giv… - 5 years ago

@SloGaitfarm: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@1ZenProf: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@ArlySingh: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@RadicalHopeProj: RT @MarshallProj: Jerry Givens, the Virginia executioner who went to prison and became a fierce and prolific opponent of the death penalty,… - 5 years ago

@rowemic: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@ladytaco: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@C_LaBrie: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@free2bwe3: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@redrose196: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Maxlo81963852: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@EqualityGal: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@jane0043: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@MommaPowerr: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@towerpainter07: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@ssinnamon: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@ChuckFree1957: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Rad_Acceptance: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@ChelePar23: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@htheike77: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@jenne_55: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@indy_kristina: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@ShawnHorton2: RT @ChelsIsRight: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - The Washington Post https:/… - 5 years ago

@spiegelberg_j: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@celticheart1225: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@karen_brioso: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@MonicaSmalls2: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@ChiMyfine1: RT @ChelsIsRight: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - The Washington Post https:/… - 5 years ago

@RizzosCookies: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@at_pandemic: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@djabronx: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@clarencehilljr: RT @ChelsIsRight: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - The Washington Post https:/… - 5 years ago

@ESpence00496851: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@eileenquirke12: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@betterbyfar: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@redz041: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@takinyera: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Citizen_Alert1: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@ChelsIsRight: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - The Washington Post - 5 years ago

@jazzy_delta: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@ShannonS1013: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@CreoleBabyBritt: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Suite_Tea: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@DJPROGRAHAMZ00: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Glitchy_Ashburn: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Lnonblonde: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@FadingTeacher: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@sirlouie2019: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@tgclark56: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@azucena1936: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@adrien_gabriela: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@WOWK13News: Givens spoke out against the death penalty in talks throughout the country. He described the job’s grim intimacy an… - 5 years ago

@FollowPhDs: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@RexfelisLXIX: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@MNResistor: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@angmarsrealm: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@martetanto: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Pjgr8: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Titus_VIII: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@scottausthumper: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@LaNovellaSerena: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@JRReynolds37: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@MarianneSauvage: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@marshmellow775: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@phillyqnp: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@jenijenicat: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@CitizenFront: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Jerry Givens @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #JerryGivens add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@MendiolaGrandma: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@cryborg: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@politeperson123: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@ChristinaZacker: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@purejoy5861: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@RileyBr60827657: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@MikeBeneke: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@ritaloooc69: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@JudyChu06634420: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@edythe_foss: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Pcsst: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Jerry Givens - #JerryGivens #Jerry #Givens #rip - 5 years ago

@g1girlondeck: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@singinggum: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@thatsmoreamoore: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@BarbaraKornblau: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@StaceyGfromMD: RT @ShortArmOtheLaw: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - The Washington Post http… - 5 years ago

@skipdykoski: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@bronskibeet: RT @MarshallProj: Jerry Givens, the Virginia executioner who went to prison and became a fierce and prolific opponent of the death penalty,… - 5 years ago

@cmpnwtr: RT @ShortArmOtheLaw: Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus - The Washington Post http… - 5 years ago

@SydAlexMom: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@loveandcoffee: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@sassysdreams: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@Becka73266384: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@SukiFrench: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@capspringlcsw: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@lmcell2: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@robiburkhartya1: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@occupytheport: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@PamelaStates: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@SammySettanni: RT @dabeard: He pushed the button for 37 electric chair executions in Virginia. Administered lethal injections to 25 others. Then Jerry Giv… - 5 years ago

@relford: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

@richardmukamal: RT @maddow: "Jerry Givens, Virginia executioner turned death-penalty opponent, dies at 67 of coronavirus" - 5 years ago

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