Jay Benedict

American actor (Foyle's War
Died on Wednesday April 8th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Jay Benedict:

@ByPatForde: RT @dpshow: Do you know how Eggs Benedict got its name? Joining us today: @PGATour Commissioner Jay Monahan, Director of "The Last Dance… - 5 years ago

@freehan11: RT @dpshow: Do you know how Eggs Benedict got its name? Joining us today: @PGATour Commissioner Jay Monahan, Director of "The Last Dance… - 5 years ago

@comavl: RT @dpshow: Do you know how Eggs Benedict got its name? Joining us today: @PGATour Commissioner Jay Monahan, Director of "The Last Dance… - 5 years ago

@dpshow: Do you know how Eggs Benedict got its name? Joining us today: @PGATour Commissioner Jay Monahan, Director of "Th… - 5 years ago


@fordiglesias: @benedict_kc sika makin sagot jay the bar biii🤣🤣🤣 - 5 years ago

@jay_dev_jaydev: RT @DisneyplusHSP: Who else has their subtitles on everytime Benedict Cumberbatch is on screen? 🙋🏻‍♂️ - 5 years ago

@cstaand: Jay Benedict, ator de Aliens e Batman, morre devido ao coronavírus - 5 years ago

@soul_ofbooks: RT @omelete: Jay Benedict de Batman: O Cavaleiro das Trevas Ressurge e Aliens: O Resgate morre por complicações do coronavírus - 5 years ago

@Simply_Benedict: Until now I didn’t even realize how much depth to pain was in Jay in this song. Perspective is everything and somet… - 5 years ago

@stars_inthe: #Aries #Birthdays: Wilbur Wright Charlie Chaplin Henry Mancini Pope Benedict XVI Dusty Springfield Gerry Rafferty K… - 5 years ago

@arj_jay: RT @theboysph1: Bryan Benedict Anastacio 😘 IG: bryanbenedict_ - 5 years ago

@nyartguy: Apr. 16 Bdays:Peter Mark Richman 93,Pope Benedict XVI 93,Bobby Vinton 85,Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 73,Bill Belichick 68,J… - 5 years ago

@ed_jor: RT @DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@yamilbermudez1: RT @DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@marimujic: RT @DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@calmoguera: RT @DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@jay_yanoria: RT @itsjustanx: Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness with Benedict Cumberbatch and Elizabeth Olsen. Sam Raimi as director. In theate… - 5 years ago

@Maxe4444: RT @RalfTHeuer: Schnupfen "#Batman"-Schaupieler [Jay Benedict] stirbt nach Corona-Erkrankung [ - 5 years ago

@back280s: The Dark Knight Rises And Aliens Actor Jay Benedict Dies Aged 68 - 5 years ago

@botaneu_: Which ac villagers would u marry — Goose, Apollo, Benedict, Cranston, Dom, sterling, Tex, Jay, maybe more I love th… - 5 years ago

@yoyombb: posters I have: Agnes Alice Anticotti Avery Beau Benedict Bettina Bianca Big Top Blaire Blanca Booker Broccolo Butc… - 5 years ago

@jay_Ben01: 2209110698 Zenith bank😥😥 Jesugbemi Benedict God bless ma'am🙏❤ #JaneNightAlert #JaneNightAlert #JaneNightAlert - 5 years ago

@jay_Ben01: 2209110698 Zenith bank😥😥 Jesugbemi Benedict God bless ma'am🙏❤ #JaneNightAlert #JaneNightAlert - 5 years ago

@jay_Ben01: @_Jeanax 2209110698 Zenith bank Jesugbemi Benedict God bless ma'am🙏❤ #JaneNightAlert - 5 years ago

@mournuu: @BenedictAsamoa2 @landonsface @leileonna1 @hadysTJY @PapiTthomas @sandro814_ @Tanithistaken @Martin7Sandoval… - 5 years ago

@Lokalfuerst: RT @RalfTHeuer: Schnupfen "#Batman"-Schaupieler [Jay Benedict] stirbt nach Corona-Erkrankung [ - 5 years ago

@tano_reloaded: RT @lazosdecine: Ha muerto a los 68 años el actor Jay Benedict por coronavirus. Ha aparecido en películas como "El caballero oscuro: La ley… - 5 years ago

@tano_reloaded: RT @UniversoAlien: Ayer falleció a los 69 años de edad Jay Benedict, que interpretó a Russ Jorden (el padre de Newt) al que pudimos ver en… - 5 years ago

@DarienLeo: @realDonaldTrump Helène Aylon, 89, ecofeminist. (6 April 2020) [AN] Reggie Bagala, 54, member of the Louisiana Hou… - 5 years ago

@giobianchiroma: RT @GuillermBianchi: Murió el actor Jay Benedict por coronavirus - Radio Mitre - 5 years ago

@nerdsattack: Jay Benedict - RIP #jaybenedict - 5 years ago

@themortgagehut: Emmerdale and Aliens actor Jay Benedict dies of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@GuillermBianchi: Murió el actor Jay Benedict por coronavirus - Radio Mitre - 5 years ago

@garyl_jay: Amg cute ni Bennyboi @benedict_cua - 5 years ago

@SherryStuifber1: RT @RedPlanetTV: We were very sad to hear of the death of our friend and colleague, actor Jay Benedict. - 5 years ago

@NLamprinos: RT @yoginsandan: Isolations News: Jay Benedict RIP, John Taylor - basista Duran Duran ma koronawirusa, Hook nagrywa z Gorillaz, listy z mro… - 5 years ago

@vulgo_jhoaston: A Emilly falando que o Jay Ryan (Ben de It 2) parece o Benedict Cumberbatch (Doutor Estranho/Sherlock), ela é doida????????? - 5 years ago

@jay_o702: RT @UberFacts: Brunch, eggs Benedict, Bloody Marys, and Coca-Cola were all invented to cure hangovers. - 5 years ago

@periwinklejules: 9) we gonna pretend these are in the right order. anyway my current villagers are Marshal, Charlise, Mira, Jay, Ava… - 5 years ago

@FalloutAndWeed: Jay Benedict Andrew Jack Alan Merrill Rick May And more. Thats it twitter. Covid 19 has come too far. We need to d… - 5 years ago

@riccoross1: My good friend & actor Jay Benedict became yet another victim of C-19. As Pierce Brosnan so elequently said, "Life… - 5 years ago

@riccoross1: My good friend & actor Jay Benedict became yet another victim of C-19. As Pierce Brosnan so elequently said, "Life… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Jay Benedict, you will be missed - #JayBenedict #Jay #Benedict #rip - 5 years ago

@CantStopCoop: @Babe07579150 @fsls @7News Seriously? Im going to guess you know how to use google but here are a few.. Jay Benedi… - 5 years ago

@RalfTHeuer: Schnupfen "#Batman"-Schaupieler [Jay Benedict] stirbt nach Corona-Erkrankung [ - 5 years ago

@viva_la_virgen_: RT @LeMeTellUSumtin: Wow! I had never, until this evening, heard of a voluntary fasting from the Eucharist as "a medicine to stop us from f… - 5 years ago

@yoginsandan: Isolations News: Jay Benedict RIP, John Taylor - basista Duran Duran ma koronawirusa, Hook nagrywa z Gorillaz, list… - 5 years ago

@Jesus60328074: RT @El_Universal_Mx: Fallece por coronavirus Jay Benedict, actor de "Aliens" y "Batman" - 5 years ago

@zabalaaldia: Tras haber dado negativo al COVID-19, Caroline Aquino se reintegra a “De extremo a extremo”/Fallece Logan Williams,… - 5 years ago

@zabalaaldia: Tras haber dado negativo al COVID-19, Caroline Aquino se reintegra a “De extremo a extremo”/Fallece Logan Williams,… - 5 years ago

@Danielhillactor: RT @GenAllenbury: For those of you here in the UK who knew and loved Jay Benedict ... Tune into Channel 5 + 1 at 6pm in 10 minutes! There’s… - 5 years ago

@swg_Jorman: Death in Paradise pays tribute to actor Jay Benedict after his sad death from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@yoginsandan: Isolations News: Jay Benedict RIP, John Taylor - basista Duran Duran ma koronawirusa, Hook nagrywa z Gorillaz, list… - 5 years ago

@Zashache: Dammit Jay how can you do Martin and Benedict’s feature that perfect over the years HOW - 5 years ago

@josh231177: @PierceBrosnan so sorry for the loss of your friend Jay Benedict to this wretched COVID-19. Didn’t know him well, b… - 5 years ago

@mbauny: RT @revbot: Jay Benedict, the voice of André Lobineau in #BrokenSword 3, has sadly passed away after his battle with Covid-19. Our thoughts… - 5 years ago

@yoginsandan: Isolations News: Jay Benedict RIP, John Taylor - basista Duran Duran ma koronawirusa, Hook nagrywa z Gorillaz, list… - 5 years ago

@zabalaaldia: Tras haber dado negativo al COVID-19, Caroline Aquino se reintegra a “De extremo a extremo”/Fallece Logan Williams,… - 5 years ago

@yoginsandan: Isolations News: Jay Benedict RIP, John Taylor - basista Duran Duran ma koronawirusa, Hook nagrywa z Gorillaz, list… - 5 years ago

@LUIS8171073011: RT @LUIS8171073011: Muere el actor Jay Benedict ('El caballero oscuro: La leyenda renace') a los 68 años por coronavirus El estadounidense… - 5 years ago

@LUIS8171073011: Muere el actor Jay Benedict ('El caballero oscuro: La leyenda renace') a los 68 años por coronavirus El estadounide… - 5 years ago

@TellyRadar: Aliens star Jay Benedict dies due to COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@yoginsandan: Isolations News: Jay Benedict RIP, John Taylor - basista Duran Duran ma koronawirusa, Hook nagrywa z Gorillaz, list… - 5 years ago

@yoginsandan: RT @jakub_poznanski: - 5 years ago

@jakub_poznanski: - 5 years ago

@yoginsandan: Isolations News: Jay Benedict RIP, John Taylor - basista Duran Duran ma koronawirusa, Hook nagrywa z Gorillaz, list… - 5 years ago

@yoginsandan: Isolations News: Jay Benedict RIP, John Taylor - basista Duran Duran ma koronawirusa, Hook nagrywa z Gorillaz, list… - 5 years ago

@jay_vanwyk: RT @RediTlhabi: Today's stats don't have any deaths. Yesterday evening, 5 minutes after minister announced stats & 1 death from Western Cap… - 5 years ago

@Scalifgirl_jay: RT @JMGM3168: @EWTN Francis is the Antichrist, March 23rd 2013, Pope Benedict XVI told him the Christ is back, he is the image of the Shro… - 5 years ago

@ccpetsitters11: Death in Paradise pays tribute to actor Jay Benedict after his sad death from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@swg_Jorman: Death in Paradise pays tribute to actor Jay Benedict after his sad death from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@tertusuq: @MUSIC_FESS Will Jay - By Now Benedict Cork - Down for Forever - 5 years ago

@truthsoldier411: Actors that died of #Covid19 - 5 years ago

@pps43: RT @thegameofalones: 英国を活動拠点とする米国人俳優、ジェイ・ベネディクト氏(68)がコロナの合併症のため死去。 Jay Benedict Dies Following COVID-19 Complications: Actor Who Appeared… - 5 years ago

@Rache11eybaby79: RT @deathinparadise: We were very sad to hear of the death of our friend and colleague, actor Jay Benedict. - 5 years ago

@targetpip: Jay Benedict Dies, Aliens and The Dark Knight Rises Actor Was 68 - 5 years ago

@wikipediachain: Atlantic Ocean > Riiser-Larsen Sea > Unconformity > Taconic Unconformity > New York State > John Jay > John Jay (di… - 5 years ago

@07a45636ff654da: RT @ElUniversal: Muere Jay Benedict, actor de "Aliens", a los 68 años por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@TopMusicMovies: Jay Benedict Has Died - - 5 years ago

@p_a_morningstar: RT @YoussefKerkour: Asking for your prayers and good vibes for my dear friend of 20yrs Jay Benedict (From SyncorSwim for those of you in po… - 5 years ago

@tamaracoromoto: RT @DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@Javierc85534731: RT @DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@cristeladeLourd: - 5 years ago

@WingsofCrystal: RT @deathinparadise: We were very sad to hear of the death of our friend and colleague, actor Jay Benedict. - 5 years ago

@ISIS_Slay3r: The Dark Knight Rises Actor Jay Benedict Dies From Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@camaro_ro: Muere Jay Benedict, actor de Batman y Aliens, por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@jenniferblancb: RT @doc8998: Saw this as a post on FB, on wiki, but not finding news/ confirmation of Jay Benedict's passing. Sad to hear, condolences to a… - 5 years ago

@Mendacity_Q: 'Aliens,' 'The Dark Knight Rises' actor Jay Benedict dies at 68 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@fordiglesias: @benedict_kc amtoy jay name na ti fb ta siak ag message knyana nga kayat mo nga i featured jay photo u duwa - 5 years ago

@45HarisonHarold: Brosnan faced another loss this week, when fellow-actor Jay Benedict died of COVID-19 on April 4. “My dearest frien… - 5 years ago

@Jay_Foxcote: RT @womensart1: Jen Lindsey-Clark, otherwise known as The Chocolatician, has created a selection of Benedict Cumberbatch #Easter bunnies kn… - 5 years ago

@superhotbitch: Coronavirus: Aliens and Emmerdale actor Jay Benedict dies 'due to COVID-19 complications' | Ents & Arts News | Sky… - 5 years ago

@celebnews2020: Death in Paradise pays tribute to actor Jay Benedict after his sad death from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@ActualArtistica: In Memoriam: Jay Benedict - 5 years ago

@JulioEstoril: RT @LUIS8171073011: Muere el actor Jay Benedict ('El caballero oscuro: La leyenda renace') a los 68 años por coronavirus El estadounidense… - 5 years ago

@JulioEstoril: RT @Areajugones: Fallece por coronavirus #JayBenedict a los 68 años, conocido por Batman y Aliens - 5 years ago

@JulioEstoril: RT @infobae: Lee Fierro de “Tiburón” y Jay Benedict de “Aliens”: los últimos actores de Hollywood en morir de coronavirus - 5 years ago

@JulioEstoril: RT @abc_es: Muere Jay Benedict, actor de «Aliens» y «El caballero oscuro: la leyenda renace» - 5 years ago

@JulioEstoril: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El actor estadounidense falleció a los 68 años tras presentar complicaciones por el coronavirus - 5 years ago

@colorherqueen: @BlackEducator1 Jay Benedict, the fashion designer Sergio Rossi, Mark Blume, - 5 years ago

@fitzroymaplcrt: 6: I have all of them now! I have a little orchard :,) 7: I have everything except roses and lillies? it’s killing… - 5 years ago

@1deadfresh: 'Aliens' actor Jay Benedict dead at 68 | Dark knight | Batman | Mr. Norman - 5 years ago

@AWJN: Death in Paradise pays tribute to star who died of coronavirus aged 68 - 5 years ago

@vaercys: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El actor estadounidense falleció a los 68 años tras presentar complicaciones por el coronavirus - 5 years ago

@jtkstc: The Dark Knight Rises Actor Jay Benedict Dies From Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Adrian_Dalby: The A-Team Is Coming, the A-Team Is Coming George Peppard, Mr T, Dwight Schultz, Dirk Benedict, Jack Ging, William… - 5 years ago

@TOP_Pesquisas: Catarina Sena, Sergio Rossi, Zoom instalar, Mascaras, Jay Benedict, Curs... - 5 years ago

@mini_bubbly: RT @SkyNews: Coronavirus: Aliens and Emmerdale actor Jay Benedict dies 'due to COVID-19 complications' - 5 years ago

@jay_196477: RT @Yassammez: Benedict asks us/the world to share our letters ❤️😭🥰 - 5 years ago

@cbwaszak: RT @SYCHOGRL26: 'Aliens' actor Jay Benedict dead at 68 due to coronavirus complications - 5 years ago

@DMfanpage1276: RT @SYCHOGRL26: 'Aliens' actor Jay Benedict dead at 68 due to coronavirus complications - 5 years ago

@LUIS8171073011: RT @LUIS8171073011: Muere el actor Jay Benedict ('El caballero oscuro: La leyenda renace') a los 68 años por coronavirus El estadounidense… - 5 years ago

@LUIS8171073011: Muere el actor Jay Benedict ('El caballero oscuro: La leyenda renace') a los 68 años por coronavirus El estadounide… - 5 years ago

@Nuri_kaymaz: Check out this article: Aktör Jay Benedict, koronavirüs salgını sebebiyle yaşamını yitirdi - - 5 years ago

@swiftmixer1989: RT @deathinparadise: We were very sad to hear of the death of our friend and colleague, actor Jay Benedict. - 5 years ago

@SibelAkyol9: RT @TiyatroDergisi: - 5 years ago

@julienvmnz: RT @MLRoberts360: Michael reflects on his early jazz-scene manoeuvres, pays tribute to actor Jay Benedict, & interviews #andratuttobene fes… - 5 years ago

@angel_jones_aj: Death in Paradise pays tribute to Jay Benedict who died of coronavirus aged 68 - 5 years ago

@Metro_Ents: The cast pay a tribute to their 'colleague and friend' - 5 years ago

@RoderickCarlyle: RT @deathinparadise: We were very sad to hear of the death of our friend and colleague, actor Jay Benedict. - 5 years ago

@abbieb2011: The cast pay a tribute to their 'colleague and friend' - 5 years ago

@bennypeter73: RT @bennypeter73: @xuphtobe @FridonM @petersonchris_ @DionizDio @mtoro_h @Jay__Wardell @mosibrk @charityalphonce First name: Benedict Drug… - 5 years ago

@xuphtobe: RT @bennypeter73: @xuphtobe @FridonM @petersonchris_ @DionizDio @mtoro_h @Jay__Wardell @mosibrk @charityalphonce First name: Benedict Drug… - 5 years ago

@bennypeter73: @xuphtobe @FridonM @petersonchris_ @DionizDio @mtoro_h @Jay__Wardell @mosibrk @charityalphonce First name: Benedict… - 5 years ago

@TellyRadar: Jay Benedict, Andrew Jack, Adam Slesinger and other Hollywood personalities who lost their lives due to Kovid-19… - 5 years ago

@horaverde929: RT @ElUniversal: Muere Jay Benedict, actor de "Aliens", a los 68 años por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@LisaO_SKINMETRO: RT @theannearcher: I am so saddened to hear of the passing of Jay Benedict, a wonderful actor whom my husband Terry Jastrow & I had the ple… - 5 years ago

@MissMonaghan2: Jay Benedict, 'Dark Knight Rises' actor, dead from COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@JamesCameron24x: Coronavirus pandemic: Jay Benedict, Andrew Jack, Adam Schlesinger and other Hollywood personalities who lost - Boll… - 5 years ago

@WitnessingGod: @LeMeTellUSumtin @FrHarrison @Jay__Martin Interesting ... I’ve come to love and respect so much of what Pope Benedi… - 5 years ago

@77deedd: RT @deathinparadise: We were very sad to hear of the death of our friend and colleague, actor Jay Benedict. - 5 years ago

@tekkichan: RT @deathinparadise: We were very sad to hear of the death of our friend and colleague, actor Jay Benedict. - 5 years ago

@9_herrera: RT @revista_uni: #Cine 🎬 | Jay Benedict, actor estadounidense reconocido por sus papeles en Aliens y Batman, falleció a los 68 años a causa… - 5 years ago

@1804Info: L'acteur américain Jay Benedict, qui est notamment apparu dans Aliens, Il était aussi apparu dans The Dark Knight R… - 5 years ago

@VnezuelaEnChile: RT @DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@panamonty: RT @DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@raumunz: RT @DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@ZorildeA: RT @DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@Lovekeithurban: RT @TCGArtist: It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our dear client Jay Benedict, who this afternoon lost his battle wi… - 5 years ago

@jay_cabbage: benedict is2g this man - 5 years ago

@felicitymontagu: Listen to this wonderful tribute to the very special, talented, extraordinary Jay Benedict. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@ZenAtay: RT @TiyatroDergisi: - 5 years ago

@LadyGovernor72: RT @SYCHOGRL26: 'Aliens' actor Jay Benedict dead at 68 due to coronavirus complications - 5 years ago

@MazzieOla: RT @deathinparadise: We were very sad to hear of the death of our friend and colleague, actor Jay Benedict. - 5 years ago

@AytunaT: RT @TiyatroDergisi: - 5 years ago

@melekgulay1: RT @TiyatroDergisi: - 5 years ago

@Asibelblonde: RT @TiyatroDergisi: - 5 years ago

@orhanaydin6: RT @TiyatroDergisi: - 5 years ago

@keishrs: @deathinparadise Deepest sympathies to you and the family and loved ones of Jay Benedict! R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@rachel_emily85: RT @deathinparadise: We were very sad to hear of the death of our friend and colleague, actor Jay Benedict. - 5 years ago

@bal_pick_a_hole: RT @deathinparadise: We were very sad to hear of the death of our friend and colleague, actor Jay Benedict. - 5 years ago

@jax_jp_lynch: RT @deathinparadise: We were very sad to hear of the death of our friend and colleague, actor Jay Benedict. - 5 years ago

@MLRoberts360: Michael reflects on his early jazz-scene manoeuvres, pays tribute to actor Jay Benedict, & interviews… - 5 years ago

@CheronChantal: RT @SkyNews: Coronavirus: Aliens and Emmerdale actor Jay Benedict dies 'due to COVID-19 complications' - 5 years ago

@eringeraghty: RT @GenAllenbury: For those of you here in the UK who knew and loved Jay Benedict ... Tune into Channel 5 + 1 at 6pm in 10 minutes! There’s… - 5 years ago

@WoodburyBunny: RT @SYCHOGRL26: 'Aliens' actor Jay Benedict dead at 68 due to coronavirus complications - 5 years ago

@Free2bmac: RT @GenAllenbury: For those of you here in the UK who knew and loved Jay Benedict ... Tune into Channel 5 + 1 at 6pm in 10 minutes! There’s… - 5 years ago

@Hero_of_Univers: RT @Hero_of_Univers: Grateful to you my Lord! But why are people not liking my tweets? By God's grace actor #JayBenedict, who appeared in… - 5 years ago

@MoiraBriggs: RT @deathinparadise: We were very sad to hear of the death of our friend and colleague, actor Jay Benedict. - 5 years ago

@ProlifeDave: RT @LeMeTellUSumtin: Wow! I had never, until this evening, heard of a voluntary fasting from the Eucharist as "a medicine to stop us from f… - 5 years ago

@creativehouseli: ‘Aliens’ actor Jay Benedict dead at 68 from coronavirus #acting #actor #actress #movie #TV - 5 years ago

@SYCHOGRL26: 'Aliens' actor Jay Benedict dead at 68 due to coronavirus complications - 5 years ago

@EdPirrie: Aww nooo. Shiro! :( Actor Jay Benedict Passes Away - 5 years ago

@NAPKELET42: Jay Benedict was Apocalyptic actor. - 5 years ago

@NAPKELET42: The MADAME (Last Supper movie) actor Jay Benedict has died on April 04. He was the Doctor in the movie. - 5 years ago

@TwinkleNose2018: Jay Benedict dead: Aliens, Dark Knight Rises actor dies from coronavirus | - 5 years ago

@AndrewTMeisake: RT @LeMeTellUSumtin: Wow! I had never, until this evening, heard of a voluntary fasting from the Eucharist as "a medicine to stop us from f… - 5 years ago

@prasannapdkt: RT @dinamalarweb: கொரோனாவுக்கு ஹாலிவுட்டின் பிரபல நடிகர் பலி #jaybenedict #corona - 5 years ago

@liamseoirse: RT @LeMeTellUSumtin: Wow! I had never, until this evening, heard of a voluntary fasting from the Eucharist as "a medicine to stop us from f… - 5 years ago

@OfficiantR: RT @LeMeTellUSumtin: Wow! I had never, until this evening, heard of a voluntary fasting from the Eucharist as "a medicine to stop us from f… - 5 years ago

@PCBALAKUMAR1: RT @dinamalarweb: கொரோனாவுக்கு ஹாலிவுட்டின் பிரபல நடிகர் பலி #jaybenedict #corona - 5 years ago

@vellorevignesh7: RT @dinamalarweb: கொரோனாவுக்கு ஹாலிவுட்டின் பிரபல நடிகர் பலி #jaybenedict #corona - 5 years ago

@dinamalarcinema: கொரோனாவுக்கு ஹாலிவுட்டின் பிரபல நடிகர் பலி #jaybenedict #corona - 5 years ago

@dinamalarweb: கொரோனாவுக்கு ஹாலிவுட்டின் பிரபல நடிகர் பலி #jaybenedict #corona - 5 years ago

@pdainko: RT @LeMeTellUSumtin: Wow! I had never, until this evening, heard of a voluntary fasting from the Eucharist as "a medicine to stop us from f… - 5 years ago

@MarcosRMorales: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El actor estadounidense falleció a los 68 años tras presentar complicaciones por el coronavirus - 5 years ago

@canyonnews90210: “Aliens” Actor Jay Benedict Dies From COVID-19 Complications - 5 years ago

@SayHeiYu: Pemain Film Batman, Jay Benedict Meninggal Dunia Akibat Virus Corona - 5 years ago

@filafresh: #RIPJayBenedict #Actor in #Aliens #PRAYERSSAID #MAYHISSOULbATPEACE #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Quincy0807: RT @LeMeTellUSumtin: Wow! I had never, until this evening, heard of a voluntary fasting from the Eucharist as "a medicine to stop us from f… - 5 years ago

@seesharp: Just now, went to IMDB to see what other shows the American actor, who played the Captain, appeared in. His name is… - 5 years ago

@MisterCorduroy: RT @LeMeTellUSumtin: Wow! I had never, until this evening, heard of a voluntary fasting from the Eucharist as "a medicine to stop us from f… - 5 years ago

@blue_kanohi: RT @LeMeTellUSumtin: Wow! I had never, until this evening, heard of a voluntary fasting from the Eucharist as "a medicine to stop us from f… - 5 years ago

@freecopterrides: RT @LeMeTellUSumtin: Wow! I had never, until this evening, heard of a voluntary fasting from the Eucharist as "a medicine to stop us from f… - 5 years ago

@theresamacc: RT @LeMeTellUSumtin: Wow! I had never, until this evening, heard of a voluntary fasting from the Eucharist as "a medicine to stop us from f… - 5 years ago

@spera_in: @LeMeTellUSumtin @BoazGoss @Jay__Martin It is a good practice. At a traditional Mass you will often see many remain… - 5 years ago

@CaptainVatican: RT @LeMeTellUSumtin: Wow! I had never, until this evening, heard of a voluntary fasting from the Eucharist as "a medicine to stop us from f… - 5 years ago

@TheScelata: RT @LeMeTellUSumtin: Wow! I had never, until this evening, heard of a voluntary fasting from the Eucharist as "a medicine to stop us from f… - 5 years ago

@BoazGoss: RT @LeMeTellUSumtin: Wow! I had never, until this evening, heard of a voluntary fasting from the Eucharist as "a medicine to stop us from f… - 5 years ago

@dnowaczewski2: RT @LeMeTellUSumtin: Wow! I had never, until this evening, heard of a voluntary fasting from the Eucharist as "a medicine to stop us from f… - 5 years ago

@HandSabocik: RT @LeMeTellUSumtin: Wow! I had never, until this evening, heard of a voluntary fasting from the Eucharist as "a medicine to stop us from f… - 5 years ago

@FrHarrison: RT @LeMeTellUSumtin: Wow! I had never, until this evening, heard of a voluntary fasting from the Eucharist as "a medicine to stop us from f… - 5 years ago

@LeMeTellUSumtin: Wow! I had never, until this evening, heard of a voluntary fasting from the Eucharist as "a medicine to stop us fro… - 5 years ago

@NegiKitsu: RT @MichaelToole: Obscure old anime dubbing in the UK suffers another loss - after William Dufris, the UK voice of Lupin the 3rd, succumbed… - 5 years ago

@DreamersRadioID: Pemain Film Batman, Jay Benedict Meninggal Dunia Akibat Virus Corona - 5 years ago

@Carol38553: Actor Jay Benedict Passes Away - 5 years ago

@AdamWickham8: RT @MichaelToole: Obscure old anime dubbing in the UK suffers another loss - after William Dufris, the UK voice of Lupin the 3rd, succumbed… - 5 years ago

@Afif_9fandi: [BREAKING] Jay Benedict Aktor The Dark Knight Rises Meninggal Akibat COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@ANDREWBRUCE1962: Coronavirus: Aliens and Emmerdale actor Jay Benedict dies 'due to COVID-19 complications' | Ents & Arts News | Sky… - 5 years ago

@nickanthony1979: RT @DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@BlackRojas: RT @DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #8Abr… - 5 years ago

@Cuperjm: RT @TCGArtist: It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our dear client Jay Benedict, who this afternoon lost his battle wi… - 5 years ago

@Lahijadecenteno: RT @DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@_MamadouSECK_: RT @thabestvines: Décès de Jay Benedict (Aliens) : l'acteur est mort du Covid-19 à 68 ans 🙏 - 5 years ago

@RokevoDD: RT @Milenio: Murió Jay Benedict, actor que participó en 'Batman: El caballero de la noche asciende' - 5 years ago

@thabestvines: Décès de Jay Benedict (Aliens) : l'acteur est mort du Covid-19 à 68 ans 🙏 - 5 years ago

@carlaplazaf: RT @DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@lavozdesl: Muere actor de Aliens y Batman Jay Benedict por COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@lavozdesl: Muere actor de Aliens y Batman Jay Benedict por COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@RogelioRosario8: @Jay_Clandestino @CarlosJFloresL @Antonio_ElCapi @carlos2015aceve @cainecagua @HSandinista @stormcaptain @TPU19J… - 5 years ago

@DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #8Abr #8Abr - 5 years ago

@cardboardwalk: RT @MichaelToole: Obscure old anime dubbing in the UK suffers another loss - after William Dufris, the UK voice of Lupin the 3rd, succumbed… - 5 years ago

@AisaacW: RT @USATODAY: Actor Jay Benedict, best known for his roles in 1986's "Aliens," 2012's "The Dark Knight Rises" and the U.K. TV series "Emmer… - 5 years ago

@gabichaconr: RT @DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Aurabrave: RT @revista_uni: #Cine 🎬 | Jay Benedict, actor estadounidense reconocido por sus papeles en Aliens y Batman, falleció a los 68 años a causa… - 5 years ago

@ceonoticias1: Jay Benedict de 68 años quien actuó en películas como Alien y Batman: El Cabellero de la noche asciende perdió la v… - 5 years ago

@revista_uni: #Cine 🎬 | Jay Benedict, actor estadounidense reconocido por sus papeles en Aliens y Batman, falleció a los 68 años… - 5 years ago

@sklauber1953: RT @Inevitable_ET: Aliens actor Jay Benedict dead: Star, 68, passes away 'due to complications arising from COVID-19' - 5 years ago

@manicpixiedremg: RT @Milenio: Murió Jay Benedict, actor que participó en 'Batman: El caballero de la noche asciende' - 5 years ago

@PCGamesPlay1: RT @revbot: Jay Benedict, the voice of André Lobineau in #BrokenSword 3, has sadly passed away after his battle with Covid-19. Our thoughts… - 5 years ago

@crosa1988: The Dark Knight Actor Jay Benedict Has Died From Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@rlibertad1590: - 5 years ago

@egnicholas90: RT @revbot: Jay Benedict, the voice of André Lobineau in #BrokenSword 3, has sadly passed away after his battle with Covid-19. Our thoughts… - 5 years ago

@CorzoMarggy: RT @El_Universal_Mx: Fallece por coronavirus Jay Benedict, actor de "Aliens" y "Batman" - 5 years ago

@emsavalles: Murió por coronavirus Jay Benedict, actor de ´Batman´ - 5 years ago

@waycomp2000: 'Aliens', 'Star Wars' and 'Foyle's War' actor Jay Benedict dies due to coronavirus complications - 5 years ago

@VadhirBermudez: RT @El_Universal_Mx: Fallece por coronavirus Jay Benedict, actor de "Aliens" y "Batman" - 5 years ago

@LosTubazosPress: Nuevo: 8 abril, 2020 Muere actor de Aliens Jay Benedict de coronavirus - 5 years ago

@waouh_com: Jay Benedict, l'acteur qui était le héros d'Alien est mort du coronavirus #CoronavirusFrance #coronavirusfr… - 5 years ago

@BUMKINBUGG: Aliens' actor Jay Benedict dead from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Noted_Lives: RT @theinquisitr: Jay Benedict Dead, ‘Aliens,’ ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Actor Dies Of Coronavirus #JayBenedictRIP - 5 years ago

@Cannoli_Joe: Deaths of celebrities and officials: Steven Dick, Floyd Cardoz, Manu Dibango, Antonio Vieira Monteiro, Ken Shimura,… - 5 years ago

@LaBluedot: RT @SkyNews: Coronavirus: Aliens and Emmerdale actor Jay Benedict dies 'due to COVID-19 complications' - 5 years ago

@tommyberesford: Jay Benedict (1951-2020) - 5 years ago

@GRevmgbrown4: The Dark Knight Actor Jay Benedict Has Died From Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@caamilagarciia_: RT @USATODAY: Actor Jay Benedict, best known for his roles in 1986's "Aliens," 2012's "The Dark Knight Rises" and the U.K. TV series "Emmer… - 5 years ago

@MiamiDiario: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #8Abr - 5 years ago

@Xianggang191: RT @Ruola16: 4月4日,曾出演《蝙蝠侠》三部曲之一《黑暗骑士:黎明升起》(The Dark Knight Rises)等大片的男星杰‧班迪特(Jay Benedict)因病毒引发严重并发症去世,终年68岁。 其所属经纪公司TCG在官方推特4月4日宣布,班迪特自确诊… - 5 years ago

@kikicasmita: RT @FIMELAdotcom: Aktor Hollywood, Jay Benedict, menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya akibat komplikasi virus corona di usia 69 tahun. Berikut p… - 5 years ago

@IrishMirror: Pierce Brosnan pays tribute to fellow actor and friend Jay Benedict who died from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@molbast: RT @DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@TABATABLACK: RT @DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EE… - 5 years ago

@FIMELAdotcom: Aktor Hollywood, Jay Benedict, menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya akibat komplikasi virus corona di usia 69 tahun. Ber… - 5 years ago

@Lira7F: RT @El_Universal_Mx: Fallece por coronavirus Jay Benedict, actor de "Aliens" y "Batman" - 5 years ago

@LindaLezama2: RT @El_Universal_Mx: Fallece por coronavirus Jay Benedict, actor de "Aliens" y "Batman" - 5 years ago

@Martinzhong70: RT @Ruola16: 4月4日,曾出演《蝙蝠侠》三部曲之一《黑暗骑士:黎明升起》(The Dark Knight Rises)等大片的男星杰‧班迪特(Jay Benedict)因病毒引发严重并发症去世,终年68岁。 其所属经纪公司TCG在官方推特4月4日宣布,班迪特自确诊… - 5 years ago

@flakeypanda: RT @revbot: Jay Benedict, the voice of André Lobineau in #BrokenSword 3, has sadly passed away after his battle with Covid-19. Our thoughts… - 5 years ago

@ErikaPatriciaZ: RT @Milenio: Murió Jay Benedict, actor que participó en 'Batman: El caballero de la noche asciende' - 5 years ago

@mamiluisa: RT @DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@YvesHugues: RT @vickimichelle: Shocked to hear one of our most brilliant actors and kind lovely man Jay Benedict has passed. Married to my lovely frien… - 5 years ago

@Andre79871165: RT @DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@bdurrahman_z: 2020 punya masalah apa sih? Udh banyak org yg pergi untuk selamanya. Kobe Bryant, Max Von Sydow, Neil Peart, Kirk D… - 5 years ago

@herbonnieri: RT @DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@GayJessegirl: The Dark Knight Actor Jay Benedict Has Died From Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Coellokarin1: RT @DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Adre_13: RT @DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@w1dxlgzkJ7AylaW: RT @Ruola16: 4月4日,曾出演《蝙蝠侠》三部曲之一《黑暗骑士:黎明升起》(The Dark Knight Rises)等大片的男星杰‧班迪特(Jay Benedict)因病毒引发严重并发症去世,终年68岁。 其所属经纪公司TCG在官方推特4月4日宣布,班迪特自确诊… - 5 years ago

@VemaleDotcom: RT @FIMELAdotcom: Bagaimana perjalanan karier aktor Jay Benedict hingga akhirnya meninggal dunia karena terinfeksi COVID-19? Saksikan video… - 5 years ago

@KapanLagicom: RT @FIMELAdotcom: Bagaimana perjalanan karier aktor Jay Benedict hingga akhirnya meninggal dunia karena terinfeksi COVID-19? Saksikan video… - 5 years ago

@FIMELAdotcom: Bagaimana perjalanan karier aktor Jay Benedict hingga akhirnya meninggal dunia karena terinfeksi COVID-19? Saksikan… - 5 years ago

@Sassycitygal: RT @Inevitable_ET: Jay Benedict, Batman movie actor 'The Dark Knight Rises' has died at the age of 68 years on Saturday (4 April 2020) yest… - 5 years ago

@ryokoni: RT @DailyMailCeleb: Aliens actor Jay Benedict, 68, passes away 'due to complications arising from COVID-19' - 5 years ago

@jay_196477: RT @SmilingBenedict: For those who need to hear it, Benedict does care about us. His acknowledgment of the fans while thanking the healthca… - 5 years ago

@robinsnoticias: RT @Janosikgarciaz: Muere el actor Jay Benedict a los 68 años por #coronavirus. Su participación más recordada es la del encargado de la co… - 5 years ago

@theinquisitr: Jay Benedict Dead, ‘Aliens,’ ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Actor Dies Of Coronavirus #JayBenedictRIP - 5 years ago

@wxd611108: RT @Ruola16: 4月4日,曾出演《蝙蝠侠》三部曲之一《黑暗骑士:黎明升起》(The Dark Knight Rises)等大片的男星杰‧班迪特(Jay Benedict)因病毒引发严重并发症去世,终年68岁。 其所属经纪公司TCG在官方推特4月4日宣布,班迪特自确诊… - 5 years ago

@markyalita: 'Aliens' actor Jay Benedict dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Mandyzgirlz101M: The Dark Knight Actor Jay Benedict Has Died From Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@k_bloginfo: ['Alien appearance' Jay Benedict dies of Corona 19 [TD Hollywood]] #f4f #フォロバ #맞팔 - 5 years ago

@Bulust2: RT @Ruola16: 4月4日,曾出演《蝙蝠侠》三部曲之一《黑暗骑士:黎明升起》(The Dark Knight Rises)等大片的男星杰‧班迪特(Jay Benedict)因病毒引发严重并发症去世,终年68岁。 其所属经纪公司TCG在官方推特4月4日宣布,班迪特自确诊… - 5 years ago

@LazzarottoMa: RT @Janosikgarciaz: Muere el actor Jay Benedict a los 68 años por #coronavirus. Su participación más recordada es la del encargado de la co… - 5 years ago

@Charley58115169: - 5 years ago

@MarcelaSaebL: RT @Janosikgarciaz: Muere el actor Jay Benedict a los 68 años por #coronavirus. Su participación más recordada es la del encargado de la co… - 5 years ago

@PostBadIllustr: RT @MrTony007: @PostBadIllustr avoue, ils t'ont embauché ? 🤣 - 5 years ago

@chunlin_jia: RT @Ruola16: 4月4日,曾出演《蝙蝠侠》三部曲之一《黑暗骑士:黎明升起》(The Dark Knight Rises)等大片的男星杰‧班迪特(Jay Benedict)因病毒引发严重并发症去世,终年68岁。 其所属经纪公司TCG在官方推特4月4日宣布,班迪特自确诊… - 5 years ago

@Foreverfi1: RT @Ruola16: 4月4日,曾出演《蝙蝠侠》三部曲之一《黑暗骑士:黎明升起》(The Dark Knight Rises)等大片的男星杰‧班迪特(Jay Benedict)因病毒引发严重并发症去世,终年68岁。 其所属经纪公司TCG在官方推特4月4日宣布,班迪特自确诊… - 5 years ago

@ProletarioRS: RT @rollingstoneBR: Jay Benedict morreu aos 68 anos, vítima de coronavírus; ator participou de Batman: O Retorno do Cavaleiro das Trevas ht… - 5 years ago

@velvetsilk: Coronavirus: Aliens and Emmerdale actor Jay Benedict dies 'due to COVID-19 complications' - 5 years ago

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