Jean Vanier

Canadian Catholic philosopher
Died on Tuesday May 7th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Jean Vanier:

@FIDELITE44: #podcast Dans son entretien, Mgr James rend hommage cette semaine à Jean Vanier. Il partage son expérience des comm… - 6 years ago

@akhetaton11: RT @santegidionews: Andrea Riccardi, il blog: Jean Vanier, l'apostolo della compassione - 6 years ago

@joiepaixdouceur: RT @LaCroix: 🔴 Obsèques de #JeanVanier Suivez en direct cet événement sur notre site grâce à nos envoyés spéciaux et à notre partenaire @K… - 6 years ago

@joiepaixdouceur: RT @seletlumieretv: Merci @KTOTV @pdesaintpierre @Eloraillere pour nous faire vivre cette magnifique célébration de la messe d'obsèques de… - 6 years ago


@americamag: Pauline Vanier sold everything she owned and moved into a small house in Trosly-Breuil. She became “Mamie,” the gra… - 6 years ago

@pintobien: RT @AlvarodeJuana_: Las 10 reglas para que «la vida se vuelva más humana» que dejó Jean Vanier, fundador de El Arca - 6 years ago

@DanielleSavo: Jean Vanier students gather together to watch the funeral service of our beloved namesake, Jean Vanier. May he Rest… - 6 years ago

@g_rochon_rcf: RT @RcfJura: En mémoire de Jean Vanier, fondateur de l'Arche, présent sur 5 continents, #rediffusion ce soir à 18h10 de l'interview de Rich… - 6 years ago

@ATDQMInt: "Nous avons, personnes engagées à @ATDQMInt et à l’@ArcheFrance, un point commun : cette reconnaissance que nous so… - 6 years ago

@PontAcadLife: Mgr Paglia à l'enterrement de Jean Vanier: les plus petits sont les plus grands. - 6 years ago

@MaryMargaretGil: RT @americamag: My time with Jean Vanier and his mom, the grandmother of L’Arche #JeanVanier - 6 years ago

@loveflowers33: RT @saltandlighttv: Jean Vanier's Funeral Mass will be airing on Salt + Light TV in 2 Hours. Join us at 12pm ET | 9 am PT 💙🙏 Also available… - 6 years ago

@m_t_ward: RT @AshleyMcKinless: “I will miss the ordinary things. How badly he did dishes. He just grabbed a large handful of silverware and shook it… - 6 years ago

@BlaisePegasus: The funeral Mass for #JeanVanier in France was apropos: - 6 years ago

@captainsuperlaw: RT @MJ_Bryant: Times have changed. Before McLachlin and Wagner, Chief Justices would not accommodate a #disability on @SCC_eng . Not only… - 6 years ago

@EricdeBeukelaer: Volg of herbekijk de uitvaart van Jean Vanier [livestream] - 6 years ago

@ValentinoReb: RT @Assisi_Project: Jean Vanier: "We are healed as we accept those we have rejected." - 6 years ago

@serenasillitto: RT @fedeeluceonlus: «La morte non è bagliore che si spegne, ma nuova luce che si riaccende a nuova vita. Ed è questo che Jean ci sta lascia… - 6 years ago

@Apervocis: RT @jeanpierredenis: Petit exercice de mathématiques spéculatives. À ma gauche, un lapin de Jeff Koons. À ma droite, Jean Vanier. Sachant… - 6 years ago

@BirnieLinzi: Was Jean Vanier the Founder of L’Arche or was he just the first arrival? - 6 years ago

@twistopherrobin: In honor of the life and work of #JeanVanier: Remembering Jean Vanier Here and Now Toronto May 6, 2019 - 6 years ago

@mariagrazia014: Thank you Councillor VanMeerbergen and MPP Peggy Sattler for your join our inaugural JEAN VANIER LARCHE LONDON WALK… - 6 years ago

@mariagrazia014: JEAN VANIER AND LARCHE LONDON- WALKING TOGETHER! ⁦@LDCSB⁩ ⁦@Staudt1⁩ ⁦@JVLondon⁩ ⁦@KellyHolbrough⁩ - 6 years ago

@mariagrazia014: 1st ANNUAL JEAN VANIER WALKING TOGETHER with LARCHE LONDON and our students and families. Honouring kindness! ⁦… - 6 years ago

@TinyChurchMouse: @KatiePrejean @FrNickOFMConv You forget: - Comedians (too numerous to name) - Musicians (ditto) - Canadarm - Jean… - 6 years ago

@MiracleMichaux: RT @TheEconomist: Over 50 years ago, Jean Vanier began living with two men with learning disabilities. This was when he began to understand… - 6 years ago

@HCAA2017: Junior Boys Soccer Jean Vanier:3 Bishop Reding:3 - 6 years ago

@TremblayPascal: - 6 years ago

@katinamichael: What does it mean to be fully #human? Jean Vanier, Templeton Prize'15 - 6 years ago

@LornaFerguson1: RT @MarzenaFarana: #MondayMotivaton: “I had no plan, I just met people and people with disabilities awoke my heart.” /Jean Vanier/ Humanit… - 6 years ago

@agiopereira: Jean Vanier's model for inclusiveness - 6 years ago

@ennie4: RT @Assisi_Project: Jean Vanier: "Today we are living in a very stressed world. There is a lot of fear and even hatred for those who are di… - 6 years ago

@HCAA2017: Senior Boys Soccer Bishop Reding:1 Jean Vanier:0 - 6 years ago

@carminaovargas: RT @TheEconomist: Over 50 years ago, Jean Vanier began living with two men with learning disabilities. This was when he began to understand… - 6 years ago

@JoTBirks: Jean Vanier September 10, 1928 – May 7, 2019 Founder of L’Arche - 6 years ago

@rseitel: RT @sbeleznay: Jean Vanier: "We have disregarded the heart, seeing it only as a symbol of weakness,.. instead of as a powerhouse of love th… - 6 years ago

@SageAndTimeArt: RT @larcheintl: Thursday, May 16 at 2 p.m. (Paris local time), Jean Vanier's funeral mass will be broadcast live. @KTOTV will allow as many… - 6 years ago

@SageAndTimeArt: RT @cbcbooks: Revisit a 2005 conversation with Jean Vanier, as he reflects on a life devoted to people with disabilities. - 6 years ago

@billymenorsj: Delightful 1st day of break: a documentary on Cardinal Newman, lunch outside, documentary on Jean Vanier, & then we… - 6 years ago

@PaulTratnyek: 10 règles de vie - 10 rules for life by Jean Vanier - 6 years ago

@DWorldview: RT @Zachariah_Duke: L'Arche #Australia (@LArcheAustralia) to honour Jean Vanier with a memorial service on Saturday, 25 May 2019 at 2pm in… - 6 years ago

@tioassociates: RT @Zachariah_Duke: L'Arche #Australia (@LArcheAustralia) to honour Jean Vanier with a memorial service on Saturday, 25 May 2019 at 2pm in… - 6 years ago

@TVatteville: RT @FondLejeune: « Chaque personne handicapée que j'ai rencontrée voulait simplement une chose : que quelqu'un soit heureux qu'elle existe.… - 6 years ago

@HCAA2017: Senior Girls Soccer Bishop Reding:0 Jean Vanier:0 - 6 years ago

@williamslaura: RT @yonalunsky: Many beautiful tributes to Jean Vanier this week - including this one from @LArcheLondon_uk - 6 years ago

@graememberry: RT @TheEconomist: Over 50 years ago, Jean Vanier began living with two men with learning disabilities. This was when he began to understand… - 6 years ago

@TuiMotuMag: Jean Vanier's model for inclusiveness - 6 years ago

@tioassociates: RT @larcheintl: Thursday, May 16 at 2 p.m. (Paris local time), Jean Vanier's funeral mass will be broadcast live. @KTOTV will allow as many… - 6 years ago

@_kpek: RT @TheEconomist: Over 50 years ago, Jean Vanier began living with two men with learning disabilities. This was when he began to understand… - 6 years ago

@LArcheOttawa: RT @CSJTO: "So radical." The tremendous gifts and reach of Jean Vanier. This insightful interview with Sr. Sue Mosteller and Michael Enrigh… - 6 years ago

@neil_thorogood: RT @LArcheEdin: Jean Vanier’s funeral is taking place in Trosly on Thursday 16th May at 1pm (UK time). The service will screened on a Frenc… - 6 years ago

@greg_hotte: RT @CSJTO: "So radical." The tremendous gifts and reach of Jean Vanier. This insightful interview with Sr. Sue Mosteller and Michael Enrigh… - 6 years ago

@SosTheRope: RT @chezami: Malcolm Muggeridge once observed that to say there is more rejoicing in heaven over the one lamb who is saved than the ninety… - 6 years ago

@AbdessamadB: RT @1843mag: Over 50 years ago, Jean Vanier began living with two men with learning disabilities. This was when he began to understand what… - 6 years ago

@NorwoodPlanning: RT @LArcheLondon_uk: Here is a lovely tribute to Jean Vanier from our very own Richard in the latest edition of The Tablet. - 6 years ago

@SaintAustins: RT @larcheintl: Thursday, May 16 at 2 p.m. (Paris local time), Jean Vanier's funeral mass will be broadcast live. @KTOTV will allow as many… - 6 years ago

@BishopSeitz: How Jean Vanier broke my heart and saved my life - 6 years ago

@PloughBooks: @nunblogger Can't wait to hear what you think of this new biography! - 6 years ago

@IENMaternelle77: RT @durpaire: « Il ne faut pas avoir peur d’aimer et de dire aux gens qu’on les aime » Jean Vanier - 6 years ago

@chezami: Malcolm Muggeridge once observed that to say there is more rejoicing in heaven over the one lamb who is saved than… - 6 years ago

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