Jasper Griffin

British classicist and academic
Died on Sunday November 24th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Jasper Griffin:

@BritanniaNew: RT @thequentinletts: Boris Johnson somehow found time this week to write an obituary postscript about Jasper Griffin, who taught him Homer… - 5 years ago

@DicconS: Imagine any other party leader being able to write this.... Boris Johnson on Professor Jasper Griffin, who taught h… - 5 years ago

@marcoranieri72: RT @Matedelu: Morto il filologo Jasper Griffin maestro venerato da Boris Johnson - 5 years ago

@Matedelu: Morto il filologo Jasper Griffin maestro venerato da Boris Johnson - 5 years ago


@JonathanBoff: Sorry to learn off the death of Jasper Griffin this week. Anyone who’s ever been moved by Homer owes him a huge debt. - 5 years ago

@TCurry_Himself: RT @GilesMacDonogh: @boulezian A terrible week: RIP Sir Michael Howard Jasper Griffin Mariss Jansons Jonathan Miller Clive James - 5 years ago

@EconWarPeace: RT @GilesMacDonogh: @boulezian A terrible week: RIP Sir Michael Howard Jasper Griffin Mariss Jansons Jonathan Miller Clive James - 5 years ago

@Italia_Notizie: Morto il filologo Jasper Griffin maestro venerato da Boris Johnson - 5 years ago

@ClairedeFossard: RT @thequentinletts: Boris Johnson somehow found time this week to write an obituary postscript about Jasper Griffin, who taught him Homer… - 5 years ago

@thepoordears: RT @thequentinletts: Boris Johnson somehow found time this week to write an obituary postscript about Jasper Griffin, who taught him Homer… - 5 years ago

@Krisp06: RT @thequentinletts: Boris Johnson somehow found time this week to write an obituary postscript about Jasper Griffin, who taught him Homer… - 5 years ago

@CPierceUK: RT @thequentinletts: Boris Johnson somehow found time this week to write an obituary postscript about Jasper Griffin, who taught him Homer… - 5 years ago

@telegraphobits: RT @L1ttlemo: I read this moving tribute last night and did rather marvel how ⁦⁦@BorisJohnson⁩ managed to write this during an election cam… - 5 years ago

@telegraphobits: RT @thequentinletts: Boris Johnson somehow found time this week to write an obituary postscript about Jasper Griffin, who taught him Homer… - 5 years ago

@telegraphobits: RT @suzworld: Boris Johnson on Professor Jasper Griffin, who taught him about heroes, life, death and glory – and the genius of Homer https… - 5 years ago

@rustyrude1: RT @thequentinletts: Boris Johnson somehow found time this week to write an obituary postscript about Jasper Griffin, who taught him Homer… - 5 years ago

@Rokewood: RT @GilesMacDonogh: @boulezian A terrible week: RIP Sir Michael Howard Jasper Griffin Mariss Jansons Jonathan Miller Clive James - 5 years ago

@GilesMacDonogh: @boulezian A terrible week: RIP Sir Michael Howard Jasper Griffin Mariss Jansons Jonathan Miller Clive James - 5 years ago

@Marshmyst: RT @thequentinletts: Boris Johnson somehow found time this week to write an obituary postscript about Jasper Griffin, who taught him Homer… - 5 years ago

@redrobinway: RT @thequentinletts: Boris Johnson somehow found time this week to write an obituary postscript about Jasper Griffin, who taught him Homer… - 5 years ago

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