Jay Lynch

American underground comics artist
Died on Sunday March 5th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Jay Lynch:

@gordeevakirill3: RT @SheikClass: Fantasy faceoff - RT for Becky Lynch, like for Bailey Jay who's the hottest? - 8 years ago

@ejmccarthy: RT @NYTObits: Do you have a favorite Bazooka Joe comic? Jay Lynch, who drew the comics for decades, has died. - 8 years ago

@dgerl11: RT @NYTObits: Do you have a favorite Bazooka Joe comic? Jay Lynch, who drew the comics for decades, has died. - 8 years ago

@mstrunk947: RT @NYTObits: Do you have a favorite Bazooka Joe comic? Jay Lynch, who drew the comics for decades, has died. - 8 years ago


@UKinNYC: RT @NYTObits: Do you have a favorite Bazooka Joe comic? Jay Lynch, who drew the comics for decades, has died. - 8 years ago

@arvinvreyes: RT @NYTObits: Do you have a favorite Bazooka Joe comic? Jay Lynch, who drew the comics for decades, has died. - 8 years ago

@GregoryDTucker2: RT @NYTObits: Do you have a favorite Bazooka Joe comic? Jay Lynch, who drew the comics for decades, has died. - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: Do you have a favorite Bazooka Joe comic? Jay Lynch, who drew the comics for decades, has died.… - 8 years ago

@armadillocon: RT @nytimesarts: Do you have a favorite Bazooka Joe comic? Jay Lynch, who drew the comics for decades, has died. - 8 years ago

@1jazzytune: RT @nytimesarts: Do you have a favorite Bazooka Joe comic? Jay Lynch, who drew the comics for decades, has died. - 8 years ago

@lynch_debi: RT @B_Ubiquitous: Forked Bolt #photography by Jay Bell #Nebraska #lightning #storm #photo #nature #weather #fotografia #travel 🇺🇸 - 8 years ago

@The_Jay_Kellz: RT @espn: Since entering the NFL, Eddie Lacy has averaged 2.15 yards per rush after first contact, second to only Marshawn Lynch in that ti… - 8 years ago

@joshneufeld: Late notice from @nytimes, but a nice obit: "Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72" #RIPJayzey - 8 years ago

@autoconstruido: RT @nytimesarts: Do you have a favorite Bazooka Joe comic? Jay Lynch, who drew the comics for decades, has died. - 8 years ago

@Brett: :-( RT @NYTObits: Hey, children of the '80s. Remember Garbage Pail Kids? Jay Lynch, who designed the comic, died:… - 8 years ago

@GrantMoninger: RT @nytimesarts: Do you have a favorite Bazooka Joe comic? Jay Lynch, who drew the comics for decades, has died. - 8 years ago

@UrbanChefPHL: RT @nytimesarts: Do you have a favorite Bazooka Joe comic? Jay Lynch, who drew the comics for decades, has died. - 8 years ago

@Swing_Puik: RT @nytimesarts: Do you have a favorite Bazooka Joe comic? Jay Lynch, who drew the comics for decades, has died. - 8 years ago

@abstrusemu: Underground Comics Creator, Jay Lynch dies - 8 years ago

@sjtough: RT @nytimesarts: Do you have a favorite Bazooka Joe comic? Jay Lynch, who drew the comics for decades, has died. - 8 years ago

@ScreaminSkullPr: RT @nytimesarts: Jay Lynch was an artist, writer and satirist in the underground comics revolution of the 1960s and ’70s - 8 years ago

@hotfckingdivas: RT @SheikClass: Fantasy faceoff - RT for Becky Lynch, like for Bailey Jay who's the hottest? - 8 years ago

@BogleMM: #comics #design Jay Lynch, Obit. Underground Comics: Wild, Cracked, Whack & Sick magazines. Fakir via Fantagraphics… - 8 years ago

@meltedradioo: RT @fantagraphics: He will be greatly missed - 8 years ago

@ODintheloops: RT @NYTObits: Do you have a favorite Bazooka Joe comic? Jay Lynch, who drew the comics for decades, has died. - 8 years ago

@Gothamyte: RT @fantagraphics: He will be greatly missed - 8 years ago

@dcumoviepage: RT @fantagraphics: He will be greatly missed - 8 years ago

@RanchoFarmahh: Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72 - 8 years ago

@NYTNational: Jay Lynch was an artist, writer and satirist in the underground comics revolution of the 1960s and ’70s.… - 8 years ago

@MNGeoEnginEring: RT @NYTObits: Do you have a favorite Bazooka Joe comic? Jay Lynch, who drew the comics for decades, has died. - 8 years ago

@torymarshman: My latest blog post: Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72 by RICHARD SANDOMIR - 8 years ago

@CountryStar72: RT @NYTObits: Do you have a favorite Bazooka Joe comic? Jay Lynch, who drew the comics for decades, has died. - 8 years ago

@Igor_Marinovsky: Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72 - 8 years ago

@ManilaForADay: "Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72" by RICHARD SANDOMIR via NYT - 8 years ago

@jay_kitti: RT @FreddyInSpace: Excited to see all the #SXSW reactions to @TheJoeLynch's #Mayhem. Haven't seen it myself yet, but Lynch always kills it.… - 8 years ago

@KidreadsBooks: "Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72" by RICHARD SANDOMIR via NYT - 8 years ago

@mikiamikam: "Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72" - 8 years ago

@ASCHEdaily: "Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72" by RICHARD SANDOMIR via NYT - 8 years ago

@MichelleSandbe4: "Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72" by RICHARD SANDOMIR via NYT - 8 years ago

@cgcampillo: Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72 - 8 years ago

@Arts_news_USA: Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72 #Artrs - 8 years ago

@BejahNEWS: Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72: Mr. Lynch was an art.. via - 8 years ago

@UTZAAKE: Despite being 1 week late, a million thanks for some of the most insane comic strips I've ever read. #RIP Jay Lynch. - 8 years ago

@theianbagley: Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72 - 8 years ago

@ZayDaGreat954: RT @thejackwang: Gregg Williams and William Hayes have both described Dolphins RB Jay Ajayi as "a younger Marshawn Lynch." Leads NFL with 5… - 8 years ago

@ParaManiaRadio: LIVE NOW: Para-Time with Brock and Doc -Theresa and Jay Lynch- - 8 years ago

@icomus: RT @globalmuseum: Mr. Lynch was an artist, writer and satirist employing a retro style and… - 8 years ago

@EmperorIra: RT @thejackwang: Gregg Williams and William Hayes have both described Dolphins RB Jay Ajayi as "a younger Marshawn Lynch." Leads NFL with 5… - 8 years ago

@ArtsAlertz: Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72 - 8 years ago

@EvangelinaMaria: Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72 - 8 years ago

@AuditDir_Jay: RT @Welly_World: Looks like Loretta Lynch may be going down tomorrow to protect Obama in the wire tapping Trump scandal. She signed the FIS… - 8 years ago

@artfrontierpro: Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72 - 8 years ago

@LadybelleFiske: Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72 - 8 years ago

@UTZAAKE: Remember enjoying Jay Lynch & Gary Whitney's Phoebe and the Pigeon People in pages of #Chicago_Reader.… - 8 years ago

@KellyShannonn: From NYT #arts Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72 - 8 years ago

@SpiderManShop: Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72 - - 8 years ago

@cash_lilia: Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72 - 8 years ago

@ApiAshraf: "Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72" by RICHARD SANDOMIR via NYT The New York Times - 8 years ago

@ladybellefiske1: Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72 - 8 years ago

@LadybelleFiske: Jay Lynch, Underground Comics Creator, Dies at 72 - 8 years ago

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