Jarbom Gamlin

Indian politician
Died on Sunday November 30th 2014

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Jarbom Gamlin:

@ShanuAhluwalia: RT @rachitseth: Shakuntala #Gamlin is the wife of Late Congress CM of Arunachal Pradesh Jarbom Gamlin

@Ritika19: RT @rachitseth: Shakuntala #Gamlin is the wife of Late Congress CM of Arunachal Pradesh Jarbom Gamlin

@venkat2four: RT @NeelakshiGswm: Shakuntala Gamlin's husband was Jarbom Gamlin former CM of Arunachal Pradesh who died in 2014. Dear #AAPtards don't live…

@BuzzArtz: @Jarpum @SpokespersonMoD all these Gamlins - Brigadier, Jarpum, Shakuntala family of Mr. Jarbom Gamlin - ex CM? If yes, mighty impressive!

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