Jeff Barnaby

Canadian film director (Rhymes for Young Ghouls
Died on Friday October 14th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Jeff Barnaby:

@JamesPartree59: RT @NeilRampling2: @jeff_kennett Hey Jeff ... you & Barnaby should get together!!! But first you have to admit that you have a problem ...… - 2 years ago

@Nan19561: RT @NeilRampling2: @jeff_kennett Hey Jeff ... you & Barnaby should get together!!! But first you have to admit that you have a problem ...… - 2 years ago

@riktheozfrog: @mj3850 @jeff_laycock @DougCameron51 @D_LittleproudMP @RadioNational @Barnaby_Joyce A shit load more than value yours sunshine - 2 years ago

@riktheozfrog: @mj3850 @jeff_laycock @DougCameron51 @D_LittleproudMP @RadioNational @Barnaby_Joyce Do you have a life outside your mum's basement? - 2 years ago


@isabelellison: Saturday night feature, “Rhymes for Young Ghouls” by Jeff Barnaby - 2 years ago

@ModReplica: RT @M_Gouldhawke: Remembering Jeff Barnaby - 2 years ago

@challah_chic: RT @M_Gouldhawke: Remembering Jeff Barnaby - 2 years ago

@feeshdemonkey: RT @M_Gouldhawke: Remembering Jeff Barnaby - 2 years ago

@riktheozfrog: @mj3850 @jeff_laycock @DougCameron51 @D_LittleproudMP @RadioNational @Barnaby_Joyce - 2 years ago

@TheAgentNDN: RT @M_Gouldhawke: Remembering Jeff Barnaby - 2 years ago

@riktheozfrog: @mj3850 @jeff_laycock @BulewoDudley @DougCameron51 @D_LittleproudMP @RadioNational @Barnaby_Joyce Do you use the(ir… - 2 years ago

@riktheozfrog: @mj3850 @jeff_laycock @BulewoDudley @DougCameron51 @D_LittleproudMP @RadioNational @Barnaby_Joyce Well I'm pretty s… - 2 years ago

@SamirS_H: RT @danisgoulet: … and unlike anything else that gets made in Canada. Anger is righteous, it demands justice — and ultimately comes from… - 2 years ago

@SamirS_H: RT @danisgoulet: I’ve just been thinking about how Jeff Barnaby @tripgore films fly in the face of polite Canada. You know who portrayed a… - 2 years ago

@approximofnice: RT @CBC_Publicity: Canadian cinema lost a singular voice last week with the passing of award-winning Mi'qmaw director Jeff Barnaby. Redisco… - 2 years ago

@sgrimbly: RT @TwinPeaksLodger: I was saddened to hear of Jeff Barnaby's passing. I had enjoyed Blood Quantum but never saw his debut film Rhymes For… - 2 years ago

@sgrimbly: RT @ScaredBisexual: R.I.P Jeff Barnaby. Blood Quantum is one of the most inventive recent zombie films. But i especially recommend Rhymes f… - 2 years ago

@VictoryRenfrew: RT @DelSchilling: Critically-acclaimed Indigenous filmmaker Jeff Barnaby, has died at the age of 46. Barnaby was known for his feature fil… - 2 years ago

@haroldmoss: RT @Mimiges: A local service for Jeff Barnaby will happen this Saturday in Listuguj at 11:00 a.m. - 2 years ago

@jeff_barnaby: “ When the love for each other is strong, then our Will of life is strong, and with that strength our Dreams will never die” - 2 years ago

@ProjectSeaStar: RT @TheDHTaylor: Horrible news. Filmmaker Jeff Barnaby has passed. Rest in Peace. - 2 years ago

@ProjectSeaStar: RT @DelSchilling: Critically-acclaimed Indigenous filmmaker Jeff Barnaby, has died at the age of 46. Barnaby was known for his feature fil… - 2 years ago

@ProjectSeaStar: RT @OntarioDGC: We are saddened by the recent loss of Director Jeff Barnaby, a visionary filmmaker telling original and insightful Indigeno… - 2 years ago

@ProjectSeaStar: RT @TheCdnAcademy: We're incredibly saddened to hear of the passing of acclaimed Mi'kmaw filmmaker & 2021 #CdnScreenAwards winner Jeff Barn… - 2 years ago

@ProjectSeaStar: RT @cameron_tiff: We should have had so many more films from Jeff Barnaby. Rhymes for Young Ghouls, Blood Quantum and his short films showe… - 2 years ago

@ProjectSeaStar: RT @tmontoya22: Jeff Barnaby was a visionary filmmaker. I loved watching and teaching w/ his films for confronting settler colonial violen… - 2 years ago

@ProjectSeaStar: RT @The_CMPA: Jeff Barnaby was an outspoken, influential filmmaker, and a great collaborator for independent producers in Canada. He leaves… - 2 years ago

@ProjectSeaStar: RT @CBCAlerts: Acclaimed Mi'kmaw filmmaker Jeff Barnaby, who helped shape modern Indigenous cinema with titles such as Rhymes for Young Gho… - 2 years ago

@ProjectSeaStar: RT @imagineNATIVE: It is with heavy hearts we acknowledge the passing of Jeff Barnaby an exceptionally young and talented Mi’gMaq filmmaker… - 2 years ago

@ProjectSeaStar: RT @cfccreates: We send our love and our condolences to Jeff Barnaby's family. ❤️ - 2 years ago

@ProjectSeaStar: RT @Nativewrites: Groundbreaking Mi’kmaw filmmaker Jeff Barnaby dies of cancer - 2 years ago

@ProjectSeaStar: RT @RussDiabo: Obituary: Mi'kmaq filmmaker Jeff Barnaby fought Indigenous stereotypes - 2 years ago

@ProjectSeaStar: RT @CBCIndigenous: Writer-director Jeff Barnaby gained acclaim for his debut feature Rhymes for Young Ghouls and followed that up with the… - 2 years ago

@ProjectSeaStar: RT @CanFilmDay: REEL CANADA is devastated by the news of Mi’kmaw filmmaker Jeff Barnaby's passing. We were honoured to have worked with Jef… - 2 years ago

@ProjectSeaStar: RT @danisgoulet: I’ve just been thinking about how Jeff Barnaby @tripgore films fly in the face of polite Canada. You know who portrayed a… - 2 years ago

@ProjectSeaStar: RT @TIFF_NET: Remembering the visionary director Jeff Barnaby, whose authentic, original voice and passion were felt through his groundbrea… - 2 years ago

@ProjectSeaStar: RT @KellyBoutsalis: Jeff Barnaby made huge contributions to Indigenous film, Canadian film… heck, film. Heartbroken for his family, friends… - 2 years ago

@ProjectSeaStar: RT @CSORG: Rest in power, Jeff Barnaby (Mi'kmaw) (1976 – 2022). Barnaby’s 2013 film “Rhymes for Young Ghouls” brought Canada's residential… - 2 years ago

@quotur: RT @CBC_Publicity: Canadian cinema lost a singular voice last week with the passing of award-winning Mi'qmaw director Jeff Barnaby. Redisco… - 2 years ago

@JoanneVerbeek: RT @CBC_Publicity: Canadian cinema lost a singular voice last week with the passing of award-winning Mi'qmaw director Jeff Barnaby. Redisco… - 2 years ago

@indigenous_Xyz: RT @Mimiges: A local service for Jeff Barnaby will happen this Saturday in Listuguj at 11:00 a.m. - 2 years ago

@cin_eater: RT @FANGORIA: We’re saddened to learn of the passing of Mi'kmaq filmmaker Jeff Barnaby, whose unique voice enriched his feature films BLOOD… - 2 years ago

@SousLeRadar: RT @CSORG: Rest in power, Jeff Barnaby (Mi'kmaw) (1976 – 2022). Barnaby’s 2013 film “Rhymes for Young Ghouls” brought Canada's residential… - 2 years ago

@HosteenCholo: RT @Mimiges: A local service for Jeff Barnaby will happen this Saturday in Listuguj at 11:00 a.m. - 2 years ago

@johnchristou: RT @Mimiges: A local service for Jeff Barnaby will happen this Saturday in Listuguj at 11:00 a.m. - 2 years ago

@dollyDaggerzO_o: RT @Bobbydues: In this small ecosystem of Indigenous storytellers on the international stage, Jeff Barnaby was a clear force. Prayers to hi… - 2 years ago

@mj3850: @riktheozfrog @jeff_laycock @DougCameron51 @D_LittleproudMP @RadioNational @Barnaby_Joyce Not insecure, but really dumb🤣🤣🤣 - 2 years ago

@mj3850: @jeff_laycock @riktheozfrog @DougCameron51 @D_LittleproudMP @RadioNational @Barnaby_Joyce SSDD, find another Gif. DH - 2 years ago

@RoseSpitznogle: RT @VinceSchilling: Critically-acclaimed Indigenous filmmaker Jeff Barnaby, has died at the age of 46. Barnaby was known for his feature f… - 2 years ago

@tellmesoiknow: RT @HertzBarry: Breaking: Canadian filmmaker Jeff Barnaby (BLOOD QUANTUM, RHYMES FOR YOUNG GHOULS) dead at 46 after year-long battle with c… - 2 years ago

@lovretta: RT @CBC_Publicity: Canadian cinema lost a singular voice last week with the passing of award-winning Mi'qmaw director Jeff Barnaby. Redisco… - 2 years ago

@WGCtweet: RT @CBC_Publicity: Canadian cinema lost a singular voice last week with the passing of award-winning Mi'qmaw director Jeff Barnaby. Redisco… - 2 years ago

@CBC_Publicity: Canadian cinema lost a singular voice last week with the passing of award-winning Mi'qmaw director Jeff Barnaby. Re… - 2 years ago

@nana_carver: RT @DoyenneSolace: Jeff Barnaby, acclaimed Mi'kmaq filmmaker, dies at 46 - 2 years ago

@DoyenneSolace: Jeff Barnaby, acclaimed Mi'kmaq filmmaker, dies at 46 - 2 years ago

@cancelproof: RT @DeeDeeEye: RIP Jeff Barnaby. You made Listuguj Proud. - 2 years ago

@cancelproof: RT @kdeveryjacobs: Jeff Barnaby, Director of ‘Blood Quantum’ and Acclaimed Canadian Filmmaker, Dies At 46 - Variety - 2 years ago

@dawnmnevills: Jeff Barnaby, acclaimed Mi'kmaq filmmaker, dies at 46 - 2 years ago

@ae_challinor: Tragic and infuriating we won't get more Jeff Barnaby. Seeing Blood Quantum at Midnight Madness is one of my favour… - 2 years ago

@KrisKnigge: @CakeShopOwner @himbovoorhees @AndrewWDP Man, I didn’t even hear that Jeff Barnaby had passed away. I really need t… - 2 years ago

@raoulbhaneja: RT @Mimiges: A local service for Jeff Barnaby will happen this Saturday in Listuguj at 11:00 a.m. - 2 years ago

@mj3850: @riktheozfrog @jeff_laycock @DougCameron51 @D_LittleproudMP @RadioNational @Barnaby_Joyce Were you on the 60 Minute… - 2 years ago

@mj3850: @riktheozfrog @jeff_laycock @DougCameron51 @D_LittleproudMP @RadioNational @Barnaby_Joyce Not many value your opinion obviously 😜😜 - 2 years ago

@mj3850: @riktheozfrog @jeff_laycock @DougCameron51 @D_LittleproudMP @RadioNational @Barnaby_Joyce One who has history backi… - 2 years ago

@AG_TouchwoodPR: RT @Mimiges: A local service for Jeff Barnaby will happen this Saturday in Listuguj at 11:00 a.m. - 2 years ago

@WahDeb: If you haven’t seen the late Jeff Barnaby’s fantastic film, Blood Quantum, it starts streaming on @cbcgem tomorrow! - 2 years ago

@Mimiges: A local service for Jeff Barnaby will happen this Saturday in Listuguj at 11:00 a.m. - 2 years ago

@angelhamilton8: RT @thenfb: 🕯️ Our condolences to Jeff Barnaby's loved ones and community. We're saddened by the passing of the incomparable director of BL… - 2 years ago

@GlobeArts: RT @globeandmail: Five things to stream this weekend: Jeff Barnaby’s twin horror hits, plus timely doc on Putin’s No. 1 enemy - 2 years ago

@sobottke: Vor einer Woche starb Jeff Barnaby - seine Filme leben weiter: Wenn ihr Zombies mögt und indigene Geschichten zu sc… - 2 years ago

@riktheozfrog: @mj3850 @jeff_laycock @DougCameron51 @D_LittleproudMP @RadioNational @Barnaby_Joyce - 2 years ago

@riktheozfrog: @mj3850 @jeff_laycock @DougCameron51 @D_LittleproudMP @RadioNational @Barnaby_Joyce I don't kill things anymore....… - 2 years ago

@carrietobey: RT @CBCIndigenous: Writer-director Jeff Barnaby gained acclaim for his debut feature Rhymes for Young Ghouls and followed that up with the… - 2 years ago

@skhanna914: RT @CBCIndigenous: Writer-director Jeff Barnaby gained acclaim for his debut feature Rhymes for Young Ghouls and followed that up with the… - 2 years ago

@n0quisi: like i go to look up blood quantum and see “rip jeff barnaby” and i’m like why does it say that. devastated rn. like gutted. - 2 years ago

@n0quisi: why did i just find out jeff barnaby passed …… - 2 years ago

@CyborgApologist: RT @CBCIndigenous: Writer-director Jeff Barnaby gained acclaim for his debut feature Rhymes for Young Ghouls and followed that up with the… - 2 years ago

@DiChristine: RT @CBCIndigenous: Writer-director Jeff Barnaby gained acclaim for his debut feature Rhymes for Young Ghouls and followed that up with the… - 2 years ago

@CroquetKnob: RT @CBCIndigenous: Writer-director Jeff Barnaby gained acclaim for his debut feature Rhymes for Young Ghouls and followed that up with the… - 2 years ago

@JanPattersonRN: RT @CBCIndigenous: Writer-director Jeff Barnaby gained acclaim for his debut feature Rhymes for Young Ghouls and followed that up with the… - 2 years ago

@IBJIYONGI: RT @CBCIndigenous: Writer-director Jeff Barnaby gained acclaim for his debut feature Rhymes for Young Ghouls and followed that up with the… - 2 years ago

@zhaabowekwe: RT @CBCIndigenous: Writer-director Jeff Barnaby gained acclaim for his debut feature Rhymes for Young Ghouls and followed that up with the… - 2 years ago

@mj3850: @riktheozfrog @jeff_laycock @DougCameron51 @D_LittleproudMP @RadioNational @Barnaby_Joyce Fancy yourself as a gun t… - 2 years ago

@CorgiHell: @scumbelievable This movie has so much movie in it, I love it so much. Recently finding out that this was one of Je… - 2 years ago

@Dragonbestie1: RT @kdeveryjacobs: How I'll miss you, @tripgore. Beautifully stubborn ’til the very end, Jeff Barnaby was bold in his life and his work. H… - 2 years ago

@Dragonbestie1: RT @TIFF_NET: Remembering the visionary director Jeff Barnaby, whose authentic, original voice and passion were felt through his groundbrea… - 2 years ago

@Dragonbestie1: RT @KellyBoutsalis: Jeff Barnaby made huge contributions to Indigenous film, Canadian film… heck, film. Heartbroken for his family, friends… - 2 years ago

@Dragonbestie1: RT @Shudder: We are heartbroken at the passing of Mi'kmaq director Jeff Barnaby, a fiercely talented artist, husband and father, taken from… - 2 years ago

@Dragonbestie1: RT @kdeveryjacobs: Jeff Barnaby, Director of ‘Blood Quantum’ and Acclaimed Canadian Filmmaker, Dies At 46 - Variety - 2 years ago

@animikii: "Beautifully stubborn 'til the very end, Jeff Barnaby was bold in his life and his work. He bore a sensitivity, poi… - 2 years ago

@JohnBen37872668: RT @CBCIndigenous: Writer-director Jeff Barnaby gained acclaim for his debut feature Rhymes for Young Ghouls and followed that up with the… - 2 years ago

@melvin_melman: RT @kdeveryjacobs: How I'll miss you, @tripgore. Beautifully stubborn ’til the very end, Jeff Barnaby was bold in his life and his work. H… - 2 years ago

@AugustinShin: @LakotaMan1 I recently lost a friend I had a privilege of sharing a great college days with. He was a son of Mi'gMa… - 2 years ago

@octoberrust72: RT @letterboxd: RIP to Blood Quantum and Rhymes for Young Ghouls filmmaker Jeff Barnaby - 2 years ago

@finalgirlfilms: Rest in Peace, Jeff Barnaby. A truly talented director and powerful writer. You will be missed. - 2 years ago

@lisavalencias: RT @kdeveryjacobs: How I'll miss you, @tripgore. Beautifully stubborn ’til the very end, Jeff Barnaby was bold in his life and his work. H… - 2 years ago

@CSORG: Rest in power, Jeff Barnaby (Mi'kmaw) (1976 – 2022). Barnaby’s 2013 film “Rhymes for Young Ghouls” brought Canada's… - 2 years ago

@JohnBen37872668: RT @CBCIndigenous: Writer-director Jeff Barnaby gained acclaim for his debut feature Rhymes for Young Ghouls and followed that up with the… - 2 years ago

@RealityTVDinner: @giordkat Blood Quantum, by the very tragically recently-passed Jeff Barnaby - 2 years ago

@safetyrazor_rye: RT @TheTokenMohawk: I respected the hell out of Jeff Barnaby. We didn't always agree but I always valued his opinion. I wish I had known wh… - 2 years ago

@floridasandy25: Robbie Coltrane, Comic Performer Who Played Hagrid in 'Harry Potter' Movies, Dies at 72 Jeff Barnaby, Canadian Indi… - 2 years ago

@howto_finance: Jeff Barnaby, acclaimed Mi’kmaq filmmaker, dies at 46 - 2 years ago

@Subspecies_X: RT @JasonThibault: 💔 RIP Mi'kmaw filmmaker Jeff Barnaby aka @tripgore: (1976-2022). Jeff was a visionary of modern Indigenous cinema and ha… - 2 years ago

@Subspecies_X: RT @FANGORIA: We’re saddened to learn of the passing of Mi'kmaq filmmaker Jeff Barnaby, whose unique voice enriched his feature films BLOOD… - 2 years ago

@davidaquinley21: RT @CROWRDREAM: Been watching Jeff Barnaby movies these past days remembering some of the legacies he has set in place. @tripgore #BloodQu… - 2 years ago

@Markd3211: @FreddsCorner Rhymes for Young Ghouls, the debut film of Jeff Barnaby who just passed last week at the age of 46. - 2 years ago

@ThePaulZecharia: #PauloweenPicks Day 17: BLOOD QUANTUM (2019) dir. Jeff Barnaby (R.I.P.) Learned about Barnaby’s passing last nigh… - 2 years ago

@riktheozfrog: @mj3850 @jeff_laycock @BulewoDudley @DougCameron51 @D_LittleproudMP @RadioNational @Barnaby_Joyce And yours DOES? - 2 years ago

@riktheozfrog: @mj3850 @jeff_laycock @BulewoDudley @DougCameron51 @D_LittleproudMP @RadioNational @Barnaby_Joyce Gee that's low ev… - 2 years ago

@riktheozfrog: @mj3850 @jeff_laycock @DougCameron51 @D_LittleproudMP @RadioNational @Barnaby_Joyce I don't need one, unlike you I'm not insecure. - 2 years ago

@riktheozfrog: @mj3850 @jeff_laycock @DougCameron51 @D_LittleproudMP @RadioNational @Barnaby_Joyce Yep tough, strong, smart, manly… - 2 years ago

@garydfarmer: RT @NWAngleBand33: I just heard about @tripgore's passing... Heartbreaking. I was humbled that Jeff would follow this page and take the t… - 2 years ago

@refinedladybug: I saw the news about Jeff Barnaby's passing a few days ago. What better way to honor him and his voice than by watc… - 2 years ago

@jeff_laycock: @mj3850 @riktheozfrog @DougCameron51 @D_LittleproudMP @RadioNational @Barnaby_Joyce - 2 years ago

@TreatyOfficeSK: Film industry loses ‘visionary’ Mi’gmaw filmmaker Jeff Barnaby /via @APTNNews - 2 years ago

@Mikmaq_star: RT @GoingnativeTv: We are saddened by the news filmmaker, Jeff Barnaby has passed away.🎥 He was in Season 1: Going Pop Culture & he could t… - 2 years ago

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