Javid Iqbal

Pakistani judge
Died on Saturday October 3rd 2015

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Javid Iqbal:

@WASEEMBACHA: MCD activities, Muhammad Javid Afridi, Nasir Iqbal, Sher Afghan, M Daud Daudzai, Zia Muhammad, Mazhar Kaleem - 9 years ago

@HinduAmericans: RT @nwarikoo: Javid Iqbal: “Hard Islam was not the project of Jinnah;the Islam of Hudood & blasphemy laws was imposed by Gen. Zia” - 9 years ago

@mysartan: RT @abidhussayn: "Javid Iqbal was original and walked a little bit ahead of his father, not minding that the state had to thrust him into o… - 9 years ago

@Benazir_Shah: RT @abidhussayn: "Javid Iqbal was original and walked a little bit ahead of his father, not minding that the state had to thrust him into o… - 9 years ago


@abidhussayn: "Javid Iqbal was original and walked a little bit ahead of his father, not minding that the state had to thrust him into obscurity..." - 9 years ago

@katecaldwell: RT @nwarikoo: Javid Iqbal, a son of the intellectual founder of Pakistan, recently died. A look at his relationship with his dad: - 9 years ago

@AnnaAnthro: RT @nwarikoo: Javid Iqbal, a son of the intellectual founder of Pakistan, recently died. A look at his relationship with his dad: - 9 years ago

@jxwdk: RT @TheNewsonSunday: Javid Iqbal's voice was one that advocated tolerance against narrowness fired by self-righteousness - 9 years ago

@TheNewsonSunday: Javid Iqbal's voice was one that advocated tolerance against narrowness fired by self-righteousness - 9 years ago

@GarrisonDoreck: RT @nwarikoo: Javid Iqbal, a son of the intellectual founder of Pakistan, recently died. A look at his relationship with his dad: - 9 years ago

@PAndrzejczyk: RT @nwarikoo: Javid Iqbal: “Hard Islam was not the project of Jinnah;the Islam of Hudood & blasphemy laws was imposed by Gen. Zia” - 9 years ago

@nwarikoo: Javid Iqbal: “Hard Islam was not the project of Jinnah;the Islam of Hudood & blasphemy laws was imposed by Gen. Zia” - 9 years ago

@nwarikoo: Javid Iqbal, a son of the intellectual founder of Pakistan, recently died. A look at his relationship with his dad: - 9 years ago

@Shafqat_shah1: RT @Benazir_Shah: In his 2003 book, Javid Iqbal asked why the expression ‘Islamic state’ does not appear in the Quran or Hadith. - 9 years ago

@Sahpk22: RT @Benazir_Shah: In his 2003 book, Javid Iqbal asked why the expression ‘Islamic state’ does not appear in the Quran or Hadith. - 9 years ago

@shahnazkasria: RT @Benazir_Shah: In his 2003 book, Javid Iqbal asked why the expression ‘Islamic state’ does not appear in the Quran or Hadith. - 9 years ago

@drkhanns: RT @Benazir_Shah: In his 2003 book, Javid Iqbal asked why the expression ‘Islamic state’ does not appear in the Quran or Hadith. - 9 years ago

@takhalus: Great article 'The wonderfully disobedient son' Dr. Javid Iqbal & his difficult relationship with his fathers legacy - 9 years ago

@khizerkhan95: "On March 7, 2011, Javid Iqbal was interviewed on TV on the nature of the Pakistani state. He said Pakistan, as... - 9 years ago

@numairsherazi: RT @Benazir_Shah: The Wonderfully Disobedient Son - Javid Iqbal. Lived for 90 years in the shadow of his father, Allama Iqbal. - 9 years ago

@MIANASHRAFADV: deidicated to javid iqbal awan sargodha - 9 years ago

@MaqsoodAsi: RT @Benazir_Shah: In his 2003 book, Javid Iqbal asked why the expression ‘Islamic state’ does not appear in the Quran or Hadith. - 9 years ago

@TurabNazar: RT @Benazir_Shah: In his 2003 book, Javid Iqbal asked why the expression ‘Islamic state’ does not appear in the Quran or Hadith. - 9 years ago

@arsalanarshad: RT @Benazir_Shah: In his 2003 book, Javid Iqbal asked why the expression ‘Islamic state’ does not appear in the Quran or Hadith. - 9 years ago

@uberimran: RT @Benazir_Shah: In his 2003 book, Javid Iqbal asked why the expression ‘Islamic state’ does not appear in the Quran or Hadith. - 9 years ago

@ssnaqi: RT @Benazir_Shah: In his 2003 book, Javid Iqbal asked why the expression ‘Islamic state’ does not appear in the Quran or Hadith. - 9 years ago

@drarabid: RT @Benazir_Shah: In his 2003 book, Javid Iqbal asked why the expression ‘Islamic state’ does not appear in the Quran or Hadith. - 9 years ago

@Benazir_Shah: In his 2003 book, Javid Iqbal asked why the expression ‘Islamic state’ does not appear in the Quran or Hadith. - 9 years ago

@Benazir_Shah: The Wonderfully Disobedient Son - Javid Iqbal. Lived for 90 years in the shadow of his father, Allama Iqbal. - 9 years ago

@GMMalik1: G.M.Malik in Nimaz e Jinnaza of Justice (r) Javid Iqbal S/O Allama Muhammad Iqbal. - 9 years ago

@GMMalik1: G.M.Malik in Nimaz e Jinnaza of Justice (r) Javid Iqbal S/O Allama Muhammad Iqbal. - 9 years ago

@GMMalik1: G.M.Malik in Nimaz e Jinnaza of Justice (r) Javid Iqbal S/O Allama Muhammad Iqbal. - 9 years ago

@imaadilshah: RT @NewsweekPak: Javid Iqbal (1924-2015). - 9 years ago

@Prestige786Kly: Congratulations to Gino for passing his practical in Steeton. Instructor Javid Iqbal - 9 years ago

@Rimmel_Mohydin: RT @NewsweekPak: In our latest issue on newsstands tomorrow: Khaled Ahmed on Kunduz, Javid Iqbal's disobedience, Ayaz Sadiq, and more. http… - 9 years ago

@NewsweekPak: In our latest issue on newsstands tomorrow: Khaled Ahmed on Kunduz, Javid Iqbal's disobedience, Ayaz Sadiq, and more. - 9 years ago

@Qadri520Bkr: "Jis K Talwu Ka Dhowan Hai Aab e Hayat, Hai Wo Jan e Maseeha Hamara NABi, Sndr.javid iqbal - 9 years ago

@004nino: RIP 4745) Javid Iqbal (1924-2015), Pakistani judge, died October 3, 2015 at 90 - 9 years ago

@ToobaToobakarim: RT @DunyaNews: #Lahore: Allama Iqbal's son justice (retd) Javid Iqbal dies - 9 years ago

@leomehak: Remembrance of Javid Iqbal at Aiwan e Iqbal Lahore Munib Iqbal (son of Javed Iqbal) adressing the people. - 9 years ago

@1Udas_Punchhi: alama iqbal ke bete ka name javid iqbal ha. Hakim jan mosyani ne fast jawb dia ha. - 9 years ago

@BinaryTrading13: RT - 9 years ago

@CheckDirector: Infomations about LLPMEM Javid Iqbal - 9 years ago

@Muhammad929292: The nation lost a great thinker in his own right, Dr Javid Iqbal, yet all is forgotten after a few days. - 9 years ago

@Qadri520Bkr: "Aadmi Apne Dost Ke Deen Par Hota Hy, Tum Me Se Har 1 Ko Ghor Kr Lena Chahiye Ke Uski Dosti Kis Ke Sath Hy" Sndr.Javid iqbal /Abu Daood... - 9 years ago

@muqeem066: Please join us tomorrow at the Condolence Reference for Justice (retd) Dr. Javid Iqbal arranged by Aiwan-e-Iqbal Au… - 9 years ago

@AllamaMIqbal: *REMINDER* Please join us today at the Condolence Reference for Justice (retd) Dr. Javid Iqbal arranged by... - 9 years ago

@bapsisid: Javid Iqbal and I at my house in 24 A Gulberg 2 Lahore. He and Nasira have been my truest friends all these... - 9 years ago

@arslan6_bhatti: Today would have been Dr. Javid Iqbal's 91st Birthday but unfortunately he passed away just two days before it. - 9 years ago

@Drsarwatzaib070: RT @yasspk: Waleed iqbal son of late Javid iqbal with Imran khan @Well_MadeHooria @Drsarwatzaib070 @AnamCheema_ @meherbokhari - 9 years ago

@yasspk: Waleed iqbal son of late Javid iqbal with Imran khan @Well_MadeHooria @Drsarwatzaib070 @AnamCheema_ @meherbokhari - 9 years ago

@kharmangi74: RT @AllamaMIqbal: Please join us tomorrow at the Condolence Reference for Justice (retd) Dr. Javid Iqbal arranged by Aiwan-e-Iqbal... http:… - 9 years ago

@AllamaMIqbal: Please join us tomorrow at the Condolence Reference for Justice (retd) Dr. Javid Iqbal arranged by Aiwan-e-Iqbal... - 9 years ago

@Moinabbasi992: Retweeted Shujaat Bukhari (@bukharishujaat): A wonderful tribute to Justice Javid Iqbal by @HamidMirGEO . A must... - 9 years ago

@Moinabbasi992: RT @bukharishujaat: A wonderful tribute to Justice Javid Iqbal by @HamidMirGEO . A must read - 9 years ago

@utortent: RT @bukharishujaat: A wonderful tribute to Justice Javid Iqbal by @HamidMirGEO . A must read - 9 years ago

@Aliya313: Justice Javid Iqbal's Details By Mujeeb Sb in Nuqta Nazer Right now (Dunya News) its a Rerun - 9 years ago

@AllamaMIqbal: Today would have been Dr. Javid Iqbal's 91st Birthday but unfortunately he passed away just two days before it.... - 9 years ago

@RabiaaPTI: RT @WalidIqbalPTI: Eid Mubarak. At tomb of Allama Iqbal with father Dr. Javid, cousin Iqbal Salahuddin, Colonel Commander & duty guards. ht… - 9 years ago

@fakharhere: RT @WalidIqbalPTI: Eid Mubarak. At tomb of Allama Iqbal with father Dr. Javid, cousin Iqbal Salahuddin, Colonel Commander & duty guards. ht… - 9 years ago

@FARHADKTK143: Javid Iqbal sir is it reall?????? - 9 years ago

@iamfaisal1_: RT @bukharishujaat: A wonderful tribute to Justice Javid Iqbal by @HamidMirGEO . A must read - 9 years ago

@mh_zaidi: RT @bukharishujaat: A wonderful tribute to Justice Javid Iqbal by @HamidMirGEO . A must read - 9 years ago

@MurtazaGeoNews: RT @bukharishujaat: A wonderful tribute to Justice Javid Iqbal by @HamidMirGEO . A must read - 9 years ago

@HamidMirFans: RT @bukharishujaat: A wonderful tribute to Justice Javid Iqbal by @HamidMirGEO . A must read - 9 years ago

@mumtaz_wasif: RT @bukharishujaat: A wonderful tribute to Justice Javid Iqbal by @HamidMirGEO . A must read - 9 years ago

@MirzaRhinopak: RT @bukharishujaat: A wonderful tribute to Justice Javid Iqbal by @HamidMirGEO . A must read - 9 years ago

@miangqadir: RT @bukharishujaat: A wonderful tribute to Justice Javid Iqbal by @HamidMirGEO . A must read - 9 years ago

@MureedhussainS: RT @bukharishujaat: A wonderful tribute to Justice Javid Iqbal by @HamidMirGEO . A must read - 9 years ago

@Geozahoor: RT @bukharishujaat: A wonderful tribute to Justice Javid Iqbal by @HamidMirGEO . A must read - 9 years ago

@ShahidZahoorN: RT @bukharishujaat: A wonderful tribute to Justice Javid Iqbal by @HamidMirGEO . A must read - 9 years ago

@marslan4: RT @bukharishujaat: A wonderful tribute to Justice Javid Iqbal by @HamidMirGEO . A must read - 9 years ago

@ayaz_khan007: RT @bukharishujaat: A wonderful tribute to Justice Javid Iqbal by @HamidMirGEO . A must read - 9 years ago

@HamidMirGEO: RT @bukharishujaat: A wonderful tribute to Justice Javid Iqbal by @HamidMirGEO . A must read - 9 years ago

@bukharishujaat: A wonderful tribute to Justice Javid Iqbal by @HamidMirGEO . A must read - 9 years ago

@MirAshu7: RT @MMirAshraf: Son of #Alama_Iqbal passes away ..Justice Retired Javid Iqbal, d son of Philospher, poet Allama Iqbal passes away at Shauka… - 9 years ago

@connielnash: An Exclusive Interview with Justice Javid Iqbal on his Life, his Father – Allama Muhammad Iqba… - 9 years ago

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