Jean Blondel

French political scientist.
Died on Wednesday December 28th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Jean Blondel:

@ECPR: RT @EPSJournal: We at EPS are saddened to hear of the passing of Jean Blondel, who played a huge role in the development of contemporary Eu… - 2 years ago

@circapsiena: RT @EPSJournal: We at EPS are saddened to hear of the passing of Jean Blondel, who played a huge role in the development of contemporary Eu… - 2 years ago

@EPSJournal: We at EPS are saddened to hear of the passing of Jean Blondel, who played a huge role in the development of contemp… - 2 years ago

@CEPSAnet: RT @MarianSekerak: A few days ago, another important intellectual passed away: the French political scientist Professor Jean Blondel, who w… - 2 years ago


@philipjcowley: RT @MarianSekerak: A few days ago, another important intellectual passed away: the French political scientist Professor Jean Blondel, who w… - 2 years ago

@ECPR: RT @MarianSekerak: A few days ago, another important intellectual passed away: the French political scientist Professor Jean Blondel, who w… - 2 years ago

@oscar_barbera: RT @AECPA_: Jean Blondel (1929-2022) in memoriam. ➡️ - 2 years ago

@raulpacheco: RT @afspinfos: L’Association Française de Science Politique rend hommage à Jean Blondel, professeur émérite à l’Institut universitaire euro… - 2 years ago

@cpsa_acsp: RT @afspinfos: L’Association Française de Science Politique rend hommage à Jean Blondel, professeur émérite à l’Institut universitaire euro… - 2 years ago

@ColpisCat: RT @AECPA_: Jean Blondel (1929-2022) in memoriam. ➡️ - 2 years ago

@MarianSekerak: A few days ago, another important intellectual passed away: the French political scientist Professor Jean Blondel,… - 2 years ago

@AECPA_: Jean Blondel (1929-2022) in memoriam. ➡️ - 2 years ago

@R_Egreteau: RT @afspinfos: L’Association Française de Science Politique rend hommage à Jean Blondel, professeur émérite à l’Institut universitaire euro… - 2 years ago

@jaffrelotc: RT @afspinfos: L’Association Française de Science Politique rend hommage à Jean Blondel, professeur émérite à l’Institut universitaire euro… - 2 years ago

@YDeloye: RT @afspinfos: L’Association Française de Science Politique rend hommage à Jean Blondel, professeur émérite à l’Institut universitaire euro… - 2 years ago

@AndreFazi: RT @afspinfos: L’Association Française de Science Politique rend hommage à Jean Blondel, professeur émérite à l’Institut universitaire euro… - 2 years ago

@afspinfos: L’Association Française de Science Politique rend hommage à Jean Blondel, professeur émérite à l’Institut universit… - 2 years ago

@NavarroJulien4: RT @RIPC_UCLouvain: La RIPC a eu la tristesse d'apprendre le décès de Jean Blondel, grand comparatiste et spécialiste des partis politiques… - 2 years ago

@mourycatherine: Repose en paix, Jean Blondel. Sans tes encouragements, ton intelligence, ton humour, je n'aurais jamais commencé ni… - 2 years ago

@ManesWeissk: RT @PippaN15: Sad to learn of the passing yesterday of Jean Blondel, at 93, an institution builder and towering figure in European politica… - 2 years ago

@ProfMartinJBull: RT @circapsiena: We are deeply saddened by the passing of Prof. Jean Blondel, a sincere friend of CIRCaP and an inspiring academic for Phd… - 2 years ago

@ArtistIngres: Merry Joseph Blondel #jeanaugustedominiqueingres #neoclassicism - 2 years ago

@kam1inski: RT @ProfMartinJBull: La Repubblica’s obit of Jean Blondel: Addio a Jean Blondel, per 15 anni professore all'Istituto universitario europeo… - 2 years ago

@ECPR: RT @ProfMartinJBull: La Repubblica’s obit of Jean Blondel: Addio a Jean Blondel, per 15 anni professore all'Istituto universitario europeo… - 2 years ago

@ProfMartinJBull: La Repubblica’s obit of Jean Blondel: Addio a Jean Blondel, per 15 anni professore all'Istituto universitario europ… - 2 years ago

@unisiena: RT @circapsiena: We are deeply saddened by the passing of Prof. Jean Blondel, a sincere friend of CIRCaP and an inspiring academic for Phd… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Jean Blondel - #JeanBlondel #Jean #Blondel #rip - 2 years ago

@shane_martin: RT @Forster_Anthony: @Uni_of_Essex @uniessexgovt It’s very sad to hear of Jean Blondel’s death, founder of our Dept. of Govt. @uniessexgovt… - 2 years ago

@Amy_Verdun: Will be missing my professor. Jean Blondel taught me at the EUI in the 1990s - 2 years ago

@oariascr: @KevinCasasZ @uniessexgovt Very sad with the news that professor Jean Blondel has died. I learned a lot as his pupi… - 2 years ago

@EvlampiaPetraki: RT @PippaN15: Sad to learn of the passing yesterday of Jean Blondel, at 93, an institution builder and towering figure in European politica… - 2 years ago

@mseaver: RT @PippaN15: Sad to learn of the passing yesterday of Jean Blondel, at 93, an institution builder and towering figure in European politica… - 2 years ago

@DemocracyNet_: RT @PippaN15: Sad to learn of the passing yesterday of Jean Blondel, at 93, an institution builder and towering figure in European politica… - 2 years ago

@thiebaultjeanlo: RT @jrteruel: Very sad to hear that Prof. Jean Blondel passed away last Christmas... He had a full intellectual life, contributing to the b… - 2 years ago

@thiebaultjeanlo: RT @ECPR: 🌳 …and in 2022, our prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award was bestowed jointly upon Jean Blondel & Beate Kohler . During a cere… - 2 years ago

@JonWheatley64: RT @PippaN15: Sad to learn of the passing yesterday of Jean Blondel, at 93, an institution builder and towering figure in European politica… - 2 years ago

@spe07: RT @PDelwit: Hommage à Jean Blondel, décédé hier, qui a tant contribué à la compréhension des phénomènes partisans, des systèmes de partis… - 2 years ago

@MaierJuergen: RT @PippaN15: Sad to learn of the passing yesterday of Jean Blondel, at 93, an institution builder and towering figure in European politica… - 2 years ago

@valeriadiazq: RT @PippaN15: Sad to learn of the passing yesterday of Jean Blondel, at 93, an institution builder and towering figure in European politica… - 2 years ago

@thomarty: RT @PippaN15: Sad to learn of the passing yesterday of Jean Blondel, at 93, an institution builder and towering figure in European politica… - 2 years ago

@GiryJohan: RT @PDelwit: Hommage à Jean Blondel, décédé hier, qui a tant contribué à la compréhension des phénomènes partisans, des systèmes de partis… - 2 years ago

@CSolar: RT @Uni_of_Essex: We're very sad to share the news that Professor Jean Blondel - founding professor in the @uniessexgovt - has died. He he… - 2 years ago

@SuadArnautovic: RT @PippaN15: Sad to learn of the passing yesterday of Jean Blondel, at 93, an institution builder and towering figure in European politica… - 2 years ago

@Mara_Morini: RT @Uni_of_Essex: We're very sad to share the news that Professor Jean Blondel - founding professor in the @uniessexgovt - has died. He he… - 2 years ago

@KevinCasasZ: The passing of Prof Jean Blondel, a towering figure in European political science, is sad news for @uniessexgovt an… - 2 years ago

@DrJanet_A_Ward: RT @ProfMartinJBull: Remembering the great Jean Blondel who left us earlier today at 93. He had a huge impact on the development of post-wa… - 2 years ago

@MGULaw: Jean Blondel 先生が亡くなられたらしい。ご冥福をお祈りします。 - 2 years ago

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