Jean-Marie Straub

French filmmaker.
Died on Sunday November 20th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Jean-Marie Straub:

@cedarwoodhouse: RT @cine21_editor: 장 마리 스트로브(Jean-Marie Straub) 감독이 세상을 떠났습니다. 2004년 광주국제영화제에서 장 마리 스트로브와 그의 정치·영화적 동지인 다니엘 위예의 회고전이 열렸을 때 두 감독의 영화 세계를 소개한… - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Jean-Marie Straub, Uncompromising Filmmaker, Is Dead at 89 - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Jean-Marie Straub, Uncompromising Filmmaker, Is Dead at 89 - 2 years ago

@rogerkoza: - 2 years ago


@sala_mar01: RIP Jean-Marie Straub, murió el 20 de noviembre. Le rindo homenaje con la película q le dedicó Pedro Costa a él, a… - 2 years ago

@coppolafan: RT @CarrieRickey: Sorry to read this, #RIPJeanMarieStraub: - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Jean-Marie Straub, Uncompromising Filmmaker, Is Dead at 89 - 2 years ago

@CarrieRickey: Sorry to read this, #RIPJeanMarieStraub: - 2 years ago

@KristenSQue: RT @robinalexbaker: Remembering Jean-Marie Straub who died on Sunday. Here he is with his wife and co-director Danièle Huillet during the s… - 2 years ago

@Cinemes_Girona: RT @PereVallK: En su Blog, Nuria Vidal habla de los estrenos de EL QUE SABEM y LA MUJER REY, y recuerda al recientemente desaparecido Jean-… - 2 years ago

@PeterLandau: Jean-Marie Straub (right, with his wife and directing partner Danièle Huillet), Uncompromising Filmmaker #obitpix… - 2 years ago

@DSMWcom: Jean-Marie Straub, Uncompromising Filmmaker, Is Dead at 89 - 2 years ago

@VLParensen: Sicilia (1999) oleh Jean-Marie Straub/Daniele Huillet - 2 years ago

@VLParensen: The Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach (1968) oleh Jean-Marie Straub/Daniele Huillet - 2 years ago

@kino_auge: - 2 years ago

@kino_auge: Jean-Marie Straub 1933-2022 - 2 years ago

@PereVallK: En su Blog, Nuria Vidal habla de los estrenos de EL QUE SABEM y LA MUJER REY, y recuerda al recientemente desaparec… - 2 years ago

@PaulCinefilo: Y en el final del programa recordamos al gran Jean Marie Straub. - 2 years ago

@CineclubesR: In memorian: algunas palabras sobre el gran cineasta Jean Marie Straub Junto con grandes bandas de sonido para la… - 2 years ago

@jmslaymaker: @izzio123 Jean Marie-Straub - La France contre les robots Hal Hartley - Meanwhile Jacques Rivette - The Duchess of… - 2 years ago

@jamaispeutetre: RT @SightSoundmag: In tribute to Jean-Marie Straub, who has died aged 89, we republish this 2009 examination of his and his wife Danièle H… - 2 years ago

@pat7boy: L'AUTRE CINÉASTE DE ROLLE #JeanMarieStraub #StraubHuillet "indifferent to love or admiration... monuments to thei… - 2 years ago

@drmabusespieler: RT @StephanieLaCava: RIP Jean-Marie Straub - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Jean-Marie Straub, Uncompromising Filmmaker, Is Dead at 89 - 2 years ago

@ShahyarGhanbari: RT @SightSoundmag: In tribute to Jean-Marie Straub, who has died aged 89, we republish this 2009 examination of his and his wife Danièle H… - 2 years ago

@RousseauAgnes: RT @jlgadreau: Décès du cinéaste Jean-Marie #Straub - beau papier de @libe - 2 years ago

@Technicalearn5: The Stubborn, Enduring Vision of Jean-Marie Straub - 2 years ago

@josavigneau: via ⁦@nytimes⁩ - 2 years ago

@ctunaworks: RT @SightSoundmag: In tribute to Jean-Marie Straub, who has died aged 89, we republish this 2009 examination of his and his wife Danièle H… - 2 years ago

@BertaIsla: RT @artribune: Morto nel silenzio Jean-Marie Straub. L’intervista a Roberto Silvestri - 2 years ago

@jwoodfilm: RT @SightSoundmag: In tribute to Jean-Marie Straub, who has died aged 89, we republish this 2009 examination of his and his wife Danièle H… - 2 years ago

@patchw0rk_: RT @SightSoundmag: In tribute to Jean-Marie Straub, who has died aged 89, we republish this 2009 examination of his and his wife Danièle H… - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Jean-Marie Straub, Uncompromising Filmmaker, Is Dead at 89 - 2 years ago

@cinematografo: RT @SightSoundmag: In tribute to Jean-Marie Straub, who has died aged 89, we republish this 2009 examination of his and his wife Danièle H… - 2 years ago

@ebelico: RT @SightSoundmag: In tribute to Jean-Marie Straub, who has died aged 89, we republish this 2009 examination of his and his wife Danièle H… - 2 years ago

@luddboy: RT @SightSoundmag: In tribute to Jean-Marie Straub, who has died aged 89, we republish this 2009 examination of his and his wife Danièle H… - 2 years ago

@SightSoundmag: In tribute to Jean-Marie Straub, who has died aged 89, we republish this 2009 examination of his and his wife Dani… - 2 years ago

@chadobeen: RT @tnyfrontrow: A word in honor and memory of Jean-Marie Straub, along with the interviews that he so generously granted me:   - 2 years ago

@DSMWcom: Jean-Marie Straub, Uncompromising Filmmaker, Is Dead at 89 - 2 years ago

@Ahclem53: Emerging from the French New Wave, driven by artistic purity, he and his wife and directing partner, Danièle Huille… - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Jean-Marie Straub, Uncompromising Filmmaker, Is Dead at 89 - 2 years ago

@7203: 猫を愛でるストローブの服装、パンク爺だよなあ。 Où en êtes-vous, Jean-Marie Straub ? | Cinéma | Centre Pompidou - 2 years ago

@PleasedTo: RT @serdwolf: Con Jean-Marie Straub se va la gran fuerza indomable del cine. Con su mujer, Daniele Huillet, llevaron el cine al grado cero… - 2 years ago

@PleasedTo: RT @Bracero666: Con la muerte de Jean-Marie Straub (y hace 2meses la de Godard) tal vez no muera el cine (películas se van a seguir haciend… - 2 years ago

@chadobeen: RT @ANTINOMOVIES: Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub in Florence, 1966 Photo: Peter Nestler - 2 years ago

@cine53ra: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Jean-Marie Straub - 2 years ago

@OpulensSE: RT @FLMtidskrift: ”En dag kommer ingenting att finnas kvar”, lyder ett citat i Straub/Huillets Une visite au Louvre. Nu har även Jean-Marie… - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Jean-Marie Straub, Uncompromising Filmmaker, Is Dead at 89 - 2 years ago

@stem910: RIP Jean-Marie Straub…と思って家で見始めたが、開始15分くらいでどんどん眠くなってしまい、結局ベッドに移動して深めの昼寝をしてしまったら1日が終わった… - 2 years ago

@jacoblundstrom: RT @FLMtidskrift: ”En dag kommer ingenting att finnas kvar”, lyder ett citat i Straub/Huillets Une visite au Louvre. Nu har även Jean-Marie… - 2 years ago

@tbfld: Not too many obits make me sad, but this one does: Jean-Marie #Straub, one of the greatest filmmakers ever. If you… - 2 years ago

@davidaquinley21: RT @alsolikelife: RIP Jean Marie Straub. I confess I didn't truly appreciate you until I worked with @tnyfrontrow on this video essay (one… - 2 years ago

@_edwardmc: RT @_edwardmc: 3. “Every Revolution is a Throw of the Dice - on the 1977 film by Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Jean-Marie Straub, Uncompromising Filmmaker, Is Dead at 89 - 2 years ago

@cvegces: RT @e_flux: e-flux Screening Room presents Aesthetics of Resistance: Straub-Huillet and Contemporary Moving-Image Art, a four-part series o… - 2 years ago

@ghost__boat: RT @GhopperFilm: Take some today and read @tnyfrontrow’s beautiful appreciation of Jean-Marie Straub. - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Jean-Marie Straub, Uncompromising Filmmaker, Is Dead at 89 - 2 years ago

@carlocjunior: @mubibrasil ⚽ Atacantes: Jean Marie Straub, Robert Bresson, Andrzej Żuławski Meias: António Reis, Éric Rohmer, Rogé… - 2 years ago

@sadele2: The Stubborn, Enduring Vision of Jean-Marie Straub | The New Yorker - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Jean-Marie Straub, Uncompromising Filmmaker, Is Dead at 89 - 2 years ago

@sadele2: "To the combative Mr. Straub, filmmaking could be a revolutionary act. “If we hadn’t learned how to make films,” he… - 2 years ago

@EINMovieNews: Jean-Marie Straub, uncompromising filmmaker, dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@oshiroiyoriki: RT @ANTINOMOVIES: Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub in Florence, 1966 Photo: Peter Nestler - 2 years ago

@taxidiwtis: RT @GhopperFilm: Take some today and read @tnyfrontrow’s beautiful appreciation of Jean-Marie Straub. - 2 years ago

@swen_ryan: RT @OutskirtsMag: I’m Not Afraid. I’m Looking // Tribute to Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet in WHERE DOES YOUR HIDDEN SMILE LIE? by @… - 2 years ago

@MantDorado: RT @GhopperFilm: Take some today and read @tnyfrontrow’s beautiful appreciation of Jean-Marie Straub. - 2 years ago

@USSportsNew2021: Jean-Marie Straub, uncompromising filmmaker, is dead at 89 - 2 years ago

@ObitIndex: From New York Times Obituaries - Jean-Marie Straub, Uncompromising Filmmaker, Is Dead at 89 - 2 years ago

@francis26442497: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Jean-Marie Straub - 2 years ago

@NonFilms: RT @GhopperFilm: Take some today and read @tnyfrontrow’s beautiful appreciation of Jean-Marie Straub. - 2 years ago

@LilianeGiraudon: KOMMUNISTEN - Jean-Marie Straub/Danièle Huillet - 2 years ago

@LilianeGiraudon: Jean-Marie Straub présente "Chronique d'Anna Magdalena Bach" - 13.05.2013 - 2 years ago

@phoiming: 英語字幕版もありました。題を訳せば”France Against Robots”『ロボットに対抗するフランス』でしょうか。 Jean-Marie STRAUB "LA FRANCE CONTRE LES ROBOTS"… - 2 years ago

@veracruz777: RT @NewYorker: Jean-Marie Straub was one of the least known of great filmmakers, and among the most original of his time, @tnyfrontrow writ… - 2 years ago

@marialago__: RT @PaulaGaitn1: JEAN-MARIE STRAUB has frequently quoted D. W. Griffith’s plaint “What the modern movie lacks is beauty—the beauty of movin… - 2 years ago

@phenocine: Rushes: Jean-Marie Straub, Jacques Derrida - 2 years ago

@y_tabti: RT @SimakFan: Zum Tod von Jean-Marie Straub - Résistance und Antipopulismus - 2 years ago

@Jishnu_Ganguly: RT @tnyfrontrow: A word in honor and memory of Jean-Marie Straub, along with the interviews that he so generously granted me:   - 2 years ago

@hopeasha: RT @NotebookMUBI: Remembering Jean-Marie Straub, a video interview with Tsai Ming-liang, @FilmForumNYC's Derrida-endorsed banana bread, Rac… - 2 years ago

@Kusumbo1: RT @tnyfrontrow: A word in honor and memory of Jean-Marie Straub, along with the interviews that he so generously granted me:   - 2 years ago

@gwashi984: RT @nave4000: RIP Jean-Marie Straub. 映画作家ジャン=マリー・ストローブが今日11月20日、89歳で死去の報。妻/共作者ダニエル・ユイレの死(2006年)から16年。 傑作『アンナ・マグダレーナ・バッハの日記』(68)から最後の場面(「フーガ… - 2 years ago

@tournerlesmots: The Stubborn, Enduring Vision of Jean-Marie Straub - 2 years ago

@IFS_news: FRANCE/SWITZERLAND : French film-maker Jean-Marie Straub passes away at 89 #JeanMarieStraub - 2 years ago

@coppolafan: RT @tnyfrontrow: A word in honor and memory of Jean-Marie Straub, along with the interviews that he so generously granted me:   - 2 years ago

@aufsmaulsuppe: RT @criticde: Fritz Göttler über Jean-Marie Straub, der gestern im Alter von 89 Jahren verstorben ist. - 2 years ago

@novanwood: RT @tnyfrontrow: A word in honor and memory of Jean-Marie Straub, along with the interviews that he so generously granted me:   - 2 years ago

@michaeljmasarof: RT @PaulaGaitn1: JEAN-MARIE STRAUB has frequently quoted D. W. Griffith’s plaint “What the modern movie lacks is beauty—the beauty of movin… - 2 years ago

@afuckingmohawk: RT @tnyfrontrow: A word in honor and memory of Jean-Marie Straub, along with the interviews that he so generously granted me:   - 2 years ago

@genZmarx: RT @tnyfrontrow: A word in honor and memory of Jean-Marie Straub, along with the interviews that he so generously granted me:   - 2 years ago

@hygienerotic: RT @ombreiste: Antigone; Jean-Marie Straub et Danièle Huillet; Drame; 1991; Allemagne/ France; 100 minutes - 2 years ago

@plexoworldddd: RT @plexoworldddd: ⬛️ (TOBI) STROBL: [PLAYBACK 22] À 89 ans, Jean-Marie Straub a rejoint pour l’éternité Danièle Huillet dans la marge. N… - 2 years ago

@Velma___Dinkley: RT @migblah: Las horas y el esfuerzo llevado a cabo durante años por mi amigo Francisco Algarín (a la cabeza de otros pequeños esfuerzos de… - 2 years ago

@viscaelcinema: RT @NewYorker: Jean-Marie Straub was one of the least known of great filmmakers, and among the most original of his time, @tnyfrontrow writ… - 2 years ago

@xenopraxis: RT @tnyfrontrow: A word in honor and memory of Jean-Marie Straub, along with the interviews that he so generously granted me:   - 2 years ago

@DosMil_Cuatro: RT @museoreinasofia: Recordamos a Jean-Marie Straub (1933-2022), uno de los grandes cineastas de nuestro tiempo, fallecido este domingo día… - 2 years ago

@eyeshakingking_: Jean-Marie Straub RIP - 2 years ago

@egeofanatolia: RT @tnyfrontrow: A word in honor and memory of Jean-Marie Straub, along with the interviews that he so generously granted me:   - 2 years ago

@jg_mephisto: RT @tnyfrontrow: A word in honor and memory of Jean-Marie Straub, along with the interviews that he so generously granted me:   - 2 years ago

@akiwiwa: RT @Cineaste_Mag: The Stubborn, Enduring Vision of Jean-Marie Straub - 2 years ago

@Artamia: . . . The Enduring Vision of Jean-Marie Straub - He was one of the least known of great fil… - 2 years ago

@PutneySwope666: RT @tnyfrontrow: A word in honor and memory of Jean-Marie Straub, along with the interviews that he so generously granted me:   - 2 years ago

@jpjameshansen: RT @tnyfrontrow: A word in honor and memory of Jean-Marie Straub, along with the interviews that he so generously granted me:   - 2 years ago

@pedrobutcher: RT @alsolikelife: RIP Jean Marie Straub. I confess I didn't truly appreciate you until I worked with @tnyfrontrow on this video essay (one… - 2 years ago

@urbanojesusr: RT @museoreinasofia: Recordamos a Jean-Marie Straub (1933-2022), uno de los grandes cineastas de nuestro tiempo, fallecido este domingo día… - 2 years ago

@thevideoessay: RT @alsolikelife: RIP Jean Marie Straub. I confess I didn't truly appreciate you until I worked with @tnyfrontrow on this video essay (one… - 2 years ago

@IanWarren7: RT @tnyfrontrow: A word in honor and memory of Jean-Marie Straub, along with the interviews that he so generously granted me:   - 2 years ago

@edogoesboating: RT @GhopperFilm: In celebration of Jean-Marie Straub, we are making CHRONICLE OF ANNA MAGDALENA BACH, one of his and Danièle Huillet's most… - 2 years ago

@Orgetorix: Jean-Marie Straub obituary - 2 years ago

@Orgetorix: The Stubborn, Enduring Vision of Jean-Marie Straub - 2 years ago

@mknz: RT @tnyfrontrow: A word in honor and memory of Jean-Marie Straub, along with the interviews that he so generously granted me:   - 2 years ago

@swen_ryan: RT @tnyfrontrow: A word in honor and memory of Jean-Marie Straub, along with the interviews that he so generously granted me:   - 2 years ago

@goatedwitit: RT @tnyfrontrow: A word in honor and memory of Jean-Marie Straub, along with the interviews that he so generously granted me:   - 2 years ago

@BrianMarks356: RT @tnyfrontrow: A word in honor and memory of Jean-Marie Straub, along with the interviews that he so generously granted me:   - 2 years ago

@delphicbitch: RT @delphicbitch: *slams table; Jean-Marie Straub voice* Imitation of Life! that's an experimental film, no? - 2 years ago

@zodoxus: RT @LilianeBreuning: Microfilms - Serge Daney et Jean-Marie Straub - 2 years ago

@Cineaste_Mag: The Stubborn, Enduring Vision of Jean-Marie Straub - 2 years ago

@FloresRoberto: RT @PaulaGaitn1: JEAN-MARIE STRAUB has frequently quoted D. W. Griffith’s plaint “What the modern movie lacks is beauty—the beauty of movin… - 2 years ago

@juliengester: RT @libe: ⚫ Le grand cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort Agé de 89 ans, il avait longtemps formé un duo de création exigeante avec sa com… - 2 years ago

@alcolviettra: RT @filipefurtado: Jean-Marie Straub fez junto a Danièle Huillet alguns dos filmes mais radicais do mundo, depois ela partiu em 2006 e ele… - 2 years ago

@notreconciled: RT @jlalibs: RIP to Jean-Marie Straub, one of the best to ever do it - 2 years ago

@mindtheoctopus: RT @GhopperFilm: For nearly a decade, we have been honored to work with Jean-Marie as he has been tirelessly restoring the entire body of w… - 2 years ago

@gleg44: RT @ScreenSlate: RIP Jean-Marie Straub - 2 years ago

@thezenstalker: RT @WVLGTHS: Jean-Marie Straub, la révolte continue🖤 - 2 years ago

@hyojin_19: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@keinakata: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@DiChristine: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Jean-Marie Straub (1933-2022) - 2 years ago

@bagandais: RT @mubifrance: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@alexL_E_I: RT @TheFilmStage: Goodbye to Jean-Marie Straub, who has passed away at 89. - 2 years ago

@newsfrmhome: RT @elagaybalus: - jean-marie straub - 2 years ago

@Benjami69747007: RT @CapricciFrance: Nous apprenons avec tristesse le décès de Jean-Marie Straub à 89 ans, 16 ans après celui de sa compagne et co-autrice D… - 2 years ago

@kalambaka_: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@notreconciled: RT @elagaybalus: - jean-marie straub - 2 years ago

@asterofpuppets: RT @GhopperFilm: For nearly a decade, we have been honored to work with Jean-Marie as he has been tirelessly restoring the entire body of w… - 2 years ago

@Snydel: RT @GhopperFilm: For nearly a decade, we have been honored to work with Jean-Marie as he has been tirelessly restoring the entire body of w… - 2 years ago

@odalisquex: RT @TheFilmStage: Goodbye to Jean-Marie Straub, who has passed away at 89. - 2 years ago

@emmanueljaunea1: @xavierbeauvois1 un grand cinéaste. Est mort jean Marie straub qui a compté pour des gens qui ont compté pour vous… - 2 years ago

@Alex_Vasseur: RT @lemondefr: Le cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort - 2 years ago

@MargaLedo: - 2 years ago

@kosakanatei: RT @eikitakahashi: ジャン=マリー・ストローブ逝去。 今週月曜日の大学の授業でストローブ=ユイレの『アンナ・マグダレーナ・バッハの年代記』と『セザンヌ』を上映し、映画独自のリアリティについて講義したばかり。その余波もあってシェーンベルグを、今朝、聴いていた。… - 2 years ago

@rolensolitario: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@quevomitona: RT @numaxcoop: Foise un dos máis grandes. Que a terra che sexa leve Jean-Marie Straub (1933-2022) 💜✊ - 2 years ago

@1114Marble: RT @nave4000: RIP Jean-Marie Straub. 映画作家ジャン=マリー・ストローブが今日11月20日、89歳で死去の報。妻/共作者ダニエル・ユイレの死(2006年)から16年。 傑作『アンナ・マグダレーナ・バッハの日記』(68)から最後の場面(「フーガ… - 2 years ago

@quevomitona: RT @rogerkoza: Well, now it is known. Bueno, ya es de conocimiento público. Jean-Marie Straub ha muerto. Jean-Marie Straub has died. No… - 2 years ago

@PaulCinefilo: RT @rogerkoza: Well, now it is known. Bueno, ya es de conocimiento público. Jean-Marie Straub ha muerto. Jean-Marie Straub has died. No… - 2 years ago

@sadfilmcritic: The films of Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet were revelations to me. Their wizardry of time, text, place, dur… - 2 years ago

@cinemastock: RT @CapricciFrance: Nous apprenons avec tristesse le décès de Jean-Marie Straub à 89 ans, 16 ans après celui de sa compagne et co-autrice D… - 2 years ago

@aufsmaulsuppe: Harun Farocki: Jean-Marie Straub und Daniéle Huillet bei der Arbeit an einem Film nach Franz Kafkas Romanfragment A… - 2 years ago

@unfoutu: - 2 years ago

@JorgeACotto: RIP Jean-Marie Straub - 2 years ago

@afuckingmohawk: RT @ScreenSlate: RIP Jean-Marie Straub - 2 years ago

@afuckingmohawk: RT @TheFilmStage: Goodbye to Jean-Marie Straub, who has passed away at 89. - 2 years ago

@afuckingmohawk: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@F3uxCFVHCfiFr8T: RT @nave4000: RIP Jean-Marie Straub. 映画作家ジャン=マリー・ストローブが今日11月20日、89歳で死去の報。妻/共作者ダニエル・ユイレの死(2006年)から16年。 傑作『アンナ・マグダレーナ・バッハの日記』(68)から最後の場面(「フーガ… - 2 years ago

@YannLagarde: RT @CapricciFrance: Nous apprenons avec tristesse le décès de Jean-Marie Straub à 89 ans, 16 ans après celui de sa compagne et co-autrice D… - 2 years ago

@SonofTinuviel: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@9RhLq7tDwgtkj: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@SantiagoLealMo2: RT @MarioPerzival: Jean-Marie STRAUB (1933-2022). - 2 years ago

@69doydyodkyd: RT @McQueenTim: The loss of Jean-Marie Straub is indescribable. He was the greatest living filmmaker. His work both with Danièle Huillet an… - 2 years ago

@kubia: RT @MarioPerzival: Jean-Marie STRAUB (1933-2022). - 2 years ago

@titrespresse: (Le - 2 years ago

@genebernier1: RT @PatWhite70: - 2 years ago

@artkartrk: RT @McQueenTim: The loss of Jean-Marie Straub is indescribable. He was the greatest living filmmaker. His work both with Danièle Huillet an… - 2 years ago

@yamkanya: RT @mubifrance: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@Sodebayashii: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@itamaralves75: RT @JonSanRW0: Si hay un cine diferente y único es el de JEAN-MARIE STRAUB y DANIELE HULLIET. Siempre recordaré mi primer encontronazo con… - 2 years ago

@emethie: RT @josavigneau: Le cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort – via @lemondefr - 2 years ago

@postkuberpunk: RT @filipefurtado: Jean-Marie Straub fez junto a Danièle Huillet alguns dos filmes mais radicais do mundo, depois ela partiu em 2006 e ele… - 2 years ago

@nichipro: RT @libe: ⚫ Le grand cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort Agé de 89 ans, il avait longtemps formé un duo de création exigeante avec sa com… - 2 years ago

@G_Waddington: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@CuriousKd2000: Le cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort - 2 years ago

@leosadako: RT @lemondefr: Le cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort - 2 years ago

@CuriousKd2000: RT @lemondefr: Le cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort - 2 years ago

@m_corazonada: RT @CapricciFrance: Nous apprenons avec tristesse le décès de Jean-Marie Straub à 89 ans, 16 ans après celui de sa compagne et co-autrice D… - 2 years ago

@smitholivia0010: Jean-Marie Straub, Popular Marxist film director and Danièle Huillet’s partner died at the age of 89 - 2 years ago

@gwenjohnlove: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にジャン=マリー・ストローブの追悼記事が出ました。 - 2 years ago

@NerinaMoris: RT @cinemathequech: C’est avec une grande émotion que nous avons appris le décès ce matin du cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub. Notre hommage est… - 2 years ago

@smitholivia0010: Jean-Marie Straub, Popular Marxist film director and Danièle Huillet’s partner died at the age of 89 - 2 years ago

@Goldenpath88: RT @WVLGTHS: Jean-Marie Straub, la révolte continue🖤 - 2 years ago

@ddavidson329: RT @Critikat: Jean-Marie Straub (1933-2022). - 2 years ago

@FrankYan2: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@Judex1916: Ha muerto Jean Marie Straub. - 2 years ago

@zzahos: RT @McQueenTim: The loss of Jean-Marie Straub is indescribable. He was the greatest living filmmaker. His work both with Danièle Huillet an… - 2 years ago

@pierrelescure: Le cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort – via @lemondefr - 2 years ago

@gonoi: RT @masaakiinoue: 「リベラシオン」にもストローブの追悼記事が。 - 2 years ago

@floornostroszek: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@GerardCasau: RT @pistachotostado: RIP Jean-Marie Straub 1933-2002 Mis fechas claves por Jean-Marie Straub: - 2 years ago

@Kazuma323_K: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@ddavidson329: RT @WVLGTHS: Jean-Marie Straub, la révolte continue🖤 - 2 years ago

@Corent_Le: RT @Critikat: Jean-Marie Straub (1933-2022). - 2 years ago

@uurrxxii: RT @MarioPerzival: Jean-Marie STRAUB (1933-2022). - 2 years ago

@tudojoiapodcast: RT @rogerkoza: Well, now it is known. Bueno, ya es de conocimiento público. Jean-Marie Straub ha muerto. Jean-Marie Straub has died. No… - 2 years ago

@chrishlynn1: RT @horizontevazio: “to jean-luc” ❤️ la france contre les robots (jean-marie straub, 2020) - 2 years ago

@albertinsimonet: RT @libe: ⚫ Le grand cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort Agé de 89 ans, il avait longtemps formé un duo de création exigeante avec sa com… - 2 years ago

@loresp: RT @WVLGTHS: Jean-Marie Straub, la révolte continue🖤 - 2 years ago

@tudojoiapodcast: RT @filipefurtado: Jean-Marie Straub fez junto a Danièle Huillet alguns dos filmes mais radicais do mundo, depois ela partiu em 2006 e ele… - 2 years ago

@tudojoiapodcast: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@hASDakaZukI: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@cemileri: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@Kajjalahz1: RT @TheFilmStage: Goodbye to Jean-Marie Straub, who has passed away at 89. - 2 years ago

@viertelnachvier: RT @RupertPupkin__: Jean-Marie Straub (1933-2022) - 2 years ago

@christopheconte: RT @libe: ⚫ Le grand cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort Agé de 89 ans, il avait longtemps formé un duo de création exigeante avec sa com… - 2 years ago

@YannBreheret: - 2 years ago

@nueteki_0706: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@wazlatter: RT @fassbinderjp: ジャン=マリー・ストローブ(Jean-Marie Straub)さんが 11月19日から20日にかけてスイスのロールでお亡くなりになったそうです。89歳。1968年の短篇『花婿、女優、そしてヒモ』にはファスビンダーも出演。若き日のファスビンダ… - 2 years ago

@paradisfj: Le cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort - 2 years ago

@By_immeasurable: RT @SZ_Kultur: Der französische Regisseur Jean-Marie Straub ist im Alter von 89 Jahren gestorben. Ein Nachruf. - 2 years ago

@masaakiinoue: 「リベラシオン」にもストローブの追悼記事が。 - 2 years ago

@applepineforest: RT @pistachotostado: RIP Jean-Marie Straub 1933-2002 Mis fechas claves por Jean-Marie Straub: - 2 years ago

@lucyinthesky4: RT @libe: ⚫ Le grand cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort Agé de 89 ans, il avait longtemps formé un duo de création exigeante avec sa com… - 2 years ago

@wazlatter: RT @soshocraty: Sicilia! (1999) dir. Danièle Huillet & Jean-Marie Straub. - 2 years ago

@fassbinderjp: ジャン=マリー・ストローブ(Jean-Marie Straub)さんが 11月19日から20日にかけてスイスのロールでお亡くなりになったそうです。89歳。1968年の短篇『花婿、女優、そしてヒモ』にはファスビンダーも出演。若き日の… - 2 years ago

@VanderVinicius4: esse filme mudou minha vida. daquelas coisas que eu nem sabia que era possível. o filme que me fez escutar a palavr… - 2 years ago

@nueteki_0706: RT @mubifrance: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@wholelotta_nat: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@carlosepl20: RT @MarioPerzival: Jean-Marie STRAUB (1933-2022). - 2 years ago

@cinema__Q: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@myomyopark: RT @MarioPerzival: Jean-Marie STRAUB (1933-2022). - 2 years ago

@libe: ⚫ Le grand cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort Agé de 89 ans, il avait longtemps formé un duo de création exigean… - 2 years ago

@esau_brilhante: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@kuukipoketto: RT @lemondefr: Le cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort - 2 years ago

@HKtsunagetemiru: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@wazlatter: RT @filipefurtado: Jean-Marie Straub fez junto a Danièle Huillet alguns dos filmes mais radicais do mundo, depois ela partiu em 2006 e ele… - 2 years ago

@bandeapart_xxx: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にジャン=マリー・ストローブの追悼記事が出ました。 - 2 years ago

@AntonioCaresti1: RT @MarioPerzival: Jean-Marie STRAUB (1933-2022). - 2 years ago

@CHOONSAM__27: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@novistenada: RT @MarioPerzival: Jean-Marie STRAUB (1933-2022). - 2 years ago

@MauroGerva: RT @CapricciFrance: Nous apprenons avec tristesse le décès de Jean-Marie Straub à 89 ans, 16 ans après celui de sa compagne et co-autrice D… - 2 years ago

@s__2077: RT @filmmuseumwien: Ein Nachruf auf Jean-Marie Straub, der 89 jährig verstorben ist - 2 years ago

@damien_leblanc: RT @lemondefr: Le cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort - 2 years ago

@__imol: RT @filipefurtado: Jean-Marie Straub fez junto a Danièle Huillet alguns dos filmes mais radicais do mundo, depois ela partiu em 2006 e ele… - 2 years ago

@yy_sato: RT @CapricciFrance: Nous apprenons avec tristesse le décès de Jean-Marie Straub à 89 ans, 16 ans après celui de sa compagne et co-autrice D… - 2 years ago

@hi_yu03: ジャン=マリー・ストローブが亡くなったのか…。哀しい😢 ストローブ=ユイレの作品の数々を改めてみたくなりました。 - 2 years ago

@kleinbaud: RT @MarioPerzival: Jean-Marie STRAUB (1933-2022). - 2 years ago

@yennyphd: RT @cine21_editor: 장 마리 스트로브(Jean-Marie Straub) 감독이 세상을 떠났습니다. 2004년 광주국제영화제에서 장 마리 스트로브와 그의 정치·영화적 동지인 다니엘 위예의 회고전이 열렸을 때 두 감독의 영화 세계를 소개한… - 2 years ago

@gYsnVSkzlTBBBCV: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にジャン=マリー・ストローブの追悼記事が出ました。 - 2 years ago

@elonmusko0: RT @ogabrieljansen: Impossível lamentar a morte de Jean-Marie Straub sem lembrar de 'O Joelho de Ártemis', sua carta de amor (e dor) para a… - 2 years ago

@dpo: RT @mubifrance: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@hi_yu03: RT @lemondefr: Le cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort - 2 years ago

@sinsahara4world: RT @lemondefr: Le cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort - 2 years ago

@kadruzn: RT @OutskirtsMag: Jean-Marie Straub | 1933 - 2022 - 2 years ago

@me_isuzu: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@commonko: RT @mubifrance: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@maerchendiver: RT @didierperon: Le grand cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort. - 2 years ago

@lucasanasci: RT @horizontevazio: “to jean-luc” ❤️ la france contre les robots (jean-marie straub, 2020) - 2 years ago

@RivaldiTandra: RT @TheFilmStage: Goodbye to Jean-Marie Straub, who has passed away at 89. - 2 years ago

@XurxoChirro: - 2 years ago

@escalopez: RT @TheCinesthetic: RIP Jean-Marie Straub - 2 years ago

@AntonioGVasquez: RT @TheFilmStage: Goodbye to Jean-Marie Straub, who has passed away at 89. - 2 years ago

@lucasanasci: RT @filipefurtado: Jean-Marie Straub fez junto a Danièle Huillet alguns dos filmes mais radicais do mundo, depois ela partiu em 2006 e ele… - 2 years ago

@NicolasCamposF: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@GeraldineGeay: RT @RupertPupkin__: Jean-Marie Straub (1933-2022) - 2 years ago

@pedro_mpr: RT @filipefurtado: Jean-Marie Straub fez junto a Danièle Huillet alguns dos filmes mais radicais do mundo, depois ela partiu em 2006 e ele… - 2 years ago

@videodrome71: RT @J_A_F_B: RIP Jean-Marie Straub. It feels appropriate that he passes away two months after Godard, perhaps the last two great modernists… - 2 years ago

@elonmusko0: RT @OutskirtsMag: Jean-Marie Straub | 1933 - 2022 - 2 years ago

@TatianeMarks: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@coolyfoolyy: RT @horizontevazio: “to jean-luc” ❤️ la france contre les robots (jean-marie straub, 2020) - 2 years ago

@cesargonzaleztw: "La pérdida de Jean-Marie Straub es indescriptible. Fue el mayor cineasta vivo. Su trabajo tanto con Danièle Huille… - 2 years ago

@Miguez_Diez: RT @McQueenTim: The loss of Jean-Marie Straub is indescribable. He was the greatest living filmmaker. His work both with Danièle Huillet an… - 2 years ago

@Raulo30928499: RT @chadobeen: Marguerite Duras, “Othon: Jean-Marie Straub” in Outside: Selected Writings, Trans. Art Goldhammer, (Boston: Beacon 1997) p.1… - 2 years ago

@bikeshadog: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@Ana_lves: RT @horizontevazio: “to jean-luc” ❤️ la france contre les robots (jean-marie straub, 2020) - 2 years ago

@pierrefilmon: RT @filmnickjames: RIP Jean-Marie Straub. I haven’t seen enough of his work with the late Danièle Huillet to have a full grasp, but of what… - 2 years ago

@wazlatter: RT @By_immeasurable: R.I.P. Jean-Marie Straub - Trailer: Où Gît Votre Sourire Enfoui? [‘Where Does Your Hidden Smile Lie?’] - 2 years ago

@not_i_TN: - 2 years ago

@_Range: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@__sailorpvnk: RT @MarioPerzival: Jean-Marie STRAUB (1933-2022). - 2 years ago

@Detlef_2025: RT @lemondefr: Le cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort - 2 years ago

@miguelmigraines: RT @TheFilmStage: Goodbye to Jean-Marie Straub, who has passed away at 89. - 2 years ago

@EricJolivalt: RT @CapricciFrance: Nous apprenons avec tristesse le décès de Jean-Marie Straub à 89 ans, 16 ans après celui de sa compagne et co-autrice D… - 2 years ago

@Detlef_2025: RT @TheFilmStage: Goodbye to Jean-Marie Straub, who has passed away at 89. - 2 years ago

@cinema__Q: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にジャン=マリー・ストローブの追悼記事が出ました。 - 2 years ago

@osaltodetristao: RT @MarioPerzival: Jean-Marie STRAUB (1933-2022). - 2 years ago

@horizontevazio: “to jean-luc” ❤️ la france contre les robots (jean-marie straub, 2020) - 2 years ago

@jj_pena: RT @serdwolf: Con Jean-Marie Straub se va la gran fuerza indomable del cine. Con su mujer, Daniele Huillet, llevaron el cine al grado cero… - 2 years ago

@emretokcael: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@JanickNolting: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@wazlatter: RT @cine21_editor: 장 마리 스트로브(Jean-Marie Straub) 감독이 세상을 떠났습니다. 2004년 광주국제영화제에서 장 마리 스트로브와 그의 정치·영화적 동지인 다니엘 위예의 회고전이 열렸을 때 두 감독의 영화 세계를 소개한… - 2 years ago

@cesargonzaleztw: RT @mubifrance: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@wazlatter: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@luddboy: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@hunolimetangere: RT @CapricciFrance: Nous apprenons avec tristesse le décès de Jean-Marie Straub à 89 ans, 16 ans après celui de sa compagne et co-autrice D… - 2 years ago

@GodsFav0riteDog: RT @CapricciFrance: Nous apprenons avec tristesse le décès de Jean-Marie Straub à 89 ans, 16 ans après celui de sa compagne et co-autrice D… - 2 years ago

@luddboy: RT @MarioPerzival: Jean-Marie STRAUB (1933-2022). - 2 years ago

@filipefurtado: Jean-Marie Straub fez junto a Danièle Huillet alguns dos filmes mais radicais do mundo, depois ela partiu em 2006 e… - 2 years ago

@JkstrHmstr: RT @OutskirtsMag: Jean-Marie Straub | 1933 - 2022 - 2 years ago

@Patrick_Orouet: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@DocteurDevo: RT @Docpierrot1: Tristesse d'apprendre la mort de Jean-Marie Straub même si je n'aimais plus ses films depuis la mort de D.Huillet. On reve… - 2 years ago

@hxdxxkx: RT @lemondefr: Le cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort - 2 years ago

@7203: RT @TheFilmStage: Goodbye to Jean-Marie Straub, who has passed away at 89. - 2 years ago

@ayakostonez: RT @lemondefr: Le cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort - 2 years ago

@lfc1961_: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@vontitgmale: RT @mubifrance: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@hxdxxkx: RT @CapricciFrance: Nous apprenons avec tristesse le décès de Jean-Marie Straub à 89 ans, 16 ans après celui de sa compagne et co-autrice D… - 2 years ago

@narshaly: RT @cine21_editor: 장 마리 스트로브(Jean-Marie Straub) 감독이 세상을 떠났습니다. 2004년 광주국제영화제에서 장 마리 스트로브와 그의 정치·영화적 동지인 다니엘 위예의 회고전이 열렸을 때 두 감독의 영화 세계를 소개한… - 2 years ago

@lfc1961_: RT @OutskirtsMag: Jean-Marie Straub | 1933 - 2022 - 2 years ago

@baptistatiago17: RT @pistachotostado: RIP Jean-Marie Straub 1933-2002 Mis fechas claves por Jean-Marie Straub: - 2 years ago

@dogstarfran: RT @McQueenTim: The loss of Jean-Marie Straub is indescribable. He was the greatest living filmmaker. His work both with Danièle Huillet an… - 2 years ago

@lfc1961_: RT @CapricciFrance: Nous apprenons avec tristesse le décès de Jean-Marie Straub à 89 ans, 16 ans après celui de sa compagne et co-autrice D… - 2 years ago

@follybololey: RT @McQueenTim: The loss of Jean-Marie Straub is indescribable. He was the greatest living filmmaker. His work both with Danièle Huillet an… - 2 years ago

@lfc1961_: RT @mubifrance: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@lfc1961_: RT @rogerkoza: Well, now it is known. Bueno, ya es de conocimiento público. Jean-Marie Straub ha muerto. Jean-Marie Straub has died. No… - 2 years ago

@ericvernay: RT @CapricciFrance: Nous apprenons avec tristesse le décès de Jean-Marie Straub à 89 ans, 16 ans après celui de sa compagne et co-autrice D… - 2 years ago

@bandeapart_xxx: RT @TheFilmStage: Goodbye to Jean-Marie Straub, who has passed away at 89. - 2 years ago

@lfc1961_: RT @TheFilmStage: Goodbye to Jean-Marie Straub, who has passed away at 89. - 2 years ago

@honjaganatda: RT @lemondefr: Le cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort - 2 years ago

@225delibird: RT @mubifrance: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@coolyfoolyy: RT @tainahnegreiros: "O estilo não existe. Um filme que tem um estilo é uma merda. O trabalho que deve fazer um realizador é contra si próp… - 2 years ago

@mlZ0Zlm: RT @cine21_editor: 장 마리 스트로브(Jean-Marie Straub) 감독이 세상을 떠났습니다. 2004년 광주국제영화제에서 장 마리 스트로브와 그의 정치·영화적 동지인 다니엘 위예의 회고전이 열렸을 때 두 감독의 영화 세계를 소개한… - 2 years ago

@La_Pirate: RT @5JI9aZ3bQawGSr6: 残り少ない本物がまた。 Le Monde – Le cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort - 2 years ago

@igo_eozzeozago: RT @cine21_editor: 장 마리 스트로브(Jean-Marie Straub) 감독이 세상을 떠났습니다. 2004년 광주국제영화제에서 장 마리 스트로브와 그의 정치·영화적 동지인 다니엘 위예의 회고전이 열렸을 때 두 감독의 영화 세계를 소개한… - 2 years ago

@hendrixdoaxe: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@godaaaaard: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@pablozano97: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@Syaal_D: RT @cine21_editor: 장 마리 스트로브(Jean-Marie Straub) 감독이 세상을 떠났습니다. 2004년 광주국제영화제에서 장 마리 스트로브와 그의 정치·영화적 동지인 다니엘 위예의 회고전이 열렸을 때 두 감독의 영화 세계를 소개한… - 2 years ago

@225delibird: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@maxireductions: RT @CapricciFrance: Nous apprenons avec tristesse le décès de Jean-Marie Straub à 89 ans, 16 ans après celui de sa compagne et co-autrice D… - 2 years ago

@LaurentRiberoll: Jean-Marie et Danièle, Straub et Huillet ont produit le plus beau cinéma qu'il soit. - 2 years ago

@phallixander: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@cinemastock: - 2 years ago

@irwannurrizqi: RT @McQueenTim: The loss of Jean-Marie Straub is indescribable. He was the greatest living filmmaker. His work both with Danièle Huillet an… - 2 years ago

@JkstrHmstr: RT @McQueenTim: The loss of Jean-Marie Straub is indescribable. He was the greatest living filmmaker. His work both with Danièle Huillet an… - 2 years ago

@phallixander: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@crokrodilo: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@somethin_fishy_: RT @cine21_editor: 장 마리 스트로브(Jean-Marie Straub) 감독이 세상을 떠났습니다. 2004년 광주국제영화제에서 장 마리 스트로브와 그의 정치·영화적 동지인 다니엘 위예의 회고전이 열렸을 때 두 감독의 영화 세계를 소개한… - 2 years ago

@LouisDscb: RT @CapricciFrance: Nous apprenons avec tristesse le décès de Jean-Marie Straub à 89 ans, 16 ans après celui de sa compagne et co-autrice D… - 2 years ago

@renaissanceraa: RT @horizontevazio: JEAN-MARIE STRAUB ❤️ - 2 years ago

@Mabellonghettl: RT @horizontevazio: JEAN-MARIE STRAUB ❤️ - 2 years ago

@brunoamato: RT @TheFilmStage: Goodbye to Jean-Marie Straub, who has passed away at 89. - 2 years ago

@yknmb77: RT @WVLGTHS: Jean-Marie Straub, la révolte continue🖤 - 2 years ago

@quynh_quyt: RT @mubifrance: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@filmnickjames: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@nlizbethzr: RT @horizontevazio: JEAN-MARIE STRAUB ❤️ - 2 years ago

@djuna01: RT @cine21_editor: 장 마리 스트로브(Jean-Marie Straub) 감독이 세상을 떠났습니다. 2004년 광주국제영화제에서 장 마리 스트로브와 그의 정치·영화적 동지인 다니엘 위예의 회고전이 열렸을 때 두 감독의 영화 세계를 소개한… - 2 years ago

@DanielGorman20: RT @OutskirtsMag: Jean-Marie Straub | 1933 - 2022 - 2 years ago

@djuna01: RT @lemondefr: Le cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort - 2 years ago

@willimoo12: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@cine21_editor: 장 마리 스트로브(Jean-Marie Straub) 감독이 세상을 떠났습니다. 2004년 광주국제영화제에서 장 마리 스트로브와 그의 정치·영화적 동지인 다니엘 위예의 회고전이 열렸을 때 두 감독의 영화 세계… - 2 years ago

@JkstrHmstr: A colossus has left us. - 2 years ago

@thenitsok: RT @lemondefr: Le cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort - 2 years ago

@beatdead22: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Jean-Marie Straub - #JeanMarieStraub #Jean-Marie #Straub #rip - 2 years ago

@RyushiLindsay: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@djuna01: RT @TheFilmStage: Goodbye to Jean-Marie Straub, who has passed away at 89. - 2 years ago

@akr40416028: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@djuna01: RT @mubifrance: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@newcasau: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@CAMERAMONES: RT @mubifrance: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@gabriermello: RT @MarioPerzival: Jean-Marie STRAUB (1933-2022). - 2 years ago

@djuna01: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@coolyfoolyy: RT @CapricciFrance: Nous apprenons avec tristesse le décès de Jean-Marie Straub à 89 ans, 16 ans après celui de sa compagne et co-autrice D… - 2 years ago

@larysswvieira: RT @desistfilm1: Descansa en paz, Jean-Marie Straub. - 2 years ago

@djuna01: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@selfstyledsiren: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@CAMERAMONES: RT @TheFilmStage: Goodbye to Jean-Marie Straub, who has passed away at 89. - 2 years ago

@aurelimages: RT @CapricciFrance: Nous apprenons avec tristesse le décès de Jean-Marie Straub à 89 ans, 16 ans après celui de sa compagne et co-autrice D… - 2 years ago

@FCROSNIER2: Jean-Marie Straub est mort – via @lemondefr - 2 years ago

@satokaneko: RT @lemondefr: Le cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort - 2 years ago

@unforgiven_0909: RT @lemondefr: Le cinéaste Jean-Marie Straub est mort - 2 years ago

@d_o_s_s_n_e_k_o: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@egeofanatolia: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@alberhmk: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@ni____hil: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@PipacsosMezo: RT @WVLGTHS: Jean-Marie Straub, la révolte continue🖤 - 2 years ago

@ni____hil: RT @mubi: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 — 2022) - 2 years ago

@FlxAdrien: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@zombivirtual: RT @WVLGTHS: Jean-Marie Straub, la révolte continue🖤 - 2 years ago

@Cheesem45226635: RT @calvinm: France Against the Robots - the final work by the great Jean-Marie Straub, who has died aged 89. - 2 years ago

@markrobottom: RT @McQueenTim: The loss of Jean-Marie Straub is indescribable. He was the greatest living filmmaker. His work both with Danièle Huillet an… - 2 years ago

@thedancinkid_: RT @horizontevazio: JEAN-MARIE STRAUB ❤️ - 2 years ago

@one_quus_one: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@postit_Foundmix: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@marcnemcik: RT @NotebookMUBI: Jean-Marie Straub, French filmmaker best known for his work with partner Danièle Huillet, has died at the age of 89. http… - 2 years ago

@pawloi: RT @mubifrance: Jean-Marie Straub (1933 - 2022) - 2 years ago

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