Jean Paré

Canadian caterer and cookbook author (Company's Coming).
Died on Tuesday December 27th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Jean Paré:

@jane46220: RT @le_Parisien: C’est dans le Finistère que Jean-Goulven Morel répare tout type d’objets en plastique depuis dix ans, dans son atelier ou… - 2 years ago

@marcandrelacas: RT @le_Parisien: C’est dans le Finistère que Jean-Goulven Morel répare tout type d’objets en plastique depuis dix ans, dans son atelier ou… - 2 years ago

@CBzh56: RT @le_Parisien: C’est dans le Finistère que Jean-Goulven Morel répare tout type d’objets en plastique depuis dix ans, dans son atelier ou… - 2 years ago

@le_Parisien: C’est dans le Finistère que Jean-Goulven Morel répare tout type d’objets en plastique depuis dix ans, dans son atel… - 2 years ago


@ProgLandMan: Canadian Cookbook Author Jean Paré Passes away Christmas Eve - 2 years ago

@lexiiesl: @jeanzinkek @JulioJCVieira silêncio Jean, pare de cuspir fatos - 2 years ago

@jean_phi1: RT @TeamEricZemmour: Un enseignante dans un quartier immigré de Suède : « les élèves disent que je suis sale. Par 'sale' ils veulent dire q… - 2 years ago

@Jean_Nemarr: RT @F_Desouche: Un enseignante dans un quartier immigré de Suède : « les élèves disent que je suis sale. Par 'sale' ils veulent dire que je… - 2 years ago

@jean_phi1: RT @F_Desouche: Un enseignante dans un quartier immigré de Suède : « les élèves disent que je suis sale. Par 'sale' ils veulent dire que je… - 2 years ago

@domene_jean: RT @AdvPierre: @xicograziano O processo eleitoral foi isento? ⛔️ O processo eleitoral foi limpo? ⛔️ As anomalias das urnas eletrônicas, apo… - 2 years ago

@Jean_BArruda: @Ozzi_Oficial Não precisa trancar a rua. Deixem as pistas livres! Somente PARE! Ninguém vai te obrigar a trabalhar, para sustentar bandidos! - 2 years ago

@jean_colette: RT @F_Desouche: Un enseignante dans un quartier immigré de Suède : « les élèves disent que je suis sale. Par 'sale' ils veulent dire que je… - 2 years ago

@jean_citoyen: RT @F_Desouche: Un enseignante dans un quartier immigré de Suède : « les élèves disent que je suis sale. Par 'sale' ils veulent dire que je… - 2 years ago

@Jean_Naey: RT @F_Desouche: Un enseignante dans un quartier immigré de Suède : « les élèves disent que je suis sale. Par 'sale' ils veulent dire que je… - 2 years ago

@aymarre_jean: RT @F_Desouche: Un enseignante dans un quartier immigré de Suède : « les élèves disent que je suis sale. Par 'sale' ils veulent dire que je… - 2 years ago

@jean_dtz: @billyscoseuboga pare nicolau - 2 years ago

@LakelandCollege: We are saddened to hear of the passing of Jean Paré, best-selling cookbook author and a 2016 Lakeland College Disti… - 2 years ago

@ttdanataliia: o cara varol o pare e pegou o jean, ela ta bem ate, mais a moto... q dor no coração q ele deve estar pq ate eu estou - 2 years ago

@Jean_G_: @dembelismo99_ A mí lo que me sorprende es que mendy no pare ese gol por qué no se mueve y está fácil de parar por… - 2 years ago

@7hobibi: re que yo el 31 use vestido al cuerpo gris y negro, con borcegos y campera de jean y no pare de desprender facha, n… - 2 years ago

@portilla_jean: @dataref_ar @aguerosergiokun Que gran ser humano es leo, aunque si leo me dice que pare de beber yo paro 😎 - 2 years ago

@rollwithheather: RT @cbcbooks: Author Jean Paré died in Edmonton on Christmas Eve at the age of 95. Paré grew up in the village of Irma, Alta., and gained w… - 2 years ago

@aood_jean: @viii_ck7 Já entendi oq vcs fizeram, agr pare de comentar em cada rt!😀 - 2 years ago

@Isabele5342: @eujeanv__ pare de ser retardado jean vitor - 2 years ago

@2thfairy5: RT @dinnerwithjulie: What a legacy Jean Paré has left -30 million cookbooks is astounding even by celebrity chef standards. I wrote about h… - 2 years ago

@LisaMDayC: RT @cbcbooks: Author Jean Paré died in Edmonton on Christmas Eve at the age of 95. Paré grew up in the village of Irma, Alta., and gained w… - 2 years ago

@MadAboutPaper: RIP Jean Paré author of Company's Coming cookbooks. (Dec 24/22) Muffins and More: I used extensively for 25 years.… - 2 years ago

@BrodieLaurel: RT @cbcbooks: Author Jean Paré died in Edmonton on Christmas Eve at the age of 95. Paré grew up in the village of Irma, Alta., and gained w… - 2 years ago

@1loriking: RT @cbcbooks: Author Jean Paré died in Edmonton on Christmas Eve at the age of 95. Paré grew up in the village of Irma, Alta., and gained w… - 2 years ago

@cbcbooks: Author Jean Paré died in Edmonton on Christmas Eve at the age of 95. Paré grew up in the village of Irma, Alta., an… - 2 years ago

@RalphEdwin_Jean: Li pare bò lakay ou deja? - 2 years ago

@poshshow657: Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: $10 or 3/$20 - Cookbook - Company’s Coming The Beverage… - 2 years ago

@poshshow657: Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: $10 or 3/$30 - Cookbook - Company’s Coming Garden Green… - 2 years ago

@poshshow657: Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: $10 or 3/$20 - Cookbook - Company’s Coming Appetizers-… - 2 years ago

@Jean_yawnzzn: @aleksandrv_ Pare minut po północy :// - 2 years ago

@djillk1: RT @dinnerwithjulie: What a legacy Jean Paré has left -30 million cookbooks is astounding even by celebrity chef standards. I wrote about h… - 2 years ago

@MegVR: RT @dinnerwithjulie: What a legacy Jean Paré has left -30 million cookbooks is astounding even by celebrity chef standards. I wrote about h… - 2 years ago

@cdnforestgirl: RT @dinnerwithjulie: What a legacy Jean Paré has left -30 million cookbooks is astounding even by celebrity chef standards. I wrote about h… - 2 years ago

@JeffreyFeldberg: Company's Coming creator Jean Paré left a legacy in our kitchens and as a successful entrepreneur… - 2 years ago

@ZEturfFr: 🐴 𝗟𝗲 𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗲̀𝗺𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘃𝗮𝗹 𝗮 𝘀𝘂𝗶𝘃𝗿𝗲 𝗽𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗹𝗲 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗭 𝗤#𝟱 Paré de la casaque du président du Trot Français, Jean-Pierre Bar… - 2 years ago

@ThereseTrotter: RT @dinnerwithjulie: What a legacy Jean Paré has left -30 million cookbooks is astounding even by celebrity chef standards. I wrote about h… - 2 years ago

@RafihKhaled: Company’s Coming creator Jean Paré left a legacy in our kitchens and as a successful entrepreneur - The Globe and M… - 2 years ago

@Macgyyver: RT @dinnerwithjulie: What a legacy Jean Paré has left -30 million cookbooks is astounding even by celebrity chef standards. I wrote about h… - 2 years ago

@Razblade_02: Pasa una vieja y me dice: ay por qué haces ejercicio con jean? Se te va a romper. Yo: porque en realidad estoy de p… - 2 years ago

@jean_tirox30067: Pare de fumar maconha! - 2 years ago

@PaganaDaniel: @Jean_Cyy Sure pare - 2 years ago

@rwrandall: @cbctom Don't forget Canadian cookbook legend Jean Paré! - 2 years ago

@VerdeauxVl: RT @rjlnichol: Roberta Nichol Sex in a Pan - 2 years ago

@rjlnichol: Roberta Nichol Sex in a Pan - 2 years ago

@jeanclai101: -Desde as olimpíadas que Jean recebe televisão gatinho do Japão e nada dessa criança aparecer com Juliana. E só faz… - 2 years ago

@Wislak72: @ElMenago @RKSGarbarnia @PoloniaBytom Zamknijmy już temat Piotrka, jako skaut jakie masz wytłumaczenie, że jak ktoś… - 2 years ago

@luccas755: @viiwzy_ @hange_Zzz quando eu entrava na live esse jean n tava lá, pare de me julgar 😰 - 2 years ago

@entrepreneur_cm: Company's Coming creator Jean Paré left a legacy in our kitchens and as a successful entrepreneur - The Globe and M… - 2 years ago

@thcurehun: vc sabe que eu não gostava de vc pq te achava arrogante, e saber que era recíproco me mostra que temos uma QUASE am… - 2 years ago

@thebestofbridge: - 2 years ago

@michaeltaube: Jean Paré, RIP. Founded the popular Company's Coming cookbook series. This is a fine piece in @thewalrus (from 2020… - 2 years ago

@OliverCarter_8: #entrepreneur Company’s Coming creator Jean Paré left a legacy in our kitchens and as a successful entrepreneur - 2 years ago

@Libarbarian: RT @thewalrus: Honouring the legacy of Jean Paré: The Company's Coming author who sold 30 million books by perfecting everything from casse… - 2 years ago

@Jamie_Post: RT @thewalrus: Honouring the legacy of Jean Paré: The Company's Coming author who sold 30 million books by perfecting everything from casse… - 2 years ago

@JustifiedBagel: I also learned today that Jean Paré died this past Christmas Eve. 😢 - 2 years ago

@SheilaSpeaking: RT @pattimarathon: Company’s Coming creator Jean Paré left a legacy in our kitchens and as a successful entrepreneur - 2 years ago

@WestsideBook: RT @EatYourBooks: Bestselling Canadian cookbook author Jean Paré dies at 95: - 2 years ago

@EatYourBooks: Bestselling Canadian cookbook author Jean Paré dies at 95: - 2 years ago

@ArwenRudolph: RT @calmudge0n: A Canadian icon passes - 2 years ago

@Cathi_Bea: RT @cardamomaddict: ICYMI, Jean Paré of the Company's Coming series passed away on Christmas Eve, at the age of 95 Her Company's Coming 15… - 2 years ago

@CanmoreRobb: RT @CraigBaird: Jean Pare passed away on Dec. 24. Born Dec. 7, 1927 in Irma, Alberta, she wrote over 200 cookbooks from 1981 to 2011. Her C… - 2 years ago

@TheRyatolla: RT @ShawnJacula: Sending sympathy to the family & friends of the author of Canada's most popular cookbooks & a Vermilion icon, Jean Paré.… - 2 years ago

@ShawnJacula: Sending sympathy to the family & friends of the author of Canada's most popular cookbooks & a Vermilion icon, Jean… - 2 years ago

@PhatNancy: RT @NewellMartell: Breaking 🇨🇦 📰: Canadian cookbook author Jean Paré dies at 95 🥺 - 2 years ago

@kraftwurker: RT @AwesomeBiota: Tonight: we Cook It With Jen! The meal is a bit leftovers, a bit in memory of Jean Paré. Ready? Let’s go! Gather your i… - 2 years ago

@trudat2020: @JanineRutledge As an Ontarian, I own several of Jean Pare's cookbooks &loved her struggle to success story. Such a… - 2 years ago

@bethstuff: RT @CraigBaird: Jean Pare passed away on Dec. 24. Born Dec. 7, 1927 in Irma, Alberta, she wrote over 200 cookbooks from 1981 to 2011. Her C… - 2 years ago

@DontVoteSplit: RT @CraigBaird: Jean Pare passed away on Dec. 24. Born Dec. 7, 1927 in Irma, Alberta, she wrote over 200 cookbooks from 1981 to 2011. Her C… - 2 years ago

@CraigBaird: Jean Pare passed away on Dec. 24. Born Dec. 7, 1927 in Irma, Alberta, she wrote over 200 cookbooks from 1981 to 201… - 2 years ago

@cardamomaddict: ICYMI, Jean Paré of the Company's Coming series passed away on Christmas Eve, at the age of 95 Her Company's Comin… - 2 years ago

@CraigBaird: Jean Pare passed away on Dec. 24. Born Dec. 7, 1927, she wrote over 200 cookbooks from 1981 to 2011. Her Company's… - 2 years ago

@friesen_marcia: Deepest condolences to the family of Jean Pare upon her passing. How I enjoyed her cookbooks! 'Company's Coming'. A… - 2 years ago

@DavidJBoles: There's not a single person I know growing up who didn't have their lives enriched by Jean's recipes. My bookshelve… - 2 years ago

@JenFrYrEyesOnly: RT @ymediagroup: COMPANY'S COMING COOKBOOK AUTHOR JEAN PARÉ DIES IN EDMONTON AT AGE 95 #canadianauthor @YudhvirJaswal - 2 years ago

@JenFrYrEyesOnly: RT @gretapodleski: Jean Paré was a Canadian cookbook legend! She has passed away at age 95. #CompanysComing - 2 years ago

@Albert26916866: RT @GlobalNational: Jean Paré, author of ‘Company’s Coming’ cookbooks, dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@JenFrYrEyesOnly: RT @jessicarobb_: What a legacy. What a life. What a story. My mom had her cookbook cupboard stoked with Company’s Coming as I was growing… - 2 years ago

@JenFrYrEyesOnly: @cspotweet I have a few books of Jean Pare's they were so nice - my mother sent the cookbooks to me from Edmonton.… - 2 years ago

@lucancbj: "I'm just happiest that she was my mom." 😔 Thank you Jean Pare...I'm proud to have a few #CompanysComing cookbooks… - 2 years ago

@hjbaird: RT @JanineRutledge: Jean Paré died today. So sad, if you’re an Edmontonian you’ve probably owned 1 or 2 of her cookbooks over the years. I… - 2 years ago

@ctvedmonton: WATCH: Company's Coming author Jean Pare died Christmas Eve in Edmonton. @jessicarobb_ has more from her family on… - 2 years ago

@calmudge0n: A Canadian icon passes - 2 years ago

@pullmygoalies: RT @JanineRutledge: Jean Paré died today. So sad, if you’re an Edmontonian you’ve probably owned 1 or 2 of her cookbooks over the years. I… - 2 years ago

@jessicarobb_: What a legacy. What a life. What a story. My mom had her cookbook cupboard stoked with Company’s Coming as I was gr… - 2 years ago

@JulieS604: R.I.P. Jean Pare…author of Company’s Coming cookbooks - 2 years ago

@R3cheerz: Top-selling Canadian cookbook author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@OKWesternWheel: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@RV_Publishing: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@TheAlbertan_: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@AirdrieToday: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@rmoutlook: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@CochraneEagle: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@stalbertgazette: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@hilaurel: RT @ab_primetimes: EDMONTON — An Alberta-born mother of four whose "Company's Coming" cookbooks have become ingredient-stained fixtures on… - 2 years ago

@ab_primetimes: EDMONTON — An Alberta-born mother of four whose "Company's Coming" cookbooks have become ingredient-stained fixture… - 2 years ago

@FairyGifts: RT @JanineRutledge: Jean Paré died today. So sad, if you’re an Edmontonian you’ve probably owned 1 or 2 of her cookbooks over the years. I… - 2 years ago

@youmeandtea: More than 200 cookbooks that sold 30 million copies. Company’s Coming Cookbooks a kitchen staple for sure. Thanky… - 2 years ago

@251menlove: RT @cspotweet: Jean Paré - whose cookbook you totally own- has passed away in Edmonton at age 95 #yeg - 2 years ago

@AudreyD39500128: @CBCNews I have many of Jean Pare's cook books. Just this Christmas ,I made 2 of her cakes. Rest in peace sweet lady! - 2 years ago

@81watchdog: RT @GlobalEdmonton: “She was not a fussy cook at all. She liked to cook things that were easy to make and tasted great — that was the botto… - 2 years ago

@RCInet: - 2 years ago

@Yvh1: RT @GlobalEdmonton: “She was not a fussy cook at all. She liked to cook things that were easy to make and tasted great — that was the botto… - 2 years ago

@sassylassy666: RT @CBCEdmonton: Top-selling Canadian cookbook author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@AwesomeBiota: Now drown in your sauce! *if* there’s cheese in it, now put it in the broiler until the sauce is browned and bubbli… - 2 years ago


@AwesomeBiota: Tonight: we Cook It With Jen! The meal is a bit leftovers, a bit in memory of Jean Paré. Ready? Let’s go! Gather… - 2 years ago

@Yegisawesome: Top-selling Canadian cookbook author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@Archaeologuy: RT @cspotweet: Jean Paré - whose cookbook you totally own- has passed away in Edmonton at age 95 #yeg - 2 years ago

@OttawaNewsPulse: RT @OttawaNewsPulse: CTV News Ottawa → Self-published Canadian cookbook star Jean Paré dies at 95 in Edmonton - 2 years ago

@1001cjd: RT @CBCEdmonton: Top-selling Canadian cookbook author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@IMAJLA_HT: Jean Jean Roosevelt anonse albom li pou 3 janvye 2023. Eske nou pare ? - 2 years ago

@JackieJanes8: @JanineRutledge Apricot Noodle Pudding Jean Paré recipe -About the best pasta dessert you can eat. - 2 years ago

@ghostcatbce: RT @CBCEdmonton: Top-selling Canadian cookbook author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@ghostcatbce: RT @GlobalNational: Jean Paré, author of ‘Company’s Coming’ cookbooks, dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@ghostcatbce: RT @GlobalEdmonton: “She was not a fussy cook at all. She liked to cook things that were easy to make and tasted great — that was the botto… - 2 years ago

@JanineRutledge: Share your favourite Jean Paré recipes, your family favs below. I’ll go first…. 7 layer seafood dip, spinach dip,… - 2 years ago

@ghostcatbce: RT @CP24: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@icimanitoba: L’autrice de livres de recettes Jean Paré meurt à 95 ans - 2 years ago

@JanineRutledge: Jean Paré died today. So sad, if you’re an Edmontonian you’ve probably owned 1 or 2 of her cookbooks over the years… - 2 years ago

@enjoying_movies: RT @GlobalNational: Jean Paré, author of ‘Company’s Coming’ cookbooks, dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@TracyOakley819: RT @PoweredbyPoodle: Jean Pare, the cookbook queen of #Canada, has died age 94. A book from the #CompanysComing series is in almost every k… - 2 years ago

@Chinookgardener: RT @GlobalEdmonton: “She was not a fussy cook at all. She liked to cook things that were easy to make and tasted great — that was the botto… - 2 years ago

@PoweredbyPoodle: Jean Pare, the cookbook queen of #Canada, has died age 94. A book from the #CompanysComing series is in almost ever… - 2 years ago

@MuscleORACLE: RT @GlobalEdmonton: “She was not a fussy cook at all. She liked to cook things that were easy to make and tasted great — that was the botto… - 2 years ago

@dhargravepr: RT @jessicarobb_: I spent the morning with Jean Paré’s son. Together they started Company’s Coming in 1980 & sold over 30 million recipe bo… - 2 years ago

@BBParkerSports: RT @uptown_one: Saw that Jean Paré passed away. Loved her cookbooks written in a no-nonsense way with no-weird ingredients. - 2 years ago

@CanuckinO: RT @CP24: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@SCybulsky: So sorry to hear of the death of Jean Pare who gave us those wonderful Company's Coming cook books. I bet she's hap… - 2 years ago

@SandipRisal1: RT @CBCEdmonton: Top-selling Canadian cookbook author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@Popcorns_Views: Good bye Jean Pare. We have many of your cookbooks on our shelves. The number of bowls I've licked & enjoyed is al… - 2 years ago

@JYofonoff: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@McMahonBon: RT @uptown_one: Saw that Jean Paré passed away. Loved her cookbooks written in a no-nonsense way with no-weird ingredients. - 2 years ago

@LisaStefiuk: RT @TheTorontoSun: Venerated Company's Coming cookbook author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at 95 - 2 years ago

@TheTorontoSun: Venerated Company's Coming cookbook author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at 95 - 2 years ago

@lumin8: RT @Merlin0928: RIP..... - 2 years ago

@Merlin0928: RIP..... - 2 years ago

@pamonly24: RT @CP24: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@islanders_fan: @CP24 Jean Paré is going - 2 years ago

@uptown_one: Saw that Jean Paré passed away. Loved her cookbooks written in a no-nonsense way with no-weird ingredients. - 2 years ago

@smrremax: RT @CP24: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@jojorobo58_jojo: RT @CP24: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@Ken34205423: RT @CP24: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@gymger84: Literally my entire childhood diet was based off Jean Paré’s cookbooks 🥺 - 2 years ago

@FalaCesar: @minstyi @vanglockkk @Kadingir2 Pare MinstyLol, o Jean gosta apenas de garotas 2D!!! - 2 years ago

@CAPSeunarine: RT @cspotweet: Jean Paré - whose cookbook you totally own- has passed away in Edmonton at age 95 #yeg - 2 years ago

@FranciusSinos1: Jean-Baptiste Camille prezidan pati pou libere Ayiti PLA nan emisyon(la vie dans la ville) sou radio megastar,li de… - 2 years ago

@Tarapaul: RT @CP24: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@gmacofglebe: RT @CP24: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@rexglacer: RT @PennyRaeWeaver1: Self-published Canadian cookbook star Jean Pare dies at 95 in Edmonton - 2 years ago

@CP24: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@Yegisawesome: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@sammysunshine: Raising my breakfast Matrimonial Bar (date square) to the late great Jean Pare, she passed away a couple of days ag… - 2 years ago

@dave1agar: Self-published Canadian cookbook star Jean Pare dies at 95 in Edmonton - 2 years ago

@NCMOULY52: An Alberta-born international cooking icon and Order of Canada recipient died on Christmas Eve in Edmonton. - 2 years ago

@jamiller295: RT @cspotweet: Jean Paré - whose cookbook you totally own- has passed away in Edmonton at age 95 #yeg - 2 years ago

@eva_preston: RT @ShawnaGofABPoli: Who among us does not have a favourite recipe or two from her books? - 2 years ago

@rockandiceguy: RT @ShawnaGofABPoli: Who among us does not have a favourite recipe or two from her books? - 2 years ago

@ThymelessC: RT @CastanetKam: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@colleentatum: RT @cspotweet: Jean Paré - whose cookbook you totally own- has passed away in Edmonton at age 95 #yeg - 2 years ago

@anthrodigimom01: RT @cspotweet: Jean Paré - whose cookbook you totally own- has passed away in Edmonton at age 95 #yeg - 2 years ago

@hilaurel: RT @cspotweet: Jean Paré - whose cookbook you totally own- has passed away in Edmonton at age 95 #yeg - 2 years ago

@bcbeautygirl: RT @TracyVirtually: Company's Coming founder Jean Pare dies at 95 | CTV News - 2 years ago

@lindajohnsonyyc: RT @cspotweet: Jean Paré - whose cookbook you totally own- has passed away in Edmonton at age 95 #yeg - 2 years ago

@druidess157: RT @CastanetKam: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@CastanetKam: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Jean Paré dies - #JeanPare #Jean #Paré #rip - 2 years ago

@shelcloke: RT @cspotweet: Jean Paré - whose cookbook you totally own- has passed away in Edmonton at age 95 #yeg - 2 years ago

@PiqueNews: 'Company's Coming' cookbooks author Jean Paré dies in Edmonton at age 95 - 2 years ago

@AbigailMCND: Company’s Coming founder Jean Pare dies at 95 #Alberta #Edmonton #CDNNews #Canada [Video] - 2 years ago

@LHKirkland1: RT @cspotweet: Jean Paré - whose cookbook you totally own- has passed away in Edmonton at age 95 #yeg - 2 years ago

@RosalYade: RT @ctvottawa: Self-published Canadian cookbook star Jean Paré dies at 95 in Edmonton - 2 years ago

@talkyeg: RT @cspotweet: Jean Paré - whose cookbook you totally own- has passed away in Edmonton at age 95 #yeg - 2 years ago

@debjeans: I had quite a few of her cookbooks. Company's Coming founder Jean Pare dies at 95 | CTV News - 2 years ago

@TracyVirtually: Company's Coming founder Jean Pare dies at 95 | CTV News - 2 years ago

@CraftyGal65: Company's Coming founder Jean Pare dies at 95 | CTV News I think I have most of these books. #RIPJeanPare - 2 years ago

@UrnewzN: Self-published Canadian cookbook star Jean Pare dies at 95 in Edmonton #news #entertainment - 2 years ago

@ThatFunHouseGal: Hi @ctvedmonton - watching this evening newscast and learned of the passing of Jean Paré. Please have your news fol… - 2 years ago

@durstonk: RT @cspotweet: Jean Paré - whose cookbook you totally own- has passed away in Edmonton at age 95 #yeg - 2 years ago

@TeacherPattiM: So many different cookbooks by Jean Paré. Condolences to her family. - 2 years ago

@wordsmythical: RT @cspotweet: Jean Paré - whose cookbook you totally own- has passed away in Edmonton at age 95 #yeg - 2 years ago

@knitntherapist: RT @cspotweet: Jean Paré - whose cookbook you totally own- has passed away in Edmonton at age 95 #yeg - 2 years ago

@Jean______Paul: @Galaye_ Paré na ci mane demal rk iiooe - 2 years ago

@HarperiteBGone: RT @ctvottawa: Self-published Canadian cookbook star Jean Paré dies at 95 in Edmonton - 2 years ago

@DebHallworth: @cspotweet I have many of her cookbooks! Jean Paré is a Canadian icon! Heartfelt condolences to her family 🙏🏻 - 2 years ago

@ElShackle: RT @cspotweet: Jean Paré - whose cookbook you totally own- has passed away in Edmonton at age 95 #yeg - 2 years ago

@adb193: RT @cspotweet: Jean Paré - whose cookbook you totally own- has passed away in Edmonton at age 95 #yeg - 2 years ago

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