Janet Waldo

American actress and voice artist.
Died on Sunday June 12th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Janet Waldo:

@SatEvePost: ICYMI: Last week we lost TV greats Ann Morgan Guilbert (Dick Van Dyke, The Nanny) & Janet Waldo (The Jetsons). - 9 years ago

@BuckeyeRidley: This is a Beautiful Recollection of #JanetWaldo. Many Thanks, @mmckellop & Craig Parish. - 9 years ago

@BuckeyeRidley: This is a Beautiful Recollection of #JanetWaldo. Many Thanks, @mmckellop & Craig Parish. - 9 years ago

@CommercePros: Janet Waldo, original voice of Judy Jetson on 'The Jetsons,' dies at 96 - 9 years ago


@carickmlriel: Janet Waldo, who voiced cartoon characters including Penelope Pitstop and Judy Jetson, dies aged 96. - 9 years ago

@NewportBeachPB: Janet Waldo, Voice of Judy Jetson, Dies at 96 #NewportBeach #News - 9 years ago

@OTWOL: The ministry sends its condolences to the family of Janet Waldo. - 9 years ago

@RandyAguebor: RT @voicechasers: We were so sad to learn that Janet Waldo, voice of Judy Jetson & more, passed away Sunday: - 9 years ago

@westgogo4: RT @Gidi_Traffic: “@adewryght: Janet Waldo who plays the voice of Judy Jetson in the Jetsons &Penelope Pitstop is died at 96 #NEWS https:/… - 9 years ago

@MzMoniqu: Iconic voice talent passes away: - 9 years ago

@TWCcentral: Iconic voice talent passes away: - 9 years ago

@TWCCTweets: Iconic voice talent passes away: - 9 years ago

@BillyBlac: Janet Waldo Dies: ‘The Jetsons’ Voice Actress Was 96 - 9 years ago

@tjkeenan: Having a "youthful" sounding voice can keep you working in that #VO genre all your life like the late Janet Waldo-> - 9 years ago

@SamanthasLaw: Judy Jetson dies, aka Janet Waldo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | @scoopit - 9 years ago

@Market_Edu: Janet Waldo, original voice of Judy Jetson on 'The Jetsons,' dies at 96 - 9 years ago

@godgunsgutsllc: RT @Svengoolie: Sorry to hear of the passing of Janet Waldo- voice of Judy Jetson and many other characters- she was a great talent and a s… - 9 years ago

@Dethson: @HamillHimself and what of Janet Waldo? - 9 years ago

@KE_Inc: RT @ABC7: Voice of Judy Jetson, Janet Waldo, dies at age 96 - 9 years ago

@KE_Inc: RT @Paul_Dini: RIP Janet Waldo --Judy Jetson, Josie, Penelope Pitstop and countless other sparkling voices. - 9 years ago

@Sound_Advice: Janet Waldo, Voice of Judy Jetson, Dies at 96 - 9 years ago

@DizzyForRzeznik: Voice of Judy Jetson, Janet Waldo, dies at age 96 | - 9 years ago

@dime85sg: RT @willmckinley: Janet Waldo (1920-2016) actress. Voice of Judy Jetson, Penelope Pitstop, Josie from "Josie and the Pussycats" - 9 years ago

@LaurenceRHarvey: RT @willmckinley: Janet Waldo (1920-2016) actress. Voice of Judy Jetson, Penelope Pitstop, Josie from "Josie and the Pussycats" - 9 years ago

@Waldo_37: I wonder how much Janet has on @DJohnsonPGA today? #bettingwoman - 9 years ago

@Ecom_Blog: Janet Waldo, original voice of Judy Jetson on 'The Jetsons,' dies at 96 - 9 years ago

@jgrzecho: Janet Waldo, Original Voice of Judy Jetson, Dies at 96 - 9 years ago

@gordon_mrm: RT @OnlyOneFinFoley: Rip Janet Waldo the fab voice of Penelope Pitstop..the glamour gal of the gas ped-al! #wackyraces #PenelopePitstop ht… - 9 years ago

@OnlyOneFinFoley: Rip Janet Waldo the fab voice of Penelope Pitstop..the glamour gal of the gas ped-al! #wackyraces #PenelopePitstop - 9 years ago

@InboundTherapy: Janet Waldo, original voice of Judy Jetson on 'The Jetsons,' dies at 96 - 9 years ago

@Biz_Mkting: Janet Waldo, original voice of Judy Jetson on 'The Jetsons,' dies at 96 - 9 years ago

@mickykeys63: RT @MartinKnight_: The lady who was the voice of Penelope Pitstop - Janet Waldo - has died, aged 96. Muttley is in mourning. - 9 years ago

@mercurie80: A Shroud of Thoughts: The Late Great Janet Waldo - 9 years ago

@JillGarneski: Janet Waldo, Voice of Judy Jetson on ‘The Jetsons,’ Dead at 96 - 9 years ago

@MikeRaphone: RT @crave: Janet Waldo, the voice of Judy Jetson and Penelope Pitstop, deserves a techie tribute - 9 years ago

@themockedturtle: RT @crave: Janet Waldo, the voice of Judy Jetson and Penelope Pitstop, deserves a techie tribute - 9 years ago

@crave: Janet Waldo, the voice of Judy Jetson and Penelope Pitstop, deserves a techie tribute - 9 years ago

@Postsemreh: RT @AnjelusX: Janet Waldo, Voice of Daughter Judy Jetson on 'The Jetsons,' Dies at 96 - 9 years ago

@JenniferKingsb6: - 9 years ago

@00Hex: RT @AnjelusX: Janet Waldo, Voice of Daughter Judy Jetson on 'The Jetsons,' Dies at 96 - 9 years ago

@AnjelusX: Janet Waldo, Voice of Daughter Judy Jetson on 'The Jetsons,' Dies at 96 - 9 years ago

@mercurie80: A Shroud of Thoughts: The Late Great Janet Waldo - 9 years ago

@kevin10661: RT @MartinKnight_: The lady who was the voice of Penelope Pitstop - Janet Waldo - has died, aged 96. Muttley is in mourning. - 9 years ago

@MatomeNihon: Voice Actress Janet Waldo Passes Away - 9 years ago

@heraldandreview: Janet Waldo appreciation: The sound of sweetness on a youthful register - 9 years ago

@LLDramaTeacher: #rainydaydrama Celebrate the life of Janet Waldo (RIP) by quoting movie/TV/books in the voice of Judy Jetson. Try "Go ahead, make my day"... - 9 years ago

@BIFCO: RT @SEGAbits: RIP voice actress Janet Waldo who reprised her 1968 role as Penelope Pitstop for the 2000 Dreamcast game Wacky Races - 9 years ago

@jdjprj52: Janet Waldo, Voice of Judy Jetson on ‘The Jetsons,’ Dead at 96 - 9 years ago

@sewsanstitch: RT @scifiontherock: - 9 years ago

@fokkezzz: RT @SEGAbits: RIP voice actress Janet Waldo who reprised her 1968 role as Penelope Pitstop for the 2000 Dreamcast game Wacky Races - 9 years ago

@PinkiePie97: @HBcartoons Tiffany. Janet Waldo record the voice, then they replaced her. - 9 years ago

@chaseemerydavis: #Voices we grown up with. Unseen & often unknown until they're gone. Support great voices. - 9 years ago

@lysurgis23: [On voice acting] “No false eyelashes! Not having to look so glamorous!” Vale #JanetWaldo (ex-#JudyJetson) 1920-2016 - 9 years ago

@HermosaBeachPB: Janet Waldo, Voice of Judy Jetson, Dies at 96 #RedondoBeach-HermosaBeach #News - 9 years ago

@emptymindsradio: MENTALTAINMENT "A Voice Lost" Janet Waldo & Richard Crenna EPISODE 284 - 9 years ago

@ConsumerFYI: RT @SmartDevicesUS: Janet Waldo, Voice of Judy Jetson, Dies at 96 - 9 years ago

@sheptapesmax: This weekend, we feature the recently departed JANET WALDO on both programs, and beyond. Plus continuing... - 9 years ago

@SJCParkbench: Janet Waldo, Voice of Judy Jetson, Dies at 96 #SanJuanCapistrano #News - 9 years ago

@kcduell: VOICE OF JUDY JETSON, JANET WALDO, DIES AT AGE 96 - 9 years ago

@kcduell: VOICE OF JUDY JETSON, JANET WALDO, DIES AT AGE 96 - 9 years ago

@lalapoleeza: RT @Paul_Dini: RIP Janet Waldo --Judy Jetson, Josie, Penelope Pitstop and countless other sparkling voices. - 9 years ago

@Huzaahmed: RT @BobBergen: From June Foray's birthday party a few years ago. Missing Gary Owens and now the lovely Janet Waldo. (((((hugs)))) https:/… - 9 years ago

@Huzaahmed: RT @yakkopinky: She was just delightful. Always smiling and effervescent. 96. Bless her heart. RT @GoldenHammer87: Your thoughts on Janet W… - 9 years ago

@chiffonann: Janet Waldo, Voice of Judy Jetson on ‘The Jetsons,’ Dead at 96 - 9 years ago

@scoresporsstc: Penelope Pitstop voice actress Janet Waldo dies aged 96 - 9 years ago

@mercurie80: A Shroud of Thoughts: The Late Great Janet Waldo - 9 years ago

@ClassicFilmRead: Shroud of Thoughts - The Late Great Janet Waldo - 9 years ago

@SatEvePost: Last week we lost TV greats Ann Morgan Guilbert (Dick Van Dyke, The Nanny) & Janet Waldo (The Jetsons). - 9 years ago

@GW_Gray: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Janet Waldo, 96, voice of Judy Jetson. There was quite the uproar when Tiffany replaced her on a Jetsons movie. https… - 9 years ago

@ecyberdog: Janet Waldo, Voice of Judy Jetson, Dies at 96 - 9 years ago

@rubysgrandad: RT @MartinKnight_: The lady who was the voice of Penelope Pitstop - Janet Waldo - has died, aged 96. Muttley is in mourning. - 9 years ago

@SpiggyTope: RT @MartinKnight_: The lady who was the voice of Penelope Pitstop - Janet Waldo - has died, aged 96. Muttley is in mourning. - 9 years ago

@flatfeetaxsvc: R.I.P. janet waldo, voice actress.....judy jetson....josie (josie and the pussycats) - 9 years ago

@mattalltradesb: Matt of All Trades blog: Janet Waldo, perky voice of Judy Jetson, Penelope Pitstop passes away: - 9 years ago

@SocialPunch2016: Janet Waldo, original voice of Judy Jetson on 'The Jetsons,' dies at 96 - 9 years ago

@Annunziato_78: RT @HonuDan: RIP Janet Waldo—radio star of "Corliss Archer" & v/o actress best known as Judy Jetson and Josie of the "Pussycats" - 9 years ago

@LupoNolberto: RT @HonuDan: RIP Janet Waldo—radio star of "Corliss Archer" & v/o actress best known as Judy Jetson and Josie of the "Pussycats" - 9 years ago

@Raeyl_Okami: RT @CentralCityC4: RIP Janet Waldo #jetsons #childhoodmemories - 9 years ago

@StellaPte: RT @PulzoCol: Murió Janet Waldo, la voz de Lucero Sónico en 'Los Supersónicos' - 9 years ago

@dolmartb: RT @doc_nad: Janet Waldo, Voice of Judy Jetson, Dies at 96 - 9 years ago

@tinkerbri1212: RT @ClassicMovieHub: Sorry to report that Janet Waldo (voice of Judy Jetson) died on Sunday age 96 #HannaBarbera - 9 years ago

@steventeaster: RT @briurso: Prayers and affirmations for VOICE ACTING LEGEND JANET WALDO who left us yesterday you will be missed. - 9 years ago

@PulzoCol: Murió Janet Waldo, la voz de Lucero Sónico en 'Los Supersónicos' - 9 years ago

@Snapzu_Living: Voice of Judy Jetson, Janet Waldo, dies at age 96 - View / Discuss at: - 9 years ago

@Snapzu_Entertai: Voice of Judy Jetson, Janet Waldo, dies at age 96 (Article and discussion at: - 9 years ago

@sarraoktaviya: RT @xeni: Janet Waldo, Hanna-Barbera's iconic teen girl voice, has died. - 9 years ago

@vantiani: RT @xeni: Janet Waldo, Hanna-Barbera's iconic teen girl voice, has died. - 9 years ago

@Jake_Fate: RT @bob_sarles: Janet Waldo, voice of Judy Jetson and Josie, dies at 96 - 9 years ago

@Tyler_Reznik: RT @JJRavenation52: @tarastrong @IAmCreeSummer @candimilo @GreyDeLisle @Selah_V Great for @BTVA to honor Janet Waldo as #1... - 9 years ago

@004nino: RIP 9130) Janet #Waldo (1920-2016) , #American #actress and #voice #artist , #Died at 96 on June 12,2016 - 9 years ago

@mpisapia: Janet Waldo, Voice of Judy Jetson on ‘The Jetsons,’ Dead at 96 - 9 years ago

@DeonHinds_Inc: Janet Waldo, American actress and voice artist, Died at 96 - 9 years ago

@damionhinds: Janet Waldo, American actress and voice artist, Died at 96 - 9 years ago

@121reggae: Janet Waldo, American actress and voice artist, Died at 96 - 9 years ago

@VybzEn: Janet Waldo, American actress and voice artist, Died at 96 - 9 years ago

@phillipwilby: Janet Waldo, American actress and voice artist, Died at 96 - 9 years ago

@entbuz: Janet Waldo, American actress and voice artist, Died at 96 - 9 years ago

@nani_booboo: RT @doc_nad: Janet Waldo, Voice of Judy Jetson, Dies at 96 - 9 years ago

@yoyotheyoshi: RT @8BitCentral: Janet Waldo, the voice of Judy Jetson (and countless others) passed away at age 96 - 9 years ago

@andybrwn: RT @xeni: Janet Waldo, Hanna-Barbera's iconic teen girl voice, has died. - 9 years ago

@DOLLAROCRACY: Janet Waldo, Voice of Judy Jetson, Dies at 96 - - 9 years ago

@TheMovieProjec1: RT @Prospero37: Janet Waldo, voice of Judy Jetson, dies at age 96 - 9 years ago

@Nioki77: RT @TODAYshow: Janet Waldo, the voice of Judy Jetson, dies at 96 - 9 years ago

@REPSOTR: Another nice article about our beloved Janet Waldo. - 9 years ago

@doc_nad: Janet Waldo, Voice of Judy Jetson, Dies at 96 - 9 years ago

@mateus_marcelo: RT @sonsofseries: Janet Waldo morre aos 96 anos - - 9 years ago

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