Jed Allan

American actor.
Died on Sunday March 10th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Jed Allan:

@closerfr: Richard Erdman, vu dans Beverly Hills 90210 et Community, est mort #Rediff - 6 years ago

@etses4bandits: RT @Telestarmag: Après Luke Perry et Jed Allan, un troisième comédien de Beverly Hills 90210 meurt à l'âge de 93 ans #Rediff - 6 years ago

@Telestarmag: Après Luke Perry et Jed Allan, un troisième comédien de Beverly Hills 90210 meurt à l'âge de 93 ans #Rediff… - 6 years ago

@Wonderwall: ICYMI: The week in TV for March 10-16 - 6 years ago


@AuteurBourget: Merci pour l'info @closerfr mais relisez vos sous-titres. Je peux vous aider je suis rédactrice 😉… - 6 years ago

@pupuce1965: L'acteur Richard Erdman, vu dans Beverly Hills 90210, est mort à l'âge de 93 ans - - 6 years ago

@JMatsima: RT @closerfr: Beverly Hills 90210 : après Luke Perry et Jed Allan, un troisième acteur meurt à l'âge de 93 ans - 6 years ago

@valerie0768: RT @closerfr: Beverly Hills 90210 : après Luke Perry et Jed Allan, un troisième acteur meurt à l'âge de 93 ans - 6 years ago

@sudpresseonline: Après Luke Perry et Jed Allan, un troisième acteur de Beverly Hills 90210 est décédé: Richard Erdman s’est éteint à… - 6 years ago

@O2l_vicky: RT @closerfr: Beverly Hills 90210 : après Luke Perry et Jed Allan, un troisième acteur meurt à l'âge de 93 ans - 6 years ago

@closerfr: Beverly Hills 90210 : après Luke Perry et Jed Allan, un troisième acteur meurt à l'âge de 93 ans… - 6 years ago

@antoniogenna: TV Soap #995: Soap USA — Le reazioni alla morte di Jed Allan – Febbre d’amore: arriva Brytni Sarpy – Days of Our Li… - 6 years ago

@PAHolder: @Patreon #StuphFileProgram fans, we remember soap star Jed Allan with part of an interview from 2005 with the legen… - 6 years ago

@PAHolder: We remember soap star Jed Allan on #StuphFileProgram with part of an interview from 2005 with the legendary actor w… - 6 years ago

@LoraSongster: Jed Allan has died at the age of 84. - 6 years ago

@LoraSongster: Jed Allan has died at the age of 84. - 6 years ago

@Univers_Series: Décès de Jed Allan - - 6 years ago

@BettejeanSpata4: I don't have a photo for today's #30DAYSChallenge but I'm tweeting what I posted on FB: With the recent passing of… - 6 years ago

@eresviral: El actor Jed Allan de 'Beverly Hills, 90210' y 'Santa Barbara' muere a los 84 años: Informes - 6 years ago

@M30311368: RT @_The_Watchers_: Jed Allan -- another member of the "Beverly Hills, 90210" family and a soap opera legend -- has died, according to his… - 6 years ago

@LTDennison: @shemarmoore I lost a dear friend this week. Actor Jed Allan. I never cry. This one...can’t stop. Let it all out, b… - 6 years ago

@JerryBarmash: I just stumbled upon this— Jed Allen— who starred for many years on Days of Our Lives— died last week. I recall a g… - 6 years ago

@Hbkmcmahon: 90210 actor Jed Allan dies five days after co-star Luke Perry - 6 years ago

@katchopine97351: FLASH > Un autre acteur de la série Beverly Hills est décédé ! - 6 years ago

@demirci01153: RT @WeLoveSoapsTV: Finally wrote our tribute to the late great Jed Allan. - 6 years ago

@underlab: 'Beverly Hills, 90210' & Soap Star Jed Allan Dead at 84 - 6 years ago

@insidepulsetv: Long-Time Actor Jed Allan, Best Known For 90210 Role & Storied Soap Opera Career, Passes Away At 84! RIP… - 6 years ago

@sichejng: Jed Allan Tribute (1935-2019) - 6 years ago

@myendlessejami: Jed Allan Tribute (1935-2019) - 6 years ago

@ScottZPinkRose: RT @dialmformovies: Farewell Jed Allan. Looked after LASSIE for a couple seasons as Ranger Scott Turner. Don Craig in DAYS OF OUR LIVES. C… - 6 years ago

@hershey_bar22: Marlena, Don, and DJ. Found this on Pinterest. RIP Jed Allan. #Days - 6 years ago

@DESTIseries: Jed Allan, acteur de "Santa Barbara" et "Berverly Hills", est mort - 6 years ago

@RWAVProductions: 'Beverly Hills, 90210' & Soap Star Jed Allan Dead at 84 - 6 years ago

@annharper1949: Beverly Hills, 90210 Actor and Soap Star Jed Allan Dies at 84 - 6 years ago

@HuffPostAU: Jed Allan, ' Beverly Hills 90210' And Soap Opera Star, Dies At 84 - 6 years ago

@Randette_Brown: Soap legend Jed Allan dead at 84 - 6 years ago

@Bigjoe198: Soap actor Jed Allan of 'Beverly Hills, 90210,' and 'Santa Barbara' dies at 84 - 6 years ago

@012695gio: RT @Port_Charles1: RIP Jed Allan, who played Edward Quartermaine from 2004-2005 #GH #GeneralHospital - 6 years ago

@HEDGEenergy: Soap opera star Jed Allan, known for '90210,' 'Days Of Our Lives,' dies at 84 Posted on Ma… - 6 years ago

@JoeSmit84233344: - 6 years ago

@AthenaTargaryen: Rest in Peace Jed Allan #DonCraig #EdwardQuartermaine #DAYS #GH - 6 years ago

@EvilERUReady: Jed Allan’s death was understandably overshadowed by the loss of Luke Perry. Before he was Rush Sanders, I remember… - 6 years ago

@LeviMan4u: @DeidreHall I am so sorry to hear of the passing of Jed Allan. He was a great man. He was a caring and nice friend. Again I am so sorry. - 6 years ago

@thevoiceofgod10: hey @ofctimallen this is the janitor from the catcher in the rye book, do you read the obituaires,, take a look at… - 6 years ago

@SoapOperaSpy: RT @SoapOperaSpy: Beloved Days Of Our Lives Alum Jed Allan Has Passed Away - 6 years ago

@tmg75: RT @TMZ: ICYMI 'Beverly Hills, 90210' and Soap Star Jed Allan Has Died at 84 - 6 years ago

@Ivana11117: RT @people: Beverly Hills, 90210 Actor and Soap Star Jed Allan Dies at 84 - 6 years ago

@Mounia66359069: RT @le_Parisien: Après Luke Perry, un autre acteur de la série culte Beverly Hills est mort > - 6 years ago

@Collette_AZ: RT @people: Beverly Hills, 90210 Actor and Soap Star Jed Allan Dies at 84 - 6 years ago

@DonnaMillar4: Beloved Days Of Our Lives Alum Jed Allan Has Passed Away @SoapOperaSpy - 6 years ago

@DonnaMillar4: Beloved Days Of Our Lives Alum Jed Allan Has Passed Away @SoapOperaSpy - 6 years ago

@80sbabeeAngel: RT @riptrace: In remembrance of Beverly Hills 90210 cast members, dear friends and beloved relatives Luke Perry and Jed Allan. May your har… - 6 years ago

@80sbabeeAngel: RT @CHutch1028: Another Beverly Hills 90210 alum has left us. Jed Allan who played Steve’s father, Rush, passed away #90210onFOX @IanZierin… - 6 years ago

@drocktrot: 'Beverly Hills, 90210' & Soap Star Jed Allan Dead at 84 via @TMZ - 6 years ago

@NicholasSteinme: @10Daily Jed Allan was very well known for the role of CC Capwell on the daytime soap opera " Santa Barbara " which… - 6 years ago

@NicholasSteinme: @TPMP Mort de Jed Allan , inoubliable Channing Capwell dans le feuilleton américain Santa Barbara diffusé à l'époqu… - 6 years ago

@NicholasSteinme: @Cyrilhanouna L'acteur américain Jed Allan vient de mourir aux Etats-unis . Il avait interprêté le role de Channing… - 6 years ago

@NicholasSteinme: @morandiniblog L'acteur américain Jed Allan , très connu en France pour avoir interprêté le role de Channing Capwel… - 6 years ago

@NicholasSteinme: @RealRobinWright I am very sorry to inform you that Jed Allan who played Kelly's father CC Capwell on Santa Barbara… - 6 years ago

@hershey_bar22: RT @WeLoveSoapsTV: Finally wrote our tribute to the late great Jed Allan. - 6 years ago

@LoriLeeSH: RT @SoapDigest: Soap Vet Jed Allan Passes Away - 6 years ago

@StevenMWebb2: RT @DaysHayes: @DeidreHall I am SO sorry to learn of the passing of Jed Allan! Not only was Jed a superb actor, he was a genuine, caring, a… - 6 years ago

@UKSmallBizRT: RT @IndMediaGroup: "Beverly Hills, 90210" Actor and Soap Star Jed Allan Dies at 84 - 6 years ago

@Mehmetcan198: RT @WeLoveSoapsTV: Finally wrote our tribute to the late great Jed Allan. - 6 years ago

@abigailcat: @TheRobinMattson I'm sorry to hear about one of your former co-stars on Santa Barbara. Jed Allan, who played patria… - 6 years ago

@musiciens2922: RT @CPUCE: Jed Allan, star de la série Santa Barbara, est décédé - 6 years ago

@stephy202_: RT @WeLoveSoapsTV: Finally wrote our tribute to the late great Jed Allan. - 6 years ago

@Peter_Adams: RT @WeLoveSoapsTV: Finally wrote our tribute to the late great Jed Allan. - 6 years ago

@Caramegiggles: RT @WeLoveSoapsTV: Finally wrote our tribute to the late great Jed Allan. - 6 years ago

@Roxy00000: RT @dialmformovies: Farewell Jed Allan. Looked after LASSIE for a couple seasons as Ranger Scott Turner. Don Craig in DAYS OF OUR LIVES. C… - 6 years ago

@FarreroMac: RT @YofuiaEGB: Ha muerto otro de los actores de ‘Sensación de Vivir’: Jed Allan, quien interpretaba al padre de Steve. - 6 years ago

@hmoneytherapper: RT @DEADLINE: Jed Allan Dies: Soap Star On ‘Days Of Our Lives’ And ‘Santa Barbara’ Was 84 - 6 years ago

@WeLoveSoapsTV: Finally wrote our tribute to the late great Jed Allan. - 6 years ago

@NiceGuy504: R.I.P... Famous Soap Opera Star Jed Allan Is PASSED AWAY... - 6 years ago

@_justinalynn_: RT @TMZ: ICYMI 'Beverly Hills, 90210' and Soap Star Jed Allan Has Died at 84 - 6 years ago

@_justinalynn_: RT @people: Ian Ziering Pays Tribute to Beverly Hills, 90210 Dad Jed Allan: 'He Will Be Missed' - 6 years ago

@_justinalynn_: RT @etnow: The actor, also celebrated for his role in 'Days of Our Lives', died Saturday at his home in California. - 6 years ago

@CiccinaLupo: E vabbè ma 84 anni è pure una bella età. - 6 years ago

@demirci01153: RT @Soap_Dude2: Ian Ziering Pays Tribute to "Beverly Hills, 90210" Dad Jed Allan: 'He Will Be Missed' - 6 years ago

@Robansuefarm: RT @hotshotdiva24: @MarkHToo - 6 years ago

@Rgg07591644: RT @unraticode: #HablarEnSerie Fallece Jed Allan, de #SensacionDeVivir #BeverlyHills90210 , cinco días después que Luke Perry. El actor, co… - 6 years ago

@thingstodotampa: ICYM: His son said in a Facebook post that he passed away peacefully in his sleep. - 6 years ago

@anniefannie1234: 'Beverly Hills, 90210' and Soap Opera Legend Jed Allan Dead at 84 - 6 years ago

@centerpointbrew: In honor of actor Jed Allan, "Beverly Hills 90210" is this week's Trivia Night theme! The best live trivia host in… - 6 years ago

@w8sal: - 6 years ago

@atat_ro: #Beverly Hills 90210, urmărit de blestem? Încă un actor a murit. Vestea a căzut ca un trăsnet. Hollywood-ul este în… - 6 years ago

@SoapOperaSpy: Beloved Days Of Our Lives #DOOL Alum Jed Allan Has Passed Away @SoapOperaSpy - 6 years ago

@johnkessler5: Jed Allan, 'Beverly Hills 90210' star, dies only days after Luke Perry - 6 years ago

@7777MYNAME: RT @QAnon711: Jed Allan, 'Beverly Hills 90210' star, dies only days after Luke Perry Something is going on Red scarf season? Purple rope Pa… - 6 years ago

@LattyDian: RT @QAnon711: Jed Allan, 'Beverly Hills 90210' star, dies only days after Luke Perry Something is going on Red scarf season? Purple rope Pa… - 6 years ago

@SoapOperaSpy: Beloved Days Of Our Lives Alum Jed Allan Has Passed Away - 6 years ago

@Sooboo16: RT @QAnon711: Jed Allan, 'Beverly Hills 90210' star, dies only days after Luke Perry Something is going on Red scarf season? Purple rope Pa… - 6 years ago

@TwnzMom55: RT @QAnon711: Jed Allan, 'Beverly Hills 90210' star, dies only days after Luke Perry Something is going on Red scarf season? Purple rope Pa… - 6 years ago

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