Janet Wright

Canadian actress (Corner Gas)
Died on Monday November 14th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Janet Wright:

@Lou_ell_ah: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@peoplearecraz: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@dalehunterctv: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@livinglively93: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago


@CTV_Television: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@kat_nickerson: RT @radioharpe: Sad to hear the passing of Actress Janet Wright. She played Brent's mom Emma @CornerGas #CornerGas - 8 years ago

@classiclemon: Award-winning Corner Gas star Janet Wright dies at 71 - laresearchette: When I first moved to Canada,... - 8 years ago

@holmes226: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@CaelieW: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@K_Pogs: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@poeticleigh: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@kendraamber: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@cashewnut810: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@And_the_rest: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@coachryb: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@DansWay07: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@skibert: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@GlennClem: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@nelson_karl: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@kjmusic99: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@beautystarlets: RT @BrentButt: With a broken heart, we say goodbye to the beautiful and brilliant Janet Wright. RELEASE: - 8 years ago

@DianaDoopsie: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@blgsieben: @comedynetwork can I propose that one of your annual holiday marathons be @CornerGas in honour of Janet Wright? @BrentButt - 8 years ago

@AmyBGood: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@The_Jamie_Show: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@jamiethebob: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@AndrewCherry10: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@ComicGuyEric: RT @CornerGas: Emma was full of sass! In honour of Janet Wright's memory, @CTV_Television will broadcast #CornerGasMovie on Saturday, Nov.… - 8 years ago

@Brendynhazlitt: Tom Kerr remembers Janet Wright's tragedies and triumphs - 8 years ago

@janet_wright: @JazzerciseInc I 💓Mine!! - 8 years ago

@BrianAlanBurhoe: RT @realpatmckenna: Every week we welcomed actress Janet Wright into our homes - what a nice visit. RIP Ms. Wright. #cornergas #redgreenshow - 8 years ago

@Just_SimplyMo: RT @harlemfinearts: Alice Pearls Jewelry Box as a labor of love -Janet Wright ❤️ - 8 years ago

@BriefBoxers13: RT @harrychobbs1: Disappointed that none of the Corner Gas cast who I follow have made reference to Janet Wright's pasing - 8 years ago

@harlemfinearts: Alice Pearls Jewelry Box as a labor of love -Janet Wright ❤️ - 8 years ago

@Speaker_of_Os: RT @BrentButt: I honestly loved this woman. One of the strongest, truest humans I've ever known. #RIPJanetWright. RELEASE: - 8 years ago

@janet_wright: @zacharywright I'm in #LOVE all over again!! I can't wait to see my little angel 😇🎀 - 8 years ago

@dianafrancesvan: RT @JustinTrudeau: I was saddened to learn of the passing of Corner Gas' matriarch, Janet Wright, a wonderfully talented actor who will be… - 8 years ago

@harrychobbs1: Disappointed that none of the Corner Gas cast who I follow have made reference to Janet Wright's pasing - 8 years ago

@janet_wright: RT @zacharywright: Twitter, please meet my daughter Kingsley Ardyn Wright. She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and I'm so in l… - 8 years ago

@lindsaystweets: Been using my Corner Gas mug bought in Rouleau to remember the lovely Janet Wright. @CornerGas - 8 years ago

@janet_wright: RT @HamiltonMusical: Tonight, VP-Elect Mike Pence attended #HamiltonBway. After the show, @BrandonVDixon delivered the following statement… - 8 years ago

@markinjax: - 8 years ago

@eileenfinnegan1: RT @harlemfinearts: Feature #HFAS #Chicago artist Janet Wright designs jewelry that creates conversation #art #jewelry #conversational http… - 8 years ago

@harlemfinearts: Feature #HFAS #Chicago artist Janet Wright designs jewelry that creates conversation #art #jewelry #conversational - 8 years ago

@kylestanley91: RT @PeterKelamis: So very sad to hear of the passing of Janet Wright... She was a force to be reckoned with...such a loss. RIP - 8 years ago

@shelbergstrom: RT @BrentButt: I honestly loved this woman. One of the strongest, truest humans I've ever known. #RIPJanetWright. RELEASE: - 8 years ago

@TheAppDIVA: @jordfarquaad Thank you for sharing in the TRIBUTE to Janet Wright! Cool! - 8 years ago

@TheAppDIVA: A tribute to ACTRESS Janet Wright passes on at age 71! I wanted to express how much I got a kick out of The TV COMEDY SHOW - CORNER GAS! :) - 8 years ago

@PazUtzin: RT @JohnNelles: #CdnTheatre RIP Janet Wright, an iconic lady of the Canadian Stage. Wonderful actress and person. She will be missed - 8 years ago

@_bbroadcasting: #Magic106.1 Corner Gas' Janet Wright Dies. Read Blog: - 8 years ago

@audubonms: Join Dr. Janet Wright tomorrow at 10 am to learn about the Owls of Mississippi at the Pascagoula River Audubon Ctr. - 8 years ago

@donnymadill: RT @BrentButt: I honestly loved this woman. One of the strongest, truest humans I've ever known. #RIPJanetWright. RELEASE: - 8 years ago

@Ih8mornings: RT @MelanieScrofano: Canada is losing a lot of cultural powerhouses this year. RIP. Award-winning Corner Gas star Janet Wright dead at 71 h… - 8 years ago

@GSGTHEGREATONE: RT @BrentButt: With a broken heart, we say goodbye to the beautiful and brilliant Janet Wright. RELEASE: - 8 years ago

@movies_ent: #CityNews Award-winning 'Corner Gas' star Janet Wright dead at 71. Read Blog: - 8 years ago

@coulkat767: @VoltaireFreedom @RonaAmbrose I loved her!!!! Even more sentimental because Dog River aka Rouleau is where my dad grew up. ❤Janet Wright - 8 years ago

@coulkat767: Rest in peace, Janet Wright. Thank you for bringing hearty laughs into our home;bringing my family together. 'Oscar, I forgot to say ' 😂😢😢 - 8 years ago

@CineArtistes: JANET WRIGHT (1945/2016) - 8 years ago

@LeightonPhyllis: RT @BrentButt: I honestly loved this woman. One of the strongest, truest humans I've ever known. #RIPJanetWright. RELEASE: - 8 years ago

@CHeyerdahl: Celebrate the remarkable life of Canadian Director and Actress Janet Wright - 8 years ago

@JBirdtheFIllER: RT @JustinTrudeau: I was saddened to learn of the passing of Corner Gas' matriarch, Janet Wright, a wonderfully talented actor who will be… - 8 years ago

@Fredericton100: RT @JustinTrudeau: I was saddened to learn of the passing of Corner Gas' matriarch, Janet Wright, a wonderfully talented actor who will be… - 8 years ago

@tvmoviede: Janet Wright war vor allem Serien-Star, aber eben auch in Filmen wie "Der Sturm" oder "Rollerball" zu sehen. Über... - 8 years ago

@earch_ebooks: Janet Wright might know we take responsibility. Rise to teach later led to Chris Wallace of any juxtapositions it - 8 years ago

@RocksCoolca: 'Corner Gas' star Janet Wright dies at 71 - 8 years ago

@upinthisbrain: All of a sudden remembered Janet Wright in the "patronizing point pie" scene with @millergabrielle. So funny! - 8 years ago

@ReginaTheatre: RT @persephonethea: We are saddened at the passing of our co-founder Janet Wright. We wish to express our deepest condolences to Janet’s fa… - 8 years ago

@deucestudio: Great student project for Magnet film studio by Janet Wright - 8 years ago

@DueSouthInfo: RT @PaulGrossFansUn: RIP Janet Wright -- #DueSouth - 8 years ago

@DueSouthInfo: RT @ChuckHatchet: RIP Janet Wright...she was great on Corner Gas, and even Due South - 8 years ago

@janet_wright: @Metallica @FallonTonight @theroots @LakeBluff_Jazz we rocked @Metallica for our #jazzerfriends bday!! 💃💪🏼 - 8 years ago

@janet_wright: RT @Metallica: We interrupt today's "Hardwired...To Self-Destruct" video roll-out with this... - 8 years ago

@corrigan_adam: RT @BrentButt: I honestly loved this woman. One of the strongest, truest humans I've ever known. #RIPJanetWright. RELEASE: - 8 years ago

@5wasnttaken: RT @Victor_Lucas: What a talent! So many great roles. Janet, you join a collection of incredible artists gone too soon in 2016. - 8 years ago

@cartooninperson: So sad. Actress Janet Wright of Corner Gas has died. - 8 years ago

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