Jay Goldberg

American lawyer and author.
Died on Thursday December 15th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Jay Goldberg:

@metalrulestv: Check out George McGovern Tennessee Williams Arthur Goldberg Irwin Shaw Bruce Jay Friedman - 2 years ago

@Toutou131313: CTF Tells Government "No to Bill C-11" - 2 years ago

@bxg_jay: RT @MMAFighting: Arman Tsarukyan is fed up 😳 📰 - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Jay Goldberg, tenacious lawyer for celebrities, has died at 89. - 2 years ago


@BattleLaqueen: Prayers for faily of attorney @JayGoldberg... - 2 years ago

@JanetLy32481074: RT @TheNewsForum_: Bill C-11 Will Cause Canadian Content Creators to Lose Viewers & Revenue. @TGranicAllen speaks with Jay Goldberg, @JayJ… - 2 years ago

@freedom4canada1: RT @TheNewsForum_: Bill C-11 Will Cause Canadian Content Creators to Lose Viewers & Revenue. @TGranicAllen speaks with Jay Goldberg, @JayJ… - 2 years ago

@gina_goldberg: RT @cnn94cnn: It's time for the @PGATour to cut ties with Wells Fargo. It's a reprehensible company that habitually breaks the law and scre… - 2 years ago

@Paulishonlaffin: RT @TheNewsForum_: Bill C-11 Will Cause Canadian Content Creators to Lose Viewers & Revenue. @TGranicAllen speaks with Jay Goldberg, @JayJ… - 2 years ago

@TGranicAllen: RT @TheNewsForum_: Bill C-11 Will Cause Canadian Content Creators to Lose Viewers & Revenue. @TGranicAllen speaks with Jay Goldberg, @JayJ… - 2 years ago

@jay_petttygrass: @RobertONeill31 Goldberg Rules - 2 years ago

@MRH_1984: RT @TheNewsForum_: Bill C-11 Will Cause Canadian Content Creators to Lose Viewers & Revenue. @TGranicAllen speaks with Jay Goldberg, @JayJ… - 2 years ago

@DrainThaSwamp1: RT @TheNewsForum_: Bill C-11 Will Cause Canadian Content Creators to Lose Viewers & Revenue. @TGranicAllen speaks with Jay Goldberg, @JayJ… - 2 years ago

@jay_240724: @TenderVigilant1 @thebrandonbaez @WWEGareth @DatKidLos_ Cause Of how companies book them. The mainstream fans would… - 2 years ago

@Cdn_SupahFly: RT @TheNewsForum_: Bill C-11 Will Cause Canadian Content Creators to Lose Viewers & Revenue. @TGranicAllen speaks with Jay Goldberg, @JayJ… - 2 years ago

@TenderVigilant1: @jay_240724 @thebrandonbaez @WWEGareth @DatKidLos_ They're over cuz fans like trash. All of those guys are overrate… - 2 years ago

@Promethas: RT @TheNewsForum_: Bill C-11 Will Cause Canadian Content Creators to Lose Viewers & Revenue. @TGranicAllen speaks with Jay Goldberg, @JayJ… - 2 years ago

@scubadang722: RT @TheNewsForum_: Bill C-11 Will Cause Canadian Content Creators to Lose Viewers & Revenue. @TGranicAllen speaks with Jay Goldberg, @JayJ… - 2 years ago

@jfeilders: RT @TheNewsForum_: Bill C-11 Will Cause Canadian Content Creators to Lose Viewers & Revenue. @TGranicAllen speaks with Jay Goldberg, @JayJ… - 2 years ago

@jay_240724: @TenderVigilant1 @thebrandonbaez @WWEGareth @DatKidLos_ Nobody cares about workrate. People would rather see Brock… - 2 years ago

@LeNautilus: RT @TheNewsForum_: Bill C-11 Will Cause Canadian Content Creators to Lose Viewers & Revenue. @TGranicAllen speaks with Jay Goldberg, @JayJ… - 2 years ago

@JayJGoldberg: RT @TheNewsForum_: Bill C-11 Will Cause Canadian Content Creators to Lose Viewers & Revenue. @TGranicAllen speaks with Jay Goldberg, @JayJ… - 2 years ago

@taxpayerDOTcom: RT @TheNewsForum_: Bill C-11 Will Cause Canadian Content Creators to Lose Viewers & Revenue. @TGranicAllen speaks with Jay Goldberg, @JayJ… - 2 years ago

@addedvalueth: - 2 years ago

@G_S_______: RT @NYTObits: Jay Goldberg, lawyer who defended Donald Trump, Sean Combs, Bono, the Rolling Stones, the Hells Angels, Johnny Cash and Mafia… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Jay Goldberg, lawyer who defended Donald Trump, Sean Combs, Bono, the Rolling Stones, the Hells Angels, Johnny Cash… - 2 years ago

@ObitIndex: From New York Times Obituaries - Jay Goldberg, Tenacious Lawyer for Celebrities, Dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@chayesmatthew: “a former boxer from Brooklyn who nimbly transmuted punches into punch lines that he wielded as a lawyer to defend… - 2 years ago

@heathbrown: Alum of Brooklyn College - 2 years ago

@ballparkprints: - 2 years ago

@RobertLCrooks: @thompr @Cromornada @washingtonpost Oh I got this. Rachel Maddow Chris Cuomo Brian Stelter Jack Kelly Dan Rather Mi… - 2 years ago

@frankie_jay_tho: @goldberg_dan actually "44" might have been a typo, another chart defines Gen X as "35-54." but beginning it at 35… - 2 years ago

@frankie_jay_tho: @goldberg_dan ooh good catch, they're working with different categorical definitions - 2 years ago

@goldberg_dan: @frankie_jay_tho The youngest Gen Xers are 44, not the oldest. - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Jay Goldberg, lawyer who defended Donald Trump, Sean Combs, Bono, the Rolling Stones, the Hells Angels, Johnny Cash… - 2 years ago

@TangoDownDaesh: Jay Goldberg, Tenacious Lawyer for Celebrities, Dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@gmonterofarias: RT @BostonGlobe: Jay Goldberg, tenacious lawyer for celebrities, dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@BostonGlobe: Jay Goldberg, tenacious lawyer for celebrities, dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@BklynCollege411: “It’s theater in the courtroom. It’s the only place where you get to emote and try to convince juries that black is… - 2 years ago

@surfchicken16: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@EjmEj: One of Goldberg’s few losses came in 1979 in Albany, where he (and Jim Linnan) defended two local Hells Angels trie… - 2 years ago

@EMPIREREPORTNY: NYTIMES: Jay Goldberg, Tenacious Lawyer for Celebrities, Dies at 89... - 2 years ago

@democracyloses: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@Santucci: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@DeborahLago5: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@aleysb: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@MichaelALaFond: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@callmeFrankieG: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@Daily_News_Off: Jay Goldberg, Tenacious Lawyer for Celebrities, Dies at 89 Source : New York Times - 2 years ago

@philipTsai8: - 2 years ago

@PaulWisemanAP: RT @etuckerAP: During the Mueller investigation, I traveled to Jay Goldberg’s NYC apartment to try to glean insights into Donald Trump (he… - 2 years ago

@NickRiccardi: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@Tracy_username: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@kpolantz: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@etuckerAP: During the Mueller investigation, I traveled to Jay Goldberg’s NYC apartment to try to glean insights into Donald T… - 2 years ago

@radiocraigkopp: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@dYu7vug97v2Qcqh: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@AngelRe96386095: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@wallyboo99: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@DEELSEE1: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@KingOrleans: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@srubenfeld: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@blm_angie: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@MeThree20: RT @NYTMetro: Jay Goldberg, lawyer who defended Donald Trump, Sean Combs, Bono, the Rolling Stones, the Hells Angels, Johnny Cash and Mafia… - 2 years ago

@ventifactoid: @maggieNYT Condolences to Attorney Jay Goldberg’s family. Here’s hoping that Trump only attracts ineffective lawyer… - 2 years ago

@LoriMahoney19: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@mycatsmom99: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@RPiersee: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@Azi: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@FUNNAGAN: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@flowerdrum99: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@ZDeDeKim: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@tkdylan: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@RaeMargaret61: RT @maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Cohn - has… - 2 years ago

@maggieNYT: One of the only two lawyers who worked for Trump who he cited last year as being effective - the other being Roy Co… - 2 years ago

@NYTMetro: Jay Goldberg, lawyer who defended Donald Trump, Sean Combs, Bono, the Rolling Stones, the Hells Angels, Johnny Cash… - 2 years ago

@MinecraftTimez: Jay Goldberg, Tenacious Lawyer for Celebrities, Dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@SFbeherenow: RT @ToddSStewart: "Jay Goldberg, Tenacious Lawyer for Celebrities, Dies at 89" by Sam Roberts via NYT - 2 years ago

@Todayglobalews: Jay Goldberg, Tenacious Lawyer for Celebrities, Dies at 89 Amazon, Bird box, Community, credit karma, google news,… - 2 years ago

@truBatZion: - 2 years ago

@NewYorkSEO123: Jay Goldberg, Tenacious Lawyer for Celebrities, Dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@AmandaRagbona: Jay Goldberg, Tenacious Lawyer for Celebrities, Dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@JoeyHorn_: Jay Goldberg, Tenacious Lawyer for Celebrities, Dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@JGoldsteinLawNY: Jay Goldberg, Tenacious Lawyer for Celebrities, Dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@NyzzaLee: #STONES "Jay Goldberg, Tenacious Lawyer for Celebrities, Dies at 89" by Sam Roberts via NYT - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Jay Goldberg - #JayGoldberg #Jay #Goldberg #rip - 2 years ago

@FloydBustillos: "Jay Goldberg, Tenacious Lawyer for Celebrities, Dies at 89" by Sam Roberts via NYT - 2 years ago

@TheNewYorkians: Jay Goldberg, Tenacious Lawyer for Celebrities, Dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@twitbituaries: Jay Goldberg, Tenacious Lawyer for Celebrities, Dies at 89 - - 2 years ago

@ToddSStewart: "Jay Goldberg, Tenacious Lawyer for Celebrities, Dies at 89" by Sam Roberts via NYT - 2 years ago

@Daily_News_Off: Jay Goldberg, Tenacious Lawyer for Celebrities, Dies at 89 Source : New York Times - 2 years ago

@TheFrancescaF: RT @lawdotcom: 'Funny in a Devastating Way': Reminiscing on the Legacy of Legendary Litigator Jay Goldberg - 2 years ago

@lawdotcom: 'Funny in a Devastating Way': Reminiscing on the Legacy of Legendary Litigator Jay Goldberg - 2 years ago

@NYLawJournal: 'Funny in a Devastating Way': Reminiscing on the Legacy of Legendary Litigator Jay Goldberg - 2 years ago

@gethypedllc: 'Funny in a Devastating Way': Reminiscing on the Legacy of Legendary Litigator Jay Goldberg | New York Law Journal… - 2 years ago

@NYPTI: New post: "'Funny in a Devastating Way': Reminiscing on the Legacy of Legendary Litigator Jay Goldberg" - 2 years ago

@NYLawJournal: Jay Goldberg, Preeminent Trial Lawyer and Attorney to the Stars, Dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@NYPTI: New post: "Jay Goldberg, Preeminent Trial Lawyer and Attorney to the Stars, Dies at 89 " - 2 years ago

@Jay_Harbath: @DailyCaller When was the last time a pampered, rich, elitist witch like Whoopi Goldberg was a "regular American? - 2 years ago

@Philosopher_Jay: RT @tweetfacts2me: Just a reminder of 12 reasons to thank Elon Musk- Stephen King Elton John Jim Carrey Whoopi Goldberg Moby Mark… - 2 years ago

@goldberg_dan: Jay Jacobs investigates self; finds no wrongdoing. - 2 years ago

@KittyCa18601486: @Andyblarg @ErrolWebber @MSNBC Let’s see… Obama. Michael Jackson. Michael Jordan. Prince. Lebron James. Tiger Woods… - 2 years ago

@_jay_m0re_: RT @Astronaut_Phi: kit’s emmy win was such a mess it was so in character. the announcer saying kit was accepting it and the cameraman aimin… - 2 years ago

@TenderVigilant1: @jay_240724 @thebrandonbaez @WWEGareth @DatKidLos_ Yes because fans like people with no talent that can't wrestle.… - 2 years ago

@WWEMatchBot: Money in the Bank: Big Daddy V grabbed the briefcase to beat Nick Rogers, Toru Yano, Sarah Schreiber, Chief Jay St… - 2 years ago

@mdt546: RT @soc_justice1: Ford needs to keep fighting for government wage restraint Doug Ford needs to make it clear that government employees’ sky… - 2 years ago

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